The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, November 24, 1891, Image 1

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>88 to divine the rea-
ereof. He little fan-
lat he is living high
tiish high living on
tsgivingday. He can-
tderstand the mean-
the smilee that we
lavished upon him,
Lned in a ooop while
sees is in force he
It is to prevent him
t and taking any ex
tend to rednoe his
mnscles to an extent
shatter the artistic
ire or vegetable ivory
ietic sight to see a
for a Thanksgiving
3 wistfully across the
vhere the partridge
n of a shop
>f light overcoats, some of
ne are solid liver while
ped like bacon. He stands
for a sufficient length of
Mm varicose veins in that
he little dreams that he
*> without a leg to stand
his wings will be utilized
». while his wishbone dries
r ttie library door like a
ole of a wigwam,
orious thing it is for the
turkey that he can eat
himself into a state of
epicurean perfection and
still be in total ignorance
Briggs—1 didn't think much of the
minister’s Thanksgiving sermon.
GnggB—You would if yon had seen
she size of the turkey his parishioners
rave him.
the untimely fate which
F’^nSEggjsawaits him. Being a vain
ppobulilv fancies
that the food which is lav-
Ult of lehed upon him is the re-
jT* general recognition of his great
) BAUUMl fink 4# h a Im aw thfi
the editor in?"
“Yes, sir; sit down,
are in a moment.”
“I have here two little poetical gems
which I dashed off in an idle hoar and
which I think would ornament your col
umns. Don’t be alarmed, pray. This Is
only my high protection suit; I’ve been
thrown down stairs so often that I’ve
been forced to adopt rather heroio meas
ures in the interest of my health. Now,,
then, sir, if you please, we will get right
down to business.”—Chicago Mail.
American Servants*
Anglo—It often surprises me the way
that many American business men sign
their letters. “Your obedient servant,”
and yet when you call on them they
seem disposed* to kick you out of their
Goth unite—You wouldn’t be sur
prised i f you were acquainted with the
habits of American servants.—New York
A Particular Husband.
Mrs. Yonngwifo—Have you any beets?
Mrs. Y.—Please send me up two
pounds of live onesi
Grocer—Live oneSl
Mrs. Y.—Yes, my husband says he has
no use for dead on es.—Minneapolis Tri
The Poor Files.
“There are no flies on me.”
“No. You keep your jaw wagging so
much it scares them away.”—New York
Although Ordered by the Supreme
Court to Sign Davidson's Com
Taleahasbe, Fla., Nov. 17 —[Spe
cial.l—The supreme court today issued
a peremtory writ of mandamus against
John L. Crawford, secretary of state,
enjoining him to sign an attest with
the great seal of the state the commis
sion of R H. M. Davidson, appointed
United States senator by Governor
Fleming. The writ is returnable to
morrow. Crawford refuses to sign and
may go to jail. There is great excite
ment all over the state.
Interesting for Him.
Mrs. Ifangle—Have yon secured a
lodger for your second floor yet, Mr.
Goslin (horrified)—I haven't been look
ing for a odger, madam.
Mrs. F ingle—Why, I’m certain my
husband told me yon had rooms to rent
in your upper story.—Philadelphia Press.
Mixed Feelings.
Professor (to Btudente)—Gentlemen,
I cannot supply a better definition of
mixed fee ings than by giving an illus
tration. Suppose your tailor and the
postman, with a registered letter con
taining yo it monthly remittance, knock
ed at yotr door at one and the same
On His High Horse.
“This morning I met our friend Z—-,
and he did not return my bow. Since
the czar piesentod him with a snuffbox
he has ent all his old acquaintances.”
“So I hare been told. He is so elated
that he goes about sneezing "all day
long.”—Diuble Boiteux.
Who is that fellow talking to Miss
A Simple Receipt.
“Yonr hard wood floors are always so
exquisitely polished, How do you man
age to keep them so?’
“I put chamois skin trousers on the
children, ar.d let them play on the floor.”
—Harper’s .Bazar.
Surer foundation cannot be laid than
the real merit which is the solid base
for the mom mental success of Hood’s
Mixed paints, all colors, linseed oil,
varnishes, paint brushes, etc., at Pal
mer & Kinnebrew’s, 105 Clayton street,
opposite post office.
r 'i - *118
Try BLACK-DRAUGHT tea lor Dyspepsia
>i. "3* ) esusUteted with tbe
C iSMU l v »*. I lUSM*«WK>r, Bzl. IS38.
ses ■ -vr : -
*■>? • c-vr v' sen: —
Wf’rc thankful for tbe tilings we eat,
Tlii-iiyiierH with (he turkey meat.
Tin' health we have, the aweet content
With hleaslliHH which to ua are aeut;
Th< guhlen. glorious puukln pica.
Tin' ho[H' of heaven beyond the skies:
The cct potato: a, piping hot.
The i-lni-tercd blue forgetmenot:
T jo celery crisp oud cold and white.
;l a
!•„ i ..
The chicken gravy, ecnaoncil right;
The royal ponce of si., 4 corn bread.
The righteous eh . ;> of all our dead;
The ) ,<llow beet, the pareuip brown.
The emss that must precede the crown;
The Imttor nerved In pots of gold.
On i ,ni-ake« of heroic mold;
The wnle expanse of all things good.
Mowiee lose toothsome, though they're
And Isst of all, our dinner done,
\\ e hHelen to give thanks ns one
W ho feels that thanks are more than doe
Ker medicine to pnll him through.
Will J. Lanfton.
T IS now quite a
little time since
russet sandaled,
gold draped, red
headed antnmn
smiled a gracious
smile upon the
blooming land
scape and set
her gay official
seal upon the fad
ing yiar in the
form of a large,
thick pumpkin pip. You can fuel Thanks-
pving in the air. just as'yon can Christ
tu it- or rent day. The spirit of the sea-
eon is serene and quiet, and the haze
shifts about the sumac like a dream,
while the occasional breeze wakes rns
thug symphonies in the dry, crisp oak
leaves, and causes ripples of discomfort
to follow one another rapidly over the
shining anatomy of the short haired
dog until he arches his back and tries to
gather himself together for warmth,
wlnle his tearful eyes protrude until it
seems a physical impossibility for him
to close the lids over them.
And it seems to the casual observer of
I’O' t'.c nature that even as
the chilly air carls the
leaves, so does it cnrl the
dog s tail until it has the
*Pl« - arance of having been
done up m papers. The
rosy apples have long ago
been gathered, and the
pumpkins have been put
aw >»y m the cellar and the corn stacks
have liven gathered aud are now robing
the inner cow, while the cobs are being
converted into pleasant pipes and pings
lor keeping the month of the deceased
porker ojs-n.
Tlu- gobbler struts about with great
dignity and pride, swelling with indig
nation when approached, and tossing his
Peat flaming red necktie about in the
»ir. and putting on more style to the
«qn.tre inch than a highly educated cir
cus hoyse capering to Mow music.
At this time the gobbler is being fed
so bountifully that he is
at a loss
son thereof,
cies that he is
to furnish
ingof the
daily lavished
*ud when he is confined
jj 16 cramming process
little dreams that it is
from moving about and
that might
jtwh or harden his
jn-'t might jiossibly
“®*°ty of a set of
ft is a pathetic
gobbler in training for a
feaf t. while he
? nrk y landscape where
/“•a* and whirrs, his in-
^naost spirit surcharged
hi a vague, unsatisfied
Earning almost equaled
- v that of a tooth
l^t shivering on
hjent while enjoying
Peasant vision of a
window,- full of
*htch in tone are
““rrs are striped
one leg f or a
m give him
*hi n t r ’ yet he
shortly be
^•hhd that
J® l **h brushes,
nR1 > over the
°n the pole of a
"hat ft L’lnrirmc
a glorious
teal state of affairs It is quite likety that
ImwouM not look upon the corn when
n 5° n the grot,nd ' «>d instead of
drinking the water set apart for his use
he would mt down in it like a duck,
while nestling in his bosom the fond
thi*V?£i Bn <* » departure might have
the, to him, salutary effect of developing
a nose cold or a good old fashioned at-
!l! Ck fl 0, c C ^ n8 that qnickly sh»k«
the flesh off his bones, feathers and all,
amd render him as cadaverous and woe
begone as a tailor’s collector in a biting
snowstorm. 8
He would doubtless stand in a deep
seal brown study, pictur-
ing to himself the happi
ness that could be his if be
could only become pos-
seeeed of certain patent
medicines that are war
ranted to make thin peo
ple fat and fat people thin.
He coaid then fatten on _
corn and red nee himself with themedi-
dne. and thus live like a fighting turkey
cock, and at the same time remain so at
tenuated as to render his chances of go
ing under the Thanksgiving carving
knife considerably slimmer than his
anatomy. He knows there is a certain
spring on the farm that contains chem
ical properties, but he does not yearn to
drink of it in the hope of reducing his
avoirdupois, for the reason that he knows
that its medicinal virtues exist only in
the circular of the farmhouse that would
gnther uuto the proprietor many shekels
of silver and greenbacks.
He knows that the proprietor gives the
spring a dash of qninine
early in the morning,
which fills it with a dis
gusting flavor that causes
the imbiber to fancy that
it is doing him great serv
ice, when in reality the
qninine pat in it has only
the effect of destroying the malaria
germs in the bnbbling fount, that «Hll
offers the imbiber a fair chance of con
tracting a good case of typhoid fevor.
Everything bespeaks the advent of
Thanksgiving. The 4:20
horse trot at the county
fair; the savory aroma of.
pnmpkin pie; the strident
ripple of the expiring pig;
!he farmer laying in a box
of dominoes and a barrel
of applejack to make the
winter night summery;
the call of the loon, the
piping of the quail, the deep, early twi
light freckled with throbbing stars—till
these suggest the season of Thanksgiv
ing. And when commerce is ready to
fold its sails to eat turkey, that poor
bird is still fattening himself to be a sat
isfactory medium of its, commerce’s,
gratitude. Bnt if he tbe gobbler only
knew; ah, me. wonld he then exclaim:
Ah, would that I'd been batched a wild
To roost on a sycamore tall.
Or lietter a rude turkey buzzard
That never is eaten at all.
R. EL Munkittrjck.
Thanksgiving Thoughts.
What a debt of gratitude do we owe
the New England fathers for the crea
tion of Thanksgiving day! The Pilgrims
landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620. and
celebrated their landing with prayers
and hymns of thanksgiving for their
safe deliverance from the dangers of tbe
voyage. The noble sentiment of grati
tude which fired their hearts on that
bleak December morning gave birth to
the New England Thanksgiving day,
which since 1863 has become a national
institution, designated by presidential
proclamation, the time being generally
fixed for it on the fourth Thursday in
It is an inspiring thought that this,
our only religions national festival des
ignated by the presidential proclama
tion, is a Thanksgiving day. For grati
tude ever brings blessings to the pos
sessore of grateful hearts.
We have other national festivals and
other religions ones, made so by legal
enactments, bnt Thanksgiving day is
unique in being at once national, reli
gious, legal and purely American—an
emanation from the heart and soul of
America. EL V. Battey.
No Disturbing Influence.
rtit HE last red and ,
rnsset apples had
been gathered,
ready to be stow
ed away in bins,
the last golden
pnmpkin had
been laid on the
pile, all the rest
of tbe produce of
the little farm
was housed and
the minister's
family was ready to settle down to a
season of rest and quiet after the labor
of harvesting.
The farm lay oh the outskirts of a
pretty New England village, and the
minister worked its acres six days in the
week and preached the seventh. His
salary was $300 ay ear and two donation
parties, bnt M*. Preston said that per
haps his preaching was about on a par
with his pay, so he did not -complain
even when he thought of his seven
daughters. They were all nearly grown
into womanhood now, aud three were
somewhat advanced toward old maid-
hood. Their mother had been a Mi«
Apple, and she had died when tbe young
est daughter was little more than a baby.
The pastor, who was a man as fall of
qaaint humor as he was of godliness,
called his girls his apples, the baby and
the next to her were called “blossoms,”
and the two eldest went by the names of
Nubbins and Twist, while the three in
termediate ones were called Rnsset,
Pippin (or Pips more often)and Ciderkin.
No one ever thought it odd or ontef
the way that the minister should call His
daughters by these fancifnl names, for it
was quite in keeping with his qaaint
character, and the seven daughters had
almost forgotten they had any other
Pretty these girls had always been,
good they were known to be, notable
housekeepers the five oldest were conced
ed to be, and yet none of them had mar
ried, and only one had even had a beau.
Some fourteen year previous there
had lived in this little place a handsome
young man who worked out his appren
ticeship at the glowing forge of the vil
lage blacksmith, and he had often been
9een to offer those little attentions which
spoke of his preference for Min Preston,
otherwise known as N ubbins, and she
received them with sweet gravity, in no
wise discouraging him. nor on the other
hand encouraging him Bnt Walter De
Witt was poor, and i.orse, for his fa
ther had died a drunkard, after having
broken his gentle wife’s heart, and so
the son not only ha., 'tie own way to
make In the world, but also to rise with
the weight oY fits father's misdeeds on
his shoulders. He did bravely, and the
people around spoke of him as a likely
young man.
As soon, or even sooner than the young
couple became aware of their growing
affection for eaeh other, everybody in
tiie village began to discuss the advisa
bility of such a marriage, and had set
tled every point to his or her own satis
faction, and the decision was that Nub
bins had better be cautions.
One lovely sumiber morning Nubbins
was walking slowly along the meadow,
keeping her watchful eyes upon the two
blossoms, who were respectively two
and fonr years old. She had brought
them out here to play in the daisy span
gled grass to give her sick mother a
respite from their childish noise, and
here she was when Walter came up to
her, walking and looking as a man does
when determined to do or die. He took
her hand shyly, yet firmly, and said-
bat it doesn't matter as to his words.
He asked her to marry him in his own
fashion, and Bhe answered “Yes” frankly,
sincerely and without coquetry, with a
world of tender joy in her tremulous
oice and a great glory in her humid eyes.
Holding her hand in his tightly he
said solemnly:
“May God make me worthy of so
precious a gift Bat, Nubbins, 1 have
also come to say goodby. 1 am going to
California—to the new gold mines,
where I shall work at my trade, because
workers are scane there and wages
high, and I think I shall do better at
that than hunting for gold. As soon as
1 have made mon'iy enough 1 shall re
turn for yon if you are still willing, and
we will then be married. Yon must not
look so sad, for I shall probably not be
away more than a couple of years.
And so things went on tor six years.
Walter wrote often, bnt the cost of hv-
Ing had been great, then he had been
robbed, and he-wrote that he feared she
wonld tire of waiting for him, and
begged her to be patient, and- added that
the hope of seeing her would nerve him
to new efforts, and he ended his letters
withjirotestations of love immeasurable.
No thought of deserting her lover had
ever entered Nubbins* loyal mind, and
her love grew and ripened and was
fuller and deeper as she grew older and
passed ,froin girlhood to womanhood.
At last a year went by without news
from Walter. Another wore its sad
length along and no letter; a third
passed, anil then his name wus spoken
in a hushed voice, as we speak of
the dead, aud other weary years
dragged on. monotonous, heavy, freight
ed with, an unaccepted sorrow, until at
last it was fourteen years since Walter
had left his promised wife.
Some said be had died." Nubbins could
not accept his death as a fact. Some
said he had married another. This
roused hei k> anger, gentle as she usually
was. Others again said, nodding their
heads, that he had doubtless taken to
drink like his father, and so had sunk so
low he was ashamed to write. This she
heard in pained silence, and only prayed
in secret that it might not be true. Still
be did not come, and she ceased writing.
Fourteen years had brought silver
enough to blanch the golden curls that
clustered an Nubbins’ forehead, and had
stolen tbe delicate bloom of her cheeks
and added a quiet dignity to her manner,
and she was now spoken of as the old
Miss Preston, though she wait bnt thirty-
two. The other sisters followed in age
with about two years between them, and
the youngest was almost seventeen.
Blossom they called her still. She was
almost tile counterpart of what Nnbbins
had been at that age. only she was more
lively, and was inclined to be coquettish,
which her father vainly tried to check.
So matters were on the last day of the
harvest when they were stripping the
trees of the winter apples, aided by sev
eral neighbors wbo were making a frolic
of it It was the day before Thanks
giving, which wonld be also “harvest
home” with Mr. Preston, and the even
ing was to be given np to games and
amusements for the young folks. The
afternoon was about half gone, when
they saw a stranger coming swiftly
across 4be meadow toward them. They
watched him with a high degree of ca
riosity as he came walking over the
meadow with strong, firm steps, like a
man well assured of his snrronndings.
He looked among the assembled peo
ple. and then his eyes fell npon Blos
som, who was standing beside a tree,
and be was by her side in a moment,
and caught her by the hands and drew
1* r closely to his breast as he said brok
“Nnbbins! my little wife! Forgive
me thra long Silence, for I can explain it.
Have yon thought of me? Yon haven’t
changed a bit, while 1 have grown old
and rough and gray. Why don’t yon
“In the first place, yon gave me no
chance with your great grizzly hear hng.
In the next place, I am not Nubbins, bnt
Blessom, and I think 1 have changed
since yon saw me last. So there, now!
Nubbins is over there by that pile of
baskets. I'll call her.”
Sweet Gum
great remedy
and Mullein is Nature’s
for cough , colds, croup,
and »11 throat and luDg
New let ns go, dear, and speak to yonr
father and ask his consent.”
Mr. Preston was shocked at first with
knowledge that his daughter was
enough to be sought in marriage,
he liked Walter and knew of his
brave straggles against fate, and after a
pause, daring which he choked down Ida
regrets, said, “Well, Walter, 1 am will-
Ing that yon should have my daughter j
as soon as yon can give her a home as
good as this one.”
Then they went to the invalid mother,
who consented tearfully, for she loved
(tii« first born child tenderly, bnt she
saw that Nnbbins loved Walter.
The old minister then laid his hand on
Walter’s shoulder and laqghed:
“Ah! Walter, I married a rosy Apple
and yon are going to take np with a
“1 prefer this Nubbin to all other
girls, Mr. Preston, and 1 woiildn’t
change her or her name for millions."
■So it was all settled, and Walter
started on his journey, and Nubbins re
mained at home to keep his remem
brance sweet in her heart after the
manner of women.
It was six long months before a letter
conld reach her, and six more before she
heard that he had started his little busi
ness, with good prospects. Then her
mother died and she devoted herself to
the care of the little ones and the gen
eral overseeing of their home. They
managed to live decently on the prod
acts of their farm and the $200 in spite
of the two donation parges.
•' • •'
wotjnd hail apparently EeaTetT. BoFwitB
its healing came a loss of memory which
did not return for years. Not in fact
till an ambitions new surgeon who I
performed an operation which result . d
in a core and the restoration of the lost
Then he went back to Morphy’s camp,
bnt there came no more letters from
Nnbbins. Then his best friend died and
left him a modest fortune, and with that
Walter started at once for his home and
Nubbins. Never for once did be t.Mnlr
she wonld be otherwise than loyal, bnt
he had feared she was dead. When his
story was elided he said:
“Now. Mr. Preston, we have no apples
in Chix.uruia yet, and 1 want yon to
give me the one yon promised me so
long ago, and we will start next month,
“1—you—Bloss—I have changed very
much, Mr. De Witt, and grown old.
Yon did not realize it. and now perhaps
yon had better think over it a little, 1
think,” said poor Nutibins, whose tender
heart had been bitterly wounded by bis
'Do yon mean that yon are married,
that yon care for some one else?”
asked he, hoarsely.
No, not that,” faltered she.
‘Well, then, what is it? Yon cannot
love me, now that 1 have grown old and
“No, It is
‘Is that It? Thank God that yon have,
else how could 1 dare—why, what would
I do with yon if yon were a child like
Blossom there? I prefer my Nubbins to
all the blossoms or handsomest apple in
anybody’s orchard. Now, give me one
kiss, my dear: just to show me Fm
awake, and we’ll be married tomorrow,
Thanksgiving day.”
The kiss settled it, and the wedding
did take place the next morning in'
church, after the service, where Mr.
Preston gave thanks for everything, and
afterward they all went to dinner.
Strange to say, in less than one year
from then Mr. Preston had seen all his
girls led away as brides.
And ft ubbins grew prettier and rosier
than she had ever been, with her sweet
dignity added to her yontbful bloom,
and “her husband praised Her.”
one; dollar a year
the Return.
The first freshness of his joy had been
givqn to Blossom, and it was with a be
wildered sense of strangeness and change
that Walter went to greet the cold,
stately woman that stood before him,
and the meeting Was constrained and
awkward. How*conld She meet him
warmly when an icy hand had clntched
her heart as sire saw another mistaken
for her?
Then Walter must tell his story and
greet all his old friends and be intro
duced to new ones. He had been caught
in a caving tunnel and Iub skull had been
fractured. A little piece of bone had
been fo/ced into his brain, and tie
1 who have grown old
For the Georgia State Normal School.
The Normal college is surely a cer
The bill passed by tbe legislature at
its last session e-tablishing a branch of
the State University to be known as
the State Normal school, is. being car
ried out.
Its government was placed in the
hands of five trustees, two of whom '
were named by the bill, these being
State cStnmisiones of education, S D. |
Brad well, and Chaucellor William E.
Boggo. I
Governor Nortben has appointed
tbe remaining three, and the Board of j
Trustees now stands as
State Commissioner of Education, S.
D. It rad we II
Chancellor William E Boggs.
Prof W. H. Baker, superintendent
of the publio schools of Savannah, for
two years.
Dr. A. J. Battle, principal of Shorter
College, for fonr years.
Prof. Lawton B Evans, superintend
ent of the pnblio schools of Augusta,
for six years.
This makes a splendid board and in
sures success to the institution.
Steps will be taken at an early date
to pat the Normal School in operation,
and the State may expeot good results
to flow therefrom.
KeElree’s Wine of Caniui (or weak Nerve
Carnesvilus, Ga., Nov. 16.—[Spe-
cial.l—George S Phillips/, local editor
of the Enterprise, is visiting relatives
and friends in Oconee County S. C.
Madam rumor has it, he has matrimon
ial intentions, and a West Union belle
is tbe fortunate lady.
Miss Minnie McEntire and Mr. J.
B. McEntire are visiting in Atlanta.
J. B. Parks, Esq , made a profession
al visit to Martiu today.
The Carnesville High School is in
creasing every day. There are now
about 110 students in attendance and
125 are the holiday figures.
The Great Man Comlenceudi to Chat
aitli Brass Huttop-*
It was 11 o’clock at night. He had a
small bundle nnder his arm and was
headed np Jefferson ave:»ue when he en
countered a policeman and said:
“My dear sir, 1 have just arrived in
yonr beautiful city and am looking for
the office of year leading daily paper. I
rather expected to be approached and in
terviewed at the depot, but the reporters
were doubtless culled away on some spe
cial ussigumenL My name is De Lisle,
sir—Professor De Lisle."
“Yes," replied tbe officer.
“Formerly o.f the editoritd staff of sev
eral bright and crispy western daily pa
pers, but of late years devoted to mnsic.
1 give lessons on several instruments, but
more notably the guitar aDd banjo.” '
“Reporters make it a great point to in
terview me wherever I go. At South
Bend they devoted nearly a page to me.
I a:u low on my farewell tour of the
United States. Don’t want to take up
your valuable time, bnt if you conld di
rect me to a newspaper office I should
esteem it a great favor.”
The officer gave him directions, and he
uttered his thanks and added:
“Nothing more is needed. 1 take tbe
elevator to the fourth floor and find the
city editor. A lways glad to see me. Al
ways cull me old man and other familiar
and endearing terms. Tickled to death
to think 1 cam Big scoop on oar con-
contemporaries, yon know. Scarcely get
through shaking hands before he writes:
“ ’Another big scoop! Our contempo
raries not in it! Arrival in Detroit of
the famous Pro fessor De Lisle, the world
renowned musician!’ Do you see?”
The officer thought he did.
“The article goes on to say that I am
occupying parlors at the Cadillac—
pleased to meet local musical critics—
will shortly organize classes in npper
ten society—going to fill a long felt want
and all that. The boys always spread
themselves on me, you know. Got a
scrap book with 1,730 elegant notices
from the leading dailies in the United
States. Papers in this town run on lib
eral ideas, I suppose?”
“They've been liberal enough to wol-
lop me several times.” replied the officer,
with a tinge ol bitterness.
“Nothing to worry over, my boy. You
simply went into the wrong purfesh.
J nst read the papers in the morning and
see how they sugar me. Do they have
society notes in the Sunday papers
“I believe so.”
“Capital! Look out for the Sunday
issues. ‘We are pleased to announce the
arrival from Chicago of Professor De
Lisle, who proposes to make Detroit his
home for the next year. Belongs to the
highest society. Received, with open
arms by New York’s Fonr Hundred.
Was offered $10,000 to write a book on
American socie ty and mannerisms, but
respectfully declined.’ Sorry for you,
old boy, bnt yon struck the wrong gait.
Yon know the town probably?”
“I think I do.”
“Goodl After my call at the newspa
per offices 1 shall want to put up for the
night at a quiet and modest hostelry.
Always do that until 1 get the lay of the
town. Object: Rest and recuperation;
also opportunity for qniet meditation.
Direct me to something at about a dol
lar a day. As I said, I don’t care for
gorgeousness, bn t I do want the com
forts of home."
The officer told him where he would
find such a place, and he scraped and
bowed his thanks and disappeared in
the darkness, saying:
“By-by, old chappie. Sorry for you.
but onr lines differ and we most part.
Watch for the papers. Keep your eyes
peeled for Professor De Lisle. Brass
buttons are so so, but a purfesh is the
thing.”—Detroit Free Press.
Why They Stopped.
Harry and Bobby were brothers eight
and i line years of age. Coming late from
school one day, their mother said:
“Why are yon late, hoys?"
Boaby, the younger, was usually the
spoktsman on such occasions, and he an
swer ?d:
“Tie stopped."”
“"V That did you stop for?" said mamma.
“To toe two boys flghtin.”
“Indeed! -and who were the boys!”
“Entry was one."
“Ah, indeedl and who was the other?”
“The other was me," answered the
unabashed Bobby.—Yankee Blade.
I will be at leis-
He Couldn't Help It.
Barclay, who is undergoing severe
pnnistment because he has been sus
pected of letting a kitten loose in the
ochooli'oom, laughs as though he en
joyed : t.
Teacher (banging np the rod)—Bar
clay, why do you laugh?
Barclay—I can’t help it, Miss Bray.
You’ve whipped the wrong boy.—Har
per’s Young People.
No Wondert
“Can you tell mo where I can go to
hear some good singing?” an eager look
ing gueet asked of the hotel clerk. “I
haven’t heard any in ten years."
“Yon haven’t!” exclaimed the olerb.
“ Where've you been? Traveling in
“No; I’ve been on the road with a
comic ojera troupe.”—New York Sun.
She Knew Her Papa.
A little girl aged nine called her father
toherbeilsidetheotherevening. “Papa,”
Bald the little diplomat, “I want to ask
yonr advice.”
“Well, my little dear, what is it
“What do yon think it would be beet
to give me on my birthday?”—Tayas