The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, March 03, 1911, Image 1

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The weekly Banner. ESTABLISHED 1832. '.Clerk THE BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 3. 1911. THIS IS INFIRMARY DAY Athens Will Put In a Good Day’s Work For the Cause of Raising a Fund to Establish and Main* tain the Crawford W. Long infirmary on Campus of University of Geot gia to the Memory of Discoverer of Ether Anaesthesia. , (From Thursday's Banner.) Today the local committee of the Crawford W. Long Infirmary will make the Anal appeal to the people of Athens to raise their part of the fifty thousand dollars necessary for this work. The committee feels that the eye of the state is on .Athens and on the result of this day's effort. Shall success attend us? It remains with Athens to determine. We h«ve made a call to every individual citizen of this town to give up one day unself ishly to the work of helplni our Geor gia boys, and honoring our distin guished phylsclan. We have arrang ed the time, the opportunity and the place for you to make a voluntary contribution to this fund, and alt you have to do Is to decide what you can give, what you will give to this cause. Helen Gould once said: "The more one tries to help others, the more one loves to do It.” I,et us make the trial today and see if our hearts are not lighter and our dreams sweeter. Let us put our selves Into our task, and "it will ba no longer a task—It will be a Joy.” Mrs. T. J. Woofter, Treasurer, Mrs. Cha». M. Snelltng, Sirs. S. V. Sanford, • Mrs. Edward R. Hodgson, Sirs. SI. W. Welch, Sirs. D. H. DuPree, Sirs. John A. Darwin. Sirs. H. S. West, Sirs. J. F. Hart Sirs. SI. A. Lipscomb, Chmn. Local Committee. Today's Program. Today Is marching day In Athens. The line of march will be formed in front of the Academic Building on the campus convenient to No. 1 Crawford W. Long Infirmary Bank, Mlis Porter, Cashier. The proces sion will march straight UP CoMtfft avenue, nainng in front of Crawford W» Long Infirmary Bank No, 2, at the Harawa, Sira. J. A. Morton and Sira. J. C. Avery, Jr., Cashiers. The march will proceed to Costa's^ Cafe, stopping at Infirmary Bank, No. 3. Mrs. Katie Thomas and Sirs. J. C,. Hutchins, Cashiers. After gathering new recruits, march In solid phalanx up to Clayton street, stack arms In front of Chamberlin building and have dinner, after mak ing deposits In Infirmary Bank No. 4, Sira: John White Morton and Mrs, Walter Bishop, Cashiers. The follow ing will be the order of the line march. SVe are working for full ranks, good, strong, healthy, whole hearted soldiers on Infirmary Day. We want no dead men today. Order of March Infirmary Day. Trustees of the University of Geor- gla. Chancellor Barrow and Faculty of the University. Senior Class. Junior Class. 8ophomore Class. Freshman Claia. Faculty University Law School. Law Class. University Alumni. Patrons and friends to "dear old Georgia.” Physicians and friends to science, Beneficlarlee. State Normal School. Public Schools. Lucy Cobb Institute. Ministers. Professional men of Athens. The entire citizenship of Athens, men, women and children, will lend a helping hand today. There Is no room for the deserter, no place for skulker today! Come and had a sad time during the recent epl- demic of measles and mumps. It is pretty hard to be sick in a fraterni ty house away from home and moth er. Did any of you men ever have this experience? If so, then you know how to sympathize with our Georgia boy. who is sl-ck away from home. March up to one of our Infirmary hanks and make a deposit for the love of our Georgia boys. The Tech, students have taken the field and are working like heavers for their Infirmary. Don't let Tech get ahead of the University students. Georgia boys should take the lead in all things. Put your shoulders to the wheel, boys, and never turn back until suc cess is yours. Today Is Marching Day. The Crawford W. I-ong Infirmary committee sent out circular letters to each present patron of the Universi ty. If every father or mother or gunrdian would contribute the sum of five dollars to the Infirmary, $2,500 would be added to the fund. There may be those who are making 1 a fight tor education whose parents cannot contribute even the small sum of five dollars to the building. Then let the more fortunate boys stand sponsors for their less fortunate brothers and double, or treble or quadruple their contribution. Strong, earnest, ener getic, active young men needed for this campaign. Who will volunteer for the work? Get busy, voting men, form your committees and start this contribu tion of $2,500. A Tribute. The following exquisite tribute to Dr. Crawford \V. Long, penned by Mr. Jerome Michael, appeared In the program of the Sixty-First Annual the Join the ranks of soldier* who will make bat tle, today for “dear old Georgia,’ her honor and her name. All Ar« At Work, Not a single lady, old or young, has refused to work Infirmary Day. Not one has refused to contribute to the luncheon. There never was a more ready reeponae to a worthy cause. Counting the signs Infirmary Dajr w be a tremendous suoeeas. The ladles are your friends, boys. Get out on the streets, Georgia boys, today and shake hands with them and tell them you love them Marshal your forces and take them up to the infirmary bank You have scores of friends among the men, too. Athens la full of cl tens who are Interested In your fu ture, which makes the future of Geor gia. Put on your glasses and tike note of them. Watch the contrlbu tlon list* and see who are lntereeted in the care of "Our Georgia boys/ Marshal your forces and march straight to one of the Infirmary banka. Some of our Georgia boys have K,u l'crtor~r ltf BOOKS Closed Last Night. City Tax Returns Will Be Consolidated at Once by the Clerk. (Front Thursdays' Banner.) The city tax hooks for the year 1011 closed last night and practically every citizen in the city has made returns of their personal property. While tlie number making returns jeaterday was no larger than it has averaged for the past few days, it is due to the publicity which has been given tp the change which has brought to the attention of all citi zens the importance of making their returns before the last day. Clerk Wood will be kept busy for the next few weeks transferring the returns from the blanks to the digest and on the morning of April the 16th every taxpayer will be expected to come forward and pay his taxes for the first quarter of the year. How ever, if the tax payer desires to pay the whole amount of his taxes a dis count wil! be allowed, and the full amount for the year will he received. The change in payment of taxes to quarterly payments is a great conven ience to the average tax payer, and the hardship which has been on some to pay the full amount at one time will be relieved by the quarter ly ppyment system. SENIORS ACT TRAIN ROBBERS LENTEN SEASON Yesterday They Gave $200 To Furnish a Room in Crawford W. Long Infirmary. (From Thursday’s Banner). It is customary for every class that graduates from the University leave some memorial on the campus when they leave. The present senior class at a meeting yesterday after noon donated $200.00 to be used in furnishing a room In the new Craw ford W. Ixmg Infirmary which win be bi lit in the near future, instead of putting some bench or sundial on the campus as lias been done by the classes of the past few years. This is something which will he a great benefit to the university and by the present senior class making this do nation there will be a precedent set for the following graduating classes tc keep up the good work. Today will be Infirmary day in Athens and it is expected that a handsome sum will be collected during the day which will go to the benefit of the new infirmary which the Athens ladies are working hard to get for the University. To Go on Trial Tomorrow at Special Term of Half Superior Court in Gainesville. Sheehan says he will get out of the race whenever the democratic caucus tells him to do so. By all means let the caucus be held and the request be made. ments. Skate today, young people, J thousand Is Athens share in the work, and swell the infirmary fund. If you*.If only fifty men or firms would give haven't a quarter, borrow' It from 1 one hundred dollars, each half the your parents and work It out for'amount would he realized. If fifty them. Let all the extra quarter* and'men or firms would give fifty dollars nickels go to the Infirmary today, each 22,500 would be added. If fifty Thank# to Mr. Moss. men or firms would give twenty-five "Benefit the Crawford W. Long In- dollars each, $1,250 would be realiz- firmary: A liberal proportion of our ed. If fifty men or firms would give receipts will be donated to this in stitution today. Afternoon and even ing sessions. The Auditorium Rink, Clayton street. Well ventilated, good clean floor, with new skates of the best make. Special attention shown ladles and children. Good order pre served at all times. Objectionable per sons not admitted.” Refreshments Today. Hot luncheon served today at the to 2:20 p." nC'ffmraa McQueen, cater- Menu. twenty dollars each, $1,000 would be realized. It will be an easy task to make tip the remainder In small sums. Next Sunday, March 5th. all the At lanta papers will publish the results of this day s work for the Infirmary. Let us be proud of that announce ment. Our last call, our final appeal Is made. hav ble amounts, but we have asked every living soul to do all they cam Don't Fried Oysters' he afraid to visit our bank. You will Beaten Biscuit I not be teased for money. We want Olives Pickles your money but we want Jt to be n Tea I offering, Chi ken Salad Hot Roll® Lettuce Salad Price oMuncheon, 50 cts” No free'Georgia boys and a memorial to our lunches. Buy your ticket, on enter- distinguished physician. • offering for Ing cafe at the deak. All ladle® assisting at Cafe Royal, the Harawa and in charge of the hank®, will please be on hand at 0 a. m. today. AT PICTURE HOU9ES. The Elite. At the Elite, which give® a liberal per cent of the receipt® of today to (Special to The Banner.) Gaiiusvilie. Ga.. March 1.—Friday morning at nine o’clock a special term ot the superior court of Hall county will be convened to try the bandits, now in Hall county jail. George An derson. and hi® two young partners. The grand Jury that served at the regular January term of the court has been summoned to sit for the finding of a true bill. The trav« Jurors, who served during the first week of the January court have been summoned to try the case®. The Jail 1® being guarded every night, Sheriff Crow believing this to be a wise thing a® a precautionary measure. Anderson is restless at night and sleeps but little, moving about his cell all night. Tho younger men rest easy Jn their cell® and are quiet and we!! behaved. Anderson is vehem ent in hi® cursing of corporations and says ail of them should'be put out of business. A Cold, LaGrippe. Then Pneumonia Is too often the fatal sequence. Fo ley’s Honey and Tar expels the cold, checks the lagrlppe, and prevent® pneumonia. It Is a prompt and relia ble cough piedlcine that contains no uarcotic®. It is as safe for your chil dren ns yourself. For sale by all druggists. X Spent $3 for Every Vote. Chicago, March 1.—-A record was made yesterday in the amount of mon ey spent In a primary in Chicago; $096,500 was spent by tho organiza tions of the various candidates for office and by the city to get out and core for the vote. This was approximately $.T for every vote cast at the primary. The total spent by the city for rent of polling places, pay of judges, clerks and special officers, reached $162,500. Foley Kldnay Pills. der Irregularities. They build up and restoro tho natural action of these vital oignns. For sale by all druggists. X the local committee and those In. the Infirmary fund, "Thelma” will be charge of the hank at the Chamberlin the picture. This la a brand-new pro- DR. CRAWFORD W. LONG, Born Nov. 1«t, 1815. Died June 16th, 1878. The discoverer of Ether Anaesthesia, session “of the Medical Association'of Georgia which met in Athena April 20, 21, 22, 1910: To Crawford W. I-ong, M. D. Dis coverer of Anaesthesia: Illustrious son of Georgia, as a physician, the exemplar of his profession; as a scientist, great by reason of what he accomplished, but greater by virtue of the achievements he made possi ble; as an humanitarian, the beloved benefactor of mankind and the in' apiration of all who labor in the cause of society, In memory of hls contribution of the Science of Medi cine and of his gift to suffering hu manity this program is dedicated In love and reverence by the City of Athens. Georgia." During this session, following most enthusiastic speech by -Mr. Woods Hutchinson, of New York, this asso latlon unanimously endors the work of the women of Geor gia to build the Crawford W. Long Infirmary In honor of this great dts coverer. With such strength behind them the women have undertaken the task. Business Men Help. Messts. Fulton Varner and George Stone have generously contributed ten per cent of the gross receipts of the picture shows today and five per cent of the vaudeville theater. They announce that the pictures today and die vaudeville are particularly attrac tive to the children and will be above criticism. Give the children a pleas ant day and help the Infirmary fund, Thanks to these public-spirited gentlc- bullding will please be on hand promptly at 9 o'clock. All contributions to the luncheon will please be sent In early this morning to the, Chamberlin building "’Tain t no use to grumble and com plain. It's jest as easy to rejoice: When God sorts out the weather and sends rain, Why, rain's my choice." —JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. Don't worry about the weather. Put on your wraps, get your umbrellas d work the harder. "The act of the passing generation Is the germ which may and must pro duce good or evil fruit in a far dis tant time.”—Hawthorne. Let this day, Thursday, March 2d, see your noblest thoughts, your no blest and most unselfish acts. Ask not the question: "What good will come to me?" but rather ask: ‘ Wliat good will come to others." Let Thursday. March 2d, be cele brated by unselfish deeds. "Doing nothing for others Is the undoing of ourselves."*—Horace Mann. “Be ye strong and let not your hands he slack, for your work shall he rewarded.”—Book of Second Chronicles. men. Mr. John D. Moss 'phoned a good piece of news yesterday: One third of tb# gross receipt* of the skating rink will be given to the Crawford W. long Infirmary, both from the af ternoon and the evening entertain When you bait your hook with your heart the fish always bite." John Burroughs. Noble Inspiration* are not ours until we make them so by action." "The more room we give In our heart for our fellow creature*, the more room there Is -left lor God." If yon haven't a boy In college work for somebody else's boy. Let us make a long pull and strong pull for the Crawford W. l-ong Infirmary today. , Ten thousand dollar* of the fifty duction of the Seltg company and Is different from nnyth!ng_that has been offered on similar lines. The story is good and is well told. The Lyric. A beautiful story of the revolution Is told In a Thanhouaer film—a story of Washington. There have been several Washington pictures shown but this Is not like the others In pho tography or In tho plot of the story. It Is a good one throughout. The Crystal. There will bo an Imp at the Crystal today—"Plctureland.” It is the first picture which the IMP people have made In Cuba—sending special tlsts and producing companies Cuba to take the picture this winter. The picture has lor a plot a delight- love romance. At the Majestic. Good, clean vaudeville for ladles and children. The bill f >r Thursday has been secured especially for the Crawford Long Infirmary benefit and is sure to please the most fastidious and includes "Francl-, Raymond and Baby Isabelle, the smallest child ac tress on the stage today. Also have Mr. Evans, the expert roller skater, who la sure to make you sit and won der how he does It. The picture for Thursday will be a real good comedy by the Pa'hc Co., entitled: "Father Against Ills Will." A young Lothario Is to meet his sweetheart at the park entrance at 4:39, and on hls way through the park he spies two babies abandoned for a MICHIGAN DEMOCRATS MEET. Muskegou, Mich., March L—More than 300 delegates and several times that number of visitors were on hand here today for the opening of the state democratic convention. The business of the convention Is to nom inate candidates for regent of the University of Michigan, Justices of the supreme court and several other minor state officers to he chosen at this year's election. Incidentally the convention la being made the occas ion for a big rally of the democratic leaders from all over the state. A Special Msdiclne for Kidney All ments. Many elderly people have found In Foley's Kidney Remedy a quick re lief and permanent benefit from Kid ney and bladder ailments and from annoying irregularities due to advanc ing years. Isaac N. Regan, Farmer, Mo.. Bays: "Foley's Kidney Remedy effected a complete cure In my case and I want others to know of It." For sale by all druggists. Magazines Satisfied. Washington, D. C„ March 1.—The "magazine war," whleh threatened to deadlock the senate In Its consld oration of the postal appropriation bill, has been amicably settled. In stead of an Increase In the magazine postage from 1 to 4 cents a pound, Senator Penrose has agreed to refer the question to a postal commission, to Investigate the matter this sum mer and report Its findings to cott gress next December. Social Gaieties Give Place to a Season of Fasting and Prayer for Next Forty Days. New York, March 1.—Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of Lent, when social gaities give place to a season of fasting and prayer for forty days. Ijent had its prefiguring forty days of tempation of Christ in the wilderness, ns well as in the fasts of Moses and Elias. It Is a season of groat antiquity. Ash Wednesday is so called be- nuae in the Roman Catholic church it begins with the solemn ceremony that has given the day its name. At tor a supplicatory service, the devout approach the altar rail and the priest places ashes on the head of each, re- Ring in Latin, '‘Remember, man, that thou art dust, and shalt return to dust." The ashes are customarily ob tained by burning the palms of the previous year. The Lenten season is strictly ob served In the Episcopal and other ritualistic churches ns well as In tho Roman Catholic church. Special ser- Ices are designated for Ash Wer- nesday. Holy Week, Good Friday, Palm Sunday, and ending with the grand triumphant service on Easter Sunday. Lent is also the season of the confirmation classes, when those who propose soon to take their formal stand as church members attend classes of instruction and prepare for the visitation of the bishop. It is also a season of giving, especially In the Sunday schools. Trinity church, at the head of Wall street, in this city, seats 900, but dur ing the forty days of Lent, and In cluding Easier Day, the attendance upon its services usually exceeds 50,- Opo, the largest number by far at tending any American church during a similar period. The unusually large attendance is attributed to the extra ordinarily successfvil noonday ser vices, which pack the church to its doors during the Lenten period. Preachers for these services this year are Bishop Bailor of Tennessee. Bish op McCormick of Western Michigan, Hishon Tuttle of Missouri. Rev. £& U. n, lnnniBRiun UI Tiirvivif *• Holy Cross. ANNUAL MEETING OF MINING INSTITUTE In Session at Quebec. Prom inent Educators From All Sections of Country. Quebec, March t.—The thirteenth annual meeting of the Canadian Min ing Institute convened today at the Chateau Frontenac. The subjects which arc to be considered and the many men of International promt Hence who will participate In the meeting tend to make the convention one of the most Important ever held by the Institute. The meeting will continue until Friday, concluding Friday night with the annual institute dinner at which Dr. Heinrich Rles of Cornell Univer sity, Professor H. K. Gregory of Sy racuse University, W. P. Ingalls of New York City, Dr. A. R. Ledoux and other men of promience will speak. Among other subjects the papers and discussions at the meeting will deal with the asbestos Industries of the world, the mineral possibilities ot tho Chlbougamou region, the petro leum industry in California, the .re cent underground development work at Cobalt, the gold finds in the Por cupine district, the copper deposits cf the Kecweenaw peninsula, and cop per mining on the British Columbia coast. In addition to the well known mining men present there are many engineers and geologists from both Canada and the United States. LOST APPETITE ANDHOPE Neglected Cold Caused Compli cation, Promptly Restored by Peruna. Mrs. Rota Boyer, 14 21 Sherman Ave., Evanston. 111., writes: “If any one has reason to praise Pe runa It la sure ly myself. “Last spring I became so run down from the serious ef fects of a ling ering cold, that several com plications unit ed In pulling me down. I could neither eat nor sleep well, and lost tl e s h and spirit "I fl n a lly tried Peruna and it did wonders for me. In two weeks I was Mrs. Rasa Bayer. a month I felt better than I ever Dad before. “I thank Peruna for new life and stnng»h. I send you two pictures, so you can see what Peruna has done for me.” ClfRACTS IfT FOR WATERWORKS Qaiaesville Bond Commission Let Contracts for New Wa ter Works Plant. Gainesville, Ga., March 1.—The bond commission has let the contract tor tho material and work for the installation of the city's new water works system. On Monday the city was almost overrun with bidder* from every section of the country. Only one hid wns received for a complete job of furnishing all the material and turning tho Job over In its entirety. The bond commission decided It wan Ilf V 1 ? atfry* . «e-ef*Hie etf'v to tmi th. Contract 3 for pumps, on* each of steam and electric, to Henry R. Worthington, through their Atlanta ofllce. Contract for standpipe and bollee, tc R. D. Vole Manufacturing Co., of Newnan. Contract for filters, to the Now York Contincntal-Jewell Fllteratlou Co., ot New York. Contract for cast-iron pipes, to Uni ted States Cast Iron Pipe and Foun dry Co., of Chattanooga, Tenn. Contract for Terra Cotta pipe*, to H. Stevens 8ons Co., of Macon. Contract for hydrants and valve*, to R. D. Wood ft Co., of Philadelphia. Contract for the pumping Ration, which Is the erection ot tho brick building, to Prater ft Loden, Of Gainesville. The work ot laying the pipes, building the dams and laying the con duits from Cry Creek, and the In stallation of all the machinery will be undertaken by the city's own forces under the direction of Mr. W. B. Eppes, city engineer. The bond commission, and the city council feel that they have done the best thing possible for the city in awarding the contracts in the above manner. They have bought the very best machinery, haring rejected such bids as were confined to cheaper ma terials, In order that lasting and serviceable articles might be obtaln- "Foley’s Honey and Tar is the best eough remedy I ever used as ft quick ly stopped a severe cough that had long troubled me," says J. W. -Kuhn, moment while theirI Princeton, Nebr. Just so quickly and trfv-l surely It acts In all cases of coughs, respective mothers are on some lal erand which hides them from colds, lagrlppe and lung trouble Re view. Our hero, liking babies, seats fuse substitutes. For sale by all drug himself beside’ them to cheer their | Igsts solitude. Finally he attempts to leave ed. GOOD WORK. them, but a passing cop who thinks he Is about to shift bis fatherly re sponsibilities upon a cold world in sists that he take "hls" babies with him. Protesting violently he Is driven along until he meets hls promised wife who Is shacked and angered at Ills perfidy. In the meantime the mothers are frantically searching for their lost kids. Everybody finally lands In the police station, where all Is straightened out after a side split ting scene—the lovers happily recon ciled. The Blue RWge Circuit still has itj sensations. Judge Morris put one of the representatives from Cobb county In the Georgia legislature In Jail for contempt of court and the at torney went to Jail rather than pay his fine. A Mother’s Safeguard. Foley's Honey and Tar for the chil dren. Is best and aafest for coughs, colds, cro .p, whooplngcough and bronchitis. No opiate*. For sale by all druggists. X IN MEMORY OF ADDISON. London, March 1-—Nearly all of the literary and Journalistic societies of the united kingdom arc observing in some manner the two-hundredth an niversary of the first Issue of Addi son's Spectator, which, though It flourished for so short a time, ex erted a commanding and permanent Influence upon both literature and Journalism and left a distinct mark upon the manners and morals of Its generation. The Spectator as a daily lasted only from March 1, 1?11, to Dec. 6, 1712. It was revived as a tri weekly two years later, but only eighty numbers wqre Issued. President Taft has thrown a sop to the negro race by naming W. H. I*tw- Is, of Boston, as assistant U. SI. attor- Done Dally in Athens. Many Citl- zens Tell of It. Nearly every read has beard of Doan Vi Kidney Pills. Their good work tn Athens still continues, and our citizens are constantly adding en dorsement by public testimony. No better proof of merit can be bad than the experience of friends and neigh bors. Read this case: miss Bessie Smith, 423 Dougher ty street, Athens, Ga.. cays: “Pains in my back, accompanied by a tired, lan guid feeling annoyed me for a con siderable length of time. I did not know the cause of my trouble, but finally became convinced that my kidneys were not doing th£lr work properly. I procured a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills at Pahner ft Son*’ Drug store and they belped me so much that I obtained a further supply. Af ter I had finished the content* of three boxes of- this remedy, l was well and I have since had no trou ble from my kidney*. I recommend Does'* Kidney Pills highly.” For sale by all dealer*. Price 14 cents Foster-MIlhurn CO.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the UaRed ney general In the department of I State*. ( Justice. Lewis is a graduate of liar- Remember th* name—Doan *-*01 va-d and a famous football player. I take no other. ,