The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, December 01, 1891, Image 4

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■ _T | TjrT~MK TTrj~i-n(Ti—iiyTinm — in--Tr-nifui.ii.i-i.iM. „ ... g| | v f:—.; , ATHENS BANNER TUESDAY MORNING ■ DECEMBER V 1891 ATHENS WEEKLY BANNER iriibllahed Dally, Weekly and Sunday, by THE ATHENS PUBLISHING CO. BEMSKN CRAWFORD Managing BditoY. 0 D. PLANIGEN, ...BuslneaaManager. Tu Athens DAILY Bannkr Is delivered ,$3.(HllUl DlAIUVU,UI<|.l,WiV, UUOTMHWUV-V The weekly or Sunday Banni Bfl.ooper year, W cents for 6 months. Invariably Cash lnad- anoe. Transient advertisements will be inserted at the rate ol gi.0t> per square for the first Insertion, and so corns for each subsequent Insertion, ex- eep eon ract advertisements, on wnleh special rates can be obtained. Local notices will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line each insertion, except when eon* tractea for extended periods, wb. n special rates 1,111 be made. Remittances may be made by express, postal ote, money order or registered letter. All basin ess communications should be ad dressed to the Boslness Manager. THE GEORGIA COTTON CROP* The following Georgia special in the New York Times gives some in- formation of the cotton crop in this State: "From first to last there has not been a rainy day daring the cotton* picking season, so that the entire crop presents the highest grade. The unexcelled weather for picking is also a guarantee that the crop has been pretty well marketed. "Now attention is being directed toward the size of the crop saved. To take one county as an example, it is estimated that the cotton crop of Talbot county will be 2000 bales short, which, at 9 cents, (the pre vailing price in former years,) would amount to $90,000. Then the pres ent indications are that there will be a falling ofi of about $7 50 per bale in the price of this year’s crop, which is estimated at about 10,000 bales in the connty, making another loss of about $75,000. 'These two sums added amount to $165,000, or a redaction in the rev enue from the cotton crop of about $12 each on the county’s 14,000 in habitants. This would indicate a shortage of 200,000 bales throughout the State. has already said : "Nothing can be done, however, without money. But where is the money to come from ? There are very few who wonld con tribute more than a few dollars un less they would be benefited by hav ing Georgia represented at the fair. And they wonld contribute nothing at all unless they could be assured that the exhibit wonld be one of which Georgians would not be ashamed.” The first thing to be done, there fore, is to get the railroads interested in the matter. Let them seek to make it a great display, then others will follow, relying upon it that the exhibit will be snch as the Empire State of the South will be glad to call hei own. But one copy of The Savannah Press has come to us. What can be the mat- r with Editor Stovall’s manipulating figures if they cannot give a mi re cor dial itor of the Atlanta Journal, is the most graceful, easy dancer among the Geor gia editors. If so, he dances very much like he writes. LARRY GANTT’S ADVICE- Editor Gantt of the Southern Alli ance Farmer urges the farmers to hold back their cotton. He says: We are opposed to meddling in the private affairs of our members, and while frequently asked for our advice about selling cotton, we de clined to express an opinion. But since the staple has gone be low eight cents, we say to every far mer in Georgia, don’t sell a bale un til an advance takes place. It costs you more than the price now paid to raise cotton, and don’t give away your toil to the speculator. There is no cause or reason for this decline in price. The crop is FOURTH ESTATE FELLOWS. press? They say that Jack Cohen, news ed- rf] Editor Shackelford, of the Oglethorpe Echo, was in the city a few days ago. Shack is always welcome to Athens. igui cle has grown giddy whirliog through the dreamy waltzes of that confounded Kinness. He no longer decorates the Chronicle’s editorial page with his Stiing of Beads” and “Diamond Daz- zliDgs.” CATARRH CAN’T BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, they can not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and iu order to cure it you have to take in teranl remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by oue of the best phy- a cians iu tbis country for years, and Biregular prescription. It is compos of tbe best tonics known, combined with tbe best purifiers, acting directly, on the mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect combination of tbe two ingredients wbat produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. 8end for testimoni als free. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Props, Toledo, Ohio. Sold b^all druggists, price 75c. EXCITEMENT. Another Bank Failure People. Startles the Berlin, Nov. 20.—Borlin was startled by the announcement of the failure of another financial institution. Thi* time it is the Berlin Banking and Ex change company, that has been unable to meet its obligations.The police havi taken possession and closed the head office here. The firm has a number of branch offices, and these too have been closed by the police. How the News of His Sickness Is Told In Washington. j TOOMBS DUBOSE. fteiis it tilt: r: ■— | Says the Washington Chronicle: , . , . .■ Tbe many friends of Toombs Dullose “Thanksgiving day, and a circus to ( reflet to learn that he is right sick boot.” . at Ids homo in Chicka-uauga. A letter to his sister Mrs. H. O. Colley, on Sat- Dyspepsi a jPew people have suffered A ROW IN COLUMBIA. A CUTTING SCRAPE TOOMBS DUBOSE SICK. The numerous friends of Rev. F* T. DuBose, all over Georgia, will be seriously concerned to know that he has been quite sick at bis home in Chickamauga for the past few days. Mr. DuBose was taken very criti cally sick last week and a telegram was received by his relatives here in Athens a few days ago sammoning them to bis bed-side. The latest news from the sick man is that he has typhoid fever, and is quite dangerously ill, though evis dences of improvement are noted. Rev. Mr. DuBose is well known all over this part of the South. He is a grandson of the immortal Robt, Toombs, is a graduate of the State University, has been one of the lead ing editors of Georgia, and is now prominent among the ranks of Meth odist ministers. Everybody hopes to hear of his recovery. In Which Ned Lester Comes out Sec ond Best. Athens bad quite a lively cutting scrape yesterday afternoon about three o’clock. It occurred in the building on Wall fully 30 per cent, short, and when it I street just opposite Bob Lampldn’s old is marketed you will so find. We 8t t? d : T . . „ . * . Ned Lester and Charlie Crenshaw have had an unusual good season for I were j n a room together, and it is gathering the crop, and farmers, with thought they were gambling the experience of last year before Both negroes were drinking beavily , , , . . . . . and. soon got in to a lively quarrel, them, have pushed it into market as Itdidn , ttakelong forthem tocome to fast as picked. As a result, the re- blows, and Crenshaw went at it in a ceipts have been unusually heavy, desperate manner and speculators took advantage of Fulling out his knife, he made at Lis- .. „ , . . ter vigorously, cutting him again and this fact to reduce prices. We be- again tieve by March that cotton will bring The police were summoned and mean- ten cents. You have given up the while the fight was stopped. Crenshaw bulk of your crop, and our advice is and P laced “ a 0611 inthe to hold on to the little remnant you Lester’s wounds were ugly ones. He have on hand, and it will pay you. was cut once across the face; once Cotton can’t go much lower, so you I across tbe throat and twice across the Prominent Newspaper Men Hare a Rough and Tumble in tbe Capitol. Columbia, S. C., Nov. 26.—Another personal encounter occurred in the state house. This time it was between A. E. Gonzales, general agent, of The State, and M. F. Tighe. correspondent of the Charleston News and Courier. Gonzales approached Tighe and, pro ducing a copy of the News and Courier, read therefrom« portion of Tighe’s ac count of the other fights, which he de nounced as a lie Upon repeating it. Tighe struck him. Gonzales responded by kitting Tighe under tbe left eye, cut ting a gash which bled profnsely. The two men then clinched and rolled over on. tbe floor, Gonzales being on top. Both men fought gamely for several minutes. Finally, when they had both got up, Tighe said: “You are my physical superior, but m fight you in any way a gentleman ought to fight, and I challenge you now." -r - Gonzales implied that Tighe could get all the fight he wanted out of him in any way ho desired. Tbe row occurred just outside the door of the hall of the bouse of repre sentatives, whilst that body was in session, and many members rushed out tothesbene. Shortly thereafter Repre sentative Burns brought the affair to the attention of the house, but action was postponed. Such was the remark that was pro voked by the scenes in} and around Athens yesterday. The fourteenth amendment was on hand by a large majority and the crowded streets were black with ebon It was a scene that locked more like “do Fofe o’ July” than a Thanksgiving day in midwinter. Rut it was nothing more than everybody at all familiar with the customs and faith of the col ored brother, knew it would be. Whenever the negro gets off on “holler-dsy” he seeks the biggest crowd that "he can fiud. If there hap pens to be a circus anywhere near at iaud, the negroes for miles around are certain to be right there and nowhere else All the combined powe s of tbe lower regions couldn’t frighten them away from a circus. It is their nature. They can’t help it. Yesterday brought "cuffle” out in vast numbers, and the circus pulled in about two or three thousand quarters from the deluded brother in black. Twelve Men Killed. Minneapolis, Nov. 20.—A speeial to The Tribune from Tacoma says a terri ble accident occurred in the forenoon near Canyon, a station on Green river, some seventy miles east of Taooma. Sixty workmen were cent to repair recent washouts on the Northern Pacific railroad. While thus employed at the base of a high bluff, extending from the river, several thousand yards of bluff tumbled on those beneath, killing twelve outright, hurling 200 yards of railroad track and two men into the river, and burying several others, some •f whom, it is thought, may be rescued alive. unlay, stared that he had been quite sick for several day« his temperature ' going as high as 104 th-gr- e ; and on Sunday she (received a tc:egratn asking her to come up nr.fl see hint i Mrs Colley (eft on the fast train Monday morning. W* very much! hope she will find her brother improv- ' ing, and that h«* will soon b well again. I The latest news from M:s DuBose , dated Nov. 23 a=:d a ut to Mrs. Hun- 1 ter is as folio as; “S' me better today. 1 Doctor afraid has typhoid fever. tag over 200 pounds. Iiubat'™ 6 * 1111 ’ ** developed into acute dyspepsia w« reduced to ,62 pound's^-- itw. Intense SSSsg , had fitsofmeian^’ f 8 ** heart In my work, for days at a time I wouM death. I became momsSien 1 eight years life ..... . lent seasons lately for _ planting their crops of wheat and oats and it certainly is to be desired that they have planted a large acreage of small grain. Farmers have been preaebing to one another for twenty years the good poli cy of planting less cotton and to live at home. They know as• well as they know that their noses are on their faces they they cannot make anything as they like raising cotton for 7 and 8 cents per pound, and buying all their corn and meat from the west at exor bitant prices. But, still they follow in tbe seme old ruinous ruts each year, and in spite of of their bitter experience for the past ten years they are doing the same thing now that they did then. Well, such is life. Men never take advice and very few ever profit by ex perience. Y-t, I trust there will be less cotton planted next year, and more attentiou given to the cereal crops. do not stand any chance of losing. Of course our readers will act on their own judgment, but if we had cotton on hand, not a pound of it would go for the present price. back, all being quite deep wounds. Tbe wounds are not of a necessarily fatal nature. A DELIGHTFUL DINNER Beeelved the Newt « hi la Preaching. Bowling Green, O., Nov. 20.—Lieu tenant-Governor Chase, of Indians, who has been here a good deal of late mak ing political speeches and preaching at Disciple church, received a telegram while preaehing that Governor Hovey had died and that he should return at onoe and take the oath of office as gov ernor of Indiana. He finished his ser mon, however, and at the conclusion of which he drove to Tontogany and went to Indianapolis. Thus Governor Chase became governor of Indiana while preaching in Bowling Green. IT WILL BE CRISP. The outlook grows brighter and brighter as the days go by that Judge Charles F. Crisp of Georgia I heart. will be the next Speaker of the Na- | And on yesterday in a quiet and un- lional House of Representatives. Given the Poor by Mies Millie Ruth erford. In addition to being a splendid teach er and a cultured and refined lady, Miss Millie Rutherford, principal of Lucy Cobb Institute, has a golden If THE MACON CONVENTION. December tbe fourth is the day set apart by the citizens of MacoD for holding a convention of Georgia editors for tbe purpose of arriving at some plan whereby tbe State of Georgia may si cure a display of her unbounded resources at the World’s Fair in Chicago. Id spite of the flat and decided re fusal of the Georgia legislature to pass a bill appropriating money to tbe World’s Fair exhibit from Geor gia, the people of the State are very enthusiastic in their desire to have their Ctnte represented there. They are not responsible for the many foolish and obstinate doings of the Georgia legislature, and this is one of them. The people of Georgia wonld feel ashamed to go to Chicago, as they will go, and see the hand some displays from all tbe ether States and some remote territories of the country, and have no display la belled with the letters that spell out the name of their proud old Empire ovate of the South. For reasons like these, all eyes are tamed npon the Macon convention ostentatious manner she showed her- _ .... .1 self to be one of Athens’ most noble Our latest dispatches show that women . the Georgia congressman is running There was a Thanksgiving dinner at well, in spite of the attack made up- the Institute, celebrated in royal style, on him by tbe friends of Mr. Mills. bu ‘ the , * ue8ta " ere , not *° 8e ' I whom fortune and favor had smiled. Judge Crisp has but little to say They came not with gorgeous array about tbe race. He never has talked but in the plain and simple habiliments much about the matter, and his quiet °* tbe P°° r> -, , . ■ Miss Buttaerford had invited each confidence surely counts for very putor fa to come to tbe dinner <noch. and j© bring with him ten When Judge Crisp went to Wash- of the poorest children of his ington, he was very much saddened congregation. They came and enjoyed by the we*,. death „C hi. and promising son W alter Crisp He I There were many Thanksgiving din- is still in no mood for active cam- nqrs in Athens yesterday, but few that paigning, but with all that he is ma- °° nW thi ® one. i,. „ Tbe little children were carried into king friends on every side. I . , .._ . . , ° . I surroundings far diflerent from their Not since the days of the honored I accustomed places, but they felt at Howell Cobb has tbis section of I home perfectly. They will not forget soon the kind treatment they received at the hands of tbis noble Christian lady. OVER IN ELBBRTON. country been represented in the 'speaker’s chair. It will be a com pliment, indeed, to Georgia when Charles F. Crisp takes bis seat and calls the National House to order— | Two Ne « roe3 FaU ° ut and F, sht with a consummation as devoutly to be wished as it is probable to result. | —Yesterday there was a fatal between two negroes. al._ ght here . named Allen Carter and Whitfield Huff. ir tbe! State of Virginia takes tbe lead | Tbe dispute arose while they were in granting a pension to Mrs. Jefferson shooting at a target. Carter had a pis- Davis we teel safe in predicting that tol and Huff had a gun. Huff called South Carolina will vote hi r share of Carter out of the house and they began the pension. E-cb State that compos- to fight- Both fired at each other, and ed tbe late Confederancy .could easily Carter was shot through tbe bowels, contribute five hundred dollars for the | He will die. support of Mrs. Davis during tbe re mainder of her life — Anderson, (S. C.) •Journal. Very certainly; and I give more if necessary. Qeorgia will They have bad Borne cold winds in tbe north. It seems that everything is | crystallizing for the Georgia congress man, Judge Crisp. of Georgia editors most hopefully. Let disappointment not be written in Mr Tuck— (pardon, we meant to say Mayor Tuck)-has proved one thing He is invincible iu a campaign in his | quiet way. the records ol that convention. The editors have the people of the State at their backs in this impor tant matter. No doubt the railroads and wealthy corporations would be glad enough to aid in getting up a collection of articles for clispla.- - . Everybody and Athens yesterday. bis wife were in Athens felt th&i.kful and didn’t hes itate to say so. These should be conferred with members of the convention. But, as a Georgia contemporary Tns policemen enjoj <_d their thanks giving. busy lite Now for a spell of bad weather. jjgSissrgi ■ I Tennessee Lawyers Puzzled. Clarksville, Nov. 20.— Iu the year 1854 George Alwell, one of Clarksville’s oldest citiEens, was appointed trustee over the property of William Reynolds, Mr. Reynolds was in financial difficult ies, and named Mr. Alwell to hold hia property for hia children. ▲ fsw months ago William Reynolds died. His widow died only a few weeke ago. The chil dren of Mr. and Mra. William Rey nolds, who live in different states, have come to Clarksville for the purpose of dividing tbe properfy which their aged parents left them. Upon investigation it was found that they cannot touch this property, for it wm held in trust by George Alwell. It turned out fur ther that Mr. Alwell did not know that he bud control of the property a* time- tee. This is an amusing and very re markable case anowhat th- upihot will Henry Tuck claims my admiration He is an indomitable fellow wlh-n it cornea to energy and pei severance. Aud now that he has gone into a race with all odds against him aspiring to be Mayor of Athens, and won the elec tion ever a man whose record deserved another term, and a man with numer ous strong friends; well it speaks well for Tuck. That’s what! Blinding Snow Storms. St. Paul, Nov. 20.—A blinding snow storm lasting six hours, followed by a drizz ing rain, is prevailing throughout me northwest. Special dispatches from Minnesota. Wisconsin and Dakota indi cate that the storm was a very severe one. There is now about a foot of snow on the ground in portions of Minnesota and wheeling on the railroads is very heavy. No protracted delays are re ported. —• To Lie In State. Evansville, Ind.,Nov. 20.—Arrange ments were perfected bjr the G. A. R. to meet the remains of Governor Hovey. The special funeral train will arrive at 4 p. m., when the body will be removed to the court ho,use aud viewed by citi zens. The G. A. R. t police and military companies will escort the remains to where they will lie in state, In the evening the body will be removed to Mt. Vernon. Tbe New York General Assembly. Albany, Not. 20.—The senate will stand: Democrats, lit; Republicans, 15| Independent, 1. The casting vote of the lieutenant-governor will give the organization of the senate to the Demo crats. This calculation leaves to the senate itself the ascertainment and de cision in the case'of Peck of Syracuse, who is alleged to be a citizen of Canada. The aeeemoly, therefore; is expected to contain 07 Democrats to 01 Republicans. Crashed Between Curs. Floeengs, Ala-, Nov. 26.—Charles Carson, a brakeman of the Louisville and Nashville, while coupling cars at West Point, Tenn., was caught be tween two freight cars and crushed into a horrible mass. He was a resi dent of this city and his remains were brought here for interment. Capt. J.-W. Brumby again has his shoe factory iu operation, un-t rue ludi- catim s are tuat it will be a big success. It is just such enterprises as this that Athens terds Agricultural Notes. For lire stock premiums attheColnm- 1 bian exposition $150,000 has been appro- ; printed, the money to be distributed as endlor eight yearsmewasaburte?^ many physicians and many remedi.. ^ a workman employed by mc 8U Z,^J I tile & __ ba.sieq Suffering 5, sla. I did so, and before takinTTh/jk ^ a bottle I began to feel like a new terrible pains to which I had beenS ** ceased, the palpitation of the heartS 1, my stomach became easier, peared, and my entire system follows: For horses, $52,000: for cattle, J- the fifth bottle was taiten . I tone up. With returning strength eame activity of mind and body. Betore 8 Years $15,000: for pr."li.iT and pet stock, $10,- 000: for dogs, ^,oU0; miscellaneous, $19,- 000. The secretar. •>( the state board of ag riculture has dilute the statement that I agriculture iu MhsA-.chusetts is uot de clining. According to’ the same author ity, in both yk!d and value of tobacco per acre Massachusetts stands first and Connecticut second. In value of hay per acre Massachusetts leads. The American Saddle Horse associa tion recently organized with a capital of $10,000. Secretary, Colonel Charles F. Miffs, Springfield, Ills. X uuu icgaumu my lonncr weight and n.h, condition. I urn today well and 1 to taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla » Wrtbe “ taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. 1 ' ' “ N. H H you decide to take Hood 1 .« > not be inilucpii tn k..„ parilla do not be induced Hood’s Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. Si; sit for *5. hr c. L HOOD A CO.. ApothocX. W^ lOO Doses One Dollar The Harvest Home removed yesterday to the Horn- bui'dine, whe re they will bebni until all are distributed to the poor and What is Mayor Tuck is a self made man. He has won bis way through college and as a student took every medal and every honor that came along. He was a “brilliant chap” as bis college mates called him. Since then be baa been winning gold en opinions at the bar. He is an able lawyer, and what is best of all is an honest man. Henry Tuck is going to make just as good a Mayor as Ed. Brown, and that is saying a very cot- siderable much. The Athens Park and Improvement Company is a great factor io the upbuilding of Athens—the most potent, perhaps, in the wbol< city. There is not & day but some good comes to Athens through the workings of tbis company, and the g-eat work these men who form the company have done for Athens cannot be too highly appreciated. Go out to their property alone the Boulevard and you will find their fingermarks. All the old red bills in tbe vicinity are becoming crowned and dotted with pretty, comfortable residences, and the city is going westward in domain at a wonderfully rapid gait. Tbe Athens Park and Improvement Company haB done and is doing much for Athens. Wo need more men like these. The Wanderer. Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infiinta and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys IV orins and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves toothing troubles, cares constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas« ,toria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. M dMtoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have reposted V told me of its good effect upon their children. 11 'Da. 0. C. Osooon, Lowell, Mass. “Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending Da. J. F. KracnxLos, Conway, Ark. Castoria. “ Castoria is so well adnptcd tocliildrentlul I recommend it as superior to any prescripti* known to me." H. A. Archzr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Srooklyn, N. Y. “ Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Cantona, and although we only have among med'cal supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won n s to 1c Jr wilh favor upon it.” United Hospital and PisrcxsiK, Boston, Mast Allen C. Smith, Pres., The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City* Eh, Pr nsted t Writ. „ Bryant & Stratton Business College ' LOUISVILLE, KY. ates assisted to positions. Catalogue FREE. Y.'ritc to GRAND PREMIUM OFFER! .A. SET OF THE A 8100,000 Kir*. 8t. Albanb, VL. Nov. 20.—The fire that broke out in the American House stable at 12:30 a. m. destroyed eight business blocks and the Congregational church. Loss over $100,000, with a good amount of insurance. Th* Edlt*r Not In. Pottsville, Penn., Nov. 20.—D. B. Patterson, a politician and lawyer aud editor of the Miners’ Jourmil, has dis appeared, owing between $40,000 and $50,000. MARRIAGE IN MAYSVILLE. Miss Mamie be is uncertain. Con Prudu*. Rain Ever; Time. Atchison. Kan., Nov 26.—Reuben Jarves, s professor in the public schools of Smith Center. Kan., claims that he has discovered chemicals with which he can produce rain every time He offer* to furnish th* farmer! with their water supply next year at prices fax below these of Mr. Marlbouro* Mr. Tom O’KeUy Weds • - Alexander. ‘ -. / Maysville, Ga , Nov. 2G —[Spe cial.]—LasteveniDg at seven o’clock at the residence of the bride’s father, Dr M P. Alexander, of this place, occur red the marriage of M>ss Mamie Alex- der to Rev. Thomas O’Kelly, of Macon. The marriage ceremonies were per formed in a most impressive minner by Rev. W. S. McCarty, of Monroe, and Rev. M. McConnell, of Gainesville- Mr. O’Kelly is a professor at Mercer University, filling the chair of Latin. He is a young man of splendid ability and great promise. Hio fair bride was one of Maysville’s most beautiful and accomplished daugh ters. Mr. and Mrs. O’Kelley left today for Macon, where they will make their fu ture home. Glen Alpine Station, N. C. Feb. 13th. This is to certify that three years ago I had my left leg amputated four inches below the knee, caused by blood poison and bone affection. After it was am putated there came 8 running nicer on the end of it that measured 3)^ inches one way and 4)£ inches the other, and continued growing worse everyday un til a short time ago. I was given up to die by the best doctors in Charlotte. I In Twelve Large Volumes, CHARLES DICKENS. Bet or U1CKCDS WUM* -u.— jy-j, ro premium to onr subscribers is handsomely printed from entirely new plates, *1, . .q),. , The twelve volumes contain the following world-famous works, each OH* ol wur beard of the wonderful B. B. B. I Which we Offer with a Year 1 * Snbscriptio* to this Paper for 8 Trill* More than Our Regular Subscription Price. * Wishing to largely increase the circulation of tU* paper during th# next six months, we bare 'arrangements v»ith a New York publishing hon*. ■whereby we are enabled to offer as aprennnm ^ subscribers a Be*o# the Works f Ch«rl~w^ ens, in Twqlve Large and “ana*—- Volumes, with a year's subscription to paper, for a trifle more than our re 8” ibe|i scriptlon price. Onr great offer to sub««i eclipses any ever heretofore made- ® “J Dickens was the greatest novelist who ever lived. No author before or since bis hmen won the fame that he achieved, are even niorepopnlar to-dav than his lifetime. They abound in wit, nnni pathos, masterly delineation of chaiw^ vivid descriptions ot places * ndl thrilling and skillfhHy wrought plot*- book is intensely interesting. Nohomea^ be without a set of these great and mim* able woiks. Not to have read the® 1 * ^ far behind the age in which we live. * § set of Dickons' work* wtack we off r w solved to try that. My weight at tbe time I commenced B. B. B. was 120 pounds. When I bad taken three bot tles I gained 37 pounds in weight; when 1 bad taken twelve bottles, 1 was sound and well, but continued tak ing until I had tnkeu fifteen bottles I now weigh 1SJ pounds and measure five feet and three inches high. I contend that j our medicine has no equal ub a blood pur fler. It .certainly worked like a charm. J R WILSON. following linhed cnmylete, unchanged, and absolutely unanriilge t: BARNABY RUDCE AND CHRISTMAS DAVID COPPERFIEI.D, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT. NICHOLAS NICKELBY, DOMBEY AND SON, BLEAK HOUSE, y LITTLE DORRIT, OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, PICKWICK PAPERS, The OLIVER TWIST AND GREAT EXPE° OLDURIO8ITY SHOP ANO i UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELER quarter world. Jefferson Jottings. person, Ga., Nov- 2G - [Special ] J: — Mr Joe Webb, the enterprising mer chant of Athens, was in the town yes terday. Rev. Sam C-artledge is rpending a few days in the city with relatives. A number of the boys will visit Ath ens today to see- the show. The clerks observed Thanksgiving Day by hunting, and the merchants closed their s'ores. The Senior class of the Ui iversity will not hold iheir class-tree exercises until some time in February. TATIONS, THE OLD < THEUNCOMNIEROlALj r.n " HARD A TALE OF TWO CITIES. TIMES AND THE M'.^T-KT EDWIN DROOD. fat% above are withont question the moat famous novels that were ever ''7H^ n ( .'jriliK d of a century they have been celebrated in every u00k and coiner ™. t ,,f picket* Yet there are thousands of homes in America not yet supplied witn a s _ eu joyii>g me usual high cost of the books preventing peoplo in moderate arcnmatancM gtitchinf thi* luxury. But now, owing to tlio nae of modern improved printing, imams *. ^ book machinery, the extremely low price of white paper, and the great oompeniion . orkg a trade, we are enabled to offer to our subscribers and re:ider» a set 01 Had with »**• price which all can afford to pay. Every home iu tho land may now DO enppu®**. of the great author’s works. 1 Our (ireat Oiler to Subscribers to the Weekly Bauff er ! We will send the Entin- Set of Dickens’ Works, in Twelve Volumes, ss postage prepaid by ourselves, a^so The Weekly Banner for One iear, upo ^ which it» only CO cents more than the regular subscription prico of this P P ' cen ta. Thi* therefore, practically get a set ol Dickens’ works in twelve volumes tor oniv ^ ^ a8 ually the grandest premium ever ottered. Up to tbis time a set of Diok*»£. wor fes, in $10.0u or more Tell all your friends that they can get a set a u Ltcrib® D °* volumes, with a } ear’s subscription to The Weekly Bacnir, for only . Q0 get this great premium. If your subscription has not yet expired it will m t ot Die**®* for it will he extended one year from date of expiration. We will also g r _*_.j btr®* above, free and post-paid, to any one sending us a club of 4 yearly new s * ▲u drees, Co., jPublishiii tAthens, Gh j