Newspaper Page Text
3n the Water Works Contract-The
C tty's Side Maintained—How the
Supreme Court Views the Case.
The liability of thecity of Athens on I
t3 contract with the Athens City Water
Vorks Com piny is practically settled
y the two following decisions from
lanem’ille made Monday last by the
lupreme court.
fhcOutfraville Improvement, Gas and
Water company vs. The Mayor and
from His store.
Wednesday a rather fanny thing hap
penedin Athens.
A gentlemnn from the country has
been selling watermelons in Athens re-
“ * ““
DEMOCRATIC committees.
Is the Means of ^Driving a Merchant} invited to Visit Athens-Ho Is Too : Election Day. Tuesday, November sth
“ Busy to Come- " “New States and What They
Some time since Hon. H. H. Carl’on I Bring,
wrote to General A. E. Stevenson, of National-States voting for President
Illinois, inviting him to visit Athens J AI-*
Dr. Carlton and
Organization lathe Watchword-
Cheering Reports From County
Precincts Whloh Show That
Clarke la Demccratlc.
The Democracy of Clarke launches
itself boldly ir to the fight.
last ballot
This store is not a grocery store, and
j melons do not constitute an article of
t ade. The persistent efforts of this
man to sell watermelons there annoyed
the merchant very much.
Outing the campaign.
Mr. Stevenson were intimate friends atI
Washington under the Cleveland ad-1
Mr. Stew nson has replied to Dr. j
Carlton in a le'.ter that atatee that his
time is engaged in the light in Illinois,
Yesterday morning he came with J^hough he may find time to make a
load of melons and staid around this «
States voting for members of Con
gress (House of Representatives.)—A’I,
except Oregon, where two members
have already been chosen. (Vermont
el- cts September 6th. Maine September
12:h, others Novembar Sth.)
Governor—Alabama, Arkansas, Colo
rado, Connecticut!, Florida, Georgia,
I linois, Idaho, Indiana, Kan-as, Maine,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
STJi «tore a long time worTyrng Z mer- u *‘S.ftoat Dalton "StaK,TS
Hot is cast and the victory for chant. Finally the merehant called the' U th pbW that Dr. Carlton | Q vs „ T r*—
tbe right^ot the people is.won.
man in the store and when he was in- wil1 accompaBy him
In bis letter Mr. Stevenson says: “1
Hampshire, New Jersey, North Caro
lina, North Dakota, South Caro
lina, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Alilir„«» ol Cartersville. Municipal Exccu.w, ,„d cf ft. J&FSS** “ *»" «» k =»‘>* *» ?«»' L.. T»hl»^u
corporation. Contract. T.z.tion •Oocn « tbc Young Men'. Democratic ocnntrr and »id: "Sow" g“,jou“ “■"> *«““• »" a “ vlSfil, w™m.Io CX
He:ore Ju go Attaway. City court Club of Clarke county met Wednesday not bother me any mure ^ Zr would deU 8 ht me « reatly todo ‘° I V,r * ,D,a > Wuc0nsiD ’Wyoming.
afternoon at five o’clock at the office of | melons.” T# *“ “* ‘ u “
Lumpkin & Burnett was attended by
nearly every member and was very en- I talking a while said: “Don’t you want I ““ ® a °^, lu . ,.. v _
thusiast.ii* y to sell that mn *-» ge8t r ^'Y ever held m Northeast Geor-
of Carcersville
1. Without the preliminary sanction
,f n popular vote, as required by the
jonstitution, a municipal corporation
;a n not contract for a supply of gas on
These Democrats met for the purpose I
iht of the ci'y for a longer period 1 of transacting business and they went I chant.
to sell that gun?”
Yes, I’d sell it,” replied the mer-1
he ere _
than one year; i nd a contract, which, I *t the work in a business like way.
by it.« terms, is to run for twenty years, The first step of the executive com-
saeli year’s supply to be paid for quar- I oaittee was to drop from its member J for inspection, and the man levelled it
terlv during the year, is operative from ship the names of Messrs W H Burger, at him and said: “Now, I guess you’ll
year to year oi ly so long as neither of of Princeton, and T N Lester, of Brad
the parties renounces or repudiates it. | berry’s, who have gone into the Third
Either of them can terminate it at the
eml cf »ny year, but so long as i'
stands and is complied with by one
party, the other party must comply
j While a city cannot exempt a ga=
company from municipal taxation, it
inn contract to pay for gas a stipulated
; mi per lamp, and iu addition thereto,
i sum for all the lamps supplied cquiv-
ilent to the amount of taxes imposed
ipon the company, provided this addi
parly ranks. In their stead were sub
stituted the names of Messrs R H Cu’p,
•f Princeton, and J J McLeroy, of
These changes leave the committee as |
follows: John Crawford, chairman; W
D O’Farrell, T W Rucker, J M Collins, |
T W Keed, R HCulp, T F Hudson, J J
McLeroy, N B Davis, F H Kroner, T J
Poss and W J Bates.
Delegates to Atlanta.
, . . The committee then appointed sixty
um is a fair and just allowance J a 1©^^ t« the State Convention which
“Well, let me*see it awhile.”
The merchant handed the gun over I
get out of this houm in short order.”
The merchant was dumbfounded but |
had to go ont of his own store.
After the joke was over they cut a |
melon and laughed over the sudden
turn affairs had taken.
Mr. James Mahaffey Can’t Answer
His Questions,
Wednesday was the big day in Jeffer
son and the Third party got such a
basting by Mr. Hoke Smith that some cf I y ™ “ nt “toe nuVbe^of'el'ect^^'s
Other State Officers—Iowa, Ohio.
Legislature Only—Maryland.
Congressmen Only—Kentucky (Louis
iana, Maryland, Mississippi, Rhode Is
Legislature to Elect United StateB
Senator—California, Delaware, Nevada,
New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia.
Electors Only—Oregon.
Electoral College, 1892, 444; necessa
ry to a choice, 223.
The states which went republican in
1888 have gained under the new appor-
their lodges are about to burst up. The
ipeakirg commenced at the court house
and was then moved down to the How-
California, 1; Colorado, 1; Illinois, 1;
„ . „ . Kansas, 1; Massachusetts, 1; Minneso
ard house on account of court. Mr. 2 Nebra8ka , 8; Oregon, 1; Penn-
Smith spoke one hour and a half, and 8ylvania> 2 . Wisconsin,!; total 14.
from the yells and cheers that went up
j old Jackson has been brought baok into
the Democratic fold.
Attorney General James Mahaffey at
The Love of the Beautiful In the Hu- |
man Being.
Dr. J. C. Orr was talking Wednesday I tempted to reply to Mr. Smith but fell I
to coup en sate for the actual value of
the I'ght service, and the stipulation is
bona lido and not in the nature of n n
evisionof the law prohibiting exemp
tion from taxes.
4. Tin present action is not brough'
to recover money voluntarily paid a'
taxes, but for a balance due under the
con ract for lighting the city, thia ba’-
ai:ca beiig measured in part by the
amount<f taxes assessed and collected
hy the municipal go vein moot from the
gas company.
Judgment reversed.
John W. Aiken, for plaintiff in error.
Jftiu.-s It. Conyers, contra.
meets in Atlanta on the 10th inst. As
maay of them as can do so will attend
with a reporter, during which time he |
remarked tnat he had been in nearly
every house in Athens taking the con- |
“Do you want to know a remarkable I
behind the dead line. Mr. Smith put
several questions to Mr. Mahaffey but |
he could not answer them. Mr. Smith
told him that be ought to post himself I
The states which went democratic in
1888 have gained under the new appor
tionment the v0te3 following:
Alabama, 1; Arkansas, 1; Georgia,
I; Missouri, 1; New Jersey, 1; Texas,
2; total, 7.
Michigan, which gave thirteen elec
toral votes to the Republican party in
1888, has fourteen votes thiB year, to be
the grand State rally on the night of the I fact concerning human nature?” asked
before gomg around trying to teach the choaen by congressional districts.
Used in
of Homes—40 Years the Standard.
An Express Car Robbed on a Califor
nia Train.
Fresno, Ang. A—passenger train
No. 17 south lj$u&d, ftad held up by
trMn robbers alt miles east'of Collins. . owing to the disorganized condition of
Two of the robbers orawled over the 0 ui country, Politically and Financially,,
tank to the engine cab and ordered the we piopose to organize a party based upon
engineer andtfireinen to stop the train, principles that will sccare to ALL people
quarter of a mile and compelled the Now, Whereas, we s-eno prospect of
fireman to stay with them. Then they consolidating the old parlies now strug-
went to the express car and ordered the *° r 1 opwniacy, only upon these prin-
. * .. — • . , I ciples hereio stated. And, Whereas, all
messenger to open it. He refused and the ob j combined cannot Supply the
the robber threw auf or seven dynamite demands of aspirants for office, therefore,
booms at the doors, completely do mol- I undtr a sense of duty to our (Government,
ishing them.
They then forced open
but more especially to ourselves, we do or-
the unfa and I gan ‘ ze un< i tr tiie name ol (be
took out the money. The amount is not Strictly OtlSll PcirtY !
known. They made the fireman help « * "
9th inst. in the Gate City.
These delegates are as follows:
Hon W J Morton, chairman; T W
B :ed, T W Rucker, C W Parr, W E
the doctor.
“Yes,” replied the reporter.
“Well, in every yard where there was
a suitable spot of ground. I found at
people what they ought to do—that
these little county lawyers ought not io |
have such high aspirations when they
The new states, which did not vote in
188S, but will in 1892:
Idaho, three votes—Republican in
didn’t know what they were talking 188S by 1>747 . Bepublican m i 8 90 by
‘ hesswell, W D O’Farrell, R B Russell, I least one flower under cultivatioj.
W B Burnett, W F Dorsey, Harvey
Archer, T J Poss, J J McLeroy, J T
Our informant feels confident that
Mr. Smith did a great deal of good, and
that old Jackson county will not go for
“From the highest to the lowest, the
most exalted and the humblest citizen
Pittard, N B Davis, D A Anthony, W I all have a love for the beautiful flowers, I the Third party, as has been reported,
fl Morton, J M Collins, F H Kroner, I aud it was pathetic to see the care with '
W H Gann, J Y Carithers, A Pittard, I which even a common sun flower was
R K Reaves, G H Yancey, W A Jester, | tended by the poorer people.
“They have a love for fine srt, too. I
Montana, three votes—Republican in
18SSby 6,126; Democratic in 1860 bj
North Dakota, three votes—Republi-1 Gladstone start for the house of c<>m-
| can in 1888 by 12,632; Republican in I mons arid greeted his appearance with
them carry the treasure a distance and
then galloped off on horseback. The
robbers faces were masked with a light
The engineer was injured by a bomb
exploding under the car. One of the
express messenger’s rit>| was broken.
It Meats and Gives Gladstone m Grand
London, Aug. 4.—The new parlia
ment assembled at So^ock. Mr. Glad
stone was given a wildly enthusiastic
reception. Tb? Irish members rose in a
body, shriekiug and waving hate and
cheeriflg, in which the Liberate joined.
Sir W. W. Ridley (CanServative)
moved that Rt. Hon. Arthur Wellesley
Peel, who was speaker of the last house,
be elected. Mr. Gladstdhp seconded the
motio.i and Peel was elected.
Michael Davitt has sechred the seat
formerly occupied by Mr. Parnell. The
conservative talk is questioning his
right to any soi}t, on the ground of his
record a8 a conviot. Crowds Watched
1890 by 6,449.
roars of applause.
At the appointed hour the commons
The t artersville Water-works Co. v .
the Mayoi and Aldermen of Carters-
ville. Municipal corporation. Con
tract. Taxation. Estoppil. Injunc-
tirn. lijforo Judge Maddox,-Bartow
Mqvtior Court.
1. As to the invalidity of the contract
for a water supply running through a
pcrioJ of Llurty years, this caseiacon-
imli j by the ruling in Cartersville
Improvement, Ga. A Water Co. vs.
M-yor Etc., of Cartersville, just de-
2. t 'nder the facts in the record, there
no estoppel upon the municip 1
government in consequence of any prior
J. There was no power to exempt the
property of the water company from
municipal taxation by contract, and the
attempt to grant such exemption was
not effectual. The company could nei
ther take the exemption by way of gra
il C Oliver, George T Hodgson, C G I
Taimadge, A J Cpbb, T S Mell, W C I didn’t enter a single house, but that 11 the
Ash, W S Holman, l’ope Barrow, John saw at least oue picture. Some were! The Bannkk is getting new daily sub-
11 And*rson, L J Edwards, John RI very fine and elaborate; others were | scribers *-very day, and they all seem
White, J S Hamilton, W L Wood, Wm I less expensive, and where no framed
Dooteon, W J Bates, R L Bloomfield, R I pictures were, I saw in many instances
l* Eberbart, Jas A Suddeth, Jas H | advertising cards and the like. A show
Based upon the following Principles and
Platform: We believe in equal rights to
iill, and special prices to none, equal taxes,
(especially Specific) equal money, an eco
nomical administration of Government,
‘Torn Municipal to National. We believe
ibat the Cash Route is the ONLY way out
of our financial troubles. We believe that
a dime is entitled to as much respect as a
dollar, (if there la no bole in it); we be
lieve honest men only should hold office,
(provided they can be found) We believe
■he laborer is worthy of his bireand should
be promptly paid for his work. We believe
in a pure ballot and honest count, (provi
ded they are not cast for the Force BUIA
md we believe every person should PAY
■H-ciaily when they can buy them so cheap
4t Wilson’s Cash i. tore I
All members are required to sign the fol-
miog obligation : That 1 will not, upon
ny honor as a gentleman or lady, pur
chase a single article unlesal pay spot caah
for it. All persons who can raise a nickel
(without a bole in it) are entitled to mem-
iierahip or office. All persons are cor-
tially invited to join ns and help to build
up our country and pl .ee it on a solid
foundation, which can be done only upon
mr platfoim,
After organizing, adjourned to meet
from day to day at WILSON’S CASH
STORE, (No 9 South Jackson Street, th-
ens, Ga) where we can always find the
South Dakota, four votes—Repuhli- I summoned the house of lords to listen , ,
Cajjt. Welch bas the finest horse in I can in 1888 by 30,124; Republican in I to the royql comrafs3ion®s,nmmDning best of Groceries at prices consistent with
le city. He is a 2:40 goer. 11890 by 9,896. | parliament to meet. After Mr. Peel | our views of “live and let live.”
Town®, G H Palmer, R H Culp, J H j bill was tacked up on the wall, if the
M-alor, George Heard, Mycr Stern, J S
King, J H Fleming, J A Pitner, T F
Tribble, Howard Mullen, J J C McMa
han, R T Pittard, R M McAlpin, B F
Woods, W R Tuck, J G Gray aud E 1
Congress'onat Delegatee.
Delegates were then appointed to the
Congressional Convention that meets in
Elberton this month to nominate a can
didate for congress for the eighth dis
trict. These delegates are John Craw
ford, J T Pittard, W B Burnett, T W
Keed, W J Morton and R B Russell.
Organizing Clubs.
people were too poor to buy a picture.
“It was an inteaeating study of bu-
to be well-pleased with the paper.
The Republicans will run a candi
date for Congress i i the Ninth distiict,
this will certainly defeat the two Third
party candidates.
Miss Moina Belle Michael, a charm-
^Washington, four votes—Republican I tounMi(t* 1 * Cte< * ^
in 1888 by 7,371; Republican in 1890 by
Wyoming, three vote3—Republican in I
Innocent'of the Crime.
New York, Ang. 4.—Dr. G. McGon-
1SSS by 2,894; Republican in 1890 by I egal, Dr. Marion A. Dale and Frank
Drawn by order of the President.
VEBSU8 CREDIT, 8 tretary.
August 2—w4t. Door Keeper.
Webb were declared by a coroner’s jury
Total vote of new states in 18S8—Ida 4 jin L n : Island City innocent of the
. . u „ , ,, mg young lady of Momoe, is spending ho, 16,013; Montana, 40,014; North Da- murder of Mrs. LouiseWebb oi[Havens-
man D.tai« to Bee how .11 nlaam, of | ’ ttm f „ iv I aim BU.' DnSba, of Li., 38,098; Sonft Dakota, 27.8M;
people love flowers and pictures.”
Our Neighboring County Will Remain |
Thomas street.
The Bannkii had a pleasant call from
Mr. Smitb, of Carithers & S nitli.'of Jug |
Tavern. He is a whole-souled gentle
man. - -
Mr. A W. Ashford, of T. & R. Booth I
& Co , of Mr atkiusville, was in the ciiy
Washington, 40,353; Wyoming, 12,811;
total, 231,093.
Tote o‘ New York city, at same elec-1
tion, ; total, 273,279.
alleged criminal operation,
prisoners were immediately set at lib
erty. , ■
A *350,000 Fire in Texas.
Paris, Aug. 4.—The National Bit
Mills, machinery and three herds of cat
tle were burned, with "a total loss of
All through the fight Id this district firm iS ODe °* lh ® ^ I He le Named as the Man to Lead the | $250,000. The mM has not been opsr-
tho general impression has gone aboard 1 „ , ,
f hat Ooonee county was oveswhelming- | toids’y. H°'if a Sever
ly in favor of the Third party,
Gratifying news comes from old Oco- | Banner.
nee day after day however, which tells
A motion was carried "to organize I 0 j ^ be good work that is being done by
Forlorn Hope.
Americas, August 3.—The Third
gentleman and a strong friexu to the I party of the Third congressional d s
I Thousand PIANOS and ORGANS
Sold to Southern Homes.
N OW this is the plain unvarnished truth,
and we will make yon a present of a Ma
son & Hamlin Organ it we cannot prove it to
a branch of Lndden A Bates’
atedtor several y elkr 8j By har<P~i£ark wonre a branch or nuaoen & nates'
the fire was prevented from crossing to ^ outhern MriSttrftmas, rfFavannsV and
the compress platform. hsndto nothing but their celeBnttoa MANOa
Democratic clubs in each district in the
i trict has been in session here today. A
j candidate far congress was nominated
I to make the race against Charles R
tuity, nor purchase it by way of com- I county, and the members of the execu-
1. A creditor of a municipal corpora
tion is not entitl'd to an injunction
agiin t the collection of his municipal
taxes on the groud that the municipal
ity is indebted to him and has in his
treasury a fund which could not legally
be applied otherwise than by paying
tins debt, and which it refuses to pay
tive committee and the v'oi presi
dents of the Democratic club
will look after this work.
The members of the committees re-
shall never be trailed.
. , , . „ , . . , Hon. Edmund Thrasher, Ordinary of
ported the condition of affairs in each 1 Q couee cou „t y Wli8 i n the city yeater .
A New Coal Yard.—The Lyndon __ _ _
the Ddraocracy of that good county. I Manufacturing Co will open a coal I (- r j 8 p was generally understood I Republicans on
The Democratic flag has never yet been IS. "Blitor cash o g nT 8 A°ll that W. T. Christopher, of Macon conn-1 man Manley^
lowered before the enemy and the I wbo w i sb to get the 1 west cash price I ty, would be the nominee, but be re-
sterling Democrats of Oconee declare it I on coal will find it to their interest to I ce ived only four and one-fourth votes
consult this firm.
district and a safe estimate makes
Clarke county Democratic by over sev-
| en hundred majority.
day and in speaking of this matter
said: “The Third party in Oconee]
claimB that there are not over one hun-
organize so thoroughly and completely o , ub , n Watkinevllle wUb over elghty for congress.
And the Democrats don’t propose to dred white D<jmocrats in the couaty .
until after ilie creditor discharges the atop at these figures. They propose to I c i a i m j s very absurd. We have
c’aim against him for taxes. '
There was no error in denying the
Judgment affirmed.
Akin & llarri®, for plaintiff in error.
J. B. Conyers, contra.
And Livingston Will Haye a Walk
Atlanta, August 4.—(Special )—
Judge Hillyer is no longer a candidate
out of the thirty cast, all the other.®
went to F. D. Wimberly, of Pnlaski.
In accepting, Mr. Wimberly made quite
Blaine to Take the Stnmp.
Augusta, Me., Aug. 4.—The cam
paign in Maine will be opened by the
the Sth inst., and Chair-
_ bnay arranging for the
meetings to be held in every section and
corner of the state. Ex-Secretary Blaine
will take the stump.
mg bo
AND ORGANS, tt-e sales of which have
owollen to the enormous figures above. We
| do not want to tell anything else, and. you
ought not to buy anything else. Wbyf If
Elkins Itespootfully Declined.
Parkerburg, W. Va., Aug. 4.—Sec-
I a little talk. Among other things, be I retary of War Elkins was prevailed
wanted a third party paper started in
Americus. He confidentially told the
upon to acoept the Republican nomina
tion for governor as the only man who
chairmen after the meeting that they | ^}f n ^ n i it< Vk t „»t. P U2T ah?®
as to sweep Clarke county by over a
[ thousand majority.
The Young Men’s Democratic Club
names enrolled. In Wildcat district
there ts a club with as many more. In |
High Shoals district this is repeated.
dropped from its list of Vice-Presidents ^ Jq ev(ry d|8trict |n the county witb
the name of Mr. James L. McLeroy on
account of Third party proclivities and
| substituted the name of Mr. John N.
Wier. of Bradberrys.
There will be a rally
the single exception of Scull Shoal9 dis
trict, we expect to make an even fight
He returned from Rockdale at one, .
o’clock today and at once decided to | an run e paper,
withdraw from the race.
He accordingly wrote oat the follow
ing card and s^nt it to the Journal:
Atlanta, Ga, August 4,1892.
Tn thn Editor of the Journal: Per
mast get up some good man to put in
two or three hundred dollars to start
Davis was then nominated
by acclamation.
The Result of the Primary—Delegates
Selected for the Convention
I houaand Pianos and Organa have made happy
lemes, would you be afraid to risk one your-
aeiff Wo offar naro than this. If you are
not pit ased we will exchange with you in aix
months, oherging you nothing for tha use of
the one yon mat select.
We ship yon on 16 day’a trial and pay re
turn freight if not satisfactory. We give yon
2 long years to pay for an Organ or Piano.
We give you 6 years guarantee. If disaster
cornea wa are better prepared to protect yon
| than any other honse. We '
Pe have but
| It Wilt be Passed Though Greatly
Washington,'D. Q , August 4 —You
Monroe, August 4,-[Special.]-The I are aware that the house h&a been tl « 1
1 up on the fair item of $5,006,POO in the
sundry civil bill. For days it has been
W e have a speedy and positive cure
for catarih, diphtheria, canker month
aid h( ad ache, in SHILOH’S CA
TARRH REMEDY. A nasal injector .
f to with each bot le. Use it if y. ou I Friday at 5 o’clock,
d*->ire health and sweet breath. Price I _ ’ , i »■ *— _ i carexuiiy ana xouy, aauu »iiuua mat ■ xerreu, out; uienn. saa: uaraeman. i — -*• ■ .— ..i-;_ -
s “"' R -1 l i e “Hr 8 :,":" 1 “t..II^»“r «4,d.^ ^ ; |»y|
and that-the lowest _
We sell nothing bnt standard makes. Ws
sail them lower man any other honse. Ws
rry the largest stock of any honse in tha
We allow fair price lor old instruments la
exchange. We make no. misrepreaentaliona.
We mail yen catalogues and prioea on ap-
TV ' “ *' 7” I »lice tion. Wo sell a splendid organ for $50.00.
unable to progress up or down, owing Bell u e i egant piano for $225.00. Yon
to the fillibustering tactics of the op- I cannot afford to buy Irom any one elae, ao
Democratic club. Several speakers I ^ majority maybe small, but I the congr easional nominotion in this ders^n 15; Livingston, 8i0; HUIyer, Outhwait, of Ohio, Holman, of Indiana.
h&D ? 10 addr68a remain in the Democratic column. di8tri0ti8inevitable# 163; for representative, Arnold, 643; »nd Cumming, of New York. The
THE HitE STATE PRIMARY- I bled Democrats, and an enthuiiastie I This Lews is certainly good. On with
A Large Democratic Vote Reveals the | meeting is expected,
Weakness of the Third Party*
Wednesday the good democrats of
Madison county held a primary election
and nearly every white man In the
county voted, thus showing that there
but vt ry few Third party people in
ibis county.
A Monster Rally.
The Democracy of Clarke will com
mence its campaign immediately after
the State Convention closes.
the fight until the last vestige of Third | otber counties should farther labor in a
party ism is stamped out.
As I am unwilling that my friends in | Hurst 559; Walker, 515; Brodnax, 229.
The following-delegates have been i
There will be a grand rally of the I An old H tdes It in a Straw-Bed
elastic Democratic rules and the indis
position of the speaker to apply cloture |
has given the fillibusterers ample
margin to prolong toe fight.
In the meantime some of the govern- I
ment bureaus whose pay rolls are af- j
Democrats of Clarke at the court house
in this city next Saturday night week.
Mrs. David, of Athens, is the widow
Hon. l’o P 3 Gholstcn was nominated 1 and a committee consisting of Mosars W I of a confederate’soldier, and draws a
foi Senator by a Urge majority.
D O’Farrell, John Crawford and G H I paugicn every year. This money is a
j. I 9 I IK3US1VU GVGI uivuwy •» «
Hon Bethune Thompson will repre- Palmer> ha8 been selected tc make all great belp to her, and-she kept it hid in
~ " t* 10 Krfie s f ate in th6 next Hou8e necessary arrangements for the rally. ! ber straw-bed tick. Yesterday she
° f Representatives.
useless contest, the wise and proper I i e cted to represent Walton oounty in
course for me is to ccme out of the I the democratic conventions named:
| race, and 1 now announce that I have I state convention—Ben J. Edwards, G.
1 taken that step. I a. Jackson, 8. A. Starr, J. M. Michael-. . i
I am proud of the noble and true I Congressional convention, 5th District I f®°t®d by the failure of the sundry civil
friends who have stood by me. I shall I _R l. Newton, T. J. Robertson, J. E. bill » ha ^o shut up shop and a feeling of
feel the inspiration of the touch of I Carlton, B. S. Walker. Senatorial con- cussedness obtain among tho members
hearts and hands with them as long as 1 veution, 27th District—T. L. Evans, J. | who are anxious to go home. Tbis
I live. I am naturally of a contented m. Ammons, N. t*. Garrett, Geo. M.
disposition, and I accept the result Naoier.
cheerfully. ... . I The dwelling of W. H. Wayne, of
Several distinguished Georgians have I boa ghtsome straw from a negro and
l»r. George Daniel pulled in tho Ordi- I been inT ited to be present on that occa- _ ot to empty the tick, bnt failed to
irv hv 9 vorn .-,.11 m .lft>n> I . . J . j a I * -
b >' a vcr y small majority. I 8ion ^ address the crowd, and some fine | oat tbe thirty dollars of her pen-
r. Tom Long c .ptured the County 1 8 p eeobea may be expected. I 8 { on money- The negro done the work
reasurer over a number of opponents. I The rally wi ji ^ bel( j a t night so I and found the money, which he quietly
Sheriff Brooks, the present Sheriff, that a n classes of citizens from city and noc keted and went borne. Mrs. David
ill Qtill : as I a a. I “ . i . . .. «
will still hold his office.
Hr. E. L. Martin waB nominaUd for
country may be present
hunted for it bnt could not find it, and
The Third party may claim abig vote I notified the police, who went in search
rp - I AUG A-aaaava •» ° I DOllllUU LUC ^VUUC) CV,tMVU
* ai Collector and Wm. Smith received I i nC iarke county If they wish to, but of the ne gro and found him and the
ballots will speak louder than idle I money.
Hie majority for Tax Receiver.
B. C. O’Kelley was elected without I hating,
trouble for Clerk of the Court.
w - C. G. B, Smith, better known as i •r.ttv_Ti.o Southern
egleg Smitb, one of the old veteraus Afsociation has authorized a
1 the county, came in under a strong rate0 f 0 nefare the round trip, from all
hull for Coroner. '
Result of Wednesday’s Primary.
Our sister oounty, Oglethorpe, held
thousand hand.
Hale & Conaway.
Juno 5—suu& ATHENS, GA,
mornings break in the situation oc
curred soon after the house assembled
Mr. Reilly, a democrat of Penosyl- I
I corn© out of the contest with both j Monroe, was destroyed by fire today. I vania, submitted the proposition agreed
my Democracy and my manhood un-1 Insurance $500.00,
touched and untarnished, and can be
found at the old stand where I have
labored so long and contentedly in my
profession. Respectfully,
Gxo. Hillyer.
Colonel Livingston will now have a
to by what is known as the “peace com
mittee.” which sends the sundry civil
bill baok to conference and provides for
a substitute for what is known
Tho accomfipB
Boys for the University.
Editor of the Banner—Dear Sir
walk over and will succeed himself in I Several days ago the statement appear-
as the
The Athens City Schools Do Prepare I Durborrow bill in which the sum of $2,-
The house agreed to tbis after some I
ed in the Fanner that our city schools [ cross firing by a large vote—141 to 50.
do not prepare boys for the University. When this result was reaohed Mr. Rail- |
This is a mistake. ly was ready with another resolution
A number of students from tbe city frowning down filisbu3termg and pro
is Elected with a Straight Democratic | school will enter the University next viding that a vote on the Durborrow
fall, having passed successful entrance bill as amended
noln’s in Georgia, to tbe grand Demo- „
cratic rally to I e held in tho capital at I a pr i ma ry Wednesday and the follow-
Atlanta on the night of Aug 9. Tickets . . # the reg „] t .
fiMSKrtftSlLS to O. A. and J. H. MoWhor-
s 5r-0b;rtViU , ^S , w.y?»St to I A„g SS Fir De.o~r.Uc Stete for Boueeof Repoaeout.™.,
?° 8t eases it wears them *w*y. Could I Convention tbe Assoiation has an-1 jg r . Winn, Sheriff.
tnrrti ^ induce <l to try the successful I thoriacd a rate of one hn and one-1 Q H<
wedioine called Kemp’s Balsam, which third on the oertlflcate plan and until i
on a positive guarantee to care, ! three days after the closing of the con-
lfnt ?» uld ^mediately sec the excel- j vention. This cheap rate will g ve
pSL e ?* ct after taking the first dose.! ©very one a chance to visit the capital
- and witness the grand Democratic
rally. ,
p^efftet after taking the first dose.
, Lester, Clerk Court.
J. G. Crowley, Tax Collector.
J.T. England, Tax Receiver.
W.T. Young, Tieasurer.
j, J, Bacon, Ordinary.
should be reached
at one o’clock.
of Texas
Montgomery, Ala , Aug.4,—'The new I examinations in June. I by tomorrow
legislature of Alabama is overwheming-I I heard that a lady who was intend-1 Against this Mr. Bailey,
ly straight Democratic. In the senate I jng to move to Athens and place her I and HcHillin, of Tennessee, threw
twenty-tpo of thirty-three are suppoit- . soa j n the schools, was hesitating on themselves but failed to win a follow
ers of Governor Jones and the regular accoun t 0 f the a hove statement, and I. ing and the house at this moment agreed
state ticket-, and m e ouse sixty-one concluded it would bo better to correot to tho resolution and Durborrow bill is
out of 100 members are of the same it> . in tbe haads of the clcrk . . g£ :
faith. Returns from a but ten coun- Mr. Earnest, our principal, is an ex- It may be safely said that the house
ties show that^Governor Jones has a safe perienced and skillful teacher. Very will pass the substitute giving the
majority of 25,0)0. The other counties ‘ respectfully, $2,500,000 and adjourn Saturday or
Will tt it#rially change the result, David C. Babbow, Jb. Monday at farthest.
Argy le, WisTsaysT^B
i30 U/i S55 ItA 75 tig
4;: in. 3J!a. 1ji%
Waiit.. 4. in. 31 In. 11 La.
40to. 151^ 1
Biral w, utd wttfc n «tmrvi»ff ( iacaortnlepc^ OF lia «CMla
m tor SICK HEAD-
, Impaired digestion, eoiuH-
iglanrift. They*foo«*
Iieys and bladder. Cououtt,
bilious nervona dla»
orders. E.ublUli a.
Beautify complexion by purifying
arhewi Allgenntao good! b9»r"t.js*ent.
•SfJMiTli W-Jt.