Newspaper Page Text
®|e Pjera farmer.
j# (hr CUlzrns of Athens and North-East
The c Vtor of the Fort Plain E*gi*‘
ter, proud of the telephone couuect-
ing Jhia house and office, ahoated to
his wife, '‘Mr. Skidd will dine with us
to-day,’’ and, turning to the pros
pective gnest, said, “Now, you can
say a word to her,’* but aa he was
about to do so, tbo words came diss
tinctly, “Te'l him wo don’t keep a
restaurant on washing day.” Skidd
made an excuse, and went tc nn eat
ing house.
Prof John W. Draper thinks that the
gnilloline is preferable to the gibbet
ns a means of putting criminals out
of the way, bn*., ah hough that instru
ment causes death much more’quickly
and would eliminate the cruel bung
ling of unskillful hangmen, the fact
that it is bliody will prevent its adop
tion in this country.
long delayed materia! nccessa-
the promised enlargement of
Weekly has at last reached ns,
and with this week’s issue we give to
our weekly subscribers a thirty-six
column psper, with the crlumus much
longer than heretofore, so that they
really get eight columns more of read'
ing matter than they have been get
ting up to tliis time, which makes the
Weekly Banner one of the largest
papers printed in the State.
In the preparation of matter great
care has been taken, and will continue
to be taken so long as the Banner
shall remain in its present hands,
thst nothing shall go into its columns
which the most careful parent would
hesitate tor any member of the fami
]y to read, and that its news matter
shall be solid, substantial, and true.
We shall give no space to scandal or
mere sensationalism, the fostering of
which by the daily and weekly press
of the country is perhaps the most
demoralizing agency of the times;
but will lurlber to the utmost ot our
ability whatever tends to improve the
moral and material condition of our
city, our county, and our State. We
have tic higher ambition than to con
tribute to this end.
It is our purpose to devote a part
of the paper to the purely literary,
and as soon as we get to running
smoothly in our new grooves wo will j C,L - V '
publish each week a choice story and • i> r j IlCe Bismarck gels low, mid says
carefully selected poetry. This will j t v at nol a n his great doings have made
be our department of “Song and ; himself and others any the happier;
Story.” I an j 0 |d Sarah, Duchess of Marl*
To the seeker after the news of the ; borough, who is gorged with gold
Slate at large—to those who want, at j alu j weighed down with honors, res
Prof Patk Benjamau says that an elec
tric spark strong enough to kill any
usual number ot men who may be
banged at once can be developed from
an apparatus the size of an ordinary
trunk, without danger to any on*
(except, of course, the criminals), and
without defacement of the bodies,
while effecting an instantaneous and
painles- death.
templates, or has ooqtompfeted writing
letter similar ty Dr. Felton’s, has
been construed ad a dissent from the
aotindness of the views expressed in
that letter as to the policy that has
been punned by the democrats in
Congress, and the policy^tbat should
have been, and ought lobe pursued
by them.
This construction misrepresents Mr,
Stephens’s position, and as an article therefore, shows an average increase
in the editorial columns of the Bans
nek some days ago may have^Ke^f
worded so as to contribute to this
misconstruction, we lake pleasure in
quoting from a letter to the editor of
this paper, in which Mr. Stephens says
that, whi'c it is true, as stated in the
Banner, that he had not contemplated
publishing inch a letteme Dr.
ton’s, he “ secs nothing in that letter
which, in his judgment, is objection
able to any true democrat or |iatijoh
nothing that is uol true, and not a
single view expressed which does not
tend, if profited by, to build up the
true democracy of the country, instead
of destroying it;” and refers us to a
letter of bis in the Washington Star,
of November 28th, wherein he says
that he has uniformly said of Dr. Fel
ton’s letter substantially what we
have quoted above.
We had not intended to be under
stood ns expressing the belief that Mr.
Stephens did not concur in the views
We knew
The official board of statistics at St
[bhed somepopu-
hich it appears
usia there are an-
1,619,108 males and l,s
les, or an average tota
ild re n of both sexes,
the average annual
l,2ft,48f males and 1,167,'
929 females, or a total of 2,382,396
persons of both sexes. The population
r.ans for Sale. . .
About 125 acres within one mile of
Athers, on the Danielsvllle road which
will be sold in a body or in lots to
-^"^cXfth; above land is
cleared and the ballMs in wood.
For further information apply at this
office. •
the least possible expense of time, to
be informed of the latest news of tbe
State and movements of its people, we
dq not hesitate to say that the Ban
ner, on the plan upon which it is now
proposed to conduct it, will meet
their wishes more fully than any
other paper. The most news in
the least space, will bo our motto.
With this purpose to publish iu
Athens such a paper as ought to be
published at such a place, we will say,
conclusion, to the people of the place,
Our rigid modesty relents, and we
are constrained to print the following
high compliment from a distinguished
Georgian, once a resident of Athens:
“I read the Daily Banner with a
great deal of interest, and I think the j puplished by Dr. Felton
people of Athens must soon feel a | that he slid concur with them iu the
deep interest in its success. It is the j main, if not wholly. We meant mere-
most marked manifestation of real |y to signify our tlihibt that he fully
life that I have yet seen in that ! approved Dr. Felton’s act in publish
ing the letter, and this doubl. was ex
pressed iu \ iew jof the fact lhat the
letter was tiist published in Radical
papers; and we said we had no idea
that Mr. Stephens wouid commit such
an act, or contemplated so publishing
his views.
As much has been said concerning
Mr. Stephens’s wishes and utterances
on the subject of the next presidency,
wc publish, in another column of to
day’s Banner, a letter f oni himself
to the Baltimore Evening Bulletin, iu
of 781,000 a year—a percentage
,wffcb( supposing the inhabitants al->
ways to multiply at the same rate,
would double the population imo 58
years; whereas in Sweden, according
to a similar meljbqd ot calculation,
QmsJNnA would only he attained in
62 years, in Germany in 68, in Bel
gium- in Austria in 95, in
■Switzerland in 99, and in France in
165 years. The high percentage of
mortality in Russia is chiefly caused
by the -numerous deaths among chil
dren, more than the lotirth part of
whom perish before they are a year
old; whereas in Prussia, of 1,000 in
fants only 165, and in Eoglaud still
fewer, 140, die before that age.
Measles, scarlatina and diphtheria,
soys the Novoye Vrenut, are makiug
ravages among children in the capi
tal, and iu certain districts of the em
pire the danger is so great lhat sever
al colleges and infant schools have
been closed
cently wrote of herself to Lady Mary
Wortley Montague as a most miser
able being.
The municipal election is now over,
and with it let all bickerings and
partisanship that may have been cn-
gei dcred by the contest be buried.
The raee has been warmly and earn
estly contested on both sides, and
while the successful candidates may
be congratulated, the defeated ones
have nothing to he ashamed of, having
made a gallant fight and a creditable
race. As important and vital issues
sncli as directly and deep
ly affect the future growth and pros
perity of Athens, have been brought
into the canvass, we
as citizens all alike and
equally interested in the future wel-
i»3 'Baraka Barlier
sap i* ^ brydye,
Urosd eStrcet, A^>ens,Ga.
The fashionable Tonsorial Empo
rium of Sapp and Brydyc has been
fully completed in all its first class ap
pointment-, and they are now pre
pared to give the greatest satisfaction
in artistic barbering They are sup
plied with five chairs each preshied
over by a 6rst class artist. Attention
promptly given, and no waiting res
nnired. They are constantly in re
ceipt of the very latest New \ork
fashions, for cutting and dieting hair,
shaving, etc. Ladies will bewailed
on at their residences. Deterurued
to make our establishment a real first
class, f^iMoaabUw^WSorial Empo
rium, such as Athens has long need
ed, we invite foe public jto give us a
call where they will ever meet with
prompt, courteous and, ajuflful alien-
ion. _ _
A Word to iS* inilotcd’
The most miserable human being in
the world, is that person suffering
with a shaking chill, or a burning
fever. The joys of life are but a mis
ery to his mind, and he longs for a
balm to restore him to health. The
cure is at hand for every sufferer.
The greatest of all medicines. Cuban
iChill Tonic the Great West Indies
Fever and Ague Remedy, cures Chills
and Fever, Billionsness and Liver
Complaint every time. It blots out
disease, carries off malarial poison,
and restoies the sufferer to health.
Strength and Happiness. Try Cuban
Ciiill Tonic, the Great West Indies
Fever and Ague Remedy, if yon
suffer with On Is and Fever, and be
cared. Take no oilier medicine.
Cuban Chill Tonic will cure you
and give you health. Get a bottle
from your druggist E C. Long &
Co., and try it. may, lv.
The present small size of the Ath
ens Daily Banner is owing to tbe
fact that the editor publishes only reference to recent statements made
what he has good reason to believe is ^through that journal by its Washing-
true.—Augusta Chronicle News ■ ton correspondent. As has hereto-
Notes. | fere been stated, we have placed no
That’s it, Col., amall, but select I credence in the many reperta that
you know. Is the larger size of the ! have been lately circulated in the pa-
Clironicle owing to a fact of a chat- I pers on this subject, knowing them to
... . . . ac ter directly the opimsite of that be “entirely the work of imagina- ... r . „
and of the entire section contiLMious ’ , .. . r tion ” and knowin- that Mr Sieiffiens 1 llle » lire guarantee ol her future well
which limits the dimensions of the 1,0,1 > ami knowin H mat .ur. htepnens 22 . .
Banner? has most studiously abstained from ’ 'hen let nolitics and nartv
expressing any views upon the sub
Grand Display of Christmast Goods
Just received—fine quality, worth inspection, which must be sold at LESS than
New York prices. ^
Aasoaj -tiio Xyoaial Tcilwfe
Articles we uot'co a much-liked pre
paration for the hair, possessed of
jiroperties so remarkable that no one
who cures to own a clean an healthy
scalp with beautiful hair should pass
it untried. Its properties are clean
sing, invigorating aud healing, end
after a few applications the hair
ceases to full. Dandruff and Humors
disappear, and the hair grows clean,
soft and silky Jt keeps the head cool
fare of our city, cannot afford to be 1 and comfortable and gradually restores
divided or disagreed on these matters ‘be hair if gray or laded to tbe natural
of so much concern. Especially is
; this true as to our railroad interest.
: Athens, upon' this enterprise more
than any other, relics for the mainte
nance of her present prosperity and
and life-like color, beautiful to look
upon. It is Parker’s Hair Balsam
that has won such popular apprecia
tions by its many excellent and health
ful proi>erties. Sold in large buttles,
at only 50 cents, and $1,00, by R. T.
Brumby, Athens. oct.’7.8m
i feeling
Then let politics and party | q EORGIA CLARKE COUNTY,
now down, and let each and ; urJiuary’s officii s.i, October is79._
to it, that we can do it only with their
aid. Il that shall lie cencrou-ly be- ___________ | expressing any views upon tne suu .■■ » • — i —-.u..... . .- v.™
stowed it will be returned to them We see that Mr. Speer has intro- i j ect for tlic public. What he is re- eery one of our citizens, matters not I rf U ^^ y n»hy^^^i*g“
two-fold iu a pajter of which they <1 acted> bill in Congress instructing 1 1>olu d to have recently said j "bat may be his calling or profession,! OrtotSTsS 12
cannot but be prouJ, and which will j the secretary ot war to prohibit j about Grant namely, that tbe j un * te * u ouc au< l determined j my office.
As the Stock is so Large anil Varied.
Sufficient forthe public to know that
extend an invitation to
iv t
AND THEIR AUNTS,” and fear not to bring somebody else’s sisters, cousins,
uncles and aunts, to examine and judge for themselves.
Customers visiting Gray’s can examine their entire Stock, whether tliei
wish to purchase or not.
In consequence of the crowd which daily besiege Gray’s Store, the regu
lators are necessarily compelled to apologize to both their patrons and the
for not receiving the prompt attention which customers require. Rut they c*
always rely on Gray’s ambition to meet their requirements, so far as the limits
room which their Athens Store affords to exhibit the Extensive Stock which b
always'characterized them in Georgia.
do more than any other one agency I ry parades and army bands from play-1 g oul]l r . litr j lt (ul . l)l(M . am) , !|re W0Me j effort to push forward our road to its
to increase their own prosperity. We j ing on Sundays. This is a matter! is just what he lias said perhaps a 1 ' 0 ' completion, as well as to build
will be pardoned for quoting here over which we thought Congress bad ; l ] lousall( j times the last, fifteeu years. ; up a "d f ” s:er tvtr J' interest which
from a very kind and complimentary no control; but, be that as it may Iu it> aml saying Ul;1 , j n
ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary.
notice of the Daily Banner in the . the bands will continue to play, all
editorial columns of the Atlanta Con
stitution some days since. It comes
in so appropriately in this connection
that wc arc constrained to give it. “If
the people,’’— said the Constitution,
referring to the citizens of Athens,
“if the people of that prosperous cit v
know their real interests they wf!
- ’« Banner with so ahum
mage that it will soon be
er for Athens and foi
-re is no agency that so
advances a city as a
” This was said of
er. What it, with
age, will do for the
o Weekly Banner,
talronnge, will do for
the same. Forourself, we tike music,
anywhere, any time—all the time.
_ his Wl11 16,1,1 lo lllcre:,se ibe prosperity of! B} . u laclVi MVer j v(
opinion, Grant is ten percent strong- j our a,re;Mj J prosperous and attractive ! taiSbi “v
, Athens.
er than any other man iu the United
States, lie simply expresses an individ-! General Jeff C. Davis died at tbe
ual opinion upon a matter of faet, that! Fulmer House, in Chicago, Sunday
is hv no means indicative of a desire i morning, 30tL of November. He had
that Grant should be president, and t b-eu suffering from jaundice sev.-ra
it is preposterous, if not malicious, to J” 1 *™’ i,ni1 contracted a severe cold
so construe it. It is but the c redid ' vh ‘le attending the ceremonies at the
That eccentric old bachelor, Sle~
phen Girard, was very affable, and
one morning on entering the Girard
Bank, Philadelphia, of which he was .
president, a prepossessing stranger I - i i
cordially saluted him and demined «P««ion of a wise man’s judgment, unve.hng of the monurnent to G. ner-
him in conversation for some moments.
praise the weather
jrtls another skirmish
He was fifty three years
When he passed into his private
office, the rascally stranger inslnnt’y
presented a check lor 815,000 at the
desk of tile paying teller, and lhat; P omli
luckless individual did not hesitate to ! 1872 - ,,l: ^ 1,e <1< ' filK ' ,, in tl,,S6 " or<1 » :
upon a very important fact, which i 41 Thomas.
men w ho have control of the def&ol °bl- " 11 < \
cratic party should duly weigh and Down ,n °K lrtkor P f -
consider. In short, Mr. Stephens’s ** !a, d that lion, James Jf.
p»'“" ~ *■»i
W ashington, in the State convicts.
cash it, since he had observed the in- I ^ ,rant ,s ,,ot bis cnoice lor president, gpi Fleming, a well-known and
terview which had just occurred. The ! but he does not, ami will not—now i enterprising mulatto man of Lexing-
forger escaped nny mote than then-join in the insane ton, was married last week in Wilkes
b ‘ ~ I cry of “anybody to b. at Grant.” t«m»ty. Bill owns a nice home,
A man named Bcrrony was rescued 1 —■—_ —— —— j drives a good horse and buggy, and
by his comrades from a parly of rev, I T " fc hls P"* “P 6,6ar J ,,on ?y eV6 L v
., . 1 \ . T-c • <■ . . - - „ 8,ncu “*e war. lie is polite and
enue raiders in Towns county a few Lite in \\ all street is vividly por-, re3pe ctml, aud has the respect and
nights ago. Ilia house was surround- j trayed by the incidents related on the i good wishes of every white man whe
and he was arrested at dead of j first page of the Banner. . The last ' knows him. — Kcho.
kes the ulster a
night, while* fleeing in his night
clothes, but his daughter, an agile
mountain maiden of eighteen, sprang
from her bed, and, without staying to
c”lhe euM, chilly i dre-s, sp d lo the neighboring niouii-
niber,” ; s j t y j tain top and sound. <1 a bugle blast
wli’cli called to her l .ihei’s aid his
elausuien true. Bcrrony is rcp'c*
seated as a Fienehman of coinage
few weeks in \\ all street h ive been
unusually exciting, and the eventful
history of week helor.- last will not
t the conitorl «u ill
i an adverse ratio.
.ome of the Czar ol All the
ia_. alxtut 29 cents per second.
^ Atlanta’s latest musical acquisition
is a gentleman reveling in the rhyth
mical name of “Professor Edward
If • mau whistles in tbe street us if
he were calling a dog, Irom three to
seven men will stop suddenly and look
about them. Is Darwin right?
The President’s message fills six
closely printed columns in the Coh~
stitution. Perhaps ws’ll read il, and
perhaps wc won’t.
Gentlemen, ■‘hurrah’’ work is well
enough in its place, but it’s not go
ing to get the Normal College licio—
and don’t you forget it.
We are told that the Shakers rise
iu the winter at 5 o’clock iu the
morning. Who could help being a
Shaker, getting up at that below zero
It is the small investors and specu
lators who kept up the boom in Wall
street. The great speculators are
afraid of tho market. But luck has
paid better than brains the past few
months. / | •
T Quintana election resulted in
mg victory for the democrats
ie adoption of the new coustitu
Tbe democratiq majority in
deans was about 6.00Q.
tave a paper iu Zurich, Swil
with the pretty little name ol
UchrfroitagsxeUing. Very
le can pronounce it, aud pur-
soy to the publishers, “Give
py of that thing.”
allowing advertisement ap»
the local columns of the
ion of last Thursday; “To
—I have been addressed over
am -an:
t$. Will
learn the
>n call on
Nothing of
i It j iyfllown
nviclion that
'cry soon be
Aunk of gold,
•ill shortly be
0 manufactur-
vel. Undoult*
ic is near at
and shrewdness, and a leader among were thrown in o tin- .-in
the rude mountaineers
PROTECTION AGAINST fraud is fertil
Iii response to an inquiry from a
reporter for the Constitution, Judge
Henderson, the State Commissioner
of Agriculture, said : “But the peo
ple have the entire game in their own
hands—if they will but use it. I
mean llicir own prolecliou against
fraud. Let a farmer, in llie presence
of witnesses, take samples from a suf-
ficent number of sacks to fairly repre
sent tbe whole, thoroughly mix and
seal np abottlelni, and, nit' one of the
tags, keep it in n safe place where it
can be identified should it be called
into couit If at the end of tho season
he has reason to believe it below the
legal standard, send up the sample by
express to me, and I will have it ana
lyzed for him tree of charge. I wish
every one, from the mountains to the
seaboard, who uses guano, would re
member this and provide against all
The New York Financial Chron
icle of the 28th lilt, makes tbo visible
supply of cotton 1,984.C47 bales, an
increase of 148,470 over last year, an
increase of 133,054 over 1877, and a
decrease of517,683 from 1876.
The nineteen interior towns received
fer the week ending the 28th, 145.203
hales, shipped 100,018, and had stocks
of 264,183. Same week last year re
ceipts were 93,611, shipments 76,190,
stock 205,912.
From plantations since August 31st
have been received 2,391,880, against
1,930,494-last year, and 1,640,117 i«
Tbe Chronicle thof§rammarizee the
telegraphic reports of the weather for
the week ending the 28th of Novem
Tbo weather the past week has
been, as a general thing,'.favorable for
gathering in the crop. Probably,
taking the country together, this has
been as good a season as was ever
known for maturing tho top crop, and
securing the cotton in good condition.
Picking this year will be generally
finished from December 1st to Decem
ber 20th—a very large section of
country at tho former date.
M. IV. Johnson, of Lexington, has
sold his house and lot to Judge F.
L. Upson for $I,5(J0. The Echo
, ,■ • , , learns that the purchase was made
soon b" forgotten; e. nanny not !>v l ,• „ v . , * T . _
® ’ - - tor Air Mtph.n L|»-on, of New
tl'e “shorn !*uui !>-” win* -en.und.n'o York. Air. J. will u ove to one of
the arena where and Bulls oarr, liis farms in the Country,
on tin ir dai.y -"I'L’ch—. lens of A new ebtireli tuilic colored peos
thou-ands o! fan:llie- w i l sutf,.i mine pfe has been completed jilst below
or less because the saxh gs ol vmis ^ Lrawl..rd.
Ogl ihnrpn eoun y has but one
tan-yard. And w e are luokiug week
ly toy the announcement in the Echo
that that one lias been abolished tor
the purpose of opening up a gold
years \
Strom of a wild spcculuti >n, an < left
there. Tit usnn is of cam in uvkceH,
well-informed inside inn si ms, who
had been expecting the eras . waited
a day tin inug in withdrawing from
a dangerous market. They will re
member the w eek a good while.
Bui there has been no failure,' no
general scare, no interference with
regular business; and the fact that so
fierce a tempest has tell all the sound
stocks so steady would seem to sfiow-
a strong general confidence in a solid
restoration of hosire-v.
There are now fifty gir > among the
siud'-nt« of Cornell University, aud
thirteen of them arc lieshiuen Mi
chigan University has one hundred
and thirty four women students, aud
its President says of the cxperiim nt
of educating the sexes together:
“After our nine years’ experience in
co-edneation, we have become so ac
cuslcmcd to see women take up any
kind of university work, carry it on
sucees-fiilly, graduate in good health,
cause no embarrassment in tho ad
ministration of tbe institution, and
awaken no especial solicitude, in. tli
minds of thetr friends or of their
teachers, that many of the theoretical
discussions of co-education, by those
who have h id uu^opporlnnity to ex
amine it carefully, read strangely to
ns here on the ground.’’ It is a ca
of sincere congratulation that, both
in this country and Euro] e, the op
portunities for women to obtain as
extended an education as mon are
rapidly multiplying. : “t
Wise Word- rrum WsIIser.
Senator Wallace is quoted as say
ing the democratic party is never so
dangerous as thn year after it has suf
fered defeat, lhat ho regards tho Sey
mour movement as mere talk, thinks
Hancock and Bayard the strongest
candidates for the democratic nomi
nation, and believes either could bo
elected. lie thinks tho session of con
gress ought to lie short, and that' it
would be tbe part cf wisdom for the
democrats in congress to remain silent
under tho threatened attacks of the
repnblicans, and not permit them to
stir up a sectional debate, which wonld
only arouse the prejudices of the ig-
Won’t somebody please put Hanlan | norant people of tho ninh against
and Courtney in a pair of shells and he de nocratie party. These are wise
shove them out iuto the Atlantic, to \ words, and we. trust ti.ey may be
have it out by themselves?j • j heeded.
mine that has be u discovered in it.
Well earn from the Echo that a
in gru lAan in the employ of Aft. Bill
Gauhling recently induced a little
colored girl bound lo Mr. Bob Arnold
to steal from him nboul $250, aud
carry it to the scoundrel, which lie
spent iu Athens. The child thought
she was only taking one dollar at the
time, when they were fifty and one
hundred dollar bills. Mr. A. suc
ceeded iu recovering all but fifty
dollar*. ! .,
Mrs. Knox, of Lexington, foynd
,ii)H strawberries in her garden the
27th ultimo.
i A little three-year old child of Mr.
Frank Hill, left at the house with
oilier vhiUlren while its mother was
washiue at the spring, began playing
in the lire, which caught its clothes
umh- burned it to s crisp before i's
mother (lo whom llie other children
ran with tbe intelligence) could reach
A nine year old boy in Oglethorpe
county lias picked over 2,000 pounds
of cotton this season. Ilis name is
Uob> rt .Vui tin.
Mr. C. W. Nowell is slowly recov
ering from a dangerous sickness*
; A litt le daughter «f Jfr Geo. B.
Lumpkin was accideolaily severely
cut jn the' fool with au axe in the
hands of her little brother.
II Jfr. Geo. .McLaughlin is 90 years
old, and never had the toothache till
ifeairtn while ago. i
.Whiter, ton of J. R. Stephens, had
htsHTufod badly cot in n rathe 28th
ulti' ,
Tbe Couoty Treasurer has been in*
ttractcd by the Commisriooen to pay
all qrdera on the treasury heid iu the
, I . „
Thenejis talk of another bar-room
■ W inter ville.
11 i'i'. j *» 1
i, Consumption Cured.
An old phyrioan, retired from
practice, having had placed in hia
hands by ah East India missionary
the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent
cqye lor Consumption Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Asthema, and all Throat and
Lung Affections, also a positiri) and
railical cure for Nervous Debility and
all Xernous Complaints, after having
tested its wonderful curative powers
in thousands of cases, has felt it his"
duty tatnake it known to his suffering
fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffers
ing, I will send free of charge to all
who desire it, this recipe, with full
directions for preparing in German,
French, «r English. Sent by mail by
addressing with stamp, naming this
iper, W. W. Sherar, 149 Powers’
lock, Rochester Jf. Y. scp.9.5t.
’ — 1 —
and Mu sic
dress, statin}
exnericnec, a »it—
Beat of references give
A. B., Atlien», G.i
id the ]>fai tution belonging to the estate of
Joitn Willianm, deotawd, cootuiniug 1*»16 ncrea
Lyhix* on tli; water courses of Apjta.uchie Elver
and Freeiouc’a Creek, adjoining lmiys of Jamea
Branch, Mrs. Brunch, Dr. Price and other*
Said lands are well known and valuable, nrd
will be sold as a whole or in parts, to suit pur
chosen. Sold for distribution among legatees.
Terms cash. Possession given 25th December
next. For further information apply to me at
Xatoulou, Ga. J. M. WILLIAMS, Exec.
Augusta' Fair Ground Traci
1S80, uuder the auspices of the Citizens' Associa
tion. i
First Day.—First race, three-quarters of a mile ,
dash, for two year olds. Second race, mile heats, !
weights for a£c.
Family Grocery Store and Corfecliomry
road Street.
Atliens! Cleorgia,
Next door to A. S. DORSEY,
Keeps on hand at t>H times the finest Tobacco
and Cigars. The best uud Freshest Lemons,
Outages, Apples, Peanuts, Candies and Con-
tectionaiies generally. Also keeps on hand a
constant aupplo of afi country produce, such as
Eggs, Chickens, Butter. Cabbage, Potatoes etc.,
etc. The Cbeajiest Family Grocery* Store and
Day.—First race,
for t hree year olds, fn-oond
race, over eight hurdles.
Third Day—First race,
utiles for alludes. Second race, two mile heats,
all a^es.
Fourth Day.-TroltlnK race, free to all, mile
niAQT of the
to participate !
1 sell special j
lic are nctitied that », as the wife of Kichard
C. Waters, of said caasty, alter the publication
of this notice, for one month, will become
a free trader. Thisifth rtav oINeat., ls7y.
1 hereby give ny consent ihut my wife,
Hester C. Waters, shall become u free trader.
r ** i us 29th duv of Sept., 1870. \
sept. S j. 1879.51.
and one-half miles
s, two mile hurdle I /^Et»KGlA LLAKKE COUNTV.
VJ William Craig Moore, Executor
tichlll ; ;„ u . of I
iiuIimI Flyers of tl»« Turf mo
Kxeur-lon Tickets, ro.kI f-r five
stations on its line and branches a
K. It
nor.!8 1 in. General ;*.j
from all i
r-te of
:* the Juw tor a di:
i are therefore to cite ;i
i l.Kaner
, |H litiuiis
In* 10;h Juu
, Ordinary,
tl.Al.KE Sil Kill EF s,il Kill be sold
r own town. Terms
Address il. iltitei
i .%* i early
i tl.Al.Kl*
\y before \
r. x i
I ^ At I
20 Horse Power Engine for Sale,
Stit'nnryEag'im fjr Sale
sept.S.Sm. Agent A. M. C.
Premiums Offered by the
For the fo lowimr crops at their next Aunuai
Heeling iu the fal of 1880, via:
For the he«* result of oncoc.e in wheat 15.00
“ 2i d «« 14 44 44 44 44 7.50
Fo- the best result of one acre in oat*
u ond 44 44 44 44 4 * •* 7.50
For the best result of one acre in corn f 15.00
44 2nd 44 44 * 4 44 44 * s 44 7.50
The above crops must be growu on upland.
Tl«e Store, No. 1, Broad Street, At'iens, Ga*
wed tbe “Bishop’s Corner,”
For Salo.
very fine desk, 1 lar-jo plain desk, 1 ’copying
es, 1 calendar i> ‘•fdetyll d article in
d order. Applr ncr at No. 1,
Blitrejf, stair*.
h.. ^nop.
nov. 18,701
Actual Businas,, Students
’Change, The Business Worl
l The B
in Miniature, at HOOKE’S BUSINE
_ . ---- 1 .MtfTf 1|
mJ s bt
d a
less, burnt
on tho
by Bilhqo
St. Le
©late uuu Cuputy Tax !i. tiw..
Collector vs. liooert Anbury. Ltv v mutiu mk
turned over t»inn by Jus. K. Hume., L. C
51161 u district, G. M. Utis Dec 1st., lS,t».
J A. BK dVM.Mi, S C. C.
IV itercuj, Kedtlen T. I’ittutd, aduuui«tra>
orof lolm Kirkpatrick, uecenaed, pctnioiis iu
ennaoftlie law lor a Uiacharu** iroiu said ad
These are thercibre to cite and ailiu«mish nil
concerned to stew co se at uiy Ollicfc on or be
fore tlie first Monday in November next, why
said discharge should not be grmiie i.
Given under n.^ ha ml at omce. inis* j>(Uh ot
June. 18"5i.
ASA M JACKSON, ord’m. ry.
first Tuesday !u November
j*o‘d ut tiie Court Uotise door iu th
lentu, Fulton County, Georgia, with
ful hours of Mb-, a city lot iu the c t.»
Clarke County Georgia, fronting t
Street to the East, containing twenty-eight (28)
feet trout, undruumng back r net (ao) fret,
ami mown in the survey of tne residence lot
of Augustus S. Clayton, deceased, by S K.
Lumpkm, Couuty Surveyor, us lot number (fi)
six. Sold as the property of It &yhu Mauptn,
a minor,, as her Guardian, uud*r unu by
virtue of au order of the Court «>i Ordinary ot
said county of Fulton :©r the beucli; of *uid
minor. Terms Cash, This 2d Sent. '18711.
S. B. HOYT, Guardian.
sept.20 28d. Printers fee |5.
-On tl e
e.\t, will be
Ctiy of Ate
uu > lie law-
• f A i hens.
3. C. WILKINS, Athens, Ga
East Offer oi the season.
A Whole Stock of
‘©©10S AT
: itkoou mw
Edward K. Hodgson, aili
Fayette Mnupine deceased petiti i
of the law for a discharge from s. id;
Tbcae are tlicretoro tr»v.i:e and admonish all
concerned ahow cause at my olfice on <>r
be ore the first Monday, iu December next, why
•aid discharge should not be granted.
Given'under mv bund at ofitiw tills 26th
August 1879.
ASA M. JACKSON. Ordinary.
C larke county su
On the Klrt 'AjLiHiiQU ■
'1 tbe a*nst and kgal 1 UoqAmportat I
th. blgheK b’ddeiv the P fcltow* . actual 1
m j
being the ’reOite be of j .m tha 1st 1
Adams, bum (led. on ithe .u
HancockMreat, and on Hi. wniv^hiii
the property of L< tor . U.Mattbua i, to cui ,r 1
two jadgnenta trm CLrlia Superior cl . j
on. obtAbied Mic TCnnMST*. inT.vur of JiSv I
White, and one Hbvemh* Torn, 1 STS, iu tiivi 1
of National Bank of AtWn , Oeor.j|ia, and
agaiaat Lerojr 0. Ha thews, and B. fa. :
nu ler firs: jadzmeiit May 12,1S79, aud s
fi. fu iaoiwl Novembor Sth, 1ST2, and .
made of both fl. fa-, this Deocinbor Sth,
and a deed undo Ibr tlie pnrpoao of m
these levies by J.mes VVliito to L’i
Inuns, December Sth, IS7S, and r
cordo.l in tlie Clerk's olilee of Uu
Court, December 8th, 1ST9, in
sections lboO, J970 and 1971 ol
Georgia of 1378. Legal notice pi
No. 12 N. Eighth St
-J St. Louis, Mo.
- e-e M, tsperieiwt 1. th, of to
fototn nf both ml*utibinalr Ilia unjr i liralr>
tin* tfat multi Of hi« Wax aad -«cmml
hi* Iwt mw works,Jurt publUhiTl, entil 'd *
» •« mlhr OiMri nff FtlMMi arim In all raat-
r iLS* m. a"' 1 and tupply •
I Mi.'Tfc*jr uwfeMUfaUo r.htMmr*. ami In flaht
..cnatly uixWnrtoori. t«u boa.k. ct b.^ci dit
f * kforaMo I iforwilra fc-NJS rr.Tk-ri nna
vp»*«w In nc way cf auHiwntbii ih*r-
tMC.Ikal wytyiw iliwU ka«w. Tlw
f Indiwlion I Ibr Hum. «<acrwlas
TORS S A L1C—l’ttTsnjint to nn oriht
Ct nrt of Ordinary ofUamce county
before the Court 'tfftcse tlw r ol •
during the legal hour* oi'aaie.on t. o fi'
day in D etmbcr next the followiivi^*
to wit: one truct of land on the baruett
road, one and a half-mi re* below hM*
known as tbo J)nr!-ura pluce.
acre* 160 ot which ; ie in cult
in original forest, 2«.i acre.' 1
tlic remainder ccod old field j
tbe place there is a good six U" \n
spring of whter convenient. _.
necessary outbuildings. Ah<H
tlie waters of no.^e ere k aud A .
one mi e from Powell’s Mills
acres, 100 in cultivation, 20 ten*.
forest, 50 acres fine bottom Jan*l, r«n#» s
field pine, On tbe place uTt two ^ o0 “ u i ,j
and two wells Of water Also, J r * rr
order of tho Cop; 11>: Oruiimr> rt l c
tv, will be sold on the fiist '1 •
ber next, the real property bclonfiif
estate of John .a . l ambruggh
listing ot two tracts ofJunu,
tracts sitiuiU! iNing and beifg 5* fj-fr.
Oconee, will be sold at flifc
Watkiuavillc. b’du truct contains lw Jr k
ies five miles South aust ot
known as the Young place, sixty j
place arc iu cultivation, twepty «««• 1
forest, the remainder r,< ; .
thia p ace is n dwelling Hovr-e aud/*®
g«»od water cohvenieni and an cx ® 45 , 4 - *
Tiie oriier tract {situate, lying and L
County ot Greene, will tn; sobl al
House iu Greensboro. Said tn-ct
{jnib 1 place, of
Powetl’* ^
roud lending fo Lvxingb
acres of tins pine.* are
acres in original forest, finy
the remainder in old field pipe
a good dwelling house aim
*ng»i good water convenient. tn« “ u
etc. •
^ Tlie terms of tho Above sales ore
once into a well established trade. Call at once if you desire w-'wc
to be the lucky man. I credit with note aud sppr
Coriiet'of t laytoti and Thomas Streets. wrofJiim A-i*attwb*t>
nov 15 dw.3tn.
The undersigned desiring to retire from the m ircantil v
business, now offers at cost hisf entire stock of goods, consist?
»* if | ing of Dry Goods, hats, ^lioes, croc’ ery, hardware groceries,
Smt | and in indeed every thing usually kept in a first class, mixed
stock of goods. Upon sale of said stock of goods, possession
of the store room now occupied by in will be given at once I *<»»Vnwu »tk.'^wiiz
upon most reasonable terms of ret:t. Haring establUued a'”” * h *' f n ”'“ 1
first rate paying trade and having determined to close out a
cost. No better opportunity was ever offered for ^entering
into a real good mercantile business. Remember, to buy this
stock will be to save the expense of freights, and to enter at
Is ijjuw Selling Off at Cost ht3 Millinery and Fancy Goods, such
as Ilats/Flowers, Trimmings, Silks aud Dress Goods, also .
’Well ABsorttr.d Stock of Loots and Shoes. Remenbjr
13., Br,oad Street, One'door below tho Runrituro Slop-'.
C. MORRIS, Athens, Ga,
All i*er*ou« nre hereby h-rbhMO ^ J , (3
ing or fishing, or iu unv ,u ^ 1 wA
tilt lauds »f A. P. and 11. M Cobb ' j
pdetme. Aryone di^egsv.hi.-'>«•*** A
belheiil rcsj»ou.sible turner r
■ West ley JBIB
‘ l31acltsmitii 1 irD-Opj
Ganx A I
WIhtu all kirn
is done.
§ .
is A ' j
m l