Newspaper Page Text
}'• v DANIEL STARNES (f? Cos.
lor pubiijbin* by Jubfcriptlon, a week
ly news-paper, in the City of An
a, ia be entitled
TH'L univerfal promulgation of
tru'b, and the general dsftribution
c f knowledge, are obje<sls of the
fi r ft: importance in every country
where liberty has left traces of her
footfleps, under every government
which confabs die happinefs of man.
Knowledge,'* faid the great Lord
Bacon, “ is power, united with
virtue” it is certainly liberty.—
“Where ignorance rt’gns there viefc
triumphs and defpotifm governs. ~
As man becomes enlightened ati
rherity will be limited and morality
reftored. Knowledge and virtue
are the bans of freedom—the one
inftrufts us in our rights, the other
reaches us our dutiesthe firft (hews
m how to conftruft the belt pofiible
form of government, the laft re
quires us to obey it when conftruft
td. It is therefore advantageous
every where, but in a Republic it is
ahfoliicsly necdf.iry, that correct in
formation firould be widely di fib fed
and csfily obtained ; For there ’tis
the people who govern. They never
intentionally choofe bad leaders of
approve wrong meafiwe, yet they
a:e liable to error—give them true
derails and ‘ hey will judge corre.dll/
—fo r on plain grounds the people al
ways form juft opinions-, whenever
they miftake their own inter?ft *cis
owing entirely to want of informa
tion m the many or want of honefty
jn the few. But ex ter five pohrical
information is not to be acquired
without much labour, and few have
kufure to ftudy the fyftems, com
pare the opinions* and pernfe the
pages of Locke, Sydney, Gibbon,-
Hume and Vatrri. If an acquaint
ance with the true principles of
government and duties of a citizen
could be acquired only from huge
. folios and diffufe treatifes, it would
be feldom fought, or if fought, the
plough, the hatchet, and the. fav/
mini hand Rill. Some cheaper
eaftcr means of fatisfying curi Try
and procuring information mutt
therefore be lo bed for ; and'where
L intelligence, cherpnefs and con
venience united with more advan
tage, than In the clofely printed’
columns of the humble News pa
per ? Our countrymen appear fo
well convinced of the ufefulneis of
periodical prints, and have fo very
liberally encouraged them, that we
deem it lift on their
men*, and almou htfitate to re
quell public patronage for another
Newf-paper rilablifhment.
We can promt lie little except
what attention, honefty and indoftry
can perform. The principles of
our paper, like our own, will be
Republican, u but the fame freedom
of opinion which we claim for our, we wifii a!) others to erj v.”
Civil and lLi gious liberty is the
birth right of every man, and he
who will not extend the fame in
dulgence fo all parties, and ail Tufts,
which he wifhes fer his owr, is al
ready or deferves to be a Have.
To fupport Religion and Moral
ity will be our pride—to encourage
literature our endeavor—no com
munications calculated to do either
will be refuffd ; no hint will be ne
giefted. In a free country it is nc
ceffary rliat the law fhould be nei
ther vague nor unknown, all public
sfh of the State legiflatur*, will
therefore be pubiilhed as they cemc
to hand.
The M{RR r R ff the Times will
br open toy?// who canvafs public
sxieafurc decency, and in ex
amining the concu&of individuals,
rs officers of government —it wsil
know — f< No Party but my Country,
No Friend but Truth.”
It wi l be published every Mon
day, on a royal flieet of an excellent
quality', and good type.
Tr.e price to fubferibers will be
three dollars per annum, paid half
yearly in advance.
Subfcriptions are received at this
office for the above paper.
On the Firft Tuefday in January
next, at the Court- Houfe in Jackfon
County, between the ufual hours ,
will be fold the following property,
to wit :
One traft of land containing fe
ven thoufand three hundred acres,
bounded by Collier, Cobbs and
Others ; alfo another traft contain
ing feven thoufand one hundred and
fixty acres, Fiflibr-urn,
Evens, Obb<, Williams & others,
granted to Bafil Jones and to farisfy
two executions, one in favor of Ig
nctious Few, the other in favor of
George Henning.
Conditions Cafh.
WM. POTTS, Sheriff.
December i, 1808.
At the ccurt houfe in Chirk county, on
the ft,ft ‘lit. [day in January next,
b tween the hue s of ten and three,
the f<Mowing property , viz.
Ore brown m re fix years old,
fourteen l anes high, Iqvird on in
the p- BLTion John Patton as the
property of J hn Greenwood, to
fatisfy an execution in favor of
James IT. Kidd.
One hundred and feventy-five
acres of land, lying and being in the
county of Clark on the Oconee ri
ver, joining Barnett and oth- rr, ori
ginally granted t - Jhn Gorum,
containing the plantation whereon
Charis Garner n w lives, and levi
ed on c$ the property of Edmund
HcndLy, admi fLator, and Janet
Herdl , adtni ftratrix, of John
Gornm, dectafird, to fatisfy an exe
cution in favor of T non as Carter.
Conditions Cafh.
D. S.
November 28, jBqB,
To the higheft bidder on the twenty -\
fee end day of December next, at the
late refidence of Alexander Tbotfip
fon eft Elbert county , deceafed,
A.LL the pe r fonal property of
faid deceafed, confifth gof negroes,
catile, hogs, hcufehold and kirchen
furniture, wuh many other articles
too tedious ro mention. The lale
to erndrue in m day to day till all
are fold—the terms w’ll be made
kn f wr o 1 r ha tof file.
Executors .
November 14, iBcB.
f,■ mi—————i . in— 11 in ■ 1 ii tZ3Hmmmma+
ALL per fens indebted to the
Eft. te of Alexander Thompfon, de
ceafed, are requefted to come for
ward and fettle their accounts—And
thofe havirg demands againft faid
Eft are, to lend them in properly
\ Executors
Nov err. her 14, \8 08.
•s + r* h -rr
<J i 1 JC.
Prep of sis in writing will l; received
until the firft cf March next, for
TO be built of (Tone, laid in lime
mortar, 44 feet in length and 22 in
breadth—Two rooms btlow for die
jailor and a guard when necefiary—
one 16 leet lquare, the other 14 in
ler-grh and 16 in breadtn with a
paflage between 4 feet wide—Alfo
two rooms above of ihe fize with
thofe below, the large one for a
debtors apartmenr, the fmali one
for a criminals apartment, with a
ft ght of fteps and landing place in
me pafTage between. —l he
furroundmg the criminals apart
ment to be three feet thick—thofe
furrounding the debtors apartment
to be three feet thick at the Tides
and two feet thick at the ends.
Ihe cheeks cf the doors and
windows above to be iccured by
iron bars on each fide the wall, ri
vetted together through the wall—
The upper floors to Have their
fleepers laid ciofe together, and in
the criminals room the Beepers to
have iron bars let into them croflf
wife fix inches apart, well fecured
by belts and then covered with two
inch plank.—Both the debtors and
criminals room to be fecured over
head by ftrong (Lepers laid entirely
ciofe and well Lftened down—The
gratfs to be of iron bars inch fquare,
and as many fetts in a window as
w iii entirely break’ the lights.
The doors above to be fecured
by iron bars ftrapped jnflde and
ourfide and fecured by rivets going
The materials to be all furnifned
by the undertaker.
P. S. The propolals niuft be
direfted to Mr. Thomas W. Grimes
in Greenefborough, Green County,
November 26, 1808.
Persons willing to contraft
for fupplying the Troops in the
ftate of Georgia, with rations, in
cluding the OcmuJgee Old Fields,
from the ift day of January 1809,
to the 10th day of May 1810, will
give in their propolals to the iub
feriber, on or before the Eft day of
this month : atrbe fame time men
tioning the names of their fecuri
ties. The ration, per day, to be
furniihed and delivered, rr.ufl: ccn
fift of the following articles, viz :
one pound and a half of Beef, or
three quarters of a pound of Pork
eighteen ounces of Bread, or Flour j
one gill of Rum, Whifkey or Bran
dy ; at the rate of two quarts of
Salt, four quarts cf Vinegar, four
pounds of Soap, one pound and a
half of Candles, to every cne hun
dred rations.
United States’ Agent.
Savannah, Nov. 1, 1808.
The printers in the different
counties will publifh the above no
tive twice in their refpeftive pa
pers, and by tranfmitting their ac
counts to the fubferiber, fhall be
paid immediately.
\J\T r
V ft ILL be given to any perfon
for apprehending JOHN DYAL,
who deferred from my Company of
R riemen on the morning of the 14.1
in ft ant. He is a native of Halifax
county, Virginia, bu: has refided in
Franklin county in this ftate for a
number of years ; he is 23 years of
age, five feet fix inches high, red
complexioned, grey eyes, light hair,
and by occupation a Diftilier.
Whoever will fecurc faid DYAL
in Ja’d, or deliver h>m to any corn
mifirjaed officer in the army of the
United Scaces, (ball receive the a
bove reward, and their travelling
expences borne to the place of de
livery or confinement. - •
United States’ Regiment of Riflemen,
Wafliington, Nov. 2iftj 1808.
!!■ I■■
u. ROM the Subfcriber living in
Jackfon county, on the Oconee ri
ver near Clarkefoorough, on Sun
day night the 13th of November
laid, a Mulatto man of the name of
JOE. —He is a very bright mulat
to, almoft white, about 6 feet high,
tolerably well made/ yellow grey’
eyes and yellow hair.—He is brand
ed on each cheek with the letter R,
one of his upper fore teeth out, and,
on examining under one of his arms
there will be a fear, He car
ried off with him clothes of diffe
rent kinds, arrrong them is a blue
regimental coat turned up with red
He like wife took away with him a
fmooth bored gun, I fufpelt he
will attempt to pafs for a free man,
and no doubt will aim northwardly
or for the Indian Nation. . A.nv per
fon who will apprehend the above
deferibed negro, deliver him to me
or confine him in Jail, Ihall be
- jtiandioh.r ly fated.
December 3, 1808.
WILL Hand the enfuing fea
fon at my ftable in Clarke
and will come recommended as a
foal getter by gentlemen of the
firft veracity. Terms will be made
known in due time—the beft: ac
commodations will be kept for
mares that may be left with th
The fubferibers to the Bowling
green Jockey Club are requefted to
attend at Maj. Moore’s on Saturday
the 10th of December, in order to
form the Club, and eftabllfn rules-.
Thofe holding fubferiptions for the
race are requefted to bring thera
forward-on that day.
Oglethorpe county, Nov. 26.
‘ ■ ■ ■ ■ I I■■ hi ib 11 ■ ■ ■■■Wiq
I ‘ 7
ON the feventh day of January
next will be fold to the higheft bid
der at the houfe cf the fubferiber
in Jackfon county, ail the perfbnal
eftate of Vbluntine Hollenlworth,
deceafed, confiding of ho? fes, cattL,
hogs, a quantity ot corn, plantation
tools, houfehold furniture, &c.—
Terms will be made known on ti|£
day of fale. 1
WM. WAITS, Adm^r.
Nov. 12, 180?.
For fale at tkit office,