Newspaper Page Text
atwens banner >- Tuesday mo:
INING , JUNE 23,1891
- — *^ T ,vT-V.'-. .
|TS annual meeting ir
H ° the prayer room. I
! J2«£S« o,t,J .SEK&»"2 ^
hands they were receiving the wean^
Xlli: seniors enrolled.
im ittoo for Election of Next Years*
C rn " 1 ReDort of Committee of
Ora or kki-u.
Nin0 to be Heard To-Day-Jun-
, or speakers-The Sophomore
Medals Delivered. ,
Tlie Alnmi.i Society met this raorn-
1 ,,' L -!,.ck in the Prayer room or
i^.iwrsity. . , *
V;, u . was a quorum present, but tlie
.•'.tuH'h'e was not so largo as usual.
u.i st important business
the society was
„ ( ,f the r* p nt oftiie com-
thf ,lU nine of which Judge Howard
chairman. The coro-
to re
Van Reps "
' was appointed last year
"'huh v.nne scheme for the endown-
|,r „f the University, but as the
fas not present the bearing
ejairman w
V tsifij«ei.ed until to-morrow.
,-er by l>r. BoggSj the
r class whohavonow be-
ntimi were enrolled upon
a ."roll "f the society ,and then the
oi business was pursue .
was nothing of importanei
be brought up, it was
to meet to morrow
o’clock at which
,vlW‘ I
Bat a*
m .vci to adjourn
t-ftnoou at live
limir ilio tejioiT of Chairman Van Epp-.
to Is-heard. l>r. Hoggs stated that
, '. IV wnv oiln rmatters of important
, , . ,1,.. .oriel v and amended til.
biion “o _ »
tI( , n |, V .uhslitiitiog nine o’caojk foi
i;,f„ie the motion had been carried,
I! . .V-dovall moved that theregd-
l, r of iMii.iiieS8 lie taken up ami
■•iety proc(;ed with the elec
ire.-iileiit and an orator foi
lar oi
the t!“‘ ■'
timi 1,1 il
next ye"!
M .1 l’l
lor'uiie 11
fur a tern
i. Mrldrim. “It is yonr niis-
,• to Lave elected your president
,am of three years, and his term
l vet expired by two.”
jinist this Juncture it was stated
il.iit Mr.lfaiunoiid was ready speak.Th*
H c„ ty d.. n took a recess, and starched
Ultlie etiapi I by classes to hear./
\f:or mu-ie amt a prayer by Rev. Dr
h. ill, I ns. Mtldiim introduced to
tin' .mil
flmrt -i«
:o ilie C
ll<m. X. .1- Hammond in a
i-l, in whirli tie spoke of him
1 al"ini:tis. /
n >,oinl then advanced upon
and delivered one of the
rut most eloquent speeches
ever been heard by the soei
llii .iiiijeei was “great men,” and he
i 3 one nt i it in. lie spoke of their use
si,,! o-niei-s to the state, how they
sir'lli11 in- nmiied and educated, and the
tv ,ti of the University in their early
training. His address contained re*
uatbiit vt..l interest not only to the
v.Hiiiii but to the students of the Uni-
VtMty, Aim it w as a great pleasure to
ad » lie cd him. It has been spoken
oi mi all sides as the ablest address
wlii. li has li< en made from the chapel
ftiiie m vears.
the profound attention of
5ahfh^ nt, i eme , n who received
uals have already made sonsid-
rJ^in r 5 r ' 11tat l on . A 8 orators and deba-
and il is conlident-
thev ^dlf d t«i the,r maD y trends that
tney will yet crown their present
achievements with still greater sucwss
Although only two medals wort
awarded honorable mention wns made
of the other speakers in behalf of the
committee, and it is the verdict of all
that all the young men acquitted them
selves with much credit.
senior’s day.
To-morrow is commencement day,
and the Seniors and lawyers delive-
the., essays and speeches.
Exercises will begin at 10 A. M. Af-
ter tue orations Diplomas will be award
ed to the graduating classes.
In the afternoon tha law class will be
admitted to the bar and then he ready
to enter the battle of life in their chosen
The graduating classes this year are
exceptionally fine ones and bear the
Pro’jwe now of much usefulness to
their State.
Mrs. White's Reception.
i ne annual reception to the gradua
ting class tendered by Mrs. H. u
White last evening was the social event
of Commencement.
Each year Mrs. White gives this re
ception to the young men who go forth
as Alumni of the University, and the
reception tendered the class of 18f»l was
one of the greatest successes and most
-brilliant entertainments ever in tin-
Classic City.
The elegant parlors of the residence
were .exquisitely decorated and this leni
additional beauty to the scene.
The ball room, the halls, the parlors,
and veranda were all thronged with
happy visitors, and all was merry and
The Bearden, band furnished sweet,
music by which the happy dancers
whirled through the mazes of the
Distinguished visitors from all over
i he state were present, and the ocea-
ion of this reception is on<- long to be
n membered for its plcasuic and enjoy
ment. J 3
ANNUAL meeting of the asso
President Glassner Calls the Meeting
to Order tn the Kimball House Par
lors—Editor Crawford’s Reso
An ache or a pain is not of itself a
disease, it is but a symptom,and warns
the sufferer that there is something
the matter with his physical organiza
tion. Weak kidneys, bad blood, and
nervousness are frequently the source
of cause of tlie many mysterious aching
sensations that aillict the body. You
can remove the cause of such' distress
by using B. B. B. (Botanic Blood
C. H. Roberts, Atlanta, Qa., writes:
“My Kidneys were disordered and nave
me excruciating pain. A single bottle
of B B. B helped me wonderfully ”
Wm. N. Nelson, McDonough,' Ga.,
writes: “B. B. B. has benefited my
daughter very much. She w.ts sfilict-
<•(1 with' severe nervousness. 1 think
it the best family medicine,”
W. R. Ellis. Brunswick, Ga., writes:
“1 have tried B. B B. and it a great
thing for the blood. It also cured me
of rheumatic pains.”
An Exquisite Poem by Miss Mary
Ella Noble.
Following is an exquisite little poem
from the pen of Mits Mary Ella Noble
of this city. It is well conceived and
beautifully written.
With visions and fancies
Ai.lanta, Ga, June 16.—[Special.]—
The press of Georgia took the city by
storm to-day.
They began dropping in one by one
—the jolly Georgia editors—last eve
ning, and by noon to-day T there was
assembled a number >of the brainiest,
men in the state at the Kimball bouse
President W. L. Glessner, of Ameri-
cus, called the meeting to order, and in
the absence of Mr. J. W. Chapman,
secretary of the State Press association,
Mr. H H. Cabaniss, was elected secre
tary protem.
Mr. Clark Howell said:
“It is seldom that the head of a gn at
newspaper fills at the same time a great
position of trust and honor. There i
one present whom you all know by
name, and I would like for him to stand
up and give you a few words of wel
come right here. I moan Mr. Hemp
hill, mayor of Atlauta.”
‘■Gentlemen of the Press Associa
tion,” said Mr. Hemphill, “it afiords
me great pleasure, not only as a news
paper man, but as mayor of a great city,
to welcome you to At'anta.
“Atlauta is a great patron of news
papers. Not only does she patronize
her own paper , hut those throughout
Georgia. Atlanta welcomes the press
of Georgia, and we want you to forget,
for the ume, free silver, the Ocala plat
form, woman’s rights and everything
else, and feet at home.”
“Atlanta welcomes you and I want
you to feel that the latch string hangs
on the outside.”
“Gentlemen,” said Mr. Glessner, “as
president of the association, I extend to
you our thanks for your kind and gen
erous words oi welcome.”
The afternoon s --.nwas ealled to
order at 3 o’clock. O n imttee made
their reports. The committee on elec
tion reported the folio ing names of
officers for election: W. L. Gressner,
A Cloudburst that Cleaned a Tennes
see Village.
Knoxville, Tenn., J nne 16.—At New-
manvilie, Greene county, a cloudburst
did great damage. The place is remote
from the railroad and telegraph, but in
formation comes of the calamity. The
fall of water is something terrific, and
a small creek became a raging river 100
yards wide and rnauy feet deep. The
store house, residence and all outbuild
ings of T. N. King were swept away,
the flood coming so’ quickly that he did
not have time to close his store doors.
The postofiice was kept in his store, and
everything was lost. An iron safe,
weighing 1,500 pounds, was carried one-
fourth of a mile by the force of the
water. A number of other houses were
carried away, and all crops aloug creek
bottom land destroyed. The water came
down so fast that the people barely
time to grab their children and flee to
the ridge, and if they had not been near
there would have been serious loss of
life. Considerable stock was drowned,
but no life lost, so far as reported. The
property damaged will amount to quite
a large sum, but no estimate is given.
“—•—TL~r.v.. ——
Pokier Tom’s Slayer (Whacked up by |
Avenging Indians.
Saji Francisco, June 16.—Alette? re
ceived at the Chinese consulate here
says: Ah Quong Tia, having been ac
quitted of the charge of murdering
Poker Tom, the Pinte Indian, at Bridge
port, Cal., was dragged from the court
room and turned over to the Indians, by
whom he was cut . to pieces. The Chinese
consul here will bring the matter to the |
attention of the Washington govern
The Indians now believe that Tia made |
fricasse ot Tom’s head and heart, and
served it as a feast The Chinamen gave
himself up to the police, as he feared an
attack from the Indians.
Indians kept guard around the jail all
night, fearing that Tia would get away.
Tia was arraigned on a charge of mur
der. He admitted the killing, but said |
it was done in self defense. He killed
Tom with a clnh, and then cut the body,
up to escape detection. The justice of
the peace acquitted him, and as he was
leaving the court room the Indians bound
him with a rope, and led him half a mile |
from town. Then a brother of Tom cut
off one arm. The Chinaman cried pite
ously, but the Indiana cut off his other
ana. Then they cut off both bin legs
and his head. They cut his breast open
with a cleaver and scattered his entrails
through the sage brush. Two hundred
from Greer county, in the extreme armed Indians were present, and the
southwestern part of the Indian territo- butcher y was witnessed by two white
ry, reports that the Red river and its the sheriff did not protest no one
north fork have been out of their banks interfered with the Indiana The law-
for over a week, completely hemming >' ers and the justice of the peace are
the people in and cutting off all com- S®* f °{[ acquitting Tia as it was
munication with the outside world. $£ms wouU%11m£?
Ine rainfall there has been simply
terrible and the people are suffering ev-1 row Tom*. Flesh Sewed,
erywhere. Over half the wheat crop Qi> . ~ T ,
Jias been entirely ruined, and corn and ■ Francisco, June 16.—It is re-
to Women
If you v/ould protect yourself
from Painful, Profuse, Scanty,
Suppressed or Irregular Men
struation you must use?
About the Terrible Rain. In
County, Texas.
Arkansas City, Kan., June 16.— A
gentleman who. has just arrived here
Carters nuns, April S8,1890.
This will certify that two members of my
Immediate family, after having suffered for
K from Mmi»tro»l Irregularity,
treated without benefit by physicians,
were at length completely cured by one bottle
of Bradfleld’a Female Regulator. Its
effect is truly wonderful. J. w. Strange.
bob bale by all DBUQQISZ3.
aNordlnart Cuamrkks, May sdth 'i831.—
The ai'Pi.-iinofS appointed upon .ipplicatiou of -
i«&utaGrant widow of Janies A. Grant for a
twelve months’ support for herself and minor
child, en, having filed their returns, all persons
concern, d are hereby cited to show cause if any
they have at the next July term of this court.
Why said application should not be granted,
w5t Ordinary.
I n pursuance to an order of the Superior
Court of Clarke county, granted at the
April term, 1891, we will sell before the
courthouse door of said county, between the
legal hours of sale, od the first Tuesday ia
July next, the tallowing property to wit: Ore
lot of laud located in the city of Athens, con
taining three quarters ($£) of an acre, more or
less, and bounded as follows to wit: On the
north by River Street, on west by E. S. Lyn
don, on the east by Bridge street, and on the
south by Floyd Dixon, and known as the Moon
place. Said property sold os the property of
Margaret N. Moon, william T. Moon, Ilarrioi
Pottj, Air anda E. McDennond, Robert C. Moon,
and Lovenia Moon and her four minor children
Freddy Moon, Ola Moon, lfeolah Moon, and
Johnnie Moon, tenants in common holding and
owning said lot of land. Said property will ba.
sold for the purpose of division am ng said co-
tenants. Terms of sale, cash.
J. R. Christt, |
J. '*f. Win, V Commissioners,
rsa. I
W. A Jbstbb. 1
May SI, 1891
The Wonderful Cure For
A ll persons having demands against the es
tate of Martha Lewis, Jate of Clarke coun
ty, deceased, are hereby notified to render in
their demands to the undersigned according to
law, and all persons indebt^ato said estate are
required to make in mediate payment.
This 26th day of May, 18?..
ydministrator of Martha Lewis, dec’d.
tXv U1 be sold before the courthouse door In
Athens,Clarkeconntv,Giorgi .onistTnes-
dsyln July 1891, between the legal house ot suio
at pub' ic outcry, to Cue highest bidder the fol
lowing property to wit: a certain tract of land
lying In Clarite county, known as part of the
estate of — ” ■
May 15,1
One Dollar Weekly
oats are nearly'killed. A cloud burst I P°rted to the Chinese legation here that I „ n nn A f'fAA THot-nli Ivw I propertv belongingt
inundated the little town of Fraser, Poker Tom, the Piute Indian disap- ou J s “ v - rUUU VJU1U WdLCIl Dy granted by the Oi
ruining eveiy merchant s stock of goods'] peared five weeks ago, and his body was I (Viir fjliik C vre+prn . - 1 *■-
and compelling people to flee for their | tomXcnt. into X I ° 1UD system,
lives. Iwo persons were drowned ir
the town and three in the country.
Along Tnrkey creek a dozen or so houses
were washed away.
_ - - - - . found cut into small pieces.
iwo persons were drowned in | The body had been packed in brine I Our u karat i pateni'fcttflbned oold Oases ate
and was completely pickled. Ah Tia
gave the Indians a
A Mr. Phillips and daughter-in-law,
floated a mile on a portion of their
house, one finally washed ashore. Mrs.
Phillips and little daughter grasped the
1 hung there till
after Poker Tomduamieiired served ‘ Warranted F°r 20 Years,
some choice delicacies, which the In
dians greatly relished. It turned out to
be Poker Tom’s flesh.
Certificate of M. H. BLANDF0RDT
Associate Justice of Supreme Court ol Ga.
I have been a great sufferer for a number of
years from Indigestion and Rheumatism, and
have suffered from a general letting down of
the syitem for a long while. I have taken a
wlonderfu^Chwe^withmarvoiouInieiataana^ 8S* e,i a map made Gf said estate by W. J.
cheerfully recommend tt to all whoore suffer. Pittman in April 1875, us lots numbers nineteen
(tbeseoomplnlnts. apdtwenty one (19 audit.) Number nineteen
1 ” -»•«■—— bounded on north by J. D. Matthews lands, on
south by Weatherly Sc Co. andon east by other
lands of said Everett Yerby deceased. Number
two adl ’ ’ •' ■ •
longing to said parties.
The two tracts together containing two hun
dred and forty acit“ morotor 'ess, and being the
Place wbCTaon Olivia P. Woods re.-hled at tho
time of her death, and tho same sold as tho
property belonging to her estate, and after )e.-. v«
Oidinary of said county ot
Four hundred dollars cash,
and the balance from one to eight vears to suit
purchaser, with eight per cent lntoi'est from Unto
of sale. Tills May 27th 1891.
Adm’r of Olivia P. Woods deced
,1389. ■ M. H. BLANDFORD.
Everett Yerby, d ceased and distin-
dioining the above on tt j west, and
ill on east, north, a* dsouth by lands l»e-
aiCTICE of An Election under tho Local Op-
turn Aet for Clarke County approved De-
limbs of a tree and bung were tiu i ALABAMA
morning, •* hen they were rescued with
^d2’the e tS erbeingtWeUtyfeetdeeP l WBnt> ° UTOrUOr 11111 *> C«H When
Waltham or Elgin vmvenr nt--relinb!e and well
known. Stem wind and set. Hunting or open L
face. Lady’s or Uent’s size. Equal to any $76 I No’i ICE is hereby given that, pursuant to tho
watch We sell one of these watches for $25 cash, I provisions of the Ac. of the ( Assembly
and send to any address Dy registered mail or by of Georgia, approved Dec. 18, 1884., entitled
exprcssC. O. I)., with privilege of examination; “An act to submit to the legal voters of tho
o by our club system a: fit per week. I County of i larke the question of prohibiting
Our agent at Durham, N. C., writes: I the sale ofali gpirRnquS'Vineus and mait llq-
uors in said county; to give effect to said elec-
Down south. j - Our jeweller* have canfmed they don't knou> Sehf upou^the ‘ queX^ of
Montoomery, June 16*—Evidences are I you can furnish such work for the mon» | “prohibition” nr u Nn Prnhihiiion” on tho ha.
accumulating that Governor Hill is gain-1 Idon ' 1 either ”
Merit Wins,
We desire to say to our citizens, that for I j ng ^jtrol of the affections of the neorde I* ° ne g 00 * 1 r*B» b 'e Agent.wanted in each place
nrPKirloi.t first vioo nresiHont r M |4’t»ra we have been sellmgDi:. Khe’s New I®, . . , vimtuium ot ine people Wrlte ? or particulars,
president, first vice president, l. M. Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King’s *^ 11S state. Alabama has been, per-
Peeplcs, second vice-president, Clark New Life Pills, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve I baps, the strongest and most pronounced
Howell, Treasurer, J. W. Burke, re- «nd Electric Bitters, and have never lrand-I Cleveland state in the south Even after. .. .......
cording secretary, Ben F. Fer.y, cor-1 I the star of the ex-president had waned GRANT <fc Cirirti? PONN1ER Uibitlon” or “No ProMbfiion” as the vetera
“Prohibition” or “No Prohibition”'on the se
cond day of July 1891. "ale I el ection will he held
at all the election precincts in ihc said County
of Clarice upon the question oi pro! iblting the
sale of all spirituous malt, vinous or other In
toxicating liquorsof any kind In sai l County
-aid election will be held and conducted and
consolidated as prescribed undor the general
eleciion laws of this s ate, except that tbe bal-
. given such univer.-al satisfaction. We do , , .. . . , ,
respoi.ding secremry, G. A. Ry.tls, exe- no t hesitate to guarantee tbt m every time that but few clung to him, still
eutive committee, It. mscu Crawlord, and we stand ready to refund the purchase Alabama was firmly wedded to his for-
lij, t,,,,.) i...,ri111)i 11<r tn end My restless bruin dances, _
i , , V- And bnllaa meacas le so fair and so fine
ami San tie had finished they were le- ] of hopes it is buflded.
liu- 3"t in depart. I With dreams it is gilded,—
Alter the address the society assem- I The casUc Of air, in tbe summer sunshine.
Ned iii liu prayer room to elect an ora-
I"* t"r the in xi annual meeting in June I j]j a t the gardens of spices and
K'-. A eommittee consisting of Hon. j myrrh,
J'. a. N' Vail as chairman, mid A. J Aj*»*
1 1 in to imikc noininaiiobs or sugges- I And lili ap ury castle with sweet thoughts oj
t">!" a- to who should be elected to the |
i ■' 1,1 - * I”' cmninittee will report at I There comes with each vision
t! • tomorrow at nine o’clock. | of pictures Elysiau,
Rev. Bet'i^M. l'iilmi r of New O leans I 'l" 81 <,r " ! t! ' at »ccms perfect, with blemish nor
u pi i lnineiitiy mentioned as a I And It hangs’on each ceiling
mdi |nemuicbtly fitted for the - honor | of worshipful feeling,
an.i the position, lie is an honored | ’ Tia ,h0 gtoHt'6't picture I paint me °f her.
ahimiiux nf [h« University and well- A8 s,iver-beiwringing,
Ki.u'mi tliHui^lniuithe sSouth as an ora-| a sweet voice is sin^mg.
t< I of no Miihll ability. I That thrills through my bosom, and all my ho >t
,' lh ''"J’ then adjourned to meet And the ^~ u8 lolipi
tiiMiiorning at nine o’clock to hear I says to whom’tis belonging,
John Triplet, J, W. Anderson, R. W.
Grubb, J. L. Gow, II. H. Cabaniss,
Charles l’endleton.
Editor Remsen Crawford, of the
Athkns Banner, introduced the follow
ing resolution: ^
Whereas, the Presidential campaign
of 1892 is drawing near, in which tbe
energy and work of every true and loy
al democrat should be enlisted in be-
hall of . the prosperity and happiness of
the republic, ard
priccjf saiisfaciory rcsulis do not follow | tunes
their use. These remedies have won their
great popularity purely on their merits.
John Crawford & Co., Wholesale and Re
tail Druggists.
But the record of. tho past few | o'SHSVS"'"'' 1 ” “
months—Cleveland’s evident snbservi-1 213 E. CLAYTON street, ATHENS, GEO
ency to Wall street as evidenced by his Jan -
anti-silver letter, has emphasized the
need of a new man; one who will rep
resent the aspirations of the common
| may oppose or favor the sale of spirituous or in
toxicating liqours injsaldCom.ty; tlie results of
sai<t election shall lie repoi-ted bv the managers
thereof to uie as ordinary of said County that
a reconl may lio made thereof and the-reanlts
annouced as required by raid Act.
Witness my hand aud official signature at of
fice this May 22 1891.
8. M. Herb ngxon
Ordinary Clarke County, Georgia.
I w5t.
e fact that President Peyton Bibb
It is In Benjamin Gilbert’s Stomach I of the Southern Exposition company, of I T4T.O OTW
and he Believes It Is at Least a I ^5.°*^’ has ’OS? • P ressi ?? invitation I VTAT*
Foot Long. ““**1*6 “i° wuiuijj ouumoiu trip, snows i u iaf iii inn a nniTuaTi qi
Garrison, N. Y., June 16.—The case winch way the wind blows. Tbe desire Us W.HUBBARD dallasTtex.
of Benjamin Gilbert is exciting great I to see Hill, and to hear from his own 1 w ® ol * rry • took * ,w i°“ Sonthoxa point*
interest at this place. Gilbert is the BP 8 the cheenng message of democracy,
Whereas theie has recently been man referred to in the H -rald this I 1S 8 ° great that the pressure could not
Ram „ st( . ns towards the estah- morning as having swallowed a small I ff r ? 81s . t i e< i\ M Governor Hill accepts
} frog or reptile of some sort recently, i^ e invitation, a line of bonfires will
lisinnent of a third party, aud j hilo drinking water from a brook at I Kroot his way T from -Atlanta to Mont-
Whercas, the Farmers’ Alliance of night, Gilbert is about 35 years of age. I gomery
Free of Freight. Folly Guaranteed.
“OSGOOD (|. S. Standard
tlif re
"1 U'h c biiniuee appointed to nomi-
fiatc tlicoi aior.
junior m'kakkus.
To day was Junior’s day. The exer-
c bvoiiounccd by many to be tbe
phi i ol Cluiirnian Van Epps and And I knew the sweet voice and its music are
- 11 - 1 hers.
And I am my vassal,
WhOfilves in ihis castl
A lid she,—my dear sovereign. whose rule can
not err
nd her wish l» my ploasure.
ln fi t tliat Imvi. b«.m fiii-niuliB,1 he th« I Her heart Is my treasure,— .... .
j’ ni , e n ,urnl8nea tne I This castle “Sum Souci,” is budded ftr her.
•Illinois for many years, > \
- . Son! oil trial. Freight raid. Fully .
the South refused in no uncertain man- | Z I thf 'JSSSZ BSSU£
nei to go into the organization of the mountain8 by Mr . WiSiam Osborn, son mmgham, is about to send a special del- W
new party, preferring to c&st their lot ^he railroad magnate of that name. egation to Albany to insist upon the
wilh tbe democracy of tbeir Mkn SSd"“ , {Ee’j?fcSo“clSbh 1 ^S
Be it Resolved, 1 bit it., tbe settee of rnltoimtotl J,™ membere, tmd i, tbe most iofloen-
this convention that the Farmers Alii- ^jg place in the heart of the mountains | paity club in the state,
rnce has reudered to the democratic at ibe home of Mrs. Margaret Robinson,
party an incalculable benefit and shown Gilbert bad the advantage referred to
their fidelity to democratic principles, P^^fron^a hrk with some^convivfl I vou satisfactory results or in case ol
the only principles upon which the fellows. He put his head out of an up- failure a return of purchase price. On . rrrrT —
farmer and laboring man will ever se- per window to-night after I bad repeat- j this safe plan you can buy from our ad- and weeangeenre patent
tt .be b,„d. of .be ...U.b- e P dly r.p.ed oe bi. doejv . Be refuted SdmbUo’A“f.'u
to come down gtairsaud be interviewed, | iNew uisioverj ior consumption, it is I (ton. We advise, if patentable or not,
al government, M vine that h. was too ill from thee.f- guaranteed to bring relief in every case, charge. Our fee not due till patent is •
■Sat resolution was read by the sec Sf Abe repStolThad swalTow^l to when used for any affection of throat’,
reta i y and called forth much favorable do so. | ^ U “K 8 ’ ® r Chest, su^ as consumption, | town, sent free. Address,
comment, sovefal strong speeches being
Tlie >111,j n't
were well chosen and | Will it tall • f.h tlie gloaming?
.h'stbat are coming?
iuiihi i’ll in •• m:\sUTful wnv Each 1 the mkli's that aitj coiuliiK?
. ’ masunni way. 0 • p r .pUct, of Amoura—,oU! say ’twill not
I" ill sli"wed much thought oil the v | >c<
lbi;t of tfie boys, and it seemed that | For 'f i’ fail over, 1 pray that it coyer,
tiny >| with the consciousness that 1 1 P r *> u*at it over my darUngjaiMljiift
1 111 l>art at least, were expected to Athens. Ga.,
«l>ii"hl ;lie reputation of the grand old
y ami right nobly did they do
M by Ella Nokle.
prll t£M, ’91.
frail's are duo to not one alone, but |
. ' u,! ' -I'eakers, the subjects were
' 11 1* 't ai il appealed to the teclings and
• i""t".iis W eil ns called into action]
1 and logical judgement.
Hie program as furnished below was |
y r .e'', " ut wit li the exception of Mr. |
‘ • l who was excused on ac-
1,1of i-iekness.
, ' r li'Jigs anuounc d in behalf of tbe|
tt'U that Messrs Boggs, Lane and!
•^1. win, had received places but did j
l '' 1 1'l'l'far on the program had been
’ x '-I 'l ior good and sufficient reasons
•jUi’' faculti
mien Baby was Melt, we gave her Caatorla.
When ahn was u Child, she cried forCastorla.
When she became Miaa. she elung to Canton*.
When she had Children, she gave them Caitori*
. hi is LosiNu «*»». - ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc.
made in its lavor. | ?, a i U t^i ly i a ar Ikrahs 14 ispleasaut and agreeable to taste,
. .. . .. tt’ n_ 0 I man, but during the last few da vs he n p r r pr #i v oafe and ran alwavs he do-
I.i urging its Hdoptiou Editor Craw- I gai(] hehas)osta gre at deal of ^sh. ™nded uDon ’ 7 be ,
,1 made a short speech in which he H e informed me he waa on a mountain ^ Tr . al b ^ ttl ’ e810c at j. Crawford &
said, while he was no aL.rmist, it was road when he had the unpleasant Co., Drugstore
clear to him that the third party move- a ^Si°a '“ife ad£d that!
meut was a liviugreality that must be ^ too jj a i on g draught of water, he
met with vigilant opposition by all I f e \t something smooth. glide down his
democrats. Before the convention took throat. He ceased drinking at once,
be resolution „oo.ber ™ ter£S
logrum was a« follows:
r kaykr.
What Goes on Day by Day In the Busy
Little Glty,, Ga., June 16.—[Spe-
cial.]—Mr. James A. Royston and
wife, have returned from Franklin
S? Mre?John W. Williams, of A^ena
• ’l inn s Hlasiiigunie, D. S. Zobulon. 1 j S visiting her father, lion. I. J. Mead-
; iiihniun. ow. of this pl^* , ,
‘ l-”ins L. Brown, P. K. Fort Yal- I Mrs. Neil Murray, of .Nicholson, is
visiting the “old folks” l.erettiie week.
h Sur Denmark, P. K. Quitman. 1 Mr dames GU»er is now at home fc<>m
lu ;, :i ^dist. Bowman, where he has b*^n attending
^ ( f.'lwani w. Frey, P. K. Marietta. th e Bowman High School.
^;!'c Diem.” | General Green seems to be master .01
“'lliam T. Kelley, P. K. Monti- cerem0 nie8 here now. ... na
Mr. John W. Williams, of Athens
and Mr. Henry T. Murray, of Niobol
son was shaking hands with their
friends here yesterday.
Col. David W. Meadow left this
morning for Athens to be with the
class>of ’81 of which be is a member,
where they are to have a reunion to-
r .. L . A
' .rallies F. Lewis. P. K. Atlanta.
JJtv Spirit.
i‘oV ri ^ an : U( ‘ 1 11 • sible y- D - 8
s l Jewish Nationalism.
A Safe Investment*
Is one which is guaranteed"!*) bring |
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat
ent business conducted l'or Moderate Fees.
• Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
' we can secure patent in Ibsb Ume than those
. _ , free of
charge. Oar fee not due till patent is secured
A Pamphlet, “How to Obtain Patents,“ with
lnflamation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asth-
Opposite Patent Office, Washington. D. C.
Smith & Wesson Revolvers
Quruteed Perfect.
Beware of cheap iron imitations.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to
The Remains of tne Notorious Bobber
Brought to Tucson.
^ Tucson, Ariz., June 16.—DeputySher-1 SMITH & wesson, SprincOeid. Mi
introduced by Mr. Bankston, bitterly 1b u r. Gilbert says he only caught I Iff Gray arrived herewith the body of
denouncing the Alliance. J hold of the tail of the reptile, or what- I ^jj e notorious Mexican stage robber, Go-
This «■. entirely u vati“« rt* •—remtoo, »d Lbon, Id. accompli,*. Tbe,
the sense of the convention, tna» *ur. into h i s stomach. He claims to had been robbing stages in southern
Cabaniss moved to adopt no resolutions |j av e experienced no inconvenience I Arizona during the last five years, and
of a political nature, declaring Ht the from it until the next afternoon. Then 1 officers have been after them continu-
same time his desire to see Editor Craw-1 he began to feel a griping sensation at ally. Gray aud his posse ran them
, . , ,, . j. .u nfiornonn the pit of his stomach. He placed his I down in the mountains nearPautano.
ford s adopted late .1 band upon his stomach and could plain I They fought, and Geromino fired five
The •editors were driven in ly feel something wriggling around I and Leon three shots','without effect,
carriages furnished by the citizens to there. Geromino was killed, and Leon surren-
thP Piedmont Club house and had a On the day following, and on Thurs- dered. Geromino robbed the United
the Pmdmont Liui) no i e a *. day iUso. Gilbert says he felt so ill that States mail and stage passengers more
delightful lunch. Si.veial speec es I oou ici not work, but still he declined I than a dozen times, and has committed
were made. | to have a doctor, hoping to get relief | many murders. He was captured sev-
from his trouble without medical as- eral times and escaped. Leon, his Re
sistance ” complice, up to six months ago, was a
hi still has the REPTiLK, | deputy sheriff.
On Friday and Saturday he was at
_ „ T ... I work, however, and on the latter day
Harm''NY Grove. Ga., June 16.—bpe- spoke to r the first time about his trou-
J. K. Ohl.
Down Price*—todoae.
Easy Terms—12 to 15 monthly
-or 910 Cash, balance in
ItiU. No Interest.
Must be sold. Can’t bold.
[Wrtte for Barcatn Sheet.
'^office, May 2,1891. R. K. Reaves, admin-
| istrator on the estate of Edward Lilly deceas
ed, represents, that he has folly discharged tho
duties of his said trust, and prays for letters of
I dismission. This is therefore to notify all
concerned to show cause if any they can, on or
before the first Monday in August next why
said administrator should not be discharged
from said trust.
May 18m Ordinary
/Georgia, clarke county—ormxa-
VXry’s Office.—May 30th 1891. Renbeu
Nickerson, Adm n ; strator of James A. Grant,
deceased, has applied for leave to sell the real
estate belonging to said deceased, and also a
one ball undivided interest in the sate and of
fice furniture of Grant and Charbonnier, and
I said application will be heard «n the first
1 Monday in July next.
5t Ordinary.
B y virture of an order of tho Court of Ordina
ry of Clarke county will be sold at tho court
l houie «loor in Athens, Clarke '.Connty, Georgia
on the first Tuesday in July next within the le
gal hours of sale the following property to wit:
The land belonging to the estate of Henry
Jennings, of Clarke county, deceased, cousist-
ii g of twenty eight acres, lying and being in ,
| said county of Clarke, on the waters of Mc
Nutt's creek, adjoining John Sikes, Zucbariah
! likes and others. Fold tor payment of debts
>nd distribution. Terms cash. I’!ace rented
or 1891, and purchaser buys subject to tenant’s
I tight ol possesion for the >ear and reserves tho
(Surviving Executors of He ury Jennings, de
ceased. Jane 6—w5t.
ry's office, May SOth 1891. Jacob Phinizy,
Executor of Ferdinand Phinizy, deceased, has-
applied for leave to sell the undivided one
third (1-3) interest ot said deceased in three
lots of land in the city of Madison and county
of Morgan in said state,to be sold on the prem
ises where said land lies.Thie is therefore to no
tify all concerned to file their objections, if any
they have, on or before tbe first Monday in
July next, el»e leave will be granted said ap
plicant as applied for.
5t Ordinary.
I s hereby given of the intention to apply for
the passage ot a local bill at the next session
' in July next of the General Assembly, said bill
to bear the following title:
Tobeentitled An act to ami. nd the act approv
ed Dec. 27th, 1888, entitled “an act to incorpo
rate the Exchange Bank of Athens at Aihcns
Georgia,” so as to provide for and regulate In
crease of the capital stock and to change cer
tain qualifications for the directors and for
other purposes,
Wilson’s Champion Spark Arrester. VOTERS,
National League.
]: All .-ana lie's'll . Ditt , no saiu WBb ail iwo; wo u<*“ 1 AtPhflnilelnhia—
the N. E. R. R. this morning. been troubled with nausea and severe p^Ldelphia. 1 22000030-8
Our town has been considerably stir- I headache. He says he can still feel the I Cleveland 0 0 1 0 0 03 5 1—10
red up recently about mad dogs. reptile in his stomach and is thorough-
Mr. T. J. Hunt, the merchant prince j j y alarmed concerning his condition.
ne that if
1 5 1-12
2 8» X— 5
Ja “l* r K. W’elchel, D. S'.
•'•—1 he Anglo 8axiop.
. SIC - Benediction
ii. hjcchcH were intereperced by the I night. „„„„„„ „.,. ntT
Lv i ^ rains of music from Bearden’s Mr. Tom Daniel,
T 1 "Inch inspired the boys. an old residenter of this cou y
i;, • e J'Snity and reputation of the come back to his first love and
Ver Hty was well upheld by the boys en np bis abode with us
X'af r e,Uet t<> r them a bright fu - — ’ J h
yesterday. .
Mr. Charlie Cooper, a prominent cit-
izeu sf Atlanta, is in the Grcve on a I
short visit to relatiics.
A car load of grain separators of the
latest improved styles were received
n up nis suuun
We are glad to have him with us as
" >-! ,o, i “^.ri 1 &:.«■ us. -naix
'^'wMchtelee Cotppiny?
McElree'a Wine of Cartlul-
^ h , tt8 - Nisbetand Harry Alex-: - . THEDFORD’S BLACK - DRAUGHT are
iWsteSSTSlj. .» cxoollcnt pre-; for 8*lo by Uie "
torn tv°V specch * reminding the young b s Lyndon, Athens. G:i.
u that oratory was not the enly ele- j i>. Few i.ek. near Atiicus.
Mien e,,ec «*8and power in life but j >v, neat Athens.
jru coupled with truth and man- k
Uearne a mighty power. His L
3 0 0
0 c 1
0 10
0 5 0
of Hix, Ga., passed through the Grove j y e informed me that it he lived until
tomorrow morning he would have a
lysician and get what help he could,
o also declared that his recent loss of
flesh was due to the effect of the snake
in his stomach.
. r ...... Gilbert remarked that he was sure
bere yesterday morning, and are being he ha q swallowed a young black snake,
unloaded and sold to day. which was probably about a foot long
Dirt was broken yesterday for the j B ono of three ruggedly builtbroth<
elegant two-story iron front bank build- er8> a n 0 f whom live here in the moun-
inii of tho Nonhea rn Banking Co., of ta j n9 .
this place. When c«mpkied this will Ben Gilbert is of a very convivial na- 1 Athletics 0
one of the finest, if not the finest busi- j tore ancihis friends- at the village are I slack-DRAUQMT tm cores oonitmatkon
nta»3 block in our town. disposed to make light of his present af-
1 fliction. One of them told me that he
would not be surprised if Ben bad
a befi
At Boston-
Boston 3 0 0
Pitt4burg 1 6 0
At New York-
New York 3 10
ChicAao 0 0 2
At Cincinnati—
Brooklyn 5 0 2
Cincinnati 0 0 0
American Association.
At Washington—
Wash’ton 1 10082 1. pO—7
Boston 0 0 5 4 5 0 3 ; *—21
At Baltimore—
Baltimore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ■*—
r part of the U. S.
efpt of prise, this
rtlsement, and
The Registry books for tlie special election to
be held on July 2nd next, are now open. All
who failed to register as voters for tlie January
“Best open draught ar
rester in the world”
Delivered Free
in any
on recel.
name of paper.
Insist on getting this 1 election for county officers will bo required to
dealer can’t supply yon* register now In order to vote in said election,
send for circulars and | The Registration books will be closed on
Saturday June 20, as provided by law,
H H. LutTON. T. c:
Pat Feb. 16. ’86.
Sola Mano&ctarat,
A ll peisons having demands against the es
tate of T. H. Hearing, late of Clarke
I County, deceased, are hereby notified to ren.
A. G. HcCcbrt,
Athens, Ga.
P. P. PnonrivT,
Elberton, Ga.
1 der ia tbeir demands to the undersigned ao. A ^TTOP N (i'YS A/F LAW.
0 cording to law, and all persons indebted to “.-*• J-ViLiT Ei iO A A LUX 1 f .
i said estate are’ requited to make immediate 1 ATHENS, GA.
— * 1 General law practice. Office .BroadBL, up
ayment. This 26th day of Mar, 1891,
Administrator of T. H. hearing, dec’d.
stairs, over Max Joseph. April 12—d&wtf
Bucklen-a Arnica aatve. i 8na j. e3 j„ ^j 8 boots before he got over
The best salve in the world for cuts, thi8 g^pa instead of having only one
envnc iilonra coIf FhAtini forpf . . • . r
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhemu, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hauds, chilblains,
cor ire, and all skin eruptions, and pos
itively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 26
Ll ~ John-Crawford & Co.,
in his stomach.
Fori Over Fifty Years.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothe:® Syrup has been
used for children teething. It sooths the child
•teutons the emus, allays all pain, cures wind
and la the best remedy for D.anbOBa.
Or you are all worn out, really good for noth.
* ing, it ia general debility! Try
„ ...w .— xsitoirx’s inon hitters.
Twenty-five cents a tottle. gold by all drug- It will cure you, cleanse your liycL and gin
gists throughout the world .
The citizens of East. Athens have
surely got level heads. They are . E0RGU CLARKE COUNTY COURT OF I
saving money, building bouses, and ^ordinary chambers, Mav80thi89L | cttl _ Woolrlxr Rannar
makinsi their portion of the City bios-1 The appraisers appointed upon application of j 1HG YY eUKiy DdulRJI
oom cQ thp rnsp I Lottie Glascow, widow of Daniel Glascow,for 1 TjamOP — *— il ”
SOm as the rose. - I a twelve months support for herself, having I AJSIuOC
filed their retnrn, all persons concerned » re j^igutll and.
hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, ,o ,
at the next July term of this court why said itfg WOrtll IGOIG
application should not be | H U t VOW it for
a good appetite.
5t -
-K a . 2;.-,