Newspaper Page Text
,t the banner Leaii.
Because it prill*
local News of Athwit,
IrL ceorria Nows tod Hsppwlflj*.
'jliflwImportant In ths Wort*.
Hays ha tarpictamtJattoaa of any a*
Dul»H«kaJ |n mmI r jafton IWmaIs
rttoiiinM in nmiMcm cotbvh vM|h ;
, i .1. INM 1 Deunelilue* with Use
Eat. !*»»• I Athena Bminer, Ru. 1!
VOL. 59 NO. 35
per cent-, while that of Georgia is but t
little over 146 per cent.
we publish an editorial
Athews Banner on the preju-
dice between city and country. There
is no good reason for the enmity that
» often exists between the two.
and tow o people are more to
blame than any others for this state of
&naire.—Camming Clarion.
We think yon are not altogether fair
in this statement. Why blame the city
and town people for this state of affairs
any more than the country people ?
Both are equally at fault in the matter,
and both should see the error of their
way and act accordingly.
litor Harry Brown of the Soutb-
Alliance Fanner has printed a
readable circular and scattered
* ot it over the desks of the leg-
m at the Capitol.
the address Editor Brown fires
)t at the Atlanta Constitution
the Atlanta Journal for their
attacks upon the General
for refusing to accept the
s Home. The circular’s
it appears, is to clear the
0 f the Alliance of this fatal
<r mistake. The cir-
The Renowned Jeweler, Is In the race
for the Mayoralty—He says he Is In
the Fight to the Finish—Two
Candidates In the ring now.
Athens Is as dry as a bone Until the
Dispensary Is Opened-Hurry up
and open It, Is the cry.
And the Beautiful Cascades-The
Grandeur of Columbus Scenery as
Portrayed by the Banner’s Spe
c!a' Correspondent.
The Effort to Reconsider the Veter
ans* Home BiU Killed by the “Nine
ty-Three and the Nigger”—The
Mayor and City Attorney of
Atlanta Condemned-
Stormy Scenes.
purpose, as
W (! distress^
talar ^ocs on to show that the issue
i? no Alliance issue. It says that a
resolution »as introduced before the
s t j:f Alliance Convention, recom
bine that the legislature should
|CCe p l the Home, and that President
Livingston took the floor and spoke
• t behalf of the resolution, but that
jl, e resolution was tabled because
U), Alliancemen thought it was no
ay.-' o! their especial concern, bm
„ i SS afc loi the legislature to settle.
g* it The Banner cannot,
gpriiyi!.' Alliance should be held
jccouui&bie for the action of the
State Legislature in this matter. It
is not a question in which the Alii-
met principles are involved, and
rtiv should the Alliance worry about
it,one way or the other ?
It isn't worth while to lay every
thing bad resulting in the Slate leg
islature at the door of the Alliance.
The leaders against the Veteran’s
Hone were not Alliancemen. Many
of those who voted against it were
lawyers and doctors. The truth is
that Alliancemen could lay aside
Alliance principles in voting on this
question, for it is not a measure in
which the Alliancemen have the
slightest interest so far ns the ad-
tsiicement of their principles is
The Banner thinks it hasty poli
cy on the part of any one to get an
gry with the men who voted against
be bill to establish the Home. Es
pecially is it a had spirit that prompts
oie to charge the Alliance with kiii-
isr the hill. We believe the issue
came up fairly before the General
Assembly a? a public question. It
•is fully and extensively debated.
The vote was taken and the bill was
‘'" t "e were, surprised at the re
in,t, so were the people of Georgia,
believe it was a mistake on the
Brown vs. Skiff.
That is the way the Mayer’s race
stands now.
Mr. Valentine W. Skiff, the renown
ed jeweler, of Athens, has thrown down
the gage of battle and is defying any
one to pick it up.
Mr. Skiff, when seen yesterday in re
gard to the race, was not like the other
candidates that have been mentioned.
He didn’t say he wasn’t ready yet to
say anything for publication, hut he
talked right out in meeting.
“Yes,” siud he, “I am in the race, and
I am in to stay until the last ballot has
been deposited and the vote counted out
and declared.”
“You will make quite a vigorous cam
paign for the office, will you not?”
“Yes, I am going to pull off my coat
and get down to work in earnest. The
position sought is one that any citizen
of Athens should esteem an honor to
have conferred upon him.
“My record in the psst as a citizen,
of Athens is all that I desire to stand
upon, and I am quite confident that my
friends are numerous enough to put me
through successfully.”
“Will you spring any issues in the
campaign ?”
“Yes, I start out with the proposition
to settle all this trouble about the dif
ferent times in Athens. If elected to
the office of Mayor, I will donate to the
.city a large and handsome city clock to
be placed in whatever portion of the
city the conncil may designate, and
wan anted to keep perfect time.”
Thus the fight lor the mayoralty
grows interesting.
The other named candidates have not
decided yet, but the race^is on at any
Mayor Brown, with a fine record be
hind him, and Mr. Skiff with tbc prom
ise of a city clock if elected.
Come along, gentlemen, the more the
Is Athens dry ?
Cannot the druggists Bell whiskey un
til the dispensary iB established?
These are questions that are general
ly asked on the streets and particularly
in the drug stores now!
The trouble and donbfefnl inquiry all
seems to come out of the following lit
tle editorial squib which was recently
in the Banker :
Along with the Athens dispensary
Twelve men.
One drug store.
The scene opens with a low conver
sation in which “red eye” and “com
juice” is mentioned every now and
® wn i while ever and anon a smothered
curse follows the mention of Clarke
county being dry.
Another person appears at the front
door, walks in and asks for Mr ,
the druggist.
“Well, sir, what will yon have?”
asked the druggist.
“I have some sick folks at home,”
said the man in a plaintive manner and
I want a bottle of turpentine.
‘•What sized bottle?”
“Here’s a bottle yon can put H in,’»
said the man and running his hand into
his coat pocket, he produced an old
beer bottle. “It has had beer in it,’ ’ he
said in an excusing manner, “but I
guess it will be all right.”
“Yes, I’ll fill it up for you,” replied
the druggist, and he soon returned
with the bottle filled with a white liq
The lips of the twelve men smacked
and their mouths watered.
As the man passed out of the
store he winked his eye at the crowd
and gave them to understand that they
could get all they wanted back in the
rear room.
The man disappeared and the twelve
men juggled.
Presently one of them walked slowly
back and accosted the druggist, “My
wife is sick, sir, and the doctor says I
must have a little turpentine, so I
thought I would just buy a half pint.”
“I«et me see your prescription,” re
plied the druggist.
“I haven’t got any, but you’ll let me
have the turpentine for my sick wife?”
“Well, yes, Til let you have it.”
He got the turpentine and walked
past his comrades with a two foot smile
on his mug.
Then another went back and said, “I
am all broken up and the doctor
says for me to rub my limbs
with turpentine, and I want a quart,”
and here he stopped to draw ont a quart
flask. “It's had whisky in it, sir, but
it will do all right.”
He got the quart of turpentine.
And so it went until the last of
the twelve had secured a bottle of tur
The last one as he rounded the mear-
est corner suddenly took a severe in
ward pain and determined to try the
virture8 of a good swallow of ;
well be tried it anyhow, and in about
two seconds bine streaks of sulphurous
utterances flashed through the air.— !
—!—! oh my mouth—!—!—! grand
rascal—1—!— I’ll ring his—!—!—!
neck—!—!—! oh my month etc. etc.
That man stood on his head, he
danced on his ears, he tore his hair,
and rave and swore, and pat his ever
lasting curse upon the man that in
vented turpentine.
Jnstaroond another block two other
men were pawing up the earth, while a
short distance farther on another was
wire of the
For the Sunday Banner.
Columbus Ga., Aug. 29.—[Special.]—
The beauty and romance of a lover’s
leap have been claimed by every spot
on earth that could hold any possible
claim to natural scenery wherein the
effect of a leap oonld be obtained.
Why lover’s leap should be such a bo
nanza to a community muBt forever re
main in shadow, unless to portray the
rashnesB with which all lovers leap into
and out of difficulties is to offer a
pleasing side of humanity to mankind.
Be that as it may there are so many
noted lover’s leaps,that if they increase
at the present rate of universal discov
ery, very soon every lover in the world
can have a leap to himself if he so de
But whether in this day and genera
tion the lover will find that, particular
maiden willing to leap with him, is a
question of dubious aspect.
I think myself that he would leap to
the death alone; girls nowadays having
a better hold upon what affections
fashion and society-teaching permit
them to retain, than did that Indian
maiden, who took the leap with exulta
tion in her simple heart—glad to go if
going meant union with him even In
But n’iinporte; the place itself
Atlanta. Ga-, August 28th.—[Spe
cial.]—To day was the worst of all to
the House of Representatives.
It is safe to say that never before in
the history of Georgia have such wild
and exciting scenes been witnessed in
the House.
For a time there was almost a pande
monium, and the air was filled with
cries of excited and prejudiced enthusi
asts shouting for order, and yelling back
answers in response to the questions of
the speakers.
There was a full crowd in the gallery,
and they were with the supporters of
the motion to reconsider action on the
Confederate home bill, made by Mr.
Cutts, of Sumter, at the opening of the
session. At times their applause was
so loud and prolonged that the speaker
had to call for order in the gallery.
The first part of the session was quiet
enough, bat the middle and latter part
of it were almost like a pandemonium.
Mr. Cutts, of Sumter, made a motion
to reconsider the action of the House of
the Veterans’ Home bill, and moved to
suspend the rules so r.b'it
the motion could be made next Thurs
day when the mqpnbers were feeling
better over the matter and were not so
prejudiced. The motion to suspend
" * can see no ground for the charges
against certain Alliance leaders, that
they defeated the bill to accept the
veterans* home. Many of the most ar
dent supporters of the*bill were Alli
ancemen, and while the Banner reiter
ates what it said from the first—that
the defeat of the bill is to be regretted—
it does not see the justice or fairness in
charging its defeat to the Alliance.
bill another bill was introduced which
repealed that section of the local law al
lowing practicing physicians to pre
scribe and furnish liquor to their pa
tients. The new law which has passed
both houses makes Athens and Clarke
county absolutely dry, and renders it
unlawful for practicing physicians to
furnish liquors to their patients. Hence
liquor cannot be sold legally under any
circumstances in Clarke county until
the dispensary is established. Tuesday
There are women who think on Sun
day that they have religion, but during
the week they think otherwise when
they have to prepare meals, on a wood
stove in the summer time, for an unap
preciative husband.—Tribune-of-Rome.
Nay, nay; say not so. Bless the
good heart of that dear woman, she
lives ever in the consciousness of faith
ful piety, but we do not warrant that
the husband’s religion is what it ought
to be.
liquors on prescriptions. So, until the
dispensary is established, Clarke,is dry
as a bone.
The druggists are anxious to know
whether or net their licenses still bold
good, and many a lawyer has been con-
salted on this point within the past few
A Banner reporter found Hon. Pope
Barrow in his office yesterday and
“Have you been consulted by any of
the physicians of Athens as to their
rights to furnish liquor to their pat-
“Yes, several of them.”
“What have you advised them?”
“To stop.”
“Why did you give this adv|r if
you think this liquor legislation for
Clarke county unconstitutional?"
Because I have not examined the doc
tors and druggists bill and have no opin
ion upon it. I have never given any
opinion upon that bill. I have
simply advised the doctors and
druggists who consulted me to
stop furnishing liquor because I had
seen the bill and that was the sa*e
“You did give the opinion during the
campaign that some local liquor bill
was unconstitutional; what was it?”
“The dispensary bill.”
“Then you think the doctors and
druggists had better stop selling to their
“I have so advised those who have
consulted me,
It was lamentable that the Home for
Georgia veterans was not established,
but still more lamentable tbat all this
madness and venom sbould be aroused
over the matter.
Sats the Boston Herald: They say
that ex-Speaker Reed and ex-Speaker
Carlisle sat down to a quiet game of
cards up in the White mountains the
other day. Thus do the asperities of
politics simmer in high latitudes.
is un
der consideration now.
There can be no higher claim to the
genuine Leap than Columbus, Georgia,
possesses; if scenery and the air of ro
mance overshadowing everything can
form a claim.
The old Indian hunting grounds
where arrow heads yet abound; the
fields where the waving maize gleamed
golden in the sun; the ancient and ex
hausted looking cedars under which
they held their councils and war dan
ces ; the very fact that here the Cowe-
tas retained their hold until far down
the present century, all combine to
form a claim of unusual strength.
The winding Boulevard now in pro
cess of construction is the most charm
ing feature of beautiful Columbus, lead
ing as it does ever up and up, past aod
through the grand, moss-draped forest,
close to the river—that “swiftly flow
ing" stream.
O, the river! O, the cascades, the
rushing, dashing, roaring water!
O, the grandeur of its impetuosity
and power!
Far beyond the huge, projecting rock
that forms a natural and inviting leap
to death, the bosom of the river is
placid, scalm, erene;—but like the
turbulency of lore, when it reaches the
romantic spot, it dashes over sunken
rocks with powerful force.
The current carries all before it, and
the broad, rocky causeway forms a re
sistance that only angers the water. I
foams and sparkles and brawls, bu
stops not to argue,—is hurried on and
down to a useful ending.
. The sun shines, too, on the Silver
Wampum where the lovers were sur
prised; upon the trail they followed to
the high point from which the leap to
death was made; and also, it shines
too, on the cruel rocks and water that
form the grave of the devoted couple.
Across the river rise the hills of
another state, wrapped in a dreamy,
purple light, the amethystine glow of
walls Bupernal, and all around lies the
forest primeval. May the hand of man
never to dese-
It seems rather unjust to charge Col.
Livingston with killing the Confeder
ate Veteran’s Horae bill when be spoke
in its favor before the State Alliance
Mr. Hill, of Merriwether, made a
strong speech, in which he stated that
he hoped the members would not re
consider the matter.
Cries “we’ll do it.”
He made a radical speech against the
Confederate Home bill,
and against the men
who held the indignation meeting at the
artesian well last night.
Oliver Wendell Holmes has celebra
ted his eighty-second anniversary. The
old fellow is lively yet.
Poor weather for bringing out the
cotton crop.
To lHave a School Erected In East
In talking with a prominent citizen
of East Athens yesterday, a Banner
reporter learned that a petition would
be started in that section of the city
and addressed to the City Council, ask
ing that body to look into the matter of
building a school for white children in
East Athens as soon as the finances of
the city would warrant it.
The citizens of East Athens realize
that if a new building is to be estab-
Tiikke lias been no yellow fever this
year on the southern coast.
Many ques
tions were asked by members and he
wa3 often interupted, but had plenty of
time to censure the people of Atlanta
for holding such a meeting.
Mr. Goodwin then replied to.Mr. Hill
and stated that the people of Atlanta
did not approve any mob. The mob
which entered the capitol was not the
people of Atlanta but a crowd of
youths aod boys who did not.
Mr. Martin also answered the remarks
of Mr. Hill and fully vindicated the
people of Atlanta and their course.
Mr. Cutts then asked leave to with
draw bis motion. The request was
refused, Mr. Atkinson,of Coweta, mak
ing the strongest objection.
He then took the floor in spite of the
Speaker’s ruling that he was not intiled
to it, and made some strong and severe
Will it snow?
How an old Negro Holds to a Soldiers
cap Dear to hts Heart.
Only a worn-out blue cap.
That’s all.
But, it is a treasure to old Uncle
Richmond Elder, the old darkey so
well known on the streets on Athens.
The story is a touching
one. Ricbmomd went off to the
war with his “marster,” a young man
named Elder wSo lived in Oconee
county. He followed him where the
battle grew thickest and where bullets
came with most telling effect- He nev
er faltered in his faithful service to bis
young master, and spread bis own blan
ket each night on the ground by
the side of his master’s
cot, and kept np the camp fire many a
long winter’s night, when chilling
blasts blew strong and bleak
In the fight at Malvern |Hill, a bul
let from a Yankee’s musket pieroed the
heart of the gallant Elder, and he fell
to death in an instant. Who
bnt Richmond, the slave,
sbould rush to his side and clasp
There is a large differ
ence between the bill repealing the
doctors and drnggists furnishing liquor
and the dispensary bill. They stand
upon entirely different grounds. I have
a decided opinion upon one of them,
upon the other I have formed none,
and have expressed none.,’
could scarce
by be heard for the shower hisses and
cries for order. Mr. Atkinson only
took bis seat when the speaker called
for the doorkeeper to enforce the rul
ing of the chair.
After the request bad been refused
Mr. Atkinson again obtained the floor
and made the strongest and severest
Bpeech tbat has been heard in Geor
gia’s capital for years.
Mr. Atkinson said: I belong to that
crowd who are dabbed the“93 and a nig
ger,” and who have been[called traitors
to the men whq WQrq,thqgray. slf.any
who spoke at the artesian well
ern Union Telegraph company, died
here today from blood poisoning, the
result of a carbuncle.
Mr. Meriwether was Superintendent
of the. old American Telegraph Co.,
daring the war, having worked up
messenger boy.
challenging the trolley
electric line to a fire-spitting match.
One poor fellow took about aeupfull of
the liquid and the last seen of him he
was going at a two-forty rate in the
direction of Milledgeville.
Results.—Twelve bottles of turpen
tine sold and as many disappointed
The county still remains dry.
But, it was too late. The soldier died
in the negro’s arms and Richmond
took the cap from his master’s hand-
from the position of
He was regarded as one of the best tele
graph men in the country. His dis
trict composed Chattanooga, Atlan
ta, Macon and all territory west of that
to the Texas lines. Until recently his
headquarters have been at Mobile, hav
ing been changed to Atlanta several
months ago. *:
County Taxation of Railroads.
Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 29.—[Special.]—
Judge Marshall J. Clarke in Superior
court to-day declared that the county
taxation of railroads law
some bead and has worn it ever since.
It is all worn threadbare and sleek
bnt Richmond will wear no other
now, —
hat he says, until his dying day.
A Tally-Ho Laden With Twenty Poo*
pie Is Dumped.
They thought they would never hit
the bottom.
Bnt they did after descending seven
Such was the fate of a party of moon-
tough, bnt to beautify,
crate that depth of wondrous shade.
EVA. Freeman Hrt.
man who spoke at the artesian well
last night says bo he is a liar, andl am
responsible foi what 1 say here or ont-
side of this ball.
I shallnot be swerved from my con
victions on this question if they lead
me to heU. Weave, in favor -of provi
ding for the old soldier, bnt will do it
our way.
I charge that the mayor and city attor
ney of Atlanta extenuated the conduct
of the mob at the artesian well last
night by their presence at the meeting
and raising no protest”
He appealed strongly to the
members not to vote for the motion to
reconsider,-and his radical and violent
ravings had the desired effect.
On serious consideration he with
drew his remarks about the mayor and
city attorney having conferred with
those gentlemen.
The motion to suspend the roles was
withdrawn, and the motion to recon
sider was pat amidst shouts and cries
from every quarter. When order wa
restored a vote was taken, and the mo
tion was lost by a vote of ninety-three
and the nigger,” to forty-four.
Thus was another day wasted, and a
day whose reoord will stand as a blot
upon the legislative annals of Georgia.
The people should resent it. The
public servants of the state
have no right to ;pmd
the States money in the worse than
useless wranglings.
The Senate was bustjFpaasing bills ol
a local nature, bnt they did some good
work and they will receive the plaudits
of the people for the quiet attention to
their business while the House is occu-
The Assistant Attorney-General.
Atlanta Ga., Aug. 29.—[Special.]—
Governor Northeir says to. night that’
the report that he has decided upon
Hon. W. A. Little for Assistant Attor
ney General is entirely unauthorized.
He says that at Mr. Glenn’s request
he has decided to bold the matter abso
lutely open until next W ednesday.
It is highly important that[ somebody
should be appointed at once hat he will
wait until Wednesday, leaving the mat
ter absolutely open. It is believed.
Messrs. Tobe Murray and John Lane
CometoBtoWs.’ " ,,r
Mr. John Lane is a shoemaker and
liVbrTn Dauieisville. ••"'V s
He came to Athens yesterday and last
night was around at Mr. Tobe Murray’s
livery stable.
The conversation turned on a case in
the U. S. Court at Atlanta in which
TAn« is a witness. Murray had brought
the case and had had Lane subpoenaed.
Lane became angry at Murray last
night about the matter, and from words
they came to blows.
is not ia the United
uth(wr anJ Jonr <’B Gordon is.
td to7v,?h lna ’ how ever, coaid ill af-
3 bem tier bluff and t>ea»»n
li^non! 0 ' VeDt d0wn Without a
in of hi? m or an ‘nstant of relaxa-
i* Gori-av' ur ?? e ® r dignity for Sena-
dlL.tx-h?!’ Wlttl , his ha,f dodging and
Alliance de “ ands —
Su kGo,U,0N ha * been
Itu . , a ‘ n 1118 v *ewB on the demands
la!lw ‘ au <l h»e never “half’
l«li«, f haiP ’ acoe Pted any issue.
Upleoffi™ 1,6en char «ed by the
wi ? eorgla with “relaxation of
light straw-riders Friday night on their
ia consti
tutional. The case under consideration
was a test case brought by tbe Colum
bus Southern railroad. Judge Clarke’s
decision is a lengthy and exhaustive
one. 7” ” -* ■*-
return from a drive down to the south-
ern end of the connty.
A party made np of ton young men
and ten young ladies went out Friday
night on a moonlight drive with the
tally-ho, and reached their destination
down in Puryear’s district safely.
They were returning homo when
they suddenly felt the ground give way
them, and they all took a
plunge through the darkness to tbe
ground below.
® .... X JUaV aawaH foof
The case will of coarse go to the
Supreme court.
The Ohio Bain-Maker In Wyoming.
Cheyenne, Ang. 29. — Frank Mel
bourne, the Australian rain-maker, has
reached this city from Canton, O. He
bonder contract to convince a local
syndicate that he can produce showers.
If successful be will he offered a steady
job at better pay than President Harri
son gets. If he fails, he pays his own
expenses. The experiments will begin
within a week, or when the weather
settles. There has been more precipi
tation in August than for any corres
ponding month in seventeen years, and
Melbourne’s advent is untimely. He is
very sanguine, and assures all that his
lemonstratious will be satisfactory. A
brother accompanies the rain-maker,
and has a bundle to bet on the game.
The Veterans’ Home bill is all the
Closing Smloon* in Indian Territory.
Gainesville, Tex., Ang. 39.-—Cap
tain Laflore. of Muskogee, chief of the
Indian police, was in the city en rente
home from the Chickasaw country.
“ <jq, e tallybo was in a ditch seven feet
deep and they were all piled np indis
criminately on tbe ground
■pjjgy managed to gather themselves
np and get the tallybo back in the road
and came on to Athens.
A few scratches and bruises were all
the injuries sustained, bnt it is a won
der there were not a few hones broken.
“Praise he to him, whose wondrous
Has conquered every human ill—
And now alone, as victor stands „
The “Golden” compound of his hanos.
Cf, cnake a man, with tribute crowned.
talk on the streets now. The major!-y
of citizens think the legislature err- d
in defeating it, while some maintain
very vigorously that they did exactly
what was right.
The Good Templars.—Evans Lodge
of Good Templars has changed its meet
ing place, and the night of meeting.
The lodge now meets on Tuesday night
The Rock College looks like it is just
waiting for a Normal School to be es
tablished within its walls. At the pres
ent rate of legislative enactment it will
have to wait a good long while.
been nearly