Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, July 08, 1809, Image 4

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. ’ fit the Court-lie life in
* VSnO ?v(y, on l > l day the 1 8/£
• v/ <?.¥/; the following
*utj u The (/'*> r ' r f° mnch thereof, as
>JP k in#’ the tax due thereon
witn.-.ys, VIZ .
1150 Acres, 400 acres of which
of the ad qualihy, the balance of
the 3d quality, (fo fays three free
holders) originally granted to Baz
,'del Jcnes, lying on the Mulberry
Fork in J.tsklon county, joining
ds of Cobbs and fa id Jones j re
rted to be in default bom the
/ear 1787 until the year 1808, both
included-—tax due 38 dollars and
, 88 3-4 cents.
3 7300 Acres, 500 of which of the
\ * quality, thfe balance of the 3d
1 ualuv, (fo fays three freeholders)
originally granted to Bazdel Jones,
% ingin jackfon county on the Ap
jfff&che, joining lands of faid Jones j
Jp'ported to be in default from the
r?;e?r 1787 until the year 1808, both
included—tax due 195 dollars 69-
%i „-2 eenrs.
\ 7 161 Acres, 1000 acres of which
.of the 2d quality, the balance of the
//I quality, (fo fays three freehold
ers) originally granted to Bazdel
Jones, lying in Jackfon county on
the Appalache, joining lands of
Fiihburn and Evans; reported to
be in default from the year 1787
until the year 1808, both included
—:ax due 2.04 dollars 72 3-4 cents.
J. M. C. Montgomery,
T. C. J. C.
July 14, 1809.
Will hefold at the Court- Houfein fack-
Jcn County , on Wednesday the 20 th of
December next; the following t rafts
of Land , or fo much thereof , as will
falsify the tax due thereon with ccjl: t
467 Acres of the 3d quality (fo
fays three freeholders) originally
granted to William Ledford, lying
in Jackfon county on rhe waters of
the Oconee ; reported to be in de-
Nult from the year 1805 until the
year iBo3, both Included—tax due
2 dollars 37 cents.
400 A( res lying in Jackfon coun
ty on Allen’s Fork, 50 acres of the
2d quality, the balance of the 3d
quality, (fo fays three freeholders)
granted to Lamar, joining Hick
man and others ; reported to be in
default from the year 1806 until
the year 1808, both included—tax
due 1 dollar 94 1- 2 cents.
T. M. C. Montgomery,
T. C. J. C.
June 14, 1809. 56 iw 6m
(_.)n the petition of Thomas
Hirft, {taring that Thomas Cowan,
in his life time, mortgaged to
Michael A. Gauvain a certain trad’
>r parcel of land, (being part of a
he th miand acre trad g-anted to
ount D'Eftairsg) lying and being
. the faid county on rhe north fork
of the Octree, containing five
hundred and forty-feven acres—to
iecure the payment of two notes of
hand, each for the fum dtf four hun
dred and fifty-eight dollars—the one
payable the 25th of December,
1807, and the other on the 25th
December, 1808. The faid mort
gage bearing date on the twelvth of
January, 1807, and the faid notes
on the ioth January, 1807 —and
on the ninth of February, 1808,
the faid Michael alfigned the faid
Mortgage and Notes to the faid
Thomas Hirft for value received,
On motion, that tire heirs or rc
pnfcntscives of Thomas Cowan,
deceafed, pay into ccurr, within
twelve months from this dare, the
principal and intereft di e or: fakl
mortgage, and alfo the coil, other
wife the equity of redemption of in
and to the laid mortgaged premifes
fnall be from thenceforth forever
barred and forceclofed ; and thac
this rule be pubi fhed in one of the
public gazettes cf this flare once a
month for twelve months, or fen
ed on the faid heirs or re prefer, ta
tives of the faid Thomas Cowan at
leaft fix monchs, previoufly to the
the expiration of the faid twelve
A true extra ft from the Minutes
this 317? of March , 1809.
April 1, 1809.
GEORGIA , jackfon county.
AT a meeting of the honorable
the Court of Ordinary for faid coun
ty, on Monday the fifth day of
June 1809.
Buckner Harris , A
Etheldred Wood, > Ffquires.
David Witt, y
On the petition of Mofes Mer
lin praying this court to admit the
adminiftrators of William Deal with
the will annexed, to make rides to
the faid Motes for a certain trad of
land lying and being in the county
id Clarke, containing three hundred
and twenty-eight acres. It is
ORDERED, That the laic! ad
riiimftrators with the v/ill annexed,
will be directed to make titles to
the laid trad of land agreeable to
the faid bond unto the faid Mofes
Herrin on the fi: ft Monday in No
vember next, unlefs caufe be flmvn
to the contrary, and that this rule be
publiihed three months previous
A true cozy from the minutes.
GEORGIA, J At a Court of Or-
Jackfm County. 5 dinary held in and
lor the county afore laid, on Monday
the fixth day of March, 1809.
Prefsnt their loners ,
Buckner Harris, J
Etheldred Wood, V. jfp
David Witt , i “
On the petition of Phillip Thur
mond by Walton Harris his attor
ney praying this court to direct (he
adminiftrators cf Thomas Morgan
deceafcd to execute titles to rhe laid
Phillip for a certain lot j*f tend in the
thirteenth diftridt of Baldwin Coun
ty, Number one hundred and thir
ty fix in conformity to a bond giv
en by the faid Thomas Morgan in
his life time to the faid Phillip Thur
mond a copy of which is to the faid
petition annexed, It is Ordered that
unlefs caufe be Ihown to the con
trary on or before the. fiift Monday
in September next, the faid admin
iftraters wifi be dire&ed to execute
the laid titles in terms of the law in
fuch cafe made provided that this
rule be publiihed in the Georgia
t xprels at leaft three months pre
vious to the fit ft monday in Sep
tember next.
A true copy of the minutes.
E. ADAMS, Clk. C. O.
May 20, 1809.
350 Acres of land, about thirty
acres which is cleared, Seventy
acres cf low ground cf the firft
quality, lying within five miles of
Athens.—Terms of faid land may
be tullv known by apnlyfcg to
June yd> 1809 54 —
j n the Superior Court , Putnam county.
U PON the petition of C. B.
Strong, counfel for the plaintiff, it
is ordered t that unlefs the faid Hen-
Lumkins pay into the hands
of the Clerk of tne Superior Court
before the expiration of twelve
months the principal, intereft, and
coft of faid fuit, the faid Mortgage
to be and is hereby foreclofed, and
that this rul •; be inferred in one of
the public Gazettes of this ftate, tz
lead; once a month for the cerra of
one year, or ferved on the mort
gager, or his fpecial agent, at leaft
fix months before the money is di
rected to be paid.
Extraft from the minutes.
September 17 th, i3cß.
Deferred from the Mai) of the U.
{. jo me time lad March in the
Creek Nation (M. TANARUS.) Ifacah Bren
ton, The above reward will be giv
n to any perfon who will deliver
Lid Brenton in Milledgeville. By
application to Col. B. Hawkins,
j gent of the U. S. for Indian affairs,
he will iffue orders to the chiefs to
have him delivered up.
John B. Chandler,
In the Poft-Office Department.
June 10th, 1809.
LINE months from the date
hereof, I fhall apply to the honora
ble the Inferior Court of Clark
County for an order of court to fell
all the real efface of the late William
Mitchell, Jun. deceafed—for the
benefit of che heirs and creditors of
faid deceafed.
April 15, 1809.
GEORGIA , JAs a Court cf
Jackfon County , j ordinary being
& and held in and for the faid Coun
May Term 1809.
Prefent there honors James Hen
drii ks, Etheldred Wood, and Da
vid Witt, Ei'qrs.
Upon the petition of Jcffe Mitch-
H ftating that William Ramfey and
Henry Ramfey in theirlife time Exe
cuted their Bond to make titles to a
certain tract of land in the County of
Oglethorpe containing two hundred
and fifty acres more or lefs and that
the faid Henry departed this life In
teftate and without Executing fa;d
Titles and praying this Court to di
rect the administrators cf faid de
ceafed to Execute titles in the terms
of the law, and the faid Bond ; a co
py of which is to the faid petition an
nexed, whereupon it is ordered that
the faid Adminiftrators o! the faid
decealed, will at the next court of or
dinary, to be held in and for the
county aforefaid on the firft Monday
in September next, be direded to
Execute Titles, to the faid traft of
land in terms of the law, unlefs cante
be fliewn to the contrary, and that
this rule be publiihed at lead three
months previous to the fitting of
faid court, in cr.c of the public Ga*.
zettes of this ft ate, and advertised
in two er more public places in laid
True Extra# from the Minutes.
Edward Adams C. C. O.
May, Ift 1809.
INI INE months after date appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior Court of the County of
Ciark, for leave to fell a tracb of land
in faid county, on the waters of Ce
dar creek, containing five hundred
acres, more or lefs, being the real
efface of W illiam Purye?.'-, deceaf
ed, and whereofii the fubferiber now
lives—the fame being for the bene
fit of the heirs and creditors oi faid
Odober 2, 1808.
INE months after dace appli
cation will be made to the Inferior
Court of Jackfon county for leave
to feil one Lot in the town of Jcfftr
fon, lately occupied by Do&or
Thomas Carfon, deceafed —to be
fold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of laid deceafed.
September 6, 1809.
INLINE months after dace appli
cation will be made to the Inferior
Court or Greene County, forkavs
to tell a trad of land in faid county,
on the waters of Town creek, con
taining five hundred acres, being
the real eftate cf James Sanfom,
deceafed —to be fold for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors ef fud
April 7, 180$.
On Saturday the ‘iqtb of July next,
in Athens , at the former
of James Stewart , deceafed ,
ALL the perfonal property of
faid deceafed.—-Conditions cafh,
Jane 24, 1809.
GEORGIA, 7 By John Smith,
Clark County. 5 Clerk of the Court
of Ordinary for faid county.
\ \ THERE AS Samuel Heller
V V hath applied for letters of
adminiftration on the efface of Philip
Thompfon, deceafed.
Tkefe are therefore to c'tle and ad
monijh all andfmgular the kindred and
creditors cf faid deceafed, to be and
appear at my office, within the time
preferibed by law, to Jhew caufe {if
any J why faid letters fheuld not be
Given under my hand this 27 th
day cf June 1809.
GEORGIA , Jackfon county.
By Edward Adams , Clerk cf ihe
Court of Ordinary for faid county.
Whereas Abraham Chandler, ap
plies for letters of Adminiftrationon
the eft ite of Bsily Chandler, iate cj
this County, Dec.
Thefe are therefore to Cite and
Admonilh all and lingular the kin
dred and creditors of laid deceafed to
be and appear at my cffice on cr be
fore the fiift monday in July next, to
fhew caufe, if any, why faid letters
of admVniftracion Thoukl nor. be
Given under rny hand this 25th
day cf May 1809.
Edward Adams, C. C. O.