The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, December 01, 1891, Image 7

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mm ATHENS BANNER * TUESDAY MORNING DECEMBER 1, mayor tuck A N0 ALDERMEN O’FARRELL, HER OINE, COHEN AND SMITH. (A. L. Mitchell Dem. Ex. Com. ■! John (J. M. Collins | lLedger please copy ] aftek the battle. Quite a crowd had congregated around the first ward polls to he r the consolidation of returns, and when it; became known thatTuck had carried the | day,his supporters gathered|liim and car AGRANDSUCCESS- THE HARVEST HOME FESTIVAL LAST NIGHT. THE POOR CARED FOR. Result s of the Election. he was the recipient of many congratu- | lations upon his success. Mayor Brown was heartily congratu- | lated on all sides, upon his magnificent The Services Were Interesting and the Chancel was a Scene of Beauty.EThe Goods Turned Over to the Industrial Home. A close and Exciting Race Closes—The race, and met one and all with as hearty Scenes at the Polls Yesterday— The Official Announcement. The Harvest Home festival came off NOW PULL FOR ATHENS. a greeting as when he stood on the la8t ni 8 ht ? nd wss * Rrand success in same ground two years ago, a victorious I ® ver y particular. candidate. I The Episcopal church was well filled One thing is very certain and that is with ,adiea and gentlemen, and the ex- that the race developed the fact that ercise8 were full of interest, two more popular citizens do not reside I The ringing was very beautiful, the in Athens than H. O. Tuck and E. T. choir beln R composed of Misses Wheel- Brown. ‘ er and Scballer, and Messrs. C. H. And it is all over; the battle has I Hert J> c - M - Straban, and W. D Hooper. Miss-Wheeler sang a lovely selection as an oflertory. Rev. J. C. Davis in A Very Interesting Letter Fi om a f an interesting manner rendered | ended; now pull for Athens. TO CURB DRUNKENNESS. Well Known Doctor. the Thanksgiving service after which [ additional remarks were made by Rev. O. W. Lane. The choir then sang a The race is over and the candidates will have a breathing spell. L-pon the banners of some have perohed the eagles of victory, while the others have ti ailed their colors in de feat. But however high the feelings of the winners may run, be it said to the | Bishop, Ga., Nov. 21st, 1891. credit of those who lost that they fought Editob Banner In a former article h°. M1 ««b. „dw. IT. B. Kendall down lighting. and the opium habit, I attempted made a short address. After another Although the election was a qniet I give your readers some of the hypsio- song by the ohoii, Rev. L. R. Gwaltney one, a great deal of interest was never- I logical effects of tbiB drug, and at the made a short talk, tbeless manifested among the voters of »«v. Mr, Davis then returned his e Sl h ward, and a very heavy vote was I upon the human system. There seems th * nk8 10 the people for their generous polled at each precinct. I tc be an analogy throughout nature, I responso in behalf of the poor, and ded- ll, e very best of feeling prevailed on Mr. Editor, that points to many reme- icated everything that was give to «H slides, and there are left no scan to I "j® 8 J or ills of mankind. Thus: the q-j mark the path of the election. diaeaaesofthe blood; ^the autos 7 and T* 1 ® cbancel was filled with the gifts All the candidates who oflerea were I heart leave relieve a palpitating heart; I of the citizens. Bales of cotton and good citizens; the ones who were the poison vine (RhuaToxico Vendrum) ge ans, clothes, waterbnckets, sacks e'ec'ed will make good ofilcen, and < Belladn e,ecwu “ . “ . , , . I na,) which produce analogous erup., ... those who have been defeated would t ions or an inflamed eldn. are remedies imaginable was there, have made good ones. I for Erysipelas. Then why should not I It was one of the most successful the polls open. *£ d ’ t k S f ha e bKs 8 : Whiskey Ind H,irve8t j|! en many The polls opened at nine o’clock in I opium, which seem to be the most diffl- y®*”* and tb03e having it in change are . , I cult of all habits to break aDd conquer? I highly pleased with the manner in ea , * This is simply thrown out as a hint, which It passed off. In the first the ▼ oti “K waa don ® at Mr. Editor, to be taken for what it is Tfae coo ,i 8 wiU aU be turned Q „ r Carithers & Betts’ carriage store; in worth. Yet the wise physician, I feel „ 1 ™ “ *, u . the «reond at J. H. Hull’s shop; in the J assured, would do well sometimes to the Industrial Home and through that »r Oooner’s stables, and in the heed them- in pursuing our study, splendid medium dealtout to those who 1 , .u w,,.. I it would be well to study experimen I need them fourth at the court house. | tally the effects of this drug In from 10 to 25 minutes after the injection of a ... , ■ . .. , medicinal use of the chloride of Gold The first ward is by long odds the and s^nn, (from 130 !. 3B of largest ward in the city, and for this I a grain,) the patient election two| hundred and ninety-fiv< I feels a sen>»tion ofjwarmth diffused over the entire surface; the face becomes flushed; the eyes brighten; the ideas flow more freely, and a sensation of well being and of increased strength is didates h ugged tightly to the old first. I f «'t In men msrked aphrodisiac effects . , , | are produced, and in women increased l not leave there for more tha I venerea j desires and augmentations of half an hour during the day. Along I menstrual flow are observed. Mo*, towards the close it became apparent I excellent results ore obtained from tin that Brown was in the lead, but by a ?*e of these Auric (Gold) preparation- | in certain forms of mental disorder.-, very small vote. I melancholia, hypochondria and atiied In the alderman a race, Mr. C«a£pple I mental states, accompanied by d*pres played strongly, but went down before I sion. The drug then in small doses acts Cant. O’Farrell's vote. Two hundred *> afrowerful tonic,more particularly as i .. -I,, . . I a nerve tonic. It probably carers and Mxty-eight votes were polled for I | Dto combinatirn with the red globule* alderman in this ward. | ©f the blood, increasing them and their capacity to convey free oxygen 01 „„. , . . . . , ozone to the tissues, thus increasing Tin# ward was the scene of a hard I th* nervous and muscular force*, or i> fight for Aldermanio honors between I a word, giving ns increased strength Messrs. John Gerdine and John L. At- I Most authorities who have studied th A MAD RUNAWAY- A TEAM DASHES INTO A COUN- TRYM AN’S WAGON AND INJURES AN OLD MAN. Mr. Greenaway of HallCounty.Severe- Iy Injured Yesterday—He has, However, Returned to his Home. There was quite a serious runaway yesterday about noon. A team was standing at the water tower, loaded down with two hales of ootton. The electric cars came by and the mule and horse attached to the team became frightened and dashed down Hancock avenue at a terrific speed, At the First Methodist church the two bales of cotton were dumped iDto the street and a few hundred feet further on, the entire rear part of the wagon came loose and was left in the street .The team dashed on with the front part of the wagon and just in front of Mrs. 8. C. R- ese’s came in violent col- ision with the wagon of a countryman namek Greenaway, residing in Hall couoty, two miles from White Sulpher Springs. Tue wagon was broken badly, and Mr. Greenaway was thrown violently to rhe ground and right beneath the feet of his horse. The horse, of course, was badly frightened, and reared and plunged ar> that it was a miracle that his owner was not trampled to death beneath the feet of the animal. Several citizens who were passing by rushed to the rescue and extricated M r- Greenaway from his perilous position He bad been pretty severely injured, however, and was carried to the house of Mr. J. M. Head on lower Broad street. Dr. Benedict was summoned, and found that his wrist had been severely injured and that a deep gash had been DEATH AND DEVASTATION RE PORTED FROM MANY PLACES. TREES SNAPPED OFF. . Scheming Smugglers. San Francisco, Nov. 23.—The steam er Oceanic brought news from Honolulu that two men, calling themselves Doug- , lass and Blood, had appeared there in : the yacht Beagle, and had beer.arrested J at the instance of H. Levy, who said he \ was the agent of the New South Wales „ government, and stated the men were The Storm King Left Mementoes of defaulters in -large sums from that Its Power In Highways and Byways —Darkness Prevailed for Half an Hour at Cleveland. voters bad registered. The race between Brown and Tuck in this ward was close an l exciting from the start. Both can May Athens long continue to uphold cut across his head. this noble custom. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorts. When ihe km a Child, she cried for Cantoris. When she became Mias, she clung to Castoria Than she bat. Jldiea, she gsre them Castorls The wounds, which were of a painful though not | were properly Mr. Greec&way sent to his home in Hall county. New York, Nov. 25.—The storm which has been so remarkable in its varied characteristics, so disastrous in its effects, and far-reaching in the area of its swesp will be recorded, especially in the log-books of the several telegraph and telephone companies as at once having equaled, if not exceeded, the utter paralysis wrought by - the great blizzard of 1888. In trnth, this has been a storm king’s carnival, and, as the sequel may prove, in many instances the carnival of death. Already from numerous points corns reports of damage, destruction and death, and when a cessation of the war ring elemente permits of a restoration of telegraphic communication with points at present inaccessible by proe- tration of the wires, the extent to which the seemingly wild rumors will be borne out by actual facta is wholly con jectural. Originating near southern Georgia or northern Florida, this resistle-* v#ve of devastation swept northv rd and easterly, bearing down in its p...u the wires, snappiug off like reeds the trees and telegraph poles and topping over chimneys, bearing off roofs and crash ing like play-houses of card board ap parently snbstaniial buildings. Bound ing ovsr the Alleghenies, it fell upon Baltimore, Richmond. Washington and Philadelphia in tarn, scattering through the highway and byway mementoes of its tremendous power. In this city early in the day wires south and southwest failed, often sev eral at a tkne. until at last all cemuiuni- catien outside of a comparatively small territory was shut off from ns. Struggle ns t tey would, the most expert electri cians conld not with all their ingenuity devise means of getting over or around the trouble, even te the routes via Montreal and Toronto having been rendered useless. The storm seemed to divide itself into two tremendous arms, branching from serious nature, | a center in North Carolina, one arm dressed and | bearing down the coast, the other sweeping northward and veering north - Wi ■ ■ state. The men were arrested on _ charge of smuggling coin, in order to hold them uutil the extradition papers arrived, but they were finally released. M. Levy, the detective iu the case, is now in this city. He states that ths men’s true names are Bell and Davis. They have a long record of successful and unpunished swindles. The last was the organization of the Australian Banking company. Ths bank pros pered and the men purchased the Bea gle, a fifty-ton cutter. Oue night, four months ago, they transferred £9,000 of the bank’s money to the yaoht and sailed away. It is stated tuat they are now engaged in opium smuggling. The yacht has large supplies of small arms aud a cannon or two on board, and it conld not be captured'except by a war vessel A flood Old Man Gone. ST. Mary’s, O., Nov. 23.—Rsv. L. Herbert, who was the oldest Methodist Episcopal minister in the service in Ohio, died at his home, two miles west of this place from Bright’s disease. The deceased had been preaching for sixtv years past, and died at the fege of 81 years. During his sixty years work he kept a correct record of those who were converted by liis ministrations, and the number exceeds 8,000. Grip Has ths Secretary. Washington, Nov. 23.—Secretary Foster is oonfined-to his bed by an attack of grip resulting directly from a bad cold which he contracted while in New York. Dr. Cecil, his attending cian part to the need of rest from a long continned mental strain, but there is no reason to do *bt that the secretary will soon be restored to his uanal health. CHILD BIRTH • • • • * MADE EASY! ** Mothers’ Friend ” is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown “MOTHERS* FRIEND” • WILL DO all that is claimed for HAND MORE It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to “ Mothers ’’ mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials, Sentbjr express on receipt of price $1.&0 per bottll BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FlsTTimes Low Priced Goods We have taken over the stock of Books and Biblra previously carried hr Rev. W. W. Lampkin and we have now to offer the largest and cheapest stock of BIBIES. BOOKS. - Hvmn and Note Books, Photo graph Albums, Stationery and Blank Books in the State of Georgia. k. Dr. Cecil, hit attending phyai- . says the attack is attributable in VY F, RTTY TA T A D , to the need of rest from a long TTl1 U X> ANOTHER BANK FAILURE. of Washington, describing a tremen dous circle. Bearing down northwest it passed successively over Lakes On tario and Erie, and finally passed away to the north, disappearing in Baffin’s Bay. Meager reports continue to be re ceived of cyclones to the south and southwest. From eastern Ohio and The First National Ba< k of Wilmington Closed Its Doors. Wilmington. N._C.. Nov. 25.—The . „ following notice wm doom 'SSgTtafir“?'»™ Nicholas Ellens, an old-time resident of the First National bank: every direction, accurate reports of of Houston county, Minn., aged 72, I *’In consequence of the stringency in which can only be secured when the died from the resort ot a peculiar acct- Ewon#»iml affairs and their inability to | atorm subsides, dent. While carrying swill to ma nogs meet farther demands, tho directors of and amoKlng the wnile, he slipped, and I this bank have decided in the interest falling, drove tho stsrn of his pipe into I of all concerned to suspend business hie threat. It broke off aud was with I until further notice.” difficulty extracted. Blued pououing The officers are in the hank, every resulted from the nicotine aud death ] entrance to which is closed, and it is resulted ae stated. The Storm at lleailvllle. Meadville, Penn., Nov. 25.—The storm struck this town with terriffic force about noon. The roof was blown impossible to get any statement as to I from the New York, Pennsylvania and Alt—t E., . I SSf fggLyft-Igf, -------- | anbjeet ngwo «.« ln,po,.ri,h.a n.„, I “““““ I—«—■■■<« **«* j&t.’IKd.WSS ITS lhe morning hours brought j f 0rce> jj not a j so mu g t . u | arj xa oru of the ! field, In«L. shot himself at bis heme in I .. _. „ | blown down all oyer town. Telephone The Davie Monument Fond. Nashville, Nov. 28.—The Ladies Auxiliary of the Confederate home have concluded their work of the chry santhemum fair and turned over to 8. A. Cunningham, general agent of the Jefferson Davis monument fund $1,130 net profit. This added to former sams raised at Nashville, gives an aggrega of $3,944 raised in this city. The en tire fund amount^ to about $30,000. and can been to sell at tha prices at bich others bny It will aava von money to trade with na Do not give heed to mien-presentations. - Oar prices are rock-bottom. nold. great success to the Arnold forces, but I results that follow the too' free use «>f tie Gerdine men rallied and retrieved I stimulants. Note the trembling hand all their lost ground before the close. and shambling gait of the habi ua . , .1 drinkei. The unsteady, unce rs In the mayor a race in the second, I nd manner „f tbe opium us»r. Th Tuck led oil’ with a small majority and | thirst and craving that nothin* but tb( accustomed stimulant will satisfy. AH .show unmistakably an impoverished condition of nature’s forces. that town. He put three 38-caliber-1 pnt three 88-caliber-1 ®*” T K **°** r * d *"*■*- I reports from neighboring towns t»U of bnllets through his head. Four years Augusta, Ga., Nov. 25.-J. M. Berry | serious damage, ago he quarelled with his eldest sen got a verdict for $5,000 damages against and the latter left home, Pierson ex- the National Park bank in the city oonrt. hibited remorse at times and the trouble | hero Mr . p* rry sne d the bank for re mainin'. :it:d it to the close. IK THE THIRD. The main interest here oentered on I the. aldermanio race between Messrs. Elder, L'olien and Russell. Several Houses Hlewn Do' ^ w Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 25.—A ter- probably drove him to suicide. He I to*honor*his~check for $2,258 I blizzard passed over this city, and leaves a wife and live children. issued to J. F. Frank, Okawville, Ill*., the rain, snow and wind played havoc ILOST HIS LIFE. ' - It is further well known that alcohol „ of R _ lm _ rAdft .- and opium are agents, de _ | Senor Concha. Ona of Baimaceda a creasing waste, thus lessening oxy genation. These being the fac.s from Ministers of Justice, Shot. For a while things were pretty close, a physiological and experimental stanu ■ . ... played when he Lad $8,009 depeeired ia that * Wheeling. Little damage was"&one, bank, which greatly injured his credit . , .... ’ and caused him to suffer mortification I i ,M)ri -b t ele^ r aphic wires were some- in.being compelled to make a satiafac- what interfered with. From point* tory explanation to hi* creditors. The outside of the city, however, ceme re bask subsequently admitted the enror I ports of considerable damage. At on tbe_ part of the clerk la net having | koundsviUe, twelve miles - , - - -- ,, ., . Valparaiso, Nov. 2*.—Francisco CL ionu» para oi »«e cwra.« «» saving i MoundsviUs, twelve mils* -ut *f but after a while Cohen pulled away JS^ri^Sld”^ Oo«eha,on. of Baimaceda’. minister, of de P°®^ m ®“®r *> ***'*’• Wheeling, the moat dmasgin, Worm for from his opponents and was ™ver I XtTthwT Sonditione iPitriors not I justice, was shot by governmrot pick- I I Th. oarriaxe cau " ht - prove a specific for them, yet nothing eta i a Cordilleras Pass while endeavor- fur dyspeps. in THE FOUHTH, but chemical observations C»n estab- I . _____ int _ *u_ Araentine Reoub- Tndlgcstlon, and Stomach disorders, H ■ lr F,iUmifhh«i no onnoal Hsh the fact, with these chemicsl ob-I Arsentl bhowh-s moN dittehs. ere .lr. Ed Smith had no 0 PP®» servations conducted by “men qualified llo > All dealers keep it. M per bett'-e. Genuine has turn for alderman, yet had a very fl *t- to judge.” In inclusion, Mr. editor, I Saner Concha applied tc Minister tcade-mark «v..i ■ - a red uaeo on wrapper tering vote cast for him. I state to any of the afflicted who desire I Egan two weeks ago for an asy- 1 The fight here in regard to the mayor I trying this remedy either on themselves I j am | n the American legation, was close, ending with a majority for ‘rogo^w t£ InfiiuS ^ »PP«catiou was refused on the Tuck. I established by Dr. Keely if they will I ground that tho list of refugees in the the polls close. I correspond with meat Bishop or call I legation had been famished to oar gov- At four o’clock the polls closed, and ®“ ?r!na1Sd P w it?d“ ® ram ® nt and ChiU - “ d th ® miui,t * r did sUtes that he’has no knowledge of the rection^how-to use P it for the cost of not feel justified in adding to the nnrn- „ g anizatton in tho west of a rain-pro- Soatliern Manafactarers. Augusta, Go. Nov. 23.—Tho South ern Manufacturers’ association met iu this city. H. TL Hickman of Augusta, presided, and J. S. Hamilton, president of the Princeville factory at Athens, was elected secretary.. Representatives from mauy southern mills were in at tendance. NEWS FROM "MEXICO. Bad Mail Sarrico—Political Excitement In Guatemala. City op Mexico, Nov. 23 —There is great complaint here of the moil ser vice, especially in regard to the mails from the United States, and the delay attending their distribution. Letters are also very frequently lost. Tho New York mail generally arrives here in six to seven days, bnt that from San An. tonio. Tex., is eight days oat, whils it takes ten days for it to come from New Orleans or St. Lonis, and it often occurs that six or seven days' mail will arrive iu a bunch. The price of petroleum has been ad vanced about 100 per cent by some of those who hapdle it here, and steps are being taken to import it from the United States. Telegrams recently received from Gnatemala say that the political excite ment is increasing, and hardly a day passes that President Barillas does not find notes under his plate, on bis bed, in D. W. McGegor, Successor to Burke, BOOK STORE CORNER, Established SO Yeare. ATHENS GEORGIA Oct 20—wtf Guaranteed Belief to] Eczema, Tetter Ring worm, ltcb, Barber’s llct r Itching Piles, Dandruff, an01 f all Itching and Skin affection?! i TETTER~Ctnflil OWN ID AND MADE ONLY BY SLEDGE * LAYTON. Druggitt & Pbrnacitte. THE REPORT DENIED. Melbourne, the Bain Mao, Sara Mo Com pany Has Boon Organized. Cantor, O., Nov. 23.—Melbourne I *nl velocity. works were completely wrecked, the building being leveled to the earth. It was lifted bodily off the fouudatioa, and several men were on the second floor, sad all weee seriously bat act fatally injured. The weet gable ead of the glass works waa blown in and con siderable damage done. From ether •nrroondings nowe ef mere or less damage is coming in. Tho wind, daring the height ef th*.storm, attained a fear- tbe counting out began. The second ward was the first to finish. Here | preparing it. Tu .<k had 9 majority and Gerdine 31. The third came quickly with 30 m jonty for Tuck and 29 plurality for Cohen. T hen the fourth added 10 majority to the I uck column, and Tuck came to Thomas street with 55 majority. It was at once seen that that conld sever be overcome in the first Very truly vours. K. A. Hutcheson, M D. Feared Blghteea Are Glen Haven, Mioh., Nov. 25.—The tug Temple Emory, towing two scows, owned by Mann Brea., of Two Riven, across the lake, while twenty mile* ■oath of the Manitoba, Tuesday night, o tot go of I ber of the refugees already under tho I during company, of which he is to be | protection of tho American flag. There- I the head. He says: “Yon can deny upon the unfortunate man made an at-1 emphatically that I have disposed of my tempt to escape from Chili with the secret or that I will enter into an above fatal result. | organisation tot pr&ducing rain. If la Barbae— for Half aa Hattr. CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 25.—The storm here was the worst in a long tuna. About noon it became so dark that lamps and gas were lighted all over the eity. The darkness lasted half an hear, when the wind shifted te th* west and was foroed to 1 th* scows ■si GOVERNOR HOVEY DEAD. Indiana’s Chlaf MzilHni* Bit Last at Indianapolis. there is to be any rain produced, mauua MUtewtetamU I wiU have solo charge of it. I the ram cams down m torrent*. Th, is th# second company organised J ? r ^ a 4.T as * gale at snadewn, in the west said to have a basis I ^ Qt 14 ***“ subsided^glace. It I can only say Jthat | S?*? organized ths use of my name by them is unauthorized and sc. i« - Tssaflsfs I H? tft and soon the vote of that ward I rm t# the ietomd. The win* was blow yin P. Hovey, governor of Indiana, died done purely for the purpose of impoeing *'*’ ent 7 mil * a «>nth of this city. 1 ing a gale from tho southwest, a^d the ut p . ra . c f heart failure in his room upon the people.” . ■" ** I at the Denison boteL About three Melbourne is taking his ere. here. A JT ^ ,. . „ _ I He will go west next summer, to re- Carton, O., Nov. 25 —A veritable ^ 6e ^ro^tri? IbSS the west and nntil wlntcr - WiMard do ' wn 6Ter thia and oo. 'When the trip wes about half A Lmra . Snlt m lv x. at a late hour it is continuing with un completed tho governor was taken and- .ia oq TL«ia^^.( I * b » ted For two days rain has iv ill and had to return home._ | - Florenoi, Ala., Nov^23.—The largest | (Alien almost incessantly. From 9 a. announced giving it to Brown by i *f the seewe they 23 majoiity and to O’FarreU by 80 I a h Ap e. Each boa* hod a crew ef aajorit y. nm on ft, which tho tng was unable to 1“ 1 «* l**" elated by 32 m.jonty. lac Democratic Executive committee I { them but nothing has been heard „ , for them, bnt nothtaig mn shortly after and ooneolidated th* | from it. Munis sg follow?: BiADQr art^rs Democratic ^ om Vthkns, Ga., November 25 i891. At the municipal primary election this day held in the several wards of the Fall of Thieve*. Galesburg, His., Nov. 25.—Haw Johnson had bis skull crashed by foot- j ^ nor Hovey was twice married, nada and it is thought he wiU die. The first wife died in 1852. His second wife _ _ hw _ a* I A Vim tlnncrlifAr rif Governor Hovey was born in Poeey suit ever filed in a north Alabama court m. Sunday to 7 a. m. Tuesday the be- county, near Mount Vernon, Ind., in I was entered here bv A. G. Negley, as- rometer registered a fall of over half an 1821- He served one term incongross , l of the North Alobama Construe- Tk ® ri " i i -»* w«.»«. “* sl?UjENS. State and County TAXES N OW AHE DDE, and should be attended to without delay. The books will be closed, re required by Uw. on Dec. 20th next, and all who may be at that time in arrears, will be liable to the additional expense of the coats of execution. 1 have removed my office to No. 411 Oconoe Street. . , . .... , py Come early aad eacape the ru»h of the his desk, etc., threatening him with a iJ^> g f ew weexa. death. He has notified the Salvadorian gov ernment that he would expel Salvado rians who sought refuge in Gnatemala whenever it was proved that they had conspired against a friendly govern ment. His aim ia to live in peace with hie neighbors. The Mexican govern ment denies that any request has been made by Guatemala to preserve neu trality, but if this request ia made it will be considered. A Tonne Tennessee Congressman. Knoxville. Nov. 28.—John G. Honk, a son of th* late congressman, defeated J. C. J. Williams, Democrat, in a spe cial election in this district, by about 5,000 majority. A steady rain kept the rural voters in-doors, and a light vote was cast. Knoxville went Democratic by 553 majority. John Honk, th* new congressman, ia 80 years old, bnt is thoroughly conversant with ths work ings of congress. SWEPT OVERBOARD. ?EaL_ Quartermaster McKenzie, of the Steam' ship Britannic, Loat at Sea. New York, Nov. 33.—The White Star Line steamer Britannic arrived at her doek here after on* of the roughest H H LINTON, T. 0. Oct. 24—tue fri.enn Awtdee.90. CURE YOURSELFfV rifteoubleUwith (ionorrbceeT J Gleet, Whit«,Sperm«torrh f or any unnatural discharge or drugglet for a bottle of ■ few day* ■without the aid or publicity of a I doctor. Non .poisonous end lgnanuiteed not te stricture. .. \7*e Universal American Can. Manufactured by’ k Th# Evans Chemical Co.1 CINCINNATI, O. u. s. a. THE ELECTROPOISE APPLICABLE TO TREATMENT OP ALL Chronic .Diseases, When the Indications are not strictly Surgical. Nervous Affections, Such as Neuralgia, Insomnia, Partial Paralysis, Nervous Prostration, Anse- tity of Athens,the official returns of ,tl ' ra 'fingers, as consolidated by us, ‘hew the following result: FOR MAYOR. . T. Drown, tf«i M.I See ward 144. w H rd, 80, ,r fi. ward, ’ 71,, ’ tl ! ward. H. C. Tuck 121 89 102 87 399 YorkrityTwhSe 1 en route to Peru, to Hoto?wb ~° nearly every night. | ^en the war broke out he enlisted ss colonel of the Twenty-fourth In diana, was commissioned brigadier- ' * Shiloh, and Blown from a Side Trask. St. Joseph, Mo., Nov. 25.—The Kan sas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs train from Creston, la., to Kansas City INFERIOR GOODS. WeBlree’s Wine of Oardui for weakNtuve | tSfdun^tke'.^. wtf^bloTn from a aide track at Maryville and raa 367, FOR ALDERMEN. 1st. Ward-Wm. D O’Farrell, 177; s „. Rappel. 91. L ,» r,1 - J °hd Gerdine, 101; John " Arnold, 70. t : ier'ra r, b Tn,,n,Coh “ D ‘ 89 ? A ‘ G * ih \v ; , W . J Ra««ll, Jr , 27. “J 1 '1 ard, E. I. Smith, 153. the d,, t | 1 l erpfor ® d ®clare the following it the 5 L r ' 0 7 d,1 »t»» d democratic ticket W^l 0 "' , cipal election ro beheld te^VD'Oember-Bd 181. P 0 «r/ or . H- O. T*u a. tell 4,de *®»n 1st wart*, W. I). O’Far- ; eJdLs. A1d * rnun 2nd ward, John j Coh® r n Alderman 3rd ward, Jmi ^ Alderman 4th The only safe way for purchasers is general for gallantry at Shiloh, and toinsist on having the genuine artiele, won his major-generalship atCuwmpioa amd not aUowtb«m“ lvS tube swin-’| Hilto. At the close of the warhewre Gave Him S100. Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 23.—A few - - d “just as I military governor of Indiana, and upon | nights ago an intoxicated man was d ell i 1 J^ P lwntniniic punerior ingred-1 him devolved the responsibility of tbs I picked off the Pan-Handle railroad tints’” imnosed upon^theim These are celebrated treason Lials in which MilH- tracks in this city by Jacob Kries, a burned, and Express Messenger Mack Bletherade, of Creston, so badly Irort it to expected he will die at any time. uu _ _. , _ BucWen’a Arnica smve. onlv tribksTo sell inferior goods that no I gan. Bowles and Humphrey ^ er ® I bartender at Rodenbaugh’s saloon. As I The best salve in-the world for out?, more compare with Aleck's Porous gtotLmfiy to a, man was too £uU to give an account bruises, sores ulcer^ salt rheum fever PLASTVR/tban copper .1«^ ^ «£ d - bri?g S ^ri7. of himself, his name could not be | “res, tettor, chappedjmnds, cWlhlrins. Q nf . ot A LI*COCK 8 1 OR US A I» 8 [ vv -»«■ : Jk Aka, »4LPVa«1«i I leewnai! Kwf *» —fall afro tkr’b will convince the W I A OtOlJ OlOy AILS V\»UO A IVCUOUVU) voyages the vessel has experienced in mic conditions that do not respond to in her seventeen years of buffeting the ord *5* r y t° n *cs. Torpid Liver, Spleen wave, of the Atlantic. She left Liver- pool on the 11th inst., when a terrific Milkleg. Imooverished Blood. Chronio gal* was sweeping around the British Hemorrhages all yield to its tonic influ- coast and playing havoc with shipping, ences and persistent use. By theaknied She immediately ran into a boiling sea, ^^SriaUCTware^^fe^TS that sent mighty volumes of water over !e8S or aborted. All the weak points in the vessel. Th# crew were compelled ’.he system are helped—even incipient to cling to ropes to keep from being consumption has been cured. The swept overboard. On# tremendous sea power of opinm tnu aicohol over the boarded the vessel, swept over th* deck, 3ystem are often subdued by the re- and carried with it Quartermaster I ^torative influence of this instrument* Thomas McKenzie, who in going over I No shock or _ unpleasant sensation of LTsk 8 epti£ Ma j <k°Menzies, and toother. l^edTbut a still SS^SifiSSt^SS reau^.l most -kfcptic p J whois poatmaster at Moaat Yar- happened* The same man whom Kreis cure spUw, or pay require 1 of dieir merits. T ! non, Ind. had taken off the track walked into the 1 ft 18 _ guaranteed to give ^perfeot ^ Die ( .1 ^t Cn iTto A Government “.By the death of Alvin P. Hov V , six miles before it waa struck. Th# the rail gave a piercing shriek of de- any kind received in its proper use. It engine was demolished, the freight oar anair. He disappeared in th# angry is not liable to be abused or to get out ’ ‘ waters, and was seen no more, as in I J»f order. Its_ good effects are man- such a 8§a nothing conld bt done for I ifested on patients in longer or shorter him. time, according to chromcity of the case The Britannic continned te meet I and susceptibility of the individual, very rough weather during the greater The “Pocket” poise can be used at " ' ' ' •* ' ’y purchaser. Price $25. Th# ^ r “Wall” poise is better adapted upon deck. XU# time or tne voyage | to office pi-actice. Price $50. A book was eight days, eight hoars and five of instructions with each instrument. ward, E. I. Smith, cep'-» snbbtstute. Ph. D., F. C. 8 , late ® overnment i jj^mnant-governor Ira J. Chase of Dan- Chemist, certifies: ville becomes governor of Indiana. Mr. “My investigation of Allcock s # born in the viUige of Clark- Pokous PLASTER *bows it to p C<>ntain | Mouroa county, N. Y., December valuable and essential ingredients not • - found in any other plaster, and I find it suDPrior to and more eflScient than any j n , superior ,, j Sweet Gum and Mullein is nature - 0t |A^r Alt cock’s, and let no solici- great remedy, for coughs, colds, croup, rati ™ or explanation induce youtoac- consumption and all throat and lung ■- - troubles. ‘ .va saloon, and, malting himself known, and finding it was Kreis to whom he was talking, ran his hand into his pocket, polled oat something, and, after thanking him, tnrned on his heel and walked out. Upon examination Jacob found that he had $100 in cold, dean cash aa a reward for probably saving the unknown man’s life. ■WIHEOFtiMMA a Teels tor 111 minutes, covering 2,791 mjles. Idrw. W. S. Whaley, M. D. Agent, Athena, Ga. faction or monev refunded. Price 2? For the first Sunday in several years cents Derbrx * ! Nashville was "dry” last Sunday. It For sale by John Crawford * t o |-was impossible to buy a drink m the .is -.*,n urp-iit* i central portion of the city, and bnt few i of tho out-of-the-way saloons did busi- -■ ‘ ~ . . ness. The cans* of thia was an order Mr. A. J. Fanagan. ot Gainesville, is.ued by the board of publio works, has removed to this city, and is a work- 0 f which a new member was elected by man at C: pt Brumby’s shoe factory. the reform city council recently. Here- — tofore many of the leading saloons have Georgia Raised Seed Rye for sale by bad a side door open with the silent 8. C. Dobbs. consent of the city officials. MONEY! MONE1M On -farm Security, At 6 Per Cent. A. G. McCurry, Athens, Ga. Office Clayton Street, over Wini sor Shoe Store Nov.iT—d7Stwl3t.