The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, November 17, 1891, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. lov’t Report, Aug. 17, 1889. j&sgmm ABSOLUTELY PURE AN AUTUMN SERMON. PREACHED BY REV. T- R. KENDALL LA8T SUNDAY. “v»E FADE AS THE LEAF.” A Beautiful Discourse Peculiarly Adapted to These Autumn Days— Analogy Between TVs Sermon And Our Lives. LOOKS LIKE WAR- WHISKERS AN POLITICAL WINDS- The Columbus-Euquirer«»Sua, one WORKMEN at the Brooklyn I of the best edited papers in Georgia* NAVY YARD ORDERED TO PATCH UP The Old War Vessels-Secretary of War Tracy Orders Every War Ship Made Ready, and Work Has Commenced In Earnest. should be emblazoned upon every mar riage altar) and love to our neighbor; these are the perennial fountains iuto which the soul may dip its chalice and quaff the waters of increasing youth. Mark on the other band the ready hater, the revengeful man, he is old be fore middle life and if unfortunate enough and live long with such a spirit becomes a veritable Methuselah. falling leaves. ^ Let us secondi et’s imagery 1. If a liy learn from the proph- of “We all do fade as.the leaf.”—Isa. 64’C. Below our renders will find a con densed report of Rev. T. R. Kentlall’% sermon of last Sunday morning. These are practical ' truths taught which if followed will briDg light and gladness into many homes and hearts. “To make every day events the chariots for carrying sublimcst truths home to the hearts of the hearers was a peculiarity of the. preaching of Christ. He would speak of special providences, declaring egr heavenly Fair’s tender care in providing daily bread for Hia people and the poor little sparrows furnishes a text: The spr rrow of the East was so insignificant that the poor est would scarcely touch it for food, yet Jesus said, “Without storehouse or barn vour heavenly Father feedeth them.” But His believing followers must have clothing as well as food, and He plucks a lily, snowy, velvety and sparkling with dew, saying the wisest man was not dressed so beautifully and “if God so clothes the lily how much more will He clothe you. He watches a farmer sowing grain and the inimitable parable of the sower is taught. A marriage is taking place in the neighborhood and He tells of the “five wise and five fool ish virgins.” Ihe great doctrines taught would doubtless have been given anyway, but our Lord's manner was to seize the reins of "ommon events and fitting to the backs of these passing steeds the most costly merchandise of gospel truth He entered the open gateway of atten tion thus arresced, and took hold upon the hearts of His.aadfence. airty THE KKCHANTING SEASON. Looking out upon the enchanting forests about Atheus, the blooming and diversified beauties of hill and dale at this season and seeing that the marvellous transfiguration going on is due to the changing l> af, might not our Lord, if present, take for a text “We all do fade as the leaf.” Crop- sey’s Autumnal Sketches are tame in comparison with the rich pageantry the season is now spreading upon nature’s canvas about us. Oak, hickory, elm, sweetgum, and other forest belles co-minglicg in their robes orange, gold, saffron, greene drab and scarlet, give us tit our doors gorgious, glowing breathing pictures, in many in-tSLC s t) e frost’s pent il has done its work so magically that ihe trees seem btthed in carnage of blood or flashing with living fire. FACES OF THE WOODS. How few appreciate the wonders of the leaf, its nerves, veins cells their sizes, shapes, scollops and angles, all making these variegated faces of the woods as interesting as the countenances of people. Leaves of the water liiy of the Amazon are twenty feet in circum ference and bear upon the water a weight of twenty pounds. The palm tree of India dresses in leaves thi feet in circumference. god’s favorite symbol. No wonder when God would send Moses to deliver Israel He appears in the burning leaves of a bush. Why should it surprise us that when King David must be advised when to attack his enemies, God sends the message to go forward, by the leaveB of the mulberry trees. Is it not among the sweetest and most graphic descrip tions o! heaven that wc read of tne “leaves” that shall be for the healing of the nations. HOW TO GBOW OLD. As “we all do fade as the leaf,” let us learn first the lesson—how to grow old. Notice bow variedly the leaves fade. Some wither, blur, and scowl at the first touch of frost. Others glow brighter, cheerier, pret tier till they drop from the stem. How differently people grow old. Some be come sour others sweeter, some take melancholia, others become more cheer ful, some gee ugly, o'hers more beauti ful till the last. Some become- more charitable, others miserly, boarding all that they can lay bauds on tor selfish ness. Some open their hands wider and wider to every claim of Christianity and benevolence, others lose confidence in God and their race and entering the region of selfishness shut the door behind them and go posting to ruin in a misanthropic car. AN OPEN SECRET. The secret of advancing in life with brighter and fuller illustration of the mind of Christ in our lives is supremely importer* for the honor of our Savior and our own peace and happiness. You ask, In w? We answer the mys terious fountain of soul-life resides in the heart Keep this spring rich and sweet and it will be hard ever to feel old. Live in the 13th cf 1st Corinthians. Love is the fountain of perpetual youth after which the ages have sighed and sought. The soul that abides consciously grafted into Christ can no more grow old than our Savior can change. Many of the youngest, loveliest, cheeriest and most companionable peo’ pie of this earth, are those who have passed their three score and ten. Their love to God and ma has touched them even in this life with a heavenly baptism of eternal youth. J 1 remember a grand-mother over ninety years old who told Indian stories to children and carried a mantle always to throw over everj body’s faults. Ou* - morning she called us all around her and and lying down upon the bed, closed her eyes, saying, “Lord Jesus receive my spirit,” and went up to heaven as in heart as she ever was. love to little children who seem the balance of power youth and body’s the leaf that we all l must fall. If a world-vote was to be cast and the dead could put in a ballot, how far the present generation would he put aside by their decision Some of us bagp come from families noted for longevity but the mining tools of death are delving about us. opening lines of circumvalla- tion to the citadel of life. “Is there anyplace out of Attica Where men do not die?” What shall we do about it? Why, get on such loving terms with our Saviour as to pluck the sting from desfh’s hand. Paul could, lay his heart upon the sharp edge of his scythe and announce “ready to he offered,” declaring that he had no .-ting. My brethren the day is drawing near when it will be said “he indisposed—can’t be to business today.” The next day ft is whispered “he is very sick.” The hum of business will go on, but crape hangs upon the door,the news will be as startling as tho’a fire bell rang out upon the air, “he is dead.” The first Chris tians had but one epitaph on their tombs, “A sleep in Jesus” we too can banish the word death and recogize the would be monster as a friendly slave sent to throw open the gates of endless glory to the soul. THE LIFE BEYOND. Learn thirdly from the leaf the won ders of our resurrection. With the le if’s fall a change of struc- ure begins—disintegrated it enters the rootlets of tree and flower. T he towering oak, waving harvest and ordorous flower far surpass the fallen leaf. So our bodies are bidden away pale and shrunken, but at the sound of the angels trump, shall come forth clothed in beauty and joy forev er. Scatter us among coral reefs, dismember us in battle, cremate us and scatter the ashes to the wind, yet a change of form is not distinction of matter. God’s eye will fullow up ihe sacred dust and I must have these eyes to behold my Saviour and look upon my loved ones, these ears to hear the new songs they sing in heaven and this hand to lake part in the hand-shaking re-union around the Throne of God. “You may bury me in the north, You may bury me in the south, But I’ll hear the trumpet sound In that morning.” May eternity’s nearing ocean bap tize every moment of time, every par ticle of influence, every cent of money, every thought, word and deed, so that all life may become a holy sacrament randsTchilblaTnT. off> red unto the Lord—' as the leaf.” 'we all do fade HARMONY GROVE HAPPENINGS What lour Vigilant Correspondent Finds Newsy In the Grove. Harmony Grove, Ga., Nov. 9.—fSpe cial J—Mr. C. C. Alexander, cur effi cient Postmaster returned home yes terday from a pleasant visit to relatives in Franklin county. Hon. Berry J. Meadow, a prominent citizen of Ilanielsville, Ga , is in town today circulating among his many friends. Miss Gracie Goss^ one of Harmony Grove’s most popular young ladies, left last evening for a visit to friends in the “Queen city of the mountains,” Gaines ville. Ga. Mum. B. B. Hawks. W. B. Wagnon andJ. Jennings of this place spent yesterday in the Classic, city on busi ness. Hon W. W. Eiwin, a prominent ci tizen of McTyeire, Towns county, Ga., spent Sunday night in the Grove with relatives. Mr. Erwin was accompain- td by bis ebarmirg daughter, M s ss Georgia who is the reigning belle of McTyeire. Mr Erwin reports the “Young L. G Harris Institute,” that magnificent gift from Judge Harris of Alliens, Ga., in a most flout isbing con dition. Over 300 tudents have already matricu ated and many more are ex pected to enter January 1st, ’92. Harmony Grove is certainly on 1 budding boom this year. Three mag- nificent brick buildings have been erec ted for business purposes this year; three handsome residences are now in process of erection, and preparations are being made to build at least two others in the immediate future. Three cheers and a tiger for Harmony Grove. THE GAINESVILLE FAIR. It Is Going to be a Hummer—Are You Going? Gainesville, Ga., Oct. 9th 1891 — .The rourth a> nual exhibition of the Gainesville Fair Association opens to morrow with the finest prospects for show yet given by the association. Our fairs are voted for their agricultu ral, stock and industrial displays, and the racing is always of the be-t, as our track is said by turfmen to be the finest in the South. Balloon ascension.parachute leaps and many other exhibitions are among the attractions. Distinguished speakers, among them, Governor Northen has been invited to address the people, and has accepted 1h> fbir will be opened by the Governor. Several noted stables are resented on the grounds with stock to take part in the races. The elegant program for each day, the large premiums in every department and varied attractions always insure S good attendance at our expositions. Half-fare on the railroads and Gaines ville’s noted hospitality, always brings large crowds from the outside, and are already to receive them and care for all come among us, lays aside serious, heavy ideas every now and then long enough to take a humorous view of politics and the like. For instance, an editorial lead* er headed “ The Beard in Politics.” Under this heading the witty editor of the Knquirer-dun writes a* fol lows: It has not been so long ago when a magnificent flowing b;ard was very promiceat in Georgia politics Its owner was a mau of flue presence, great ability-,and kigb> parliamentary skill. While he held high responsi ble positions, there seemed to be 1 limit-to his acquisition of public of flee, even in the Sttfte, and when he reached alter the acknowledged plum the people voted for less beard, a mustache and military goatee flunk ed, it happened, by alghasily scar got in battle. If the statesman -re ferred to bad applied lor a national office there is no telling how little beard would have defected him Suffice it to say that he Aually shaved his golden hea d so that hereafter it might not fl >w in the wuy of his po litical ambition. To come nearer to contemporane ous history, we call a”ention to the hirsute appendage of the candidates who were elected to Governorships last Tuesday. There was doi much beard in the victorious group. Bus sell and LSoies and McKinley are represented as smooth-faced states men, while Flower has only a pair of mutioEs.” Of course there can be no definite rule laid down about the heard in politics, but the beardless candidate seems to have the bulge of late, and and if there is anything in it we hope the National Democratic Convention will take it in hand. If a clean beard is essential we have no doubt At San Francisco Over tbe Activity at I that the palllOtic, inclination of l*r. New Yoby, Nov. 10.—Not since the close of the civil war has there been such activity in getting war vessels ready fur tea. .Matters had been going along at the navy yard in the usual slow fashion, when a clerk entered Cap tain Erhen’s office with a telegram. The captain yawned as he opened the envelope, but the first few words made him break his yawn in two, and in an instant orders were flying thick and fast, to the heads of the various me chanical departments. The telegram was from Secretary Tracy, ordering every- war ship to be made ready for service as speedily as possib.e. Special orders weregiveu for forcing work on the MiantOuomoh. She is the strongest war vessel in our navy, aud the only one, according to the opinion of naval officers, that is fit to engage in battle with the Chilian torpedo fleet. She is a massive, formidably lookidg vessel aud and a regular battering-ram. She carries two 20-incU breach-loading rifles in each turret. Each gun weighs 57,00 1 pounds, aud is capable of throw ing a 500 pound shot a distance of thir teen miles, and bnrns 255 pounds of powder at eavh discharge. It is thongnt she can be sent away by the last of this week. Work is be* iug pushed on all other vessels in the naVy yard. In the forts down at the Naarows the same activity prevails, out orders having been received there from the war department. The working forces are doubled, and ammunition of all kinds is being gotten ready with a rush. EXCITEMENT PREVAILS the Various Navy Yards. San Francisco, Nov. 10.—The fact that the work at the navy yards at Brooklyn and Mare Island is being pushed both ou Sunday and at sight, has created some excitement here. The defenses of San Francisco against an attack from the sea are not espe cially good. There is not a single mod ern rifle here. Ft. Point, at the en trance to the Goldeu Gate, has about fifty eight-inch muzzle-loading rifles, converted from ten-inch smooth bores. On the Alcatraz there are eight or nine more; there are also a large number of 10 and 15 inch smooth bores. It is not believed that these guns could delay the enemy from entering the hay for any considerable length of time. Only the extreme west ern i»art of the city, where there are a few valuable buildings, could be shelled without coming within close range of these guns. The harbor is well pro tected by torpedoes, of which there are 600 or 700 iu position, or ready to be placed. There are no auto-mobile tor pedoes in the city. Two modern rifles have been promised to Sau Francisco next year aud two the year after. Buckten’s Arnica saive. Cleveland, wili“£iove him to s'ia ofl his mustache if it should bene" cessary to a great political victory. After all, there is much wisdom in • this speech. Stop to think about it and one must conclude that wbia kers are going out of style in poli tics these late days of reform and Democratic gain. Just bow to ac count for this new fashion among politicians is no easy matter. It may have been handed over from the dramatical world, since all the great actors wear clean faces that they may act their paits well on the stage. Or it may be taken from the customs of the pugilist, since they always shave their faces dean for the ring. Again, this political fash ion may have had its origin with the commonly accepted dtolaratioo that ‘‘the young men are taking the coun try,” and the politicians desire to all AS TO CLEVELAND. There is just now a great cry in the rankB of the Democratic party for Cleveland. In New England the cry sounds louder than anywhere else, and it is said in the newspapers that New York has harmonized upon Cleve land’s name at last. There is plenty of time yet to think over these matters, and it would be well to go slow with forming con clusions., It is best to let things ke their course. Mr. Cleveland is not strong in the South nor in the West, because of his confessed op position to the free coinage of silver which these sections are demanding. He is a good Democrat with all that* how* ver, and it isn’t worth while to whip him out of the party. The Democracy must look for a man who has the confidence and the esteem of the whole country. A man whose record is without even sus picion, and a man who is in sympa thy with the great movemeat now afoot looking to a wise and liberal expansion of the coi nvry’o currency These are the demands. Now let the parly go cautiously- about se ll cling the mau. The Democrats cannot afford to suffer defeat in the next campaign, when victory seems so easily within their grasp. If it develops as the clays-w^ar by that Mr. Cleveland is the strongest can** didate he must be put iu the lead. He is a Democrat, and cannot suffer his personal opinions to govern his official career with reference to the silver question. We do not believe he would, knowing that, his party was not in sympathy with his per sonal views But, if Mr. Cleveland does not ap pear the strongest leader, then it will not be too late to measure Sena*, tor Gorman up to the Democratic yard stick. As for Hill, he is utterly out of the question. The best salve in tbe world for cuts, grow young at least in appearance, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei And, yet again, perhap»<the most plausible accounting for it is that so many men have been guyed off the stump just by that tantalizing topi ical song, “The wind blows through bis Whiskers.” It is all very straDge aud very funny, but the Columbus Er quirer-Son is right when it sug gests that tbe candidate who goes to win these days, must have no whiskers through which the political winds might blow. ffn "■ =— THE RAIN HAS COME- The rain has coine ; and all tbe earth is glad. The rain has come ; and with it corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay requirtJ ft is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 2' cents per box. For sale by John Crawford Ss Go Wholesale •riA -•VI* *—*<r*H*I». A Bun on Hank* In Berlin. Berlin, Nov. 10. —A large number of the customers of the great b,inking firms on Leipziger strasse, alarmed by the recent failures of Hirschfeld & Wolff and Friedlander & Sommerfeld, visited the banks and withdrew their deposits. There was great excitement among the depositors, and it was found necessary to detail u number of police men for the special purpose of keeping it down. There was a run upon the banks generally. All demands were met, however, and this tended, in a measure, to allay che excitement. CONJUGAL WISDOM. and to mankind as well. The rain has come ; and the far “She who ne’er answers till her bus-1 00Ine8 new dying vegetation band cools, Or, if she rules him, never shows she rules”— -«• •» ^ good health, cheerful dispesitions, scatter the tardy oat ovey the sofa strong nerves and clear minds, simply „ , , . • . through the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite | tened 80,1 » h *PPy 81 ,a8t ln the P r °® Prescription Before the reputation and use of this remedy became world wide, irrstable. cross, nervous, debil itated women, suffering with displace ments, hysteria, and every female dis pect of good seasons. The rain has come ; and the dirt and dust of oity are driven away ease, were tbe rule rather than the | wi-.h sweet relief to weary human kind until the blaze of another sum mer’s sun shall bring them forth again. The rain has come ; aud on its moistened breath tbe pure, tresh air of winter comes, a blessed antidote for all the poison and disease that lingered with the atmosphere of dy ing summer. j. The rain has come ; and to the echoofits irwssan,^pit-a-pat up exception. The “Favorite Prescrip tion” has proven to be the key to a long and happy life—tbe key which effectu ally locks out that old arrav of uterine disorders, periodical pains, weak back, proltpsus, inflammation, ulceration, nervous exhaustion and general debit ity. See printed guarantee on wrap per. Money refunded it it doesn’t give satisfaction in every case. THE PEABODY FUND Don’t “Monkey” with your Blood. >ua in sick- hazardous ood. Cor- orders. S.S. s. Delay is d; ness; IttoesL in diseases or the ruction breeds corruption; and mild oases. It neglected, develop Into Incurable chronic dis orders. _ . , to asafe, speedy and sore euro tor all contagious blood poisoning. Inherit ed Scrofula. Skin Eruptions, and he* cured thousands or cases of C.- ncer. It to a powerful tonic for deli cate persons, yet to harmless and Incapable of Injuring tho most sensitive system. A treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed FBXS on appli cation. Druggists Sell It. T SPECIFIC CO., V/I Drower 3< Atlanta. Ga. EVE’S DAUGHTERS. Marion Harlan J, on page 103 and 445 of her popular work, “Eve’s Daughters; cr, Common Sensce foi Maid, Wife and Mother,” says: •““For the aching back—should it be slow in recovering its normal streugth -an Allcock’s PoRors Plasters is an excellent comforter, combining the sen sation of the sustained pressure of a strong warm hand with certain tonic qualities developed in the wearing. It should be kept over the seat of uueasi ness for several days—in obstinate cases, for perhaps a fortnight. “For pain in the back wear Alicick’s Porous Plasters constantly, renewing as it wears off. This is an invaluable sup port when the weight on the small of the back becomes heavy and the aching incessant.” A Bath, Me , bookkeeper stole $500 rom his employers and lost it at the poker table. His theft was discovered, but inst< ad of having tbe culprit ar rested the firm gave him some good advice and a check for $50, with in structions to leave town- Instead of jumping at the chance to get away from the scene or bis disgrace, the ungrateful man went bark to the poker-room aud l ist the $50 check. Then his old em ployers bought him a ticket for Port land, put him on the train and saw- him off, after which they caused the poker dens to be raided. of Washington, Ga, has three trees which it is vastly proud. One is white oak, under which the commis sioners began the work of laying out the town in 1783. A second is a pop lir, under the shade of which in 1790 took place the first ordination of Presbyterian minister west of tbe Sa vannah river. The third is a bug. oak, under which in 1856 occurred the mem orable debate between Robert Toombs and Benjamin Hill, one of the greatest intellectual contests in the history of Georgia. Wr endorse the following from the Crawford Democrat: We see that sev eral of our Georgia weekly papers have taken advertisements of a Georgia cou cern and will take as pay for runnirg said advertisements tooth-brushes tooth-powders, patent medicine and such stuff, when if .they had. waited they could have gotten clear cash f< r same. Every time such propositions are accepted it degrades the newspaper profession. ! IN standard authors, the FOLLOWING CI.O-'E DICK’ VR» WORKS Eight Dif ferent edi tions to choose • from. Is the strongest Home-indorsed Medicine in the world. Sly wife has been afflicted for six years with « nv -it Blood Poison of some Rind, called Fa. ■ -.a by eminent physicians. During this period B., ... treated by several specialists. Has taken quiuuIt!, s of all the blood purlfters on the market, v ■ cr-o.i* realizing any special benefit. She to now u • : Wooldridge's Wonderful Cure, a few bottle* o .outiha'-e made a complete cure. I unhesitat ing ■ r. rommend It as the beet blood purifier ever d. . id. Yours truly, A. C. McGEHEE. ( ■ 1 u_ buE. Ga., March S3,1889. ■AOTfACTtSED BY 09LDRIDGE WONDERFUL CURE CO., Columbus, Ga. ) ,)R SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS ADVERTISING. 1V * oa wish to advertise anything anywhere I nt any t’Uie wiitetoGEo. I OWfci-L C ■, So. to Spruce st , A'ew York. "IdV RY one 1 need of infornation on the sub- JPilecto' advertising will do weii to obtain a copy of -‘'.look f >i Advrrtl er SOS pages, price one doo- r. Mail- d, postage paid, on receipt of p- intains a careful compilation from the Atl ii X wspaper l ire tcr . of ad the best pup and < iss j urnal-; gives the circulation r;P . of every one, and a k< od deal or luforma- ti. bout rates ami tuber n at tecs pertaining to .o 'justness oJ' advertising. Address RUM - EL -• ADViETIblNG-BUREAU, 10 Spruce St... . V Ji ew Feature ! A Great Offer}! 'L L Latest, Bdst anil Most Popular NOVELS vEN AWAY! ONLY GOOD TO NOVEMBER And only on those not soM attbij ’ Thd rush of Trade at the and the demands ofo^rTo;!?' meat, ha« delayed u\ n% our Annual List ^ ^ o make room for our rn,,.i a i ottir the following sots, «, low prices attached : ’ at the «lst^'on’sed. is voi, haa Hurst’s « 6 I'ur-t’s *> is J?'0 W Tthington’s ed 1 voK cloth ,u , 4 j. »8 Pm k V e<*‘io Ws/.V/" 'g Crowell’s new fine edi M I5v ls.for.. .. T Vi^ e m y J 8 W,,rk9 ’ Eton’s e.'ip da. , do. l.ovell’ voii’ ' 3 *> Wxveriy Novels. Heists “ li •- ‘ R5 » “ “ R utledge’s “ 12 -> \l £, J 5 '4 „ ,4 . “ W.FiskekCo’812 •* }!£ “«S Goldsmith's Works, p r , se and 18 w l’oetry, 4 vols .! . .. an “ R(<1 Pit scott’s Ferdinand and Isabella 0 t vols . — Prescott'S Conquest of Mexico o vnls ’ ... -hakespeare’s Works, Rontledve 10 3 v. ls * ' Shakespeare's Works, Knight ed 6 vo’s Shakespeare’s Works, Handy ed. 15 small neat volumes ... ’ 7 vi Shakespeare’s Works, Handy a 15 small neat vol me - in Morocco 15 m Dallam's Middle Ag 8. 2 velum s. 4 no Lever’s Works, 5 volumes 5 Em arson's Essays, 2 volumes . o j. Macaulay's E gland, Svnlu • e«... r, (n M taulay’s I s aysind Poems, 3 volumes, hair caif 5 50 Macaulay’s E-says and Poems, 3 Veil mes, clo*h .. 375 Greoi.’s III.tory of the Kng ish pe iking People, 4 volume- s cc Gib ton’sRon e,4 volnm s, 4 m "c arthv’s Our Own Tim s.2vr,ls 3 m « ,1; E. F. Roe’s Works. 17 vols. < loth, 5 00 • •>1 2 WanUi ngtou living’s Works.H vol- 10 do . 7 -! Leg Misc aldes, tine illustrated e 1. 5 volumes 7 Fox’s Book of Martyrs, one large volume 3 00 D’Aublgne’s History of the Refor mation, one largo volume 3 00 -lose phus’ Works, one large vol... 3 00 Chr at in Literature Eggleston, ■ no large volume 3 50 Chr st in tbe Camp, one large - ol 3 Ou Clianbcr’s Cyclopedia of E gisli Liteia'ure, 2 large volumes.... 7 ro Drake’s Indians of Norih Aineric, 2 51 Pollard’s Lost Cause 350 I as. Days of Pompeii, 2 volumes, very handsome, just published— many Ulus'rations, showing Pompeii Restored A Inr^e number of Illustrated j! Books at Reduced Prices, 3 75 750 ; «is " e» 17 50 '• 6 75 “ 390 " 7 25 “ ia “ 3 a " 575 “ 5 50 “12 50 “ 3 00 3 25 “ 10 “3 50 “ 4 50 “2 50 “ 450 2 75 V *>ekly Banner. \s Supplements to the Tv.rtlve Complete New Novels .. . the most Popular Authors of the day, Cl iNG THREE DOLLARS IN THE BOOK STORES Will be given away to all subscribers to or pur- cnaseis of the r WEEKLY BANNER, During; the year 1891. Beginning with the new year (1 9i) we will publish as a Supplement with the first issue ot Thi Haknbr for each month, a complete new novel by one of the most popular writers 01 the duy. These novel snpplements will be pre sented to every subscriber to cur paper, also to every person who shall purchase it either from a newsdealer or carrier, without addi tional charge. Each supplement will contain one of the latest, best and most popular nov els, unchanged and ui.abridged. As ubove stated, or.e of them will accompany the first issue of our paper for each month in the year, so that during the year we shall present to our subscribers and patrons twelve complete, mod ern novels. They will be verbatim reprints of the popular novels sold in the book-stores and new;., stands at 85 cents each, hence We Shall Actually Give Away to all our Subscribers and Patrons for the year 1891, Three Dollars’ Worth of the Best Modern Fiction ! These novel plements will eoosist ol the 91 suppi be : —erks ot suen famous authors as •£l. / \ct Il-.-'jyard, Mudyard Kobtr Kipling, svnuon, W. Clarke Jiutsell, WU- um Hl’i- k, Waller &e*anx, 3. L. Far- wn, Kdna Lyell, “Ihe PucAeu,’, Florence Marry at, lire. Alex ander, Mies M. Jc. JSraddern, Kota Nouchette Carey, and other*. Every novel that appears in onr sur plements will Oe i t the highest 'order of mem, and it should be sj toiaily borne in'mind that we do not propose to pitsont to our subscribers le prous ot old stones publisoed years ago, but on the contrary duly tbe latest new novels, as they appear. Keaoert of Tax Uam.nsb will therefore enjoy a delightful intellectual privi lege, at no expense whatever, but which would cost $8.00 during the year if tbe same nov* Is were purchased at store. uews-sta nd or a book May Come to the aid of the Normal School. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 10.—[Special.]— Dr. Boggs and Commissioner Bradwell succeeded hi seeing Dr. Curry and Mr. °Q the window pane, the cracking ^ r t y o„“S"„r n .'r.S.' ,t .o h ^ I ° f thC so. They were earnes’ in their effort hearth-stone tells of comfort and joy to interest Dr. Curry, in the No school of Georgia. They cxplainet erythmg fully, and tbe chances are that next spring these schools will re ceive recognition and aid from tbe Pea body fund. Happy Hoosiers. Wm. Timmocs, Po-imaster of Idaville Ind., writes: “Blecric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines com- reigning free in the bosom of home once more. The rain has come ; ,aud driving winds sweep-o’er the furrowed field fanning inio life the withered wheat- stalk just peeping from the earth. The tain has come; and man and Mned for that bad Reeling arising from beast alike dive into its pelting show' Kidney and Liver troubles.” John Leslie 1 farmerjtnd stockman, of same place, s iys: era joyously, finding its big, bright drops a Gilead balm all the more ’Find Eiectcir Bitters to be the best ney and Liver medicin-, m«de me feel like a new man.’' J. W. Gatdner, hardware soothing because of the loDg, hoi I'oogl* throughout whioh they bu.e is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don’t care whether he lives or dies; he foui d new <tr. ncth. trod ari“dte and felt just likete L-danev. lease on life i Only 50c. a bottle, at John Crawford & Oo, ' U/bivlooulo and Rpfail Drng ^U)fC| been passing. The rain has come; the blesBed If the democrats do not elect their candidate for president n- xt year they will have no one to blame except them selves. The country wants hotirst money and tariff reform. That is sound democracy. Go to the people on that issue and success is certain.— Charleston News and Courier. Correct; but the people want a little more of that “honest money” than they have been getting. La Grippe again. Daring the epidemic of La Grippe last season Dr. King’s New Discovery^ for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, proved to be the best remedy. Repo-ts from the many who used it confirm this statement, They were not only quick ly relieved, but the disease left no bad after results. We ask you to give this remedy a trial and we guarantee that you will be sathfied with results, or tbe purchase price will be refunded. It has no equal in La Grippe, or any Throat, Chest or Lung Trouble. Trial bottles ten cent at Jno Crawford & Co’s Drug Store. Large bottles, 60c. and The Novel Supplement for September will contain i SELF-IQ3MED, 29 23 2 *0 2f» 5 50 191 190 ICO FAMILY BIBLES From $i 50. Now is the opportunity to ge': a set of Standard Authors at a very nominal fii-ure. D. W. BOOK STORE, Athens* - - Ga. " THE EVE Is a Delicate Organ and Should be Well Taken Care of. l>f, Hauser, A t the drcg-storf. of palmer t KINNEBREW, have tbe best EYE-MISSES AMI SPECUCL1S to bn ft on.’* in tbe city. It will pay tcu to jet the best when baying for tbe eye. Id THE JEWELRY LINE PINE RERAIR WORK Is their SPECIALTY WHES YOUR WATCHES, CLOCKS or Jewelry need repairing, call on , W. Manser end yon will g»t nothing but aflrst-clas* job. Aog 28 ei” ,T d ' im - /jf Guaranteed " fot Eczema, Tetter King orm, Itch, Barber’s 1 |4 hii b Piles. Dandruff, «r. Itching and fkin i.fl.ctK"* tDBSS BY B. L. FARJEON, Author'of ‘‘Blade-o’ Grass,” “ Biead-ond Cheese and Kisses,” “ Golden _ Groin,” Etc., Etc. Mr. Faijeon is one of the most popular wri- tt rs of tbe time. r>y some critics be has been dcallethe successor of Dickens. His stories I are always ioter sting and never dry “ Self- 1'oomed,” which is one of bis latest, will, we ! are sure, be enjoyed by all our readers j Announcements of future issues will be made I in due season. This ofioris one of surprising liberality. We ! want to doable our circuit; o during the new < year, and «uch liberal inducements would do it. Subscribe for Tbs Basks f->r t' e coming year, and gel. free novel supplements. These alone will be worth more than the piice of a year’s subscribers. Teli all your friends that they can set twelve complete new novels free by subscribing foi Thb Banner. Now is tbe time to get up a club for the Weekly iu yor v cieity, tor your neighbors will wish to su'jsnbe and get the novel sup- plementr. No one can afford to be without The Banner in the household no«\ Spread the news! Let every one in year vicinity know of our great offer Address all letters and subscription s _ tastiest styles at the The Athens Publishing Co. jot> office. tktt¥b MAD! t A* 1 BV SLEDGE A IAYTON. lirnggiit 4 Phan aci&U. JOHN L. ARNOLD, JR Has the Largest Stock of Ptints, Lead and^OU PAINT BRUSHES -AND- RNT.SHB 3 Tbit has ever been kept !“ See Ine before you buy, for it w r your interest. I will save JJJJsdto* money and give you the best good are manufactured. Give me a caU. "Yours, truly, JOHN L. A-tNOLD, 1(0. 205 BROAD ST., ATHENS, GA. pri) «1— d*w'. Note Heads, Letter Heals Blank Forms, etc-, “