The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, September 15, 1891, Image 1

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iMPORTAXT to AD 91 THr OMIT AND «EKU «^3NrKrEs^t •*' lvi „i arclttt*** of iny n •J^i. North«l»«A Ustici Gwrgli I ER. WHY THE BANNER LeaiS. Etcaut* It print* All thn Local Now> of Athena, All th« Georgia Nowe and Hs^ponlngs. All the Important Evonta in th* iVorli - .. , ... m I Caaaalidated with the IK34 I «:* ••nSKV- ,SrT * I Banorr, li»i. 1*3». ATHENS, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1891.-8 PAGES. VOL. 59 NO. 39 | 'democratic organization. as laid down for adop ts P lau bv tt)e Committee from the jUn'e Democratic League of i fully described in yes- tioD Voce this city &■> I -g rannkh cannot fail to arouse * fr j em i)y i merest throughout the f ,.lith Congressional district. ‘ J,. e author of the plan is Captain w y Burnett. His idea is to have Democratic Club esUblished in every county of the Eighth Congres- ri0D »l district, to be operated upon lw similar to that of the Yonng Mod's Democratic Club of Clarke. All of these dubs are to co-operate fll!l e aeb oilier thus forming a Dem- ocriiic League in the Eighth ConN greS8 ional district This will secure t nucleus to Democratic organisa tion in the State, and that. it will j^i to strengthening the party s -»:nst the onslaughts of Republic goes without saying. 0l >e die plan will be carried 'YOUNG DEMOCRATS held a rousing rally LAST night. STIRRING SPEECHES MADE. An Open Letter to the Young Demo crats of the Eighth District—The Spirit of Democratic Enthusi asm Is at Work. cim:- VYe w , perfect success, and certainly ipd upward to seeing much good to w tirom it. Tbe time baa come when Democratic organization is ne- ^jjarv in the South. The solid South—solid »o long for Jeffersonian pri.Tipe-—is bt-ginning to feel the mu ,f suine step of this kind more ton formeny. Northern Republi cs sre cornirg Southward, and with the material upbuilding of the Southern States and the annualinflux o(population from the North. om politics are liable to become amal- pmaieri, so to speak. Hence w< must nurse tbe Jeffersonian princi- pies to keep them warm. - I: would !'■ hard to find . a better piit than the one hit upon by tbe loang Men s Democratic League O' tbit county. Now let every Congres laotsl di-tiict in Georgia follow suit. Let us foster the faith of oui U’fcrr- 1 k: in- c Me Lons has an unfortunate way fpotting himself in a bad attitude r he talks politics. His recent "Th in s- to Carolina seems to be psine him mto serious trouble. Says' •oinmbus Enquirer-Sun: Tbej.'ini ilebate between Congress- au-eiect U ii>on and Senator Butier, ' i olinn, on the sub-treasury i cur came off Wednesday at the ht- U'Wnof ISateslnirg, 8. O, Mr. Wat- ■. V anticipated, failed to make ami was no match for tbe wi<'gui»lie<l South Carolinian. At tbe pwliHon »f the discussion, Senator •u l t eke i Mr. Watson if the Nation- Pb tumTatic convention rejected the I™ 1 v'atlonn. would he reject Mr U ai son evaded the question e g. ••-iillieient unto the day is ■ N recf." but the crowd would 1V ;‘ that, a> d shouted that it pi'in'tdo Mr Watson then said: U 1 bat it is as tar as my pebble au- tok. If that is third ’ i- all right. My people are my Ip'is teems io be a case of squirming LV 10 ?.*' ,r -' Vatson mean by “mv Q! r Ht \ • vas the Democratic EL DnMn ,lls district, and holds a reborn that party. Hispeo- the Democrats of his district, ttids M> f r8, ' s . arc erected to stand mkWi \?. rstlons of tbe national con- Ur V 'here is great danger ’ihonl'ty. 011 ' 8 reputation f#r P°**ti- I special fr. m Washington to the V York World says: The friends of ,' M ''' hvxiM say that his .... *,P boom has grown within io i 1 , he . hitterness which i.,' . . v ;' lo l’i , 'g between Mills ' "dl undoubtedly militate sfti-t l hances °f either man. IBvn , lm - friends claim, will r ,„„, . ■ J" t0 the Indianian’s ad- L t .I v e tlas few- enemies and rep- 7"» Northern State. Bynum is rr fellowship teds a good at nit V , a f -' ra Pathetic ear for ' At In ,. <1?lress and >s very pop- l®«iv *l ,Ito1 he receives twice |T®J Oilers as the T an. am] he g >th ’ even K PVat I lull • li:,;, average Con- ' es bis personal at- eiition. When be rlv ,, r a !•»»> the Uttle fel- . I uuble over each other in v. 8 0 wau on th e “Booster they call him. '•»il very nice to re& ^ ) but ,v “, of tl "‘ country a»! know that ttoZ ,r ' ,rerze bl(>w '“«»n>und - PU : hes, ‘ ai| tumn days. a Georgia paper makes • w" k offer •“ a recent i* . Ve taken wood . potatoes, .. ’ buu 'T. onions, cabbage, tt0ne . lumber, labor, sand, ^ Ur kraut, second-hand cloth- *«vtu kUl9 andbu « jutoe, scrap »i. s \' raW hides, chinquapins, “'i" do K s ’ sorghum seed.jug- kt«■ , straw on tubacriptiou, W lend the r anU }° knOW ifWe owl. u 1>a ! >er 8, x months for a « have no precedent for w’jif' er haviDK declined any- (*n o«r| n'! 6110 fiQ da man who fa “ na nee 'ls one. we’ll do it.” N, idiamsof theGie n- 8 ays: r^fcJitorU N ’«* [jj^coijift a,la P* n e 9 e envoy, is mu..h y f an<1 lbe n e w »I»pera i.**®eitri c tb fun with bis some- PjHition w « hereby offer l °«ce „h a / he The Greenville L<to h ;,L ow . U Pala ry- t- can The council chamber was well filled with the yOung democrats of Clarke last night. And the spirit of enthusiasm and en ergy was at wbrk. President Hughes in eailing the meeting to order said GKTTLKMKN OHUS TOUIfQ MEH’S DBM- OCBATIC CLUB. I desire to express my sincerest gratifi cation for this high and honorable posi tion, which to fill ably and satisfactorily to you and for the advancement of demo-' ciatic principles will be my honest and untiring endeavors. Questions confront us today that are new and we muji ^dmit they are fought with many compilations, the solution of which must and will be reached througtf the democratic jwxty and the organization and education Of the young democrats of the country. And as yocr presiding officer I am cog nizant of duty ahd fully realizethe respon sibility that this position devolves upon e. It will be my every effort to advance the interest of this club and her principles which are Jeffersonian in theory and Jacksonian In practice. We are not or ganized, my friends, alone for the purpose of having a democratic clnb, a place where we as young democrats can inform our selves of tbe principles that underiy and are a part of every time-honored and suc cessful institution of our goyerament. The same truths, my fifends, that have been -the pride and administration of our fore fathers for logger than a century, bat gen tlemen we are organized to guard, protect and perpetuate those same principles and truths that art the salvation of every aac-. red institution of the American people. Yes, to combat my movement or effort that tends to disrupt the Democratic par ty with tire same sentemeat that actuated our fathers to leave their'homes and go out upon the battlefields only a few years ago for the protection of the' rights of their people. • Let us follow democrats, labor for labor, special privileges to none, equal rights to every citizen of our beloved country. Nominations being in order for sec retary, Mr. T. R. R. Cobb in a neat little speech placed in nomination Mr. T. W. Reed. Mr. Reed, thanking tbe movant for his kindness, withdrew and nominated Mr. R B. Porter, who was unanimous ly elected. In taking his office, Secretary Porter i-aid: Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Young Men’s Democratic League of Clarke: My words are not sufficient to tbsnk you for the distinguished honor yon have conferred .Upon me in making me your secretary. can but pledge to you uiy sincere allegiance to tbe cause and as much as in me is, I offer you. I feel, fellow citizen?, that we are start ing out under the brightest auspices; aud with the earnest enlistment of the young Democratic yeomanry of our city and county, and with that distinguished and loyal young Democrat Col. F. M. Hughes at helm as your president I feel that the star of Bethlehem itself will ever shine in the horizon of our-noble cause. Let ns rise then Democrats phoenix like. Let us assert ourselves, our rights and our powers and I feel that we shall ever have the loving hand of un unerr ing providence to guide ns on our way to an untramelied exercise . of our preroga tives as free men and brave and finally may tbe bright buoyant banner of pure Jeffersonian Democracy float trium phantly and forever from ramparts es Ublished upon the ruins of dismember ed republicanism and... Third party movement. And as tbe silvery moon in all its fullness reflects the brightness of tbe sun and cast a lovely halo of glory o’er dreamy night, so may the Young Men’s Democratic League here and ev ery where be ever strong, beautiful and bright, and thus reflect in Increasing measure, the increasing .greatness the bright sun of our modern civilization Now in tbe language of the immortal Adams of old: “Sink or swim, live or die, survive or pertsb, I give my heart and hand to the cause.” Capt. W. B. Burnett as chairman of tbe committee to draft an open tetter to the young democrats of the eight dis-» trict, submitted the following which was unanimously adopted and a thous and copies ordered printed: The necessity for organizing the Dem ocratic party is Imperative. From the watch tower and battlements of the party the sleepless sentinel sounds tbe notes of warning. We are on the eve of a great national struggle, in which united effort-alone can win—a contest in which the party of Jefferson expects every follower of the true faith to do his duty. False prophets tion of the South demand the success of the democratic party. White supremacy the perpetuation of the principles of local self government and above all the tran quility and happiness of our homes demand the Success and triumph of democratic principles. The republican party is the common enemy of our country. It is the father of the force bill, the mother of cen tralization and the champion of mon opolies. 8 The third party is the spann of political infidelity and disappointed ambition, con ceived in disaffection and bom of malice. Treachery stood sponsor at its birth—and falsehood and deception have fostered It. Their words are sweet as honey but their way leads to death. That it was sired by the republican party we do not doubt, that it shall be eventually damned by everybody we steadfastly be lieve. But the grand old Dem ocratic party is the people’s party, our sheet anchor in the storm of recon struction. Under its broad aegis all classes, creeds and conditions find solace and protection, ank bla- zened upon the folds ' of its gorgeous ensign is that matchless motto: “government of the people, for the peo ple and by the people.” Realizing how precious is the heritage of our fathers and how secure is the old ark of the covenant, and how foul are the hands they see to' profane it—the young Democracy of Clarke, forgetting all past differences, have organized for the war against all enemies, by whatever name known, under the name of the Young Men’s Democratic Clnb of Clarke. Impressed with the necessity of more ex tended organization they address this let ter to the young democracy of the eighth congressional district and earnestly urge upon them the formation of clubs. Upon tbe organization of a Young Men’s Democratic club in every county in the district it is proposed to form a District Democratic League composed of represen tatives from each of the county clubs,to be known as the Young Men’s Democratic League of the 8th Congressional District, and concert of action all over the district will thus be insured and our organization shall prove a powerful factor in tbe suc cess of our party. We trust you will realize as sre do the wisdom and prosperity of this cause. The disintegration of our party is threatened by an insideous and dangerous foe. Fi delity to Its imperishableprinciplessacred traditions demands organization and activtiy at our hands. In the name of her illustrous past, filled with glorious achievements, of her grander future big with promise, we earnestly in voke your zealous co-operation. Vigilance is our watchword Democracy our battle cry. The constitution as prepared for tbe committee was read by Capt. Burnett and adopted with one amendment plac ing the age limitations at 18 to SO years. Congressman Henry H. Carlton then delivered an able democratic speech which was loudly applauded. The club voted thanks to Congress man Carlton and bis speech will be published at the reque st of the club. The club then adjourned. THE ANNUAL MEETING Of a Most Prosperous Building and Loan Association. At the annual meeting of the stock holder* of the Clarke County Building Loan and Improvement Company held Friday afternoon the' following officers were elected for the ensuing year. A. E. Griffeth President and L. H. Char bonnier, C. G. Talmadge, Hr A. Lowrence, Chas. Stern, H. H. Craw ford and J. J. C. McMahan directors. The board of directors elected the firm of Griffeth and Cbarbonnier Sec retary and Treasurer and B. T. Brown attorney. This company has declared two divi dends daring past year of 7 per cent each on average amount paid on stock, and with its affairs now in better shape than ever before, look for even better results ki future. Its loans on Athens real estate for past two years amount to between $30- 000, and $40,000 and this money has built many of the new homes in-our midst. The office of the secretary and treasurer will hereafter be at Griffeth and Charbonnier’s office on Clayton,St. tow w£nW 25 5# «d a new political faith pro- > thi s ^, ntconr "' Apolitical mulgated by cr * ft5 ' e tva requested ries “ of the republican party ' ^ * - A PROSPEROUS LODGE. The Newly Established Lodge of Odd Fellows In Athens. Glenn Lodge No. 75, I D. O. F. re cently established in Athens is growing with wonderful success. Its charter membership was made up of some of the best citizens, of Athens and "Since organization it bas been steadily adding to its roll until it now bas nearly forty active and energetic workers in its ranks. Mr. Calvin W. Parr is the Noble Grand, or highest officer in the lodse. Glenn Lodge has changed its meet ing night from Friday to Wednesday, aud hereafter will hold its meetings at the hall on Clayton Btreeteveiy Wednes day night. T cheer. I help, I strengthen, I aid, l gladden the heart of man and maid, I set constipation’s captive free, And all are better for taking me. . Thus spoke one of Dr. Pierce’s Pleas ant Pellets. (They are pills that speak fer themselves) Very small, very nice to take, produce no nausea or grip ing, vet are most effectual in all cases of Jconstipation, bilious or sick head ache. or deranged liver. Only 25 cents a visd, at druggists. A perfect vest- pockrt medicine. Mr. Bun Wylie, of Atlanta, was in Athens on Wednesday, OUR AGRICULTURE. BY A MORE PERFECT ORGANIZA TION SHE PLACES HERSELF ALONGSIDE IN THE SOUP- THE WEST POINT TERMINAL MO NOPOLY IN THE ADVANCED METHODS In Progressive Agriculture of the Northern States, France England and Germany—The Resolutions Introduced Into the Georgia Legislature and Referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Whereas, Agriculture is the leading interest in the Mate of Georgia, and we recognize it as our privilege as well as our duty to encouargc and pronfbte the the same in any and every way in onr power, therefore Be it reso.ved, That “the grand jury" of each county in Georgia is hereby au thorized to select from the ablest of its citizens one who B.ialt act as county commissioner of agriculture for hu county. Resolved further, That said grand jury may. recommend whatever com penaation it may see proper and just for services rendered by said agricul tural commissioners. Resolved further, That the duties of said county commissioners of agri culture shall be to organize a farmers’ club, where none already exists in his county, and to organize a bureau of information, both in agriculture and commerce for bis county. Resolved, further, That be shall moreover act as tbe official correspond ent of all agricultural organizations within aud without his county and state, which may promote the agricul tural interests of the same. Resolved, further, that as a compli ment to our state department of agri culture, the state commissioner of same may hereafter subscribe bis name as secretary instead of commissioner. The above Resolutions provide 1st a “County Commissioner of Agricul ture” for each and every county in Georgia. 2nd. They secure a county club—In agriculture—to each and every county in Georgia. 3rd. As there are one hnndred and thirty-seven counties In Georgia, they give to the central Georgia experiment station, atGrifflu, practically one hun dred and thirty-seven sub-experime nt stations. (Tbe county .commissioner of Agricultural requires to make such experiments for hie county as tbe mant agers of central department station at Griffin may request.) 4th. They provide a Bureau of Infoi- mation in agriculture and commerce foi the farmers in each county in com merce. All of tbe products of the farm and garden are recorded. Those per ishable and those non-perishable, with prices of same in the great commercial centers of the United States, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other cit ies, and with cost of package and cost of transportation^ 5th. The grand jury of each county may recommend to County Treasurer amount of compensation to be paid County Commissioner of Agriculture for services rendered (if he can show that be has been of service to tbe agri cultural interests of his county ) 6th. The County Commissioner of Agriculture shall act as the official correspondent of the state department of agriculture; the Giorgia experiment station; tbe Georgia state agricultural society; the State College of Agriculture or Me chanic Arts; the United States depart ment of agriculture and the several Fair Association in Georgia and the United States. 7tb. The dignity and usefulness of our state department of agriculture is elevated and increased by permitting car state commissioner to subscribe bis name as secretary instead of oemmis- siouer. 8th. With our state commissioner of agriculture a secretary and a commis sioner of agriculture iu each county. Georgia has tbe same relative organiza tion in agriculture as tbe United States depatment of agriculture.*(A secretary at Washington aud a commissioner in each state. Georgia with a secretary in Atlanta and a commmissioner of ag riculture in each county of onr state.) BENEATH THE SOD. Funeral of Mr. W. S. Chandler Yes terday. It was a sad gathering yesterday morning at eleven o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. J. Chandler, on Cobb streeL The occasion was the funeral services of her son, Mr. Walter S. Chandler, who died suddenly Thursday night. His wife, being sick in Memphis, Tenn., was unable to be present, bnt bis other relatives were there to take a last sorrowing look at the departed. Tbe funeral exercises were conducted by Rev. T. B. Kendall, pastor of tb® First Methodist church, who in a solemn and impressive manner read tbe burial service of the church. Then the funeral cortege moved slowly to Oconee Cemetery, where tbe mortal remains of tbe deceased were consigned to mother earth. A PRECARIOUS CONDITION. TECUMSEH NO. 36. That 13 the Name of the new Tribe of Red Men • Tlie new tribe of Red Men pitched their wigwam last night and unsheath ed their scalping knives. Quite a number of braves were pre* sens at the start of the new tribe, and that in rOAiningthe forest they will catch many pale faces goes without say ing. State Organizer, M. M Conner, was present and assisted the new tribe in organizing. The following officers were elected: J S. McKie, Sachem. A. B. Harper, Senior Sagamore. B. H. Noble, Junior Sagamore. R. K. Pridgeon, Keeper of Wam pum. Joe B. Maddox. Prophet. G. R. Rawson, Chief of Records. The tribe meets regularly once each week on Friday night. It May Have to go Into the Hands of a Receiver—The Latest Rumors In Regard to the Terminal. Nxw York, Sept. 12.—[Special.] — There is a strong rumor in Wall street that tbe Richmond Terminal or some of its subsidiary companies may soon be pot in a receiver’s hands. None of tbe executive officers of the company nor its counsel could be found today. Tbe only statement that can be given with authority is that a plan to fund the floating debt by exchanging out- s'-andinfe claims for three-year notes is being considered. Tbe floating debt to be pro-rated for an aggregate of over $9,000,000, of this $3,750,000 is covered by tbe Georgia Central company; $4,000,000 by the Richmond and Danville; $1,100,000 by by tbe East Tennessee and $5,00,000 by tbe Richmond Terminal on its own ac count. Part of tbe floating debt of the subsi diary company is owed to the Rich mond Terminal, which advanced mon ey to the company to meet pressing ob ligations. The denials are offered by the officers of the company, but are not author ized as official, to tbe reports that a re ceivership is pending, and It is stated in the same way that no loanB have been called and that tbe companies named have met all claims as they ma ture. It is algo stated that two-thirds of their lines have assented to the pro posed extension. The plan closely follows tbe one adopted by the Union Pacflic compa ny. Tbe securities of the subsidy compa nies will be deptosited in trust. It is said that there is an abundance of the Georgia Central alone having a list of assets footing up a par valve of $29,000,000. The other companies are said to have an equally large amount of assets, and the floating debt of the various compa nies is reported to have been the result simply of inability to place bonds in tbe present coudition of the market. THE MARKETS. Bannkr Office, September 12th 1891. The b*d weather of yesterday ent off receipts of new cotton although the day’s receipts were almost a« great as those from Sept. 1st to yesterday. Most of this however, was old cotton just marketed. The local market was quiet with an excellent demand for high grades—low grades were in poor re quest. So far this season, factors re port samples as being above tbe aver age. The total receipts to date this sea son have been 314 bates Sales today amounted to 36 bales. Shipments 100. Leaving stock 1492 bales. Today’s quotations. Good middlings 8j£. Strict middling 8 %% Strict low middling 7)4 to 7}i Low middling?)^ to 7% in New ’York spots were quiet at yesterday’s prices—8)^ Futures were steady throughout the slightly higher than yesterday. Opening. Closing. Sept. 865 8 63-8 Oct. 872 877-8 Nov. 888 8.94 5 Deo. 95" 9.9-10 Jan. 9 21 9.24-5 P’eb. 9.34 9.36 7 Mar. 9 45 9.48-9 Apr. 9.55 9.58-9 May., 965 9 67-9 June 9.724 - 9 75-7 July 9 78 Sales 45,100 9.86-5 Liverpool. Liverpool showed no change for spots the markets remaining steady. Futures opened steady and closed easy witb,a downward tendency, the figures at the close not varying greatly from prices of Friday. OPENING. CLOSE. Sep. Oct 4.57 4.55-6 Oct. Nov. 4.60-69 4.68-9 Nov. Dec. 6 4-3 4.63 Dec. Jan. 53 2 6.1-2 Jan. Feb. 5.4-0 54- Feb. Mar. 5.8-.7 5.6-7 Mar. Apr. 5-11 10 5.9 Apr. May 5.11-12 May June 5.14 Stock at all U. S. Ports 300484. Receipts at all U. S. Forts today 18,602 Groceries and Provisions. Corn today is stronger some five points and if there is no break in prices this market will have to meet the rise. Bagging too has advanced so that Ath ens prices are below Manufactures’ rates. Messrs, J. S- King & Co. Report today: Sugar—^Standard Granulated Bbl 5c ExC «« Flonr Family Straight Best Patent - Cofiiu II:uns best Meat Lard BestLeaf—basis Com white Mixed Hay Timothy per ton Bran per lOOlbs Oats Feed “ Rust Proof Meal Bagging 2!b Full Weight “ 2)£lb “ “ Ties X 4% Bbl $5. “ $5 50 $11.25 to *G.50 -20 to 22c 13 to 13)£o 8^c 9c 92c 88 to 90c $20 $1.05 50 60 86 to 90c HIRSCH’S SCHEME. THE JEWISH COLONIZATION AS SOCIATION. A GREAT BOON TO HIS RACE; It Takes the' Form of a Limited Lia bility Company—The Office will Be In London—Some Names Mentioned as Those Own ing Only One Share of Stock Each. London, Sept. 12.—There have been published the articles of association which .will formally launch Baron HiiYicii'a munificent scheme of benefac tion to the poor and oppressed of his race. It takes the form of a limited, liability company called the "Jewish Coloniza tion association, registered," the office of which will be in London. Its nomi nal capita] is £2,000,000, in 20,000 shares of £100 tach. Of these Baron Maurice de Hirech subscribes to 19,990. Seven Hebrew gentlemen are named in tbe ar ticles as owning one share each: Lord Rothschild, Sir Julian Goldsinid, Er- skinnedImmi A Negro Fiend Is Tortured to Death by Enraged People |§§p||§ Seeking Vengeance for His Heinous Crime. nest John Cassel, F. D. Mocatta and Benjamin Luis Cohen, all of London, and Salmon Reinach and S. H. Gold schmidt of Paris. This leaves three shares unallotted, and doubtless these will be offered to representatives of the United States and Germany. The objects of the association are as they have been generally understood ; that is, to assist the emigration of Jews from countries in Europe and A«Yq where they are subjected to spedal taxes and disabilities, to’other parte of the world, and to establish ookmiee in North uud South America for agricul tural and commercial purposes. No colonies will be attempted iu Europe. The asaodation takes to itself full rights to carry tin trade, commerce and all in dustrial operations which may facilitate the objects of the company: to pur chase property, negotiate securities, etc. The whole property of the company and the income arising from it are conse crated solely to the work in view" None of it can ever be taken, directly or indi rectly, as a dividend or bonus. If, mion tbe widening up or dissolu tion of the company, any property re mains, it is not to be distributed among the members, but transferred to aqpSf Other Jewish institution with similar objects, to be used for the benefit of the Jewish community residing oat of Eu rope and needing pecuniary aid. In the event of such dissolution all persons who at the time hold l»twte Igntion payments to the company, and the same is true of those to whom advances have been made. Not more than half of the capital is to be applied to acquiring property, Joying tends, erecting buildings, etc. The rest is to be applied to expenses of transporting and otherwise assisting emigrants. Moneys not in active use wilfbe invested in public securities of England, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany or the United Staiee. The governing body will be a council of adzmnUtXHtion, consisting of from throe ti) rix men, who used not necessarily be members of the company, and who will be elected for five years. These will nave no salaries, bnt will have their actual expenses. This council will ap- oint directors, three or lees in number, rhowill receive salaries and who will be required to have no interest what ever iu any business and devote their Whole time in the work of the company. Celebrated Perry’s Victory. Sandusky, O., Sept 12.—The Mau mee Valley Monument association cele brated the seventy-eighth anniversary of Perry’s .victory on Lake Erie, at Put in-Bay island. Ex-President Ruther ford B. Hayes is president of the soci ety, and presided. He made a brief, patriotic address. The orator of the day was the. Hon. Cassius M. Clay of Kentucky, wno spoke with special ref erence to the part taken by General Greeu day, his father, in the war of 1812. Criticisms by some writ ok were considered and answered. Mr. Clay, who is now 81 years of age, spoke with considerable vigor. Miss Hattie Hall, of the society. New* or an Ontrageoa* Deed Ooru. milled Near a Small Town In Coni*- Una—A Young Lady Waylsyed by a Negro Brute—He Sleets Hi* Deserts In an Agonising Death. New Orleans, Sept, 9.—The Picay une’s Shreveport, La., special says: News has been received here of a most heinous crime committed on the person of a yonng lady school teacher near Ar cadia. The school was two milts from ? the young lady’s homo and the other'’ afternoon, after school was dismissed, she started to walk home. In a lonely piece of woods rim was grabbed by a hurley negro and taken into the forest and tied, where she was kept for two days. On the evening of the second day a party searching for her found her tied to a tree, when she related how she had ' been treated and, as the negro would soon return asked the party to hide near by in a short while the negro made his 1 appearance, and the watchers, came forth and captured him. They tortured him fearfully, skinning him (dive, and terribly catting him to pieces. What remained of his body was left in the woods for a feast of the buzzards. Suicided with * Dynamite Bomb. San Francisco. Sept. 9.—F, L. Car ol! registered ^t the Prescott House here as Wm. F. De Young of Fresno. Short ly afterward an ezploeioB which shook buildings in the neighborhood Attracted attention to his room, and it was found he had committed suicide by a dynamite bomb, His remains were scattered all over the room. One of hia arms was found in the streeL The windows and plastering were broken.. The deceased had been working on a fruit farm near Fresno. He told sever al persons here that he intended taking his life, as he wanted to create a sensa tion for the newspapers, bnt in a note to the coroner giving his ago as 45 and birthplace as Holland, he save he com mitted suicide because life was not worth living. Pennsylvania Cash for McKinley. Pittsburg, Sept. 9.—The first as sessment of Pittsburg’s protected man ufacturers for the benefit of the Mo- kinley campaign in Ohio is now being collected. The amount expected to be raised in Pittsburg la not given, but there is authority for the statement that it it will be large. James B. Scott, a leading manufacturer, said that his firm had contributed and while he did not think McKinley would need much money, Iris friends would not see him suffer for lack of any that Is needed. Mr. Scott is an importer of tinplate, but says he is heartily in favor of the Mc Kinley tariff. Bobbed the Second Time. Rock Island, 111b., Sept. 9.—R. B. -'M Reede, Postmaster at Endalnsia, this county, was attacked by masked men on tHe road between his home and Rock Island and robbed of $147, with which he intended to pay anote in the bank. Six months ago he was gagged and bound in bis office and robbed of sever al hnndred dollars. Bleh Ore Find In Colorado. Denver, Sept. A good strike was made in the Chicago Belle located in gpring Gulch near ' Dumont, Cola It shows by a sample assay 873 ounces of gold and 8C0 ounces of silver to the ton. The vein is six inches wide at a depth of thirty feeL It is not yet known how far the vein extends. Charles Joynes and Joseph Drake are the owners of the mine. The ore, which is tellurium, ha 3 cheated almost all the miners in camp. One who examined it thought it was white or grey iron ore. At this rate the ore is worth nearly $18,000 per ton^and is the richest ever discovered in this 'IE- state. , >i;j . isawaa r :— • * - Why the Light* went Ont. *'-**^4 Paris, Sept, 9.—Lakeil was perform ing in the opera Comlque when the electric lights suddenly wentouL For a time the audience was panic-stricken. 'The darkness was owing to the fact that the carpenter of the theater got entangled in the straps of the dynamo . and was tom to shreds. < A Broker Suicide*. Philadelphia, Sept 11.—During the morning, C. M. Stokes, a broker who trades for Drexel, committed suicide bv shooting himself at his office, 20 Liberty “* —. Body of a Man Found. Belviderk, N. J., Sept. 11.—The body of a man which evidently had been iu the water for several days, was found in a feeder of the canal at Lambertville. It was Weighted down with stones. The coroner is investigating the case. m A Wealthy HautAic Trouble. ■ IVdi New York, Sept. 1L—Patrick Fla herty, a wealthy contractor of Hoboken, struck Fred Johnson, a 36-year-old boy, on the head with au ax handle, inflict ing fatal injuries. Flaherty is in jail. tyk $1.45 The Professors Are Back.—Proff- essors White, Bocock, Hooper, and Strahan are hack from their summer trips and are teady for the years work before them. O! woman, lovely woman, why will yon suffer so. Why bear such pain and anguish, and agony of woe? Why don’t you seek the remedy—the one that’s all tbe go?j “All the ,jo,” because it makes the pains go. As an invigorating, restora tive tonic, soothing cordial and bracing nervine, for debilitated and feeble wo men generally. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription.has no equal. It improves digestion, invigorates the system, en riches the blood, dispels aches and pains, produces refreshing sleep, dis pels melancholy and nervousness, and builds up both the flesh and strength of those reduced below a| healthy | stan dard. Don’t be put off with some worthless compound, easily, but dis honestly, recommended to be ‘ just as Cobb who will return this year and good,” that the dealer may make more take a post graduate course are Miases profit; “Favorite Prescription” is in- May Hull and Clara Wimberly, comparable. A m A New Telephone.—Messrs. Thom as and Strickland have added a tele- •« phone to tneir office on Thomas street. It is No. 121. Among the beautiful young ladies of last year’s graduating class at Lucy