Southern weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1881-1882, March 14, 1882, Image 4

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pnblio will please notice that I have purchased the interests ot above fi.m, and in lie business at this well-known stand, I propose to keep the Boost Hue ot fashionable i the city, bouiht direct from the manufacturer, and shall sell at inside- figures, and COME Al^D SEE MARKWALTER, MARBLE # WORKS. Broad St . Near Lower Market, Monuments, ToomMones and Marble Works, GENERALLY, MADE TO ORDER. A ki^^selertjonalwaysjjnhan^ •be*t grade* of Flour*, from Deolet* and coiauman are FJOWER A PFFCIAl3V~VT own mill*, manufactured c-xpiraaly apectfully invited t«> try our flour*. Forest City Foundry & Machine Works, NcsrJWater Tower,.lOUJlo lMSJi.nwipk Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ’ 8 AW MILLS, GKISTlMtLLS. AS1) iUI.18, PLAN CATION MCAIUNEI Engines nndJBoiler*. Cotton Screws, Shafting, PulUvD*"—"' u,n Gudgeon*, Tartine Vfilev W Governor*, Disston’s Circnlsr : i Bin Gearing, Judson’a id Gammers and Mira, I,, - —=w-a,TT7K,i—r+frktlng. Globe and . SjiEWh-' - Cheat Valves, wblatlei, fiaqni Repairing promptly , , «... donoat LowestPrices.’ We.cast every day both Iron and ^eEMylWWHHWB^t {Braaa.heving greatly, increased onreapscity-with latest !iu- HgSjK'S" fe? ;pn.vedtoolaT Wujare running fuir time with 100 banda, :• ® which enable* us to fill orders promptly at lowest prices. .j' fl . ; , 0 ■ "iTf. . _ ^Agents for Georgia and-8outh Carolina lor ooiRsTiJsro^s .xjjsrivicRSAii xasrjTOOTOits. The best Boiler Feeder out Work*, with one lever. Will work warm or #old water dad will lilt water. Warranted to Rive satisfaction.» Send fbr circulars before you buy any other. Thay are better than a pnrrip.* Give tih a Uial beforo sending cKewbero. . feblf AT THE RED STORE Ho. 0 Broad Street, AtHens.HGa- If you want STOVES and TIN-WARE Cheap. oetll WINSHIP’S IRON WORKS T ■*$>,*!& MANUFACTURERS OF 1MR0VED WINSHIP COTTON GIN, SELF FEEDER AND CONDENSER, Cotton Presses for Steam, Hand, or Horse Power, SHAFTING, PULLIES, HANGERS, Saw Mills, and Mill Gearing of Every Description. i b-i A- ; vji" ESTIM ATESJFUP.NISIIEDIONAPPLICATION. p.,;!. ,j i ,H..K WnTSar p A BSO , ne21 atlanta,:georgia STEAM ENGINES AND CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, IMPROVED SOUTHERN FAN MILLS, EXCEL THRESHERS, ATHENIAN AND BILL ARP y HORSE POWERS, BARK MILLS. CANE MILLS, COLTS CELEBRATED POWER & LEVER, BROOK’S REVOLVING COTTON PRESS* IRON FENCING, Ac. ALSO M.AJnjFACTCREHS AGENTS FOR Potable Steam Engines,’Turbine Water Wheel»,Cooks’ Evaporator*, Victor Cana Mills, Combined Thieehera and Separatow, AoJUtST For^icn^tivc Cir^mi^d^ricoLieU address ^ ; I't" " Jocheon Street, Next to R. H. Alien, Athena. , All kinds of SMITHING and REPAIRS done at short notioeJMOnly the beat Workmen are UK ployed here. SATISFACTIONJGUAUANTEED in evor)5inaUi«e4 ■ €E2r -*CT>Ukr SgprjME M.T M-M. It• . GUNS and PISTOL ot aU kind* repaired to the beet manner.] gpM o&iftwmr ctTqi FINISH; ANDREW J. MILLER, 44 &E*CM*a*M Sr.» - 25.000 Feet of Space. ^ THE FINEST STOCK OF GOODS IN THIS MARKET. ^ aro oza FTTsisrxmia to wofrs osp. BRANCH OF A.- J- MILLER &;CO-,iFurnit‘ure and Carpets ESTABLISHEDil8SG. SAVANNAH, GOERGIA *75 OOJworth *100 300 . «0 00 worth 75 00 . 66 OOwortH 85 Oft . 85 00 worth WjOO IWOOT worth » 00 ESTEY ORGANCOnpUANTJI, Oil. MFOB.TED MTT3ICAX MERCHANDISE fe import direct from the beat manulhctiiTeia m Enrope, r iolins, Guitars, Accordeons, Harmonicas, Strings, And nil king)* of Mnaical Merchandise. - , i NOBOi)Y CAN UNDERBUY, US—NOBODY, UNDERSELL US. CHEAP SHEET MUSIC. V, /■ make a specialty of Live, Standard and Popular Sheet Untie. > All Ucadea-iBeat Author*— west Prices. Send a three ~eut stamp for our Catalogue containing over 8,000 different sub- .SSjW) worth 50 00, . 60 00 ufinth 75 Op I ,7500 worth 100 00* . 5 00 worth 7 60 85 Hat racks...;.... 7?... 85 “ “ Marble -i V r tnnmiiir': To.Pier and Mantel Mifrora...... handsomjst line of Fine Clumber aud Parlor Suit < 18 50, worth 15 00 7 60 wortk 10 OO V 10 OO worth WOS" ..... 45 00Worth 75 00 fes, Hn the fiuest fabrics, fton Will be paid for any machine that will wash fast and aa dean as will the 6- 3E2 «ZS EEl JB— ^ «ZS JE*. 0K2 VISITUKS CORDIALLY INVITED TO WITNESS THE GRANDEST EXPOSITION OP FURNITURE New York Pianos lead the world. Wd are Southern Agents fer all the celebrated New York makes, viz; ^ r . m -■ •»}.* •' STEIN WAY & SONS, A. WEBER, DECKER BROTHERS THE GATE CITY PIANOS. New and Second-hand Pianos from $50 to $1,200. Send for our prices before yon buy. [In the south, and at prices beyend .1, competition; Don’t be induced to buy until Jyou gel 50 Elegaaa-b Walant Deslss-TTery Low. i-rcii'afanotations aVhod?towna?*** 01 *" ° U ‘ er dMlerm P enaittad « eoqrteay, to>py P. H. SNOOK , 0r H , ° t>i’*ine*B in eight Southern States la tmnaaotad by the ESTKY t th AN COMPANY at Atlanta. At our wareroom* may alwaya bo found a complete assortment ZNCOMPitPJtSLS nTSTKUMElTTS. ■ Including all the nearest styleh and latest improvements,, OlvQAKS new and second hand from $20 to $500. v' . ^ Every Instrument Of Music. Sold cheap for cash on eaar monthly payment*. Sheet Mutfie ot aU the latest airs, both vooal on i ramentaL bheet music at exactly half price. Parties wanting strings, violin*, etc,, ws • n Bf*vc mem time and freight, and sell as low a* any importer in America. Old Piiufoc aad Or gans taken in exchange an part payment at their fall value. Remember Hunnicutt Hall, over Chas <S'tem& clothing estabUshment, Ohas. H Anitb, Agent. ESTEY ORGAN COMPANY, PROF. A. J. GONZALEZ, Estey Organ Establishmeht, Bread St, Athens, Ga. competitors, €vsoi%nt Maimer Athens, <Ja.. March 14, 18S2. ■J.'. WATFIHMAN, , ,r tOPItnrum.; LOCAI. 1NTELLIGKN CE V A Aetv Enterprise la Athens. Messrs. M G it J Cohan are about to inadgUvat^ n near enterprise which will fill a iong.felt want in Athens. They have ranted llunnicutt Hail and will turn it into a dress-making astab* lisbinent. The commodious hall wil be subdivided into three or four apart* meats, and all of them will be els* ganily fitted up with carpets, mirrors and other elegant furniture. Mr. M G Cobcn, who ia now in New York, will bring with him when he returns n lady who will have charge of this.esiaklishment. She is a com peient, thoroughly trained mantua- tnaker, and is employed at consider able cost. She will have the auper- inteudency of this department, and the Messrs. Cobeu hope that they can build up the business so ae to en able flu-in to employ fifteen or twen ty young ladies to assist the superin tendent, They propose to do man tua-making in all its branches, and also, if they can obtain the requisite labor, to make *11 kinds of ladies un derwear. This kind of an establishment is much needed in Athens, and should be well patronised. There are many advnuiages in a lady having her clothi-g mado at home, and we* doubt not the ladies of this section will ap preciate it. We hope the Messrs. Cohen wi’.’i find their new venture profitable, as they are the first who have had the nerve to embark in it. ■fUc Champl«n,Dcbote Betweea the Univer sities. While students of northern colleges are vying with each other in feats of physical prowess, to thejneglect, it is Bometiracs feared, of their mental training, the literary societies of Mer cer and the University ot Georgia lisivo resolved upon a different sort of contest,—one which will pul their college training and their mental strength to the test. The Ciceronian and Phi Delta so cieties of Mercer University have sent a challenge to the Demosthenian aud Phi Kappa, of the Georgia University to meet them in debate, in Macoa, on the 2Sth of June next, during Mer cer commencement. The challenge has been accepted; and a f ew days since, the Demosthenian and Phi Kap pa societies met and selected their representatives. These are Messrs. P H Bell, of Atlanta; H V Wash ington, of Maoon; and H H Phinizy, ot Athens—three of the ablest young men in the University.’ .The Mercer representatives ^have not yet been Selected, nor baa the subject of debate been chosen. These matters will be attended to later. This will be a most interesting con test, and ia decidedly more creditable to all concerned than a base-ball match, a boat race or anything of the kind- Wo put the, Mercer students on notice that if they are not wide awake, our bovsjwill come off with the laurels. SMALL TALK. Cry of the spring gardener: “Let tuce have peas The dry-goods merchants are pre paring for a fine trade. Mrs. T A Adams has gone to 1 York for her spring stock. Tbo county treasurer’s office is now at the store of Hampton <£ Dealing. Some of the finest cotton seed in existence are for sale by Mr. A ~ Hull. The Oconee street Svnday-sobool has some schemcs'of practical benev olence. The new store of Messrs. Baldwin A Burnett is the admiration of all who see it. A certain clerical gentleman in Athens wears bis bat with a Mica w- bcr-like slant. There is no store in Atlanta or Au gusta that carries a better stock than M G & J Cohen’s. Assessment no. 96 of Knights of j Honor will be due on the 19th; and 97 is alto called for. Mr. 5V B Pruitt is confined to his house with a severe and protracted attack ot vbenmatism. In the retirement ot Parker & Camp Brothers; an exceedingly clever firm goes oat of business. The business streets of Athens ought to be paved, even if it has to he done a block or two at a time. The morning train on the North eastern now leaves at 5:40—too soon to allow you to get your breakfast. The young ladies who wish the best of husbands should themselves prepare to mako the best of wives. East wind has so generally pre vailed for nearly three months, that it seems aimost time for it to be exa hausted. The Northeastern now runs twe trains daily, instead ot one train twice a day. The conductors spend alter nate nights in Clarkesville. A-J-__ ESTABLISHEDjl856. DOTS* WITHOUT LABOR. Thi» Machine waa awarded the premium at the State Fair—• Silver Medal—over i for being the beat Washing Machine on the ground. The Knights of Honor in Athcnw-j. are not in as flourishing condition a* the Royal Arcannm. Reason why : The members won’t attend. The ladies generally are much please! with the mantua-making es tablishment which the Messrs. Cohen are going to establish. The idea takes well. Some time during the next two or three months, Rev. Sam P Jones ex pects to praach'at Wotkinsville and at Oconee street church; and during his visit here, he will probably hold a service for men only. iersigni pion Washing Machine lined, lake pleannre in certify ing that it it all that its inventor claims. With it »ny one can,in an incredibly abort time, wash clothe* cleaner and better than can be done by hand. Dr. J Catnak. Athena, Ga., J C Duncan, Clarke conuty, Patman Lester, Clarke county, Mr. and Mrs. B O W Rose, Athens, Mr. and Mr*. W Sorrell, Madison county, Mr. and Mr*. W Oglesby, Madison county, K T Pittard, Clarke oouuty. Oconee County. Mr. Vcrouee: I am well pleased with my Washing Machine. It do*a all yon claim for it, and is bo simple that a child can do a* much wishing in 2 or S hour*, a* a grown woman can do al 1 day. Mrs L C Matthew*. Madxbon County. Mr. Veronee: 1 have one of your machines and would uotdc< without it lor twenty fl\c dollar*. Mr*. A Sorrell. I saw the Washing Machine tested on eorre very dirty lap cloths, and it washed them per fectly clean in a few minute.-*. Tom P Oliver, of the firm of Oliver & McDonald. Athzx*, Ga., March 2,1881. We the undersigned having *een the Wash ing Machine lately patented by O B Veronee, of Atli-ma, Ga., tested, Lute pleasure in ceruly ing that it i* aU the inventor claims. Mrs. F L Stone, T McDonald. Julius McDonald. Athens, Ga m Feb. 10,1881. Mr. CB Verooee’s Champion Washing Ma chine is the best labor saving washer I have ever seen. He done a two week’s washing for me to-day, in two hour*, with 5c. worth of *oap. that a washer-woman would take two days, aud 25 cent* worth of soap, to do the aame amount of work, and then could not do it ho well. The la*l test waa on boy’s aprons used in store. They were very dirty, with handling meat,'*rd, invei « A Magnificent Taasti The Uuiversity alumni of thirty *r forty years ago, well remember the several daughters at President Alon zo Church, who were famous for their betuty. One af those alnmni, talk' ing with us a few days since, of his college days, told this incident: At a bauqnet ot the students, on one commencement occasion,’the fol lowing toast was given by one ot them: “Ancient Athens was re nowned for its magnificent temples; and modern Athens for its beautiful Churches.” It is nedless to- say that this gidlant sentiment, so beautifully expressed, was responded to with a storm of applause. A New Firm. The interest ot the late Mr. R K Bloomfield in the firm of Bloomfield & Sanford, has-been bought by Mr. John W. Nicholson, for his son, Mr. Homer Nicholson. ThlsJ house has done a large business from the start, and we doubt nnet .that the steady growihjwhieh it h*s had, will con tinue under the new auspices. The partners are two of our cleverest and most capable young business men. FROM HoMOT. McNutt, Ga., March 4,1882, * On the 23d ult. at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mr. Y gN Letter and Miss M. Callie HontonJ.were married; J R Lyle efficiiiUng. May happiness be.their guidc'throujh life. at hasjbecorae a custom wjlV. some ot our parents to thriift tbsir small children into society. It reminds of the man who wnntid to mako good conversationists of his children by sending them among intelligent peo ple. To school is the place to send your children, or keep them at home to play with one another. Mr, Loyd Benton has purchased s sulky Gilpin plow which gives perfect satisfaction'.' Mr. Benton is • self- sustaining farmer, and is determined to take the lead among modern agri cultural implements. Wo have-had quite an acquisition in the persons of Min Annie -Har* ris, of Warreuton, and Miss Emma Copeland, ot Madison. They have come among oq to train the minds of our children. We should feel grati fied at securing their service as they are intellectual and polished ladies. Success to them. The plum and peach orchards are ja full bloom. C. B. D, Lessons From the LUe of St. Peter. We have received fiom the distin guished author, Rer. A A Lipscomb, D. D., LL. D., a copy of a Jpam phlet of 120 pages entitled “Lessons from the Life of St. Peter; Six Es says.” Wo have not bad opportunity to take even a cursory glance through its pages; but we know that a treat ia in store when we shall do so. All things that we have yet seen from the pen of the venerable author are characterized by so rare scholarship and so ripe piety as to give them an inexpressible charm for all lovers of pure literature. This pamphlet we suppose is for sale at the book-stores; the price, we should judge, is fifty cents. Xichol*ov, Ga., Oct* 22th, 1880 We have examined the Washing Machine, invented by C B Yeronee, of Athens, G#., have it tested, and confidently believe it will J t -at is claimed for it bvtht inventor. »r, N B Cosh, Mrs. N E Oglesby, Mrs. J B or, Mra. The*. I* Smith, MrB.Ko.sscH Porter Mrs. Addio Cash. Oconee County, Dec. 28th, 1881. i Mr. Verouec. In reply would say that we have had oueof your Washing Machines for 6 or 7 month* and use it every week, it ia a great labor saving machine and a blessing to any>, it will do all yon claim it to do. Aakok Crow. Greenville, S. I have tried Jthe Washing Macuine and jt gives perfect satisfaction. It is just wliat every family should have as it save* both time mid labor. Mrs. £ £ Burbage. Carter*ville, Ga. Aug. 17th, 1881. Mr. Veronee: 1 saw your Washing Machine tested on some very dirty buggy lap cloth*, nd. it washed them perfectly clean in a tew min* utes. Your* respectfully, Joim P Anderson, Proprietor Anderson’s Livery Stable. Jack6on County, Ga. Mr. Veronee: The only way yon con get the Washing Machine 1 bought of you is to send the sheriff atfer it, and ♦hen he would not get it, Kcspcctf ully, Key. J C Duncan, M D. Charlotte, N. C., Nov. 29,1881.58 Mr. C B Veronee: We take pleasure in saving that after having thoroughly tested your Coffee Pot, we are thoroughly satisfied that it is all that you claim tor it. We also saw your Wash' ing Machine tested and the operation WO* a success. KespecUully J W & J J Adavb. This is to certify that I, L M Watts, pn>nrie* tor of the Planter’s Hotel Chester, S. C. nave thoroughly tested the Champion Washing Ma- MANUFACTDRER of all kinds or CUTLERY. Pen,Pocket, ikkCmgllwm,CsiysBm l Ti!kiiBaikiiSbi$ Cons-bantly on Hand. . Particular attention paid toGrindinic Tailors’land Barbers’ Shears. Also, Repairing of all kinds of Cutlery. A Specialty we make in Concaving Razors. All orders by mail or expreu will be promptly attended to at short notice. IS Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. dec30 * JSstey Organ Establishmeht, ANDREWS, HITCH & CO. m it DEALERS IN WWW vwsv until, »i u, UlUrUUgUiy ICSP3U U’U 7. IlUIUj'lUU »» Killing JlR- flonr, meal, die., after twenty minute* boil, } chn.e, on clothe* worn and soiled by me, and *». T *■*“■ 1 w ‘ have never seen it equaled by hand or machine process in cleaning. L M W^rra. November 16,1881. Columbia, S C., Nov. 15, 1881. I naw tl e Washing Machine tested o:» some very dirty clothe* and it clcuned them in a few minutes, at the Hendrix House. JOHN T CUNNINGHAM, £. B. Roor, Clerk Hendrick House. Georgia, Madison County.—This certifies that 1 have been using one of the Veronee Washers since about the first ot January last and urn perfectly delighted with it. My’ wife though in feeble health has done all the wash ing for a family ot five persons by the help oi this machin 5, before that time I hired all my washing. 1 bought my washer from Mr. R W Oglesby who spares no pain* to make all who purchase from nim fully acquainted with all tho working* of the washer. Stephen C O’Kelley. Daniel-till*, Ga., May *28, 1881. We whose names are subscribed’below folly endorse the above certificate, having used th’e Washer ourselves. John W Seymour. they came out like new. J have bought one, aud cheerfully recommend it to my friends and the public. Respectfully, Wm. Laffkrty. g Lancaster C. II., S. <\, Nov. 17,1891. I certify that Mr. C B Veronee tested his Clothes Washer in the presence of Mm. Miller and myself, at oar house, ujxm a common tx*ok stove and that it washed and cleaned within twenty minutes children’s dirty clothing, s sheet, linen collars and handkerchiefs to our entire satisfaction, and we take pleasure in recommending this labor saving machine to the public. B F Miller. This certifies that we whose names are here unto attached do hereby oeitify that we have used the Veronee Washer, snd are well pleased with it. We further certify that it will do oil that it wo* recommended to do, by Mr. R W Show Gases manufactured by Mc Bride «fc Co., Atlanta, Ga., also give close prices to dealers in looking glasses, crockery, wood and- tinware, silver plated ware, glassware, best American and imported table and pocket cutlery. McBride Jb Co.,Atlanta,Ga., have in stock the largest and most varied Assortment ot Lamp Goods ever brought south. Parlor and Hall L&tnt>s—Glass and Brass Lamps, Re flector Lamps, and Lanterns, Shades, Burners, Chimneys. You save a good profit in freight and our prices are as low aa in any market. Smith’s Bcrotula SyFop and Star Curine are purely vegetable. Why will you suffer with Cancer, White Swelling, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kid ney and Liver Diseases, when a few bottles of these two gre*t remedies will cure yon f From C. D. McCukbt, Newton county, Georgia—I take great pleas ure in recommending to the public Dr. Cheney’s Expectorant and Crcup Preventive. My little son had been a great Buffer from Spasmodic Croup, during the night. Dr. Cheney, about two years ago, prescribed for him his Croup Preventive, which has most miraculously cured him. I find it equally beneficial in all cases of Coughs. I consider it a blessing in my ramily. Every one should keep it in their houses. Try Smith’s Scrofula Syrup for yonr blood. It removes all skin erup tions and will give yon a beautiful and clear complexion. nov9stt Wadley, Ejianuki. «’o.,Ga., Octo ber 10, 1879. Gentlemen—While ■ Rending the General Assembly this summer, I tried yonr Star Curinu on my leg. it bring affected with an old sore caused by a wound received daring the late war. After having thoroughly tested it I am compelled to say that it is a success, for I have had experience with different physicians and remedies, and (band nothing to cure me, until I used your Star Curine, which baa cur ed a remarkably bad case. Wishing you success, I am Yours, respectfully, John Beul Do not fail to call on your druggist for a bottle of that pare, sweet and delicious blood purifier, Smith’s Scrofs ula Syrup. 8tar Curine cures all chronic Sores and ia a sure curator Piles. Call on yonr druggist before it is too late and get a bottle of Smith’s Scrofula Syrup and Star Curine. From B. F. Moore, A. M., Pres ident of Moose’s Southern Business University, Atlanta, Ga—This ia to certify that I have used Dr. Cheney’s Expectorant in my family for several years, and ean raoommend it as an in* valuable remedy for Coughs, etc., and have found it superior to any other remedies that I have tried. nov9tf Loachapoka, Ala.. Jan. 12,’78. LADIES ®w 6iiTM S&TEjTSEM DYED I So tuat they will look aa well u NEW no natter of wliat material, SILK, WOOLEN OH COTTON GOODS I Try me end eea whether I can he snrpeeaed either in work or price. I doty competition. JACOB KREIS, PROPRIETOR OF THE PREMIUM STEAM DYE WORKS, pfrSP w. Peters Street. Opposite Trinity Cfrnrch. ATLANTA. GAT Georgia, Madison County.—This ia to cer tify that 1 purchased from K W Oglesby oue of the Veronee Washing Machines, and so* far as 1 have used it I am well pleased and believe it will save a Great deal ot nor j labor. George Eberhart, Kier Smith, Mrj. John Seott, Tho*. F Christian. July 15,1881. State of Geokgia, Madison County.—To all who may feel concerned: I purchased from Mr. R W Oglesby one of Veroiiee’s Washing Ma chine* for my wife, which txcecd* all expecta tion in clean washing and as a labor and time saver. John F. Kirk. Mr- C B Veronee—Dear f in In one day I sold twcnty-tuiee of your pateut coffee pots, and four of your Washing Machines, aud 1 tried to buy the county right of an adjoining county, from a gentleman to whom you had sold* and I could not get it at any pride. 1 am much obliged to you ibrthe assistance you have given,uie in managing my couuty right. R W Oglesby, Agent tbr Madison county. Agents wanted in every County and State, and County Rights for sale. Apply to O B- VERONEE. iPfitantee. AT£Lt£NH, GA. AND GENTLEMEN riEND YOU It -riND Gents Furnishing Goods Wg hsveja lurge stock ot Clothing^n Business and Dress Suits,* OVERCOATS, ULSTERETTES, &c. Everything in the way of First Class Furnishing Goods. Give u*> u cail. Orders by mail promptly filled. ‘First-class Goods at low Prices’ our moilo. dec6 ANDREWS. HITCH & CO, 16 WHITEHALL ST.. ATLANTA. GA EMANUFACTUEER OFS IMMffiNSBI STOCK OB’ PUKCHASED FHOM- The Leading Manufacturers and Importers of the Country, And effered to»«frc Trade, onr Friends and tbeTnblic ut LOCK BOTTOM PRICES! xiy and Tupesuy Bnuweu, Moquct’s Velvet, Three Ply and Ingrain Coapeta, oil qoalitiei Crumb Cloths.,Xloor Mat,, Hearth Kum, A fiiluine 01 New Chromoa, Stir Cloth andUphol- terers’ Trimmirifra, Floor and Table Oil Clotha. Lace Curtain*. Coroioea and Baud*, Window Shades, aU size,Piano’' and Tible Covers, Wall Paper* and Border*, French Terry*, Curtain Goods, Cretonnes for Lambrequins, China and Cocoa Matting*, and a big stock of goods in my JAMES G. BALIE & SONS. OldJOriginal Carpet Store, 715;Broad *t., AUGUSTA, GA FRESH Stock oi 1 l>«ve in store and arriving 6W cases Canned ( variety. New Preserves, Jellies, Crackers,: Mackerel, 1 lowest prices for cash JgnovO-d&w or cash. James <*. bailie&sons. Old Stand James G. Bsilie & Bro., 11S Broad AUGUSTA,GA. W. J. POLLARD. NOS. 734 AND 736 REYNOLD .STREETS, ■ A..TTGTJST^K. GEORG IA, COTTON FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT HATS, HATS, HATS! J. A. CHRISTIAN HATTER. SUCCESSOR TO l_j- EL Clarke.» No- 6 ‘Whitehall Street FINE CARRIAGES. Every Vehicle made and sold is built on honor, and of the best material and workmanshm throughout, and h*» given year* 0,'iutiatactica to purchasers. Visitors aud citizens intending to bny 3433168’ Phaetons! Doctors’ Phaetons! FOUR PASSENGER BAROUCHES, Brewster Top and 2To Top Buggies I THE GELEUKATED DEXTER and QUEEN TOP and OPEN BUGGIES, BUSINESS WAGONS, ETC. • Are requested to cxaraincjall othcifwork In the City and at the Exposition Then cell at m/ SeposHory and factory aud be convinced that they ‘MAN SAVE' MQNEYItby buying tboronghly reliable and tally guaranteed work, which 1 am selling aa llow aa arrl fair- dealing houae in the United State#. ’ REPOSITORY, 17 NORTH PRIOR ST., Opposite Moore & Marsh. FACTORY, 44 LINE STREET, ATLANTA, GA. deott’81 -AND DEALER IN- MACMMEIY ©fall KMM Also DtatonV Circular Saws. Rubber and Leather Belting. Steam Pipe. Water and Steam Guogee. Connection*. Whistles, Oil Cups. Pop, Glob# and Chock Valve*, Gov~j|yy0g| ernors, Wrenches, etc., together with every article of Steam aud Water Fitting*, Findings, eto.^ GENER E AGENT FOR- TALBOTT & SONS. Talbott'a Standard Agricultural Engines (mi wheels.) Talbotts’ 1 Standard Portable Engines on skids.:- Talbott’s St. tionary Engines.: Talbott’* Planter Agricultural Engines .(on wheels.) Talbott’s Planter Portable Engines (on skids.) Talbori*. Tubular and locomotive Boilers. Talbott’s Turbine Water Wheel. Talbott’s Com 55 and Wheat Mills. Talbott’s Saw MiUs, Circel*r Saws, Shafting, —. -Pullcya, Boxes, I/augcn,Beltingjind patent Spark Armatera. #«■» Watertown Steam Engine Co.. Watertown Agricultural Engines (on wheels.) Watertown -Portable Engines <oc[»kida.) W tertown Dairy Engine* (for small buildings.) Watertown VertMU Engines. Watertown i Stationary Engines (with and without cut off.).. Watertown Return Tubular Boilers. Watertown Tubular Boilers (with two flues.) Watertown Locomotive and Vertical Boilers* Watertown SawjMilU, etc. Ca & G. COOPER & CO.. Cooper’s 6elf-Proptllsng " Traction) Engines. Cooper’s Farm Agricultural Engine, (on wheel*’). Cooper’s Portable En -’-res (on skids.) Cooper's Stationary Engines. Cooper 1 i Loco motive Boilers. Croper’s Two Flue Boilers. Cooper’s Betom Tabular BoQm. Cooper’s Coro and Wheat Mills. Cooper’s Portable Mills (with portable bolt attached.) Cooper’s Smnt Machines. Cooper's Dniuess Wheat Seperator. and Oat and ’Toed Extractor. Coop- ' or’- Eureka Flour Packer. Cooper’* Saw , Mills (double and single.) 6ALBW1LL & €0« Cardwell’s Wheat Threshers, Separators, and Cleaners. Cardwell’s (“Ground-Hog*’ ^Threshers Cardwell’# Hydraulic Cotton Presses. Cardwell’s Horae Powers—donble and single vT. EC- ANDERSON-, # agent FOR Agiicralfairal Implements —AND— MACHINERY. DOWN, MOUNTED AND DETACHED B 1ST G I 1ST H S . Saw Mil a. Grist Mills, Separators, Fans, Bor- ,;hum Mills and Evaporators, SSI3ST LE MACKIITES, Smut Machines, Wood PLANERS and Match Surfocisg Machines, WATER WHEELS, COTTON GINS, FEEDEBS, CONpKNSEBS, TANIT1. EMOltY WHEELS, EEAPEBS, MOWEBS, BRICK MACHINES, WOOD PUMPS, Etc., Etc. OO Broad street. - - Cmcg*( - - ATLANTA, Ga J, w. >U’b Wheat Tim rdwell’a Hydrauuc uouon x-ressea. uraweii s nonic rowen-aonwe ana aing geared—(Mounted arid down.) Cardwell’* Power Com Shellem and Feed Cutters. Johnston Harvester Company Emerson Talcott & Co., Reapers and Binder*. Reaper* and Mower* oombined. Single Binders, Reapers, and. Mower*. Cultivators and Grain Sowar*. Fairbanks & Co., Fai-bnnks’ Standard Seales, all eiaes and pattern*, Alarm Cash Drawer*. Maxi-uiacfcufer of tla© Following Lgnnhinan : NEBLETT * GOODRICH IMPROVED I. X. L. COTTON GIN. RFID’S PATENT AUTO MAT1C POWER SCREW PRESS, 8TEAMOR WATER POWEBhSMI’nrS IM PROVED HAND POWER OOTTON AND HAY PBEi8. COTTON GIN FEEDER. COTTON CONDENSER. NEW VIRGINIA FEED CUTTER.. Engines, Cotton Gins, etc., Reputed in a workmanlike manner. Orders solicited and promptly executed. For farther particulars, circular*, general information Me, apply te W , J*. POLL,A]RX>. For Sale by C. D. McKIJJ, Athens, Ga, CARLTON & SON, (Successor* to Carlton Jt Bio.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN l CANNED GOOD, FRUITS, SUGARS, MEATSi LARD, COFFEES, TAES os, and which wo guarantee. kir dfkUDf, flow attention tc Ciurir, mu we it wm ptNiii fi4BL!OW A SON,, 184 Mulatto Htrret. ATLANTA, GA