Newspaper Page Text
Ton. Oonto
3ST R3B w s
V'U'I If*
Having consolidated onr
we arc now prcjiaroJto Veep one of the
hi tie South. W* are now daily receiving all
Men’s hundsomest Gaiters at
aB other Shoe* in projtortion,
PRICES. . , t
Brin,'iu tli Uil'u ones uni soatlsrthc new
eKiEAn ^ co.,
WALL (SXA* nr.Oitl 6TRXXT.)
Hateb or Board :
Per Day $1.25
Per Week 6.0C
Single Meal 35
Restaurant Connected, Fnnuahed -with Fieh.
Oysters, and Every thing the Market Alford*.
M KALB AT AU. Hocus. . .jLlfc
. ' Athens, Ga., Oct. 12,1878.
' r EDiTO£6ouT)kERN Banner The
following in Wcrdaoe to a proper
person to be elected to fill the ohair
made vacant in the University by the
death of Prof. Waddell, is from the
Atlanta, Constitution, and is fully en*
dorsed by his friends and leading men
everywhere throughout the State.
We learn that the Trustees will
elect a Professor on the 15th of Octo
ber, to fill the Chair of Greek, and
Latin, left vacant by the death of
Prof. W. II. Waddell, of the State
University. Dr. A. B. Brutnhy; of
Athens, is a candidate for the position,
and would fill it well it chosen. He
is one of the finest sell stars in the
South, and has a faculty for instruction
that is truly remarkable. His many
friends here wnull like to see him
Prof. A. B. Brumby has been a
t.-auher for over, twenty years, and
made a specialty of the classics. He
has strong testimonials from many of
the most eminent educators in this
Slate and iu South Carolina. Iln has
a faculty for imparting instruction
K ted impressing zeal for study, as
testified by his pupils who have grad
uated with distinction.
We hope the Trustees will careful
y consider his claims in their meet*
mg Tuesday. C.
wall, (sear broad street,)
I mn now receiving the Largest sad Best A?«
ported Stock of Liquors ever brought to the
City, both for the
"hone desiring to purchase arc invited to cell.
If you XT
-r T'i
your Baby to
bright do not put it to sleep with
laudanum when restless, but use Dr.
Bull’s Baby Syrup. 25 cents a bot'
—We are glad toplacc op.our ex-
change list Jthe Evening Sentinel,
published at Augusta, with Messrs.
J. R. Randal aod^tt 4. Stovall as
Editors^ rhe »<c4re*i|cd fo date
are splendid specimens of the modern
newspaper and the superior talent of
thegentlemen nnder whose manage
ment it is, is a guarantee, (bat f if,will
take high rauk among first.class
Southern journals.
—Mr. Allen C. Harbin, of Augus
ta, uncle of Mr. O. C. Harbin, of
Lampkin’s Exchange, died of hydro-
He was bitten byAdoglast MaJ^ but
never experienced . any trouble until
last week, wh« n he began having con
vulsions and finally died. He was a
useful and highly respected citizen
of Augusta. We sympathize with
his relations and friends.
—Some of tbo boys wept fox bunt*
ing on Friday night last. Cobb Da
vis’ English hounds are the best iu the
—Mr. Grier, the efficient mail agent
03 the Georgia Railroad, removed
his family from Sharon to Alliens on
Tuesday last.
—Dr. H. H. Carlton will address
the citiztjhs of Jackson county at
Harmony Grove on Thursday, and at
Jefferson on Saturday next. He will
look District at as inai
Markham House.
Mr. E. H Paine, ofLouisville, Ky.,
who for many years has been so well
and favoraMj known to the public as
the owner and tuauager cf the “Paine
Lines” of Sleeping Cars, running
South frem Louisville, has taken a
lease of the Markham House, in At
lanta, Ga. Tii: “Markham” is a most
attractive and pleasant hotel, every
room being thoroughly ventilated,
and not one dark ro m iu the house.
It has a Passeurer Elevator, and its
rooms (all on two floors) are finished
in Modern Style, with closets, many
of the rooms are “er. suite” for hum-
lies, and ail thoroughly furid-hed with
elegant Black Walnut Furniture,
marble-top wash stands and bureaus,
wardrobes and everything needed for
comfort. It has just one hundred
Bell Rooms, not including Parlors.
Beading Rooms, Sample Rooms for
business men, Dining Room, Ball
Room, or other auxiliary apartments,
and is by far the Newest Hotel in At
lanta. Its cuisine is most excellent
and at all times reliable. The table
Contains everything the market af
fords, admirably cooked and served.
Will the public allow us to say in
conclusion that Mr. Paine is as dever
a man as ever kept a hotel and makes
his guests feel perfectly at home.
No Miadlo Man.
Fully real. nng tbo commerefal advantages-
that tn»_pro*piraus city of Athens has over the
whole or Nbrtlpcast Georgia, and with special
regard for ihajsctqhst all Leading Merchants
arc working far only a small commission,
leaves no “Middle Man’s” profits between his
customers end Kinself; but has knocked oat
thi “Middle Mon”* and Uken ib .the “Ring
Leaders” by pdrahaBllg his tmmefise stock' of
Fall end Winter Goods direct from the Manu
facturers in Ba ttmorc, Pittsburg, New Yoik,
Trenton and Boston. Having visited theae
Manufactories in person, and selected the beet
node for every brunch of -his business, be now
efies competiWea tft offering to the people of
North-east Georgia a stock oi goods ntteqnaled
in variety, uneicalled in quality, and unusual
ly low in prices. His stock or Domestic and
staple dry goodwb foil and complete. He has
the best stock Of harness, sad. lea, whips and
saidlea in the ckyj bargain* tor every bod i can
be found in his large a>ock of hats and s'uoes.
Family and fancy groceries, are among his spe
cials. He keeps a huge stock cf .wooden,
willow, and tinware. Hi* will selected stock
of fire and common table an 1 pocket or llory
table and teaspoons, briti,.v* *na silver ware*,
exceeds anything of the kind ever offer A in
this market.
While in Northern and. Eastern markets he
made such large pore bases of crockery, glasse
ware. Lamps and Oil on such terms as to ena
ble him co teli tweae goods at wholesale and
retail cheaper than any other house in the
State. Ae Is deertnined to sell these goods
lower than they can be bought in this section
and not to he uudersoldion anything in his line.
Remember the place. J. 11. Huggins is at hie
old stand, No. 7, Broad Street, Athens, G.
66 and 68 Whitehall Street. Atlanta. Georgia-
/*•; ,~£ . ; • .
• Wehavo tliii Fall oi*clo uirasaal efforts to
place before tbe public in our several stores
good and desirable goods from first hands, and
in addition to a great many imported especially
for ue one of our firm spent several weeks at
tending Auction Sales, visiting Manufacturing,
Importing and Commission houses; so that every
advantage that cash can command has been ap
propriated. Tne Teault is no such stock of
goods can be shown in this country. We call
attention to a few of onr leading departments.
DRESS GOODS—We have everythinjr new
in this department. Colored Silks all shades
and qualities, Camels Hair, Debages, Lusters,
Suitings, Mohaira. Bourettes, Brocades, French
Novelties, etc. No house in tills city can show
as large a stock of cress goods.
BLACK SILKS!—Wcfoake a specialty of,
and will in every instance, sell as low as the
lowest Nuw Y ork retail prices.
HOSIERY ’.—The largest stock of Hosiery in
the SUte, great many new styles of recent im
portation just received.
than double our uMial stock of these goods and
all at lowest prices.
Doyles, Towels, Irish Linens, Bed Spreads, etc.
a low and in many itttanc^a lower than
of Blankets in New York, wo arc prepared to
sell th**-m as low as the) usually cost at the
Bargains in Flannels, Gouts, Ladies and
Misses Underwear, etc., etc.
Samples of Dry Goods sent on applications
Our Carpet Store is equal in size to. our Dry
Goods Store, and contains more than double
the quantity of Carpets to be found iu any other
Carnet Store in the State.
Having determined to avoid the middle prof
it of the Jobbers, wc Iiavc bought our Carpets
this Fall direct from the mauutacturir.' . .
We have bought in such quantities as to get
bottom prices ana biggest discounts.
We now have^ in store the largest stock of
Velvet. Axmiaister, Body ^Brussels. Tapestry
Brussels, 3-plys, Ingrains, 2-plys, i.nd cheapest
Carpets ever exhibited m one house in the
Oil cloths for floors from 3 lo 18 foot Wide.
I incolum in all the new patterns.
>Vall Paper, Window Shades, Lambrequin
t Material, Lace Curtains, Hair Girth, Cocoa and
Mattings always ou hand in h.rgcj quanti-
- We invite an inspection of the «!< d iftmcnt,
and inform all in odviuiro that we canflot be
undersold iu the Carpet line.
Onr Shoe Store docs not consist ofoijc.oo/ner
’in a Dry Goods ioom, but ia a ‘oparate ttotp to
Itself, aud of Aamc aizej as each of ouroHjor
stores containing Dry Good- attul Carpet*;** •
We.have in tiua store all tl»o leading, makes
of the best and most favorably known shoes
sueli as Mile’s, Burt’s Freeman’s, Canfield’s,
Duubar’s, Soiler’s, and nmnerous other well*
•known makes of Boots and Shoes. *Wccau
safely say that no shoe hon^e in.. Georgia cun
show so extensive a stock of Genft, Ladies,
Missbs, Youths and Children Shoes, as we now
offer in our Shoe Store.
Every pair of Boots and Sloes wo have nro
made expressly to our order, ai d of selected
material. * # *
We Uel confident that it U Dj the interest of
*U in want ot goods to examine, cur immense
stock before making any purchase.
Tuesday. October 15, 1878.
Organ for Oconee and Madison Counties.
1-7” Advertisements must always be handed
in not later than 3 o’clock on Saturday, if in
t ended to npponr on Tu»duy.
Public Speaking-.
Col. J. A. Billnps will address the
citizens ol Clarke county at Athens,
on Friday the 18th.
Yora liippur.
Yotn Kippur, or Day of Atonement
was observed by all the Israelites of
Athens on Sunday, tlia 6th and all
over 13 years of age fasted for twenty-
fonr hours, beginning at sundown on
Sunday. The last issue of the Jewish
South has a long article on the his
tory and rites of the day from which
wc malcc the following extract:
“ And it shall he unto you a statue
forever. In the seventh month on
the 10th of the month, shall you
afllict yourselves, and no work shall
ye do, whether it be one of your own
country or the stranger that sojourn-
nth among you. For on that day
shall he made an atonement to cleanse
you from all your sins, before the
Lovd shall ye he clean. It shall he
a Sabbath of lest unto you, and ye
shall afflict yourselves as a statue for
ever.’’ Lev. 16, 20—31.
J. Q. A. Haddaway, Esq, of
’’ Episc-ipal Methodist” Baltimore,
M.I., writes: “ With much pleasure
I testily to the good effects of Dr.
Bull’s Congli Syrup in my family.
Have used it in many cases, and in
eaeli instance the result was emirely
Fall BUllluery.
IV e direct attention to the adver
tisement of Miss Maria McCartney,
whose tall stock of Millinery is now
complete. She will have her grand
fall openim- on the 24th inst. The
ladii b will be astonished at the beau
ties and novelties exuibited by Miss
..... Coatrlbutlon.
( Howard Association,
4 M ESI mis, Tens.,
( Oct. 10th, 1878.
7b Rum's Silver Cornet Rand:
Dear Sirs: We return you our
heartfelt thanks for your sympathy iu
this our hour of affliction, and pray
that God may b’ess you for it. We
enclose herewith receipt for your do
nation, 8306,50, received through W.
H Jone% which is hereby acknowl
edged. Very gratefully yours,
J H. Smith, Secreta y
Local ItlvIMllllRM.
The Yellow Fovor Sufferora.
The total amount remitted to the
jellow fever sufferers from Athens to
date is 81,083,55 in cash, besides lib
eral contributions in the Hhajic cf
clothing and supplies. The Treasu
rer acknowledges an additional con
tribution of 836,00 from the colored
people of the Fourth Word the pro
ceeds of a fair held on Monday .night,
the 11th instant onder,the supervision
of Eugene W. Brydie, assisted by
Rev. l itsyd Hill, John McClesky and
John Jones.
^ i_U \i
James M. Gray 4k Co. ■
We neglected last week to call at
tention to the immense fall stock of
this firm. It is immense, and com
prises everything in the Dry Goods
line. They defy competition in
prices and styles of Ladies’ Cloaks.
Go and see them and price tlicir
goods. .\v -
/’ .
Klcctlon ‘of Olllcors,
At the annual meeting of Champi*.
on Fire Company No. 3, (col.) on
last Tuesday night, the following
officers were elected for the ensuing
Captain ....Thomas Walker
1st. Foreman John Nicholson
2nd. Foreman Anthony Harden
3rd. Foreman II. C.. Brooks
Secretary Sam B. Davis
1st. Pipcinan.. Bofus Peters
2nd Pipeman James Iluggins
Treasurer, Capt. II. Beusse, Chief
of Athens Fire Department.
Meeting adjourned.
Thom. Walker, Chairman.
S. B. Davis, Secretary.
—We acknowledge‘0 pleasant call
from Col. Albert Lamar, ox* Savan
nah. on yesterday evening. Georgia
boasts of no brighter intellect than
Col. Lunar. S
—Barns, the great KeritnSty racier
will run at the AtSanjaFairJJj Satik
nrdry. Tom R£ld’{fix«||i«te trfm
will retrain overgn thft flpfj r i
—Snead, the %: “
Lo<-al column!
until, and he
cover the fe< t
and child in fi
—Wanted.—A situation ns sales
man and Assistant Book-keeper. Can
control a portion ol the trade of four
counties. Apply for name at this
office. n ( J
—Mr. A. E. Griffeth, of Athens,
book-keeper of the Southern Mutual
Insurance Company, was at the Plan
tera yesterday. Mr. Griffeth, be
sides being a most genial gentleman,
is ceasideredoue of the most accurate
accountants and expert business men
in the State.—Evening Sentinel.
—If you want the cheapest goods
in Georgia call on M. C. AJi.F. Kiser
when yon go to Atlanta. *
—Mr. Stocker, the great fufcnture
man of Atlanta, lias an advertisement
Irr this paper. Go and see him when
in the city.
—The Georgia Railroad is building'
a new side track over at their Depot.
Profs. Charles*8?3RShtar have*
opened'a Skating Riuk at Reaves &
Nicholson’s Hall and it is quite pop
ular. This is healthful and popular
oxerciso and the rink is a first-rate
place at which to spend a leisure
—“ Pheiffer ’’ is the brand of a
popular whiskey dispensed atSauItcr’s
bar. Experts say there is none bet
ter. ~
—Wo acknowledge pleasant calls
from Prof. Efigone Beck of the Dah-
loijega Signal and Bro. Stephens, of
the Gainesville, North Georgian.
These gentlemen are at the helm of
two of the best papers in Georgia,
—R. II. Lampkihs’ Exchange Ho-
tel and Bar are very popular with the
public, lie keep* the best fare in the
*5,—George Lucas, while skating,
fell and fractured liis arm on Friday
niglu last. TT-t?
—We call attention to the adver
tisement* i>f Arthur Evans, practical
Walchiqafcc* and Jeweler. Mr.
many points
this and the day of election as his
present press of business will permit.
—The trustees ot the Slate Univer
sity meet to-day for the purpose of
electing a Professor to fill the chair
occupied by Prof. Waddell, deceased.
—Wo acknowledge an invitation
to be present and participate in the
ceremonies of unveiling the Confed
erate Monument at Augusta, which
will occur on the 31st of the present
—The Editor of the Warrentou
Clipper has been permitted to look at
the four statues of Generals Lee, Jack-
son, Cobb and Walker, which have
been monnted by Mark Walter on
tbe Confederate Monument at Au
gusta, and thinks that ot Gen. Cobb
the best finished.
—At the colored concert tor the
benefit of the yellow fever sufferers
836 00 was received. At the concert
given by the Atheniau Minstrels on
Monday night last $26 00 was receiv
ed, making a total of S62 00, which
Madison Davis, Chairman of the Col
ored Relief Society, has turned over
teethe proper authorities.
—Georgo Davis, colored, has gone
to Savannah to instruct the members
of a ban- 1 , recently organized in that
—Students continue to arrive and
enroll on the University list
—The Ocouce Fair is said to bo a
grand succor. Several celebrated
racehorses from the West will arrive
during iba week
—Reid A Harris have made ar
rangement* to run an excursion train
to the fair, the particulars of which
can be seen in our advertising col
umns. The train will leave Athens
at-12 p.m. Thursday night, and get
to Atlanta early Friday morning, is
dime for parties to witness the preces
sion of King Rex, the Races, Military
parades, etc. Faro for the rouud
trip $3 00.
The Augusta Presbytery will have
a meeting at Athens November first
for the transaoUqbofiQiedaUmteefB.
—.Married, in this city, at the resi
dence ofUbq bride’s father, on the
mfrning»$#'thB ,10th inst., by Rev.
Dr. Potter, Mr.'tT.'W. Asbury, of
Naooqcbce Valley, aSrMissAda M.
Huggins, of this dty. The happy
couple left immediately on the North
Eastern train for Nacoochee Valley.
)di8s Alice McPherson, of Atlanta,
sister ofMra. Ephr. Brumby, of Ath
ens, is on a visit to our city.
—Two trains are run on tbe North
eastern Railroad on Tuesdays and
—Messrs. Talmadge, Hodgson
Co., and James M. Gray & Co., have
handsome new signs to mark their
places of business.
—The students of the Universitj
are yet undecided as to whether they
will start a paper of their own or oc
cupy space in the city papers for pub.
lishing College news.
—Remember that to’-moiTow, *lie
16ih, is tbe time for the annual meet
ing of the Stockholders of the North
eastern Railroad. There will be an
extra train and Stockholders and
their families will be passed free.
—Capt. Wm. Williams and wife
have returned from an extended visit
to England and Wales. The health
of both is greatly improved.
—Bill Hollman, the Kentucky-Ath
enian; has jnst received a train load
of broke a’d ugbroke niu'es, the best
tliat have been in this market. Can
be found at Gann & Reaves’ Stable.
—Wc acknowledge a pleasant call
from Mr. Mack Evans, of that
sprightly daily, the Evening News, of
Augusta. The man don’t live who
can get mere news in a small space
than Bill Moore.
—Capt. A. D. Smith has been ap*
pointed Adjutant of the University
McDONALD.—Donald narvey McDonald,
the eldest eon of Judge James M. & Triphena
McDonald, was born October 2d, 1^42, and de
partctl thie life October 9th, 1878, in triumph,
with a joyful hope of immortal glory ana
blessedness in Heaven. When sixteen years
of age he publicly profi-ssed his faith in the
Redeemer of God’s elect and was received into
the communion of the Presbyterian church at
Homer, Banks county, Ga., and the faith which
he then professed continued to increose to the
last, mid sustained and animated him amid all
his trials and multiplied nfliictious; and that
aame laith cheered him in his dying hours and
gave him a happy and most triumphant depart*
ure to glory.
Before speech failed him his spiritual eyes
appeared to bo opened und he seemed to catch
some glimpses of the spirit land and of its glo
rified inhabitants, and he spoke of t-oine of the
loved ones whom he then saw in glory and
2io. 5, College Avenue,
FaU and Winter Opening,
- -"T ~— -
Pattern Hats anil Bonnets,
Thursday Oct. 24th, 1878.
BLACK CA81IMKIIES! AVe have arranged with an Importer to iise.B!ack Caffiiirtores i
uni every one in want of these goods, both wholesale and retail, to examine thesi* gdods'lK’fore purchasing
do better on them than wc will. . ' ‘ J
J* K. LU.Itl’KlN,
Attorney at Laic.
Office over Child*, Kiclceraon & Co.
, , j tAthens,- GWgttjL- ,,,
Will practice in the Superior Court* of tile
Northern Circuit. ST Collections a specialty.
Annual Fair and Races.
The North-Georgia
Stock and Fan: Association,
OCTOBER 21, 22,23, 2(. 25 and 26, 1678.
’Wh.olssalo Pry Goods.
1878.- -MILLINERY- -1878.
Beg* to make the nnnonneement that nho is
receiving daily addition* to her extensive as
sortment of
Hits, tens, Emms,Stuns, stc,
and would request h**r many friends and custo
mers to visit ner establishment before making
purchases elsewhere. The
Loirest Price Always Guaranteed
Please call at
No. 5, College Avenue.
Special attention giren to the leaking of
Bridal Hats and Bonnets.
oet 15.2m.
aiiny during
the late war.
Before h« was twenty ycais of nge, D. II.
M: Donald joined the array of Viitriuia h, the
la .ks of the. 24ih Ga. Regiment and he piovcd
hi’;u>elf a gjdlant defende: of Lis native South
ern laud. The hurdships and exposures, to
which he was subjected m the army impaired
his health and wrecked .bin constitution, caus
ing linn many long and wearisome years of
pain aua suflering, until death came to* his re
lief i.t last and released him from the sorrows,
pains and sufferings of earth to ente:- upon the
rest, the jovs and glories of heaven. Thus an
other sacritic has been offered up uj»on the al
tar of patriotism.
Some hours before his death he selected the
hymns and the passage of Scripture (the 27th
Psalm) which he wished to be used ou the re*
cos ion of his funeral, and requested that his
former pastor, Rev. G. H. Cartiedge. might be
sent for to assist in nis funeral service-^ or to
conduct them in case his own pastor failed to
^return in time for the serv.ces. Having, then,
named^the place of his interment, ana after
bidding all loved ones present a foud fiirewel),
and requesting them to meet him in Heaven, he
Jesus can make a dying bed,
Feel soft as downy pillows are;
While on Hie breast I lean my head.
And breathe my life out sweetly there.
He then folded his hands upon his breast and
awaited the joyful snmmors of death. Thus
passed away another loved one, who is not lost
but gone before. There is rest for tbe weary.
There is rest for him.
After appropriate funeral services at the
Presbyterian church, in the city of Gainesville,
conducted by his former pastor, Rev. G. H.
Cartiedge, in the temporary absence of his pas
tor, Rev. T. P. Cleveland, liis brethren of the
Masonic fraternity committed his bodv to the
tomb with the usual ceremonies and honor of
G. H. C.
In premiums
Offend in Racing Furies!
in Military Prizes!
Over 20 military companies outside of
the State already decided to come.
The Fastest Horses
Iu the country are coming,
Every day by one of the finest brass
bands in the United States.
Amusements of all Kinds
Z3F" His Excellency Samuel J.
Tilden lias been invited to be present
£3?” The Mystic Brotherhood of
Atlanta, will appear upon the streets,
Oct. 25th, iu more grandeur thug
Q 1 T U ever before.
O Ll J-i fag^'Seud for Premium List!
J3?“Don’t fail to come !
B. W. WRENN, Sec’y,
W. B. COX, Atlanta, Ga.
Spring, Wagons, etc., etc.,
October 17th, 1878,
Tli esc Buggies are new’ and direct from the
largest and most complete Carriage Factory in
the United States. Owing to onr vast faculties
of Manufacturing, we adopt this method ol
introducing our sample Or Load iu Athens,
Ga. Wc are welling the best Buggy for the
money ever made, at satisfactory prices to tbe
purchaser, for a well finished, durable top
Buggy, with thoroughly seasoned, second
growth hickory, the Olds Patent Wheels, Oil
Tempered §weea Steel Springs, and Shelton’s
Case Hardened Anchor Brand Axles, each war
ranted for one year. We have the Buggy that
meets the demands of the people. We solicit
the closest inspectii n of the care fill buyer to
our work nowou exhibition in Athens, at the addition, the Military display will’be the finest
Warehouse of ever had in the State; ana lastly, on FRIDAY,
Moss & Thomas, Clayton St., the
A Remarkable Result.—It
makes no <lifference how many Phy
sicians, or how much medicine yon
have tried, it is now an established
fact that German Syrup is the only
remedy which has given complete
satisfaction in severe cases of Lung
Diseases. It is true there are yet
thousands of persons who are predis
posed to Throat and Lung Affections,
Consumption, Hemorrhages, Asthma,
Severe Colds settled on the Breast,
Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, &c.,
who have no personal knowledge of
Bo-chce’s German Syrup. To such
wc would say that 50,000 dozen were
s Id last year without one complaint.
Consumptives try just one bottle.
Regular size 75 cents. Sold by all
Druggists in America.
Evansis 'tdfe well known to need
'commendation at our hands.
Mr. G. C. Brewer, Agent for the
celebrated Cook Buggies has a large
lot otdheiii’ bn exhibition at the
Warehouse of M«*j-and Thomase
Those that wei e sold here last season
have given universal satisfaction.
—It ia very common to see bacon
transferred’ from the Northeastern to
the Georgia Railroad.
—B. O. W. Rise is not only suc
cess ns a policeman but is a fine gard
ner. We yire indebted to hint for
some of the finest beets we have seen
this year. •-
Pretty and Young.—In every
feature hut the hair, whicli had grown
white from fever. This lady at 35
writes us: “ I have used Parker’s
Hair Balsam 4ix months and im more
than pleased with it. It has restored
the natural brown color of my hair
and given it aj[ silky -sofme-s, Ulcer
than ever be;offe. There is no Darid'-
ruff, no falling hair, and it leaves the
scalp so'clean and nice and cool, that
lam ever so much pleased, and I
feel and look like mysfelf again
Disinfectant, proper}!^ jJiat, enter
chemically rotolhisprepafelion ren
dtp it healing, cleansing aiiH healthful,'
and the beautiful, fresh and vigorous
hair it produces, together with/,its
property of restoring the hair to its
natural youthful colorj leaving’the
head entirdy'Treed from Dandruff,
dean and healthy, surprises no less
than it pleases. Bny a bottle from
The Aged, toe Feeble and Con
valescent Find jnst the help they
need in the health and strength giv
ing properties of Parker’s Ginger
Tonic. This comforting invigorator
diffuses warmth and vigor through
the system, soothes the nerves, ban
ishes melancholy and gives strength
and elasticity to the wornsout frame.
It is incomparably superior to wines
or liquors and does not intoxicate.
Every mother will not only comfort
r.nd stiengthen herself but v i’l re
lieve ai d paiify her i ursintr babe by
the free use ot this excellent tonic.
Buy a 81 00 bottle from yoar drug-
gtRt, R. T. Brumby & Co., or a sam
ple bottle at 15 cts. and tost its
where yon will become convince^ of the aboie
CT* SPECIAL NOTICE.—As there nrc so
many imita'iooa audtii fnijr Kojj.iesnoUl in
this country, wc now inform the (.ubliothat we
have sold ov< r 1,000 Buggies in this section of
the state in tint lust t fee years manufactured
by Louis O... k of Cincinnati Ohio.
G C. LB EWER, Agent.
A. DAN1AL, Auctioneer.
White Lead and
Linseed Oil,
Colors, Turpentine,
Yarnislies, Drugs,
n££ m.ji '
Medicines, Chemicals,
Soaps, Perfumery,
Colognes, Hair,
Nail, and
Wa have a larger stock than ever before and
having bought
13^ “ALL FOR CASH," ^
Wo can afford to give best flgnrra on them.
C. W. LONG & C0.
Atiixns. Ggusei*.
— TO —
From the above advertisement of the North
Georgia Fair Association it will be seen that the
attruerioiiB will bo many and great.
Will be the principal days, os
SLing Hex,
Followed by a long concourse of the Mystic
FALL 187& FALL 1878.
M. a Sl Jk F. KISER & CO.;
. . ' * * * - • -y ' ••••’. {
Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic ** v ‘ s - h ' *
Boots, Shoos, ' Hats and Mens,
Corner Pryor and Wall Streets,
Wc arc now offering to the trade the larnrit “took of the above f;ou
city, oiid desire to call the special attention of the trade to the following
G- .A..
Goods of our own Importation.
, ,fL
Our Compels ^rand Donble-ivarp Black Alpacas, Pure Mohairs, I.ustreeB i.nd Briliianteens.
.hese goods are regular in point ot'mak#* and unequuled for color, brilliancy of finish and dura
bility. Also to onr large Hue of French Cashmeres, Italian Cloths. Veil Bareges, Parisicnnes,
Corduroys. Black Velvets, Jaconettes, Nainsooks, Swiss and Mull Mils'ins. French, Swiss and
Nottingham I-aees and Curtain Embroideries, Hamburg Edgings and Insertings, Washed ami
Bleached Table Linen Damask, Napkins aiul Towels, Fronting Linens, Ladies’ and Gents’ Linen
and Silk Handkerchiefs. ’
Wiie ■A.’be-j-e goods are STetw and Fresh, c-nd oi evtr
o-jc/y laaporta-bioa. "Wi-bliia -biie las-t si=rc,y
^ w fl H cn *‘ oa trade to our nuusually Iuraj stock of DOMESTIC, COTTON
V ^ V 9°^ LKN GOODS. Oi r House was rex.>rcscnted ai tbo large solo ol Flaiir^ls and
Blankets m .New Gorkin Jn!v. ,vhieli goods were .bought for less th:m the cc-t o! the raw
material. Our Cotton Goods and Jeans were bought at the
For the week will corns off as follow's:
FIRST RACE.—Running.—Purse ol
which Second to receive ?1C0; lor all ag^s 1 .
Two mile heats.
SECOND RACE.—Trotting.—Free to all.
Purse$1KO; |700 to First; $200to Second;
$100 to Third. Milo heats, three iu five, in
NOTE —Ou one of the four days, there will
be a Preing Match. Purse $200, of which
Second to have $50. Three to enter. Best two
in three. Entrance fee ten per cert.
ON SATURDAY.—A Velocipede Tourna
ment between boys of 4 and 12 years of age will
take place. In this novel race tnere will be over
100 co npetitors It will be conducted on the
regulr race track at Oglethorpe Park, and will
he very amusing.
A Laughable Mule Race for $50, and a Negro
Foot Race for $25 in geld, and tho drilling of
Colored Military Companies will close the ex
hibition on Saturday P. M.
A premium of $50 has been offered for the
best Base Ball Club—open to the world.
Let all avail themselves of this splendid op
portunity of visiting the Gate City.
Thursday night at 12 o’clock and arrive in At
lanta at 5 o’clock Friday morning, in time to
witness all the in ^resting scenes in the pro
gramme of that day. Returning will leave At
lanta Sutun av night. Tho:e wishing to remain
over until Monday can do .o by making appli
cation to the und* signed.
The train will be under the immediate mana
gement of aa experienced Conductor of the Air
Line Road who will Lee that all are provided
with scats and perfect order preserved.
Passengers will be taken on at all the stations
between here ami Lula.
Fare for the Round Trip $300
tST* Separate Cara for White Persona who
desire to go.
R«ID & HARRIS, Manager*.
Our Notion Stock, Bouts and Shoe*, Men’s r.nd Boy’* Furond Wooi Huts, Ladies’ and Misses’
trimmed lists were never more complete. It is well to add we have aa immense stock of Jeans,
noth Eastern and Western, ijritJt otir. uaual supply of tho celebrated
© oa boyd eu&ct
■a a iifpte'tA /mi •
Will be Offered and 8dld at the Lowest Prices.
inainearfifhincrctftdf^o rapii
ales —**-“*■— *
... We
and pffecs.
d ha* grown so large, that now a bare commission
tine onr st<
umales is qoito satisfactory to us ^rw profir. ”
?“We eic^ndjh Wind iuSitntion tell n uearty weloomo to all Merchants to examine onr stock
f Q
Of Leather, Boots & Shoes.
Constantly on hand a large,stock of B ro; nns, Men’s and Women’s Balmo
rals, Boys and Mines Shoos of same stylos. Thoir stock is of the hen nn-
tonal, workmanship superior, and prices to suit the times. Thov olf-r
their manufacture both wholesale and retail. Give them a trial
'*' t ' 8 - Sm - R. P. & J. G. ERERilABT.
To the Cltiiens of Clarke County.-
MY Books are now open for tho coil, ctiun of
Stale and County Tax for 1878. Office over
Mathew's & Jackson’s Store.
oct. 8-S». Tax Oollector Clarke Co.
We are authorized to announce J. H. DORSEY
as a candidate’ for the office of Tax Collector of
Clarke County at the ensuing election In January
neat. td.
Wemre authorized to announce JOHN W. WIER
as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of
Clarke county at tbo coming election in January
next. td.
At tbe aolicitation of a number of friend* I
hereby announce myself • candidate for Tax
Collector for Clarke County, at the ensuing
election in January next.
We are authorized to announce the name of
your druggists R.T. Brumby & Co, DAVID E.81M8i»* candidate for Re-election
j 1 to the office of Receiver ol Tax Returns of
aud teat Its merits, ^ 1 Clarke County at the election in January next.
Stockholder’s Meeting.
The Eighth Annual Medina <J the St
holders of the Norths itofurRapmad Corn]
will be held at the Cofn^ahy’s office, in Att
m Thursday, Oeieoer l«th, 18TS, at U o’clock,
Stoekholden and thelrflunillea will bo peasod
free. By order of the President,
University of Georgia.
A meeting of the Bourd of Trustees of the
University will be held at Athens, on the 15th
day of October, on account of the death of Prof
Wm. Henry Waddell.
oct.l.St. President Board Trustees.
oot. 8*2w.
CE, Secretary.
Cottor Factors & Commissiom Mebcharts,
Clayton St., Athens, Ga.
Advances made on Cotton consigned In Store. -
Will be sold before the Court-house door
in the city of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia;'
on tbo first Tuesday in November next, within
tho legal hours of sale, tho tallowing property
to-wit: A tract of laud lying in said county
and State, and in the city of Athens, being a
portion of tho old Gov. Lumpkin tract of land,
on the Ocorce river, iying back of the resi
dence, containing forty-four acres, beunded as
follows: On the North by tho Oconeo Cemete
ry, outlie Weat hv a street between said land
anu’ Miss Martha M. Lumpkin’s, on the South
by Col. Yancey, on the East by the river and
by a strip of laud ol four acre* reserved with
the shoals, running np said river, a street run
ning through said land, from Watkins street to -
•the river at point for mill sight below the
shoal. A Street cm he obtained from the North ]
west corner, ruunir,;; out to atrike Lumpkin
street, near a small lot of John H. Newton.
About twetty-five seres of said land heavily
timbered and the balance open land. Also at
the same .tins* and plaoe, all of the shoal and
water privilege on tho South-weet side of Ooo-
iver and a utrfp of land (and location for
let fall in said shoals, COB'
**r«, W«*«lnr'(lfr*u.k ol
river, with a attest hading,patfrosn (ewer end.
AU levied upon by. virtue ef-two- ft “
Clarke Superior Oourt, August 1 era,
in frvor of H. K. J. Long,-survi ring partner of
C. W. (SUL B. J. Long, .vs tfarth. M. Lump
kin. All sold to satisfy the above stated « fits.
See Sheriff for plat ofproperty. This Oct: 5th,
1878. J. A. BROWNING,
oot 8, td, - BhTrifc
Tmmf km Machine Works,
170 Feuwick Street, opposite Water Tower,
Augusta,.......... r Georgia,
trEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., Proprietors,
Manufacture Portable and Stationery Steam Engines, and Boilers,
Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shaftiug Pulteys, Gearing, Hangers, etc., Iron
and Brass Castings, Plantation and Mill Work of any kind, Cane Mills
and Kettles, Horse l’owefs, Graham’s Improved Solid Rim and other
Btyles of Gin Gear. Special attention given to Repairing and Over-
Stgrnn Pump and Nordike, Marinon tfcCo’s Plantation Mill.
Send lor Circulir.
GL9. R. LOMBARD & CO., Proprietors.
IE 1 -Uk'hE&ZLS* X ® T3 IR £3 .
o Qnr goodR are aliaiEW anaas wo rtro.selljng for Cash we guarantee
off-"' . - v :’t: ■ /;« V*:- ' * ' . J* v " 0
^ur GftotlS L6\v er^tliau anyil ous&in Nortli-East Georgia
Call.and examiue our Goods and Prices before buying elsewhere
” i J Y1.. .J^WRANCE & MADDEN, ,/
. .' , ’ . ’ , Gilleland, Wood & Co’s_ old stand
• aff,: D* I--J.y- athkn£OMU,