The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, September 08, 1891, Image 2

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mat ATHENS BANNER ' TUESDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 8, 1891 THE WEST POINT TERMINAL'S RAIL ROAD BILL. The bill lately introduced in the House of Representatives by Col. A. F. Pope, of Oglethorpe, and labelled •*by request,” will bear watching Colonel Pope is not the author of the bill, and having given notice in the very out set that it is not his, he is not to be held responsible for a single passage in it. Of course everybody at all familiar with the railroad si'uation in Geor gia today knows the daddy of the document. Every line of the bill bears the finger marks of its author. SOUND ADYIC BEWARE AND KEEP AWAY BETTER GET THE FROM BEST. FRAUDS! It costs but little if any more than an indifferently good article, and you Vnow the best is always the cheapest in the long run. to come to my store during ths whole of this week. Take the advantage of this opportunity before it is too late. This will b i And if it is the best you are looking for d or fail to come to my store during tbs whole of this week. Take the advantage of this opportunity before it is too late, ibis will bi your last chance. I am compelled to make room The chances are that two heads were 1 for my fall stock of goods, which I purchased while in the East. Every piece of goods now on my counters must go. regardle° 3 of what they cost. Many things will go below cost put together in consultation, bent I during the whole week. Now is your chance. Come and see what I have to give away You may get a ten dollar bill Be sure to come. A word to the wise is sufficient. A upon affecting a compromise between I ficient number of Sales ladies to wait on the people will be employed for the week. LOOK AND SEE THE PRICES BELOW the State of Georgia and the rail* roads, when this bill became a living suf- My line of Corsets cannot be excelled. Dr. Bridg man's Electro Magnetic Corset for I 00, real value 2 00 Best grade C. B. Corset 75 cents, will cost you 1 25 anywhere else 2 1-2 cents a yard fpr Challies, richest design; 2 1-2 cents a yard for Polcadot Challies; 21-2 cents a yard for Plaid figured Lawns; bill declares that its purpose is “to 12 1-2 cents a yard for a lot Remnants Tissues.w’tb 25c secure the benefits of competition 1 case Figured Muslin 10 yards for 15 cents Now is your time to buy. while everything is cheap. A large lot of Bleaching to be sold. 6 cents a yard for 1 case Bleaching, guarantee it is equal to Fruit of Loom. reality; and it is presumable that a pair of of handsome blue eyes twinkled like evil stars presiding over its nativity. Be that as it may, the bill will bear watching. Now, let’s see what there is in this notable document so worthy of suspicion. In its title the 19 cents a dozen for large turkey red handkerchiefs, cents a yard for 7 1-2 cents S f, a Island Sheeting. through the operation of the railroad commission.” With such an invit" ing caption who could "refrain from looking further ^into such laudable purposes, - What do we find? A mere jumble of words granting the Georgia railroad commission all sorts of powers and privileges which so far as we know have always been granted and have always been exe cuted by the commission. But now we come to that passage | of the bill which provides that- “All contracts of every nature for the control and operation of any railroad in this State by any corpo ration other than the company char* tered to own the same shall be, with in thirty days from their execution, or, if heretofore made, within thirty days from the passage of this act, filed with the railroad commission of this state by the company parting with the control or operation.” And whae does this mean? Sim ply that railroads may combine in whatever ruinous way they may choose, with the one condition that they notify the commission of it within thirty days after the contract is made. No penalty is named in case the contracts are not filed with the commission within the time men tioned. In fact, it is an empty re quirement, which in the feeble am biguity of its dictations slyly makes all leases of competing railroads valid in this State while the Cohsti- tation distinctly says they are void. Now, take the lease recently con summated by the West Point Ter minal Company between the Central and the Georgia Pacific railroads as a case in point, for it is really the particular case in point Here are two railroads that are dangerous ri-. vals iu competing for traffic. The Constitution says they shall not be consolidated. The West Point Ter minal Company has defiantly com bined them in the face of this com mand. The bill in question simply imits the legality of this deed. And here is the whole thing in a nutshell. It is a pity that Colonel Livings ston is so much concerned in the passage of this bill. A pity be- cause, while professing to be for the people, he has put himself with the West Point Terminal Company. Hts stand is apt to mislead those who have had no opportunity of becoming familiar with the bill. But, an ef fort is made to have Colonel Livings ston and Mr. Watson discuss the .railroad question before the legisla te. Mr Watson is downright op posed to great railroads usurping the rightful competition of the Southern lines, and the people are with him. What will Colonel Liv ingston say ? Look Out for Special Bargains. I cent a piece for nice bordered Ladies’ and Gents Handkerchiefs. LACE CURTAINS. chance. Are still down. 1 will give yon one more For 48c. a pair; they are worth 75 cents Best quality Z phyr Ginghams going at 6 cents a yard. 30 pieces yard wide Bleaching, best made, at 6 3-4 a yard. No equal. Do not fail to see my SHOES just arrived, and get my prices before you buy anywhere else, 45 cents a pair for 1 00 Ladies Kid Oxford Ties, sizes from 3 to5 ; 1.00 a pair for Ladies Scalloped top India kid pump sole button Shoes: worth 2.50; Lo >k out for Gents Patent Leather Slippers. They are going this week at 1 60 a pair. 85c. a pair for Gent’s Plain Leather and Velvet embroidered Slippers; 90 cents a pair for Gent’s white top Lawn Tennis Shoes; double sole, best quality. Gent’s patent leather Bals or Congress; going below cost; 1 25 a pair. Dress Goods at a Large Discount. 10 cents a yard for the 42 iuch 25 cents Polca dot Swiss; 4 cents a yard for the 10 cent Check Nainsook; cents a yard for 10 and J2£ cents White Lawn; For 7£ cents you can get choice of every pieco of White Goods i n tU house. The rarest Bargains ever offered in White Goods; 6 cents a yard, for Imitation China Silks from the bolt, no remnants 5 cents a yard for Pine Apple Tissue, from the bolt. 6£ cents a yard for 25c. Llama Cloth, 42 inches wide beautiful colorings. 7| cents a yard for best quality Chambree. 1 case Repps,at 4£ cents a yard. Worth 8 cents. 1 25 for a pure Irish Linen Damask Table covers, hanksome pink or ligh.. blue border, knotted fringes, 3 50 quality. 10 cents a piece for a handsome tidy or colored Turkish towel, worth 25c. 15 ceuts a pair for large Pillow Shams, very handsome, worth 60 cents anywhere. 1 >0 apiece for choice of the finest colored silk canopy top Parasols, worth 3 5i 90 r -its apiece for Genls 32 inch black Gloria Silk Umbrella, worth 1 5q Bov’s patent leather Oxfords, going at 75 cents. Ri 'n’s patent leather Lace or Congress Shoes will bo sold for 2 00. They are worth $4 00. OF ATHENS, quoted above. NOW A WORD TO THE BARGAIN SEEKERS Read the above prices carefully and see the Bargains offered you. This will be your last chanee this season to buy such goods as I offer you at the prices I have f must have room and will have room. Do not miss this sale. % Yours, Respectfully, MAX JOSEPH. should become a law, we do not think it would have any of any particular im portance. The Richmond Terminal would, of course, feel more comfortable, its various leases having received the recognition of the legislature and been legalized, as far as possible, by that body; but the people and the railroads would stand in the same relation to each other that, they do now. The rail road commission would remain the sole restraint on one and the sole guardian of the imprests of the other. Colonel Livingston’s railroad “chums” will be glad to furnish him material for his debate with Tom Wat son on the railway question.—Atlanta Journal. Col. Livingston ought to get out of this entanglement at once. Be ought never to have gotton into it. It was unbecoming an alliance president to go around the country preaching up the railroad with Mr. Calhoun, of the West Point Terminal Company. Says the New Orleans States: Con gressman Jerby Simpson has returned to Washington from North Carolina, where he h*s been doing missionary work for the Farmer’s Alliance, and he says that the people of that State ex pressed their intention of joining the the third party when the time was ripe We are very much inclined to believe however, that the Tar Heels were jok ing with Jerry. Democbats should awake, organize and arm themselves for battle. Third party cranks are preaching throughout the country, and votes in many regions are lying around loose. "The sleeping fox catehes no poultry." Let democratic organizations begin at once. FROM CLINTON, S- C- THE BIG EXCURSION TO ATHENS NEXT WEDNESDAY. AN IMMENSE CROWD Coming Over to Take In the Classic ClTy—They are Advertising our Fa cilities Over In the Palmetto State—We Should Meet them With Cordial Hospitality. ft Col. Livingston takes a hand in pushing railroad legislation. An im pression goes out that he was too friend ly to the railroads and hisinfluence was being impaired among the farmers. To show where be stands, he has prepared and had introduced in the General As sembly a bill to give to the Railroad Commission greater powers. His bill basBome good points. But we can cover tell how a theory will work out until it is tested. All of this railroad legislation is experimental. The peo ple understand well' enough that rail roads are great factors in our civiliza tion. They are wonderful developers of wealth. They are run to make the most money. Sometimes their policy is to cater to terminals and through busi ness to the sacrifice of local.—Savannah Gas! yes; sometimes they do, !, too often do they. In- SrKAKiNG of the bill before the legis- ure professing to bo against railroad 'consolidations the Macon Telegraph ’‘says: tAs for the effects of the bill, if It Tom Watson has this good trait of character he always lets the people know where he stands. HiB stand on the railroad question is right too. On ly if he wonld take back his bitter de nunciations of the Democratic party. If he only would. Railroa d combinations require cau tions legislation. Let the General As sembly bear this in mind or let the law makers go home at once. Thb Legislature ought to awake to its sense of duty in one important mat ter. It ought to adjouru. A Good Printer Wanted —A good printer can obtain employment by ap plying at the Banner office at once. Another Citizen Settles *Hkrecs. M. L. Dunaway has moved from Gain ville to Athens. For a number of years he was a citizen of this county, and numbers bis friends by the hun dreds, who will be glad to know that he has made Athens bis home. Tbe Banner’s Job Wobk.-The Ban- nek has as complete a job office as can be found in tbe state of Georgia, and with an able corps of artistic printers is prepared to do work of all kinds in short order. Give Manager Christy a trial. Judge Sam Lumpkin.—The Crawford Herald says Judge and Mr* Sam Lamp- kin are at ther home in Lexington to spend a portion of their vacation. The Judge will not resume bis work until abont tbe 1st of October. He says Oglethorpe is his home and he always expects to remain so. The excursion that is to reach Athens next Wednesday from Clinton, S. C., will be the largest of them all. It iB expected that over a thousand people will be aboard the train, and all along tbe line the enthusiasm is at a high pitch. The fame of Athens as a centre of ed ucation and business for this section has spread abroad and the people of South Carolina are anxious to p«y us a visit. And on next Wednesday between ten and eleven o’clock the largest excursion that ever rolled into Athens will cross the big Oconee river bridge. Mr. Speed, of Abbeville, is getting up the excursion, and is confident that a large crowd' will be along. A Banner reporter was speaking with Mr. Lon O’Farrell, who has just returned from a trip through the dif ferent South Carolina townB and cities along the G. C. & N. road, and during the conversation learned a few things that the citizens of Athens should know. “I tell you,” said Mr. O'Farrell, those people over at Clinton, Green wood and Abbeville, and all through that section are aroused over this excur sion. They are coming to Athens next Wednesday and they are coming in force. “To show you the interest they are taking in it, and the favorable opinion they have of Athens, they are scatter ing all over that section circulars stat ing that the excursion is to be given to Athens and referring in very compli mentary terms to the great educational facilities of this city and its splendid business future. “More than one of these people have spoken to me as being very much in clined towards miking Athens their home. Over there Athens is a toast with them. “Our citizens should get together and Bhow these excursionists around. A great deal of business with these citi zens of South Carolina will" be done right here in Athens. Their impression towards the city is now a favorable one, and when they come over next Wednesday they should be given sueli a reception as will make them feel even more closely attached to Athens than ever before.” There is no donbt but that there will be a large crowd here on that day, and they will be representative citizens. Athens should stir herself to show them what there is here that goes to make up a great city. Let the mayor call a meeting of the citizens and devise ways and means of . "■ V. . -'** - : . s carrying them around and showing them the sights of the city. Let them be shown our school facili ties, our factories, our many industries, our beautiful avenues, park, and many other attractions. On that day they will be our guests, and should be treated roy ally. Let the meeting of citizens be called for Monday at MVo’clock at the Coun cil chamber, and let all attend. The Banner places itself in position and readiness to work lor the success of the entertainment. W hatever degree of work is placed upon it, will be fulfilled to the very best of its ability. Tbe citiz-ins by all means should see that this is attended to at once. IN THE COTTON BUSINESS. THE LEGISLATURE- actings AND DOINGS OF THE LAW MAKERS. A PENSION DEPARTMENT To be Established as a Part of the State Government—Discussing the Matter of Adjournment—Othbr Business. Mr. George H. Kretz, of Brooklyn, With Orr & "Hunter. Messrs. Orr & Hunter, of this city have secured the sergjce of-Mr. George H. Kretz, of Brooklyn, N. Y., to assist them in their immense cotton business in Athens. Mr. Kretz has for some time been doing foreign correspondence for Messrs. Orr & Hunter, and is a gentle man of floe business sense and agreeable manner and bearing. He speaks four languages fluently, viz., French, Span ish, German, and English, and is thoroughly conversant with the cotton business. He will make a valuable addition to the corps of clerks and agents now in the employ of Messrs. Orr & Hunter. A MAIL SERVICE ON THE G. C. A N. Is What Is Needed Just Now In Athens. Tbe new road is here and with it Bhould come the addition of full mail facilities. It is a highly desirous thing to have a through mail system on this road that will bring us tbe northern mail. Supt Terrell, of this division of the railway mail service, should look info this matter at his earliest opportunity and give the citizens of Athens tbe ad vantage of a good mail service over the Georgia, Carolina & Northern. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 4.—[Special.]— The bill to amend and revise the road laws of the state came up this morning as unfinished business. After a short discussion, Mr Reid, of Putnam, stated that as there were so many substitutes and amendments for tbe bill, that it would be almost impos sible to comejx) any conclusion in re gard to the matter, he therefore moved that the bill and all amendments be re ferred to a special committee of one from each congressional district. This motion was adopted. The house resolution to adjourn on the 18th. was then taken up for tbe purpose of acting on the senate amend ment which added the following words: "or so soon thereafter as is practica ble.” This was Been to be a clever dodge to get out of adjourning at any special time, and on motion of Mr. Berner the resolution was tabled. The bill to create a new judicial cir cuit of the superior court to be known as the Altamaha circuit was read a third time and passed. There was some ob jection to the measure on the ground that it was unnecessary. But the statements of those who lived in that section that the exigencies of pub lic business demanded it, prevailed.and the measure was passed. The counties in the newcircuit are Appling, Cofffee, Tatnall, Telfair, Montgomery, Liberty and McIntosh. A bill was introduoedliy Mr. Fleming of Richmond providing for the estab lishment of a pension department. The bill provides for a clerk of the depart ment at a salary of (3000 a year, and he is to pass upon all applications and attend to the entire business of pen sions. Tbe remainder of the session was devoted to reading bills a second time. was estimated at 8 cents, and would b'.ve brought $360,000,000. Now a crop estimated at 7,750,000 bales at 9j£, which would brine $346,874,000. If the w; Hd has $360,000,000 to pay for Amer- ic: . cotton, it will pay 9J£ cents a pound for 7.750,000 bales. That is the present price and the present estimate of the crop. So far, then, the farmer at lar ce i< just where he was before, unless h* 1 ip in a favored locality where the cr o is above the supposed average. If he nakes as much cotton as before, he is ffl 25 ahead on each bale. ut does it follow that the world will gi 1 so much for the American crop, LOOKS LIKE WAR. Russian Villages Thronged With Sol diers. London, Sept. 4. — A Vienna dispatch soys Russian villages near the Itussiac and Austrian frontier are throng! with soldiers. Frontier guards who used to be merely gendarmes to prevent smuggling have given place to whole regiments permanently quartered .\t ev ery available point and ready to act ssi strong advunce guard iu pairing into the Austrian empire in the event oi war. Observation towers are being bmlt big or little? That is a question the I close to the frontier, and the Russia OVER THE C. C. & N. The Reaves Warehouse Company Re celves Twelve Bales of Cotton. Yesterday the Reaves Warehouse Company received twelve bales of cot ton over the Georgia, Carolina and Northern. It was shipped to *hem from Comer, Ga., and was the first cotton hauled over the new road to Athens. The cotton was stored away in the warehouse and is the nucleus of the 1.11 business of this large and influen tial company. The 3rd Georgia—On accountof a complication of dates the reunion of the third Georgia regiment at Covington will be held on Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st instead of the dates first announced. A goodly number of the vets will be on hand and live over old times. Capt. S. D. Mitchell of this city will go as well as many others from this vicinity, Wm THE ADVANCE IN COTTON. The Prices Are Rising and the outlook Is Bright. Yesterday was a good day in the cotton market. Its prioe has advanced fully fifteen per cent in the last twenty days and tbe indications now are that the farmer will realize more from his crop this year than he did last year.— The crop for tbe year has been esti mated at 7,750,000 bales, and upon this basis the estimate of prices run from 8 to 9y 2 cents. In New York yesterday January fu tures rose from 9,02 to 9j£. This is generally believed to be a result of the reports of the recent rains'having cut the crop short. In speaking of the outlook, an At lanta cotton broker oi large experi ence says: < m. keta well have to answer. Qua! ity >s a valuable consideration, and th: year that is greatly improved. It w : make a material difference in the actual returns.” Mr. R. K. Reaves, one of the most prominent'and successful cotton factors n Athens, said yesterday in reference to the rise in the market, tha". the advance in January was doubtless the result of re ports concerning the damage of crops all through the South. “This effects spot cotton very little,” saH Mr. Reaves, “but in my opinion prices for cotton this year will be some what in advance of those of the last sea son. Of .coarse a great deal depends upon the quality of the cotton, but if it is as good as last years crop, the farmers will realize off of 7,750,000 bales about the same as they did off of 8,000,000 bales last year. If it is of a better grade,- they will get better prices for it. The prices for this season’s crop will average abont 8 cents from the present outlook.” Price of Bread BUing In London. London, Sept. 4.—The price of bread is rising in London, and the working classes are already beginning to feel the pinch of the ’distress subsequent on de ficient harvests. The advance so for is a half penny on the quarter loaf. The Salxati n Army is increasing its lodg ings and food accommodations in prep aration for the demands of winter, and notwithstanding the opposition of the church and of The Times, money is flow ing in liberally from various quartern to the army exchequer. There is a pub lic sentiment that, however crude the army methods, they reach the right spot and that the poor are assisted with out the red tape that involves so many of the Loudon charities. a: o also planning the erection of three or four large forts to form bases for a» invading army. The Russians are also constructing pontoons at Reni that cm he used in crossing the Danube. Son* are ninety-six feet long and eighteen feet wide. Others are one hundred and fifty feet long. They are forwarded as rapidly a" P* sible to various places where pontoon* might be required. A SEASON OF JOHN GILPIN SURRENDERS And will be Tried for the Murder of His Brother-In-Law. Union Point, Ga., Sept. 4.—[Special] —John Gilpin, who shot and killed his brother-in-law, Kilgore, near Greens boro some time since, is now behind the bars. At tbe time of the shooting he es caped, and Gov. Northen offered a re ward for his capture and arrest. Yesterday Gilpin came to Union Foint and gave bimBelf up to Mr. John Henry Carlton, who secured the re ward. y] - Gilpin has never been out of Greene dounty since the murder. lie lias em ployed Messrs. John C. Hart and Hal “A supposed nine-milliou-bale crop Lewis to defend him iu the courts. PROSPERITY. The Itlnnufacturor*’ Record PredlcU Good Times for Fall and Winter. Baltimore, Sept. 4. —The Mcmf*-- turers’Record of this weekpobliW six pages of special letters from leading hankers in all parts of the south as the financial condition and prospects cl general business and fanning interests- These reports uniformly show that im " mediately after the Baring t' ^ southern merchants and bankers p- sued a very conservative policy M once commenced to curtail all their o, erations and to make preparations r long period of monetary stringency, should come. The effect of this, * lessening the volume of trade, has • a reduction of indebtedness placing of all business terests on a very solid “ ni * . 0 j It also resulted in the borrow b.y advance money by cotton pU ^ent for many years, and hence U P.^ i( crop has less indebtedness **8 than crops of former parts of-the south farmers are re^^ as less in debt than for is ports saying that their mdeted ^ ^ smaller than at any time sin , m v<s due, in jwrt, to enforced ecOT^ account of the monetary * !4f ge since fast fall, and in part crops of the last few ye*■ • price of cotton in the »P * t0 nit- planters to pay more attent ,b* ing their own food snpph dependc® 1 south will probably be less up n other sections for corn ana than ever before. , crop* 0 ' It is estimated that the g™ the south this year will t h*» one hundred million bushels m^ ^ in 1890, and this, added W , tftf i yield of fruits and vegetable*- fflillifk , at home at least seve " t> ^ nort*-*^ dollars that last year *ent 0, west for food stuffs. This ^ ^ offset the low price of ou jjbe»^f cotton should advance, would gain to the southern forum s , The yield of wheat. n» promise to exceed the of to add largely to , tbe £ r ?^ions •>< * sooth Bankers mall secn^ <*• south report that, solid basis, with less er obant**55 the part of farmers mid m good for many years. fim* 0 ?*! assured, the pro8pecf®f° r f aVO r*bfcw ter hnve never been mow » sdif period of great V* stantial development i» miW m dieted. — " * m