The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, September 22, 1891, Image 5

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j IHE ATHENS BANNED TUESDAY vIORSLNg, SEPTEMBER s r R 0SG PROTEST FOR THE GIRLS ROAD CONGRESSES. SUNSET ON CHARLESTON HARBOR. AN APPROPRIATION FORITHE LEGB ATMiLLEDCEVin b, I the cm icerninc A CALL ISSUED BY GOVERNOR NORTHEN. Uiikw } (Mi eto die when the dntiD id Oh. never call U loving! (Helen sighs expensively. looks pensively through the window. Maude fingers her lavender harness. There is a dead silence.). Helen (abruptly)—Girls, what doe* ■‘behooving” mean, any way? Mande—“Behooving?” It means—“Be. hooving” means—Louise, what does “bo hooving* mean? Louise (earnestly)—How, it seems to me that I’d have to know a mim was worthy—no matter how fascinating aeu have to attract me by hts goodness. Slaude—Ugh! “Goodneea!"''There are Jkgts of good men I simply The man I lore most be brave and cul tured. and he must love me better his life or his honor or—or anything! 1 petition circulated CAUSES DISCUSSION. REV. J. G. GIBSON A V. P. , a Great many Wnwn It council to Tiajco Stone to ,e contract Between the iond A Danvtfia and the , of Athene Enforced. Mr. Huff, of Bibb, Pays His Besp< to Humphreys of Brooks and Mf Atkinson of Coweta Does Like- wise—a Uvely Session. He Sends the Cad to the Banner for Publication—An Important Agi tation In Which the Whole State Is Interested The following notice has been issued by Governor Horthen: By reference to the subjoined calls It ^rin be seen that the Georgia Bond Congress has been called to meet in At lanta on Wednesday October 28th, and a Bead Congress for the Southern States on Thursday OeL 29th. . county should be represented in the first, and every Southern State in tbeeeeaod Congr-sc Atlahta, Aug. 8th.—Hon W. J. Horthen, President Georgia Road Con- merchanto are on their met* BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARDS, Hale St., Near Central E. E. Yard, Augusta, 6a. are justly indignant at the Bhieh they have been treat- oliniond B Danville rail- THEIR TRIO. tat. for 13,500—n a. that by Mr. Calrfu of Richmond Another of the strong and favorable speeches was that, of the eloquent young member ffom Muscogee, Mr. Gilbert. There were several lively passages at anils. “Mars Bill,” Buff was of course one of the principal advocates of the original appropriation of his committee and in his clear indecisive way handled •ome of the speakers with gloves iff. Humphreys, of Brooks, was the principal target. Mr. Humphreys Ja a young lawyer from Brooks county who is just aching lor a chance to swallow not only the Sub-treasury but anything else an Al- lianceinen may advocate—so anrri^f is ha to pose as the leader of the farmers. One point he made yesterday in bis speech against this appropriation was that there were no farmers on the board of trustees. He laying the distinction of being the only lawyer who voted with the farmers on the foolish lawyer’s bill the other day. It was pretty hard pulling for some of the other* to puli away from, the farmers o» that, but Humphreys was the only one who could stick. Well, that gives some idea of the man. He had refused to allow Col. Huff, the day before, to ask tam any questions n the »o r s ol . result of it all is a petiton now un.led around among the mer- , ind receiving the signatures of s of them. . a ,trong protest against the un- i.cnminstion against Athens in nee to freight rstes, and asks the i; to take such steps as will bring itter into the courts or before the ;...u>n where it will be righted. c n tee Northeastern went under mtrol of tne Richmond and Dan- a contract was signed up between avor and council of Athens, and .tier railroad, that contract con- 1S several tipulatfona. others was a stipulation in and it read as follows: .heo. mabkwalteh, MaMJFACTUKERjOV GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS AND STATUARY. Marble Wainscoting and Encaustic Tile Hearths AGENT FOR CHAMPION IRON FENCE CO, The beat In the world. New Designs! Original Designs 11 bnr?iimlll-m Pi ices and Designs cheerfully furnished. Ail work guaranteed OFFICE AND STEAM WORKS, 529 and 581 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. \larrh Id. wl w * quest you to formulate a call for a ses sion of the road Congress in the city of Atlanta on Wednesday Oct. 28sb, that each county In the state he requested Co send up delegates to said congress double the number of their representatives in the lower branch of the General Assembly. We further re quest you, as president to hold a road congress for the aoutberi states in the city of Atlanta, on Thursday, OeL Maude—Horrors! Loo won’t let the least shred of romance into her views. Now, I want my husband to adore me. No matter how frivolous I am, he must consider me perfection. I don’t want to be ruled or reverenced. I just want to beloved. 1 want jgy husband to be al ways thinking about me, and doing things for me- ihinii me a cherry. taininj Among r^ri! to rates, • the said Terminal Company eoven- int . ijr-et-. and guarantees that dur ing the control and operation Of fc: Atlanta A Charlotte Air Line Bailway bvttK Richmond <4 Danville Railroad CoBipauv. as at present, the city of - shall always have and be aU io.e.! as low rates—without allowance o; r bates or other • vasions—for frieght j-d I'i'sensjer tratfio over its lines, or such lines as said company may operate, W ar.d from ail eastern points, as shall be given bv them to the city ‘of ».i 4 n'a; 'and that the said Biehmond & Danville Railroad W111 p 3 nv will not charge higher rates cr proportion of the throngh rates be- ;*ren Atlanta and Athens on freight ,n.: passenger tariff to or from the W,st. than is now or may hereafter be charged by o.her lines for like traffic between Atlanta and Augusta; and wh-n the sai l Richmond & Danville,! Company obtains a railroad eo'tnreiion »ith the West at Knox ville. Term., either through Babna Gap or Wolf Creek, it will, in Ml cases, mvk. the rates between AShens-and all Wester.-, points so reached as low gs inv bat nar be at the same time given bv" i • to At!anta or Augusta on all like tf fie to or from the same Western .is ” No* that is a part of the contract; a i w—>rn connection has been madt via W ,if creek; and the Richmond A i'ii i' ie is bound by a solemn obliga Lon ti-.sgive Athens squally low freight rate- wi:h Augusta or Atlanta. i- tlie ex sting state of affairs? 1: i- feu } that the rates to Atlanta oi pain from the West are five cents per sack less tiian the rates of the same ar ticle o Athens. The rates to Augusta, w i<hcity is much further east than Athens, ire nevertheless lower than th* rates a:!' Tiled Athens; and the rates to SL-on. of equal distance with Athens »tv f ur cents lower. X *. those are figures which stir up the merchants of Athens on this sob juft. Hence they ask through their petition but, no matter what- ebe he is, he most be devoted to me. My ideal man isn’t a odd blooded being, like that lank crea- tnre # we met yesterday who goto about doing good works. No! He’s yonng and chivalrous and patriotic, and cultured and unselfish Helen—Do you think he exists on thi. poky old planet? Louise—The highest type of man Maude (impatiently)—Do listen to Lou), b sounds like one of Bacon’s es says. 'Goon! Louise—I don’t ask for a perfect tun; bat 1 do insist that he should have fine instincts. He should love nature and beauty. He should live for other than sordid aims Maude (nibbling a cherry)—Tea, in deed! I do so hate a stingy man! Louise—And, when he marries, he should seek a woman to he his compan ion and helpmeet and inspiration. And his children—well, 1 don’t see how a man can be bad if he has children! Maude—1 think Louise js cat ont to be a spinster, and deliver lectures before all sorts of women’s societies and asso ciations and mat kind of thing—don’t yon, Helen? Imagine the agonies a man would have to go throngh before he could understand her! What were you going to say. Lon? Helen—I was going to ask Lou if her ideal man most be educated. Louise—Well, not necessarily. I could love a man who had never entered a col lege if he felt within his soul the desire to know and the purpose to improve, and if * Maude—There she goes again! That poor maul Louise—And if I felt that 1 was neces sary to the highest development of his nature and that he waa necessary to mine. Helen—Seems to me you want to re duce marriage to a science. Ton’ll take a husband to farther your development, just as you’d take a tonic or—or an emetic ta Maude—Oh, Helen! How perfectly ridiculous! Helen—Did yon ever meet a ««i that came up to your ideas, Louise? Louise (promptly) — Certainly not! When 1 do, HI marry Mm—that is. if he asks me. Mande—Now. when I marry, it will be purely (At this instant the dock strikes the hour. Mande is shocked into silence. Consternation lengthens each face. There is an impatient knocking at the door. Cries of “Time’s up!" “Let ns inf”) Omnes (remorsefully, as they grasp their neglected instruments)—Oh, girls! Oar trio! course It mast go and get itself last! Well, if I haven’t been sitting on it the whole time! 1 thought 1 wasn’t just exactly comfortable. Here, Lon, un- paeker it for me. while I take oat this string. TO only be two minutes. Mande (cheerfully helping herself to a crystallized cherry)—I think I have my tonal district J. G. Gibson, V. P. 8th Congression al* speech and today be paid Uie penal- “Cheap country lawyer who seeks to lead the farmers,” “arrant demagog- ion” and other similar expressions were among those uaed by the gentle man from Bibb; and nobody seemed to eqjoy Humphreys' discomfiture more than the fanners whom be bad been trying to lead. ~ After Half, Atkinson of Coweta, got a whack at Humphreys. It has been a dose race sometimes between Hum phrey* and Atkinson as to who would go further in bis efforts to lead the farmers; bat Atkinson has alway stood by the University, while Humphreys has tried to make votes by jumping on chat honored institution. Atkinson made a strong speech for the Normal school appropriation and a good one. No vote jvas reached at the morning session. At the afternoon session the House in committee of the whole fixed the ap propriation for the Normal college at Milledgeville at $1500 instead of *18 000 never take part in another concert. It’s too trying. I’ve had enough trouble over my gown to drive one mnj, Oh, girls, I had such a lovely letter from Alice this morning! Louise (intensely interested)—Did yon? What did she say? 1 snppoas they’re awfully happy? Mande (con expreasione)—Happy! gis is b- rehy called to assemble in the city of Atlanta on Wednesday, Octo ber 28.h, 1891, at 10 o’clock, a. m. Each county in the State is requested to se lect delegates to tbe number of double tbeir representatives in the lower branch of the General Assembly, Heldb (whose countenance has been contorted by expressions of acuteet an guish daring the tightening of her banjo 'Wring)—And is he as devoted as ever? Maude—Devoted! Well, they’re sim ply ecstatic! 1 wish 1 had brought the letter. If 1 had had any idea that Helen was going to keep ns waiting like this— let’s see—perhaps I can remember what she says. (Clasps her hands about the neck of her guitar and recites with closed eyes)—“Tes, we’ve been married a whole month, now, dearest Mande. and 1 can truthfully say that 1 haven't a single toOHIO PROHIBITORY CAMPAIGN. It Is Upnnd at Findlay by Mrs. Gougmr ot Indiana. FivdLaT, Sept. 16.—The Prohibition campaign in Ohio was opened here by Mrs. Helen M. Gougor of Indiana, in a speech delivered at the Wigwam to an andiouee of about 2,000 people, most of whom were Republicans and Demo crats. the Prohibitionists being but a i •■pm regret Indeed, I ne^er knew what hap piness was before. Harold” Louise (murmuring)—How lovely! ries it to the very best artist convenient. Of course, an expert workman and skilled mechanic has the latest and best machine* > to enable him to accomplish the most satisfactory results. No one wishes to pair • iao a workman who does not keep abreast with the improvements of the day, for II * an impossibility for him to torn ont a novel and artistic job. In printing, style* are constantly chang ing. Type faces that were popular last year, are now rarely used. Better effects are seen by the most casual observer. Mande (continuing to quote)—“Harold is the personification of—the personifica tion of” — pshaw! 1 can’t remember what it’s of, but it’s something sweet Helen (whose interest in the letter has caused her to allow the peg to slip, and who now resumes her struggle with the refractory string)—Well, she ought to be happy. Tm sore! 1 never saw such devotion—it was perfectly abject He never even' looked at the rest of ns if 0US TYm FACES ARE ALL NEW she announced that her subject would be "Tin-Plate Mills vm. Murder Mills,” and that, commencing with Oct 8, she proposed to follow Major McKinley all ever the state mid force the issues of her party and that of the People's party upon her bearers in such a way that the voters would have bat little use for the "Napoleon of protection* on election day. She argued throughout her speech that tiit council take steps to enforce th- contract. The petition was signed bv such firms a- 0 Farrell A A-h, J. S. King A Co.. We a Ei ier, TiUmadge Bros , Webb In Tax Baxkxb Job Office there is to be found the largest selection of new a»»d artistic type in Northeast Georgia. If yon have a Poster aa large as a newspa per to print, and want it executed in an attractive style—in a style that will “catch the eye”—Thx Baxxxb office is the place to have it printed. If you have aa in vitation card that you wish to appear as if it were lithographed, send it to na. Ia afternoon. There waa some discussion by Mr. Fleming and Mr. Reid bat no action was taken. IK THX SXXAT*. In the Senate the bill to put the ex press and telegraph companies under the rotary commission was up for con sideration, (everybody, that is almost everybody)—took a hand. .The ex pression of views pro and con was vig orous but the arguments were in the main those advanoed in the discussion in the House. There was a strong ef fort to bring about a vote today, the ad- £ Crawford, G. H. Hulme, T. Fleming •C .'on. Elevator Milia, J. J. C. Mc- Milian, J . H. Rucker, Orr & Hunter, rtc. By the time tbe petition is pre ssed it will have the name of every merduDt in Athens anon it. A meeting of the council may b>- cxii*! especially for the purpose oTboo- iidering this petition. Aeticm of the council in this matter i* waited with a great deal of interest, a« much depends upon it. known him a year. Mande (meaning to be very sarcastic) —I suppose Louise thinks people ought to grew up together, or else demand a certificate of Louise—Not at all! But a year!— And yon know, girls. Hal used to be Maude (vehemently)—Well, what if he did? He isn't any more. He’s all right now, and he simply adores Alice. He’d die for her! How can yon talk so,'Lou ise? Just think how he gave up cigar ettes for her. ; ** Louise—Tee—exchanged them for a nasty pip* - * ■Maude—For a pipe, did you say! Well, Alice says she likes a fine meerschaum or briarwood pipe. “Only a year!” Why, Louise, every <me knows that love isn’t dependent apon time. For my part, 1 that the first duty of the people of Ohio, without regard to party, was to rebuke the protection policy of tbe Republican party by defeating McKinley for gov ernor. Her address was foil of telling pints and was deli vexed with a vim ai d vigor that won her numerous the best results cannot be obtained. It is even so in a printing office. We have 'S the most artistic and skillful printers to be obtained. We refer yon to samples of onr work for proof of this assertion. After all,-one’s work is the best way by which to judge Ida ability. We have no “cubs” to “butcher” work. ^ jobs, which are otherwise artistic, are spoiled by poor press work. In Th* Baxheb Job room there are five of the finest presses made—Adam’s Patent Book Press, The Cottrell A Babcock Cylinder Press, two of the latest improved Gordon Presses and Golden’s Pearl. WEALTHY MAN CAUGHT STEALING. Aa Ohio Nslctaborhootl Dumbfooadod Over m Sensational Arrest. BarJ.ams, Sept. 16.—L R. Sammons, li wealthy and heretofore highly re- kriowu us the "Feet Washers," L ' imt* wealthy. He has a congre- f* tlon Wtxwter, and there most of , t,tae Is spent, his wife remaining at T jCjr - ^veral months ago uovrti to Akron from Wooster, "B# one of Mr. Ritchieh housec. SP " T -r-i!,i gentleman began a series of pi’ calls, and his wife accused zf.V* ^fidelity. He in torn gave it 1 ta it .-he w.ts altogether too worldly, n * t-f-t'ter’s wife. Severtil ■ famfly • uvr.. held, and the outcomes “**• uay will hereafter live apartT^ 7 ^ Want, tbe Pruriaa'Cods. M London, Sept. 16.— A Munich dispatch ; 8 ll1 * 1 r b« enthusiasm which drd :hr visit of the German kaiser « largely official and artificial’ and th-re is a widespread popular -cousin *«h the policy cf Prussian- s country. The kaiser, for- Unc*. hsu urged that the Prussian ‘“GlUnr Oihla Yw* n.l a.J 1 a A •■.« ALn. believe in love at first sight! Louise (groaning)—Oh—oh! Mande! Helen (toughing)—Mands, you’re sim ply lolling! - Mande (defiantly)—Wen, F dot Of course I don’t mean that I think people should -be married right off, or even (weakening under there - reproachful ■glances) that they should become en gaged: bat I do think—1 believe—I know (^gathering courage)—yes, I know that people can love each other the very first time they meet. Why, I knew a girl The others (forgetting their disap proval)—Oh, tell us about her. Maude. S$ected fanner who owns a well stocked farm near Glencoe, was ran down and caught by a posse 'of neighbors about daylight, and ia now In jkU, charged with stealing, and the whete nrighKor- bood-is dumbfounded. He was-cmight . ■ « - i-. ut: J while in the hands of the cook was a a black and tattered rag which weO de served to be labeled a death dealing dish doth. This is no fancy sketch, bat a very fact, and the foul smelling dish cloth, saturated with stale food, seemed taw^quite reason enough for the wretch ed health the cook complained, of, even if the general state of the kitchen were not responsible fire the successive deaths of three children of the family. My hostess attributed these to a mys terious dispensation of Providence.— Mande (determinedly)—No! Don’t beg me. 1 can't, rve promised. Bat 1 met her last cummer and she ia married now. and she loved her husband before she even knew hi* name. So, there! Helen—Oh, 1 know. It’a that girl you told tne about last falL So romantic! Louise—Tes, romantic — and silly. How could die love a man before aba knew his thoughts or feehngs or tastes? Helen (at hazard)—Perhaps she did know, Lon—er—instinctively. Louise—Nonsense! I believe in long pngagpmpti fa» Helen—Well, I don’t! 1 think, when people love each other, they Bhould be married and begin helping each other at once. I don't like the idea of engage ments—its like joining the church on probation. Lcuise (seriously)—Bat surely. Helen, a broken engagement is better than a wretched marriage. Don’t be unreason able! Helen—A girl has no business to get engaged to the wrong man. I despise a flirtation—it’s so common! Mande—That's why I detest Margaret Crayson so. The way she tri— Louise—But. Helen, sometimes people ’ These Messenger^ Boys were sent out to make special delivery of Catalogues, and told to hurry. This idea so excited them that they got all mixed up and don't know which is which. They want you to pick them out and put them in their proper order, so as to show the name of a leading piafia. Here is a hint The catalogues tell all about the famous SOFT-STOP and other patented improvements. For further information come and see ,' HASELTON te DOZIER, Athens, Ga. Sept s—tf :• . •; - "regarded i £ ,v - bm in S T «i* is y^u Isabel' ITf-iei t r ^ grand kleptomaj Buv From tire Man With, thejjBest Reputation. C. F. KOHLRUSS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in AND GRANITJE, MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, COPINGS, STATUES, ETC® The tatue- of Dr. Irvine, Mr». MeCov, are. (.'anriie and Mias Tirnl/eriake »iv ifurti« nt ray own, and are sufficient evidence cf guod work, at as '.eaa.enable prices aa caa be tia.1. Cor. Washington and Ellis. Sts Augusta, H arch a~wly. siasm and with the governor State officials presiding, the ] to commemorate the v ictor destruction of carpet-baggm ran. It will be m tne cente -tr.--t and will be completed mouths, as the money needed Already been aubecnbecL for Aixcoctk’s, and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a substitute. Mr. Janies McRee, of Oconee has moved to our town.