The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, November 17, 1891, Image 3

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ATHENS BANNER < TUESDAY MORNING . NOVEMBER 17. 1891 GOO JlLIUS COME aljgpffl BROAD STREET. ATHENS> GA- CO.’S, $30,000 00 worth of Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Cloaks, Jackets, Carpets, &c., &c„ &c.; in fact everything usually kept in a tirst-class Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions House This Immense Stock must be sold in the next 30 days, AT 50 PER CENT. ON NEW YORK. COST or whatever prices it will bring. One dollar invested in this sale will purchase as much as two to three dollars spent in any other house in Northeast Georgia. ^ Merchants as well as the Trade in general will do well to examine the Unparailelled Bargains offered from this Stock. Remember, only 30 days in which to avail yourselves of this GRAND OFFER ! TERMS CASH <*^02 CHARLES W. BALDWIN, Receiver. BISHOP NELSON- THE result of the convention held IN MACON BY THE EPISCOPAL DELEGATES. TRAlNtROBBBRS. Holdup and Robbed, .the Train. Midnight Several Names Were put Before the House-The Motion to Make the lElectlon Unanimous Mssts with Opposition. Macon, Ga., Nov. 12.—[Special ]— The session of the Episcopal diocesan convention in this city yesterday was quite an interesting one. After the religious exercises bad con* eluded, the roll was called for dele gates. Twenty-five of the clergy re sponded and thirty-nine of the laity. The standing committee, through Secretary Z. D. Harrison, of Atlanta, reported the election of Bishop Talbot and his subsequent declining of the oN flee. In the afternoon session the election of a bishop was entered into by both clergy and laity, In the meeting of the clergy three names were presented, via. Dr Nelson, fo South Bethlehem,Dr. Gray,of Nash ville, and Dr. JohLBon,of Detroit: ,. w . The vote stood. Nelson, 13; Gray, 2; Johnston, «: Williams, 1;J. R. Winchester, ol Nashville. 1; John Elliott, 1. The clergy cast twenty five votes, and it re quired thirteen to elect. The laity cast twentv-two votes as follows: Nelson, 13; Gray, 2; John- ston, 4; Williams, 1. Nelson therefore received the majority of three with the laity. In other words, out of a total vote of forty-five be got twenty-six, and was thus elected by a majority. The elec tion was declared at 6:0ft o’clock. In the convention T. J. Pond, of Mt. Airy moved to make it unanimous. R»v C. C Williams objected. Rov. W.E Epps, of Albany, favored the motion. K<‘V. A. G. P. Dodge, Jr., of St. Si mon’s opposed. The opposition developed considera ble strength and the motionwas with drawn. The full number of lay dele gates voting signed the testimonial of election. Two of the clergy would not do so. Dr. Williams signed. Rev. W. C. Hunter, ohairman of the convention, and a lay member of the standing committee, yet to be named, were appointed to notify by wire Mr. Nelson of bia election and see him in person. The reason of the opposition to Mr. Nelson was that so little was known of him by tbedelegates. Milwaukee, Wia., Nov. 13.—The midnight train from Chicago on the Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, was I robbed near Western Union jnnotion at 1 o’clock in tho morning. The robbers are supposed to have boarded the train at the junction. As soon as it was well away from the station in thq open prairie, they stopped it and broke into the express car. It is probable the amonnt of the booty will amonnt to $100,000, and possibly more as the train which was held up Was one which carried all the money received by Milwaukee banks from the east in the morning. PASSENGER TRAINS COLLIDE. Four Men Instantly Killed end Several Injured. Nashville, Nov. 13.—There was si A LIVELY ATTACK- REV. SAM SMALL AND THOMAS A. MINOR FIGHT. A BARBERSHOP THE SCENE. The Difficulty Come About by Some Remark Made by Rev- Mr. Small- Minor Took Him Unaware and a Scrimmage Ensued—What Mr. Small Says. terrible collision of trains on the Illi nois Central railroad, twelve miles north of Jackson at 8 o’clock. A south bound passenger train and a north bound passenger train came together in a depression, both running down hill at the rate of forty miles an hour. Both engineers reversed, but withont effect, as the trains met and the engines were torn to pieces and thrown from the track. The smoking car was telescoped, and the freight cars torn np and piled one on another. Four men were in stantly killed, one fatally wounded, and several others injured. The dead are as follows: William Hillman, freight eugineer, of Jackson, Tenn.; Walter Spence, fireman, of Jackson; Tom Mc Kee, colored, fireman, of Jackson: James Horner, express messenger, of Atlanta, Nov. 13.—There was a short but lively fight in Nash’s barber shop on Peachtree street shortly after noon. The participants were Rev. Sam Small, the well knowu evangelist and one of the leaders of the anti-barroom movement, and Thomas A. Minor, a saloon keeper at 18ft Decatur street. Certain allusions whioh Mr. Small A group of men stood on the book store corner yesterday talking about Athens journalism. .. v It grew out of a discussion of the re- | cent withdrawal of Editor Pleasant A. : Stovall from the old reliable Augusta Cnrouicleto take editorial charge of the Savannah Daily Times. Editor Stovall received ‘bis first train ing io the fields of the Fourth estate here in Athens. He used to contribute for the Banner when be was a college boy here in the University. Afterwards he became editor of the Daily Banner in ' which ca pacity he won that reputation as an editor which has 'since been graduall.- built up and added to by bis splendu record as editor of tbe Augusta Chron icle. HFRE’SILIVELY READING A VERY INTERESTING COMMUNI CATION ON MARRIAGE. A SCHOLARLY ARGUMENT. “Armlnlus” Becomes a Familiar and Popular Writer In the Banner’s Columns—Some Sound Doc trines Well Put. There are scores of others who have grown prominent in the ne' had made in his public speeches at Pro hibition hall about Mr. Minor and bis saloon are what brought about the at tack. It lasted only about half a min- jwspaper world and who did their earliest writing for the Banner. John Temple Graves when he was in college used to band in article after I article to the Banner and won some considerable fame as a young writer among the readers ol this paper. i did Clark Howell when he was in So i ate, and was over before any one out- I college here, though most of his time The badly wounded are: Crockett ;er, head braised and Scott, a passenger, head bruised and injured iutergalTy, of Jackson; Engi neer Staley, cot on the head, of Jack- side of the barroom could have their attention attracted. Mr. Small was seen and asked about the difficulty, and said: "He didn’t hurt me much, for I held np my arm this way and warded, off tbe blows. Pretty soon we clutched and fell to the floor. I was under the man. The barber here polled him off aud as he went ont of the door he said: •I reckon you’ll know Tom Minor now.’ * "Do you know what he attacked you for?" was asked. “Yes. I stated in my speeches at E ohibltion hall that I had been told at policemen were stationed in front of Minor’s saloon on Decatur street to I tako care of the boms that came out.' “Did you know Minor?’ “No; never saw him before.” was taken up writing political editori als for tbe “Campus,” a paper which be and two other college chums estab lished and conducted very successfully while students on tbe campus of the State’s cherished college. Harry Phinizy, who even In hia brief career attained a lofty height in Geor gia journalism by his sparkling pen and ready wit began writing for the Banner afterwards becoming editor of the Athens Chronicle, a week ly paper known then and remembered now by everybody at all familiar with the leading papers of the State. He af terwards took a prominent position with the Atlanta Constitution. son. A number of other , ceived cats and bruises. Engineer Sta ley of the passenger train, leaped from ■»«**»« *• —r The accident was caused by Engineer Hillsinan, of the freight train, pulling ont of Oakfield on the passenger train’s time. 3TR1KE AND BOYCGT7. ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. -I “No, that’s all." Mr. Small stood np to have the dust brushed off his clothes and then walked OUt of the barbershop with his gold spectacles in his hand. The Just CHtloisms of Johnson's His tory In the University la Known. The following echo of endorsement to the Barn SB was along time getting here. But it had a long way to come. The letter reads: Sycamore, III., Nov. 9, 1891.—Edi tor Athens .Banker: Wonld you kindly send me a copy of your paper containing what yon bad to say about the school history. Iflnd the history used in this State ▼cry erroneous as to facts. I am a Georgian, my father lived five miles from Athens, and took the Ban ner and Watchman for years. Success to yon and old Georgia. Yours trnly, Z. L. Benton. Sarloua Consequences Expected On the St. Louis Kelt Line. _St. Louis, Nov. 13.—Tho difficulty between tbe Belt line and the Brother hoods of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, has culminated in the declara tion of a st .ike and boycott that is likely to be far-reaching in its effects. The causes leading to the action taken briefly, are as follows: Some tbree weeks ago the engineers and firemen on the Belt line became dissatisfied with the scale of wages paid. Chief Arthur, of the Brotherhood, was sent for, and an adjustment made on a uniform scale of $3.25 per diem for engineers and $1.90 for firemen for eleven hours' work. It was supposed that fair sailing would be the order for the winter. But last Sun day, when seventeen men were dis charged for refusing to work during their noon hour without pay, matters oame to a crisis. Chiefs Arthur and Sargent, of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers and Brotherhood of Lo comotive Firemen, were telegraphed for. Mr. Arthur has arrived and at once met the chief officials of the rail road company. The interview termin ated unsatisfactority, and the result is a strike and boycott. There are bat fifty-two engineers and firemen in thejanploy of tbe Wiggii coin panv. aud a strike of them alo: THE CHI PHI’S MEET. Larry Gantt known to everybody be longs to Athens, too. Then a young man, comparatively, be came to Athens and at once made himself felt in all Georgia as editor and proprietor of the Banneb-Watchman. As editor ’ of the Southern I Alliance Farmer Larry Gantt is now doing what be always has done and always will do so long as he I sits in an editorial chair—making him self beard from and felt in the fields of journalism. **. And, then there are dozens of others The list runs on and on. Some of them state, that undertakes the obhgaiion to educate them to useful citizens and provides all their necessities up to a cer tain age from a fund received by gen eral taxatien. la this manner old maids and old bachelors will pay 'heir fine for not having given young citizens to the state. Tax paying at the best ri ffles a persons temper, but paying for other peopled children is a sore trial on the Christianity of a spinster. Thus, Nordan thinks the armies will never lack recruits. And a Fine Looking Set of Men Too. ^ Atlanta, Nov. 12.-[Special.]-Tbe I have'wittadrawn from the work of the Chi Phi boys are here in full. They 1 ae £Xy^y ^ Georgia knows Rev- have captured the town and tbe town is I eren( j Ellison Stone by the work he glad of it. Last night and this morning used to do on the Chronicle when editor they came in, and_ todayMbe‘exercises of thrt P^on his name for apur . of their convention began. Every I j c ^ oftentimes been said half chapter in the fraternity is represented, I j 0 ki n glv of course that a man cannot be and a better looking lot of fellows'have a Christian and stand fully up to the never been seen here. titlewhUe leading the life of a political The convention was called to order, e *^jg r | ^ riTe at a ^0 denial needs but in secret session, this morning bv I ^ re f er to the files of the Chronicle Grand Registrar H. M. Strong, of Sto- wh*n Mr, Stone was at the editoral desk, vens Polytechnic, who was elected Strong registrar Of the convention. Theexer-ljj - - —*—•— J ciBes opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Lee. Judge Andrew E. Calhoun deliv ered tbe address of welcome. The only officer elected today was Grand Gamma. He is Percival Dray ton of Psi Chi. , , - Tonight the convention was given a I him to be as sincere a preacher of the , * , , .. gospel as ever took a text from God’s brilliant reception by Mayor ana Mrs. «..y Editor Banner : In the Banner of yesterday “The Wanderer” asks him self the question: “Is marriage a fail ure? requesting at the same time that he be excused from answering it. 1 will not answer for him, but push this question a little further and leave it, hoping that some worthy Benedict may put ou the finishing touches. Long before Mona Caird coined the phrase: “Is marriage a failure? the proper relation'of the sexes had been the subject of study and controversy. It has seemed, that our modern time, changing so many other traditions, has found marriage to be, I will not Bay a failure, but out of date. Hence a ten dency in all countries to amend the marriage laws. France has only a few years ago admitted divorce in her code, against a strenuous opposition,it is true, but the fact is accomplished. The Roman Cstholio church is now perhaps, the only power that insists on the marriage vow to be irrevocable, ‘until death do them part.” By taking such a stand it is doing its share towards keeping ill-considered marriages down to the smallest possible . number. It Btands - to reason that a person will not undertake this impor tant step with a light heart and without careful self-examination if he knows that, should he err in his choice and decision, the mistake is irreparable, The idea of marriage has for its foun dation the assumption that it is inviola ble and mutt be kept ^inviolable. We may regret many noble souls who, through no fault of their own,have been deceived and chafe under an uncongeni al yoke, hot on general principles it is well not to make their escape too easy. An inflexible law, that to all requests for exemption from tbe marital obliga tions gives Forlas answer: It must not be, there is no power in Venice, Can altera decree established: IwUl be recorded for a precedent; And many an error, by the sam« example, Will msh into the elate, It can not be If people know, then, that marrage is like the lion’s den into which one may see’many footprints leading, but none out of it, they will be careful before entering. a matter of jest. YES, VERY OBJECTIONABLE. This plan is objectionable aside from moral reasons. The taxpayers will be first heard from in vigorous grum bling. A chief objection is that all family life is broken up, the child taken away front home influences and pat in charge of strangers, probably some old pedants of the Dryasdust school, who look on their bndding wants as a receptacle for booklore and dry formula. The young person’s heart and fancy would be allowed no development and with such a wholesale system of educa tion we would breed into the young souls selfishness, greed and hardness Alas we have more than enough of that already now! Who should take care of tbe cast-off wives who have become too old and ugly to find other suitors? Their sons, if they did k* ow them, would hardly be inclined to take such a burden upon themselves. They were brought up away from home and under a social system detrimental alike to paternal love and filial affection. Much more may be said, were not the mere exposition of Jordan’s idea suffi cient to condemn it. It was only treated at some le gt;h to show how far the opponents of matrimony have al ready gone and how this important institution is amongst the many others that the spirit of innovation is trying, first to undermine, then to shake, and finally t > overtopple. For I hope to find time to give Yea- sons for tbe opinion that, on the whole, marriage these thousands of years has been a success and a failure. Where it is the latter, tbe system is not so much at fault as the individual. Human imperfection stands in the way of the best results intended by the framers of love, ficiid institutions and we cannot too often be reminded that for most of our trouble and sorrow we need seek the cause no farther than in onrown wantonness, folly and faults. Akminius. Athens, Nov. 12tb, ’91. INTERESTING GANIE. A PROSPEROUS FARMER. up, his writings were fully calculated to show by their righteous bearing t he was not only as devout a Chris’ that he was not only as devout a Christian eVer professed the I fourth, but that he was with it all | successful aud able editor. More than this, his life aud work in MS, | behalf of the pulpit all this time showed i til THE REGISTRATION BOOKS Win Close One Week From To-day. The municipal election is not so Yery far off. And yet the voters are registering Y«y slowly. In tbe registration for county elec tions all that is necessary is that the ^ea be paid and a person is then reg •tiered, but in the city elections it is necessary to go before tbe clerk, take the oath and be registered. Up to last night there had registered •n the city 401 vo'ers. They were di vided between the wards as follows: First ward, 180. Second ward, 107. Third ward, 113. Fourth ward, 91. The registration /fkUyal 13 o’clock. ns company, ana u atnue or tneru atone would not amount to much, but the Belt line handles nearly all the freight sent ovei the eastern roads for this city, and a tie-up of the Belt line would leave an immense amount of freight consigned to St. Louis and seriously affect the trade of this city. Then, too, if the men on the other roads refused to haul cars consigned to or from the Wig gins Ferry, ns Chief Arthur says they will, the roads are very apt to attempt to fjroe them, and if they do, a strike on the big eastern roads would be the result. It can be seen, therefore, that a strike on the Belt road may precipitate a general railroad strike of alarming magnitude, which will seriously affect the trade all over the United States. The strike will probably be inaugu rated. Chief Arthur has given his con sent to such amove, and it only requires a like consent from Grand Master Sar- rent, who has just arrived in the city, having been absent during the day, in order to have the strike begun. Hemphill, a large number of young so ciety ladies assisting Mrs. Hemphill. The convention will be in secret ses sion tomorrow, winding up with an elegant banquet tomorrow night. THE STATE ALLIANCE COMMITTEE *.* Yes, Athens journalism has a history that blends closely with the history of the whole state. It has a history which Athens is proud and of which all Georgia need never be ashamed. books close next Met in the Gate City Yesterday Morning. With the building of new railroads, _ the influx of people and money, Athens _ ... ro • i i is fast marching on to take her stand at Atlanta, Ga., Nov 1- —[Special.]— ^ frOEt ran jj a 0 f cities of the growing, The executive committee of the State I prosperous new South. Alliance met here today to get the new' But there is one thing I hope the pco- secretarv well started on his work, pie of Athens will never consent to do. secretary wen _ I hope they will never tear down the Secretary Ivey s bond for $10,000, ^ reat houses with green blinds was approved and his books were ex- anc j large, white columns in front amined and found to be all right. A res-1 which stand out to such bold relief ^voinl«I Act Case*. Washington, Nov, 12.—The United State-, supreme court has postponed un til Nov. 80 the argument in tbe three cases involving tbe constitutionality of the McKinley tariff act and also the cases in which tho act which provides for the classiuoatio l of worst <1 is at tacked on the ground that the speake h*d no right U> count * quorum in paas- olution calling on the delegates to the national Alliance which com s on the 17th at Indianapolis, to perfect some recomcndations looking to a re duction in the cotton acreage was pass ed. There were present at today’s meeting, Chairman Corput, Col. I. J. Stephens, Dr. J. W. Taylor and Hon. A. F. Pope. The only was Mr. Gormon. modern to • lh» South today among their more residences as monuments memory of the old of long, long ago. What an inspiration those old houses give! How they do put one to think ing. Thinking of the dear, undying past—the days when peace and plenty It is the fashion of the day to assail marriage, or at least to jest over ana sneer at it, as if it were the fittest pos sible subject for stale jokes which with little evil and great relish are repeated ove* and over again. These puerile stupidities require no attention, but 1 will thank the reader for listening to what a learned doctor in sober earnest proposed about six years ago. He, Max Nordan, by name, by birth a German-Austrian is a well known author of deep erudition. He possess es the charm of a brilliant literary style and knows how to present science in a readable form, a gift denied many learned m n. None of his hookB created such a sen sation as the one that appeared in the spring of 1885 under the title of: “The Conventional Lies of Civilization, which was immediately translated from the German into about fifteen foreign languages. The author devotes one chapter to “Lie of Matrimony” and proceeds on the following line of ar gument: “The affections of human brings are subject to changes, both in degree aud as to the object that excites them.” Especially the male can transfer his love from one female to another a good many times, and yet love each one of them in all sincerity and with all his might while the fascination lasts. Nay, such is man’s nature that he can love two and even more at the same time. It is therefore against his nature to bind himself to one woman alone and cruel to tie her to him like a log and bid him be faithful to and content with her. WHAT A STRANGE CONCLUSION! Man who before God and witness's swears that he will love this woman “until death do ihem part” swears false; for, how can he know that later What Mr. Robert Dickon, of Oconee County Does on the Farm. The Banner has in its office as fine a stalk of corn as is to be seen it Georgia And it is of that variety known as Dicken’s Prolific, and was raised by Mr. Robert Dicken, of Oconee county. Mr. Dicken liveB.near McNutt, Ga., and is one of the moat prosperous farm ers of Oconee county. The stalk of corn brought to ' the Banner office had upon it eight fully matured ears ot corn, and Mr. Dicken says be made one hundred bushels off two and a half acres of land, the stalks on this land averaging from 2 to 8 ears to the stalk. He will have one hundred bush els of corn for sale in Athens soon. _ It is also learned that he made fifteen bales of cotton to the horse, which is certainly superb farming. There is no downing such farmers as he. Instructive A for People Too Demure to Samp aud Ban. A new social game consists in taking titles of books and representing each title by a picture, by a drawing or by some arrangement of objects so that, it can be guessed from them, somewhat after the manner of rebus. Of course the one who guesses correctly the great est number of titles takes the first prize. There is also a second prize and a “booby” prize. Abont thirty took part in the game I saw, though the uumber could have been extended indefinitely. Fifty titles had been selected by the hostess, their representations carefully prepared. Each player having been provided with a paper on which there were fifty blanks for these titles, at a signal we entered the room where the objects and pictures were displayed. Bat it was no easy task to solve all the puzzles before us. Some titles were kuown at once, others re mained unguessed to the end. Among the objects and titles were such as these: A candle on a map of Asia represented “The Light of Asia." A large white cardboard with a tiny 2 on it was “We Two." A picture of a milldam and a white bead on the top of the picture was “Adam Bede.” A little ladder, with a toy monkey on the top round and & toy man at the foot, was “The Descent of Man.” The word Sin in red ink was “A Car dinal Sim” The sheet music of “Yankee Doodle” was “American Notes.” An O half concealed in a bunch of ferns was “Inferno.” A toy donkey, an O, and some tea leaves was Donkey-o-t—“Don Quixote.” Some vocal music thrust through the handles of several keys was “Songs in Many Keys.” A pie upon some ears c>f com was “Pioneers." A burned out candle in a candlestick was “The Light That Failed." Some dolls in b:dl costume, rang their faces before a mirror, was “Mot era Painters.” Some hulf dollars, quarters and dimes wes "The American Commonwealth.” And bo tbe titles ran on, some difficult, some causing much fun, and all inter esting. The possibilities of this game are seen at a glance. With brightness and in- genuity many very puzzling and amusing effects can he worked up. There are two good rules to be en forced. The time for guessing should ho limited, and communication while guess ing strictly forbidden, else the first prize is likely to go to some one who has been assisted by the guesses of others, and the conscientious player has no chance. Other adaptations of this game might be to titles of poems, quotations, etc. But the best seems to be in titles of standard or reasonably well known, not obscure, books.—Christian Union. ■-VS . A New Treatment for Barns. In one of the hospitals at Berlin a new treatment of burns has been tried with <5 m m a I OHMS IN THE NORTHWEST. past—tne days wnen peace auu picmj . ■ some body he learns to reigned and when Southern chivalry g£b«ter than he ever loved his wife? outrivaled that which was handed _ this not. hanren. he mav A Cloudburst Sweeps Everything and Steamers llug the Shore. Tacoha, Wash., Nov. 12. —There have never b.-en worse storms in Western Washington than those between the Souud and tbe Cascades. The worst damage was done ne ar Weston, where a cloudburst occurred. While fortun ately no lives were lost there was much damage to property. The cloudburst swept everything before it. Between Weston and Tacoma numerous bridges were washed away. The storm extended even across the range. The telegraph wires between Portland and Wallula, on the Union Pacifies, were blown down and a landslide occurred. On the Sound small steamers were compelled to lay near the shore all night. No wrecks are reported. great snccees. The advantages of this new treatment are quicker recovery and les3 suffering from the wound. The bum is first thoroughly washed with a solution of 8 per cent of carbolic acid, or similar disinfectants used for this purpose. The blisters are then carefully opened so that none of the flesh beneath is injured, and the surface covered with finely powdered snbnitrate of bismuth. A thick layer of soft cotton wool is then placed over the powdered surface and left in position until it is moistened with the watery discharges. ] This dressing should he changed as often as-the cotton bandages get moist, (n exceptionally bad burns ointment of bismuth is substituted for the dry pow der, and the suffering in this case is greatly reduced. In the many cases treated in the German hospital no symp toms of.poisoning from the bismuth have yet been discovered, while the treatment seems, in other respects, to be far supe rior to the old methods.—Yankee Blad6. log tiw 1 A f riend induced me to try Salvation Oil for my rheumatic foot, 1 used it and the rheumatism is entirely gone. JOHN H. ANDERSON, Baltimore, Md. Positive and unsolicited testimony from everv section confirms every claim made for the wonderful efficacy of Dr. down from the day* of knighthood. Leave tbo.-e mansions. Leave them to crumble only beneath the couch of Time. The Wanderer. Books of Receipts blanks at Banner office. Most con- nade for the wonderful efficacy of Dr. * binding. J4U1’* coujh Sjtup. Price# eeotej uwuiuf. Even should this not happen, he may graw weary of her and wish himself back to hia bachelor pleasures. The wife’s love may be simply affected and indifference step between the spouses. Nordan’s proposition, which he thinks will eventually be realiz d In a lesa old fogy generation is that matri mony shruld last no longer than agree able to both parties. All children, whether or not the parents remain to gether, must be given in charge of the Tlie Georgia Convicts. Atlanta, Nov. 12.—Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary George H. Jones, is apprehensive that the Tennessee min- bo a few days ago released over fif'd convicts from their prison, will ’S ci oss over Into Geoi the prison gates Cole City, a few nessee line, and libe at work at these nv vrtten Mr. Con c: 'lips, to ex* l'cis and lie prepared for the miners, iys from their priso ria and tear dow Rising Fawn les from the T< itetheOlO couvic places. Ke keeper of tuese unfailing vigila an onslaught iroiJ A Queer Betrothal Gift. One of the neatest of betrothal gifts was given to a muscular young fellow at Newport tho other day—a man who drives his own coach and conn: s a pretty big fortune in Ins very own ight. The toy was a gold pen of h lsome work manship, rather large :it •. .3 upper end, but short? and compact * .tough to carry as a watch chain attr. -daieut. No one, at a glance, would guess its peculiar merits, but the instant the nib is thrust out for writing, the opposite end flies open, revealing a tiny but exquisitely painted picture of the owner’s sweet heart. It appears a European voyage is to separate the lovers for a season, and it was her fancy to give a peu sacred to her letters alone and allowing fall view of his lady's fair face while conversing ou paper. -Neyv JT.ork Press. sV