The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, October 06, 1891, Image 4

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sra? ATHENS BANNER s TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6 1891 LT3ENS WEEKLY BANNER IHPobllabed Dally, Weakly and Sunday, by ffHR ATI1KN8 PUBLISHING CO. KKMSKN CRAWFORD Managing Editor. 0 n. imian Bustuw Manager. Tan Athens daily BAnicxr it delivered rear. $S.OO for six month , $US0 for three months 7 The weekly or Sunday Bunnmtl .00per yew, U cents for 6 months. Invariably Cash lnad- *T«tnslent advertisements will be Inserted at the rate of $1.00 per square for the first Insertion, and so cents for each subsequent insertion, ex- cep con tact advertisements, on wnlch special •tsssssswa--^,«on. asas?sa!aiB^»«pSSKa will be made. _ . Remittances may De made by express, postal note, money order or registered letter. All business communications should be ad dressed to the Business Manager. SHAME ON YOU. LARRY « What in the world is the matter with Larry Gantt again? In a re cent issue of the Southern Alliance Farmer (a paper we always read with peculiar interest) we find the follow ing editorial utterances: There is an augean stable in our State to be cleaned out, and it is filled with liars and slanderers. They are the refuse of the Democratic party, and fully realize that their only hope for political salvation is to crush the Farmers’ Alliance out of existence They dare net meet us in honorable debate, and so have resorted to the vilest, fonlest and most cowardly weapon in existence—the tongue of the slanderer. No lie is so impreb able or too filthy for these creatures to circulate, just so it is against the Alliance leaders. Like a fl^ck of carrion-crows, they hover over and around our headquarters, with the hope of finding a scrap of oflal on which to gorge the public. They are as unscrupulous as they are de based, and falsehood is their mother tongue. Now stop ! Larry, pause just here and catch a second breath. And while you catch your wind listen: Such editorials as this will do the Alliance more harm than good. It is certainly very true that there are some politicians in Georgia who arc doing the Alliance no good in their deeds and words Of opposition. Sure ly, this is to be deplored since the Alliance is essentially a worthy in stitution. But little harm can come of these few opponents. There are not many of them—very few. Generally speak* ing the whole South and the State of Georgia are chrvstallized for the Al liance. City folks are not down on the Alliance, and never have been. Any sensible man who keeps his wiia knows this to be true. It is folly to preach any tactics to the contrary. It is worse than folly, because it stirs up strife and hard feeling where no sncli sentiments exist. The Banner stakes much faith in simple honesty. We are all working with each other for the upbuilding of the State. Let us go about it fairly and zealously ; and best of all, let us go hand in hand, and heart to heart, with no frown upon our faces and no malice in our hearts. Larry, yoa ought to be ashamed of youaself ! THE BANNER ENDORSED. The railroad question, so far as it I bears upon the interests of Georgia will soon be settled. The legislature will adjourn before the ides of No vember draw near, perhaps, and surely some bill will be passed be fore adjournment that will have the effect of settling the matter for weal or for woe. Be that as it may, Tnx Banner feels called upon here and now to express its gratitude for the many pieaaing words of endorsement that | have been spoken in commendation |it8 utterances against the iniqui is methods employed by the rail- id powers in bottling up the com., imercial and industrial freedom of the people of Georgia. Fr >m far and near, we have been .gratified to receive letters approving | our course. Some of these letters from railroad men who know the ith that such contracts as have estly been made were illegal and Iculated to very serionslv cripple i Interests of our greav State. Banner has sought to make unwarranted fight upon the rail- ia. Trivia), indeed, would be ir profession of loyalty to the pub- lid we move in this matter upon i impulse of prejudice against the ilroads. Gratified to a degree that is itself ling, by the evidences of ap- , on the part of the public, The desires to return thanks i publicly to the press and to the ny who have verbally and by let* graciously praised it for its nse of the people's industrial and liberty. • Athens is about to get Into a fight with the Kichmond and Dan ville Notwithstanding all that has been said and done to avoid it, it looks like Georgia is to have a great war with the railroads.—Brunswick Times. And if the Georgia legislature doesn’t fix things next Tuesday in the action it takes upon the Berner bill then the fight will begin in dead earnest. Are you ready down there on the seacoaat? —Athens Banner . „ Brunswick has been allied with the interior heretofore in wars against the urjust discrimination of railroads. These discriminations are generally made in favor of Savannah and against Brunswick, as well as such interior points as Athens, Rome, Americas, Co Iambus, etc This fact usually brings Brunswick into sympathy with them. Brunswick has been disposed to look for fair treatment from the Richmond Terminal, but if she is not to receive it she will see what can be done to com pel it.—Brunswick Times. “Be ready gods! With all thy thun derbolts dash him to pieces!” The Atlanta Constitution, whose ob trusive championship of Judge Crisp has done much to defeat his ambition to be Speaker, thinks he should be re cognized as a tariff-reform leader be cause he is now making speeches in fa vor of tariff reform. Judged by this standard, every Democratwbo expects to remain in public life is entitled to unearned promotion at the hands of bis p fa .ty. It is largely due, howevar, to the work of Me. Miixs, extending through many laborious years of devo tion to the campaign of education, that Judge Crisp and other Congressmen who like to hear themselves. described as “conservative” have at last been broughtte the point of admitting that the tariff issue is, as the Constitution reports J udgr Crisp to have said, “the all-important question of the day.’’— St. Louis Republic. Come off! The world at large knows that Mr. CRisr has always been a zeal ous worker for tariff reform. Cease your falsifying. Do! Mr. Stead, whose arithmetic is as original and amusing as anything be has ever done, calculates that over 800,- 000,000 official prayers are annually of fered for the Prince of Wales. Says theLythonia New Bra: Mat- or E. T. Brown, of Athens, will head the citizens’ alliance movement in Geor gia. He is the right man for this work. Comb, gentlemen of the .Legislature, home is the best place for you now. The University continues to enroll new students at a lively rate. The Berner bill has not yet burned out. Don’t believe it! SEVERAL speeches against THE BERNER BILL YESTERDAY TO DECIDE TODAY. Our Correspondent Puts a Gloomy Face on Things—But he Laughs Best who Laughs Last—If it Falls of Passage, It Win be the Lasting Dishonor of Georgia. • Every seventh man in England is a Londoner.. Roll dat cot’n bale l The Editor of the Tribune of Rome has gone to arguing by the philosophy of music. He says: When will the great and esteemed Atlanta Constitu tion stop copying the Rome news from the Tribune of Rome, marking it “spe cial” without credit and thereby re flecting upon its Rome correspondent? Answer—“when the rabbits nest again.” Boston has an asylum for cats, and among its features is a feline gymna sium, full of bright balls of yarn, bound ing rubber balls and miniature spiked fences. Small kittens are given gutta pereba mice to cut their teeth on. Ev erything is-done for ailing kittens and invalid cats which enlightened philan thropy and human impulse may sug gest. DEAFNESS CAN’T BE CURED by local applications as they ean not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to core Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the raucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken oat and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed conditon of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness(caused by Catarrh) that we can not cure by taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo, O. J®=*Sold by Druggists. 76c. RULES AND REGULATIONS. A clergyman in New South Wales complains that out of 117 marriages whi".h be has celebrated within the last year twenty-nine called him out of bed between 11 at night and 6 in the morn ing. He never knows when he is to have & peaceful night, and all on ac count of a freak of fashion in his pa rish. No man is perfect. No woman is perfect. Regarding female models for artists the critics say that the French are undersized and have bad shoulders; the Germans have not classic faces and too broad hips: the Italians are not well rounded; the English are too tall, and the Spaniards are anatomically de ficient. Larry Gantt, editor of the Southern Alliance Farmer is on the right line when be writes: Let Georgia remodel and build up her State University, and not tear down and demolish' this time-honored institu tion. Let the board of trustees be elected by the legislature, and the far mers predominate. This will insure them a fair return for their money. Speaking of one who was formerly a society queen in Athens the Cum- ming Clarion says: Plucky Mrs. Lipscomb, wife of a Washington, D. C. lawyer drew a pis tol on a gang of men whom her hus band had offended in a speech. She is a Georgian and Georgia grit is the clearest. There are said to be. sixteen species of American trees the wood of which, when well seasoned, will sink into wa ter. The heaviest of these is black ironwood, which is thirty per cent, heavier than water. A specie of oak grows in Texas and New Mexico which when green will sink almost as quickly as iron. Arranged for the Athens Dispensary. The commissioners referred the mat ter of arranging rules for the govern ment of the Dispensary to the secretary who prepared the following which were adopted: 1. The Dispensary shall be open every day, except Sundays, election days and legal holidays, from sunrise to sunse . 2. Any sober person of lawful age (except students of the University) may purchase spirituous, vinous or malt li quora in any qu&nity not less chan one pint or more than five gallons, provided it is not bought to sell again. If the manager believes any person is buying liquors to resell, he shall report the fact to the commissioners who will take ac tion as required by the law. 3. All spiritous liquors sold by thejdis pensary shall oe analyzed as required by the law. and offered for Rale only in sealed packages. Whenever an original is opened its entire contents shall at Oi ce be transferred to sealed packages Vinous and malt liquors will be sold in the packages in .which they are re ceived from the manufacturers. 4. AU spiritous liquors shall be sold at a profit of fifty per cent (50) on the in voice cost of same.. Vinous and malt liquors shall be sold at the market price of same, equal quantity, in Atlanta or Augus ta—provided it does not exceed fifty per cent profit on invoice cost. 5. No person shall open or drink any liquors in the building, or on the pro mises, occupied by the dispensary. 6. No liquors will be sola for deliv ery at any place except in the Dispensa ry- 7. No liquors will be delivered minors on orders or otherwise. Only adults will be deals with. 8. The Manager staa’l sell liquors only for cash, and shall keep such books of account as will show what liquors have been received and sold,and the amount of money paid to the City Treasurer. 9. No student of the University, whether adult or minor, shall be fur nished with any liquors, except on written permit from the Chancellor. 10. No person shall loiter in or about the Dispensary, and it is the duty the Manager to enforce this regulation by calling on the police if necessary. 11. On the first day of each month the Manager shall make a report to the Commissioners showing amount of pur chases and sales during the preceding month, and stock on hand on last day thereof. FOR SALE At Jug Tavern, Ga., one new store house 25x60 feet, well finished, on Broad street, for sale. Apply to 'R. N. Pknticobt, Jug Tavern, Ga. A spring that gushes forth 'soda wa ter and in reality foists a huge natural soda-water fountain has been discover ed in Oregon. The water is sparkling and effervescent, and when flavored and bottled cannot be distinguished from the artificial beverage. Southern schools and colleges can not be too careful in selecting their his tories. Down with a book that would by word or inference teach Southern youths that their fathers were traitors orrebel8. It seems as if Queen Victoria has ta ken to smoking. The cabled account or the garden party at Marlborough bouse said: “When the queen arrived the Prince of Wales helped her to a-light.” A unique necktie was worn by a re cent visitor to Macon, Ga. It was made of a rattlesnake’s skin, the rat tle swing as a pin. The wearer killed the reptile nine years ago in Florida. Caterpillars from ten to twelve inches long are said to be not uncom mon in Australia, while species which vary in length from eight inches are stated to be numerous. ■ — The. September breeze whispers of an early winter. PRESTO, CHANGE! With the Rising Sun Begins a New Era. At sunrise this morning the city Athens changes position on the liquor question. The Dispensary system will be start ed as an untried experiment, and much depends upon its management as to whether or not it will be a success. If the law is strictly enforced, and there is. no reason why it should not be since it is in auch reliable hands, then it will be a success. The average Athenian citizen will necessarily feel rather queer today when it dawns upon his mind that for the first time in over six years he can walk up to the counter and buy the ardent legually. The United States license is here, the whiskies have been analyzed by Prof. H. C. White and all pronounced to pure; the spirits have been bottled up and sealed and made ready for sale; and the rules have been adopted by which the Dispensary la to be controlled. And this morning with the rising sun, the doors of the Dispensaiy will fly open and the thirsty Athenian can wet his whistle. Presto? change! AGAINST THE BILL. Atlanta, G i., September, 30.—[Spe cial.]— 1 Ti.e Berner bill discussion to day was rather desultory and devoid of sensations. This was something of a surprise. Col. John Goodwin oi Fnlton offered the Berner bill and sup ported the amended Chappell substi- ute. Dr. Hand of £ak> r took the same ground. Mr. Hartridge of Savannah spoke at aomeleug«b against the Berner bill,giv ing ia the course of hi< speech some in teresting figures on the features of the case which off :ot. many corpora tions theumouts of stock in these roads which Georgians hold. Mr. Hartiidge’s speech was an able one, but hia reputation oi humorist has a tendency to prevent his beiug taken seriously and he was not given the attention he deserved. There was a general attitude of ex pectancy when Mr. Huff was recog nized. Mr. Huff is always short and to the point, and is sure of an audience. He made a strong speech against the Berner bill, laying strong stress on the fact that there is no demand for such legislation. One point he made was interesting and had an effect. Col Hqjfis a member of the Railroad In vestigating Committee which was ap pointed by this House. He referred to that today, and said that tor himself there had been before that committee no evidence that proved the necessity for such legislation that propoeed by the gehtleman from Monroe. He wanted it understood that he did not reveal any committee secrets when he spoke as be did, but wa talking merely from his standpoint He thought there was no necessity for such legislation. In the afternoon, Dr. Chappell, of Laurens, took the floor. He said that he realized that this railroad question was an important one but not a hard one to solve, when we get near to it, it does not seem so mtri cate When the constitution was adopted we bad no consolidated railroad; bin times have changed, and the constitu tion has not; but we must have consoli dated railroads to enable us to join with outside lines. Mi. Gilbert, of Muscogee, spoke next He said three years ago, when he first started out into legislative life, there shot like a rocket across the legislate sky what was known «s the Olive bill. He voted for the Olive bill then, but after mature consideration he had come to the conclusion that he was wrong and now favored the consolidation, he believed it was be stfor the country He spoke for forty minutes, and at the conclusion of his speech Mr. Calvin of Richmond moved to postpone the consideration of the measure until to morrow morning immediately after the reading of the journal. It was thought that a vote would be reached today on the bill, but it is not now regarded as likely, as a number of the members are loaded with speeches', and there is a disposition to bear from everybody. The morning war con Burned in speaking, and it is probable that there will be no vote before tomorrow morning, possibly not before tomorrow afternoon. There seems little doubt of the Chap pel substitute as amended being adop ted and the sentiment in the House seems all that way. Berner has spoken in favor of his bill and Warner Hill and Bill Davis are expected to talk on the same. line. tn the senate. The pilotage bill is being much dis cussed among the senators and it seems probable that it will not pass though Senator Lamb is a strong advocate of it. The Brunswick pilots haven made as much money as they expected and seem to be the sole advocate of this bill which is calculated to greatly in crease their stipends without any in crease of work. The senate passed the finance com mittee’s funding bill today but spent most of its time on local legislation— incorporating towns, granting charters and 8) forth. ' —z~- A UTTLEpQIfJt^ Hunting for her Father Here In Ath ens. Last night’s Georgia train brought in as a passenger u little., tfen Year old white girl. She gave her name as Fannie Jones, and said she had come all the way from Rome. A Mr. Sanford, with whom she had been staying, bought her a ticket to Atlan'a, and put her m charge of the conductor. At Atlanta a ticket to Athens was bought and when the train rolled in last night she was taken in charge by Mr J. Flatau. She was hunting for her step-father, Mr. Jim McLochlin, who lives in this city. Mr. Flatau didn’t know anything about M McLochlin, so he carried the little girl to Mrs. A. J. Booth’s on South LumDkin street. Her mother had written to Mr. San ford in Rome to send the child to Ath ens and that she would meet ithere. But she didn’t meet it and the little one bad tc be taken care of by M rs. Booth last night. Mr, McLochlin has been working for Mr N. F. Tilton and will doubtless go after his little step daughter this morn ing. ARE MARRIED PEOPLE HAPPY Do you think married people are hap py, Uncle Jake ? “Dat ar pens alto- gedder how dev enjoy demselves; if dey had chilliuns an keep Dr. Biggera’ Huckleberry Cordial, dey are certain to be, for him will cure de bowel troubles and de Chilian teething. ANNOUNCEMENT. By request of numerous friends I have announced myself as a candidate for mayor of Athens, and if elected I shall do my best for the prosperity of the city and for the good of the people which as one item guarantees a city clock. Respectfully, V. W. Skiff . Terrible Fall or a Child. Cincinnati, Sept. 29.—The 1-year-old baby^of George Wear, who lives on the fourth floor of a tenement lionse at .60 East Pearl street, met with a terrible fall which will probably result fatally. The child was. asleep on a bed which was close against an open window open ing upon a court. It rolled out of the window and crashed through a sky light over _ the hallway in the center of the building. The .child was carried- up stairs unconscious and Dr. Crush was called to attend it. An examina tion showed that no bones were broken, but that severe cuts and serious inter nal injuries had resulted from the ter rible fall Try BLACILORAUGHT tea for Pytpcp*!*- THE ATHENS HARDWARE CO., (SUCCESSORS TO CHILDS NCKICERSON & Co.) nnH'OMT imrMinsRIiiiaSim ANEW MARKET To be Opened by Mr. John Booth. Athens is to have a new meat mar ket. And it will be a market in ever; sense of the word. Mr. Booth, a veteran in that business, will own and run the market, and will see that Athens is given as good mea" as she has ever enjoyed. He will open his new market in the building next to Parr Bros paint store, and will fix it up in the most convenient and attractivi style. Mr. Booth will give personal atten tion to the new market and will se< that his customers are treated courte ously and shown every attention. He will keep on hand a full suppl of fresh and delicious meats of a) kinds. The new market will be opened o- the first of the month. THE COMING ROAD CONGRESS Purposes for Which ft is CaHed and What It Wants to Accomplish. A good deal of interest is being taken in the Southern states road con gress to be held in Atlanta. Oct 28th Secretary W. (4. W hid by, of tin Georgia road congress, in outlining the work to be accomplished by the com ing convention, says: “The object e>f the road congress i not so much to discuss the preseut roa laws in force iu. Georgia as the neces sity of two thi gs: Fitst a peimauen system; second, permanent improvin of ihe public roads. There is a wid difference between working a puhlh road and building one. As at presi u enforced in Georgia, the road laws m i.v do passably well in work ing the roads, but then is no permanency in the work norno8ystem in it. The road con missioners have never studied the ques tion thoroughly, and i-\e i if they had. the law does not give them the funds necessary loput permanent work on th reads. “What desired is permanently im proved roads, according to a well de fined and everlasting system, so that the work done oue year will last fo: years to come. It must be in line witii that done in other parts of the country the succeeding years. “A small force, worked under the direction of a man acquaint 3d with the requirements of a good road, and with improved labor-saving implements and material at hand, systematically and continually, can secure to the people first class roads cheaper than they could be bad under the road laws of Georgia This is true when the permanency of the work is considered “The subjects oue of vital impor tance to all classes It is patent that our system of agriculture must change before it can prosper. “Large farms and the tenant system must go Small farms cultivated on the intensive system by the owners must be the order of the day. But to reach this result these small farmers must have good roads to the markets. The haul ing of large quantities of* produce iu less than can now be done is an element of importance in building up the small farmer. “In this day of rapid transit, trans portation by the common road must not be held back to the place of the past ages. The county needs the in spiring effect of faster and better tran sit.” AGBNT9 FOR SMITH IMPROVED Cotton Gins, Feeders and Condensers. : Vith or without R eV ol v 9 ? heads,with top or .front toedere. We are also agents for Fairbanks and Victor Wagon Scales Whiveley Mowing Machines Standard Hay Rakes, ’ Also, Dkalur* in General Hardware Sash, Doors, Blinds, Rubber and Leather Belting. Correspondence solicited. Price List furnished upon application. 248 and 250 EAST BROAD STREET, Ju!jr 21—w*m. GRAND PREMIUM OFFER! _A. SET OE THE • In Twelve Large Volumes, Which, we Offer with a Year’s Subscription to this Paper for a Trifle Store than Our Regular Subscription Price. Wishing to largely increase the circulation of this paper during the next six months, we have made arrangements with a New York publishing house whereby we are enabled to offer as a premium to our subscribers a Set of trie Works of Charles Dick ens, in Twelve Large and Handaome Volumes, with a year’s subscription to this praer, for a trifle more than our regular sub scription price. Our great offer to subscribers eclipses any ever heretofore made. Charles Dickens was the greatest novelist who ever lived. No author before or since his time has won the fame that he achieved, and his works are even more his lifetime, pathos, masterly vivid descriptions of places and incidents, thrilling and skillfully wrought plots. Each book is intensely interesting. No homeahould be withont a set of these great and remark able works. Not to have read them ia to be far behind the age in which we live. The CHMWJH sickens. set of Dickens’ works which we offer as a premium to oar subscribers is handsomely printed from entirely new plates, with new type. The twelve volumes contain the following world-famous works, each one of which is pub* “shed complete,'unchanged, and absolutely unabridged: BARNABY RUDCE AND CHRI8TMA8 STORIES, OLIVER TWIST AND GREAT EXPEC TATIONS, THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP AND THE UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELER, A TALE OF TWO CITIES, HARD TIMES AND THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD. Mixed paints, an colors, linseed oil, varnishes, paint brushes, etc., at Pal- HcElree’s Wins of Cardni for weak Nerves Fire limiting in a Mine. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 29.—The fire in the lotvei workings of the Dela ware aud Hudson Canal company’s large Conyugham colliery, in the second ward of this city, is burning fiercely, and all efforts to reach or even get within close proximity to the affected portion have proved unavailing. The mine will necessarily be flooded to such an extent that the water must reach every part of the vein. The time re- qnired to fill the vein and then pnmp it out will reach nearly to February 1, aud a large force of men will be thrown ont of work unless they are sent to other mines of the company. , The Largest Wild Cat. South Charleston, 6., Sept. 29.— The largest wild cat heard of in this country for many years was shot by George Harvey, a well known hunter. The cat was started up by the hounds and treed. After being killed the ani mal measured Si feet iu length, with a mammoth head and tail and exception ally large teeth, showing him to be an old resident er. After beiug caught the beast fonght desperately for many min utes, battling with a large pack of hounds. Collision and Death. Cumberland^ O., Sept. 29,—A colli sion of freight trains occurred four miles west of Cumberland, completely wrecking twenty-five cars, and killing Engineer Charles Earnest, of Bruns wick, W. Vh., and William Thorpe, of Keyser. W. Va. Brakemau Lewis and A Boston spinster fainted one day , ww< _ _ last week because the mail brought her mot & Kinuebrew, 105 Clayton "street, thve0 other t laimnea were injured, hut a newspaper iu its wrapper.—Fuck. opposite post office, will recover. DAVID COPPERFIELD, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, NICHOLAS NICKELBY, OOMBEY AND SON, BLEAK HOUSE, LITTLE DORRIT, OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, PICKWICK PAPERS, The above ere without question the moat famous novels that were ever written. For * quarter of a century they have been celebrated in every nook and corner of (lie civilized world. Yet there are thousands of homes in America not yet supplied with a set of Dickena, the usual high cost of the books preventing peopRj in moderate circumstances from enjoying this luxury. But now, owing to the use of modern improved printing, folding and stitching machinery, the extremely low price of white paper, and the great competition iu the book trade, we are enabled to offer to our subscribers and readers a set of Dickons’ works at a price which all can afford to pay. Every home in the land may now be supplied with a set of the great author’s works. Our Great Offer to Subscribers to the Weekly Banner. We will send the Entire Set of Dickens’ Works, in Twelve Volumes, as above dtfcribed, all postage prepaid by ourselves, atso The Weekly Banner for One Year, upon receipt of *1.00, which is only (50 cents more than the regular subscription price of this paper. 'V* ; r readers, : herefore, practically get a setoi Dickens’ works in twelve volumes for only 60 centa. * rks _ This ■( -Ue grandest premium ever offered Up to tbis time a set of Dickens’ wort a baa usually been tiO.On or mote Tell all your friends that they can get a set of Dickens’ works, iu twelve volumes, with a ' ear’s subscription to The Weekly Banner, for only $1.60. Subscribe now aod get this great premium. It your subscription bos not yet expired, it will make no diflerence, for it will be extended one year from date of expiration. We will, also give a set ol Dickens, as above, free and post-paid, to any one sending us a club of 4 yearly new subscribers. Andress, Publishing Co., *, Ga. Thorough, Practical Instruction. Graduates assisted to positious. _ _ S Catalogue free. Write to SINESS COLLEGE, LOUISVILLE, KY, What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants . and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years* use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Cord, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimUates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas» toria is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. “ Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chfl- iren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children.” Dr. Q. C. Osqood, Lowell, Hass. ■* Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the roa] interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the variousquack nostrums which are. destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby them to premature graves.” Da. J. F. Kdjchxlor, Conway, Ark. Alum C. Surra, Pres., The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. Castoria, “ Castoria is so well adapted to children that 1 recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me.” ' _ _ H. A. Abcbkb, H. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “ Our physicians in the children "a depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our ' medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won "a to leak with favor upon it.” United Hospital and WbpmmCi*t, Sl.v,