The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, October 06, 1891, Image 3

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^ INTENSE strain SNAPS POLE ON THE ELECTRIC CAR LINE. NKIilU) MAN INJURED |n0 Th rown to the Cround-He Through Fifteen Feet. But f Not Seriously Injured. W» s i ‘‘A FORGIVING GOD” SHOOTING SCRAPE DR. W. C. LOWRY MEETS DEATH WITH THAT SPEECH. IN WHICH MR. R. L. REAVES WAS SLIGHTLY INJURED. A TRAGIC, SAD DEATH. A WAR OF WORDS pole • T lirokt'i) ;>' nti-ro that Anil a narrowly escaped is what happened yesterday af- in * . at the inler- h bo lit six o’clock at the < trl ' 00 ' t ‘ ( prince avenue and Pulaski (eetH-n , was standing at the corner of from which several guy P L rsnoutu. the trolly wire of the * le oiric street railway. . nt ,gro man named Willis Span was rk f„, Mr. Abel, who has the con duction P»rtthe electric line in ffcirge. He pole top of this tD j W as tightening the guy wires. • ijeiily the pole snapped At the bot- 5 “ , l just next to the ground, and the ! pulled loose from the main trolly he pole fell to the ground, carrying oug with it. foil on his head and bis wire? wire The the negro a" The negro toot went mulct the pole. The negro’s head was cut pretty badly d,1 tie stillered from loss of blood. * J, r w. S Wlialey was called to at- (f|)J tl iin and examined his injuries. Cue of his toes was broken, and ha pretty badly bruised. The injuries were not serious, howev in j i,e will lie out in a short while. Manager Voss says that the reason nby the pole snapped was that there too much strain upon it and that the construction company should have put in two poles instead ot one where tbev did. The win s will he repaired thorougb- Ivaml the poles will bo securely set mil made safe. Guaranteed Cure for La Grippe- W. :iuthori/.e our advertised druggist ^*'11 von Dr. King’s New Discovery fir Comumptio.u, Coughs and Colds, up,n this condition. If you are afflict- J mi). La Grippe and will use this wn-dv according to directions, giving ir a fair trial, and experience no bene- hf y,.u m ay return the bottle and have T0 ’u"r money refunded. We make this ofler. hecaiise of the wonderful success of Dr. King’s New Discovery during lid season’s epidemic. Have heard of tw case in which it failed. Try it. lie. Trial bottles at John Crawford & Co’s. . william e Re-Nominated Tor RUSSELL of Governor Massachusetts. Worckstkk, M ASS. j Sept. 29.—[Spe- «1 - The Democratic State Conven tion opened at Mechanics hall with mu- lit by the band which accompanied the Loffdl delegation from the city of spin dies The main door of the hall was entire ly i>vup'etl hy delegates, and the gal- leric- were also well tilled with specta- Hls Remains Brought Home and In terred In Oconee County—Gen eral Sorrow and Sympathy for the Bereaved. Between Messrs. Eugene and Frank Barry and Mr. Reaves Ends with That Effect—The Wounds Not Serious. Dr W. G. Lowry, well known and respected by many throughout this entire section of Georgia, has taken his own life. And the story of the affair is at once tragic, horrible and Bad. Dr. Lowry for some time past has been a sufferer from terrible nerv ous and mental shocks. Athens came very near having a fatal fight yesterday afternoon about four o’clock. And the man who c tme so near being the victim was Mr. R L Reaves. The affair happened at the livery sta ble of Messrs. Eugene and Frank Barry, on Thomas street. As soon as the shots were heard a These attacks came periodically | ™ Wd con * re Kated around the stables and had gradually undermined the physical and the mental strength of the man. So awful at time 9 were they that a movement was recently made by | some friends of the unfortunate man to put him in the lunatic asylnm until his see what was the matter. Reayes had been lei off by a relative to where he could get medical atten tion, while the two Barry brothers re- When seen about the difficulty the said to a Banner reporter that Reaves normal condition was restored, but the ow , d tbem a 8mall £j, ^ that when patient objected, and the step was not takeu. Last week Dr. Lowry carried the re mains of his sister-in law to Coving ton. While there another of these violent at'acks seized him, and under such con ditions and surroundings he took an over-dose of morphine. He did it in cool deliberation it seems, for he summoned his relatives to bis bedside, and told them that he was dying. A SAD SCENE. It was a sad scene indeed when last Sunday morning as the members of the household were preparing to go to church Dr. Lowry called to him his loving relatives and said in a tremb ling voice but calm mind: “I have taken a draught that will in three hours put me to sleep forever. “1 wanted to ape ik with you all be fore 1 went, and 1 want you to sit down and hear me. Please don’t interrupt me until 1 finish what I have to say. The he went to get his horse out he wouldn’t pay it. They then told him that the horse cnnldn’t go until the bill was paid, whereupon, Reaves com menced to curse them most outrageous ly. They couldn’t stand some of the language be used and fired upon him. They said they attempted to get out of the fuss hut it was just rubbed on them. Mr. Reaves, when seen said that this story was all wrong. He said that Barry Bros, owed him for a bucket of paint, and that he went into the stable for his horse. Frank Barry asked him for thirty-five cents as due the firm and Reaves asked if there was no deduction on account of the hucketof paint which was worth twenty-five cents. They had some words, when Eugene Barry came up and Reaves handed him a bill for the twenty-five cents which was paid. The two then walked out and came back, and Eugene Barry said to Reaves, “you called my HUNDREDS SLAIN- REVOLUTION IS PRECIPITATED IN THE REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. LONGSHOREMEN OUT ON STRIKE IN SAVANNAH. SPEAKERS ARE STONED The Bloody Result of an independ ence day Celebration In the City of Guatemala—The Streets run red with Blood—Hard Fight ing for Three Days- Savannah’s Troops Have 20.000 Cartridges on Hand—The Long shoremen Demand 20 Cents for an Hour’s Work—Trouble may-be Raised. . . . . . . brother a liar,” and with that he started doctor- had given up the case, 8boot Eugene Barry fired one shot and the family and friends sat down to aQ( j F ran k Barry two. Rsaves said he Dr- It wa- nearly a quarter past eleven alien lion. J. W. Corcoran, the chair man of tin-Democratic State Commit tee. called order and made a brief ad- dre-s » Licit was frantically applaud- Thr convention was permanently or- Ciniz -il L>y the choice of Hon. P. A. Collins, of Boston, with a long list of vice-presidents. Hod. William J. Dale was elected Bee retsrr. dr making his appearance Mr. Col lins whs given a rousing welcome. Mr. Collins acknowledged his flatter ing reception in a few pleasant words, in which he announced that he had tan present at twenty-five democratic •'Ate conventions and was today cele brating his conventional silver anniver sary. Governor William Eustis Russell was nominated for re-election amidst tre- tnenuous applause. His election is ‘■ouiited on as a certainty. hear the last words of the dying man “I am going to leave you,” he con tinued. ‘ I am going to meet my God face fa face. 1 will be with Him soon.” “There is much in my life to be re gretted, but there is much, very much, also, to be thankful for. I am not afraid to die. 1 feel that God is a for giving God, and I know that He has al ready forgiven me.” BROKE rows in TEARS. Here the fanrlj burst into tears But Dr. Lowry continued to talk in the calmest and most deliberate man ner. He told all about his luneral, dic tating what arrangements should be made for his burial. He said he wanted to be buried in Athens, and said his wife would know what minister to have preach his funeral. THE BURIAL YESTERDAY. The remains of the unfortunate man reached Athens, Sunday night, accom panied by Mr. Boyd Rev. E. D. Stone in a most impress ive matiner conducted the funeral ser vices. A large number of friends and relatives of the deceased were there to pay their last tribute of respect to the dead. Dr. Lowry was well known and much esteemed all over this section of the Sta?e. General sorrow and sympa thy prevail for the bereaved family. was walking away when the shots were fired and that they went through his coat. This is Reaves’ stat mont of the af fair. - ’ »• Mr. A. B. Jarrett, who works for Reaves and who was an eye witness, corroborates that story, saying that Barry Bros, started the difficulty. Other parties say that Reaves was not blameless in the fight. There is a difference of expression as to who was to blame. Reaves’ wounds are not of a serious nature. Two of the bullets took effect just grazing the left side, and produc ing slight flesh wounds. Barry Bros, wore taken in charge by the officers, and after a warrant was sworn out for them, charging them with assault with intent to murder, gave bond to appear at the Superior Court in October. And so the matter stands. City op Mexico, Sept. 29.—A gentle man who left the city of Guatemala on the morning of the 16th ius't-., aud who reached thi3 city on horseback from the Mexican j>ort of Acapulco, brings The Information that an outbreak occurred in Guatemala city on the 16th inst., and wav still in progress when he left. The people were celebrating the anniversary of the national holiday, and President Barillas hae peasonally appointed the orators of the day. The people objected to this, and when the orators took the rostrum they were pnt to flight amid a shower of stones. Every Barrlllas partisan was driven from the piazza. The uproar was some thing long to be remembered. Mem bers of the mob shouted : " Let’s storm the national palace-, kill Barrillas and restore a Republican form of govern ment. Guatemala should not be ruled by a dictator. The plundering of the national treasury must cease. ” Barillas then ordered the artillery into the plaza, and the infantry and two caunons to guard his residence. When the guns were turned on the mob there was a general dispersing of them, though they discharged revolvers at the artillery men. They left the plaza, hut fought inside the streets; in fact during the night of the 15th they held full con trol of the city. A special to The Anglo-American from Newton, on the line between Gua temala and Mexico, received here and delivered by special courier, brings the information that Barillas is master of the situation, he having put down the revolt after three days of hard fighting. The arrivals of troops ' from the ad joining districts eventually restored Barillas to jtower and the whole city is now infested with soldiers. Martial law has been declared. A dispatch received here says fully five hundred lives were sacrificed in the three days’ fighting, and that President Barillas is still shooting down the par ticipants in the revolt as if they were beasts. Savannah, Ga., September 2d — [Special.]—Five thousand ball cartrid ges are in Savannah for the military of the city for use in case of an emergency arising out of the threatened strike of the colored longshoremen. The cartridges left Atlanta last night and arrived here today, and will be distributed among the armories. They JOHN L. ARNOLD, JR were ordered yesterday by telegraph by Col. Peter Reilly, of the First Reg iment, after a conference with Mayor PaiQtS Lead ftlld Oil Way to Mtitle Orfod Americans. Athens, O.. Sept. 28.— General Gros- ver.or, in robust health, returned home via the Hocking Valley railroad, from his World’s Fair visit to Europe, and was greeted by a large number of our citizens, who called at his residence, and to whom he made a brief address, thanking them for the compliment of their call aud saying that the best way to make a good American of one and to render him prouder of our institutions, is to send him abroad; and such, he said, was the result in hiB case in the Glass In the Brain. Cantos, O., Sept. 28.— At a free dance in the eastern part of the city a row occurred us Peter Uhl, wife and 8-year-old child were departing for their home. A beer-glass, hurled with ter rific force, struck the door-jamb. In glancing, a number of the pieces struck the child, fracturing his skull. In a surgical operation twenty-five pieces were removed from the brain. The child can not recover. The father is the man who two years ago, while iu- toxicuted, went to sleep on the sofa m his house with a lighted pipe in his mouth. In the conflagration following three children were asphyxiated, the house was destroyed and the parents and the child just injured barely es caped. Bucklen’s Arnica saive. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 26 ‘■ente per box. For sale by John Crawford & Co ’•V nnlesal# and retail druggists A MAYOR SHOT. l)r. Bikers Huckleberry undtalj^ aggregate •urt- cure for all Bowel troubles For tt!i Kv til (In., v- ASGENEOF BUSINESS. The Fleecy Staple Arrives In Large Quantities. I’- was a lively scene on Clayton street yesterday morning. A Ua.nnkk reporter standing in front °f Ttdmadge Bros, store looked up and down the street and counted over thir ty-five bales of the fleecy staple on wag- °“sthat bad just come in from the country. And it was of a splendid grade and several countries which he visited while away. The general’s purpose is to take an active part in the political campaign, and he will make his initial speech at Logan. Where b Patrick Rooney? New York, Sept. 28.—Chief of Po lice Campbell, of Brooklyn, received a letter from V. G Holt, Augusta, Ga., asking him to find out whether Patrick Rooney, who moved to Brooklyn some years ago from Baltimofa, is alive or dead. It appears that Rooney has Either a Lnnutlo or a Liar. Minneapolis, Sept. 28. — Jacob Brown, who confessed himself a mur derer here, is either a lunatic or a liar. He professed not to remember a single thing about his confession, and even denied that his name was Brown. He said he was J. A. Bnda, aud that he had killed his brother-iu-law and been tried for it in Ceptralia, Ill., eight years ago. He was acquitted on the ground of iusnuity and sent to the asylum. Be fore the trial he bail been the cell-mate of J. W. Gray, the convict, who, he said yesterday, is serving a life sentence in his stead, •■nd said Gray knew his story. The police are holding the man till they hear from Illinois. While Trying to Protect a Woman. Spartanburg, S. C , Sept. 29 —The evidence produced in the coroner’s in quest yesterday, concerning the murder of Mayor Henneman, was of the most convincing and damning nature, and conclusively showed that he was will fully and foully assassinated. He was attempting to stop Williams from beating the woman with whom he was living and while in the conscious discharge of his duty as^an officer of the peace, was shot from behind. The woman, Charlotte Patterson, professes to know nothing of the deed and denies attempting to assist Will iams when he was trying to wrest the pistol from Mr. Henneman’s hand, but a number of eye witnesses testified that they saw her grab Mr. Henneman, and that both she and Williams were scuf fling to take the pistol from him. She also said Mr. Hehnetnan shot in the air thinking he would frighten Williams and force him to surrender. Mr. Henneman was buried yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock with Masonic ceremonies A deep feeling of sorrow has pervaded the city the whole day, and much sym pathy is expressed for the family of the deceased. The stores dosed yesterday afternoon in honor of the dead. Verdict In tbe Osborn Murder Case. Covington, Ga., Sept. 28. —The jury .. in the Osborn case returned a verdict fallen heir to a fortune in Ireland, and finding Joe Osborn guilty of murder if fa dead his wife and children, who *“* ® ° / II lie IS ueiiu iii» i I vtri+Vi n rMYimfnpndAtinn to me we now in Augusta. Ga., will fali’heirs witfi a recommendation to mercy, and BTC uuw 1X1 . 7. A! L....n\, I n Af upninttul n« tn TJirHTi7.0 Oa. bringing good prices. The farmers j iL Tim records PaWick H> the Brooklyn health denartment show that Patrick H. smiles upon I 74 years old, died from apo- evidentiy feeling plexy, at 834 K sciuski street, and Pat- 1 rick Rooney, 65 >’<*« old, died at St. natJumne’s hospital, October 7, 188#. "°re broad smiles Hteir faces, and were food. And everybody else was pleased, too, | Catherine's hospital, ll ‘'* ‘a » good humor. Ever v stand of business was well Patronized, and the foreshadowing of a verdict of acquittal as to Lorenzo Os born. It is generally regarded as a compromise verdict, eight of the twelve jnrors being in favor of the death pen alty as to the elder Oszoru with less Tbc Reports Were False. . _ Millville, N.J., Sept. 28.-Governor u "' Getter times ahead was quite appa- I Abbott has called the attention of the grade for the younger brother. The re sult does not meet with general ap- , proval. tent. prosecuting attorney of Cumberland Timber Damaged by a Storm. Red La^e, Minn., Sept. 28.—A wind storm which assumed almost the pro portions of a cyclone swept through the counties of Bellrami and Itasca prostrat- JJ U °° k is tLat l he receipts will go over I factory tending boys during their I w^great, * hundred thousand mark. I recent strike in this city, and requested .. - — * ' ~ ~ him to make investigation of the whole mailer with a view to bringing the guilty persons to justice. The pyosecu- A« the days go by the amount of cot- I to “ the reports of alleged out-1 ( " received daily increases, and the I n g 6a against the Russian Jews by the Attention, County Alliance. The October Quarterly Meeting of tbe •i*7 w bounty Alliance will be held at ® ,® urt House in Athens, on Thurs- u “y,Oct - w from 150,000,0(19 to 200,000,< leeL Tue region is only inhabited by lumbermen, prospectors aud hunters at this time of the year aud it Ls not known Hmr attorney has sent a communication whether or not there was any loss of UI1B.IVW. J ,1.U .tf- ugbinr .-j.vjci. 8 th, at 10 odock, A. M. 'roe r him to lurmsu mm «««“*»— jj^eleeteicmrot- officers will be in- regarding any acts ot jwlcnca . + 0 Mayor Whitaker of this city, asking The him to furnish him with information S?*.* this ineetin dance tit* thereof. ** greatly neeting, desired. A full atten- Take due no- Gco. T. Mubrkll, Pres. Th *Tax A pfortionment.—Ordinary per Her.; A "“nngttw, orders I j II thatk 0 ? the . ta « for County purposes, ot,} tieing distributed aqiong tne vari- ..'ti^Partments. roe work of the L*I*°wb up well lor the efficient Or th,. an< * <h moi StStofito the wisdom of j^jtaople of Clarke county in selecting ““gc Herrington for that position. hadknowledge of. The mayor answer ed the letter by saying that he has no knowledge of any “ebrow being a^ault- ed or violently handled by the stnaers, mid while the latter assumed a threat ening attitude at times, they did not Ttrike anv Hebrew. He adds that the sensational reixtrUipablisheduboatout- rages on Hebrews in MillviHe are false. life. Carl Scliurx Resigns His Place. New York, Sept. 28.—Hon. Carl Schurz has resigned the presidency of the Hambnrg-Ainerican Packet com pany. It is said' that his resignation was due to the fact that he had learned un the arrival of the German directors here that they had left Hamburg to make a complete change in the offices of the company in this city. Just receivi u car load cement, lime and plasterpwigjat Lyndons. BLOOD IS UP. TIIE TROOPS ARE READY. Don’t Monkey” with your Blood. Delay is dangerous in sick ness; it la especially hazardous in diseases of the Blood. Cor- cases,if neglected, develop into Incurable chronic dis orders, is n safe, speedy and sure cure for all contagious blood poisoning, Inherit ed Scrofnla, Skin Eruptions, and lias cured thousands of cases of Cancer. It ls a powerful tonlo for deli- ,cate persons, yet is harmless and incapable or Injuring the most sensitive system. A treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed rasa on appli cation. Druggists Sell It, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga. Has the Largest Stock of McDonough and Col. Garrard The walking delegates of the long shoremen’s organization waited on'the officials at the Ocean steamship and Savannah, Florida and Western railway harves yesterday, and notified tl.em that the longshoremen wanted 20 cents an hour for their services hereafter, in stead of 15 cents. The demand was refused. The dele gates then, threatened trouble. They said the men they represented would not work after last night far less than 20 cents aD hour, nor would they al low any others to take their places ex cept by walking over their bodies. Mayor- McDonough requested Col onel Reilly to telegraph Governor Northen for 5,000 ball cartridges, to be ready to meet any demonstration in the nature of a riot. The telegram was sent at once, and the requisition was honored by the governor. Including the 5,000 cartridges which u ill arrive this morning, there are about 2,00()0 in possession of the military and n.vlina nnfllif wnll fni* oitVim PAINT BRUSHES —AND— VARNISHES That has ever been kept in Athens. See me before you buy, for it will be to your interest. I will save you your money and give yon the best goods that are manufactured. Give me a call. Yours, truly, SCHOOL STATIONERY:. Merchants Supplied —AT— WHOLESALE RATES. Lowest Prices! JOHN L. a NOLB D. W. McGregor, BOOK-STORE, GA. A0. 205 BROAD ST., ATHENS, GA. prtl 31 —d*w. ATHENS, July 7—wtf ■41 Guaranteed Relief fol Eczema, Tetter Ring worm, Itch, Barber’s ltci 'itching Piles, Dandruff, an. all Itching and 8kin affections j TETTER CURE THE ELECTROPOISE APPLICABLE TO TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic Diseases, When the Indications are not strictly police, andjit wouldn’t he well for either the longshoremen or any one else to start a riot at tbe present time. At midnight Sergeant Mnse, of the Cential railroad force, carried all the rifles belonging to his depariment from the barracks to the wharf, together with a quantity of ammunition. This was done as precautionary measure. A wagon was used to convey the firearms to th wharf. The corporations refused positively to accede' to the demands of the men. They say that sufficient labor can be found to work at tbe present rate of wages, and if the old hands don’t want to re main, new ones will be placed in the positions and protected at all hazards There may be trouble today or tomor row, although the authorities hope that wiser counsels will prevail upon the dis satisfied workmen to make their issue in a peaceable and orderly manner. OWN1D AND MADE ONLY BY SLEDGE A LAYTON. Druggist & Pharmacists. li N ew Feature ! A Great Offer:! The Latest, Bdst and Most Popular GoodLooks. Good looks are more than skin deep depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the Liver be in active. you have a Billious Look, if our stomach be disordered you have a lyspeptic Look and if your Kidneys be affected you have a Pinched Look. GIVEN AWAY! As Supplements to the I Weekly Banner. Surgical. Nervous Affections, Such as Neuralgia, insomnia, Partial Paralysis, Nervous Prostration, Anae mic conditions that do not respond to ordinary ionics, Torpid Liver, Spleen or Kidneys, Pelvic troubles of women, Functional troubles of heart, Dropsy, Milkleg. Impoverished Blood, Chronic Hemorrhages all yield to its tonic influ ences and persistent use. By the skilled use of Electropoise, Acute Rheumatism and Malarial fever are rendered harm less or aborted. All the weak points in the system are helped—even incipient consumption has been cured. The power of opium and alcohol over the system are often subdued by the re storative influence of this instrument. No shock or unpleasant sensation ot any kind received in its proper use. It is not liable to be abused or to get out of order. Its good effects are man ifested on patients in longer or shorter time, according to chromcity of the case and susceptibility of the individual. The “Pocket” poise can be used at home by purchaser. Price $25. The larger or “Wall” poise is better adapted to office practice. Price $50. A book of instructions with each instrument. W. S. Whaley, M. D. fl&w. A (rent. Athens. G*. Twelve Complete New Kovels By the most Popular authors ot the day, THE EYE Secure good health and you will have COSTING THREE DOLLARS IN jg ^ Delicate Organ and Sbonld be good looks. Electric Bitters is the great alterative and tome and acts direct lyon these vital organs. Cures Fimples, Blotches, Boils and gives a good com plexion. Sold at J. Crawford & Co’s Drugstore. 60c. per bottle. , THE BOOK STORES Will he given away to all subscribers to or pur chase: s of the Well Taken Care of. WEEKLY BANNER, GATE CITY NEWS. Duringjitheiyear 1891. The Arre9t of a Post Office Official —That Terrible Accident In Marietta* Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 28.—[Special.]— The Ryan case came up in court today. Beginning with the new year (1-91) we will publifh as a Supplement with the first issue ol The Bamhib for each mouth, a complete new novel by one of the most popnlar writers ot the day. These novel supplements will be pre sented to every subscriber to onr paper, also N, Hauser, A t the drug-store op palmer & K1NNEBREW, have the best EYE-GLASSES AM SPECTACLES Thn honrincr nromiRfia f. n ho ft long I to every person who shall purchase it either 1 to be frun* in the city. It will pay you to | lhe bearing promises to De a long I ^ rom ^ neW8< i ea i er or earner, without addi- the best when buying for the eye. in and interesting one. Must Ryan go tional charge. Each supplement will contain CANCER. To B B B (Botanic Blood Balm) has been given the credit of curing that ter rible symptom of hereditary blood poi son called cancer. Allan Grant, Sparta, Ga., writes: “A painful Bore came on my lip which was pronounced epithelial cancer by promi nent physicians. I also had much pain and great weakness in tbe back. Eight bottles of B B B healed the sore, gave me strength and made me well.” G. F. Kellar, Wrigbtsville, Ga., writes: “B B B is coring an ulcer on my nose said by all to be a cancel.” James A. Greer; Athens,Ga., writes: “For ten years I have been a sufferer from a cancer on my face, which dis charged offensive matter. Nothing I tried gave relief. Finally I gave B B B a trial. The discharge gradually H e- crensed and the cancer grew less until now there is nothing left except a scar.” back to jail ? is a question much asked. The case may take a sensational turn at any time, but so far today things have moved along smoothly The arrest of Emmett Stanley, hi of money order depaitment atthePos Office upon a charge of embezzlement has created a decided sensation, Stanley is a quiet fellow who has been regarded as all right in every respect. Postmaster Lewis and the other officers are inclined to to be lenient on the ground of Stan ley’s illness. His shortage so far seems to be about $1,?.00. The terrible runaway accident at Marietta which resulted in the death of Miss Reynolds and Mrs. Merritt and may result in other deaths, created a profound seosation here where all the parties were known. Capt. JohnReyn- f ;e. Each suppl atest, best ana most poonlar nov- I mrrn TUTITXIT titt T TXTTjI els, unchanged and unabridged. As above I T f|R JE W ELRY JLJLNE stated, one of them will accompany the first I _____ _____ npany th issue of our paper for each month in the year, so that dnnng the year we shall present to oar sahscribers and patrons twelve complete mod ern novels. They will be verbatim reprints ol the popular novels cold in the book-stores and news-stands at 25 cents each, hence We Shall Actually Give Away to all J our Subscribers aud Patrons for the year 1891, Three Dollars’ Worth of the Best Modern Fiction I FINE RERAIR WORK Is their SPECIALTY. WHEN YOUR WATCHES, CLOCKS or Jewelry need repairing, call on N. Hauser and yon will g et nothing but a first-class job. Aug 23 cjuly 4—d6m. TERRORIZED A TOWN. These novel supplements will consist ot the latest works ot snch famous authors as Bob# ADVERTISING. I F von wish to advertise anything anywhere at any time write to GEO. KOWKLL I CO., No 10 Spruce st., New York.. jeon, Edna Lyell, “ lhe Duckett,' t Florence Marryat. *' ’arryat, Mrt. Alex• * if. E. Eraddon, ivvvry one 1' need of infornatlon on the sub- ander, Mitt Bota Nouchctie Carey, and othert. of “Book for Advrrtl&er*,” 8«8 pages, price <me dollar. Mailed, postage paid, on receipt ot price. Contains a careful compilation trom th», American Newspaper Direc tory of all the best \ irs and class!nmals; gives the circulation of every one, and a p od deal of Inform*- Every novel that appears in oar sapplemenU I® of every one, and apod deal oiiMorma- o.d», „ Atlanta capital;.., U the unci. I tf £#*St-VSTaS® SH§ffiSJSB8JiSr SrJ — V’li-ai—* » I no t propose to present to onr subscribers re- 1 ell S ADVERTISING bukka , 10 spru prints of old stories published years ago, but on the oontrary only the latest new novels, as . v *- of the young lady killed and a brother of Mrs. Merritt. The horses were his, St.. N. Y he having just sent them to his brother they appear. Reader* of Ths Ba»n«b will at Marietta. This family seems fated * u — r ~~~ *-.i --i-i. for accidents. Mr F. P. Reynold’s sis ter and oldest daughter were burned to death several years ago, that accident as this occuring on Sunday. therefore enjoy a delightful intellectual privi- vnaf ' ■s' 1 lege, at no expense whatever, bnt which would —* *8.00 daring the year if the' same novels purchased at a news-stand-'or s book CURE store. The Novel Supplement for September will | contain ■ YOURSELF! Fifteoubledwith Gonorrhoeal f Git eet, Whites,Spermatorrhoea! for any unnatural discharge lit* SELF-DOOMED, for a bottle of ; G. Ifcnrea in a few dan hont the aid or publicity of a itor. Non-pofsonons ana Assisted Anderson to Escape. Cincinnati, Sept. 28.—The special High-Handed Depredations of a Gang of Lawless Characters. Yellville, Ark., Sept. 29.—The high-handed depredations of a gang of lawless characters, banded together as a secret organization have terrorized the inhabitants of Marion county. The gang made a general raid into the town of Barrens, which would put to shame the operations of the worst class of out laws on the western borders. The houses of W. Hamblett, Jr., and W. Hnmblett, Sr., Rev. Ed McCarty, Judge S. Owens, R. West and Thomas Sasser were visited and fired into by the ma rauders. Windows were smashed in, and at the Rev. Ed McCarty’s some children sleeping in the front room were severely injured. Judge Owens’s favor ite buggy horse was taken from the stable and his ears cut off. W. Hamb lett, Jr., was warned to leave the coun try under penalty of death. Rev. Ed McCarty was‘warned that if George Hamblett’s wife continued to live at his house he would be killed. Jim McCar ty was also warned that his life was iu peril. The authorities are greatly ex- • * ’ --made to grand jury has just reported in Burglar Anderson’s case. Lewis M. Hadden and Calvin Tucker are indicted for as-1 sistiug the notorious burglar to escape. Hadden is a well kt.own Republican politician and is at present county so-1 licitor. BY B.L.FARJEON, Author of ‘‘Blade-o’-GraM,” “ Bread-acd Bleed not to atrictaie. ‘ American Cure. Throe to Hang Oct. 33. Jdffebson City, Mo., Sept. 28.—In Division No. 2 of the supreme court motions for a rehearing of three murder cases were overruled. They are CharL., . Seaton of Lawrence county; J. H. Or I Thc« riqk of Iron county, and Thomas Will-16f a y iauiBon of Pettys county. The execu tion in each case was set for Oct. 81. next. cited, and evet apprehend the effort is beiug i Dig Damage* to Pay. Ottawa, Sept. 28.—It has been ascer tained that the Snm which the British ivernraent will have to pay the 'Cana- account of gove dian sealers as dam modus vivemli is -,vw, and may be • v-_. . as high as $ The minister ot The Athens Publishing Go marine is in possession of the figures. Cheese and Kisses,” “ Golden Grain,” Etc., Etc. Mr. Faijeon is one of the most popular wri ters of the time. t>y some critics he baa been dcalle the successor of Dickens. His stories are always interesting and never dry “ Self-1 Doomed,” which is one of his latest* will, we are sore, be enjoyed by all onr readers Announcements of future issues will be made in due season. This ofier is one of surprising liberality. We want to doable our circulation daring the new year, and such liberal inducements snonH do it. Subscribe for Tax Bum for the coming and get free novel supplements hese alone will be worth more than the price year’s subscribers. Tell all yonr friend* that they can get twelve complete new ndvels | free by subscribing for Th* Bank**. Vow is the time to get up a club for the Wskklt in yor vcieity, for your neighbors ] will wish to sabaribe and get the novel sup plement?. No one can afford to be without Th* Bakhsb in the household no*. Spread the newel Let I every one in yonr vicinity know of onr great offer AddreaB all letters and subscription* Manufactured by k Ths Evans Chemical Go.! CINCINNATI, SORRELS A 8MTTW j anaWh«*l*«yEteb- i It* cur.’d at homo with outpatn. Book of par ticulars sent FHBE. I wtm B. M.WOOLLEY. MJX 66* Whitehall 8k COTTON SEED. KeMtlSN Sutambe w «h» AtW of, is entirely overcome by Sarsaparilla, which gives mental and I bodily strength. .. Highest Market Price paid for Cotton Seed in any quantities. R. L. MOSS & CO.