Newspaper Page Text
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Repoit
Flf*y In Attendance and Increasing
Daily—Good Lectures are Import
ant Subjects—The Faculty Com
posed of Six Learned.Edu
Naval Store*.
Savannah. July 1A —Turpentine firm at
tiM; rosin firm at $1.05
Tho Indian Territory Kohbora Pro** to
no Another Gang.
GOTHBIE, O. T.. July is now
definitely learned that it was not the
I ©scar Dalton gang that committed the
Wilmington July 10.-Turpentine ______
at 2&M: rosin firm; strained 85; good strained I ~ ~ „ Territory
uic; tar steady at *1.40; crudj turpentine | tram robbery in Indian Territory,
firm; hard $1.00; yellow dip SI.65; virgin
Prodace and Provision*.
New York. Jolr 16.—Pork quiet bufr'flrm;
mess, old $l2.U0@iaut; tew $11.00; prime ex
tra *12.«v*12.5u. Middles easy; short cleat , . - ,
8.U3. Lard easier and quiet: western steam I their Winchesters to bear upon tue BU >'
Religious Department. I CMdren’s'[Department
Two merry groups of boys and girls
were playing wbal they called “Base,” tbe
i other day. Each parly was clustered
It might well be classed with the disea-1 ground $ big !ree v the 4 *basts’ 1 of the game.
ses. Surely its objects are quite as misera-1 W beru they were sate from capture by the
ble as the sick, and in many cases even I enemy; they made inroads into the enemy’s
The statement made in Saturday’s
Ban nvb that the teachers were requir
ed to board at the Rock College, was
eroneous. Of course they can suit
themselves in regrad to their stopping
place. The Rock College is merely a
convenience that all who feel so dispos
ed may take advantage.
Friday there were two hundred and
twenty-five in attendance on the Nor
mal School. These teachers have been
very enthusiastic and attentive
to their duties; and
those who remain for the balance of
the session manifest a zeal and determi
nation seldom witnessed by teachers.
Saturday the Peabody Institute open
ed with fifty in attendance, nineteen
counties being represented. Tbe atten
dance will be largely increased .Monday
as it is known that as many as twenty-
five will come from one Section.
The Institute was formerly opened by
State School Commissioner Bradwell,
in a speech explaining object and aims
r»f Peabody Institute. And the relation
of Peabody fund to education in the
S Juth and Georgia especially.
He was followed by the different
; lecturers who outlined their work for
the coming week and assigning lessons
and formulating a programme for oper
ation! during the next week.
The address by Capt. B adwell to a
number of county school commissioners,
who were present upon tbeir official
duties and the rights of teachers in the
public schools of Georgia, wa3 well re-
c ivei. The school was then dismissed
until Monday morning.
It was arranged for Prof. Derry to
deliver a lecture on the "Confederate
Soldier” last night. Sterioptic&n views
were to be presented and it was expect
ed that a treat was in store for all who
were present.
In ad lition to the regular Faculty,
special lecturers have been employed to
deliver addresses of interest before tbe
Institute, from time to time.
The board and accommodation at
Rock College while not of stylish char-
act. r, yet they have been very satisfac
tory to all who have taken advantage
of them. Several important improve
ments will be made in the restaurant
department during the coming week.
Peabody Institute Notes.
Lec'-urre irom prominent educators
over the will be had on different
subjects uwi lime to time at the Insti
Prof. i' J r Jlrunkley will organize a
class in Gmaan which he will teach
durirg tbe session of the Institute.
This clsi however, will not conflict
with tL .dgul&r Normal course.
Prof. v_. M. Spellings of the State
Uuiversity has kindly consented to de-
l.v. r/daily lectures on higher mathe
matics at the Institute.
The faculty of the institute is compos
ed of of six of the foremost ranks
educators, with Prof. L. B. Evans, of
Augusta, pre*ident. His department
Is the science of teaching.
P.-of. Otis Ashmore, of the scie:
drp irtment of the High School, of S;
va- nab, has charge of Geography ai
allied subjects.
Prof. Landrum, of Atlanta High
School, Mathematics.
Prof. G. G. Bond, Athens Public
S:'.ool, English Literature.
1’fiof. Joseph M. Derry, W«slyn Fe
in Ue College, Macon, History and
Miss Mamie Bacon, Milledgt vjlle.
Primary work.
Commisioner Bradwell leaves today
for Atlanta where he will spend a few
days in^his office. He will then go on
to Savannah and proceed to organize
teachers Institute in that city.
Prof. B.C. Davis,of Atlanta will com
mence Aug. 1st. to give tbe students of
tbe Peabody, special instructions in
sch h>1 music. This course will last one
Miss Madie Wheeler, of Augusta,Ga.,
has been employed to conduct a course
in physical culture at tbe Institute.
Prof. S. P. Sanford, of Mercer Uni
versity has been booked for two 1<
turn on “Romance cf figures duri
Prof. J. W. Glenn, of Elberton
lecture on natural history during tbe
Peabody session.
Carnesvllle BrleMets.
Rev. W. M. Rainpley, who has been
visiting relatives and friends for some
time in Mississippi returned this after
T. A. Garrison and Emma Kay were
married here todsy in tbe court house
in presence of and appreciative au
W. E. McCarter, of the Kimball
House, of Atlanta,is visiting his fathers
family at thiB place where he will re
main lor several days.
Torn McConnell of A. M. Robinson &
Co., and M. Hutzler, of M. J. Hirsch
were here today drumming the town.
7.42)4 bid; cits’ steam. 0.7&&L8J; options, Sep
tember, 7.49; October, 7.52.
Chicago, July 16.—Cash quotations were a*
follows: Mesa i>ork ll.759U.80. Lard 7.12)49
97.20. Short ribs looso 1JBU9SM. Dry
shoulders boxed 7.009**25. Short clear
boxed $7.8598.90.
Cincinnati, .Inly 1&—Pork firm; new
$12.25, Lard dull; current make,- 7.00.
Hulk meats firm; short ribs, 8.00. Bacon
quiet; short clear 9.0099.02)$.
The gang has been camped in the ter*
ritory for some time past between Prior
creek and the place where the crime
committed, and about 9 o cloclc _ _____ __ ___ _
J; prime ex- to Adair, bringing not only spoiling the life of a victim, but, flew t0 “base” and safety.
Short clear I they made tneir way t like many others diseases, It is likely to I -go our young people must do in higher
—~ — Winchesters to beatt^ contagious, one person taking it matter8 . is ^ an xtous and unsate g age
agent. They proceeded to ransaca from another. There is no telling the {or their fa}th . tbey hear matters discussed,
more so. It is very likely, moreover, to I CO untiy. and excursions around their own,
become a-chronic and incurable malady, I but «u the first signal of danger, back they
Program of the Sarepta s. s c
tlon to Meet at 1st Bapti st * 0,Wl
Athens, Ga on August
10:30 Bil ging and Prayer
11:00 Introductory sermon tv w
12:00 Appoint committee on
the station of all valuables. This ac : I mischief it does. It presents a thousand I ctisputed, doubted, which their fathers and’
2:30 Report of committee
er MfB.
cr «dta-
complished, they calmly sat down to
and one bobgobling difficulties in tbe way j
to the accomplishment of pet plans witb-
niolbers implicit/ believed in; some of
these doubters and dispnters'seem to be
r salt f, the north bound lo these doubters and dispnterslseem to be
■ sides awalt the ar r* VHl of , tue “O.AO rfZk out so much as offering to remove a single honest intelligent Bible Christians
passenger train auet ere • obstruction. It suggests all sorts of omin- vVhere’ can these voung minds and heart!
p. m. The entire contents of the safe
was secured. „ . . v .
In the skirmish between Captain Me
nus and needless alarms, and keeps one in
a constant state of apprehension and un-1
Where can these young minds and hearts
‘Go back to base.” That Jesus Christ I
H4n««voWof the^lroadletectm. rest. It forces people to *oolish at- ia the Sou ot Godi and the g08pe i btory fc
Chicago Market.
Chicago. July 16.
Wheat—SepL 76% July 78; Cash 78.
Corn—Sept. 48; July 48)$; Cash 48)$.
Oats-July, 3U% Sept. »%; Cash
Pork-Scot. 11.87; July. 11.75.
Ribs—SepL 7.50; July, 7.50.
Lard—SepL 7.20; July, 7.10.
J. C. McConnell, ex-sheriff of Frank-1 January
New York Cotton Futures.
New York. July 16.—Following is tho open
ing and closing quotations;
linhas made around of the county for
several days past and is an excellent | Jwv
judge of crop prospects, says they are
as poor as be has seen them for years
past, and others who are good judges
make it equally as dark in reporting the
Miss Myrtie Allgood, a Piedmont,
Ala. belle, is visiting relatives and
friends ne{ur town, where she will re-
February Z
force and the Indian gnnrds
robbery was taking place. Mr. Morun
ney received a slight wound in the
shoulder, and one of the guards received
a ballet in his leg.
Two stray bullets entered a drug
store up town and seriously injured
Drs. Youngblood and W. L. Goff, _who
were sitting in the building at the time.
Dr. Goff has since died of his wou ids
and Dr. Youngblood is in a serious cop
dition. The exact value of plunder oh
tained by the robbers cannot be learned,
railroad officials refusing to state the
amount taken. It is thought to be no
large amount. A strong guard was
sent out from Anita to endeavor to
even in sight* much less fairly reached.
It breeds, suspicion, sours the temper,
ruins the disposition, and spoils tne home,
ft changes tbe countenance ot three accus
tomed to receive it as a guest, making tbe
face look old and wrinkled before the time.
It drives the children from home, makes
all kinds of duties drag heavily, takes the
sweetness out of everything, forgets to
look at the sunshine, smile it ever so
tion of anybody who devotes an hour a
day to. the careful study ot the evidence.
Very well; that is base; there you are_safe;
make inroads if you choose into the region I
of doubt and scepticism, make excursions
into the outlying truths of revealed reli-
gon, but keep close to base; watch the dan
ger signals, and whenever you find yofir
faith trembling; lay bold of this one proven
fact (which, though not ajl of truth, .is |
2nd. Election of officers f 0r ,,
onsu'ng year.
3rd. Appoint time and p w
next meeting. 0(
4-.h. Verbal reports f roms
day schools. " Is
6th. R. p >rt of President fr ,
past year. r
6th. Miscllanerus bniin*
0,0811 e with prayer **
cheerily, and it hastens many a soul “‘to I enou^b to save,) saying 1 "Lord, to whom
S i™ 1 ,- shall we go? Thou hast the words of eter-
Sunday school mass meeting.
might have been of gieat usefulness longer
on the earth bat for tbe destroying, influ
ence of the wearing disorder. All troubles,
real and fancied, are dwelt upon with use-
nal life, and we believe aud are sure that
thou art that Christ, the Sou of the living
geuirmber ‘.’.‘.*”".‘."..7.1397'. 121 8ent 9_ ut ..‘ ro . m “ nl l* t0 1 i„ rire re _ I less and depressing persistence, until the
fiHI I I toe$of wo^Me^raven deeply to the
November.. .*.
December ....7.4097.40 |
Middlings easy at 7)£c.
any of the gung will no doubt be offered.
Liverpool Colton Future*.
Liverpool. July 16.—Following is the open
ing and.cloaing quotations:
July and August. 8.5I97.S}
A lit. list ami Senteuiber AX94JW
Keport of a Spanish ConmlMlon
Dlseaae Prevalent lu Fori*.
Madrid. July 16.—The report of the
countenance, and what is still worse on I
tbe heart* No true Christian should ever |
allow the cares and grievances of even
trying life to so far come between him and I
bis God, the faith, trust, and confidence
will flee away, leaving the sufferer nothing |
upon which to lean. Says Canon Farrar:
‘Th; —
'hromrhont the entire World of God we
“Jones, have you heard of the fire that |
burned up the man’s house and lot!:”
“No, Smith; where waaitV”
“Here in the city.”
“What a misfortune to him! Was it a |
good house?”
‘‘Yes; a good house and lot—a good home I
0:00 Prayers f. i Sunday .M,oot»
9:30 The ebun h in its relation to
Sunday schre Is should it con.
trol ar.d maintain them? i; ev
J. F. Cheney.
10:00 The relation of S. Schools to 0w
missionary en'erpiise? T u
Mell ‘ *
10:30 Advanteg. sand disartv,<
of penny co'lections. William,
11 *.00 Sermon on missif n«, Rev J. j
A. W. McConnell has gone in the
wine business extensively. He has
made several hundred gallons of black
berry wine of fine quality.
Miss Ellen Dortch has been in at
tendance on tbe Weekly Press Associa
tion at Rome this week. The tribune
will come out in its mammoth irade
edition tomorrow. The advance sheets
show it to bo a flue production and a
gaod advertisement of the commerce of
Northeast Georgia.
July *27th will be a grand time for
Democracy in this section. Hons. J W.
R ibertson, of Habersham, T. G. Law-
son, of Putman and F. G. duBiguon, ot
Catham, will make the welkin ring in
Democratic talks to our people. A
large crowd will greet them and a good
crowd is expected.
Horace Manley, a three year old boy
of this place, and very small for hie
age, is a prodigy on the boards. He can
dance a jig, waltz, or almost any dance
known to any kind of music. We ex
pect to see him on the boards earning a
good salary in the near future.
ouence the government has ordered that Ood’s intention that weBhall worry.
^ .. , i • a._i_ niiMD. 1 Are invited limn find nunin tnrj»t nm
precautions"be immeiktely taken along are invited time and again to cast our bur-
- — - —- — i den on the Lord and findsnstamage grace;
_ , . , .. | the Pyrenean frontier to prevent the in-
"We offer you a remedy which u J troduction of the disease into Spain.
used as directed, insures safety to
life of both mother and child.
Robs confinement of its Pain, Hobuoe and
Risk, as many 'testify.
“ 51 v wife UKd only two boltl»>»f Mother*
Friend. *»he tvaa easily and quickly relieved
—la now dolor splendidly.”
J. S. Morton, Harlow, N. C.
Sent by express, charges prepaid, on re
ceipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. Sold by all
druggists. Book To Mothers mailed free.
Bbadtirld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
To Construct Uvpltnl*.
PARIS. July 16. —The municipal au
thorities have voted 150,000 francs to
construct wooden cholerine hospitals at
Montmatre, if such accommodations
I should become necessary!
How much wiser to let the does bear
us instead ot trying to bear it, to trust the
premised aid of the Saviour rather than to
burned too?*
“Yes, lot and all—all gone, slick and
“That is singular- It must have been a
terrible hot fire; and then I don’t see how
it could have burned the loL”
"No, it was not a very hot fire. Indeed,
worry and sigh, when neither worry nor I it was so small that it attracted but little
. - - J **‘ J —*
sigh helps the heart one whiL
attention, and did not alarm any body.
“Bui how could such a little fire burn
up a house and lot? You havent told me.”
“It burned a long time—more than twen
ty yeats, and, though it seemed to consume
2 30 How may a devotioin.1 sjirit
dev< lopi d sud uinintmi odinS.
school;b li- v. M. S. Weaver.
3:00 Gcmr.l dbcussion of s. nhool
woik. Questions ar.d av.s-Rtni
4:00 Resolu ions. Closu g exercises.
J G. Ghisok, Pes'L
Crawfoid, Ga., Ju y 14th, '92.
Still Spread leg In Rutalo.
St. Petersburg, July 16 —Since the
Occasionally members of the church are I very slowly, yet it consumed about one
frank enough to say they do not enjoy their J hundred and fifty dollars' worth every
religion. “Where' is the blessedness I
knew when fiist I saw the Lord?” is,
year, till it was all gone.’
"I cannot understand you yet. Tell me |
last report twenty new cases of cholera with such pel sons, a perpetually recurring w here the fire was kindled, and all about
and eleven deaths from the disease hav<
been reported at Simbirsk on the Volga-
Athens, Ga., Nov. 10,1891.
About two years ago I suffered in
tensely with neuralgia of the bowels.
For a fortnight I had not been able to
rf st at all. Oneevening at 7 o’clock Dr.
Whaley applied ibe tsrgc-siztd El ctro-
p ilse, and in two hours I was sleeping
as quietacd sweetly as a child. For
eight hours I wa« so still they were al
most alarmed. I awoke refreshed, and
with a desire tor food. Dr. Whaley
continued the use of the Electropoise
with me for over two months, and it
cared me. I am now well and strong.
Rosprctfully, Mrs. Ida Graves.
Griffin, Ga , Mi ch 12,1392.
W H. Withkr-poon,Esq., President,
&c —Sir:—I commenced the use of the
Electropoise, purchased of you, in July
las'. My trouble was the bad effects
from a severe case of nervous prostra
te n. The’Poise acted like a ch&im
from tbe first application. It seemed to
bo vitslize mv entire sj stem that my
gent ral health has become almost entire
ly restored. It has besn invaluable to
me, and I cheerfully commend it to these
whose condition has been similar to my
own. Truly, etc.,
E. W. Beck
A 40-pag * book, describing the treat
ment and containing testimonials from
all sections, and for the cure of all
diseases, mailed free on application.
Dddress Atlantic Electropoise Co.,
45 Gould Buildiug, Atlanta, Ga.
Dead.—Mr. A.
itizen of Athq
in East Athens,
place today.
[. M. Bennett, an
is died Friday night
lis funeral will take
It Is Finished.—Messrs. Parr Bros,
have finished the work of paintii g the
First Metbodirt church and that tdific
will be ready tor occupany by
The Primary:—Next Saturday tbe
primary election for county officers will
take place. We have had enough of
negro rule and we hrpe that every white
man will go to the polls and vote for
the man of his choice.
Carnegie People Musters Strikes
Against the Bayonet—Men Must
Come to Terms—Their Places
Will be Filled.
Homestead, July 16.—The story runs
here that there are already fifty non
union workmen in Carnegie’s mill, and
although both Carnegie’s manager and
tho strike leaders deny the statement, it
has found currency and belief among
I the men, and is-the chief topic of dis
cussion upon the streets.
| Fire vras started in one of tho heaters
and the sight of steam very nearly pre
cipitated a conflict between the troops
and men. As soon as the steam rose, a
large body of strikers, who were near
the railroad front of the mills, made a
hasty movemeut towards the gate, and
the provost patrol hurriedly got between
them and the main entrance. Bayonets
were brought to a charge and the men
were halted.
It was probably rather curiosity than
any purpose to enter the works that
made the men come forward, but the
abrupt manner in which they were
turned back caused some feeling, and
was considered by many as an iudica-
cation that the troops are ready to fight,
a fact which may have heretofore been
disbelieved on account oi sympathy
with the men expressed by the militia.
Since the soldiers have been confined
to camp there has been a very marked
thange iu the feeling between the town
and mill, sentiment on both sides being
decidedly more unfriendly than it was
at first
Among other symptoms of renewed
activity at the mills was the unloading
of a boatload of stores, including a large
number of cote and camp supplies, gro
ceries, and boxes, supposed to contain
food. They were carried into the mills
and stored in one of the warehouses. Be
sides these preparations, orders have
been issued to the superintendents and
foremen of the different departments to
report for duty. This order has brought
out a resignation from Allen Hnbbard,
foreman of the armory plate depart
ment, who has refused to work with
non-union men, and who has thrown up
next | his place to cast his lot with the strik
ers. Strike pickets are still maintained
abont the mill and at the railroad, bat
they have been abandoned at other
points about town.
Rheumatism was so had thtl Jsmes Irvin, rf
R.varnab, could hardly walk from pain In h a
shoulder, and Joints of Ids legs. F F. 1
... l « *■ •—- —* ””»**>« > i,fn l )
question: Many,no doubt,who do not speak
of it have bnt little enjoyment to tbeir |
I church relations, and for tbe reason that
“church relations” fully express their re
lation to spiritual things. A mere church I
| connection is a very unsatisfying thing. 1
"Well, then, it was kindled on the end
of a cigar, The cigar cost him, he himself
told me, $12.50 per moDth, or $150 a year,
and that in twenty-one years would amount
to $3,150, besides all the interest. Now,'
Abbott’s East India Corn Faint rcmor< s
quickly all corns, (bunions and warts vrlthoit
| would be more than $10,000- That would
mouiaer, ana joints oi .c B ». .. *• ... Nothing short of a vital spiritual connec-1 t h e money was at least 10 per ceDt., and at.
(Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and Pota83iuto,)wii I Uod with Jesus Christ will give perpetu-1 that rate, it would double once in about! lts P ec
resorted to and Irvin ts well and happy. I a l peace. The facility with which many cvery seven years* so that t be whole sum be obsi
■unite with thecbnrch, and the facility 1 ■*■ -■ ’ --**-— — .. I
with which they disregard the spiritual
obligations that belong to the followers of
Christ, are astonishing revelations of the
deceitfulnest of the human heart. There
can be no true peace or spiritual rest of
s-ml that does not, day by day, appreciate
tbe life of faith and good works demanded
by the Christian religion. Only those find
A prominent Railroad f tq erlntendent llvli g
in Savannah, on© suffering for years from Mi -
larla and General Debility, Faya, o:i having •< -
covered hi* health by th« use of F. 1.1. thirl 8
that ho. will live forever if he can always get P.
P. F. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium).
This party’s name will he given on applicatk i.
Lake city,
P. p. P. Manufacturing Co. :
Gents— Having suffered with rheumatism for
some time, and tried great many remedies, but
could find no relief until I used your great an<
beneficial P. P. P. I feeominei.d It to suffering
hums i ity. Yours.
Frick'* Salty Telegram.
Pittsburg, July 16.—Secretary Love-
joy of the Carnegie Steel company, is
authority, for the statement that when
«*»■» "•» «»I **££5ISUKK”’!?&
iufoms ua that tobacco ’ iisioo io “oo-ooioo eit.Uiohuout. Ho tho
_ .. v. .. I man hrnlfo t.liair nnrrnoninTif in atwilnm#
Southern Georgia Is .tuoo^ .u5 th..
rgs qua
it is Vii
nantities arc raised there as fli e
Trey Meet.—There was a small num-
of tbe Third
Saturday hoi
party al
tiding a
at the court home
and now the company will name the
time and terms for resuming work.
H. C. Frick sent the following tele-
I gram to Superintendent Wrigley of the
i- Bea
impossible to find
meeting. It was
out what they were
ver Falls mills:
I am tost in receipt of the following tel
egram from Beaver Falla:
We, the Amalgamated association of
up to, but it is thought by some that I Beaver Falls, the road mill, wire mill aud
they were fixing up a ticket for county I nail mill, have come-tb the conolusiou that
we will refuse to wait until such time as
H. C. Frick, chairman of the Carnegie
Steel company, limited, is willing to con-
the Ai
Post Mortem Examination.—Dr. I for with the Amalga mated fisaociation, to
Quilliau assisted by Di s Edwards and I order to settle the homestead affair.
'*—■—* -*- —■ *—*■*— 1 “Arthur Thornton,
“Chairman of Committee.
You will please see Mr. Thornton, ohatr-
Go8s herd a post m< r;em examination
over the body of. Mr. A H. M. Bennett,
I of the Committee, and ask him‘ to no-
examination they found that cons-imp-I fjfy big mea that jj they, composing the
tion of the bowels caused bis death; the I Amalgamated association of Beaver Fails
doctors say it was
case and be had not been treated
. . Amalgamated
very interesting I mills, and who signed an agreement with
while | us for one year, do not go to work when
Doa and Poultry Farm.-Mr Bert-
ling, living only a short distance from
Athens has a large dog and pot .
farm where he has nothing but the fin
est breeds, iiis dogs are the Colly
breed and be is constantly shipping
them *o all parts of tbe country. Pid-
gcons of every variety can be seen at
his place for whioh he finds ready sale
Mr. Berlling was sbipptoga lot of
hen eggs of the Buff Cochin variety for
•whioh he receives three dollars per do
zen. He also has a large number of
Bt rk8hire hrgi of tbe finest breed and
fudls them at splendid priees. Mr.
Periling is all the time improving his
farm and it will not be long before it is
tie largest in the country.
sick for that dis< a«e altog *thfr as their yp*\ **?, ready to start, we will consider
were Other complications connected the,r fJulure do so as a cancellation of
with it.
i and
Bishop Nelson in Deep
Oa Sunday Rt Rt-v Bishop Ne’s >n
Rev. T.G. Fund started fir Clarksville
to hold services. When the first creek
was reio' ed tbey drove in, and, to their
surprise, the water was so deep that it
bo * K ^* I As * her ® 'a no royal n ad io learning, so
thfre to 00 magical care for diseases. The
the agreement existing between us, ned
when these works so resume it will bo k«
non-Huion, and former employes satisfac
tory to ua, who desire to work there, will
have to apply as individuals. You can say
that under no circumstances will we coa
ler with the men at Homestead os mem
bers qf the Amalgamated association.
1 Carnegie Steel Co., Limited.
By H. C. Frick, Chairman.
buy a fine house lot in any* : city. It
would pay for a large farm to the country.
Don’t yon pity the family of the man who
has slowlv burned up their home?”
“When, I guess you mean me: for 1
have smoked mote than twenty years. But
it doesn’t cost so much as that, and 1
haven’t any bouse of my own, have always
Cattle Quarantine in CtmaiU
Ottawa, Out., July 10.—As the foot
and month disease is greatly prevalent
among cattle in tbe mother country,
and as considerable thoroughbred stuck
is being imported into Canada this year,
tbe Canadian government has detormiu-
ed to draw the quarantine lines as tight
ly as possible. A catlle quarantine of
ninety days is held by experts to bi
more than sufficient to indicate tho
prevalence of disease of auiiuaU. aud
therefore there will be no chance in this
respect except that extra vigilance wid
be observed with regard to sheepasd
Bwiue, for which the government period
is fifteen days. Its duration is likely to
ba extended *o sixty days.
true rest to tbeir souls who, actually, not I rented; thought I was to poor to own a
~ y, Fla. j
' To'Svork for Carnegie.
PottstowjI, Pa., July 16—A larg
number of Hungarians, employes of th.
Pottstown Irou company’s steel work,
left work without having any notic-
and the accepted theory is that the_>
have been engaged to go to Homesteai
to take the places of the strikers at tin
Carnegie mills.
merely in form, take Christ’s yoke upon
them and leurn of him and walk to his
| commandments and follow his steps. If
there is anything that evangelists should
insist upon more than another it is that
there is to be a new life, a fife of faith and
love, and that everything unworthy of tbe | Selected
I Christian name is to be laid aside once for 1
all, and forever, when the name of Christ
is confessed and his yoke taken to the
obedience that ought to be expressed to
the ordinance of Christain baptism. The
utter todifierence to Christian doty by
thousands who wear tbe Christian name,
and their constant violation of the common
house. And all because I have been burn-1
tog it up! What a fool I have been!”
The boys would better never light a fire I
which costs so much, and which, though
so easily put out, is yet so likely, if once |
kindled, to keep burning all their lives.—
Do clothes make a boy? Sometimes. I
knew of a boy who was made by his cloth
es, I will tell you- tie had a chum at school
whose parents were poor, and who was ob-
gotlled a Rillroad Qvustlov.
Charleston, S. C., July 16. iu th#
United States court Judge Simoaton
signed a decree dismissing the demurer
filed by the state on the railroad ta
cases aud making the junc tion perpet
ual. Th6 decrees were in the case ol
th« North-ea8tern railroad and t he Cen
tral railroad, of South Caron in, vs.
George H. Walter, the tre.nsiir.-r of
Charleston county. This concludes Ur#
cases arising out of the action of tlrs
board of equalization of raising the as
sessment of railroad property iu the
Tommy—Uncle J*tk, Ioftm hour'tin
| UC lvul u. uu I.. ; , . . „ ,. , ta'kin’ about safe burglar; what do tbey
laws of morality justify the preacher of I |'8 e h to dress coarsely and plainly. He could 1 moan py Hi at kind of alurylai?
the gospel in making an emphasis on the hav ® bis intimate friend better cloth- TT -’ T ■*
- - - 1 es, but that would have wounded the heai t
that be loved. What should he do? His
necessity of genuine repentance that is
| simply terrific. Let the people ta the
chuich and out of it be startled with such f'iend.dressed coarsely,but neatly. Heresol-
qnestions as “Who shall be able to stand?” ved . ltiat . he would wei *r exactly such clohes
Uuclr J»ck—There is lire only one kindi
>f a safe burglar, my boy, and he’s the out-
Il l’s iu i ail.
Carnecle Hanged in Efflcj.
Little Rock, Ark., July 16.—Carne
gie, the steel works owner, has beei
hanged in effigy htre. The police, Fri
day morning, discovered a crowd of two
hundred people assembled around the
figure of a man hanging from a tele
phone pole, with a placard bearing tin
word “Carnegie” pinned on the breast.
as his friend could afford and dress as near
ly like him as possible. His parents
r, •- . . , . , .liked his® sense of brotherly kind-
13 _ a „P 11 , 8,ake J } 0 . 8 . up . p06e . that Chn8 ‘--1 ness and his true heart, The
^act was a lesson. It taught him sacrifice.
4® he f? rew older be seemed to think but
A Fatal Hall Storm.
St. Paul, Minn., July 16.—Three
revolutionize the world. The kingdom
of God, to which his will should be done
as in heaven, was not to appear immedi
ately, as Jesus taught the discples. It has
not fully appeared yet, although doubtless
we have it in fuller measure than they had
then, Paul warned Timothy that even
“in the last days"— at least to the end of
Timothy’s life—men ahonld be lovers of
self, lovers of money, loveis of pleasure
and without natural affection. These
litt e of hisown gratifications—a true mark
of a gentleman, He loved others more
than himself. This caused nim to be be
loved, and when at last the people of his
city and State wanted a man for a position
of the very highest trust and honor, they
selected him. Clothes makes nothing but
clothes, as a rule; but they show character,
and a ten dollar suit may be used to ex
press as much character as one that coats
$50. It is neatness and care and taste
Death Would Have Been Welcome.
Spent Hundreds of Dollars
Without Relief.
Prdcured Cutlcura. Wonderful Change
In Three Months. Completely
Cured In Six.
During the w*r, I contracted some kind of * fflj*
mm which brought mo almost to the point of deatt.
My right arm and leg were one m*s« of corruption
eating Into my Tory flesh. Swelling snd ItcWn*
terribly, causing most excruciating pain*.
torture was awful. I had spent hundreds of <
sons whose names are unknown, wer.
per things ate suggested by the discoveiv of mata good SSL.- uSTatoo make
ver. the fact that the awful destruction of life nova— nnt th« tailor* ’no von ««,« I was suffering so that death would huyo beens
ww * ***, m 1 sm-JKaJs - sst 1
boys—not tbe tailors. Do you see the i,!T“ “Kvi* 1
in Lacquiparte county, and Paul Huck
nappy release. Rev. J. G. Ahern, who
Pastor of Bickley Circuit, urged mo .0 proedrj
thn rhmrnRi RsMEniEfi. Udoii their arrival,*
the CtmctJRA Remedies. Upon their l
began to n« «oordlng to dlrKtlone, or.d lo
Bigger’a Huckleberry cordia
ih trouble
cures all bowel and stomacl
and children teething. Sold by
enough hunanity, to care whether they a8 ? R “? ea tad° r ® angels. i started, i wasw>mpiot*iy cured.
Put people to danger or not We believe | *° I
put people in danger or not. We believe I , ‘ Der ® any one three yc
Christianity, with its supreme principle of I ashamed? Perhaps
love that works no ill to its neighbor, is I * ieavetl n °t know what w
our friends in
we do, but no one
•lightest appearance of tho disease.
• tn conclusion to ell suffering from
I would
maw nuiKB 11U 111 IU 118 liclKQDOr, IS I . , " ' " v '* w » wuw I l&y in CUDClusiou vo un luuuuub , V , ,.rita it
leaving society, and in the long 8 run will » with certatoty. They may be sor- “‘“lood trouble, don’t
Cloud Uurst In Colorado.
Cannon City, July'16.—The most de-
strnctive cloud burst in the history o
Fremont county occurred at Grape
Creek canon doing an immense amount
of damage. The flood came down Grap.
Creek ten feet high and struck the Ri.
Grande track at the month of the creek
tearing ont 390 met of the railroad bed
The Santa Fe bridge across the rivei
went shortly after 5 o’clock, and tool
with it the county wagon bridge o;
Ninth street Great damage was dou
j leaven tbe whole mass, bnt its work u
slow—Selected. -
I ry every time we do wrong, and pleased
every time we do right, and then, however
that may be, we know surely that Jesus is.
What must we do with, the wrongs and
injustices and injuries inflicted upon us by
others if-we are not to avenge them? How
are these wrongs to be righted and these in
juries to be healed? Do not fear tbe conse-1
—They were ready to go to the seashore
When#all would be real bliss,
But the home they left behind
Was very much like this.
SEe—I thought you told me Mr. Nixon
quence of any wrong done to you. Simply I was a man of regular habits.
He—Well, he has been drinking steadily
to the growing crops irifij
tom. The loss in Cannon“
ed to $50,000.
the river hot
jity amouut-
roll the matter into God’s hands and leave
it there, and be will bring all out clear as I ever since I knew him.
tbe noonday. He will not suffer us to be
permanently and really injured by any en-1 m m mm **** iisitiiHi
mity. Our duty then is to bear meekly I All Cf) &JADPVV
and patiently the suffering which others I | n|f| QU Ififll S 1 ■
may cause U9 to endure; to bathe with love 1
the bands that smiles; to forgive those who
iujure and to commit all the injustices
and tot tjaities of oiir fives and all wrongs
imo *ht nands of the just and righteous God.
„ _ , ,, , „ The oyster’s wounds beenma pearls; and
ptntfrfnFnTi 11 ’ k° a " a “ d 1 £t , ® tra ' d: C 0 *' I God can bring pearls of spiritual beauty
Negotiates loans oj First Mortgages on
Farm Lands, bearir g* 6 per cent inter
est Commission* reasonable.
Office No 3. CarPon building, corner
Clayton and Jackson strsets,
Athens, Ga.
out of ihe huits made by hnman hands to
our lives.—J. R. Miller, to Forward.
Mr Gto. Malcom is quite sick at the
residence of Mr. Biadberry, Hanoock
1 avt nue.
Relieved me of a severe Blood trouble.
It has also caused my hair to grow out
again, as it had been falling out by the
handfuL After trying many physicians
m vain, I am so happy to find a cure in
S. S. S. O. H. Elbert, Galveston, Tex.
(3T*It la entirely vegetable and harmless.
p* Treatise on Blood and Skin mailed free.
Swist Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
the fountain head, and get CirricuRA
oven U you have to aoud a thousand mill*
them. G. O. HALE.BeUcM.GV
Sworn and anbacrlbed to before mo April 28,1892.
William O. Solomon, J. P. P. C.
Cutlcura Resolvent
The now Blood Purifier, Internally (to cleanse
blood of *Uimpurities snd poUonou*5*f®f““ rei |
thus remove the cause), and CuiicunA.ih"^
Skin Cure, and Ociicuba Boat, en ' ®5*
Beantffier, externally (to clear the skin uod
and restore the hair), cure every dleeeee ““ *!
of the «>in and blood, from pimples to scrotuu.
Bold everywhere. Price, Ctmcuni, S0c-:
25c.; Brsolvrnt, $1. Prepared b y‘ b ®
Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston.
j(3» '• How to Cum Bktn DUcasc#." M P^' 1 "
illustrations, and teatimonials, mailed free-
'And pains, tack
S lkl-SCSw Anti-Pain Floater- The
y instantaneous paln-ktlfing plaster.
No„-ofated In the followtrg counties:' 3 '
O.letboipe, Oconee, Jackson and
Over J. 8.! King * Co., Thomas fit. eut««*
" uvauu^ uunu ciacniu, *uc DJouupi ’ C&Q 1
not belt g tfraid 11 water, went for it,' a erry ,
Mjmeo his robes, wtoh * wettingap 11 ireugtb.
to bifi waifit.—Albany Herald.
expected of any
This is dne to its parity and
Importer Direct M Contractor for Bnilling Stone. ...
Marble] Wainscoting and Encaustic Tile
tr The best In the world. New Designs! Original DmIrbs 1 1 Low Frfc*»*
Pi ices acd Resigns cheerfully furnished. gjtT All work goaranw w
OFFICE AND STEAM WORKS, 529 and 631 BROAD ST., A WttW,* 1 *'
Mar chic—weekly jy.