The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, August 25, 1891, Image 1

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fiv THE BANNER loll ffiPOBTASTto ADVERTISED, ATHENS, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1891 VOL. 59 NO. 34 •p4£ RICHMOND & DANVILLE. xe lime since the Wall Street 4;*iisu who own the West Point s insl were very sngry with the , York Herald for exposing the , tc j a of that company in the •ciida'.ion of its Southern linos. rV se3t out to the Southern pa- *iii kinds of special dispatches. ; g to show with all the shrewds & of their natures how the Herald . endeavoring to break down this arDr ise because, forsooth, it was the South. men*, and if he tarns to the defeat of Mr. Harrison the same talents which achieved his triumph in 1888, there is little doubt. It is a very pretty quairel as it stands, and it would be a pity to dis turb it. Nor do we believe that it is the intention of any Democrat to dn Hsu’s sense, such as is creditable to Hie Greensboro Herald and wo'.ld be to any other paper: | J A Third party means f disrupted THE STATE’S COLLEGE. WHAT THE NEWSPAPERS HAVE T<J SAY ABOUT IT. ^ MI ST NOT BE MOVED- The Press of the" State Positively Against the Removal—What the Jackson Herald Thinks About * IARRY GANTT RYAN’S TROUBLES WHEN HE GETS HIS MONE\ lanta, to give to the public a true state* mentof facts in th* case of brother Gibson and Governor Northen vs Presi dent Livingston submit the following: On the first morning of the »— of this body and before its organization had been perfected, brother Gibson aroee to a question of personal privi lege- He was called to order by Presi dent Livingston who stated that no business could be transacted before the body was organized. Governor Northen in a spirited man ner supported Mr. Gibson’s efforts. An appeal was taken from the decis ion of the chair which resulted in sustaining the ehair. In the afternoon session Mr. Gibson was recognized by the chair and intro duced the following resolution JReeolv- ed, that arrangements now be nude looking to the presentation of chargee against President Livingston - and ***** the election of president be postponed nntfl after such charges be presented and investigated. On motion this insolation was indefi nitely postponed with but one dissent ing voice on the ground that it bad not been introduced in pursuance of law. The law governing such cases is found in article six. section 9 of the constitu tion of the Narmers’State Alliance, and isas follows; “All trials of officers and member of the State Alliance shall be before the executive committee.” Of this lew Governor Northen could not bare been ignorant for the following reasons: on Febuary . 19, 1391, President Livingston urged the Chairman of the executive committee to call a meeting of his committee for the purpose of receiving charges against him, and asked his opinion as to the call. On Feboary 26th. Chairman Corput replied heartily THEY WON’T COMPROMISE Speaking of the proposed removal of the Bute College of Agriculture from Athens to Onffin the Jackson Herald Gordon. Atlanta, Ga^ Aug. 21.—[Special.}— The anwowncemeet comes semj-jffieiaUy that Larry Gantt is out of it, ao far as the Southern Alliance Farmer is con cerned. Larry is said to have told the committee that has been considering the purchase of the official organ that as soon as be oould get what was due him be would get out. The committee wade its report today. It favors the purchase of the state organ and that a oontrmct be made with some publishing bouse for its publication. The committee commends both Mr. Brown and Mr. Gantt for their able management and good service to the order. When the report was read Vice President Wilson moved as a substitute that the whole matter of the pumhase of the organ and arranging for its pub lication be placed in the bands of n com mittee consisting of Messrs. Livingston, Calvin and Ellington. Tnis means that the Alliance is hereafter to have control of its paper, and it means that Gantt goes out. The sentiment seems to be that Brown will remain in charge but that is not settled. Mr. Ellington and others have been fighting Brown for bis poeition on the railroad ques tion and it may be that bis te n e is not altogether secure. ax OFFICIAL STATEMENT Of what occurred at the little scene between Northen, Gibson and the con vention the other day is to be prepared by Messrs. Gorman, Taylor, Everett, Winn and Buckhalter, they having been appointed a committee for that purpose. The object of this is to show that all of the proceedings of Messrs. Gibson and Northen were oat of order and were unprovoked. THE MORXIN6 SESSION. The matters transacted at this morn ing’s session were: A resolution asking the legislature to pass more laws preventing consolida tion of railroads; passed. Resolution to encourage immigration by inviting good people to come here ard iive; passed. Resolution asking the legislature to endorse the St. Louis platform as re-af- firmed at Ocala, and that congress shape legislation in conformity with it; passed. The invitation of the Augusta expo sition directors was accepted. A resolution unqualifiedly condemn ing the proposed stay law was passed. A committee of five will be appointed to prepare a plan for fire, and li.'e insu rance. The committee appointed to name delegates to the Indianapolis confer ence report these names: L. F. Liv ingston, M. L. Branch, H. P. Bell, A. P. Smith and M. A. Baldwin. A telegram waa received from the ex ecutive committee of the New York Alliance congratulating President Liv ingston on his re-election. WILL SENATOR GORDON ANSWER ? Will Senator Gordon reply Jo the re quest of the State Alliance for an ex pression of his views on the Ocala plat form that question has been the one asked in and out today;of the Alliance circles and nobody has as yet been able to answer the question. The prevailing opinion is Bomox, Mass., Aug. 22.—A meeting of the eastern creditors of Stephen A. Bim, dealer in boots, shoes and dry goods, etc., at Atlanta, Ga., under the style of John Ryan’s Sons, was held in this city yesterday, at 147 summer street, K. C. Lawrence, who has made two or three trips to Atlanta in the internet of the creditors in this vicinity, submitted to the meeting a statement explanatory of the present status of affairs. Mr. Ryan now offers to pay 30 cents en a dol lar, vis, 10 cash, 10 in nine months ***** 10 in 16 months from date of settlement, the deferred payments to bear«per cent, interest, and to be notes indorsed by John Ryan, Sr., and John F. Ryan. Eighteen Atlanta law firms which have claims against Mr. Ryan for collection, and which repre sent quite n large proportion of his in debtedness, have issued a circular re commending that the creditor* accept his offer, the circular saying: In connection with this offer, we wish to call your attention the stock of goods, over "actually turned out to be $400,000. Before the^griculturml committee of the legis UUut of Georgia is a peculiar I bill. It is a measure to remove the Ag ricultural and Mechanical College from Athens to Griffin. We have never yet seen any logical reason why such an action should be taken by our law makers. We know of several wby it should not be removed. We believe this to be one of tbe heat legislature* Georgia ever bad. Tbe farmers are in tbe majority, and have displayed wis dom and conservatism on more occa sions than one. We don’t believe they will be blind to reason and deaf to te gument in this case. It will be a fatal thing for tbe Uni versity. ,Of the $40,000 tbe University gets, about $27,000 L- from this source. Tlien unless the fu;da which tbe Agricul tural aud Mechanical College would carry away be replaced from other sources we can’t see anything si all to prevent tbe dissolution, dismem- berant. and collapse of the college. A great many are opposed to collegiate education, but you can’t look around you and see a poor boy who is ambition*, for an education who does not want to finish with a college course. Then if young men desire such an education, put no obstacle in their way. There is many a young man whose parents can not furnish him pecuniary aid to euab'e him to go through college, who, in spit >f all difficu'.tics, are going anyhow— »me on tbe Brown fond, others getting heir assistance from other sources Jackson county cant’ help feeling a pride in the University, Then, the people of Jackson county feel a deep interest in tbe Universuyon account of its nearness. Besides this, look at the cost and ex pec so in making tbe contemplated transfer. Tlie bill introduced says noth ing about cost nor money. It is banlly buudiag up ooce The B a nxeb conceived the i-ssnitess of this little game and |Urt ed s crusade against it. It is dear to everv discerning man that .* B. 4 D- capitalists on Wail, were endeavoring to pull tbe over Southern people’s eyes in matter. They sought to aronse Soathera pride and (has secure SwiQcrD favor for their company. Tae Southern people are not fools Ta«v saw through the game at onee u j :Le Georgia legislature will pro- ,trd with its work of investigating •ic matter unprejudiced and with a He has been a success in journalism, and is well equipped far his new field of labor. , THE DEMOCRACY ANO THE ALLIANCE. There waa a little flutter of third party talk in Georgia when Jerry Simpson and his satellites from the West came ont here to preach re form, and there seemed for a time some cause for alarm on this score among the stauncher democratic members of the Alliance and demo crats who were not members of tbe Alliance. ‘ Bat that talk seems all to have been bashed of late, and the troth is clearer now than before that the Al liance of the Empire Slate will cleave 0 the faith of tbe democratic party There can be no third IT will be herd to ever get a quorum of the Young Men’s Democratic Clnb, so large was the membership enrolled last Friday night. Let the interest be kept up. An Exchange remarks that if tele phones had been in existence when Jon was alive, he never would have left such a fine reputation for patience be hind him as he did. Rcmor has it that Htdtaui Kipp- ling will marry a Pittsburg widow. the stock of goods, which it was thought would inventory $600,000 and The coart bis adjudged that Stephen A. Ryan has $120,000 in cash withheld from the receiver, which he denies, and the case is on appeal. Proceedings iufj been instituted attaching tbe con veyance by Stephen A. Ry- Our Governor caneht it fall in the face from Lon Livingston. BLAINE VS. HARRISON- 1; is ir.erestiug and curions to dtP^rve :ue increasing coolness be- :»«a P.-cm ieat Harrison of these Uaited > sad Secretary Blaine. newspapers are all astir over it, ui :„e democratic press laugh- l u i h its sleeve at the antics of ttr-c r.-t..._'u slu d gentlemen. Says N.v Orleans New Delta: Os: ii*i a ci sj* this morning indi? rituer a strained condition of xfj.between the president and his ncretar* of stale. For some tim« has iseea considered as a can- dtiite for the republican nomina- t : ft: the presidency next year, 5nt t-. the last wee'- or two he has Hut to .c m up in a way that is fr from agreeable to the gracdsor «ftis g-andiaitier and the grand- fita • .f h s grandson. His excel- •e c . B*tjamin Harrison, president v -- I'cwed >tater, is oat gnnning 1 ■ tue presidential nomination in and it will not please him to --' as strong a candidate as the present secretary of state also stalk- '■*4 rauie game. In fact he looks vo it as a sort of poaching that he tot countenance; and it is c ' ii.\ intimated that if Mr. Blaine fcd'cs to continue his hant he most 40 *° u * private individual and not u tertiary of stale. Before the sun to-day goes down ** i - ll > ‘ s ad probability, know •kttisr James G. Blaine is a eandi- **-* for the presidency or not. It ^republican convention of Penn; 'Misti, which meets to-day, en« 1 nes mm for that office, then we Civ ifca; he is in the field; and ~ ls *he case, then Mr. Harrison lit as well “quit the drive.” For • wants the nomination it is A. Ryan lus $120,000 in cash withheld Ryax and his creditors cannot promise it seems. party organ ized in the South for the very ob vious reason that the democracy of the Sooth is the Alliance. Here in Georgia especially is this true. The demands of the Alliance is general principles are in strict ac cord with the demands of the d*mo- The democratic creed Who said Athens cratic. approving the call. the run off with it—Dallas News, Most of the things longed for bv mer have no existence.—Atchison Ameri can. Gay circles naturally indulge in rounds of pleasure.—Baltimore Ameri cratic party, if the Alliance stay united to de mand its resalts wilt free tbe masses r rom tbe oppression^ of money pow ers. and ruthless monopolists; wili give the coontry wise and whole some laws; will purify the system of carrency and make happy and safe the general condition of oar common coontry. Surely, this is what the Alliance asks. Oh no, there will be no third party in the South. gether. On Match 12th- Mr. Living ston replied, that he was waiting on Governor Northen to prefer charges. His friends says that he will be reedy in s few days. April 14th. Governor Northen wrote Chairman Corput asking what would be required by the executive committee in case charges were preferred against state officers. April IStb. Mr. Corput replied by giving the law and precedents in tbe premises. Tbe foregoing is tbe plain unvarnished statement of tbe fact in the case and we do not hesitate to assert that oar doors stand wide open for in vestigating tbe official conduct of any and all of oar members, and we invite the keenest scrutiny yledging that when presented through tbe legitimate chan- i ell si charges willr receive a foil and fair investigation, [signed] W. R Gorman, T.W. Taylor. B. W. Everett Winn, D. C. N. Borkhalter. and that would ran up to at least $100 000. This money would have to com* cat of tbe people’s pocket. If it does not, -bey will sailer for it. indirectly last as much as they - wowd were it brought a bon: directly. We don.t want any more appropriations made at this Tbe country is too poor. The fl- full extent of the value of the stock, $240,000, which there is no reasonable prospect of setting aside. This would eave $160,000 net for division among the unsecured creditors, whose claims aggregate about $700,000: and thus at the end of the litigation not more than from 23 to 25 per cent, on the dollar coald.possibly be secured, and this, of coarse. contingent on col lecting tbe $120,000 cash of Stephen A. Ryan and subjecting the real estate. The debtor states that, with the financial assistance of John Ryan, Sr., the stock of goods can be made to realize near its cost price, and for that reason be feels warranted in making the offer. This recommendation of the 13 Atlan ta law firms was laid before the meetr- ing,aad the advisabillity of following it hay-day of her success at the watering places.—Boston Gazette. Tbe world is’nt so wi-ked as the ap plause of a poker joke at the theatre would indicate. Already the talk is driog out, and Alliance dem •►erais stand by the faith of their fathers for a glorious triumph cf democracy in the next campaign. time. Tbe country is too poor. The fi nancial stringency ahead ot us is too alarming. Tbe Agricultural and Mechanical col lege is doing well jnst where it is. It works hand in band with the literary college in advancing the cause ot education. Farmer's sons go to the University because they are treat*d jnst as kindly there as if they were worth s million. 1 hey feel at home on the campus. They know they will succeed if they have brains and energy, for others have dor.e so, and they know tbe University gives them n place to gilist bears a striking resemblance to another.—Washington Star. NOT THIS TIRE. LEONIDAS The State Alliance at its session in Atlanta demonstrated one tning very conclosively and that is that hey are after the railroads with a ied hot pitch-fork. A resolution urging the legislature to pass more stringent laws against railroad combinations and leases was introduced and it met *uch ap proval that Mr. Livingston turned pale beneath the gills and waltzed oat of the presidential chair abd on to the floor of tbe assembly in de fense of the railroads and against the resolution. Bnt bis eloquence was of no avail, and the resolution went through with an overwhelming vote. Perhaps Mr. Livingston is satisfied now that the Alliance of Georgia can’t be hoodwinked by the removal of tbe Terminal offices to Atlanta nor led to believe that the salvation of the state lies in railroad consol idation. Tbe AUiaaoe is right in mynd* and before tbe General Assembly adjourns will probably VfyJi the Richmond Terminal and its sister corporations a lesson or tWOL SAVANNAH RIVER ASSOCIATION Its Convention at Augusta on Novem ber 19th knot 20th. The Savannah River Association is a corporation organized for the purpose ot bettering the means of transporta tion along tbe Savannah from Augusta to the sea. Its most direct work is mimed against the consolidation of railroad companies in this and other states. Its conven tion meets in Augusta on tbe 19th anil 20th of November and a letter has been issued inviting different cities and counties to have a delegation on band. Following is the letter in full: In view of the consolidation ot tbe railroad systems of Georgia and South Carolina aud other Southern Slates, the necessity for tbe improvement and farther utilization of the Savannah River is s matter of great importance than ever before. By unity of action in Georgia and South Carolina, we can prevent unjust discrimination against our diversified interest on the part of Railroad Syndi cates, through n deserving patronage of our great water-way in transporting freight between Savannah and Augus ta and the fields of consumption. Low rates of freight from the East via Savannah to Angnsta mean cheap rates to alL npiatt along the line ot railroads leaning from Augusta. The Augusta Steamboat Company, an organization growing ont of the in telligent agitation of this subject by tbe Biver Association, through the main tenance of a line of boats on the river, compelling a redaction in carrying S cotton from this city to Savannah of 66c. per bale, and to Charleston 66c. per bale. On other freights to and from East, there has been n reduction of fully S3 1-3 per cent., while a number of staple goods, sugar, for instance, enjoy a fifty E r cent .ad vantage over Allan ta.Bome, soon and interior points. Tbe consumers who patronize Au gusta and receive their freiebts from Augusta, enjoy tbe advantage result ing from R ▼ r comp tition with the Gantt’s ” Free Lance.” Atlanta. Ga., Aug, 21.—[Special ]— Larry Gantt announces that he’ll start a paper to be called “The Free Lance” on September 1st. It is to be for the Alliance and strict ly anti railroad. PRESIDENT INMAN Denies That the Terminal IS Bor rowing. New York, August 22.—[Special }— John H. Inman, president of tbe Rich mond Terminal, said this morning: “The statement that the Richmond Terminal has borrowed money to pay the September interest is entirely un true, and grown oat of a misunder standing. “One of tbe controlled companies has lately borrowed some money from bankers in this city, bn$ the Terminal company itself has borrowed no money ss all recently. “Richmond Terminal owes only $530,000 of floating debt, all told, and that wa5 incurred but Jane for the purpose of bonds from oae of its con trolled lines.' „ “The Terminal treasury is strong ha securities, and the company has more than enough money on band to pay Its September interest.” “After paying this the company has John Stephens Receives a Severe Wound Yesterday. Yesterday about noon a negro man came driving through tbe streets of Athens in. a sorry and his head was covered all over with dotted blood: It was evident that be had happened to some serious accident, but be was ap parently as cool ss a cue amber. He went to Dr. Carlton’s office and not finding him in, went to Dr. Bene dict’s. His story was an old one, of how be and another negro were fighting and how an ax came into play with bloody results. His name is John Stephens and he lives down on the Georgia Factory road several miles from Athena. Yesterday morning be waa at work on tbe road and had some words with another negro named Jim Poido- Words led to blows and soon they were after each other with shovels. Stephens knocked Poldo down with n shovel and jumpted on him and was choking him. John Federick, a third negro come dashing np and nailed sway at Steph ens with an ax Tbe blow took Stephenson tbe back of the head and cot a deep gash across it, laying him oat for tbe time bring. He soon regained, consciousness hat * ‘ s another thing that is taia; &ml that is that Mr. ’ill cot sund Mr. Blaincfa campaign in the office of of state and using the iZsi Prestige of that position '• him from the office which lie - is- The Philadelphia Press, i controlled by one ot Mr. =•-- 3 foreign ministers, has ,J **ice upon Mr. Blaine that rsement by the republican c "*oa kt Harrisburg to*day will u bU resignation of the ' e now holds. Of coarse he '' i ,c “ i» in so brutal a shape as "hat he said meant that ***S?elm. * -• tne Pennsylvania move- ! lU fivor of Blaine is Senator who “has it in for” the 5l » who is taking this ^ to get even. He Droooees to Brother Shackleford, of the Ogle thorpe Echo,says: We do not deem it necessary to offer the Democratic party any advice. It has been taking care of itself for nigh on to n century and is as well able now to resrstXlittk; disruptions o»Jt bus ever been. Especially when they are bead ed by overly anxious preferment Railroads. No farther argument is needed to de monstrate tbe importance to oar peo ple of tbe absolute necessity secur ing at the hands of *be Gen eral Government prompt recognition of the pressing needs which exist, for the improvement of the Savannah river,