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a ,
HERE u new a Subfcription
open Hr a Fredu\i Sweep Stake in
() dethorpe Count), on the Bo vl-
Turf, He hr soy Colt
foprj ;n this State ii eignfren hun
dred ad e’ght, run tiring the fall af
tr they are three years,old, two
mile heats with a ketch of So lbs
Ci each ; entrance two bais of clean
t. n himable cotton, weighing three
hind red pounds each hs* forfeit.
Toe Subfcription wilTbe’kept
O'en till the twenrv-fifdi of De
cember next, and no admittance af
ter/ that time.
’ Perfons vT fifing to enter may do
•fo by applying to this Office.
A Jockey Club Is about to be
cfUbhfhed on the fame ground, to
c< i>rneace this fail and continue
fivt vears.
Jffoguft 3 3> i'Boß.
V' ill be given for clean Cotton
LHeq RAGS, at this office.
Of face Committee t whan war re
ferred on the 1 6th ult. the Petition
of thirty fix American Citizens
confined at Caribagena , in South-
America, under Sentence of Slavery.
That it apprsn from the fhte
mentof the petitioners that in Fe
bruary, .1806, they failed from
New-A ork on board the Leander,
a fhip owned by .Samuel G. Ogden,
the command of which was, after
getting to fea, a.Tumed by general
1 he faid fiiip failed to Jacmel,
where the faid Miranda procured
two fchococfs, on board cf which
the petitioners were placed ; which
together with the Leander, faded
under the command of Miranda, a
bout the laft of March in the Erne
year, lor the northern parts of
South-America, and arrived on the
coaft of Terra Firma, in the latter
part of April following.
That upon the arrival on the faid
coaft, the two Ichooncrs, on board
which the petitioners were embark
ed, were captured by two Spaniih
armpd vefftls, the fiiip Leander
With Miranda on board having made
her'efcape. -
That the petitioners, teprther
with ten others, were convidb ‘ by
a Spanifh tribunal, at Porto Ca d
lo, of Ihe crime of piracy, from the
of (ufpicion wnich
attached to their fi:nation, ?nd not
from any a<T of that kind commit
ted *on the hrgh leas ; that the ten
others above mentioned were fen
tenced to death, and the petitioners,
fome to eight, others to ten years,
which they are now fufFering, fome
chained together, others clofeiy con
fined under heavy irons and a guard
—"deftined to other places, and to
fimilar punilhment.
The petitioners fcarc rhat they
were entrapped by the faid Miran
da, on the faid expedition, by af
lurances made a; cb: time of their
engagements, that they were to lie
employed in the ferric? of ?he U.
Stltes, and under the authority of
the government: for the truth of
-their ft itemenr, and a confirmation
or the charges they make againft
certain perfonsy of havingklius de
ceived and betrayed them into an
involuntary co-operation in the de
fign of fitting out an armament a
gunft a nation in amity with the
United States, they refer to the tef
tirnony cf feveral perfons faid to be
irhabiran'.s of the city of New-York
and to have had propofals made to
them firnilar, 10 ihofr by which the
petitioners were induced to engage
on beard the Leander.
The petitioners alfo ftate, that
the opportunity was off red them
of eft iping from the ftrvice of Mi
randa and his afiGciatos ; that they
wt. ft reft* under the mo ft ri
gorous difeiplinc, and at Jacmel,
the only place wnere an opportuni
ty ofefcape might have been prob
able, they tfzrt llriflly guarded to
prevent it. For the truth of this,
they refer to certain captains of
v:IT !s then a: Jacmel, belonging
to the ports cf I'hiiUdeiphia and
The committee - further report,
That the foregoing ftatement of the
petitioners, arc unaccompanied by
any competent testimony in fupport
of them, and at the fame time are
unconcradsfted by any oppofing
circumftances ; they are of opin
ion, that a very ftrong probability
of the petitioners’ no: having been
gu-lcy of the crime of wilfully en
gsging in the unlawful expedition
of Miranda, attends their applica
tion. .
■ Firjl. Becaufe the petitioners
have made a detailed ftaremcn: of
f,i£bs, relative to the deception prac
tiled on them, referring to fuch
fpecies of evidence, as to render
their concradiiftion eafy, if not foun
ded in ruth, and thus leffen their
claim on their country, and dimin
ifh their hopes of liberation.
.Second. Becaufe it is pre fumed
they are proven to the Spanifh tri
bunal before which they were con
vi<fted, to have been offenders in a
fecondary degree, thofe who were
proven to have been more heni
ouflz guilty, haying been fentenced
to fuff’sr death. .. <
The committee, however,-are of
opinion, that fhould the petitioners
have been guilty of a crime . again ft
the United States, by a
or otherwife culpable infraction of
its laws, tha: neverthelefs the dic
tates of humanity, no Jefs than the
principles of juft ice, ought to in-
.the lcg:fi iifurc of the Uni tad.
States, to adopt the proper means
for reftoring theoi fo their country,
in order that they may expiate the
effence by a punilhment fuiced to,
but not tranfeending the magnitude
of their crime. . \ •
The committee, therefore, beg
leave to fubmir the following refo
lution for the confidtration of the
Refolved , That the Prefident of
the United States be rrqutfted td
adopt the moft immediate and ef
ficacious means in his power, to
obtain frsm the viceroy of Grenada,
in South America, or other proper
authority, the liberation of thirty
fix American citizens, condemned
on a charge of piracy, and now held
in ftavery in the vaults of St. Clara,
in Carthagena, and that the fum of
dollars, be appropriated
to that purpofe.
The following is an extra# from
Mr. Pofe’s fpeech in the Senate,
November 23, cn Mr. Hilihoufe’s
motion for repealing the Embargo:
“We are informed, and it has
been intimated ori this Boor, that
rebellion iri the eaftern ftates wiil
be the probable confequence of
perfevcrance in this meafure. Are
we to be driven from the courfe
didlated by tre public interef by
alarms of this fort ? Are we to be
told by a minority that we muft
recede from the ground we have
taken—that we muft admit the go
vernment has not fufficient energy
to inforce its authority, of that they
will rebel. Will gentlemen inform
us who they are that are prepared to
ere# the ftandard of rebellion
their own government on the very
grayes cf tic brave Boftonians who
firft railed the ftandard cfAmerTirj
independence. Tiit*y muft be fome
new people who have obtruded
themleivts upon our fliores-—they
cannot be Americans-—I will not
think fo unworthily of my country
men-xT believe the American peo
ple are generally'attached to their
government. —I truft it is but the
ciaaior of the moment, which will
ccafe the moment the will of the
government lhall be decifi/ely and
conftitutionaily expreffed. It has
been frequently laid that Great-
Britain is fighting for the liberties
of the world—that Ihe is tar only
barrier between France and oniver
fal dominion, and therefore that our
weight ought to be thrown into the
fcale of Eng!;’ ‘d, to aft at her in rhis
m : ghty conili#. If our friend fhip
is neceftary to England, ought (lie
not to> entitle herfelf to it, at leaft
do us juftice and refpe# our rights*
Shall we fubmit to infulrs and in
dignities from Great Britain, to in
duce her to favc us frqm fubju Ra
tion by France ? Shall we admit
for a moment that we cannot main
tain our independence ? The gen
tlemen in the oppofition have pro
tefted a gain ft fubmiffion; they have
not declared themfdves for war j
if they are for it, I hope they will
avow it—-they have propofcd no
fubftituie. I am not prepared to
fay how long good policy w;ll jolli
fy a continuance of the prefenc fyf
ttii. i but, fir, I arn ready to de
clare that I wiil adhere to it until a
better can be fubftituted.
Extra# of a letcr from a pintle
man of refpe#abllity, reii on
Niaga'a river, to the editor of
the Canandagua MefEnger, dated
O#ober 13, 180 H.
“On the night of the ri:h ir.ft.
an armed force of from 15 to 20
men came acrofs the river from
Canada to Lewiftown, broke open
the v/arehoufe belonging to and
occupied by Porter, Barton, & Cos.
took a man who longed in the ftore,
bound, gagg*d and placed a centry
over him ; and alfo placed Gentries
at the cabin doors of the two vef..
fiefs lying at the wharf. They then
proceeded to take out of the ftore ■
and put on b ard of the boars a
large quantity of goods, winch a
few days hefefe had been depATed
id the (lore, a> in the cuftody of the
collector of the United States, Mr.
Lee. Whift th? bufinefs wa; g >ing
on, the cenrry placed over the per
form who lodged in the (lore, h.A a
piftol prefented to his bread, and
threatened in cafe he made thu lead:
noife, to blow him through ; art;r
fame time regretting that Mr. L-%
the colledtor, was not in their psw
er, in which cafe a ball fhould be
put through him. The perfon who
lodged in the ftore was a deputy to
the collector.
“ The next morning after, Mr.
Barron went acrofs the river to
Queenfton, and found the goods ori
the king’s wharf under a guard of
the kiog’s foldiers, and Mr. Bartoo
was forbid landing at the wharf.
“This needs no comment***
(No. 32.