The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, September 08, 1891, Image 7

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ATHENS BANNER : TUESDAY MORNING . SEPTEMBER 8,1891 Wj, r(lE big excursion from elberton. OVER FIVE HUNDRED PEOPLE p, |M » Li “ PlJ a Pl91slIlt Visit to He Classic City. WERE CHARMED yyith the I Road and the Fact that W e Are Now So Close Neighbors. MOTHER EXCURSION TO ATHENS. ,. honS was yesterday in ttao hands of v,t rt count)' and the farmers all along E V r the G. C. & N., between ,be line of the o. v , l rit r and Klberton. They captured the city at half past ..o'clock yeaterday morning and re- * u< j undisputed possession until af (oariu the afternoon. _ l «:is the largest excursion that ever ft n,e into Athens ami it came over the Spread Athens ever had. Quite a large number of citizens went day- He is running a bright and newsy sheet, devoted to the Interests of Kl- 'lerton, Georgia, and the Democracy, ft has a large circulation and is a good idvertising medium. Dr. N. G. Long, one of Elberton’s wealthiest and most public spirited cit izens, was on the excursion. He is uow otting out the plans for new houses to be erected in Elberton, and has just completed the erection of four hand some brick buildings. Mr. H. K. Gardner, President of the Elberton Loan and Savings Bank, and Mr. W. T. VanDuzer, cashier of the same were along. Their bank is on a linn footing and is accomplishing a great success. Mr. W. C. Pressly, who runs a sad dle and harness store was a welec me caller to the Banner sanctum yester day. Mr. W. H. Roberts, secretary of :he Elbert county Alliance was on the -ex cursion, shaking hands with his farmer friends and bidding them Godspeed in their efforts. He is one of the most popular men in Elbert county and is ‘Icing much towards bringing about a healthy condition of affairs among the farmers of that county. Mr. W. C. Smith, who runs a large general merchandise store, was one of the Elbertonians who were here yester. lav. Hon George L. Almond, Ordinary of Elbert county, was among the exc-r sionists. He has done much tow a is building up Elberton and is one of her most honored citizens. Mr. E. B. Tate, a large capitalist of Elbrrton, and one who is investing largely in Elberton property and im proving it, was also along. Mr. J. B. Jones, Sr., a prominent planter of Elbert county, added his presence to the excursion. He has re presented Elbert in the legislature. Col. D. J. Brewer, a prominent attor ney of Elberton, was in the city yester day. He is local counsel at Elberton yn to the depot of the Georgia, Car otins * Northern on College avenue, to w the excursion train as it rolled in. A t h t|f P as: ten the shrill toot of the rtUtle proclaimed that it was coming kuI in a few minutes with a dull inibliogsound it passed ever the big I j or the Georgia, Carolina & Northern ^idge over tlio Oconcc. A* the train rounded the alight curve , a j passed into the rock cut, it was | t hat the excursion from Elberton no final I alfnr. Behind the iron aonfter that pulled away like a thing oliife there weie seven coaches and tbaggage car that were crowded to fcir utmost seating capacity with ex (Msiouists. There were one or two gut upon the tender of the engine. The excursion had come from £lherum m a little over an hour, stoii- :l [ every station to take on crowds 1)1 people. The people piled out of the cars railroad. At four o’clock the excursionists boarded the train at the G. C, & N. de pot and went whirling back to Elber ton. Come again, gentlemen and ladies; Athens will al ways be glad to see you AN INFIRMARY TO BE ESTABLISHED, IN ATHENS SOON. • DR. STEEDLY’S PLAN. He win go to New York to Study- | Then he Will Arrange for Estab lishing a Place for sick Folks. A DEEP CUT To Be Made In the Salaries of World’s Fair Official*. Chicago, Sept. 3.—Another deep cut is to be made in the salaries of officials of the World’s Columbian commission. If the programme mapped ont is adopt ed, President T. W. Palmer will sur render his salary of $5,000 a year and receive nothing but his traveling ex penses. Colonel James A. McKenzie, vice chairman of the executive com mittee, will also surrender his salary of $3,000 a year, and George Miles, chief clerk of Director General Davis, will An infirmary. That is what Athens is to have now. It does seem that the old city gets I also lose a salary of $3,000 per annum, everything good, and surely she de-1 will reduce the expenses of the ’ u -ii V,,.. «_ _ I national commission about $12,000 a serves it all, but the infirmary is a sur-1 j rear< By holding no session of the prise somewhat. I board next April, a further saving of It is not generally known, but it is | $12,500 will m effected, and this will true nevertheless that Dr | keep the expenditures of the national Steedly is planning an infirmary here in Athens few months. He will leave in a few fronted by a deficiency of $28,240 at the weeks for New York where he will Sf 06 ® of the J war * Se c retar y of the weens ior JNew York where he win Treasury Foster has warned the officials spend several months completing his no t to create a deficiency. Congress post graduatejeourse in special lines of I appropriated $58,500 to pay the expenses TV I of the board to June 30,1892, practice and will return about January 1st. Then it is his purpose to establish a thorough and complete infirmary for patients. His idea is to give better attention and comfortable surround ings to those who have small means j and the commission has been sending money at | the rate of $82,740 per annum. A DRUNKEN SOLDIER’S FRANTICS. General Stanley Consaro* • Court Martial for It* Leniency. San Antonio, Tex., Sept. 8.—General He intends to make the infirmary com- I Stanley has censured a court martial for plete in every line and it is certain to its leniency in the case of Private Donald be so since Dr. Steedly will be at the L. Cameron, Company A, Twenty-third head of it. Infantry. The soldier became lutoxi- There are few physicians to be found cated, and when under arrest secured tn the South like Dr. Steedly. He has hia rifie, loaded it with ball and drove won golden opinions since he came to everybody from the guard house. He Athens and has built up an enviable * hfm forJSergearft Steffen • his Bnperior officer, chased him around practice. Aside from bis ability as a physician Dr. Steedly is a public spirited man, enterprising and energetic, conscien tious and charitable. He will be encouraged in his plan to establish an infirmary. BLOWS FOR HIS BRIDE. the barracks, and kept at bay four soldiers who tried to overpower him. He was sentenced to ten months at hard labor and to have $10 a month of his pay forfeited during that period. This SENT INTO EXILE- PRESIDENT SACASSA OF NICARA GUA. SHIPS HIS ENEMIES. THEY LEAVE THEIR COUNTRY Three Members of the Nicaraguan Senate and Three Other Men .Fore most In Public Affaire Ordered to Costa Rica as Exiles. New York, Sept. 8.—A dispatch re ceived here from Corinto, Nicaragua, dated Aug. 28, says that among the passengers here today on the steamer JEFFERSON JOTTINGS. Jsfrkkson, Ga., Sept. 2 —[Special.] | —The following ticket was elected on yesterday to represent the city govern ment for the ensuing year: For May or J. N. Ross, for Aldermen, J. C. Tur ner, J C. Bennett. U. Mr. Bell and J. W. Boggs, for treasurer, A. J. Bell. Quite a delegation of Jeffersonians will attend the stockholder’s conven tion of the J. G. & S railroad in Gaines ville tomorrow. Editor T. R Holder and bride are expected in town by this evening’s train. He has captured one of Annis ton’s fairest daughter. Will Move.—Professor D. C. Bai- row is goirg to move from the house he now occupies on T.umpkin street to an- Colima were six of the most prominent | other which he will have built, men in the republic of Nicaragua, who — FROM ABBEVILLE TO ATHENS The New Road Is Finished to the Clas sic City—Grand Excursion. Mr. P. B. Speed of our town will run an excursion train from Clinton to Athens September 9th. From all that we can hear, every body will go. The fare is low and the trip will be a delightful one. The new road seems to be busy run ning excursions, and all the people ei ther look on with amazement or jump aboard the flying trains, which glide swiftly over hill and dale—through deepest mountain cuts, or oyer the highest iron bridges. Get the exact change to pay for your ticket. The station agent may not have it.—Abbeville Press and Banner. Sbpti>mbxr showers! Cfi THE FAD.” were sent to Costa Rica as exiles, by order of President Sacassa. The party included three membra of the Nicara- senate—General Favola, who was for merly president of the republic; J. D. Rodiquz, and Schamorro. The others I The latest thing out in Ladies CUrdJCase and Pocket Book wereA. h. Rivas, e. Guzman and Pe- Uq match. Are pronounced beauties by everybody. Gall early and see them. Also lust received, a beautiful line of standard makes of FINE STATIONERY. states that drunkenness is no extenua tion for the soldier’s actions. A Youth of 14 In Columbus Weds a ] Girl of 13. Columbus, Ga., September 3.—[Spe- I cial.]—There is somethiug of a sensa tion here today over the marriage of Daniel Edwards, aged fifteen, to MiBS [ Mary Lou Hudson, aged thirteen. A few minutes after the ceremony had been performed the father of the groom MISTAKEN FOR A SQUIRREL. Hunter Sliouta a Negro Hoy In a MuKcaillne Vine. Atlanta, Sept. 8. —Mr. J. W. Swann, a well known and highly respected citi zen of Kirkwood, while out squirrel hunting, heard a noise in a thick mus cadine vine. Being unable to distin guish anything in the thick vine he de- and as you are only thirty-eight miles arrived and proceeded to administer cided to shoot where the noise came away at the farthest, you might pay us I corporal punishment to his sou. a visit oftener. AN EXCURSION FROM CLINTON S. C. There will be another large excur sion on the Georgta, Carolina and Nc-rbern next week. It seems as if Athens is the attractive u ,j .trui'k out ior the center of the | spot, and this excursion will be from Ciiuton. S. C., to Athens. It will be on next Wednesday September 9tii, and it will be a good one. It is being gotten up by Mr. Brooks Speed, a prominent citizen of Abbeville, South Carolina. A large number of South Carolinians will come over to Bee the Classic City of Georgia. And they will be given a hearty wel come. die, liken in all it was without jo ibi . n of t lie most represen ative trends ni i isimrs Athens has ever had iaitsmidst. Fully live hundred peo- p, miTciiauts, farmers, mechanics, kite.-, girls, hoys, little children, and fcy all hail stamped upon their fea tures tlir beaming look of intelligence. Tiieir very appearance indicated that (key ranie from a section of the state tucreprosperity abounded and ease luil comfort reigned supreme. When they arrived in the central por- tinn of the city, they scattered in every direction, some going to the hotels, others to the homes of fronds in this city and o.uer- taking in the sights of the city, finite a large number of the visitors rode out on the Electric line and wound the Boulevard Cobhham, viewing the magnificent loaies along l’rince and Milledge Ave- #l Je, mil taking iu the beautiful scenery wound the vicinity of Rock college and he "oulcvanl. fhe ( lassie buildings of theUniver- *ty of Georgia were visited by a great several of whom had received Wr education within kills. The girl’s mother took her home, | thus separating the couple. AN IMPOSING STRUCTURE. The New Stable of Mr. W. S.iHolman. Mr. W. S. Holman is one of Athens’ most public spirited and progressive citizens and has great faith in her fu ture. He has already given out the contract for the erection of a handsome two- story brick front on Washington street to his new stable buildings that he is to erect. r.r&sS Mr. D. M. Kenney is the architect and builder who will erect the new stable buildings and is now at work ion them. The front of the building is to be one from. He raised his gun and out tum bled a small negro boy, shot, bleeding and unconscious, ed and surprised beyond expression, Mr. Swann picked the boy np and car ried him to his home. The boy is named Willie Lumpkin, and is abont 8 years of age. As soon as he was carried to Mr. Swann’s house a physician was summoned and the wounds dressed. The boy was shot in the side of his face and in one arm. His condition is serious and the probability is that he will die. dxo Ortiz. There has been much oppo sition to President Sacassa’s adminis tration, particularly among the upper classes, and. If current reports are cor rect, the president has frequently been obliged to keep in retirement, threats against his life having been made openly. The exiles sent away today have been most pronounced in their opposition to the president, and he has finally deter mined to send them ont of the country. His action led to an open revolt in Gre nada city, where the parties all live, which resulted in bloodshed. The pris oners were placed in a wagon today to be taken to the railroad station, and sent by special train to Corinto. The wagon, guarded by troops, was passing through the streets when it was sur rounded by a mob shouting for the pris oners’ release. The soldiers were order ed to fire hut no one was injured. The mob replied with a volley and killed seven men, including the governor of the district, the lieutenant commanding the troops, three soldiers and two by standers. More troops were brought to the scene and the mob soon dispersed without further loss of life. The prisoners were sent to Corinto and placed aboard a steamer which took them to Punta Are nas. Both Nicaragua and Honduras have troops stationed on the frontier, and open hostilities between the two countries are expected. The question of the Qentral American federation has led to jealousy and ill feeling among the different^ republics. Troops of TELE JjACJKSOISr & BURKE CO. THE NEW BOOK STORE. 107 BROAD STREET ATHENS «A - I - I f _ ! President Barillas will, it is believed,, be the signal for the opening of a con flict in Central America. THE BILL TO REMOVE. The College of Agriculture will not be moved. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 3.—[Special.]— Interest in the bill to remove the Ag ricultural colle ge from Athens to Grif fin was renewed this morning when th* coming revolution. He has sent his family to Capo Haytien in the care of General Lonis Blot for safety. Fort National has been heavily garrisoned, and the commandant has received or- DANGEROUS ENEMIES. I The front of the building is to be one I to ^ rn the guns on the city if the a exiles return and succeed in overpower- Watson Talks of Calhoun And hundred and twenty feet long and will in « t h e guards of the palace. It is prob- The Atlanta Constitution. be two stories in height Itrea^toC^Havt^m^CemS ~ u . q run^t.i i The bottom floor will be devoted retreat to Cape Haytien ana there make Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 3.-[bpecial ]- bis last stand. Of the new ministry. Tom Hlppolyte*, Hope Fading Away. Pobt-ac-Princp, Sept. 8.—It looks now as if Hippolyte had lost all hope of being able to successfully resist the | committee to investigate the land scrip I fund reported. There were two re ports. Messrs. Candler, Ryal ami Fleming submitted a majority report showing how the money has been ex pended, and says that by no legislative enactment has a state col lege of agriculture and mechanic arts been located under the terms, of the act of the general government . . Next door to a corset—the Ball waist. Shaped like it, but made for the women who object to a corset. Nothing to prevent it’s going in the wash—nothing to prevent perfect free dom of movement. Straps for the shoulders, and buttons that won’t come off, to support the skirts. If you don’t like it, after two or three weeks wear, you can return it and get your money. . MICHAEL BROS. IT IS A LIBERAL EDUCATION. The Meat Wonderful Publication Ever Issued.—Press and FuMfc. A Complete History of on? Government by Administrations, Political Parties cad Congresses from Washington to Harrison. NEELY’S REVERSIBLE The bottom floor will At the Alliance rally at White Onk mainly to the stable business, and a few Jean d’Albemar, secretary of donating the scrip to camn ground eight miles from Thorn- ofllce8 fronting on Washington street public worts, has already resigned and | coU , Ke . They desire camp grouuu, e B w . . w ill be for reut. The upper floor will Pierre Louis Nemours, secretary of the son, Congressman Thos. E. Winn . -d | intA ™ ma „ h ich will be I interior, is on his way to Paris. They Larry Gantt spoke on the first both aud “through I maki "8 I? 00 * 1 sP^bes- On yestero y Col. C. C. Post and Hon Tom Wat >n were the speakers. Mr. Watson me !e a vigorous anti-railroad speech, spic-d with anecdotes. The speech w&s k ,11 received and vociferously applauJcd throughout.} The part where Mr. W .t- son denounced the Atlanta Con.'tit.ii- tion and Tat Calhoun as the most d a- its honored | gerous enemies of the people was ospo,,- ially pleasing;to;the crowd. He spc’ie During the day the citizens of Elbert I kindly of the Journal as being a frif- ul U >1 Mmli-oii passed among I of the people on the railroad qu*:tfi< a, H* citizens of Clarke, and wheu it opposed them as befog a linking bauds, making and renewing I manly opponent, not as wa-|the Con . i k'lmiuunees and enjoying their visit I tution. Colonel Post made a strai' it immensely. out Third party speech and the erod'd Ti* excursion was gotten up by was with him. There is no douhr-ti at Messrs. Wilieox and Baswell, of the Alliance in this section are ready Elberton, and these two enterprising I for the third party, only awaiting the , , ■ signal of some of the leaders. will be for reut. The upper floor will be divided into rooms which will be rented out. Mr. Holman will equip several offices for the use of the stable business, and will equip them in style . ay have been replaced by All Dulcine and Mr. C. Achin. Mr. Jean Louis A Legislator Hangs Himself. Sioux Falls, 6. D., Sept 8.—V. J, The new building w'ill be quite a large I Converse, speaker pro tom. of the last one and a prosperous business will be legislature, and who by holding the - balance of power was practical dictator, carried on undent. was found hanging to his barn in Jer^ It will be another evidence of the auld county> Uved ai onei and had progressiveness of Athens along Jthe I been dead several days when found, line of buildings. No cause for the act is bno^n beyond melancholy resulting from unfortunate business ventures. Mr. Converse gain- ed wide notoriety last winter because of I agriculture.^The report winds up by in Atlanta, Gv, Sept. 3.—[Special.]- the.even ^^X^rilla^ Keating that the funds have been hibitionclub tonight deci-1 hjm ^ co ,^ trol wiaiatlon. He was a I misappointed and they say:“We re ded to take bands in the^next city elec- j p rom inent leader to the Farmers’ AIM- | quested Professor White to have the ] beoks of the secretory brought for in spection, that they were not sent, but I Mr. Hull kindly furnished a statement The Prohls In the Gate City. an agricultural college. They desire the present plan adopted that makes the agricultural college a part of the University of Georgia, and that the fund be expended as it now is. Messrs, Hand and Hill ] submit a minority report favoring the removal of the agricultural college, and the whole fund be appropriated to it- use, and instanced the way Mississippi has done in this respect. They say Georgia’s plan is “unsuccessful and abortive,” and that only four students are pirants for the degree of bachelor oi Political and U. S. Map. Latest Edition. Corrected to Date. Printed In Eleven Colon* 6fL • In. by 8 ft. 10 in. (largest ever printed.) THIS DOUBLE MAP OOMTAU Band, McNally A Co.’* latest IT. 8. Map, showing all Conntles, Railroad*, Town and Fort Office*. Price alone S5.0O. AND ON THE OTHER SIDEt A Dligrtm Showing an o! Ctblnats is x 66). . Showing Creeds of *n of the Political Parties (11 xen. A Diagram Showing an PreaMenta and A Diagram Showing Political Complexion of each Oongr***. A Diagram He Knlit-uitu had chartored a train of cars | 9 '8 na * ^ um t,le Georgia, Carolina & Northen ln w hie-h to bring over the crowd. About three hundred of the citizens ? ^'berton Iniarded the cars at that U | b: g lime city and the train pulled wt f ( ,r Athens. AH along the line, at 11 ‘‘ent stations numbers of others '‘‘me aboard and over two hundred were picked up between Elber- ton »"<1 Athens. ^ibe Elberton people, comprising -> bants, mechanics, lawyers, doctors Passional m en and * br ' i ' n K men, all spoke with confl- ru ‘« of the growth and progress of lr town a, 'd its great future. •berton is now quite a close neigh r °f Athens and together the two will DOWN HIS THROAT. lEmptled Two Ounces of tion. At a meeting at which Sam Small was the principal speaker, they passed resolutions declaring themselves unal terably! granting licenses to bar rooms, pledging their support to only such candidates as would stand on that platform They appointed a committee to name sue*. Nation ( plete Hep of the World ( (10x13). A map of Sooth Africa (10 x 13). A Map of tfimer 1 Abysstnls (10 xufi- A Map of Perela, Afghanistan and Belncnutan (10 x IS). A Complete Map of the Solar System; beat aver made (IS x 10). The Name* of all Cabinet Officer* with length ot term. Pictures of all tha Presidents from Washington to BarrUon. IT ALSO GIVES IN BRIEF i The History of the U. 8. ty Administrations. KANSAS BOND SWINDLER9. - » 7 7 That I °f 1116 amount of money received and A So-Called Investment Company Tliat I J Is Working the Guileless. I disbursed. Leavenworth. Sept. 8.-Fer several The advocates of removing the col- weeks this vicinity has been flooded I lege want all of the land scrip, and il with circulars cf a so-called investment thecollege should no longer remain a , company whose head office is in this part of the State University, the $17,00 • Laudanum. I * city executive committee of thirty- d ^ i^ues $1,000 bonds, will go with the college to Griffin and There came near being a suicide in three which is to have full power of purc baser pays $10 on receiving his thus cripple the university. The mat- AtoenTtato Wednesday night. nominating a full prohibition ticket and $i.afper month thereafter, ter will be hotly contested, with Georgia Nichols, a white man who managing the election. | Of the $10, $1 goes to the ^stockholders [ the chances in favor of non-removal. Tha History of the U. 8. Government An Analysis of the Federal History and Electoral Vote for each e History of the U. 8. ty A Issues of all Political Parties. Tbo of All Political Parties In this Country. The Popular for some time past had been a guard at Col. James M, Smith’s conviot camp was the man who came so near* to death’s door. He went over to Mrs. Stinchcombe’s the other side of the river, and while A NEW PRINTING OFP1CB. and the remainder to the officers ot the i BLOW YOUR NOSE, company. One dollar of the monthly I ^] &S) ^ 0 fteu an admonition of a . dues also goes to the credit of the stock-I mother to her child. The poor inno- Mr, T. L. Mltohell win Publish wo- hol ^ erg Ab goon ^ 11,000 is credited I cent has probably inherited catarrh man’s Work” In Athena. > to the atockho i der8 it is paid to the per- I and ii not responsible for its sore and Mr. Thomas L. Mitchell, who pub- 8on8 holding the lowest numbered bond all dues have been paid. ■ ’ /RECOMMENDATIONS. ■' "SenOTe^^fthepSn?extilbitlng bjPgSphic diagrams a complete eynchronology of Amsrl* I can political history. Is carried ouTwlth admir able ingenuity, and the work may fairly he termed a Breviary of American Politics." ■ From Hox.S.8. Cox: “Only one work 1* eom- tarable with it—the ‘Statistical Atlas’ by the rovenunent—and to say thl» is high eulogy.” I From Bix*ox J. Losnxo, LL. Du Hiaforian: Like a concave mirror it reflect# to a single focus tn epitome ot the essential elements of oor national history, showing clearly at a glance the progress of the nation, from its .Infancy to ftt pitscut period of nuturity* * WHAT AGENTS ABE DOING. “ Received the 10 maps this afternoon; sold 7 before sapper." “Sold IT map* yesterday; will sand yon • large order next Saturday.” "Have canvassed for year*; never saw any* thtiw equal to Ri|* map.’* “1 sold six maps m one boor; everybody wants one.” “ Send twenty-flre map* at one*; want this entire county.'* “ I have canvassed on* half day; took 18 orders. ** “I sold 66 mane in four days; expact to sell UO next week.'' “Took 8orders frtxi the circular.• ZbZTL,bedide't mm that their scheme has advertise in examined filthy nostrels. Did yon know that tender,soft,thin skin lining the nostrils, called the mucous membrane, extends all over the body. Every organ in the system and every orifice at the surface has this thin delicate lining as a pro tector. So you see what a fix the body is thrown into when the mucous mem brane becomes irritated and inflamed by constant friction with poisonous to live any more, | him a new printing office. Hitherto he ^ ^ Wtk " forthwith emptied has been having hia papers printed in ^ Rpproved by Governor Humi mcommu ot . tmtie or but b.. d.»™i»u » *> bi, KEg ---»■*„„ . S.; “r-* - “p*-""”* .££■«...d».u aawM-^5; ssstt.£aTLsrat ’zzz. te H:sr-d.«M ..d tddres—d . sSSSi--^^bit- I & lino yield They will all market .... n . r> D Quillian, saying that ery in the machine shops. palpable fraud without one redeeming C " ol '“ 4 Northern j dldn , t c , re w H,. any longer. _ __ | b ' 1 P““ d tW< , Mr. MIOdMll will eX^^^eJ^tbe tod uo run a first class job printing depart- general is investigating the moot. matter with a view to closing up the 1 company. Ciicnlars of the company . have been sent to the poet office depart- CHANCELLOR BOGGS SPEAKS. | ment at Washington. It is said.that j *!' K0,M ' ne<1 »P gives them splendid i u *p r Q U niian went over and by skil- f"r S° doing. full treatment secured in gettir- • r . . 11 has been injured to some de- most all the drug out o him. Lite rains, but it will pull constant wrikiug up and^down the , 0 "f/" r ' Klu if the masons are fa-1 a ndTh^hand of the suicide thus Y '' Pror a now on. I tliwarted Perhaps it will teach Nichols Alii! ari!!9r8 ar e all interested in the I a lesson or two. Ij. “ ce an<1 report that the sub-Al - . ______ a Wert) ili in a growing and! TRAILCREE _ Pried?" 8 con<lition * They are work on It is Progressing Rapidly* r e »,! the Principales of the order Th6 bridg8 ove r Trail Creek in E«t > ^urstontat, all spoke of a 1 an ^L are ^^work^of ^h^bridfto is now H h °: ,ookfortheir ^ * bo, mone y so tight and scaroe jjndit will not be many days ere this Editor a a it b Ss°iS£* convenience to the Kit ' H * rper » ° f Blb * rtol1 uSe namb r ot citizens who constant- ’ 'wied upon the Bamhrb vester- 1 Jr5... m,«r«. Band, McNally & Co.’s latest U. S. Map, printed in colors, covers the entire back and is universally conceded to be the best published. It alone tolls for $5.00. The complete Reversible Map (printed on both sides) is 3 fb 10 in. by 5 ft 6 in. mounted on rollers top and bottom, with tape on sides. These two maps sell sep arately for 810.00. Publisher’s price, $5.00. By Express, 35.75. This Map should be in every library, office and school, and is well worth the price, 85.00, as yon will see by the above statements ot agents and recommendations. We will send this Great Double Map by Express Prepaid and guaran tees safe delivery to any address In the U. S. It can do mailed out Is much safer by express. Name your nearest express office. , % > THR MflWEY WTT.T. BE REFUNDED to any one not perfectly satisfied after receiving the map. UNDERSTAND FULLY that no matter which offer yon ac cept the publishers PREPAY ALL CHARGES by express or mail and guarantee Wfe delivery and perfect satisfaction or money refunded, eases are mere symptons of inrpover I / ^ ttt» /-v CiririT) We will send a Map FREE to any one sending os fonrjnew i8hed blood. Now B. B. B. or Botanic I U U XL UP fPili* subscriber* for one year at $1.00 each For $8.00 we will Blood Balm, will by enriching the blood | send as mpa nd onr paper for one year. Old and new subscribers can get as many maps aa ** * they want for tl.00 each, with the same guarantee as above. We will only forniab this map for a limited fime as onr anpply will soon be gone. Yon should therefore order at once. Address, The, Banner Business Office, ' Athens, Ga. Ana „r. Attempted .Row «tee <*» But the Adjournment Hour cut ■ — yester- jy pass there. Adjournment Him off. ATLANTA, Ga., Sept. 3.—[Special.]— Before the general judiciary commit tee of the House today Dr. Boggs made astrong argument against the bill to move the Agricultural College to Grif fin. Mr. Dismuke began a reply but the hour for adjournment arrived before he finished. mi, Rutherford’s European party will return oa the 17th iast. That Crawford Granite.—Mr. Win. Doyle, our experienced granite contractor, returned this week from Augusta where be has been spending about two weeks, putting in good strokes for the Crawford granite. He is doing some jrery fine work out at his quarry near the Johnson place. His men are experienced rockmen and they are finishing up some as .pretty work as we ever saw done in granite If he ol- 1 had a polishing machine here his cause all such symptoms to disappear. Give it a trial. Henry Reeves, Shell man, Ga., writes “ * ny manor woman who is suffering frO n piles and will not use BotanicBlood xbo .a is a fool, and it takes me to tell mem so, for I suffered two years with bleeding piles, and B. B. B. relieved ! me at once. “ Frank Stauton’s poem work 1 woull be ^complete.—Crawford be^n,” is a gem. It shows that PffrUr s j.j.Hardy, Toccoa. Ga., writes: Buv From the Man With the Best Reputation. “B. B.B.U&quick cure for catarrh. | C. E\ KOHLRUSS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE, .MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, COPINGS, STATUES, ETC . The Statues of Dr. Irvine., Mrs, McCoy, Mrs. Carwlle and^ Mii» i mmberli^ce^raworka of Three bottles cured me. 1 had been troubled several years.” James W. Lancaster, Hawkinsville, Ga.. writes: ‘‘My wife was in bad health for 8 years. Five doctors and as many or more different patent medi cines bad done her no' good. Six bot tles of B. B. B. has cured her.' tom has done as well as a sweet heart. M sweet I own< and ® nfflc l® n * evldenco’ot goo^’wort, at as reasonable prices as < 7 Stan- I Cor. Washington and Ellisi Sts Augusta, Qt arohS—wiy.