The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, December 01, 1891, Image 3

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►f the Immense Stock JACKETS, CARPETS, ETC., ETC. AT JULIUS COHEN & CO.'S. It will be Sold in SMALL LOTS to suit Merchants FOE CASH. ■ m Sale to commence Tuesday, Dec. 8th, and will continue from day to day until the entire Stock and Fixtures are all disposed of. REMEMBER THE DATE. The Trade in general will do well ^uy suc ^ as they may need. From this t : me until the day of the Auction, we will sell at 50 per cent, less than value. [ppTREMEM- BER, ONLY UNTIL THE 8TH OF DECEMBER to avail yourselves of THESE GREAT BARGAINS. fl^T TERMS CASH. ^ CHARLES W. BALDWIN, Receiver. A CRISIS IS COMING- the RICHMOND TERMINAL IS IN DEEP WATER. DIRECTORS MEET AGAIN. V atters In Bad Shape—Where Is It al] Going to Er.d?—The Herald’s Ac count of the Meeting. Xtw York, Nov. 28.—The Herald today gives the following account of the Ji.chmcDd Terminal troubles: 1 i e indications point to a rapidly ap- pruai'.iing crisis in Richmond Tennis nal allairs. Aithougli the bock f:r the annu l meeting in December has been cii« , i! looks as if there might be a decided animated straggle for the con trol fur the property. llie East Tennessee and Central Georgia |>eopie, while ostensibly in I anr.cny with the lnmau faction, are by many suspected of hostility, and a va ry general impression prevails tli»r the opposition of the “outs’’ is rapidly i. iy.-i di:zl: g into a vigorously practi ce lorn;. 1‘ i imerests involved in t, ie Rich- in : .'et miaul system all had a lively vie >i it yesterday, it was made very h ■ i < ;u iy in u,e day in mid around 1Y..U stru t that there was an unusual s. * * tn.niig me officials of the Terminal A BIC FAILURE. New York Brokers Compelled to Close Up. New York, Nov. 27.—Bdward 15 Field, Daniel A Lindley, John Fred erick Werchers and Herman G. He. mers, composing the firm of Field. Lindley, Werchers & Co., bankers am* brokers at No. 1 Broadway, hav. assigned to Charles W. Gould withorn preferences. The failure was announced on thr produce exchange at noon, but the grain market was only slightl> affected. The honse is an old one, bm latterly has been somewhat rcstricteu in its dealings. The failure is aUri- bnted to the advance in corn hero and at Chicago. They had been protecting some large lines of corn from the S. V. White deal and had been on the short side of the November market, and a few days ago bad to cover 600,000 bushels. Their operations were mainly in Chicago, but to some extent here. Other articles have gone against them, it is said, es pecially coffee, while they had some dealings as well in Wall street. Just how umch of the amount the firm finds itself unable to pay is not yet dear. The grain markets were only slightly affected by the failure. The head of the firm is a son of Cyrus W. Field. CRISP IS LEADING- MR. MILLS GETS MAD AND LOSES. m u.- f convened at half a doten here plans or campaign were LOST! LOST! g,Lo«t to the oity of A thens the city ;.i d f'-.r Hire at the general meeting : dock by not electing me its mayor, but c. idr. ciors which took piaco m the at- am in noways discouraged shall try it-: noon : i d w. 8 attended by Sidney again if the city does not become Sodo In. on, G oige J. G U'd. .lolin G tr.iz d before the term of the raayor- .M nt, b.inuet Thomas, John 11. In- elect expires No, 1 don't feel bad ai all, nor disheartened, but do pitv those nidi mi d lie complete uirec'o Alt mu were r< presented, and it i ,-...'e :t s»y flat the .-.Harrs of the a y-1« :i> u:ly complies; d system were \t r,. Kiurply dbcussed. NomiXO TO 8 vY. \V'.at actually did occur brhind the ii.1' v c t st-d and guarded doors of J > i lin.sii’e t flice, w be re the con- it i. i o -whs i eld, rt iiiamsas yet a se cie . i tie directors came forth from u eir | t.#-woa with tb>; seal of silence • i t; t ir !ip». They wer tleal t<» it qui ri< s yi d mu naily numbts to the a-— ln^s ci ihe afternoon. a 'i ihut could b- learned from ihe i- i.i t-iii pariicip'iita Wnsjbat the con- It; c<- mi informal <>’.*. .y the way —lu. i r■, sulttiVir.o d- lii.i e action of art Ku u w ha .ever, and coat it would I e < untiuucd today It is believed, I" V vV ‘ »• th « a r nr ' u;l ‘ TE* Sheriff Wmr and will be sold by him. it-; o ant! approved at ye-terday’s meet- „. other poor fellows that got left, they were sosanguine of success, and worked ?o hard, while 1 have received all I ex pected from the start, and done n«» work Cheer up my disheartenedcororades, let us try it tigain with t pair of Skill the jewe'er’s diamond spectacles. I am j well pleased with th« Mar or eected Affectionately, V. W. Skiff. | IN THE SHERIFF’S HANDS. Mr. Zeke Edge’s Store Is Closed up Atnens nas another failure on hand Thursday the sheriff walked down and closed up Mr. £ S. Edge’s furni ture store under the foreclosure of a m irtgage on the stock. The goods are all in the hands of mg. . A It hi ugh the Richmond Terminal -coiK-em is undoubtedly in a bad, way, ii" rt- will nevertheless be rich pickings upon its bones for whoever coutrols its Vust system. This perhaps not alto- Fi-Mur unpleasant duty will devolve upon the Board of Directors to be elect eii next month. '1 lie “ins” profess to be confident of I currying ihe ejection, as the books are closed and proxies held in abundance, r ut it is recalled that in the case of the S; Louis and San Francisco Company a few years ago the Seligmans, after the books had been closed and proxies ar ranged, went into the market, bought the stock ana with it in hand confront ed those who expected to vote on tha proxies. But whoever wins, both “ins” and “out.-.” are bent upon preserving the vast, system in its entirety The question of passing the dividend on the preferred stock was not decided at yesterday’s meeting. President 01- coit. of the Central Trust Company, w ho is a trustee for the holders of pre- IT DOES CRISP GOOD. The Fight Is Really on Now—An Inter esting Telegram Direct From the Nation’s Capitol. will support. Representative MoKin. ley of New Hampshire ia the secretary of the delegation, and. will call the meeting. He has been an ontspoken adherent of Mr. Crisp, bnt ia now claimed by the Mills contingent. He bad a long conference with Mr. Bvnum at Mr. Mills’ headquarters yesterday af- Mr. Edge was seen by a Banker reporter yesterday and he said- that he would come out even if bis good* brought any thing: like what they cost He estimates the value of his stock at flye thousand dollars and the mortage foreclosed is for a much less sum The mortgage was foreclosed by s friend of Mr. Edge, and Mr. Edge «aye that he thinks everything will come out even. Washington, D. C., Nov. 28.- [Spe cial.]—It now begins to look more than ver like Crisp of Georgia will be the winner in the Spe ikership race. He is winning friends ou all sides by hi9 coolness and manly behavior. Mills is mad and that means much for Crisp. The fact ia that Mr. Mills is losing both his temper and his heart at the rapidly increasing vote of some of the other Speakership candidates. Mr. Mc- Millin indignautly declares that he will not retire from the race now nor later in the fight, and Mr. Spriuger says the same thing. The friends of both of these candidates claim that every day adds to their strength, and in fact. Mr. Springer now counts upon more than thirty supporters, who will stick to him first, last, aud all the time. The increase in Judge Crimp’s vote, especial ly in New York and New England, ban also brought consternation to Mr Mills, and caused him to be a little indiscreet in his utterances. Mr. Hatch came ia today and now all the candidates are on the field. The contest may now be said to be ac tually on. Although there are, as yet, comparatively few Congressmen in the city. It is already apparent that the fight is to be made very largely a mat ter of Democratic policy, the latest in dicatiou in this regard being the de parture of Senator Gorman for New York in the interest of Mr. Crisp, and of Senator Carlisle for the same oity in behalf of Mr. Mills. This gives some evidence of the intensity as well as the importance of the pending struggle. Mr. Mills has parlors in Willard’s Hotel. Mr. Bynum, who has become * full-fleged supporter of Mr Mills sine his withdrawal from the contest, assist* Mr. Mills in receiving and entertaining visitors. Judge Crisp has quarters it the Metropolitan. His frieuds are fig uring that he will receive almost, if uot quite, a hundred votes on the first bal lot. In tbia estimate are included the votes of New York, nearly all tbi. Southern members, and some strength THE MARKETS. Banner Office. Athens, Nov. 28 — A general slump and a m >st inexplica ble one ends up the week’- work. , Buyers set-m to have dropped out of themaikct and left the speculators with the bag to hr Id, giving them a slight , bite more than they could chaw. Liver- ternoon. Friends of Mr. Mills say that, pool led off with a decline of five sixty the delegation will vote as a unit for fourth", followed by New York which j opened nix to ten points off, and dt- _* ... ... „ . . I dined to the close to twelve to fourteen Forty or flftF of Mr. Springer s ' points below yesterday, friends from Sprinyfidd reach here to- 1 The local 'market, was exceedingly night to enter upon the work of securing q ljSL a l.l? 7 . Hay No 1 . Timothy per ton $18 Bran per lOOIbs $1.15 Oats Feed 45 to 50 Oats Rust Proof 60 B' St Texas Rust Proof 65 Meal 78 to 86c Bagging 2il> Full Weight 7c “ 2^1b “ « 7* Ties $1.40 to $1.45 N.w Grain Elevator. GALVESTON, Tex., Nov. 25.— James Stewart &Co., of St. Louis, contractors for the construction of the 1,009,000- - , j bnshel grain elevator for the Galveston . n , . . . , _ . 1 he wcoK nas shown an udvAnpo won wiinrf pjimnsnv arri va*l Iiato and im- ^®, S . pe ^ e ” h ' P fo *; him - In th « Party and lost, the highest prices bolding on ■ mediately commenced operations for the will be the State Treasurer and many ; Wednesday declining steadily to today, elevator which will cost $200 000 and prominent officials. Mr. Springer Liverpool quotes January-February .. .. will be in the flight until the end delivery today at three sixty fourths be “ ln Untu tae . l end * i low last Saturday and New York, Jan With Mr. Hatch will cornea special car . uary at n j ne points decline. Spot cot- filled with his personal friends, inclad- • ton is practically unchanged, although iug Gov. Francis and the members of ‘ Liverpool today is 1-16 above last ■ week; the market, however, is dull j while last Saturday it was steady with i large sales. The stock at the ports has DeLeon, Texas, July *3, 1891. increased 7,000 bales in the six days. the State Central Committee. IIIWAN Bxos , Savannah, HA. a Lents—I’ve used nearly four bottles of P. P. . 1 was afflicted from the crown of my h ad ’•o the sulo of tny feet Your P. P. P., has cured dlffl' ulty of breathing and smothering, palpitatiuu of the heart and relieved me of a l unin; one uostriel was . lose;! for ten years, now 1 can breathe 'hrough it readily. 1 have not slept ou either sids tor two years, In (act, dreaded to see night c->me, now 1 sleep soundly in any position all nigh'. I am 69 years old, but expect soon to be able to take bold ol the i low handles; Keel proud I was lueky enough to get P.P.P., and I recommend it to my tiiendsand (he pubuc gen erally. Yours reepectfuliy, A M. RAMSEY. The State of Texas, 1 Coun jot auuiaucbe. f Before the undersigned authority on this uay, personally appeared , M. R many, who af er uulnit duly sw^ru, says on oath that the fore going statement made by hliu relative to the virtue of P. P. P.medictne i* true. a. M. R vtlSBY, Sworn to and subscribed before me ibis, August 4th, 18*1. J. M. LAMBERT, N. P., Comanche Co., iexas. ATHENS MARKET. Good middling 7 9 16 Strict middling 7 7-16 Middling 7 5-16 Strict low middling 7 3 16 Low middling 7 7 16 Tinges 7 7 4 Stains 6 6-4 R ceipts, 456 bales.; sales, 364 Receipts to date. 33,165 stock, 8,847 Tone, quiet. NEW YORK MARKET. Middling, 81-8. Tone, easy. Futures, opening tone, weak, closing tone, weak Opening. Sept. Oct. Nov Dec. wilt be the largest south of St. Louis. ABBQTTS a nc PAIN i iPf>MAh r 8 :: . r,: 5'0 R lit C' ^iPROPc? S AVANN AH GA EXE' U 1 ER’S SALE. Every one should use P. P.T.: nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood. PRICKLY A5H Poke Root and Potassium is the greatest blood purifier of the age. It cures all Blood and Skin Diseases, Primary, Sec ondary, And Tertiary Syphilis where all other remedies fail. P. P. P r Prickly Ash POKE ROOT and Potassium will cure Syphilis, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilitic Rheu matism, Malaria,01d Sores,Blood Poison and Dyspepsia. If your head aches and you are out of spirits take P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke Root, aud PDTA55IUM For a Tired Feeling, Impure Blood, Dis and Weakness all Closing. P ferrrd stock aud has in trust for tb the 25,001 shares (constituting a m-v- j of Richmond and Danville stock, was uoketl what action he and his Co- trustees would take in behalf of holders in case the dividend was passed. IF THKY PASS THE DIVIDEND, t resident Olcott’s strategic reply was to the>effect that he had not perused the <leea of trust in a long time and w as so lamentably rustv as to its pro- visious that be would be forced to Siudy it carefully and consult with bis A PHILOSOPHER’S OP NION Voltaire said to a b- sni iiul young lady with whom he was riii ing. “Your rivals are the perfection of «■»; you are the perfection of nature ” Thi- c<*uld not have been said if the young lady was suffering from disease, and pam bad left'its signs on the features. Wo men who want to keep b autiful, and be the “perfection of mture,” s ould use “Favorite Prescription” to assist Nature when needed, to comet irreg- em ularities, aid circulation and digestion, and thereby clear up the skin, render ing it soft and beautiful. Dr. Pierce - Favorite Prescription is the only medi cine for woman’s peculiar ills, sold through druggists, and guaranteed to give satisfaction in every caao, - money refuted. MBS A BAD RUNAWAY. Mr. Z. W- Betts ia oadly Injured In Oconee associates, Alfred Bully and J. B. Pace, _ morDjne -g, w b 1 v in 1 - ■ determining upon a course of Friday morning air. a,. action. * ' over into Oconee county on c n nj »»ail street naturally was alive with. tourf and after a' day’s work, «;>s rt Ktclunond Terminal rumors, j es’erday, one of fhem being to the effect that par ties representing $5,000,000 of the ci m- paev’s bonds wer^ negotiating with the Fiist National Bar.k to acci ptprox i s and tase an active interest in the Terminal management. In the absence ol both president at d vi e president, ihe cashier of the First Tvaiiounl H’-nk *!-b..ic>i u*e that the re port was f -ui;f?»tion!e*s “Our people here” suit he, “have ro b-en, ap proached by ’lerminal bondholders, as rumored, aud under no circumstances would make any deni with them. ^ -1 “ story is made out of whole cloth.’ Interest in to-day’s meeting is llt ' cidedly keen and spicy development* are generally regarded e- ul least ;osbi- ble. turniugby the way of Osceola When uear that p ace, hi- bor b< came frightened and ran away L’b buggy was overturned amt Mr Bet thrown violently to the ground Hi shoulder was dislocated, he was*ev. rel bruised in the face. He vu oth uninjured. The Youth’s Companion mrke« si \utumn gift of the heatife! p i-ting, entitled, “A Yard of Roses” to each o’ its five hundred thousand sabsenbers Any others who may subscribe now foT 1 the first time, and request it, will re ceive “The Yard of Roses” wnhont ex tra charge while the edition If yon aie JHils. biiioua take Beecham £ Everv familv should take this brigh es* and*best of illustrated literary pa pers in addition to its local paper. HAVE THEY .DONE IT? Some Good Advice Which May be Some Have Taken. Speaking of Thanksgiving Diy and the season generally the American- Times Recorder says. The Athens Banner heaves in some good advice to be used as a relish with the Thanksgiving dinner. It says: “It is the season of rendering thanks. And along with it comes the season of debt paying. It is not easy to render thanks at a season such as this until your debts are paid. Have you paid up for the year? If not try by all means to pay the printer. The newspaper has greet ed yon each morning of the year with some good news,making it visi’s as reg ular as does the rising sun. Surely you will pay the newspaper what you owe it.” 7.76 7 70-2 Jan. 7 93 7 89 Feb. 810 8 5-6 Mar. 8 24 8.19-20 Apr 8 38 8 33 4 May. 8 49 8.44 5 Juno 8.58 8 55-6 July 8.69 8 65-8 Aug. 8.73 8 70 1 ; Liverpool. Middling uplands. 4)£ Tone, dull and easier Sales 6,000. American receipts Futures, opening tone weak, closing tone steady. OPENING. CIA Sep Oct Oct Nov. Nov. Dec. 4.22 Dec. Jan. 4 23-2 Jan. Feb. 4 26-5 4.24-5 Feb. Mar. 4.30-28 4 27 8 Mar. Apr. 4 33 4 4 30-1 Apr. May 4 35-7 4 33-4 May June 4.39-7 4 37 June July 4.42-40 4 40 July Aug. 4.43 Receipts a*, all U. S. ports Nov. 28. 1891 ’•890 1889 the West. Mr. MoMillin is also at be Metropolitan. He denies emphati cally that he intends to withdraw from he contest. It is believed that Mr. Mc- Millin will have about thirty votes on the first ballot. He is the second choice of & large number of Members. The vicinity of Mr. Springer’s head quarters in the National Hotel is pla carded with signs announcing bis candidacy. The logic of Mr. Springer’s candidacy, as presented by his friends, the enlargement of the Democratic Presidential possibilities in the next election. Even if the Democrats carry the State of New York, New Jersey, Connecticutt, Indiana, and secure three electoral votes in Michigan, they will have only one more than a najority. It is claimed in behalf of Mr* Springer that if the Speakership is given him it will do a great deaiJoward nsnnng the twenty-four votes of HU- tois for the Democratic column. Mr Springer starts in with bis thirteen col- eagues from bis own State, a majority f Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan dele gations, and «ome strength in the cen ral Slates. He has two votos in Ohio* Messrs. Houk and Warwick. It is said fiat only four other Ohioans are com- uitted, Messrs. Owens and Outhwaite or Crisp. It i* reported that five of the India) a Congressmen besides Mr. Bynum, alt «vbo have thus lar arrived in this city > h »ve declared io newspaper interviews or Mr. Miiis. The T x*n candidate iow credited with four out of the tec representatives from Kentucky, and of ne other six, four are said to be for *lr. Crisp, and two, including Mr loodnight. are for Mr. McMillio. The action of the New England Con gressmen is awaited with interest. As hey have decided to vote as a unit heir position is of some consequence They will bold their final meeting ,his city next week, and will then de cide upon the candidate whom they A TEN DOLLAR GOLD PIECE FOR A CENT. Sometime ago, a gentleman bet that if he stood at the corner of Broadway and Fourteeth street, New York, and offered gold eagles to the passers by for cent each, he would find no purchas ers. The experiment was tried, and it turned out just as he said. No one would believe that the coins were genu ine. It seemed too gh&d to be true. An equally remarkable offer is that made by the proprietors of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Ditoovery, the sovereign cure for consumption. Think of it 1 restora tion to life and health for a mere song There is not a case of lung-scrofula—it other words. Consumption—that will uot yield to it, if it is taken in time. It is the greatest blood-purifier ever known and iB guaranteed to benefi tor cure in all diseases of the throat or lungs, or money refunded. Only extraordinary cura tive properties could warrant or sus tain its makers in selling it thus, on trial. THE ELECTION WEDNESDAY. Managers Appointed by the Council The Council met yt sterday afternoon at four o’clock. The main reason for the called meet ing was the selection of managers for the election for city officers to be held in this citv nsxt Wednesday The fo'lowin ■ citizens were appoint ed manager* ’or the dlfl‘*vnt ward with tb ' jtIi whig or-o'n > at tin same piaoe.' ; a ou last Weim adiy: 1st. ward.—.Joseph Eiaeri<>k, Sr.. A H. M Bennett, and Peter Culp. 2nd. ward.—Davit Hemerick, J. E Bradberry, and A. M. Scnddcr. 3rd. war*'.—J G. Evans, Calvin W Par, and H. Brusse 4th ward — J. C. Orr.M. AI. Maddrey, and T. P. 01>ver. It is urged by all that a full vote be polled fo' t be democratic nominees next Wednesday. Thousands ot lives are saved annual ly by the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral In the treatment of cronp and whoop ing cough, the Pectoral has a most marvelous effect. It allays infl-tmation frees the obstructed air passage, and controls the desire to cough. at the Co. rt bouse door of said caunty the fol- x» d.., lowing proper.y to wit. The tie., it. Johnson yieldreadily to P. P.P. For Sleepless- oid home place on the Athens and Jefferson ne83, Exhaustion and Malaria use P.P.P. road three lies from Athens in cald State a- d county, and containing One hun i^edat)' 1 seven: T three and a f ret Ion (■•a lmacre-. -a‘d tract nil' "ecot i • o .me lots and ..ill >e fully e pUnicd ; nd -down uy man Old;? of s t‘e. It being the ».la e whereon Allen B. John-on lestdeo st the time -of his _ , death- ant. bounded ov is ds or M. b. McGint , Catarrh and a Shattered Constitution, M '• H c ersoo. JactBO'.ifiui \ ncent, t els e both male and female, nothing better i W. A. < tie'end, end o» •*. * >)Old as toe pmp- -p p p ° , ei-ty of said Aren J' -io.msoo, deceased, to,- t,.e wain r. r. xr. benefit of the erectors of smi deceased 1 eras cash. This No< eu'her Stli ‘S»K ■itGEMIAU JOHNSON, Vxecutor. FDR fNEORGIA CLARKE COUNTY —'Theapprats- VT ers,appointed by me to appraLe and set . .. , . , * „ - apart, out of the e tate of John u< ol - by, late ladies whose systems are poisoned and. ot said co nty, deceased, a twelve months sup- whose blood is in an impure condition, port for the widow and ^ror Child of Sa^drfe- due to Menstrual Irregularities, are ocaSed. nave made their resort which is now on ; . _ „ it hie. and i will pasa upon same at to > .’clock a. peculiarly benefited by the wonderful m. *t uny office on the nr.t dnv ot December,, tonic and blood-cleaii8Uig properties of 1891. 8. H. Hkbbinoton. Ordinary. at all U. S. 1891 ”890 31331 46,291 Total receipts for 1 days: 1891 1890 31,331 46,219 Total port receipts to Nov. 6. 1891 1890 2,488,079 2,401 833 Brocks st nil U.S ports 1891 1,218,1 1890, 673,079 Groceries and I Provisions. Moure. J S. King & Co. report Sugar—Standard Granulated Bbl ExC •< Flour. Family Straight Best Patent Coffee Hams best Meat Lard BestLeaf—basis Corn white Mixed Ji 6K Bbl FARMERS’ Institute Meeting. A Farmers' Institute for the 8th Congres sional District, will be held On Saturday, Dec. 12th, at 10 o’clock, A. 11.. In the University Chapel, Athens. All farmers, especially of the 8th District, and all interested in scientific and economio agri culture, are cordially invited to attend. The Institute will be conduct ed by the Officers of the College of Agriculture, . under the auspices of the local Farmers’ Alii 5 . ance and the Farmer’s Club of Clarks Co. ADDRESSES will be made by officers of the College, the alliance and the Club, by Horn James M Smith, of Oslethorne, Hon. J. R Bobbins, of aotbera interested in progressive x" Bbl $5. $5.25 to $5.65 mi *6.00 to $6.50 1 A«icufture Th ia will be interesting 12X to 13c I able sod all farmers are cordially invited and GX to 7c I nrged to attend. < 4 9c * ’H. C. WHITE, nfe. ’ President College of Agriculture. gg c j Deo. 1—wStdsunlt Potassium, the sli diseases of , t, and .test cure known for BLDDD. ZJPPUAN BROS., Proprietors, SAVANNAH, .... GEORGIA. G eorgia,clabke county, obdinabs’s Office, November sotti, 1891—James B. Spinks has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Sarah a, G Spinks, deceased. This is therefore to notify ail concerned, to file their objections, If any they have, on or before the first Mondsy la January next, else letters will then he granted said applicant as applied for. 8.61. Hebbinoton, Dec. l-wfft. Ordinary. OEOBG1A, CLARKE COUNTY, COURT OF 'a Ordinary Chambers, November 13th, 1891—The appraisers appointed upon applica tion of Annie Shaw, coi’d, widow of Henry Shaw, cot’d for a twelve months support for herself and minor children, having filed their return, all persons concernened, are hereby cited to show canse, If any they can, at the next January term of this court why said ap plication should not be granted. 8. U. Herbixgtos, Deo. l-w6t. Ordinary. /GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY, Ordinary’s vT office, November 30th, 1891.—B. H, Noble, Administrator of T. H. Dearing, de ceased, has appled for leave to sell the land of said deceased Tbl* is therefore to notify all concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in Jannajnr next, else leave will then he granted said appli cant as applied for. 8. UT. Herrington, Dec.lw-Ot Subscribe lor the W drdinary^ffll The Full Prospectus of Notable Features for 1892 and Specimen Copies will be sent Free. Brilliant Contributors. Articles have been written expressly for the coming volume by a host of eminent men and women, among whom are The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. — Count Ferdinand de Lesseps. — Andrew Carnegie. — Cyrus W. Field. The Marquis of Lome. — Justin McCarthy, M. P. — Sir Lyon Playfair. — Frank R. Stockton. Henry Clews. — Vasili Verestchagin. — W. Clark Russell— The Earl of Meath. — Dr. Lyman Abbott; Camilla Urso. — Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. The Volume for 1892 will Contain Nine Illustrated Serial Stories. 100 Stories of Adventure. The Best Short Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches of Travel. Hints on Self-Education. Glimpses of Royalty. Popular Science Articles; Household Articles. Railway Life and Adventure. Charming Children’s Page. Natural History Papers. 700 Large Pages. Five Double Holiday Numbers. Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly 1000 Illustrations. “A Yard of Roses.” FREE TO JAN. i, 1892. To New Sobscribcrn who will cut out nnd Meml us this slip with nmne and addrcsM and Si .75 we will scud The Companion Free to .fnn.« and for a Full Year from that Date. Till* offer include.* the THANKS GIVING, CHRISTMAS anil NEW YEAR’S Double Holiday Numbers. We will also send a copy of n heaiilifu! palnt!?icr. entitled “A YARD OF ROSES.” Its production has cost TWENTY THOUSAND DO!.!. A US. j s comp r> KlMlws. f *“♦ KM;