The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, June 23, 1891, Image 6

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A GIGANTIC SCHEME. I South will continue to move forward There is now a very significant I to the accomplishment of tlrs great plan before the Board of Trustees of end. the State University for discussion. The South is as solid to*>day as it A plan it is that ought certainly to I ever was for the democratic party, engage the attention and the hearty it will always be the Solid South, co-operation of every Georgia citi- The democracy of our fathers is safe zen, for indeed is is a matter of vital in the hands of the Alliance so far importance to the whole State. I as Georgia is concerned. We refer to the plan looking to the establishment of closer relations between the University and the com- mon schools of the State. The State University is really nothing more than a part of the com mon school system of Georgia. The schools depend upon the University for advanced teachers and the Uni* versity in turn depends upon the schools for pupils. In ihis way the system of higher education is made complete, the University infusing it into the common schools and the schools giving it back to the Uni versity, ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE ALLIANCE WAREHOUSE. A SATISFACTORY YEAR. MORE EDUCATED FARMERS. There is a sad lack of educated fanners throughout the State, due to the fact that Georgia boys when they have received a higher educa tion have an ambition above that of a son of toiL This is a mistake. In whatever walk of life a man may enter, exper ience has shown us that an educa tion makes him nearer perfect in that profession and farming is not an ex ception to the rule. The following extract from a Georgia paper shows Reports Read and Received—Resolu tlons Adopted—Will Cooperate With Athens In making July s 16th a Success. THE STATE UNiVERSITY ON TO ALBANY- IS. NOW IN THE MIDST OF COM- MENCEMEN r GLORIES. THK SEipO.Y SUNDAY. The Sophomdres Declaimed Yester day 'A'lTTn Ikrtfffnornlng With tne Alumni- Col. Hammond’s Speech, I THE THROUGH TRAIN TO BE PUT ON IN A FEW DAYS. LAYING STEEL RMLS the sad lack of the farming turn of Naturally enough, there-1 muid in our young men who receive fore, the relationship existing be- collegiate education: tween the different institutions is] Of the seventy young men who close and inseparable. The College have just received their diplomas „ .. ^ . , from Mercer University, the S.ate could not prosper without the splen- ] University and Emory College only did system of common schools,while I two intend to pursue the vocation of farming. This is a most lamentable fact. Sixty-eight are to handle and from year to year from the Univer- ] consume the products of only two. without the teachers that go out The farmer is nearest akin to God in bis conduct. He approaches crea tion nearer than any other person. And just here we arc wondering if the mistake of the age is to continue, viz: That all business, save farming, sity the schools would have a low curriculum indeed. Who but Hon. W. Y. Atkinson, the triend of edneation, the young champion of the interest of the peo- | requires an educated brain. pie of Georgia, who built the Girl’s. . . ^ . demand more culture than Industrial and Nqrmal College, and | handling that thing after it is made, who has done much else for the peo- I Yet the popular conclusion is that ' anyone can farm, but that it re- ple’s common good, should come to | q ^ res braina to’handle the pro the front and declare that the Uni* versity and the common schools rincts of the farm. This is a great error. The far mers occupy the most important vo- must hereafter go hand in hand and | cation, but his is the most exalted. heart to heart ? Mr. Atkinson seeks to build up the college along with the schools. He asks that the State Commissioner He feeds and clothes the world by- diving into, examining and develop ing the riches of nature itself When public sentiment shall have undergone a truer and loftier edu cation, looking to the prime neces The annual meeting of the Alliance Warehouse Co., was called to order by the president, Mr. A. F. Pope, on yes terday morning at ten o’clock in the court house. It was a meeting of the stockholders and a full quorum was present. The usual order of business was main tained, and the first thing was the read ing of the reports of the different committees and sub-committee, all of which were adopted. The reports were up to usual standard and the years showing is most satisfactory. The work of the ware house has been up to the usual stand ard and everything points to a bright and prosperous year. The same officers who have held their positions for the past year were ail re-elected. Mr. A. F. Pope still holds the office of president, and Mr. Dawson Williams that of Secre tary. After the election of officers the fol lowing resolution was introduced: Resolved, That we, the stockholders of the Farmers’ Alliance Warehouse, of Athens, Ga., this day assembled, stand ready to heartily co-operate by contri butions or otherwise, with the Clarke County Alliance, the city or other au thorities of Athens, Ga., in making the ICth day of July a grand success, the day fixed by the National Alliance for a grand Alliance rally at said city. This resolution is a good- and timely one and will be well taken. The Alli ance is on the right track, as the work of the past year has shown, and the fu ture appears for it bright and prosper ous. On yesterday afternoon at half past three o’clock the Board of directors of the warehouse met at the Alliance ware house office, and many matters of im portance to the stockholders were brought up for discussion. The work of the year has been decidedly satisfac tory in every respect. Work Is Progressing and the North eastern will soon be In fine Shead— The Through Schedule will then be Ordered-An Interview With Supt. Hammond. ot Education should be put on the sities and comforts of life, then our Board of Trustees, and a Correspond- y°«“g, “ en " ho aha11 ^ fortunate r enough to get a classical education ing Secretary be appointed to keep will not turn their faces from the actively at work in correspondence interesting as well as the most 1 independent walks ot hie. between the schools and the coll* ge, supplying catalogues and the like and to thus ruu the common schools along with the University by the State and for the State. This scheme should awaken that interest throughout the State which will guarantee at once its successful completion. It is something new in the history of the University of Georgia. the ALLIANCE AND THE DEMOCRACY. A correspondent writing to The Banneb from away oat in Nebraska encloses a clipping reproduced from our col urn us declaring the Alliance Our cotemporary is on the right line. We coed more educated far mers. We are glad to see that colt- leges are being established through- out the country iu order to afford a complete agricultural education, and it isto be hoped that those aptly fitted for the work will pursue the course which is offered. The farmer is the individual most necessary to a community to day, although education will not only double the value of his services, but place him in a social position which he does not now fill. Now who but a love-sick Georgia . „ . editor could philosophize thus : If a and the Democracy of the South young lady is aware that one of her identical, and our esteemed corre • beaux is desperately infatuated with spondent inquires anxiously if this turnhig love it woald C er^inly be be true- j kind of her to do something at once He says the aforesaid clipping is !" f?.™ h ‘“ *g ai ? 8t . b«, instead of r ° holding and tantalizing him with he: going tne round of the Democratic I many skillfully prepared charms. press out West, as coming from the There are many little things that she m . , . . ' . | could do in gentle kindness to let o leml organ of the State Alliance I the objectionable lover down easily. of Georgia, and be is much concern* I One of these is to wear rundown shoes so that he may see the same another is to say “ I seen” and -* Georgia is solid for the Democratic | taken still another is to put her ed to know if the Alliance hero in party. As a matter of fact the Banner is knife in her mouth when she eats, or pour her coffee into the saucer and blow it till it froths to cool it: or not the official organ of the State she mi g ht paint one cheek and leave ways, of only a few of which these are some. This at least is certain : the Alii ance of the Sonth will not so far for- the | get the Sooth of our forefathers as to give it-over to Yankeedom and the Third party. ^ „ i the other sallow for a few times, lliance of Georgia,but it challenges claiming that cabbage and bacon is any newspaper in Georgia to show a her favorite dish. There arc other sincerer desire to serve.the Alliance, and yields not even to the official organ of the State Alliance a deeper oi more genuine interest in affairs of the order. But as to the Alliance and the, „ , ,... _ ™ , I How can the Alliance lean towards emocracy, The Banner feels that republicanism when every principle it can safely say to its inquiring for which they battle Is democratic. correspondent from Nebraska that Georgia people. the clipping in question correctly I Boynton.—Judge James S. Boynton oovera tte eitoMta, here In Georgia. | S^SlS“.*r.°' “* °'* n ’ Dortch.—Miss Ellen Dortch, of - — - as a movement in Georgia. Northern—Gov. W. J. Northen now in Athens in attendance upon the meeting of the Board of Trustees. He is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. White. Meldrim.—The University never bad a more royal son nor one who keeps A RAILROAD MAN TESTIFIES. Mr. Ransom Montgomery states tbe following: For twelve long weary months I was affiicted with Diarrhoea I tried several physicians and various remedies all to no cfiect. I was re duced to a mere skeleton and gradually sinking every day; indeed I was-upon tbe brink of the grave. I heard of Dr Bigger*’ Huckleberry Cordial, and used one bottle and at once felt the im provement. The second made a final cure. \ PERSONAL MENTION. The Comeuor ment season is now openodii; earnest.. Tlie tbr -rig of visitors increases with each incoming train, .tnd the Com mencement of 1801 ia a very brilliant one. ' - . The baccalaurtf&i sermon preached by Rev. Lansirg Burr -ws, of Augus ta, was <>ne of the ablest and most el oquent sermons ever delivered in the chapel. l>r. Bn; rows,lafter prayer, took as his text, “That I may be like Him,” and for quite a while LeUl the autience spell bound by hi* eloquence and ar gument. lie spoke to the yonog men the perfect model held up them iu the character of the Saviour and urgul upon each and every one to take Him as their guide. At uight, Dr. Bunows preached again to the Young Men’s Christian Association. The address before the literary socie ties yesterday morning was not. forth coming. Hon. Robert Whitfield was unavoidably detained from coming and In nee tiiis part of the coir mencement programme had to be dispensed with. TUK Sol’HOMOKKK SPEAK. Ou yesterday afternoon quite a largo and appreciative audience gathered in the chapel to here the Sophomores de claim. Tins occasion is always an interest- __jg on-, and on yesterday was especi ally so on account of the large number of friends of the boys concerned, who were present. Two medals are offered each year for the best and next best declamation, and the contest this yeur was a close one. Ten of the best de claimed who have ever appeared on the chapel stage spoke on this occasion and each wo:, iouu and continued api-lanse from the audience, who knew how to appreciate their efforts. The following was the program rendered : MUSIC. l’KS VEU. MUSIC. DKCLAIMKRS. 1. Philip W. Breitenbucher, P. K., Atlanta—Massachusetts and South Car olina—Webster. \ 2. Stevens T. Harris, D. S., Carroll ton—Emmet’s Defense. 2. Harry A. Alexander, D. S., At lanta—The Confederate Soldier— Grady. MUSIC. 4. Henry J. Love, D, S., Atlanta— Washington—Daniel. 5 L. Hoyl, P. K.,—Dawson— America U nconquerable—Chatham. (5. Clement W. Evans, Atlanta—Pu ritan and Cavalier—J. T. Graves. MUSIC. 7. Greene F. Johnson, P. K., Ea- tonton—Southern Chivalry—Ransom. 5. B »ykin G. Smith, P. K., Social Circle—The South Faithful to Duty— Ransom. 9. Samuel B. Yow, D. S., Avalon— The New South—Grady. 10. Charles R. Nisbet, D. S., Lo- rane—The True Gentleman—Anon. Putting down steel rails. That is what will be done on the Northeastern in a few days. A Banner reporter met Supt. Ham-' mond of tbe Northeastern yesterday and had a talk with him concerning the condition of that road and what was to be done with it. “Well,” said Mr. Hammond, “you may say that steel rails will be laid along the entire length of the North eastern road, and the work will begin in a few days. “The ra Is. have been ordered and 1 expect them to arrive tomorrow. When ever they get here I will at once put a section of hands to work and have them laid on to Lula J uiiction. “You may say that when thfc work is finished that the Northeastern road will be in as good condition as any road in Georgia.” “Will you connect with the Macon & Northern and run a through schedule?” “Yes,” said Mr. Hammond, “c «nnec- tion will be made with the Macon and Norihcrn and the through train will be put on in a few days between Lula and Albany. That trip will be made in one day, leaving Lula in the early morn ing.” Thus ic will be seen that Athens will soon have better railroad facilities than ever and that the Northeastern wilLbe put in a first class condition. THEiSTATE FAIR. The Senaptith, second brother of the Maharajah tuutl commander-in-chief of the Mauipuff forces, lias been convicted of rebelling against the empress of India and of abating the massacre ef Chief Commissioner James Quinton. Political A gout Grimwood and other British offi cers in March last, and has. been con demned to be hanged. This sentence is subject to confirmation upon the part of the viceroy of India. Twenty-Nine Uvtpg Children. Dubuque, lo., June 15.—Robert Pack ard and wife, living on a farm near New Hartford, lo., are the parents of twenty- nine living children. The oldest, a man 49 years old, is married and lives on a farm ail joining the parental homestead. The other twenty-eight are still single, and live at home. Only one of the family is a girl. The first child-was bom sin gle- the next five births produced trip lets’. The others, were sets of twins. The youngest child is 18 years old. Mr. Packard and his wife are healthy, and are enjoying a green old age in tHe midst of their’numerous family. the music. BENEDICTION. Miss Rosa Stovall, of Madison, wilt spend several days with her friend Miss Fannie Holcombe. Mr. C. J. Hood, a prominent mer chant of Harmony Grove, was here on business yesterday. Messrs. C. H. Brand, of Lawrence- ville, and Nash R. Broyles, of Atlanta, both old University men, are here for commencement. Miss Pauline and Mittie Pow and Mr. Ed Evans and H. H. Furlow of Madison attended the dance at the Athenaeum last night. Mr. B. R. Smith, of Social Circle, with his wife and daughter, is in tbe city visiting his son who is one of the Sophomore speakers. Miss Maude Bount, of Waynesboro, who has been spending the Commence ment season with friends in this city, has gone to Greensboro to spend a few days with relatives before going home. [Communicated.] AGAINST THE BAR ROOM. Mr. We believe—indeed, we know—that the Alliance in .hi. pnr. of tk. Son* | will never lean away from the demo cratic party. We know that their interests are one and the same ; that the farmers are the very ones who have kept_ alive democratic princi- nles oerninqf. manv nridn nn «hi. I her neare t0 hi8 heart than Hon. P. W. pies against many odds onto this | M Pldrim , president of the Alumni so: time ; and we know that it is the Alliance vote that will overthrow the R. L. Bloomfield Writes a Card to His Friends- So many of my friends have asked me how I can harmonize tbe fact of beiDg chairman of the Anti-Bar Room Club of Clarke County,after having said that Iliad returned from policies,in order that I may put myself on record I give the following explanation: First, these gentlemen have seen proper to place my name there without haying con sulted me, and as I feel it an honor to be connected with so high a calling, I cannot understand why I should not allow it to remain. I have been re tired from politics for several yeais yet on three different occasions [ have rendered assistance, and no man can come to me and request me to explain how I could do a thing of that sort after I had retired. Nor does it hold good that a man after having form ed a resolution, may not under convic tion be allowed to change, and I will say jtist here, after having given full notice to the antis (as I shall' call them, for that is their work, destruction by b&r-roomB), that Icould not go actively into the campaign as I did not feel able; but now, since last Sunday, I feel more like laying aside all work and going home and say, “Son, give me my boots,” “Wife, give me your prayers,” and then facing those gentlemen who publish to tne world their determina tion to tear down the structure which now protects the men, women and children from the rav ages of a bar room without one promise as to what will be built in its stead,or if they mean to say (and I would like for them to answer) that this demon, tbe bar room, shall be turned looee on Ath ens and its chief votaries shall be our "rulers. I will speak against it if the good Lord will give me utterance though he withhold this afterwards. Respectfully, R. L Bloom fikld. There Seems to be Crisis In Its His tory. Atlanta, Go., June 15. [Special]— There is something like a crisis at this time of tbe affairs of the State Agricul tural society, or perhaps, more properly speaking, in the affairs of the State Frir. The differences between the Fair authorities and city council of Macon have been aired in the press. On the 10th the [premium committee met at Macon and after considering all the questions at tissue, without the dis senting vote decided to discontinue preparations for the fair at Macon and remanded the entire matter to tbe ox ecutive committee. To-day Presideot Waddell has issued a letter to the mem bers of that committee. In his letter he sets forth that other expositions have made preparations to the State Fair but that he doesn’t think be has a right to act unless the executive committee gives him the specific right. In order therefore, to ascertain tbe mind of the committ *e, President Waddell asks each Shall the entire executive committee be called together at an early date to consider the difference, between the society and Macon, or shall action be King of Medicines Scrofulous Humor—A Cure" “ Almost Miraculous « When I was 14 years ot age I had a severe attack of rheumatism, and after I recovered had to go on crutches. A year later, scrofula, In the form of white swellings, appeared on various parts of my body, and for 11 years I was an Invalid, being Confined to my bed years. In that time ten or eleven sores ap peared and broke, causing mo great pain and suffering. I feared I never should get well. “ Early In 1SSGI went to Chicago to visit a sister, but was confined to my bed most of tho time I was there. In July I read a book, ‘ A Day with a Circus,’ hi which were statements of cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I was so im pressed with the success of this medicine that I decided to try it. To my great gratification the sores soon decreased, add I began to feel' better and in a short time I was up and cut of doors. I continued to take Hood’s Sar saparilla for about a year, when, having used six bottles, I had become so fully released from the disease that I went to work for the Flint & Walling Mfg. Co., and since then HAVE NOT LOST A,SINGLE DAT on account of sickness. I believo the disease Is expelled from my system, I always feel well, am in good spirits and have a good appetite. I am now 27 years of age andean walk as well as any one, except that one limb is a little shorter than the other, owing to the loss, of hone, and the sores formerly on my right leg. To my friends my recovery seems almost miraculous, and I think Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the king of medicines.” William a. Lehr, 9 N. Railroad St., KendaUvUle, Ind. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. Sl;sixforg5. Prepared only by C. L ROOD Jb CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas*. IOO Doses One Dollar The two medals are to be delivered to-morrow afternoon by Hon. P. A. Stovall, of Augusta, and much specula tion has been indulged in as to who the lucky contestants will be. AU of them .spoke well, and are stand-, , , ... a good chauce of being tbe fortunate I postponed until the regular meeting in men. Predictions as to who will win are decidedly uncertain, for no one knows tne taste or opinion of the judges. Some sr.y the first speaker will wear the medal, seme declare that it will go totL. second, others are in fuVor oi liie third and so on through the list. The coni st was to say the io"*t most interesting, and only tom rrow after noon w: » decide who the winners will be. Thj. IJuefzk—Ir.’g the brorzs that] sends :!ie .-:np aioug. it’s the, lire, that n akeb uiv endurable in warm wca- | ther. it’s U r i*mze that busi ness from st.i • i.atlou. skiff, the jewel-1 er has s;> *ad his sails to eaten the breezes that will bring him ki*ui words, good customers f r silver goods, dia monds liid j a - try. I.-’tjtMr breezes blow dry on the sec ond d..y m fluty. August? If called now, designate your choice place,Macon, Augusta and Atlanta In a-e tl o committee is not called do you authorize the premium com mitte, to negotiate for the fair of 1S91 in some other city. It is hardly possible [the differ ences between the association and tbe Macon council can be adjusted. Tbe lair wants $1022 . the council is will iug to give only $87 35. The Funeral of Mrs. John Wh| terday. Yesterday morning at nine o’clock, tbe funeral of Mrs. John White occurred at the residence of Hon. W.J. Mor ton. There were many relatives and friends of the deceased iady present and sorrow was depicted on the faces;of all. The singiug was sweet and tender and the prayer touching and sympathe tic. Dr, C. W. Lane then preached a short but impressive sermon. The body wairborne to the hoarse by Messrs. Pope Barrow, E. R. Hodgson, E. I. Smith, C. G. Talmadge, W. B. Burnett, R. K. Reaves, Alex S. Erwin, and Wil liam Fleming. Chapter 1: Weak, tired, no appetite Chapter 2; Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla Chapter 3: Strong, cheerful, hungry Died In the Chain-Gang. Atlanta, Ga., June 15.—[Special.]— J. McAllister, who has been a ta miliar figure in Atlanta for years and has been much in the police court died suddenly;;to-night. He was at work in the chain-gang, and was tbk n sud ifenly sick and died in a short time. DANIELSVILLE doings. AU Sorts of News Items Gathered by the Banner Correspondent. Danielsvill'k, Ga., June 13—Mr I. A. Roys ton was called to Franklin Springs on account of the illuess of bis father. At last report Mr. Royston was a little better. There are three pbysi cians attending him. Mr. R. J. Johnson left this morning for ajveek’s visit to the Classic City. Mr. E. C. Armistead, of Jefferson, was in town today. Mr. Armistead is reading law in Col. W. J. Pikes’ office at Jefferson and will make applicatiou at the August term of Jackson court for admittance to the bar. -Dr. T. J. Brown took iu Athens yes terday. The S7 D. &. C HOLIDAY NEEi Ar« a «„ 0(1 I H ARl0 q j j Si±rrJ 0n " :ibiDe ' al, ‘ eLi '‘*« t OUT-DOOR sp 0i J —AS— T | BASE BALL GOODS, lawn TENNIS ciiotoJ FISHING NETS, POLES, hoorj . FOR MENTALjF.rr; EAl!(ls Entertaining | Material fo t SKETCHING minting, Largest Stock of alMiveinrt State—Lowest l’n^ ^ d. w. McGregor, Store, * thcas, Gv May 19 -dAwexsuu. i Pg _ 1 3 si ru-J ' 'V.i.I.K? ' .ItD.hU. H Wbl; THE ELECTROPOISE applicable to treatment of all Chronic Diseases, When tbe Indications . are not strictly Surgical. Nervous Affections, Such as Neuralgia, Insomnia, Partial Paralysis, Nervous Prostration, Anas mie conditions that do not responds ordinary tonics, Torpid Liver, Spleen *<r Kidneys, Pelvic troubles of women. Functional troubles of heart, Dropsy, .Milkleg. Impoverished Blood, Chronic Hemorrhages all yield to its tonic influ ences auil persistent use. By the skilled use of Electropoise, Acute Rheumatism and Malaria! fever are rtn lered harm less or aborted. All the weak points iu the system are helped—even incipient consumption has been enred. The power of opium and alcohol over the sy stem are often subdued by the re storative influence of this instrument. No shock or unpleasant sensation ol any kind received in its proper use. li is not liable to be abused or to get out of order. Its good effects are man ifested on patients in longer or sliortei time, according to chronieity of the case and susceptibility of the individual. Tbe “Pocket” poise can be used at home by purchaser. Price $25. The larger or “Wall” poise is better adapted to office practice. Price $50. A book of instructions with each instrument. W. S. Whaley, M. D. d&w. Agent, Athens, Ga. Guaranteed Relief- for Eczema,Tetter, Ring-’ worm, Itch. Barber’s Itch. Itching Pile's, Dandruff, and all Itching and Skiu OWNED AND MADE ONLY BY SLEDGE & LAYTON. Druggists k Pharmacists. // ABOUT PIANOS. mercy ever jublican party in ’92. ' It could not be otherwise. The illiance and the democratic party are not at variance in their demands* l government by the people and for people is the common end in and' with a unity of aim the ciety. Crisp.—Judge Crisp is to go to New York where he is to be the leading speaker at Tammay’s Fourth of July celebration. He will spend several weeks East, filling invitations which be has accepted to speak in several of the leading cities of the North. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. White, of Athens, tender a magnificent reception to the Senior class on Tuesday night. Those who will be so fortunate as to be pres ent will ever remember the charming entartainment and entertainers. ” Chronicle. DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. Two Italians Killed aud Others Perhaps Fatally Injured. Patterson, N. J., Juno 16.—Two Italians were, killed and three others perhaps fatally injured by a dynamite explosion while at work on the Newark | water supply and pipe line of the East The remains were laid to rest in the I u ' *;«•!. railroad is now a family lot in Oconee Cemeterv. I ^ ,,ty and tLe klcker8 W,H have hush. SAVANNAH GETS IT. The Negro College Is Located by the | Commission. The Commission having in charge I the negro college of Georgia met yes-1 JEFFERSON JOTTINGS. Jefferson, Ga., June 15.—Special. Miss Minnie Louisa Methvin is visit ing her sister, Miss Methvin, at tbe Howard House. Jefferson Chapter of Royal Arch Ma- terday at three o’clock, Chairman P. sons will have a public installation of W. Meldrim presiding. | their officers on the 18th instant A There were present Messrs. P. W Meldrim, of Savannah, G. T. Murrell r j|?ht royal time of masonry is expect- Messrs. J. P. Kelley and J. P. Tnrn- , er with Misses Pend Rivers and Ada of Clarke, P. J. Cline, of Milledgeville, | McElhannon visited Maysville yester- T. M. Felder, of Americus, and W. R. Hammond, of Atlanta. ’ The' first thing to be decided was con' cerning the location of tho college. After discussion of the matter it was I dav. The directors of the Athens & Jeffer son R. R. will hold *a meeting here n*xt Thursday. Jefferson has long, wanted railroad connection with Ath ens. It would be a paying investment. decided to locate it at Savanuah The-bid of that city was the Warren homestead, consisting of an elegant house and ten acres of land together j Married.—On Sunday morning, at the residence of the bride’s parents by Rev. E. D. Stone Mr. Henry Norris to Miss Carrie Colley, all of this city. The City Crowded.—People are Jersey'Water company between Bloom- with about three thousand dollars in comin .g In on every train to attend the and Hampton. The deqd and wounded are known only by number. Those killed were tom to pieces. cash. Nothing further was done and the Commission meets again today. gayetie8 of commencement. The hotel is full, and almost every one has visi tors with them. The city was never so crowded and full of life as new. TBE CELEBRATED MU8ICUN, SAVER SCHABWENEA, W HO bus recently taxen charge of the Scbarwenka I’onserva'ory of Music, No. 81 Filth Avenue, New York, has selected the “ Behr Bros. Piano,” and will use them exclusively in the School. Tbe Music papers, in sneaking ot ibis celebra ted 1'iano, suy Ui-ii it i» one. ot most popu lar iustrumen is or tbe age with “Musicians." See what ourhome-Music’uas say about it: Lucy Cobb Institute. Messrs. Hasklton A bozinn: Gentlemen— We are tlfe “Behr Bros.” Pianos exclusively Iu the School, and it pl.ases us to say that they are giving great satisfac tion, both for the beautilul quality of tone, and even action, and we find tbe Patent Muffler on tbe Upright a great benefit in practicing. Respectfully, M. DIBOWSKI, Teacher ol Piano. FANNIE WACxri, Teacher of Siogiug. Messrs. Uasklton & Doxies, Athens, Ga. Gentlemen,—I consider the “Behr Pianb" equal in tone and volame to any that are iu the market, and when they become more generally used and' mine widely known, tha music loving world wi>l find they have no su perior. Respectfully, Mrs. ELLEN A. CRAWFORD, P: incipal English School. Messrs. Hasslton A Coxier, Athens, Ga., . entlemen,—I take pleas ire In stating tlatt the Behr Bros. Piano 1 purchased from your Mr. Haselton some yeais ago, has given per fect satisfaction. It is a superior instrument in mechanism, tone «nd quality. Yours, very truly, W. W. THOMAS. Messrs. Uasklton & Dozier, -Gentlemen,—I have owned one of the Behr Bros. Pianos for four or five years, and bare found it entirely satisfactory in all particulars. GEO. DCDLEt THO. Athens May 28—tf Bros. MAS. ttr.i, '.'•u ' j wi OUR FLAVORING SSSK-tractsI Are Unsurpassed For Purity, Uniformity ami Delicts I of Flavor. THY OUR Lemon and Vanilla They will please you. Palmer & Kiniiebrew 105 CLAYTON STREET, Opposite .Post Oifice. May 27—dtl. JOHN L. ARNOLD, SI] Has the Largest Slookof Paints, Lead and Oil, j PAINT BRUSHES —AND- ■VA-UNIcsHES That hasever been kept in Athens. Sd me before you buy, for it will be D y® interest. 1 will save you your nn'iicf aud give you the best good.* fl.» r an manufactured. Give me a call. - Yours, truly, lOAN U A..K0LJ, NO/205 BROAD ST., ATHENS.Gi April 81—dAw. THE NEW WEBSTER JUST FUBUSHED-ENTIBEIiTIIEV. 1 Subscribe tor the Weeidv MEBSTEtfS. I'lOTERMnONAEI WaftaSftfffiJESB®®*. 8L since superannuated. These books various names,—” Webster’s Unabridg^. ^ Great Webster’s DIc«onary." ‘ Web!^r» g ^ Dictionary," “VtebatePa Encyclopedia i>w> “ eta, eta made by DhotograpUag tbo old page* cure _ "YOURSELF! ■^f troubled with Gonorrhoeal JGleet, Whites,Spermatorrhea^ For any unnatural d ischarge *ta 'your druggist for a bottle Big «, It cures in I without the aid or publicity ola 1 doctor. Non-powonous ana \ guaranteed not to e trictor0- [Tht Universal American Cure. Manufactured by i .The Evans Chemical Cc.l CINCINNATI, o. U. S. A 8‘ IKRKL8 O, SMITH — ^ A. C. QUILLIAN, DENTIST- fiftSTOffice 31 CLyton street Sledge & Lay tou’s Drug store. Subscribe