Newspaper Page Text
ghu -.|d be almost inclined to curse
N0 Mane, if you did such a thing."
^••Curse me! Oh, father!^
„ There . there, Marie, do not weep.
Of course 1 didn’t mean that. But only
Aink. For many yeara I had a
entragement, 'and ahonld have
2d money. If you should go to the
as you propose, and toll him
m we were Buffering for food-that
Away, je gp»y landscapes, ye gardens of rosea,
In j ou let the minions ol luxury ro> e.
miserable attic-he would teU you that I
hid been improvident—that I had squan
dered my money, and that now, in my
mter helplessness, 1 must suffer the con-
Kqnences of my folly.
•‘Father, you accuse yourself wrong- _
. 1)v Yon have reared and educated a'
jL'iiy of three, and for many years have
tenderly for poor mother, even
through all the varied stage* of eon-
The old actor’s daughter sat silent and
thoughtful for:»time. She was revolv-
to, in her mind scenes and incidents of
w hich her father was entirely ignorant
Let ns describe them.
It was a jieriod three months previous
to the foregoing conversation. The
mother had just been laid in the cold
pure, and the father was, as now, un-
Jhle to leave his room. The wolf was
hovering around their door, .and Marie,
timid in action, but bravWin heart, had
jemlved to assist the parent she loved so
It was a bitter winters evening when
jhe left her home for the pnrpoee. The
riipp blast cut her to the very heart, as
shed.ow her thin mantle around her.
But she had read in the papers that girls
wer> . wanted for the ballet at one of the
theaters. They were to apply at the
rtage door that morning, but she had
been unable to leave her father’s aide at
that time. She feared she would be too
Ute; still she could but try.
On reaching the stage door her heart
almost failed her; but their home again
me no before her, and she ventured to
iccost the doorkeeper.
-Want to see the stage manager, ehT
••Yes, sir, if you please."
••Better wait till tomorrow.'
-I tried to come today, sir. Hut could
"Indeed! Oh, here he comes; you can
apply to him now."
That functionary happened to be pass
ing, and hearing the words understood
their import at once. He turned a
marching look upon the poor girl, and
was about to pass on. But he caught
light of her face in'the gaslight, and said:
“Not bad looking if she is in rags. So
you want an engagement ehf
"Yes, sir, if you please,” replied Marie.
"To play Lady Macbeth, I suppose?’
“No, sir; for the ballet.”
"Oh! Ever been on the stage before?”
'•Only as a child, sir.*
“Ob, only as a child I Do you sing?”
"Yes, sir—very well."
“Very well, so you think; I might not.
Do you „ nee?"
"Yes, sir. Father was an actor, and
he says I dance very weU."
"Oh, then yon can come tomorrow
and try it."
“1 will be here, sir."
"Bring your props with you."
Poor Marie hesitated; and the mana
ger, observing this, said: “Oh, perhaps
yon don't know what I mean by props.
Well, they are your feathers, jewels,
ribbons, laces, tights, slippers, gloves,
ud so on. Ws only furnish the body of
your dress.
The poor girl still hesitated, when the
manager asked again. “Can’t yon fur
nish your own props?*’
“I fear not at first, sir," was the timid
"Then we don’t want you.'
The manager turned away, and Marie
daggered toward the door, half blinded
vith grief and disappointment. But ere
•he had passed it a gentle hand -was laid
npou her shoulder, and a sweet voice
exclaimed, “My dear child, come and
*ee me tomorrow as early as possible.
Sere is my address." Uu i U
Marie viewed the extended card and
turned her eyee toward the speaker. She
*as a brilliant creature, and the poor
girl tried to stammer forth a reply, but
could not. She left the theater and took
her way homeward. She could not help
thinking of the beautiful lady and her
magnificent dress, sparkling with jewels.
What could she want with her?
Even bright picture* of the future rose
before her vision, and these dulled the
•hatpnees of her grief at the disappoint-
ment she had met with. She did not
tell her father what, she jiad done, or
that she hud an engagement to mee* one
the great ladies. the tbsater.
On the next day Marie culled at the
Ike® designated upon the card. Her
was a lengthened one, but when
•he emerged from the lady’s presence
•he looked compamtivcly happy.
Onec? theflrsttbtngfMane did after
tctnrnirg home was to find the half fin
ked play which her father was wri*
1 and alone in her own apartment
•h® pasted much time over It' She was
•*> from her home a great deal, during
*hich time her father supposed her to
"* at labor in the tailoring establiah-
®*®t where she occasionally fonnd
But if she became cheerful imniedi
ately after her first visit .to tba tbeatri-
*ai lady, it was'riot long after before nhe
began to be thoughtfnl-i-tdien «ad. She
® eca ®e very pale, and-at the time the
conversation between herself and father,
lips to her father’s brow. She neia ms
hand in her own for u moment, and
tear drops fell upon it. ’Then she said:
“Father, the darkest time is just be
fore the dawn. Cheer up. I will re
turn in a few hours, and tomorrow we
will be richer than we are today."
The daughter left that wretched home.
But no sooner had she taken her depar
ture than her father began to think of
her last words. They were strange.
What could they mean? What act did
Marie contemplate?
At first a suspicion swept across his
mind-vague—but gradually assuming
form. But as the thought pressed upon
his brain it began to madden him, and
for hours he tossed upon his bed of pain,
calling for hiB child, praying for her
safe return. ' . '*
Midnight came and passed, and still
Marie came not Several times had the
old actor resolved to arise and go in
search of her, but lie had not strength to
do so, and as often would fall back upon
his pillow, groaning in the agony of his
soul. ~
Daylight same and still Marie had not
arrived. But just as the sun began to
throw its golden rays over the city, a
carriage was heard to drive up before the
actor’s house. He listened. He heard a
footfall upon the stairs and he recogniz
ed the footstep.
In a moment after Marie burst into
the room. She rushed to her father’s
ride and, throwing her arms around him.
she wept
The old man did the same; but he ob
served that Marie’s dress was now of
rich material and. putting her away, he
'contemplated her for a moment with a
mournful expression. Then he said in a
“You want to know how those marks
What The Congressmen From Ceor-1 ca™ 6 *«»• do y° u? Weil < y° a "would
gla Will Work For When They go
to Washington—Some Sound
stone walls. It was, however, compara
tively free from brush, and 1 got along
famously for a time. There were many
rattlesnakes and centipedes along the old
water course, but nothing more.
guess a mighty long time before you
would come near it. so IT1 spare you the
trouble and tell you the story.”
He held up his brown right hand as
he spoke. Across the back of it were
two livid lines* One of these lines
Congressman H. G. Turner, of Quit-
man, will go to Congress with his head I paa8ed ‘ inBid ;
bis hand and wound around
* eve |* . his little finger. This finger was twisted
His head is usually lev*' 1 . and broken and bent backward.
AH of the Congressmen interviewed np to the finKt . r nail extended the fiery,
by the Banner up to date, as to what threadlike line.
they conceive ***'•*«* most important j The second line was a deeper red,
wider than the other, and from it other
j colors, and it is mbre than in *r-
! eitinf.
I Bea tles being well written and
containing some valuable facts hith
erto wrappi d up in partial mystery,
the story is handsomely developed
has some fine engravings of Miss
Harden, John Howard Payne, Gen
eral Harden and bis home, and old
•‘Rob lfcnv ” tho nporo win* was ser-
two ifciy, tue negro wno was ser
vant to* John Howard Payne when
course were getting lower, and at this | tumn breeze in beauty unsurpassed. I be H8ed to Y j 3 j t Athens,
point 1 was not more than forty feet be-1 - * * * I ‘ *
low the surface. As i turned a sharp Therj is one thought that is res
bend, however, 1 came right up*against The woods were never prettier viyed {(t Athens by this publication
Right I * re ‘ hi8 “■* »-1„d th.t U .bl.= What han become
appeared as if the rock had recently ture has robed herself in more splen Q f t be original copy of “Home, Sweet
rolled down to whs- it lay. | did aU ire than her fall fashion plates I Home m g iven by ft, author ' to hi8
filamentlike lines branched, covering the
wrist with a network of scarlet tendrils.
The main line could be seen to wind
once around the wrist and then was lost
up the speaker’s sleeve.
“Well," he resumed, “you remember
the excitement that followed the discov-
sries of silver in Yucatan in 1877. The
Indians had been bringing down small
quantities of horn silver for some time
arid selling it at Merida. Finally, one of
the half breed merchants of that town
got an Indian drunk and induced him to
tell where they obtained the silver. They
say" it was'one of the mines from which
the Aztecs, or whatever race it was that
built the cities, the ruins of which cover
so many miles in that country, used to
get the silver for their temples. At all
events, the merchant came back with
two burros laden with almost pure sil
ver. He said that there was silver
enough in sight at the mine to load a
fleet of steamers. He told in a general
way where the treasure mountain was,
and started out with a pack train for
more. One of his mules strayed back
nearly a month later, but that was all
that was ever heard of him.
“I was one of the swarm of prospectors
that started out to find the old mine. It
had taken the merchant two weeks to
“I thought that if l could climb over . , . . , -
it I could continue on np the water ever have reached. This 8eem8 J 5j 0 uthein sweet-heart?
course. So I started to climb. The however, to be in sympathy with the
“holds™ mfhZ!d ^feet^and situalion of mankind * - The harvea ' 8 THE SPEAKuRSH.P.
though it wsb slow, hard work and 11 this year in the Piedmont section of [ It is now pretty generally conceded
often slipped back, at last I managed to Q eor gj a have been bounteous. The that tho race for Speakership of tihe
surmount it and stood on top. To my
intense surprise I found myself within a I fields are white with waving h eke ol National House of Representatives
dozen feet of the floor of flie mesa, and cotton and the continued sunshine I lies mainly and praptioally solely
just above me one arm of the giant cac-I • .... . .. |, „ „ . , ,,
other mountain. °f splendid seasons is clacking open | between Mr Crisp and Mr. Mills
trembling voice: ••Marie, my only child; 1 lfg i B i at ion for Congress, are a unit in
your mother was a aoble Christian p ronounc j OK that legislation to be such
woman. She would die before she would | __ .... . . Q
knowingly commit a wrong action. She “ wl » «? th ® 8ec “ ri ?* of a redaC '
knows your struggles and temptations, li ° D of “»« iniquitous tariff,
but will she approve of all your acts?’ Congressman Turner writes, as fol-
“God and my sainted mother will I Iowa:
both approve them!” exclaimed the girl Quitman, Ga., Oct. 30th, 1891.
in so earnest and' deep a tone that it? I jjr. Remsen Crawford,
really startled her father; and as she I Athens Ga.
Srh ^ 1111668 “ ld My Dear Sir : Your’ letter of Sept
“I believe you? Marie,” said the father, requesting an interview on the I one ever heard of. Mountains whose
“and I trust yon will forgive me for har- subject of “important legislation before snowy tops were thousands of feet above
boring a suspicion for a moment. But the coming congress,’’ reached ibis of an ^ J* 0 *. s j‘ de i f, h J e f ^.
tall me what has happened." flee on the 23rd of Sept., when £ was on
“I will, father. But you must promise the way to Baltimore. I regret tbtt jgjjjj At P i^ t we reached a vai-
to advance to forgive me for aU that I now it ifJ ^ late comply with your ^pother ride of which wa£ bounded
have done without consulting you. | r quegt| even if my other engagements, | by B separate chain of mountains. These.
seemed perfectly
companion said he
had been on top of them.
..TOnnThrill to-, and the pressure of my preparations for from where we stood,
to*^» midi in the morm«g pS£ borne (or the long sf “ ,0 “ 01 SStSSrif.JSj
.( taxation and the _W»».hm..t| Th.
of expenditures as the measures I nftme means . Table q( Me[j> , and
of supreme^t importance. the Indians say it is covered with plants
The" system may be compared that have the power of motion.
Does it refer to your affairs?”
“It explains all.”
“Than let me hear it.”
“Here is the extract, father:
-A Don bus Triumph.—The new play pro
duced at the theater last night proved to be
tori 1 had seen from the
Then I determined, instead of continu-1 each day innumerable bolls that may 1 Here in this part of the South the
wSl 1 anclto^achThem^a.^where/ex 3 1 have been closed forever before ma- opinion is general from all the uc
pected to find the diver mine. I turity by early, ruthless frosts Corn counts of the situation that Mr
“The sandstone was soft and I had a ^ grown ripe on the stalk most Crisp stands the best chance. Some
strong knife. Besides, at the edge I saw ■
some vines hanging over that looked plentifully and most of it has been body has said that the West will
strong enough to bear my weight if 1 a t ored safely in the log cabin crib, give a ls.rge majority for Mills, lit it
succeeded in reaching them. So I began ... , .
to climb the walL The harvest has been bounteous and true ?
“At last I grasped the hanging vines. I ihe hearts of men are happy. Na^ Inquiring closely into the matter it
points* like™ pHy°p^ta?IcoSd tere rejoices, and men rejoice with will be>een there is not such enthusi-
not let go without falling. I reached her. All the earth smiles radiantly, asm out there for Mills alter all. The
my other hand higher and grasped an- * * * St. Louis Republic is for Mills, and
other vine. * I
“In an instant its tendrils were around And yet, it has, been spoken wise such sentiments as that paper ex-
my wrist, other stems fell over the edge . tLese days of golden au'.umn are presses me about the only echo of
of the cliff. They curled around my J J ° ^ I, , . . , „ ,
arms and waist like snakes. Then they “the saddest of the year.” This is I his strength from the Nortumea. 4a
began to draw me np, and almost before l hd 8ea8(m |hftt malks lbe turning Recently the Chicago Herald spoke
make his first trip, so we could calculate I realized it I was dragged over the edge . . as follows concerning Mr. Mills Aid
of the chasm almost to the foot of the point of life The time, it is, when
• a ^ memories of bright summer, like the Speakership.
“The vines dragged me on, other | B It is n fact of some import that
stems curled about my legs amd drew | sweet strains of some fond song Thomas B. Reed and other republi-
^^^^tlmtthelndi-xsto^ dying away on the calm of
was no fable*"*5 Ugbt, haunt the mind with huger- | f * e Fi ^ R8econd Congress have
wre4d 0 lcS?of lan^^rflyzed me for »ug, caressing regret. What inspires expressed a preference for Roger Q.
an instant. The hand that had just the soul of man with mote melan-1 Mills, of Texas,
touched the vines was being crushed in . , nleaaure than the solendid This reminds one of a rule of ac-
the devilish tendons. My little finger cllol y pleasure tuau tue p uon, or inaction, laid down by an
was broken'backward by the power of scene of an au'.umn sunset? How eminent politician of the republic,
the vine. The pain brought ™etomy wk nv« ih« naat d&va First fin i out what your opponents
senses, and I began to fight for my life. one ^ o P ^ j want you to do, and then—don’t do
One hand" was free, and in it was my Q f summer searching for some jewel jt. Congressman Mills is a gentle-
knife. 1 began to hack at the snakelike . ___ _ i 5 #> man of Idea and honorable ch&rao^
coils Of the devilish vegetable. As fast deed too treasure for the crew o hfe I le _ and a B Btalesman 0 f superior abil-
bs I could cut away one running stem y aw one doea 6 jg b until a kind word j ty> But it doesn’t follow that, u:i-
another wonld cod «oond «o. F.sht ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gone J & citcuI?s ,onoo,. ho is the
about what distance he had traveled.
I had for a companion a Balize Indian
hunter, who knew something of the in
terior country. We traveled ten days
through the wildest country that any
one of the greatest eucce*oe=t of the season. Its [ to a crop in which we all bear the bur- 1 “ ‘Have yon ever been on the Chirinan-
name—"The Frozen Heart" -La sensational: , , heat of day while the har- dassiV’ I asked.
the entire play abounds In beautiful passages 1 ' , , , J •* ijj u qjuu has ever gone there and re-
and atartungsituations." vest goes to one section of the country.
“•TheFrozenHe^^repeatedtherfd An d;be the scale of expenditures ag- ^ yall
actor, “why, that is the title of my nn- ^gating in the last congress over a thr0Qgh the roin8of R p. eat city built of
finishep play. .. I thousand millions, the Immense reve- I ai m06 t transparent qnartz,.aud finally
one. that do reach the treasury, are struck the traU he s^ke of. and two
d T St own wJ breS on? at used to fertilize the same section. days later stood on. the top. On the
and my own which was brought out at | ther efore, that the other ride was a narrow gulch, and be-
as I would, the vines was stronger,
«S»l4l"«w! ISIS God’s asgslsl Surely |
Thie shows how the wind is bloiv-
on and on it dragged me. 1 , .. . „ | best man for presiding officer of the
it crush and crumble beneath my heel. 11 if is in this season of the year that
Lne k 1f d t°h^se ihite^'g^KhThadMiK Bod y and &°ul attended by Memory I ing a rou ad the great lakes. It may
through my glass. The body, fearfully I and Hope, enjoy their saddest yet DO t be a Crisp wind, but surely it is
shrunken and emaciated, lay there | _ . | _ , j m p e i tiie
no wind calculated
the theater last night, arid with such on- It is not strange, tnereiore, tnac me owier mu B w ^
Z232SL* I •«( “ l»P»-H,h«d »d ft. .0,er | g-a. *-- J
er than we were, and we conld look
The old man was stricken speechless I section is^enriched.
for a moment, and then the tears started
to his eyes. But it was only upon the
examination of the liMuaiucript that he
conld convince himself that such was
really the fact.
After this point was settled his daugh
ter said, “Father, will yon hear more of
the article?”
“Yes, read.”
“I will. Here it is:
I am very respectfully,
H. G. Turner.
down upon the Table of Dead Men. The
i mesa on the other ride of the gulch
seemed perfectly level, and as far as we
conld judge was surrounded on all rides
I They Will go to Macon to Fix up the by just such a precipice as we saw. The
World’s .Falr.Matter. oonntry is all,sandstone, and the swift
The State editors will go to Macon little rivers have nearly all worn deep
channels for themselves. In many local-
And the Macon people*will give them ^ea yon can walk a hundred miles, be
- v- - _ • - . | . • a TLtI able to throw a stone into the river and
arousing reception. Says the Macon y0tyou may dieof thirat . high and
debutante did ^m%at-sw>- fltf tfgSg 1 •„ „ . . erect are those fearful watts. The Chi-
eem. With regard to Marie, as she U The WOlid’S'Fair.OOOVention will be huandassi was covered with some low
called”— I held in Macon this morifh. I vegetation and there were a few trees in
“Marie, Marie!” repeated the eld man. The editor of every wide-awake and ^ d i 8ta nce.
‘Was it my Marie?’ public- spirited »wsi»perin the state g ih fl that travels’, said
“Yes, dear father, your own poor child, will be jn Macon, the welcome and hon-1
Marie, is the one here spoken of. And ored^^tof Jbe I^ople of ^ of amnfled
if my triumph brin^ me great joy, it w ^ devise way8 and me ans by whicli irednlity. and resumed rather angrily,
aecansel can provide for.yon now ana Q eorj ,j a -the empire stateof the South,' ‘“Yon don’t believe it? I have seen
repay yon, to some extent, for the love can besr be represented in Chicago at ft move. Look there?
and tenderness yon have always bo- I the world's Fair. *‘I looked, the table was agitated, and
itowed on me.” ' “The utate must be rtpresented,” said I look:ed bie tbe waves of the sea. The
It is not a wonder that father and the convention last week, but a plan who j a 8 urface seemed to approach
daughter both. wept. Bnt those tears was not ^and^the ^8® nearest ns. My hair rose for a
*l£“th. b "S£,£ e - momoit.theo I. tarrt .ot l.twkb» ’It
tion of representatives of the sections U only the wind toesmg the snakeweed,
of the state, now say again that Geor- I I said. ■ •-
gia must be represented in Chicago “ ‘But there is no wind here,
at the World’s Fair. _ . “He spoke truly. The"air where we
The executive committee has decided a tood was perfectly still. Yet, I ex-
to ask the citizens of Macon to enter- _ bdnedi it might be a breeze engendered
tain the visiting editors, and members . t ^ e na t ure 0 f the country, that did
of the convention. For this purpose the ^ to Qnr ride
I^ C rSll3S“g ^»“nC«d“he -so. no.;.he ated. -Th. India™
members will afk the people of Macon who have lived here for years know
by popular subscription to raise a sum better. These flowers are devils. No
of money sufficient to entertain the one who goes o*ir comes back from
visiting members of the con- there.’
vention during their stay in Macon. “Two Indiana who loved bne woman
It will be a grand thing for the city went tip on the Chihuandassi to battle,
and a great thing for the state. | [j nmau eye s never again saw them alive.
The gentlemen who form the com- ar0 t(dd tbat they fell victims to the
mittee appointed 4 at the convention
are members of the Fair and Exposi- _. ir of fflaBSes
tion Company and as public spirited “I ha* « fir8t c ] a *f ^
citizens they know of no such word as me and I directed them to the plateau,
fail- They will call on the people of I Half covered with the vine* ana creep-
among the coiling, twisting vines. Near I theit sweetest communion,
it was another. _. I * » *
strng^led^ThesQ 1 tw^had 1 b^°nSughtI What has the summer brought?! Since the race has settled down
in the toils of the awful monster like Wbat ^jl the future give ? Time between Mr. Crisp and Mr. Mills it
m 'tiw« d i t ^ng e ^eak. The pressntS rolls on. Years pile upon years and is more than apparent that a South.,
about my limbs waa*unbearable. I had I agea , j e j d lo ag€S _ Maddened by ern man wi ^ be Speaker, and tha|
cut myself badly in cutting the stran- ] . , . | man is Charles F. Crisp.
gling bonds. I looked over the mesa the love of wealth, nationB-grow up 1 m t |> .
with a wild hope of seeing some one or . q j uxury lo tot ter to decay. For- The Tilden will "come before eleven
something to help me. judges, from first to last. Judge Law-
“The mesa was all in motion. Tto getting that H « ’ Qf theNoW York , npreme cou rt
mass, 1 “ The 8tnd y tor mankind 18 man ” -1 decided It was a good will. The gener-
were of joy and gratitude for the bless
ings bestowed upon them. Who would
sriatch those blessings from the old actor
and his child? Who would poison their
delights and turn their now happy home
into a place of sorrow?—Toronto Mail.
L««fl Co&t* More,
“Look here, thin is an outrage,” said a
gentleman in a restaurant the other night
where a table d’hote dinner is served for
a dollar. “I only had half what you’ve got
on the bill of fare here, and you’ve
charged me twenty cents more than
thongh-I had taken the whole dinner.”
“Very true, air, bnt then you had
yonr pick, and so yon are charged a la
curt/Ce 1 * * J
The diner didn’t see it.—New York
BullHInx Activity.
“Buildings are going np in this jar*
of the city with-great rapidity, re
marked the funny spectator as he stood
on the oorner watching a burning bloo*.
—Baltimore Amertoar
like the ocean, and the waves were 1 men lush on, and on, irith no thought
the j of aelf save selfleh,,. to get the pot
snakeweed. .The fiendish plant had life Q f g G l d that lies hidden at the foot
and motion and every fiber of it was
straining to reach me. 1 knew that if I ot the fabulous rainbow of hfe. Oh,
those advancing waves of black ever f or more 8ob er, sad antumn days !
reached me I was lost. I would be like I
those shriveled bodies by the giant cac- Oh for a means of bringing mankind
tus- , , . . _ . i „ . to a reckoning on earth, that they
“I mads a final effort to escape. I
conld hear the muscles crack and strain might
I pulled. 1 cut the thickest stem that
enveloped me. and for the tim. I Know^the^tW. truth-enough for man to
since the struggle began was able to | Virtue alone is happiness hero below,
make a step backward. But the fight
was not over yet. A dozen smaller ten-. u ,,,. DPl D .„ wc .c cmiTHcnw
drils, like so many whipcords; were tan-1 JOHN H WARD PAYNE S SOUTHERN
al term of the supreme court, a mesne
court with three judges, decided two to
one againut it, Judge Van Brunt being
against the will and Judge Daniels for
it. Lastly, in the courtof appeals, four
justices—Justice Brown, Halgbt, Bar
ber and Chief Justice Follet—decide the
will is void..and three—Justices Brad
ley, Potter and Vaun—that; it is good.
Snmming up, out of eleven judges, six
havelbeen in for the will and fivs
against it.
Macon this week.
Almost a Fatal Wreck
Atlanta,.Ga.,*Nov. 3.-[Special ]-
An almost fatal jirssenger wreck €0-
fceeribed in the’tet“part of this sketch! j c ired on the Western and Atlantic road
place, she looked as if she could Kingston this morning about ve
«»aure but little more, either of phyri- j o - c!0Ck . The Northbound passenger
^1 or mental exertion. train ran into an open switch and col
father bad observed the iucreas-| ljed w j t h a freight train. Engineer
Dave Barney and fireman Gostnat d
both of the i a-sevger irems were badly
injured, and the pa^seugors
very rou*h shaking up.
Carnlbville, Ga., Nov. 3—[Spe
cial ]—L. E. Green of Danielsville is in
to-day on business
T. B Parks and A. M. King made a
businesa trip to Lavcntna today.
»J B. McEntire of this place who
travels for Slingiuff Disnei & Co. of
Baltimore lost his samples in the Union
depot fire atMacen. -
J. W. Cannon of W. J. Johnson &
town today
, - TC ‘»iuer naa oDservea
paleness of his cliild, and it had
hiu> m,MJ b ijrtet But h<; had
^ ®°thing of the matter, for he did
know how he was to remedy it. Hi
befn Virmafnl hut ftlmflfi!
been .hopeful, but now had almost
up in despair.
evening apjiroached poor Mtjie
paler, but she upoke wordaof
“Pe and comfort to her father, and that
j^h-ut conld not but look upon her in
®> r ation as well as pity.
hour came when business called
iven a
Both engines
were demolished.
It was a glorious day for an election
though' wasn’t it?
ere I conld see something white. There
were two spots that might be skulls, ar 1
I thought i could trace the outlines of
two tinman forms. They might hav*
been rocks, and were doubtless whai
originated the Indian legend.
“An idea suddenly occurred to me
that this story of certain death to who
ever went np to that niountaiu top was a
story of the Indians to prevent any one
going there.
“ ‘TO bet u horse,' said L ’that the
mine is there, and I’m going to see.’
Well, to cut it short, 1 left him
gled about ma, cutting into my flesh
with a terrible power. I had kept my I i n the last issue of the New Eng .
^s t iSk“riSiv^ v coS i ':s..'tL' >*»<> «»g-“ w?*™ * ■»«* *»»
So I cut and struggled backward. A eating sketch of John Howard Payne,
final, slash, a j’ump, and I was over the ^ author of the never-dying melo
edge and on the bowlder in the dry ,,
creek. Bnt the demon’s arms followed dy, “ Home, Sweet Home,’ telling ot
me. I knew that they would seize mo b ; 8 p[ ea8 i n g little romance Miss
again before 1 conld get down, so I ... , , , ,. , .
dashed to the other side of the water Mary Harden, who lived and died in
course and clambered np there. this city. The article is entitled
“How I thanked God when I fonnd ,
nothing there but greasewood and cactus. .John Howard laynes Southern
I saw the vines swing and sway over Sweet-heart.”
Whether the Immoral poet-*..-
again. The vines had receded, and if it. derer ever had a Northern sweet-
had not been for my aching, swollen h an Ba3lern sweet-heart, the
limbs I wonld have sworn it was all a I “
nightmare. Bnt there lay two driedont public has never been informed,
bodies. While I lay there 1 recognised j f(jr th - g Iea80n maybe one is
How tho Rothschilds are boused at
Ferrieres, near Paris, may be judged
by their fi re establishments, worth $4,-
000,000, needing the services of 150 peo- -
pie. The stables contain 100 horses.
When Loris Napoleon visited Ferrier.i
the Rothschilds gave a grand breakfasi
in his honor, the cost of whieh was oveir
$300,000. ’
one of them. It was the half breed mer
chant from Merida. The other was
doubtless the Indian who betrayed the
„or>r ®f the silver mine."—-San Fran
co., Richmond, was
among his friends. „ _
Rumor has it that one of Carnesville I tberCi an d w ith one mule started for the
belles and a prominent drummer will chihuandassi. I calculated that 1 conld
wed during the week. | Ret ammd i n three days, and told him
AN Articlk on ‘ Atlanta.”—In the | t0 cam P there and "; lit fo f_
safe in* the conclusion that Mr,
* .
Payne, more faithtul and constant
The State of Georgia collected Satur
day $17,851. 07 of what has been consid
ered a bad debt, a claim to that amount,
against th€ old Citizens’ Bank. Thei
bank had turned over that amount tq
the old Western and Atlantic lessees,
and the State, by a decision of its Su
preme Court recovered it from the les“
sees. - . '
last issue of the New England Mags- -sty work getting down into the river
zine there is an excellent article upon bed. but 1 did it before night, and had
•‘Atlanta” from the pen of Rev. Leo- the satisfaction of camping on an olU
nard I'baney. It is written iu a most trail that night. Early the next morn-
charming style, is handsomely illustra- | ing l entered a fissure at the base of the
ted,aud sets forth in bold relief the i one mountain. It was a dry water
She yreused her marble^ooid
I-at Eagan has got Uncle Sam into a prosperity of the Metropolis of the courae| not more than a dozen feet wide,
peck ot trouble, so to speak. fcoutb. and wound around between high sand
Careli ss Running.—The vestibule
ttam on the K & D road is utterly
reckless in its running. The other
night Mr. T. M Ward went up to Lula
to meet liis sister who was on the vrs-
ttbule and intended going to Atlanta
with her He bad the operator tele
graph the vestibule to stop at Lula and
was assured by him that it would stop
When it came thundering aloDg it lush
ed by like lightning aud he wes left all
night in Lula. A nd later comes the re
port that while running off tune the
vestibule knocked a frelghi train off
the bridge over the Dan river and kill
ed three meu.
than the average lover of to-day, had
but one sweet-heart in his whole life=
time. Everybody knows he had a
Southern sweet-heart, and that she
was none other than Miss Mary
The story is an. old one, and is
known by heart to the wend, just as
the Bong be wrote, is known. But
with the fine conception of mind and
Horseflesh is the vogue in New
York, judging from the prices fetched
for boxes at the coming horse show in
Madison Square Garden. Single boxes
for six piople sold as high as $525 pre
mium above the regular price, and the
advance already amount to $34,-
000 The money comes out of the pock
ets of the cream ol the town.
Macon is going to have a convention
of Georgia Editors to devise some plan
whereby Georgia can be represented at
the World’!. Fair. This is a move in
the right direction.
John L Sullivan is back in Boston C-.
nd says he is glad to get back to bis
the easy touch of graceful fingers,
The news from Chili is exciting, but
compared with the election exci’ement
at home, Chili isn’t in it.
Miss Laura Speer, the author of the
sketch in question, has painted this
Says the 1
. iL . doesn’t wai
aad and yet pretty romance of the g UpT
great verse writer anew in living tU rn justy
mama-land once more. He is the only
one over here that’s glad, though.
ston Herald : Sam £mall
to be mixed up with