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' AOCDfy
_ Klt , IM4 I r«aa*Iidated wltk the
M'lSENt&iBTT. J Athene ■■
tanner, But. 1832.
at eventide.
c, that thou art dead.
•...» dear love, tbs
1 Thin by sweet face no uioro I see,
o'er ihy grave my tears aro shod,
*“ j | know thou conost to mo
il," tomcsl l • me. Thou comest to me.
,-eniuK shadows sound mo glide,
light's cares in darkness flee,
mat to iut< at eventide.
W'he.l ei day
Ttinu eo;
A,null I see thine eyes so tteck,
*Tliy she sweet jiresoncw j,t my side.
. „ „; v breath is on n.'J check—
.j.j n, wnon thou vert my bride.
n • .a tlion hast down away,
v I,,- iri m r gri. f can searco abide.
stsMUs each endless day,
tow blest the eventide.
w n u'giit her benediction sends.
’ f,| • .*•! . it lire seeks her rust.
spirit blends,
:i too west,
fii > i contest' to me.
i my i . m-uojh guide.
■ wad -. Tor t:ioe,
i holy eventide,
e'.pics in V.mkeo Blade.
•‘i:E called HER IN.”
“Is the ladder set against the win
‘‘Since yon seem to know, ma’am."
said 1, -it is.” ’
“Ah, Romeo! Your cheeks are ruddy
—yonr poppies are too red.” 1
A True Story of True Philanthropy.
“Then I’m glad my color’s come back;
for, to tell the truth, you did give me a
“I wonder if it idealizes her?”
We stand beside the statue of this fa-
torn just at first. Yon were looking mous WOUKm . Margaret of New Orleans,
out for me, no doubt” * and. after the mapner of strangers, con-
“My prince!” She stretched out her J ectnre on what wo tor the first time see.
arms again, and being pretty well at my I .* Not ** aU >” a voice answers in the
wits’ end, 1 let her embrace me. “It
has been so long,” she said, “oh, the
weary while! And they ill treat me.
Where have yon been all this tedious
‘It looks just like
I was not going to answer that, yon
maybe sure. By this I had recovered
myself sufficiently to guess what was
near the troth—that this was a mad
soft southern tongue,
Ah, thank you. You live here?”
“1 was born here: this is my home."
“You were here during the war and
yellow fever and everything? and was
Ben Butler so dreadful? and have you
seen Cable?”
A nod answers each one of my young
me nibi shut the door!
struggling with my pride and
Hied, iti which the more '
i Ikt. t lie greater fain
; her faro again;
: eonscbiua where my feet
wa:-1 deep iu the sweet
e, where she
e had pi licked that day,
•ice had cast away.
^•lu nml blooming in these eyes of
I it lie
I each one eagerly
IwT.-vi i; t,i iey !:;u and drank the wine
e-s left there for the honey bca.
tif. ..'i t' I ha I laid them with the tress
Off r bright hair, with lingering tender-
ct Tt
ant - s'
on to the edge that bound
■niug honse hut all around
i of Iter! The windows all —
nia! 1 heard no rippling fall
u a. nor any harsh voice call;
i the tangled grasses, caught
gli a strong man bowed his
lad sunbed n lorn— nn l—«d -uncomfortedi
An! itiea straightway before
ilv tiurle- . i've.,, all vividly was wrought; it i- w ith me evermore;
A little girl that lies asleep, nor hears
Swlinds led any voice, nor fall of tears.
Acd I »it siagiag o'er and o’er and o’er.
-Ual railed her iu from him and shut the
-James Vvhitcomb Riley.
Form the Argonant.
aunt of the family below, and that the com l )am,m ’ 8 impetuous queries,
game was in my hands if I played with *‘ How del ’o htfalr concludes my
decent care. So I met her question with fnend . bnt th » shakes her head and
another. tape her fan lightly on the girl’s roft
“Look here,? 1 said. 'Tm running a oheek and “Mwingly: “It dfd not
considerable risk in braving these perse- f* 111 “ if 1 would Uve tbro ®S b >t. bnt 1
enters of-yonr’n. Hadn’t we better elotm .?* aud now comes one who calls my
at once?’ *** trials ‘delightfuL’ How cruel!”
I am ready.” “Ah, pardon! But 1 was thinking of
And the jewel*? You won’t leave ! hat ““ who wrote the do
th em to your enemies, I suppose.” I f* cloU8 fMme. Delphme.' I was think-
She turned to the dressing table, lifted
her jewel case and put it into my Lands.
“I am ready,” she repeated; “let na bv
tolck and stealthy *■ death.'
She followed me to the window aud.
looking out, drew back.
“What horrible, black depths!”
“It’s as easy,” said 1, “as pie. You
could do it on your head—look here.” 1
climbed out first and helped her, setting
her feet on the rungs. We went down
in silence, 1 choking all the way at the
ing how perfectly lovely it must be to
live here and know him—and then to
live in a city that has had snch a history
—it is so romantic. And can yon tell iu
anything about Margaret?”
“This little space—‘Margaret place,’
It is called—it is a pleasant spot to rest
With this invitation, given more in
looks than in words, we seated onnelvea
near our new acquaintance on the settees
know all are buried above ground in
crypts or ovens of masonry, and when
you visit our cemeteries—as strangers
always do, for there are no burial places
like these in America—yon will see stone
tombs (containing one, two or four
dozen bodies maybe) inscribed: “Given
to the Little Sisters of the Poor by Mar
garet.” “The Strangers’ Tomb, Given
by Margaret.” 1 suppose Margaret
spent more money for the city than the
richest man in the history of the state;
and of the sympathy and discernment of
the needs of the poor the half could
never be told. She spent nothing on
herself a clean, blue calico, stoat
shoes, a black straw bonnet, a knitted
jacket or ahonlder shawl, an iron bed
stead in a room without even a rocking
chair, and overlooking the bakeshop.
She had no time to enjoy luxuries, even
had she possessed them. Ae long as
there was a weeping child or a friend
less woman in the city, what time had
she to fold her arms in a rocking chair?
While there wore nnbnried, coffinless
forms, coaid she adorn her home of the
living? And so it happeued that to the
end of life Murgaret spent neither time,
care nor money on herself. She forgot
there was such a mortal as Margaret.
“And when, one day, the news went
around that Margaret was dead, the
great city arose and put on monrning;
the bnuness houses were dosed; ull the
employments of the city stood still. The
day of the bnrial thousands of her little
orphans followed her bier as mourners;
every church sent delegations of honor
bearers; the pnblic school children joined
in tne throng; the houses were draped
along the line of march; all the bells
in the city tolled; civic and military
A Norwegian Story of Daring.
in the little park. The perfume of March i j°toed in the procession with ecdesiaa-
roees overhang the city; we forget in its
The house in question was what Peter
jtr Scholar (who corrects my proof
tints) calls •'« of the rusinnrby sort—
ft? frout facing a street and the back
looking over a turfed garden, with a
fc- tree or two. a laburnum, and a
hwa tennis court marked out, its white
Ems plain to see in the starlight. At
a! of the garden a door, painted
hr* given, led into a narrow lanebe-
Itwn hit. ,i walls, where, if two persons
set,one had to turn sideways to let the
Kher pass. The entrance to this lane
nuut in two by a wooden post about
Ike height of your hip, and just beyond
thij.iii the high road, George was wait-
tu for us with the dogcart.
We had picked the usual time—the
lanet hour. It had just turned dark
od the church clock, two streets away,
ta# (aiming the quarter after eight
men Peter and I let ourselves in by the
frt-u dour 1 a poke of and felt along the
nil for the gardener’s ladder that we
bt.v was hanging there. A simpler
jb there never was. The bedroom win-
on the first floor stood right open to
he night air, and inside was a faint
Height flickering, just as a careless
•sid will leave them after her mistress
has gone down to dinner. To be snre,
ihete was a chance of her coming back
to pat them out, but we could hear her
toiic K'mg in the servants’ hall as we
kited the ladder and rested it against
the ail.
"Sue's good for half an hour yet.” Peter
vhiqered, holding the ladder while 1
to climb; ••but if I hear her voice
•top. I’ll give the signal to be cautions.”
1 went up softly, pushed my head
f®tly above the level of the sill and
wke,] iu.
It was a roomy place, with a great
•a tester bed. hung with curtains.
Jading out from the wall on my right.
^ curtains were of chintz, a dark back-
Jtound, with flaming red poppies spraw-
®3io\er it. and the farther curtain hid
|*wessiug table and the candles upon
' wd tae jewel case that 1 confidently
- f”d >o stand upon it also. A bright
Is carpet covered the floor, and
jwtdl paper, I remember—though, for
't ufe of me, 1 cun not tell why—was a
We gray ground, worked up to imitate
Jeered s >lk, with sprigs of gilt honey-
**«<> upon it.
1 looked around and listened for half a
B ! ? te - The honse was still as death
t here—not a sound in the room or in
with his month open and his lips too
weak to meet the curses and wonder
ment that rose np from -the depths of
him. When I touched turf and handed
him the jewel case he took it like a man
in a trance.
We put the ladder back In its place
and stole over the turf together. But
outside the garden door Peter could
stand no more of it
“I’ve a firearm in my pocket," whisper
ed he, pulling up. “and I’m goiug to fire
it off to relieve uiy feelings, if yon don’t
explain here and now. Who, in pity’s
name, iB she?”
“You mug—she’s the Original Sleeping
Beauty. I’m eloping with her, and you’ve
got her jewels.”
“Pardon me, Jem," he says, in his
gentlemanly way, “if I don’t quite see.
Are you taking her off to melt her or
marry her? For how to get rid of her
The poor old creature had halted, too,
three paces ahead of ns, and waited
while we whispered, with the moonlight,
that slanted down into the lane, whiten
ing her bare neck and flashing on her
“One moment,” I said, and Btepped for-
portions of that quaint old town imparts j
a pensive melancholy to its beauty. Near
by ns in the green grass is a pool set about
with a low border of cactns; a mimic
fort, with all its bristling thorn guns out.
and its blossom floating from toe ram
parts. which are guarding from snch
fierceness only a lazy fleet of water lilies,
under the shade of which there is a whirl
of goldfish. A stone footbridge crosses
the pool and spans the river of cactuses.
It is a very odd and tastefol device, this
pool; and the little park in which it is
placed is unique in its way. There is
nothing overdone, neither neglected. It
is a well kept, refreshing, simple setting
for the statue itself.
“She was a working womnn-
From the time that Aslang was quite
grown np there was no longer any peace
or quiet at Hnsaby. In fact, all the
handsomest young fellows in the village
did nothing but fight and quarrel night
after night, and. it was alwayrs worse on
Saturday nights. Aslang’s father, old
Canute Hnsaby, never went to bed on
those nights without keeping on at least
his leather breeches and laying a good
stoat birch stick on the bed beside him.
“If 1 have snch a pretty daughter.” said
old Canute, “I most know how to take
care of her.'”
Thor Nesset was only the son of a poor
qottager. and yet folks said that it was
be who went oftenest to visit the farm
ers daughter at Hnsaby. Of course, old
Canute was not pleased to hear this. He
said it was not trne;.that, at any rate, he
had never 'seen him there. Still they
smiled, and whispered to each other that
if he only had thoroughly searched the
hayloft, whither Aslang had many an
errand, he would have fohnd Thor there.
Spring came, and Aslang went np the
mountain with toe cattle. And now.
when the heat of the day hung over the.
valley, toe rocks rose cool and clear
through the sun’s misty rays, toe cow
bells tinkled, the shepherd's dog barked,
Aslang Bang bier “jodel” songs and blew
the cow horn, all toe yonng men felt
their hearts grow sore and heavy as they
gazed upon her beauty. Aud on the first
Saturduy evening one after the other
they crept np the hilL But they came
down again quicker than they had gone
np, for at the top stood a man who kept
guard, receiving each one who came np
with snch a Warm reception that he all
bis life long remembered the words that
accompanied the action, “Come np here
again and there will be still more in store
for yon!”
All the young fellows conld arrive bnt
at one conclusion, that, there was only
one man in the' whole parish who had
thought it was too bad that this cot
tagers son should stand highest in As
lang Husaby’s favor.
Old Canute thought the same when he
heard about it all. and said that if there
_ „ ■ „. ( tics; there never was here a funeral like
sight of Peter below, who was looking I deliciousness the signs* of decay that in j Margaret’s.
—jj - - “Afterward it was found that her pos
sessions had been so disposed that had
death conte nt any moment toe affairs of
this life were well and intelligently
wound up. There were no personal ef
fects of value, bat even her few gar
ments she left to the poor, and with the
proceeds of her wise investments her
charities are royally endowed.
“This statue is the gift of the city, to
show in this pnblic way the esteem in
which toe is held. It is very like Mar
garet. The motherly figure, seated with
one arm encircling a standing child at
her side; the untrimmed dress, coarse, , .....
shoes, the little crocbetted shawl about were noone who conld check him
her shoulders are homely, bnt who would j be would do it himself. Now, Canute
, m —,—„ ollI _ change them for finer clothing? The | certainly getting on in years; still,
ant here. When I first remember her smooth hair, with its old fashioned French j although be was past sixty, he often eu-
I was living near here, and she was tak- parting; the strong chin, the pleasant | a guofr wrestling match with his
ing care of the cows in a stable that month, the eerions eyes—is there not
stood almost on the very spot where her something fascinating in toe contradic-
statne stands now. She was working tions of the face?
then for the sisters of the asylam. She j “Lid you ever see snch a head on it
1 woman’s-shoulder*? Massive, wonder-
fall That is the head of a statesman
and financier, while its month, with its
pleasant smile, telling of the tact and
natural suavity of Margaret's character,
proclaim the elements of a born diplomat.
ward to her; “yon better take off I short, stout figure. I do not suppose she I look again at the broad, massive
those ornaments here?2iy dear, and give ever in her life .wore any dress better ! brow , and see the earnest, loving eye
them to my servant to .take care of. I than a Guinea blue calico; she always ! that speaks of a true womanhood; look
wore heavy shoes and a black straw ! once more at the coarse garments and
bonnet trimmed with a neat band of 1 you will see that poverty added her load
stead, so she unfastened the dog, and,
without saying anything, walked farther
on. She sat down, so that toe conld see
across the valley, bnt the mist was rising
there, and prevented her looking down.
Then toe chose another place, and with
out thinking more about it. sat down so
that she looked toward the side where
lay the fjord. It seemed to bring peace
to her soul when she conld gaze far away
across the water. — -
! As she sat there t* a ftmey struck her
that she was inclined to sing, so toe
chose a song with “long drawn notes,”-
and far and wide it sounded through
the monatains. She liked to hear her-,
self sing, so toe began over again when
the first verse was ended. Bnt when she
had sang the second, it seemed to her as
thongh some one answered from far
down below. “Dear me, what can that
be?” tho ught'Aslang. She stepped, for
ward to the edge and twined her arms
urouud a slender birch which hung
trembling over the precipice, and looked
down. Bnt she conld see nothing: the
fjord lay there calm and at rest; not a
single bird skimmed the water. So
Aslang sat herself down again, and
again she began to sing. Once more
came the answering voice in the same
tones and nearer than the first time.
“That sound was no echo, whatever it
may be.” Aslaug . jumped . to. her feet
and again leaned over the cliff. And
there down lielow. at tho foot of the
rocky wall, she saw a boat fastened. It
looked like a tiny nutshell, for it was
very far down. She looked again and
saw a for cap, aud under it the figure of
a man, climbing np the steep and barren
“Who can it be?” Aslang as ki-d herself;
and letting go the birch she stepped back.
She dan*d uot answer her own question,
hnt well she knew who it was. She flung
herself down on tho greensward, seizing
the grass with both hands, as though it
were Bhe who dared not loose her bold
for fear of falling. But the grass came
np by the roots: toe screamed aloud aud
dug her hands deeper and deeper into
the soil. She prayed to God to help him;
bnt then it struck her that this feat of
‘‘Well,' 1 ’suppose you have something
to he thankful for, haven’t you?” said the
kind lady as she passed out a generous
slice of Thanksgiving turkey to toe
“Yes, indeed, ma’am,” he replied, a
peaceful gleam lighting up his eye. , “It
is over a month now since any one haa
offered mo work.-
snob fists, and that man was Thor Nes-
seL All the rich farmers' daughters Thor’s wot.hi 1»« called “tempting Provi-
fed und milked their cows and sold milk
in a cart about the city. She was a
strange looking person—remarkable in
her appearance. I think now as I recall
her she had a broad forehead, serious
eyes, a pleasant, broad smile, a rather
There’s a carriage widtinglfor ns at’ the
end of the lane, and when he has stowed
theip nnder the Beat we can climb in and
drive off”
“To the end of the world—to the very
rim of it, my hero. ~
She polled the gems from her ears,
hair and bosom and bnnded them to
Peter, who received them with a bow.
N ext she searched in her pocket and drew
out a tiny key. Peter unlocked tho case,
and, having carefully Btowed the dia
monds inside, locked it again, handed
back the key, tonched his hat and walk
ed off toward the dogcart.
“My nearest lady.” I began, as soon
as we were alone between the high
walls, “if the devotion of a life’
Her bare arm crept iuto mine. “There
is bnt a little time left for ns in which
to be happy. Year after year I have
marked off the almanac; day by day I
have; watched the dial. 1 saw my sisters
named and my sisters' daughters; and
still I waited. Each had a man to love
her and tend her, but none had such a
man as I would have chosen They were
none like you, ray prince."
“No, I dare say not.”
“Oh, ;bnt my heart is not so cold.
Take my hand—it is firm and strong;
touch iny lips—they are burning”
P*. *' assa ^w beyond. With a nod
l.‘ w 10 bold the ladder firm 1 lifted
utv-. Vue bill, then the other, dropped
• carefully upon the thick carpet
"eat quickly around the bed to the
black over the top. From my residence
I could see her many times a day while
she was at her stable work or coming
back and forth with her milk cans.
‘What was her name? Her name was
Margaret Haoggery; she had been mar
ried, and at that time was a widow.
Her has baud and little child died jost
after toe came to New Orleans; so we
learned after she became famous. She
was alone and poor in a strange country,
and went to work in the stables for a
living. Somehow, everybody liked
Margaret: her smile Was awset and her
words shrewd. The children called her
Margaret, and toe kuew their names
and answered their salntations along
the street as toe drove by in toe milk
‘After some years Margaret had saved
enough to buy a bit of ground that had
on it a small bakery. The place was
sold for a trifle, but now Margaret was
in royal trim—a landowner and a manu
facturer; for she opened the shop and
began bread and pie making for the
neighbors. Presently there was a large
bakery built; soon bread carts were run
ning over toe city bearing the Words,
‘Margaret’s Bakery.* It became toe
A low Whistle sounded at the top of fashion to boy at Margaret’s place. Dor-
the lane.;* As I took her hands I poshed I ing war, pestilence and disaster Mar-
her backhand turning rati for my life. 11 garet’s fires were never out, and the de-
soppose that as I ran 1 counted forty be-1 licioos rolls kept up their weight and
fore her scream came, and then the quality, no matter what else in life failed,
sound of her feet pattering after me. I Then Bhe began running her free bread
She must have run like a demon, for carts during the fever panic. No one
I was! less than teu yards ahead- when went hungry who was within sound of
Peter caught my wrist and pulled me I uer cart wheels. From that time on no
np onito the back seat of the dogcart I one need go hungry in New Orleans—
And before George-coijld set the hone those too poor to buy were given a loaf
goingi her hand .clutched at the flap on I fresh and white as the best, and it was
which my feet rested. It missed its given heartily, with a ‘God bring thee
grasp! and she never got near euongh I better times.’ There was no distinction
again. But for half a minute I looked | in Margaret’s favors. She gave to white
1 »t the corner, and as soon os ever
,iroun<i tlie chintz curtain, my
EL f‘i ve "’ay. and I put out a hand
U ‘ c
„( n ;V h * ( '‘ ressi, ig table, and in front
tvirt- i,lassin which she conld see
Re face, was an old lady seated,
fewn W ° re a Waze of i eweLj and a low
• ° u t of which rose the scraggiest
ond shoulders I have ever looked
ft hair was thick with black dye
tastenea with a diamond star. Be
il on ) two the powder show-
»ij] . r cllt ‘ e k bones like floor on a
fcrtio" COiil '. on hand, she was
i ’ k steadily into the mirror before
into that horrible face following ns and
working with silent rage: and for half a
mile at least I heard the patter of her
feet in the darkness behind. Indeed, 1
can bear it now. h- * — . -
I and black, of any church; or none. ‘Are
you hungry? that is all that was neces
sary- ‘Here is bread; take it with God’s
blessing.’ There have been in this city
dread days, which seemed as if God and
everybody had failed us but Margaret;
days when toe almost literally fed toe
city. During the yellow fever panic
Margaret began her noble work of taking
How to Cure All Sk«n Diseases.
8 is ply apply “Swathe's Oiktsext. No
atm™ ilchMWtfoni on* the tare.Tandll'ntwa, I children from the homes of deato
etc . {earing the Akin clear, white and h-altny. putting them into a honse nnder
grew iuto many; the dozens of her little
charges were numbered by hundreds—
to the ordinary burden of womanhood',
while ignorance, bereavement, affliction,
loneliness join hands with poverty against
this soqL But the massive brow con
quered, the nntaught brain triumphed,
and under the leadership of the sad, gen
tle eyes gave to the suffering what might,
had she been a man born in other cir
cumstances, have been the gain of nations
and toe glitter of the trapping Of a diplo
mat. “ *
“When. 1.consider what Margaret did
for atop ci ty nnder snch desperate disad
vantages, I wonder what toe conld 1 have
done for the world if all toe environ
ments^ had been right. 1 was .thinking
of that as I looked, in passing tor the
hundredth' time, at the strong, fascinat
ing free this morning, when yonr ques
tion met my ear.
“Y|es, it looks like her, and there will
npve^ be another in marble like it to the
end of time. 8he was a grand character
—tender, strong, original, pitiful, help
ful, wise.”—New York Evening Sun.
Bed Bair.
A well known physician,who has made
human hair a study for years, in an enter
taining lecture on red hair said: “The
great Italian painter, Titian, was so fond
of red hair that he raved about it, and at
one tone is said to have offered to sell
his tool to the devil provided his hair
would turn red. This passion for red
hair has raged fiercely since early times.
About every eight years red hair cornea
in style, and the belles try to color their
hair in conformity to the prevailing style.
They often use poison; and that’s where
we come in. At one period in history,
however, red hair was the subject for
universal scoffing.—Philadelphia Rec
ord. 1 .J ~ • 1 !—♦ ■ :ar 1 n
A MUlaadlnc Sign.
u. A sign made of cardboard letters, hung
on a wire in a furnishing store, an
nounces to the public of .Boston that the
establishment is “Blank’s Shirt Store."
'Blit toe r of the final word somehow
slipped along toward the preceding;
word, find the passers by were surprisec
to read, “Blank’s Shirts Tore.’—Ex
; Piles! Plies! Itching Piles!
SthptOUb—Moisture; intense itching snd
most at night; wares by scratching;
Kittens fob Dinneb.—4 * and at the tim(J of her death thousands,
mark ably fate bcfeU a JlTa resident of At the gate of every orphan asylum in
A fimilv of ooppios and tho aforesaid smoking rolls, .was seen daily; at every
ftto of kittens were left one after- ’ charitable institution whatsoever she
'!£!?££££ the lot. Mischief was )tool£ the privilege, of giving her bread
St* that
even in my fright, 1 had time I and th0*0 poppies waged war upon ■ freely, and Margaret’s name headed to*
s glass of sherry and a plate t t,e kittens devouring 'beni every one.. f or every charity.
stinging; most at n-ght; wsrea oy scraicm
if allowed to continue tumors form which
ten bleed and ulcerate, becoming Tery sore.
8 atxb’s Onrraajrr stops the itching snd
bleedinr, heals ulceration, aud iu most casea
ran. ores the tumors. At druggists or by mail
for S5 cents. Dr Bwayne A Son,Philadelphia.
Potatoes HS a Profitable Crop.
A New York World correspondent
writes: “Taking the years as they come
believe potatoes one of the most profit
able of onr standard farm crops, and
the consumption of them seems to be on
the increase. There in no crop in which
eldest son wheneyer time indoors fell
heavy on his bunds.
There was bnt one path up to the
mountain belonging to Hnsaby. and it
went straight through the farm garden.
Next Saturday evening, as Thor was on
bis way to the mountain, creeping care
fully across the yard, harrying as soon
as he was Well past the farui buildings,
a man suddenly roshed at him.
“What do yon want with me?’ asked,
Thor, and tot him snch a blow in the
face that sparks danced bofore his eyes.
“Yon will soon learn.that.” said some
one else behind him. aud gave him a
great blow in the back of his neck.
That wasAslang’sbrothm.
‘.‘And here’s the hired man,” said Old
Canute, and attacked him also.
The greater the danger the greater
was Thor’s strength. He was supple as
a willow, and hit ont right manfully; he
dived and . he dneked: whenever a blow
fell it missed hjm, and when none ex
pected it he would deal a good one. He
stooped down, he sprang on one side,
butfor all that he got a terrible thrash
ing- Old Canute said afterward that
“lie had never fonght with a braver fel
low.*; They, kept it np till blood began
to flow, then Canute cried ont. “Stop!”
Then! he added in a croaking tone, “If
yon can get up here next Saturday, in
spite of Canute Hnsaby and his men, the
toe girl shall bb yUnrH!”
Thqr dragged himself home as best he
could; aud when he reached the cottage
went straight to bed. There was a great
deal of talk about the fight up on Hns
aby hill, but every one said, “Why did
he golthere?” Only one person did not
say so, and 'that was Alsang. She had
been expecting, Thor that -Saturday
evening, bnt when she heard what had
happened between him and her father,
she sat down and cried bitterly, and
said to herself, “If 1 may not have Thor
1 shall never have a happy day again in
this World.” ; m . ■ ’ • i f
Thor staid to his bed all Sunday and
when j Monday came he felt he most
stay on where. he was. Tuesday came
and itiwaa a lovely day. It had rained
to thei night: the hills looked so fresh
‘hnd gheen, the window wa* open, sweet
odors were wafted to, the oowbello were
tinkling on the mountain, and far np
above some one was “jodltog.” Truly,
if it h^d not been for his mother, who
was sitting in the room, he conld have
cried, i Wednesday came and still he
staid in bed; on -Thursday; though, he
begin to think about, the possibility of
lieing Veil again by Saturday, and Fri
day fodnd him on his legs again. Then he
thought of what Aslang’s father had said,
•‘If yon can get up to her next Saturday
without being stopped ‘by’ - Canute and
bis men the girl shall be yours.” • Over
and over again he looked np at Hnsaby
farm. ! “I shall never see another Christ
As before mentioned, there was but
one path np to Hnsaby hill; but surely
any strong, able fellow must be able to
get to' it, even though the direct way
were barred to him. For instance, if he
were to row round toe point yonder and
fasten his boat at the one side,.it might
be possible to climb up' there, although
it was so very steep' that the goats had
great difficulty in climbing it, and they
are not las n ally afraid of mountain work.
» Satunlay came, and Thor’ went out
early tit the morning. The day was
mo6t beautiful; the snn shone so bright-
dence,” ami toe. cfore he could not ex
pect help from above.
“Only just this once!” she prayed.
’Hear my prayer just this one time, and
help him!*’ Then she threw her arms
round the dog, as though it were Tbor
whom she was clasping, and rolled her-'
self on the grass beside it.
The time seemed to her quite endless.
Suddenly the dog began to bark. “Bow
wow!” said he to Aslaug, ainl jumped
upon her. Aud again, “Wow, wow!”
then over the edge of the cliff a coarse,
round cap came to view, aud—Thor was
in her arms!
He lay there a whole roinnte, and
neither of them was capable of uttering
a syllable. Aud when they, did begin to
talk there was neither sense nor reason
in anything they said.
Bnt when old Caiinte Husaby heard of
it ho uttered a remark which bad both
sense and reason. Bringing his fist down
on toe table with a tremendous crash,
“the lad deserves her,” he cried, “the
girl shall be hia!”—Translated from the
Norwegian of Bjorusterne Bjornson for
Strand Magazine.
A Con\’erautl:»ti lit Scotch.
The Scotch dialect has a peculiar use
of vowels, which is as unintelligible
to English ears as the cooing of the
wood dove; bnt which seems to be easily
understood by those accnstomed to toe
vernacular. Here are a few specimens
called from reminiscences of Scottish
life and character.
The conversation is between a shop
man and a customer, and relates to a
plaid hanging at the shop door.
Customer (inquiring the material)—Oo?
Shopman—Ay, oo. (Yes. of wool.)
Cost outer—A’ oo? (All wool?)
Shopman—Ay, oo. (Yes. all wool.)
Customer—A” ae oo? (All same wool?)
Shopman—Ay, a’ ae oo. (Yes, all same
wooL)—Detroit Free Press.
(I Cautious Lover.
Jopn Shorger has been paying his at
tentions to Miss De Smythe. He has
come very near proposing several times,
bnt did not dare risk it for fear she
might refuse to accept the nomination.
He got around it very nicely, however,
while escorting her home from church.
He sa(d:
'Miss De Smythe, if there is anything
to the world 1 dislike it is to have a
young lady refuse me. 1 wish yon
would tell me if yon would say ‘yes’ to
case 1 were to ask yonr band to mar
She piggested that he try it, but he
thought he had better wait awhile until
he conld see his way more clearly.—
Texas Siftings.
' j ENCE
Is what we understand when Dr Spald
ing, aii eminent Baptist divine, or Gal
veston, Texas, writes: “Send me two
bottles,of Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of
Sweet >Gum and Mullein- li I* for
friend suffering from consumptio
is a preparation I
ence to be good.
know from experi-
A Oleum of Sunshine That Crept li- on
- TliuiiksBlvInK Morn.
A great room filled with plain benches;
a platform on which there is a desk and
a parlor organ; light stivatnng in from
queer barred windows far up tho white
washed walls: an air of repress! >n even
in the solitary fly bnzzing abort:; a si
lence almost visible filling tot whole
A door near the platform opera and a
bushy whiskered man enters. He es
corts np the steps to seats baclt of toe
organ and desk a number of ladies and
gentlemen. Be carries a heavy cane
which he grips tightly as he returns to
the door where four stalwart fellowe
also armed with canes are ranged. He
asks them some question to which hey
nod assent, and then remounting the
platform presses a button in toe walL A
bell clangs responsive to his touch, the
great gates at the other end of the
apartment swing wide, and there march
in a thousand men whose heads are
downcast, whose faces are clean shaven,
and whose garments are alike as to every
The light band of each rests on the
shoulder of the person just in front of
him, and the step of the multitude is
synchronous. At the word of command
each company takes a certain aisle und
goes to designated seats. All about to
the passageways are more people with
canes. Another touch of the electric
hell, and the big entrance closes. Six
guards armed with revolvers have their
station there.
The bushy whiskered man motions to
his companions on the platform. A lady
seats herself at the organ, the others
cluster about her, and in a moment the
room is filled with melody. Patriotio
songs follow old fashioned hymns. Then
toe village pastor sendB up a petition to
heaven on behalf of those assembled,
and follows his prayer with a short ad
dress. touching in its tenderness and ap
peal. Again the bnshy whiskered man
comes into prominence. He stands by
the dejsk and says:
“Men. since 1 have been warden of
this prison l have never known a twelve-
month in which greater order and good
discipiine hn»v prev.d’i 'l than in the one
just ended.' Iwitdl i .. show that l ap
preciate your obedience. After dinner
the remainder of the day is yours. Yon
may talk, sifioke and sing as much as
yon like, and each corridor in succession
will be granted the freedom of the yard*
for exercise! Guard 12. direct convict
1,182 to step this way.”
At the order a man still yonng, but)
with ineffable sadness on his face,,
walked to the front He stands silently!
before the warden who continues: ]
“I think yon all know and like thla
man. He has nursed yon in sickness,;
advised yon against foolish outbreaks,
and, although never a talebearer or spy,,
has greatly aided the keepers and myself
to elevating the tone of the prison and to
rendering somewhat tolerable the re-i
stratot toe law has placed upon yon..
James Wharton," he went oa, turning!
to the .man before him, “yon are nal
longer 1.182; yon are now a free citizen]
of the. United States, with all you)
rights restored. The governor has
granted yon a foil pardon; yonr wife,!
mother and children wait for yon to thaj
'office: the big farm wagon is oatside to«
wall gates, and this afternoon yon mayj
eat you dinner in the old country house)
where yon were born.” ■ •
The assemblage come* as near ap
plauding as it dares; the organ strikes]
np “Praise God. from whom all bless-!
togs flow,” and James Wharton fallal
fainting to toe floor.
Fred C. Dayton.
Nine Ruslnesa Blocks Burned.
Burlington, Vt., Nov. 24—The most
disastrous fire in the history of Middle-
bury Was discovered about 7 o’clock
p. m., to Parkhurat’s store, and before
it was under control nine business
blocks were burned. The water supply
was ont of order. Firemen responded
from Burlington and Rutland, and
aided to saving the tow.
No Laps Over.
Death of a Promlnont Minister.
Chicago, Nov. 24.—Rev. Ezra Marsh
Boring, D. D,, died of old age at the
home of his son, in Evanston, Mr.
Boring was one of the oldest living
“hand tne glass, tuiueu
!•*£ “ d 3o£d6o.«K>,.
jjj* Priucer “
Sterne 1 ’ 11 * sbar Ply around, she held
f — wnn arms.
curr >’ Stood at her elbow | >, bev bit the heads off of the unfortu-; .- 0ur Charity hospital, one of the
Whu! i t0U K® pots and powder puff*, nate kitten* and ate their bodies. ..., j famous to the worid^was largely _ r _ ___ __ „
til jgf * 8to °d stock still and pretty, ■ • ~ ' toeqgift of Margaret. You must visit-. t jj e production can be more favorably 1? *hat |the • Verjr bnkhee seetoed aliVe.' i pastors jn the Methodist church, and
a^ 101U of *n>'wits, she rose, still ] < TOUGH WORLD. thathwpitaL It will make you better : bflnenccl by good cultivation and the Upou toe —■—- hiie hfinn prwreto—tly identified with
‘‘fhL my im *& in th ® K 1 *"- fcW* 1 „ i -frintnrlA rules a population of all j^rar life for having »< en it. Right ^ manufaepm*! fertilizers. If : “jodling,” and there was much blowing the church here since the Chicago dis-
u* nto<L«n„ ~—,— , —a u-r-ator number of people through the trees there, at the right, do planted early, unless the season is re- of horns. When evening came he was trict was established.
than ver acknowledged the sovereign- yon see that magnificent building with nmrkably bad, the crop is likely to be a sitting at his cottage door watching the r * r J
tv of* any orb* r person in either an- fa four galleries running around the f u j r iy good OU e. When there is no steaming mist rise up on the hills. He I McElree’8 WiflC Of Cardlli
mj ' -*—■— Tho Mayor £rst four stories of toe house? Its gate ’ ^ - - *•-*-* n(itxM\« • i
tells in golden letters that this is a chil
dren’s home, given by Margaret, where
to the end of time orphans will be cared
&» Tecome '-* u «tr
* ( KtW®, 0t “® ob to say to this ex-
****** So I confessed it. Even
W ^Z M ? dle8 behind her Loooldeee
a dog’s, and an
id conld
tv of iany l- . .
cicpt or modern tunes,
of Athens will
^'X“b“ d urS.S T ; r
m„.Lim.M'l"™, e l”rS)
r „..o -pow will g”’ of r ( lh* w»ruij
» liT e e .; TJJJ. h f ‘ d r V.V.^kK
get the pity a «owu clock.
for and educated by her bequests. Many
of onr cemeteries contain in form of
handsome tombs Margaret’s simple yet
pnunificent thoughtfulness. Here yon
scarcity the price is seldom so low as
not to pay well for the raising, and once
to every two or three years crops are
light enough in many sections to make
prices generally high, when.even a small
crop is a profitable one.”
looked tjpward—all was quiet; he looked ,
over toward Husaby farm—and then he and THEDFORD'S BLACK‘DRAUGHT are
jumped into his boat and rowed away . for ■tale by the following merchants to
round the point.
Try BtACK-ONAUGHT tea tot Pyapagtfa
Aslang sat before the hnt; her day’s
work was done; she was thinking Thor
would not come that evening, and that
raaoy pthsre ni|hl psfsa
E S Lyndon, Athens, Ga.
.1 B Fowlkr, near Ath- a<.
J W Hakdy, neat Athens.
B T Brumby & Co., Athens.
L D Slidii A Co.. Athens.
Wife—y°u going to have turkey
for Thanksgiving, dear?
Husband—I am, on one condition.
Wife—Pray what is that?
Husband—I want to be perfectly sura
that the one we had last year is all gone,'
f vou are bilious, take Eeechana’
’ :•! m