Newspaper Page Text
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Commencement is over and the
gay and festive season of the year is
| For nearly, a month the citizens of
Athens and the visitors have been
engaged with commencement exer
cises and entertainments.
Now comes the hot and sultry days
of summer, the dullest portion of the
year. While many Athenians will
seek the cooler shades of the mom*
tains or spend their vacation by the
seaoahore let those who remain ring
a change over the natural order of
events and make this season one of
the busiest times in the history of
the Classic City.
We have every reason to be on the
alert and active in every particular.
In the next few months many im
portant events will take place in
On June 23d will occur the great
land sale of the Athens Park & Im
provement Company. On that day
a large number of outsiders will be
here and will doubtless make invest
ments. Thus the city will be bene*
filed, and perhaps gain several good
citizens thereby. v
The 6., C. & N. will be within the
gates of the city by the middle of
July, and that will mark a progres
aive point in the hiBtory of Athens.
The Farmers’ Alliance will hold
its'grand rally on July 16th and
The last of a lot elegant Bargains to be turned loose at Max Joseph’s. While the quantity is limited, the choice is very good yet The earlier you come, the better your selection wil)i, I
many distinguished speakers will be
present. The city will be turned
over to the farmers on that day.
At 1 cent a yard for 5 cents Lawns; ^
At 1 1 8 cents a yard for 5 cents Figured Muslins;
At 2 tents a yard for 6 cents Bleaching;
At 2^ cents a yard for 10 cents Black Check Lawn;
At 2} cents a yard for Fine Satteens;
At 2^ cents a yard for 6 cents Calicoes;
At 2^ cents a yard for 5 cents Chillies;
At 31 cents a yard for 8£ cents Challies.
At 3 cents a yard for 7 cents Bleaching;
At 60 cents a pair for $1 00 Oxford Ties;
At 50 cents a pair for $1 00 Slippers;
At 85 cents a pair for 1 75 Button Shoes;
At 1 00 a pair for 2 25 Lace Shoes; ,
At 75 cents a pair for 2 00 Boy’s Patent Oxfords;
At 1 00 a pair for 2 00 Men’s Patent Oxfords;
At 1 cent a piece for 2£ cents Palmetto Fans.;
At 5 cents a piece for 15 cents Folding Fans;
At 1£ cents a paper for 5 cents paper Pins;
At 2 cents a paper for 10 cents Needles;
At 2J cents for 5 cents Spoo' of Thread—only one dozen to each customer.
At 25 cents,for 50 cents Corsets;
At 2 cents for 10 cents Handkerchiefs;
At 4 cents for 10 cents Men’s Hose;
At 5 cents for 10 cents Ladies’ Hose ;
At 1£ cents for 5 cents White Linen Tape;
At 5 cents for 10 cents paeknge Rick Back Braid;
At 2 cents for 10 cents Crochet Medals;
. At 3 cents for 10 cents fine Rubber Combs;
At 31 cents for a 10 cents Toilet Soap;
At 5 cents for 10 cents Pearl Dress Buttons;
At 5 cents for 15 cents Linen Spool Thread;
At 6J cents for 15 cents fine W ide Scrim ;
At 7 cents for Silk Spool Thread, best;
At 3 cents for large 10 cents Palmetto Fans;
At 20 cents for fancy Worked 35 cents Fans;
At 65 cents for $1 00 Gloria Umbrellas; .
At 6 cents for 10 cents Outing Flannel;
At 5 cents for 10 cents Mattrass Ticking,
4 cents foi 6 cents Sea Island.
At 2 cents for 5 cents Figured Muslin
At 2 1-2 cents for 10 cents Lace Scrim.
Ac 3 cents for 15 cents Polca dot Tissue, yard wide.
U4 cents for 15 cents Cretonne yard wide Curtain;
At 2 1-2 cents for 6 cents Bleaching;
At 6 3-4.c. for 12 cents Bleaching better than Fruit,
At 4 cents for 8 cento Challies ;
At 7 1-2 cents for 15 cents Llama Cioth;;
At 3 1-2 cents for 7 cents Checfc Nainsooks:
At 3 cento for 10 cents Black Check Lawn ;
At 8 1 2 cents for L5 cents Black Lace Mull;
at 3 cents for 10 cents Satin Palm Fans, largest size
at 5 cents for 10 cents 12 inch folding Fans;
at 10 cents for 25 cents white parchment Fans;
at 10 cts. for 20 cts heavy gold and silver heavy
at 1 50 for 3 00 silk Umbrellas; ‘ ail \
at 2 50 lor 5 00 best make silver nailed handle P. ii
/ Clogg make Silk Umbrellas;
at 10 cents lor 25 cents Gent’s gauze Undershirts,
at 25 cents for 50 cents Gent’s Balbriggan Undershirts-
at 43 cents for 75 cents special bargain German ud4
at 21 cents for 40 cents Turkey red Table Cloths; ’ l,;
at 50e, for 75c. Ladies’ Chemises, embroidered and tucked
at G8 cents 1 00 V shaped front Chemise, tiimmed w ;. h i
embroidery or lace. 1 “ *
The Grand Lodge of Good Tem
plars, of Georgia, will meet here du
ring the latter part of July, and it is
quite a large and able body.
The 8tate Agricultural Convention
will be here in August, and it will
be one of the most distinguished of
Thus it will be seen that the city
I At 1 1-2 cents for 6 cents Challies.
will be lively enough during the
coming months.
It behooves every citizen to help
make the most of these affairs ; to
entertain royally and show the peo
ple what is t in the Classic City.
The Banner stands ready to should
der its share of any work.
At 3 cents for 20 cents yard wide Pine Apple Tissues
At 2 cents for 5 cents Cambrics.
At 2 1-2 cents’10 for cents fine Satteens.
at 6 l-2cfcs x for 121-2 cents black Satin Striped Lawn; at 18 cents for 35 cents fine Muslin Corset Covers;
at 10 cts for 20 cents black Organdies, 45 inch wide, , at 60 cents for L00 handsome embroidered Corset cover;
at 10 cents for 20 cents black 45 inch bordered Lawn • « » 00 fOT ^ 00 Men s Patent Oxfords;
ai iw cenis ior cents umci to iutu uuiumco uawu v. at 2 25 for 3 50 Men’s patent hand-sewed Oxfords;
*t 10 cts. for 20 cts white 45 inch lace boidered Lawn i 50 for 2 50 Men’s hand-sewed patent Opera Pu
at 6 1-2 cents lar 12 1-2 cents Zephyr Ginghams,
at 5 cents foj 10 cents Fine Dress Ginghams;
at 6 cent 8 for 12 12 cents fine French Satteen;
at 7 cents lor 15 cents double width tine Lace Scrim,
at 1 1-4 cents each for 10 cents handkerchiefs;
at 5 cents for 20 cents fine hem-stitched handkerchiefs;
at 50c. for 75c. Men s Tennis Oxfords
at 1 00 for 2 50 Ladies Calf Skin Russet Oxfords;
at 90 cents for 2 00 fine Dongola Ladies Button Shoes;
Pins, 4 papers for 5 cents;
Thread, 3 cents a spool, limit 1 dozen spools;
Agate Buttons 2| cents a card,
at 15c. for 50c. large bottles fine Cologne
At, 65 cents for 1 25 gold cap or nickel crook handle Gloria a t 5 cents for 15 cents fine cream Toilet Soap.
Black Parasols 24 inch;
at 25 cents for 50 cents Gents Outing Shirts;
booked at 20 cents for 35 cents fine Balbriggan Sox Silk ;
at 25 cents for 50 cents black plated Silk Sox;
at 40 cents for 75 cents black silk Sox;
at 50 cents for 85 cents black silk Sox, finest made,
at 25 cents for 50 cents Ladies Lisle Ingrain Hose;
at 18 cents for 35 cents Children’s ribbed seamless Hose;
at 1 cent each for 3 cents Palmetto Fans;
at 4 cents for 10c. Towels, all Linen,
at 19 cents for 35 cents fine damask Towels, knotted fringes '
fancy blue border;
At 33£ cents 600 yards all colors fine Surah Silk; worth 75 cents
Choice at 1 95 lor entire dress, Black Muli Embioidered Hubes, q va Jj
each 45 inch wide, deep embroidered with hem„stitched, very tine 4 ta (
dol ar KoO. s.
At 65 cents for entire robe; 10 White Robes 44 yards each, 45 inches V.fy
handsome border, value 1 15,
At 65c. for entire dress 12 Black Robes 4£y'ds long,45incheswide, value 155,
How often are such bargainsuffered to you ? How much is my profit ? None. How much the loss ? Great. It is alarming to sacrifice goods in such manner. But these« gj
the burdens of merchandising. The goods cannot be carried over. On the 1st of July I begin stock-taking. Only 4 weeks ago this great stock was brought out, and to day to lie put
on the Slaughter Tables. Salea positively strictly cash, and no deviation from this rule. I am sacrificing the goods in exchange for the money.
The subject of divorces has claim
ed the attention of the people from
time immemorial. It is one of the
aflairs of life in which there has been
a regular and progressive evolution,
that is, in the way it has been con
sidered. Years ago it was looked
upon as a crime ; to-day it is a com
mon place occurrence.
Considered thus in a civilized
community, it is no wonder that its
increase should be marked by the
ease with which the divorce can be
obtained. Fonr centuries ago the
law of God was the law which guided
our ancestors in this (breaking of the
marriage tie. To day the most tri
vial excase is presented and exag
gerated to snit the plaintiff, and half
the States in the country will readi
ly give affidavit for the separation
It is not then surprising that in such
a largely populated country, where
many hasty marriage contracts are
made, and separation is so easily ob
tained, that those desirous of divorce
should increase in number, as the
slightest offences are made grounds
for the separation.
Statistics uphold the fact that di
vorce is on the increase throughout
the country. In Georgia the-laws
are far more stringent than in many
other States ; therefore the laments*
ble fact does not come under onr
immediate notice.
Why are divorces so frequent?
We may enumerate three reasons :
first, unfortunate and uncongenial
marriages ; second, a desire to re
marry, either for love or money ;
and lastly, the fact that woman is
daily becoming more and more inde
pendent of man as she finds her vo
cation in many of the walks of life
which had heretofore been filled ouly
by men.
Such are the facts in the case, and
it is to be regretted that a state of
society has been reached where di
vorce is made so easy that the most
trivial excuse, often no more than
harsh words, will be accepted as a
plea for divorce, in direct opposition
to the Mosaic law.
The whole English nation is stir
red to the "very centre concerning the
scandal in which the Prince of Wales
has just been detected.
The good, honest people of that
country are opening their eyes to
the profligate habits of those in high
places, and distrust and discontent
are growing among them.
They are just beginning to realize
that in this enlightened nineteenth
century no man or set of men, how
ever high in station, rank, or office
have the right to squander the reve
nues obtained from a toiling people
with which to support the govern
And it may be that other nations
will some day follow suit.
The democratic nominee for 1892
will be a man who in the estimation t
of the largest number of democrats
can effectively carry out the policy of
the party as well as uphold its honor.
Will it be Cleveland or Hill, or
who will it be? One thing at least
is certain, Cleveland will not get the
vote of .New York. His views as
publicly expressed on many subjects,
have met with the strongest opposi
tion on the part of the demoorats of
the Empire State. Outside of the
State his following has not dimin
ished to any great extent, except in
Englishmen are wont to be liberal a few localities where there seems to
towards the royal family, but when ; be a disposition to boom Gov. Hill
it comes to allowing the Prince of
Wales to recklessly squander money
aronnd the gaming table, while they
sweat and toil in poverty, it passes
beyond endurance.
The public press of England is
loud in its demonstration of the
actions of the Prince ot Wales, and
in this opinion is doubtless backed
by^the people.
The question as to whether Wales
will ever mount the English throne
is one of serious speculation* The
people of England are not yet ready
for overthrowing their system of
government by any means, but it is
to be gravely doubted whether the
heir apparent to the throne will ever
reign. -
Queen Victoria is^advanced in
years and it is only the question of a
short time until Great Britain will
pass under the rule of another sov»
There is a growing sentiment in
England towards republicanism.
While Mr. Gladstone is not an ad
vocate of the establishment of a re
public, still many of bis speeches,
plans, and actions indicate a strong
sentiment on bis part in that di»
There can be no donbt but that the
republican sentiment is gainingin
Henry Grady never said a truer
thing than this: “The trend of the
times is with us. France, Brazil,
these are our victories.”
for the presidential nomination.
Hill would get the solid vote of
the New York delegation and of sev
eral of the Western states unless a
Western man should enter the race,
and the chances are that this might
be the case though there is no telle
ing who it will be with any more
certainty than that it would be a
California man.
Cleveland’s strength in the Sonth
is greater than that of Hill, though
endeavors are being made in many
sections to reverse this order of af
fairs, What success will be met
with, only time can telL It is cer
tain however that if Mr. Hill se
cures the nomination he will do so,
with a small Sonthern constituency.
His following in the Northern and
Western States muBt then be suf
ficient to make up this deficit.
Other “men have been spoken of
tary prominently in connection with
the nomination, bat the fight seems
now to be between Cleveland and
Hill. Hill has New York pretty
solid, with the vote of other sec
tions, while Cleveland may be pret
ty sure of the solid South.
company, go upon this mission which
is of so great importance, not only to
the company but to the whole State.
There is nothing so important to a
State as a well-trained militia, and
these annual encampments are the
best opportunties afforded for in
struction and perfection in military
science, as well as the practical part
oi the soldier’s life.
Let’s have a good repretentation of
the Rifles at Chickamauga on the
29th, and those who aid in bringing
about this result, will not regret it.
Says the Agusia Chronicle: “The
announcement that twelve out of
twenty-nine of the graduating class
of the University of Georgia had
paid their own way through college,
shows the spirit and fibre oi the
boys now bet ug turned out of that
institntiou. This, dm s not look much
like A’hens wm a coi >*ge oi rich
men’s sons. It proves iliat it is the
Mecca of nMf-msde men, and that
every man iu Georgia who has-the
ability and determination can get an
educa ion in Athens.”
And this ain’t all Boys are edu
cated at lire University to hccome
good farmers, and that is just what
what the Suite aud ihe South needs
to-day—more educated farmers.
According to the Brewers’ Hand
book, there were 30 Oil 079 barrels
of beer consumed in this country
daring the year ending the first ot
May, showing an excess ol 3,200,000
barrels over the consumption of the
previous year. Ot thisumounl M!.^
sacbusetis is debited with about a
million barrels.—Boston Herald.
Georgia comes in for a goodly
share; and is about on a par with
The Rifles should receive all the
eucourgement possible in this camp
ing venture, as it is for their good
and improvement.
The merchants should consider
the matter, and be glad to let any oi
their employes, who belong to the
Gold seems to be leaving this
country rapidly. Between March
18th and June 4ih the aggregate ex
port to European countries were $50,-
724,7i2. It is a mistake about Rua a
aia receiving most of this gigantic
supply into her coffers. The three
leading European banks outside of
Russia show au increase ol $59,118.-
850,which evidently means that they
have received $8, 394138 in addition
to that which has left the banks of
the United States.
Mr. Wanamaker has a pbenome*
nally short memory. Sometimes he
says one thing and later, another
which is in the direct conflict with
it. On April 2nd he recommended
in a letter to Comptroller Lacy that
the appointment oi a receiver for the
Keystone bank be deferred a day.
But his statement before the council
committee in Philadelphia, declared
emphatically that he was not in
strumental in delaying it for one
minute. Th* re seeme to be a large
cat in the l ag.
The abuse of the inteiview is one
of the outrages of modern newspaper
work. It is often done out of spite,
as when some man will not talk to a
reporter, be makes up a bog as inter
view and publishes it as coming from
the man purported to have been in
terviewed. Such was the way in
which Mr. Mills was treated by a
well-known New York journal. This
is one of the nuisances of journalism
and should be abated.
The latest society young woman
to adopt the stage as a profession is
Miss May Lloyd, of Atlanta, who
recently made her debut in an Ohio
town under the name of Helen Gor
don. Miss Lloyd is an unusually
pretty girl,possessing the advantages
of a handsome neck and bast, finely
moulded arms and a graceful, well-
rounded figure. She is a girl of
charming manner, and has been very
popular in society.—N. Y. World.
Chief Justice Fuller is said to
dislike the sombre garb in which the
Justices of the Supreme Bench array
themselves. He prefers lighter hues
in garments, and his street attire
this summer comprises a white high
hat, a light colored Prince Albert
coat and light trousers. * Inasmuch
as his wavy hair aud silky mustache
are almost white Mr. Fuller presents
a picturesque figure ou the streets.—
New York World.
Ozburn has about failed iu bis
plea of insanity. His dodge was
somewhat clever, but be has about
given it up, and will bang the latter
part of this month. George Wash
ington will be bung on the fonrtb of
July. This is a poor requital to the
father ot his country, to be huug ou
the anniversary of the great decla
It seems that after all, Commis
sioner Raum is to be retained in of
fice. He has been in a sort of a
league with the sharpers, and the
ease with which a pension claim can
be gotten thtougb is enough to shock
a lover of honest administration.
The government seems to be to- day
without protection from the fraudu--
lent pension claimers.
The <* Coffin tack” will get in its
deadly work. A 15-year old lad in
Milledgeville bas been pronounced
hopelessly blind as a result of smo
king cigarettes. Take warning !
There is a poison in them more dead
ly than the serpent’s bite or ihe ad
der’s sting.
The Chicago Herald puts it thus :
The Godsfearing people of Great
Britain have as bard a customer in
the Prince of Wales as pious Amer
icans have in Matt Quay. Albert
Edward is tough and he does not
seem to care a continental who knows
it. The same is true of Quay.
In New York the mercury stands
at 95 to 98 in the shade, and there
are small chances of relief from the
terrible effects of the heat this sum -
To-day John Temple Graves is
stringing au argosy of pearls at the
University of Tennessee.—Macon
White.—Prof. H. C. White has com
pleted his first year as President of the
State College of Agriculture and Me
chanic Arts. The results of the years
work are very encouraging.
Metcer.—Col. George A. Mercer, of
Savannah, is now in c.-maiand of the
troops at Chickamauga. He is one of
the most thorough military men in
Harris.—Hon. N. E. Harris, of Ma
con, who was in attendance upon the
meeting of the hoard ot trustees of the
University, is one of the firmest friends
that institution has.
A New York Young Man Sale
Deal' and Dumb.
The Peculiar Story of Jurist
Fields’s Collector.
A Singular Cftsc Refore the Tomb. Toll"
Court—Kobort Mullt-v’s Tale ol
Get* a Gltum of Iteer—AmuuiIM ai
Robbed-—Ola Speeeli ami
Hopkins.— Or. I. S. Hopkins, of At
lanta, has made the Technological
school, an institution of which Georgia
may well feel proud. As president of
that college lie has served his purpose
well, aud merits great praise from the
Atkinson.—Hon. W. Y. Atkinson,
of Newnan, will make a splendid move
ment in the next Legislature in behalf
of the school system of Georgia. He
seeks to bind the common schools and
the University and branch colleges
more closely together in their work.
Athletes say it is easier to jumD a
board fence than a board bill.—[Texas
It is astonishing how innocent a po
liceman can look when he’s on parade.
— [Columbus Post.
Assignment is the moral anesthetic
that relieves a man from payin’.—
Washington Post.
The small boy can’t g.-t away from
the green apple by doubling on his
track.—[Washington Post.
S[feaking about ornithology, did you
know that larks are bred from swallows?
—[Binghamptou Leader.
One reason why some people are not
so wicked as ot tiers iB because they
haven’t bad so good a chauce.—[The
Barn’s Horn.
When there is a light going on in an
omnibus, the driver looks down in a
satisfied sort of way and says: “I’m
not in it.”—[New Orleans Picayune.
Job once said the ostrich was the
most foolish of all animals. The man
who takes a pug dog out for its
morning walk was not allowed to exist
in Job’s time.—New York Recorder.
Pugilist: I want you to design me
a crest with an appropriate motto. De
signer: Here’s just what vou waut:
two dukes rampant and the’motto,Blood
will tell.—Harvard Lampoon.
, They say that a woman cannot rea
son,-but as longas she has her faculty
of intuition she seems to get along all
right. Besides, sho can usually get a
mau to reason for her.—Somerville
A New York paper has discov ered
that “a man has rights in a N -w York
horse car.” We’ve known that fora
long time, and that there is where be
has to stand up for them, too.—Yonkers
A Hard Worker.—Jones: How does
it happen that Robinson never does
anything? He seems very lazy.
Brown: No, he cornea near the biblioal
Standard. He earns his bread by the
sweat of his frau. He keeps u boarding
house.—Detroit Free Press.
New York, June 19.—A very pecniisr
case has been brought before the Tumla
police court,
Robert Malley, aged 22, a collector to
David Dudley Fi$ld, the eminent jnrift,
appeared against three tough l in
dividuals whom he charged with as
saulting him. Malley told a strange
story by means of paper ami iieucil. On
Monday be was in the lmst of health, u
usual. Iu the'morning he m»<l& .1 trip
to Forty-fourth street to cubcct son.*
money for Mr. Field. About 2 o'clock
in the afternoon he started down on tin
elevated. He had ft-to and a chock to
$200 in his pocket. He got < il the trail
at Chatham square, and eutering* | * r
loon had a glass of beer. He did not re
turn home that night, and his father
became somewhat alarmed, as Roi^*
was not considered a wild or dissipate
young man.
A search was made among his friends
but no tidings were received. The
lice were then asked for assistance,
Robert’s fattier still continued
search, and at last succeeded in lindm;,
his son, but great was the fathers
amazement to perceive that the young
man was «lenf and speechless.
He informed Justice Taintor in writ
ing that he lost all remembrance |
events after taking that glass ol beer on
Monday afternoon. He lia/1« dim i*®f:
lection, however, of having been
sanlted by mem and severely molten an
then robbed. The young man bore ® ’
dence of haviug been roughly bau (li *“
The elder Malley stated that hi* *
possessed all of his faculties when
left home Monday morning, and that
must have lost his speech and b«W“K
through drugs, fright or the beatmg*
reC eiYe<L
Maggie Williams, aged 18, who bitch
ed a little when she told the justice tn»
she was the wife of a Chinaman ana re
dded at 19 Pell street, was a ' nt ?c^
The Williams girl stated that on-U" .
day afternoon she met young Malley “
Pell street aud the Bo-.very. They wa-
ed down .Pell street together to lv- „
the hallway Malley wrote on the wan
that he hou $300, aud asked her tog
and have a good time. He used mobi ■
only, and did' not speak. Tins
woman also testified that Pat nek Hint.
John Leonard, Patrick Morrow «
Judge. O’Toole, acquaintances o. n •
were present and assisted her to spe“ ,
ing Smiley’s money. They were arree
and held. , , .„ tha
Malley will probably be placed In w
hands of an expert for exaninifti ■ ’
there being some doubt as to the «u ,
of his statement that ho is * n “
Mr. h rank Fontaine, who has been a
law student at the University for the
pa.-t year, went to Atlanta yesterday
morning. He will take a Summer law
course at the University of Virginia.
Misses Ella Pope and Clara Wnsi-
ly, who nave been spending comment
ment with Miss Mamie Lou Hintoniw*
ves;©rday for home. Tltey will stop •
tow days iu Atlanta with frit mm.