The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, November 17, 1891, Image 2

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mmm ATHENS BANNER PtTESDAV MORNING NOVEMBER n, 1891 ATRFN<\ WFFKT Y D AMMUl) 1 prohibitionists regard their compro-j dneed last year, the South contnbu- miee a success. They all feel that! buted 2,000,000 tons or more than they have much to be thankful for, i the product ion of the Union in 1860. Published Dally, Weekly and Sunday, by VHfi ATHENS PUBLISHING CO. BKMSEN CBAWFOKD ......ManaglngEdltor. 0 1). FLANIGEN,.... Business Manager. Tbs ATBBNi UAiLT Bamnzr to delivered by camera In the city, or malted, postage free, to anyaddress at the following ratesV»6.00 per 7««r. ^.°°t 0 . r >1* month-.ansoforthree months .The Weekly or Sunday Banni b«i .00 per year, Moentefor« mouths. Invariably cash toad- MCO« .Transient advert 1 sementa wUl be Inserted at the rate of fi.O’p-r square tor the first Insertion, and 50cents for each subsequent Insertion, ex- oep con ract advertisemenU.on wnlch special rates can he obtained. Local notices will be charged at the rate olio pants per ltoeeaph Insertion, except when con- traced for extended periods, wb n special rates win Dc made. Remittances may be made by express, postal note, money order or regtsterod letter. Ail business communications should be ad dressed to toe Business Manager. Subscribers are requested to prompt ly notify the business office of late de livery, failure to carry papers to porch es or failure to deliver with absolute regularity on the part of the carriers. Such notification Is the only means of knowing of the existence of any cause for complaint and will be- appreciated accordingly. and very little to regret. Closing hi9 communication, “M. L.” urges Atlantians to be “ square and honest” in this matter. 'We hope they will, because if At lanta people evor succeed in being as square and Lmest” in the solution of this hard problem as the people of Athens have been, one thing is cer tain, all such croakers as “ M. L.” will be buBbed forever, and the Gate City will never afterwards be heard making a rustle of discontent in this busy world. “ *-ET US BE SQUARE AND HONEST.” A communication in the Atlanta Journal signed “M L.” attracts our attention, bearing as it does npon the Athens dispensary. The Journal’s correspondent “M. L.”is a prohibitionist—that's evi dent. He is trying to get Atlanta to do away with her bar-rooms and urges that no half-way ground like that of a dispensary be taken by the voters of the Gate City. This is all very well, if M. L. chooses to think so. Nobody will deny him the righ express bis opinion on a matter in this general way, but he ought to let his expressions stop there. He has no right to throw sarcasm and abase upon the good people of Ath* ene as he does in his communica* tion. We quote a sample paragraph from his communication as follows : When the Athens dispensary bar room was first opened they could nol get liquor enough to supply the de- mand, bnt recently it was stated as a fact that it was in fine working or der, that it required three bar—keepi era to wait on the castomers, and that they sell froin three to five hun dred bottles a day. It is thought that Athens will pay half of her city taxes with the $40,000 she expecis to make this year by her dispensary bar-room attachment to her probibi tion (?) government. We felt no special objection to this utterance, because in the light of the circumstances npon which the dis pensary was established we find nothing wrong in the facts stated so sarcastically above. Bnt we do find cause for complaint at the following paragraph from the Journal’s cor respondent: Any and everybody in Athens can get liquor at this bar-room unless be is a minor or a student at the Uni versity. The women can get it, too, unless they are classed among the nobodies. Atlanta with her high li cense is not so liberal, and it is con- sideicd respectable to drink from a dispensary bar-room, as the dispen sers are among the most cultured and refined citizens of the Classic City, and like those in Barnesville, will continue to grow in popularity. Of course the minora of Athens and the students of the University wil not be tried and tempted by any oi those bibulous citizens, both male and female, and Athens is now tbi proper place for the youth of Geor gia to imbibe correct ideas of right living aud be trained up without de ceit. It has, however, been suggest ed that we may expect a plentiful crop oi Pecksniffs and Uriah Heeps to spring from a place which has a S robibition government, dominated y a dispensary bar room, which sells from three to five hundred bot tles a day to bring in a revenue for that city. LARRY GANTT TARRtD I It sounds funny to say that genial Larry Gantt has been tarred, bnt be tells it with bis own pen. Not tarred for a coating of feathers—of course not. Tarred and turpentined by the doctor as a remedy for his cold. Here’s the way Larry writes about bis sickness: Our friends have been exceedingly kind, both in Athens and Atlanta. Eaoh one who has visited us brought not only words of sympathy, but -a prescription of his or her own mann- factory. Had we swallowed oner, tenth of the decoctions prescribed for us, we would have to take out a drug store license for onr stomach, and in Athens labor nnder the subn picion of running a blind tiger at tachment. The most popular re ceipt seemed to be spirits of turpen tine. We were rubbed with turpen tine, poalticed with turpentine, fed turpentine with our dinner, made to eat it on sugar, and even required to smoke lightwood splinters. Our sys tern became so thoroughly saturated with turpentine that it oozed from the pores of our skin like perapira- tion, aud had we been boxed would have run rosin like a South Georgia pine. We left Athens to get rid of this turpentine affliction, and came to Atlanta and placed ourself under the treatment of Dr. Calhoun. But we soon discovered that we jumped out of t!ie trying pan into the fire, rhe Doctor gave us a sort of vapor bath for our throat and nostrils,that smoked and tasted and smelled just like a tar-kiln afire. We hope some time to get well, bnt if we do shuffle ofl this mortal coil, and car remains are exhumed in alter years, we are strongly inclined to the opinion that the resurrectionist will find a light— woed knot in onr coffin. We certain ly appreciate the kindness of our triends, but beg and plead with them, in sending us a prescription, that hereafter they will eradicate the tur pentine portion. England fell behind onr country last year 500 000 tons. It is one of the most encouraging evidences of the Soutb.’s industrial progress that she produced last year nearly one-fourth the amount of iron produced in Great Britain, the figures given heing ap proximately correct. “The South’s future for the man ufacture of cotton is assured. Her production of iron, and the manu factures therefore atiord profitable fields for investment. “That the pressure of official du ties should deprive us of the pleas 9 ure of welcoming you to Augusta and our exposition, is a matter of dis- appointment and regret to onr fellow .citizens as well as to the directors and officers of the Augusta Exposi tion company, who are under obliga* lions tor the official sanction exten ded to onr enterprise, and for the personal and official courtesy exten ded daring their visit to Washing 9 ton.” ■ Sgcki.ess Jerky gave the Sheruiani- 3 a corker, in a speech in Ohio the other day, when he said: “Hurrahing for Sherman wifi not put a pair of pants on our back.—Columbus Enquirer Sun. Do-s Soekiess Jerry and Editor Rich ardson, of the Enquirer Sun wear pants on their bscts?” Do they, in fact wear “pants” at all? We prefer trousers on our legs. The most in portant ship in the French navy, the Brennus, has been launched, after two years and a half building, at a cost of 28, 00,000 francs Her heaviest guns, of which there are three, are fifty eight- tons. These are mounted on a barbette, but with a roof to protect them from small ord nance, and there are also a great num ber of small arms. A La Bills Db McKinley : Friends, Romans, Buckeyes: I come not here to talk; ye know too well the story of our thraldom. Let me skip that story now and simply cry “protection!” There is comfort in that word. W hy need I speak further? The very sound comforting—[aside] but it cannot bear inspection! Stop! You are going jnst a litii too fast here. Just a little too fast. What are the facts in the case ? Before Athens voted to establish the dispensary there were blind ti gers on every side street and alley— liquor dens that coaid not be broken up. The youth were tempted and ruined. The college students were not free from the dangerous influ encs. Men were becoming debased by mean, poisonous liquor „sold in defiance of the law, for which they were fast losing all respect. The sit uation was deplorable. A movement was started by a law and order party to get open bar- rroms in preference to this condition of almost hopeless corruption. The men who joined in this movement Here prompted by the sincere desire and ambition to do something for the good of their city. When the question was submitted to the voters a majority—and a small majority too —decided in favor of the dispensary plan as a more advisable solution of the problem than open barsrooms Since the dispensary was eaiab.- liehed in Athens all has been har mony. Prohibitionists and anti- THE R- & D’S DISCRIMINATION. Now Brnnswick is squealing and squirming beneath the oppressive boot-heel of the Richmond and Dan ville .Railroad Company. The Brnnswick Times asks the question : Has The Times bad too much faith in the large and liberal statements of their generous purposes by Mr John H. Inman and Mr. Patrick Cal- uonn? When The Times believed hat the combinations which were ef fected onder the Richmond Terminal system were generously intended for the development ot the Southeast was it fooled? When The Times depre cated the disposition on the part of the Georgia legislature to disturb the combinations was The Times flying in the face of the interests of its own town and immediate section? That is the way it looks now. li it is that way,- The Times is ready for repentance. It will repent itselt that it had too much confidence in the declarations of Mr. Inman and .Ylr. Calhoun. It will repent itself hat it ever believed that any pur ■ose was entertained in forming these combinations to aid the mate rial development of the southeast. It will repent itself that it did not favor the Berner bill. It the Richmond and Danville ays* em aud combination is to be opera~ ted to the disadvantage of so impor tant a port as Brnnswick or to the injury of any town, it does not de serve to live. It is too oppressive »nd unjust to be permitted to sur vive. The Bannir felt all along that it wonld come to this. Well, while w< sympathize with Brunswick, our con science is clear in having done onr duty in battling against this gigan tic combination. THE RICHMOND & DANVILLE. The report of the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company for the year ending Jane 30th 1891, is now in the bands of the printer, so onr dispatches from New York slate. This .report is interesting reading matter. While it shown that this gigantic system of railways as far South as Atlanta has come out clear t.f expenses for the year with a little money ahead, it also shows that the Georgia Pacific railroad, a branch of the Richmond and Danvilla has fallen short with a deficit of $880,o 397." This is a considerable increase in the deficit over the year prece ding- The following are the advanc e figures: Richmond and Danville and leases for fixed rentals (751 miles) Gross earnings, including interest on investments, $5 947,359; increase, $346 046; operating expenses $3,009 737: increase $101,714; net earnings $2,937,622; increase $448,361; fixed cbarges,sinking funds and tax* s $1, 725.219; decrease $13,178; surplus $1,212,403; increase $461 539. Aux iliary system, consisting of opera ting leases and companies controlled (average mileage 2,014 5): Gross earnings $6,376,575; increase $515, 045; expenses $4,340,397; increase $202,648; net earnings §2,066,178 increase $338,397; fixed charges $1,954,471; increase $39,950; surplus $111,707; increase $290 447* total surplus over operating expenses and all charges of the Richmond and Danville system, exclusive of the Georgia Pacific $1,324,110; increase $750,986. Georgia Pbcific railway, 556 miles Gross earnings $1,889 315; increase $126,377; expenses $1,902,132; in crease $354,701; deficit $11,817; in crease $228,325; fixed charges and taxes $867 580; increase $136,105; total deficit (Georgia Pacific) $880,- 397; increase $364,429. . THE INDUSTRIAL SOUTH. Some time since President Har i son requested Hon. Pat. Walsh, editor of the Augusta Cbrcn : c!e and President of the Augusta exposition, to famish him information in regard to the indus rial prr gress of the Sooth. In his'reply to President Harri son’s request, Editor Walsh says: “The South is developing rapidly and her manufacturing possibilities cannot be exaggerated. The South’s cotton mills .used last year over 600, 000 bales of the 2,400,000 consumed by the United States; in 1880 the South took only 180,000 bales. “Of 9,000,000 tons of iron pro* r*4 There has been quite a heated dis cussion going on in town ovei this question “If you had $5 cash what wonld he the happiest way you could epend it?” We modestly prefer to believe that fellow was right who said “To pay cash for one year’s subscription to the Athens Daily Banner. Over the door of every house in the large village of G< jutnura, Japan, the motto, “Frugal in All Things Liquors Prohibited.” That town be lieves in local option, and every one has joined the ranks of total abstainers. No 8pint8of any sort c in be bought in the plaoe. Colonel William J. Morton, of Clarke, is one representative of the people who has a record that shows him to think himself no better than the people he represents. Would that there were more such representative men in the Georgia legislature. jJt Marriage is a funny thing. It is a puzzle any way you take it these dsys.whiciijleHils me todec’arethat Lam afraid matrimony is not regarded with as much seriousness of late as it once was nor as much as it ought to receive But it is funny to study some mar riages. llow strangely they are entered ; by the ontracting parties and how wonderfully strangely they are broken off after a few brief years j of social wedded bliss. * • * ! Did you ever stand witness to a wed- | ding which was interrupted just at thati joint where the preacher t sks that any- jody who has objections, to speak out, or forever hold his peace ? One very frequently reads of such things in fiction aud romance, but he would hardly believe his own cars it he should actually witness such a proceed ing in real life. But they happeu now and then. I was talking on this same subjec with a minister of the gospel the other day, anti 1 asked him if he had ever been stopped in conducting a marriage cere j mony by such oppositiou. “No,” said he, “but I was met at the j front gate gne day by a relative of a girl who was to bo married, and begged ih t to marry her to her prospective bride groom. Tears were streaming down the woman’s cheek as she asked me please not to let the marriage take place.” “What did you do about it?” I asked “1 went to the bridegroom and told him there was going to be trouble in the camp, and told him if he wanted to marry the woman he would have to get another preacher. And he did it, but transferred the seene of his tials to some other house.” nup- kes the Weak Strong The marked benefit which people In run down or weakened state of health, derive troin Rood’s Sarsaparilla, conclusively proves the els bn that this medicine “makes the weak .-tronp.” It does not ret liko a stimulant, imparting fictitious strength from which there must follow a reaction of greater weakness than before, but In the most natural way Hood’s Sarsaparilla overcomes that tired feel ing, creates an appetite, purifies the blooC. and, in short, gives great bodily, nerve, mental and digestive strength. Fagged Out &iw “Last spring I was completely fagged out. My strength left mo and I felt sick and mls- iabte all the time, so that X could hardly attend to my business. I took one bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and It cared mo. There Is nothing like it." B. C. Begole, Editor Enterprise, Belleville, Mich. “I derived very much benefit from Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which I took for general debility. It built me right up, and gave me an excel lent appetite." En. Jenkins, Mt. Savage, Md. N. B. If yon decide to take Hood’s Sarsa- : trUla do not be induced to buy anything else instead. Insist npon having Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold bj all druggists, gl; six for gi. Prepared only by C. L HOOD & GO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar The Banner forms of \2eds and other legal papers .ire drawn by Messrs. Barrow Tbomas. uuiucr uyion manufacturers of Harness, Saddles, Bridles,* c ALSO, DEALER im Buggies, Carnages aaa cut* There is a vast diffemn- . O.heap Goods and Goods C hi ?n W ^ elsewhere for cheap goods, bj t T. G. Hadaway VGD FOR Goods Ch Aug 18—wly eap. Governor Hill has promulgated his Thanksgiving proclamation. No won der! Hasn’t every good Democrat cause for gratitude? Pass the turkey, please.—Tnbune-of-R-itn-. Yes, pass the turkey and decorate the table with Flowers, fair Fl<avrrs It has Leen said by some wise-acre that in the “spring a young man’s fan cy lightly turns to thoughts of love.” Our experience is that in the fall his fancy turns very much in the same di rection. Pleas. Stovall is really going to Savannah after all —Athens Banner. He’d have more fan if he would go after cash.—Tribune-of-Rome. Oh? Brother Martin, thou art such a funny fellow! Says the Americus Times Recorder: A correspondent from Oglethorpe coun ty writes the As hens Banner that the farmers down in that section are deter mined to plant more small grain this year than they have put under the ground for many a year gone by. Al most every farmer in that entire part of Georgia has entered fully into the spirit of the Cotton Convention recently held in Atlanta and baB agreed to plant less cotton and more small grain, corn, pota toes and the like. The trouble with the South today is the over production of cotton and the shortage in the production of wheat, oats, hay, corn and such orops Cotton is our section’s great commercial back bone, it is true, but our commercial in terests have lately been suffering very much from an enlargement of the spine. We have had too much of a good thing, and every farmer in the South knows it. The Japanese practice refined cruel ty to delight their palates. They be lieve that the fish called the dai is the most delicious when eaten alive. An expert Japanese carver can dexterous ly remove five-sixths of the edible mat ter from its bones without touching a vital part. During this cruel operati >r the firb is kept alive by wet sea weed, which, being placed over its gills, ena bles it to breathe. Col. Leonidas F. Livingston i nothing, it not ambitious. His latest avowed aspiration is to the presidency of the National Farmers’ Alliance. He has been nursing this ambi ious hope quietly for some time, and it is kn wn that he has been making cn active still hunt for the place.—Milkdgeville Re corder. Well, maybe Coloni-l Libington would make a better president that Colonel Bulk anyhow. Who knows? The Athens Banner asks: “What has become of the third party ripple that lashed the short s of obscurity last nimmer?” It is still lashing the same shores—Columbus Enquirer Sun] But the lashing is very feeble, scarcely awakenings feeble echo.—Brunswick Times. Well, well; tie Tammany tiger is also “lashing of bis tail.” John Redmond, the Corkonian leader of the Parnellites,i8 the son of a former M. P., and a fighter from way back. He is 34 years old and loves an election scramble as a boy loves pie. J. Sloat Fassbtt, like John J. In galls has gone to the bottom of the sea of obscurity wrapt in the solace of his self conceit. Let this be his epitaph: He died game!” “The strangest and yet the most pathetic marriage scene I ever saw,” ! continued the minister, “was here iu , Athens one day when I was called in I to conduct the ceremony i which would make a wife of a very | pretty and rich young girl. ' ’The couple stood before me, and when I asked the man—a handsome young tellow he was—if he would take the woman for his “wedded wife tc love, honor,” etc. He made no response. “Everything grew deathly still ami the poor man’s heart was almost burst ing oat of his throat. He looked stead lastly on the ground without moving hi* Ups. “I repeated the inquiry from the cere mony but still he made no reply. Everybody stood by in breathless si lence and the very air was red hot with tragedy Finally he leaped frantically upon the sofa near by and buried his burning face deep into the cushioned pillows, groaning like some wild beast. “His bride coaxed him finally into standing up once more and murmuring oat some kind of answer and I pro nounued them man and wife, but not until he answered that question.” **» I have often beard of marriages being broken oft’ at the last hour. The funniest i ever heard of, though, was once wheu the. bride, atUred in veil and satin dress, slipped out of the bac* door and through the garden before her would be husband came. The funny part of it all was that he took it most good naturedly and made his wedding party all g,-» down and carouse on his bride’s wed ding dinner and wine until a late hour it night. The woman married somebody else in after life and is happy. So did he, and is happy, too. But, as I said before marriage is a strange affair any way you take it. Is it a failure? Ask m i something easier. The Wanderer. KSP WINE OF unruih '-"’min fT*"inm n aau a ItocnrMtibooiMk out pain. Book of pc! _ ticulara sent FREE. b»B. M.WOOLLRlSS The newest anaesthetic is named “pen- tal,” discovered by Professor Von Mer ing in Halle. It is a preparation of ter tiary amyl-alcol oi, and is for small op- rations only. The telephone between Paris and London has ( roved to be a great suc cess, the circuit workiug clearly and perfectly. The tariff is $2 for three min utes’ use of the wire. McElren’n WINE OF CABDUI UmtoAtww FOURTH ESTA TE FELLOWS. Mr. Mike Walsh, formerly night, edi tor of tl>e Augusta Chronicle, has been put in Pleas Stovall’s place. He is » nephtw of “P. W.” and is an all ’rounll newspaper man. Frank Stanton’s Billville Banner has not adorned the editorial pages of the Atlanta Constitution lately. What has become of the editor ? John Locke Martin is keeping the Tribune-of Rome np to the ntandurd that John Temple Graves worked for i> in the out set. Martin uas long since made himself known as one of the ablest writers on the Georgia press. All the editors are going to Macon to that World’s Fair Convention and it goes without saying th it the boys will do something towards seeming a great exhibit for Georgia at Chicago, Jack foben’s paragraphs are missed on the p>ges of the Atlanta Journal Come, Jack, sharpen your pencil again and i ease dreaming of blue eyes, »nd bright smiles. ‘We’veall been there before many a time ” CATARRH CAN’T BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh |3 a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you have to take in ternal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Citarrb Cure is^o quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best phy sicians in this country for years, and is Ajegular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best purifiers, acting directly, on me mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingr-dients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimoni als free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, Toled , Ohio. Sold by ail druggists, price 75c. BANNER WAVE-LETS Following is the way a correspondent asks us to publish a communication: If yon like It—take It, brother, Read it over then with care. Put it In your dally paper, I should like to see it there. Straighten out the many errors, Make the ponntnations HHit. Holier out toon to your devil. *,“Put this copy to tonight!" O course the communication went to tne p inter. What has become of Mr. Watson ? Has he given up t„e fight ne was wag ing so manfully npon the consolidation of railroad power? The people want to know. Edison tells the New York Herald that every moleculr| of matter in liis opinion has life. And yet the que.-tioi irrepressibly rises, What is life? Brunswick is now having a tilt will the giant of all monopolist 9 , tl e Rich mond at.d Danville, and yet the Bt uns wick Times was oilent when the Geor fiia Legislature in some una^coun’ablt way allowed Georgia’s industrial a i< commercial freid .tn to be botthd up. <3^ <1>C<.DRAI1QHT tM «nr«R UffiltlDtttsr SOME SILLY SMILES A fail ovorcoat on the back is wort two “in hock.”—New York Jou ual The hotter people feel tower Is oac other the cooler they act.—AtchUo Globe. Willie: Pa, what’s a rhinestone: Father: A glassitirtrume t used to ski< suckers.—fewelers’ Weekly. It is a good rule to pay as you go. Bu -ome men mnsi o>- gomg very 8 ow > they go as they pay.—New Orleai Picayune. There are peop’e who never give awsi any milk um il alter they skim it, an" they want credit for cream.—K>m > Horn. Photographers are never progressive They always impress you with ih' idea that you must net move.—'Richmond Recorder. Smithson: Whj[ has Dillard with drawn his suit agatost his wife for adi vorce? Farrar: 1 think his lawver tolu him he couldn’t get a’imonY.—Judge. “What do you consider the height ol rudeness, Mawson?” “Well, I should say it was the height of rudeness, eyeu in a deaf man, to say ‘hay?’ to a grass widow.”—Truth. For Over Fitty Years. Mas. Wins low’s Soothlno Syrup has beeu used lor children teething. It sooths the child softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wisd colic, and is the beet remedy for Dlao boea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold, by all drug- gtau thr nghoot the world. What is Castoria is Dr. Samnel Pitcher's prescription for Infant and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic, substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is, thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys 'Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. “ Ca-voria to an excellent medicine for chil- Iren. Mothers have repeated \jr told me of its .rood effect upon their children." Da. G. C. Osoood, Lowell, Mass. - C -‘oria Is the best remedy for children of which 1 am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the varionsqaack nostrams which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful Agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves.” Dr. J. F. XmcSRLOc, Conway, Ark. Ann C. Smith, Pres., The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, Rev York City, Castoria. “ Castoria is so well adapted to children th»t I recommend It as euperior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchsb,M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. “ Our physicians in the children's depot ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Caoortt, and although we only bare among our medical supplies what is known ea regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won ”« to leA with favor upon it" United Hobmtal and Disrausr, Thorough, Practical Instruction. Graduates assisted to positions. _ _■ tST"Catalogue free. Write to ISINESS COLLEGE LOUISVILLE, KY. GRAND PREMIUM OFFER 1 A. SET OF THE In Twelve Large Volumes, Which we Offer with a Year’* , !ub«cripti<« to this Paper for a Trifle MoretluB Onr Regular Subscription Price. Wishing to largely increase the circuUtton of tMi paper during Uio next six months, we hsve bm arrangements with a New York publishing tw“" whereby we are enabled to offer as a premium to aubacribera a Set of the Wortra of Charles PW ens, in Twelve Large and nM——" Volumes, with a year’s subscription »«■ paper, lor a trifle more than our reguaf " ecnptxon price. Our great offer to eutom^J eclipses any ever heretofore made. Dickens was the greatest novehet who . lived. No author before or since *“• FJL, won the fame that he achieved, are even morepopular to-day than his lifetime. Tney abound m wit,**®?: pathos, masterly delineation of vivid deecriptiona ot places ato® thrilling and skillfully wrought rfoto hook is intensely interesting. No be without a set of these great and able works. Not to have read them*^ far behind the age to which we % CHARLES dickens. Bet 0 f Dickons’ worts which we premium to onr snlujcribere is handsomely printed from entirely new plates, witnne" The twelve volumes contain the following world-fimoua works, each 006Of wmou . r ashed complete, uncia^ged, and absolutdy unabridged: , BARNABY RUDCE AND CHRISTM OLIVER 1 TWIST AND GREAT EXP*®' THE OLD®bUR10«rn.JSJvftS THEUMCOMMERCIALTRAVkh r jj A TALE OF TWO CITIES. "* oP TIMES AND THE MYSTEKi DAVID COPPER FIELD, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT. NICHOLAS NICKELBY, DOMBEY AND SON, BLEAK HOUSE, LITTLE DORRIT, OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, PICKWICK PAPERS, TIMES AND THE EDWIN DROOD. f» • The above are without queation the most famous novels that were ever rter of a century they have been celebrated in every nook and corner ol ta , - kl - , Y , e ^ ‘here are thousands ot homes in America not yet suppUad with a S««J the usual high cost of tho books preventing peoplo in moderate circuHIUtUDCea iron* thin luxury. But now, owing to the use of modern improved printing, folding aj 1 ^joci maMiinoww t.._ •_ . , , -. . ~ t xr_ - -A unmnAntlOD W _ .t| of the great author’s works. (jur Great Offer to Subscribers to the Weekly Banne r | describe ^ We will send the Entire Set of Dickens’ Works, in Twelve Volume*, as atx> e „ p t offj"?’ postuge pri-puid by our.-elves, also The Weekly Banner for One Year, upon re reriem which i* only t>0 cents more the regular subscription I rice of tbia P*P* • ^ 1»*^ thetelore, practically get a set ol ILckens’ works in twelve volumes for en J k.jesai’ / the grandest premium ever ottered Up to this time a set of Dick'ns works „nrl*> *°**!ri $10.0" or more Tell all vour friends that they can get a set tL* 11 Cnbscrit* volumes, with a year’s subscription to The Weekly Banner, for only n0 difli'*';!’ get this great premium. If your subscription has not yet expired, it wll i ot for it will be.pxtended odc year from date of expiration. 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