The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, March 10, 1911, Image 1

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c uri weekly Banner. ESTABLISHED 1SJ2. THE BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1911. 11.00 YEAR FREE TO ALL SICK PEOPLE SAMHLE OF WONDERFUL NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY SENT FREE TO ALL SICK OR AFFLICTED PEOPLE. I will mall, free of charge, a complete home treatment of my wonder ful new discovery to all sufferers who fill out tha coupon below and lend II to me today. Iwant to (end you this free proof treatment to show you the won derful curative powers it has. Do not send money—not one cent do I ask for this wonderful new treatmen; Just write me for It, using the coupon be low, and I will send you at once the proof of the dlacorery that has cured others that suffered aa you'now suffer, t will also send free my book, "How To Get Well” for your guidance. It you have any of these troubles fill out the coupon below and send today. Dr. D. J. Walsb. SEND THIS FREE COUPON pIGREUT POULTRY SHOW FOR AlHENS FOR COMING FAIL here of your diseases ss eiveti below. 1. —Rheumatism 11.—Kidney Trouble 2. —Lumbago 12.—Bladder Trouble 3. —Diabetes 13.—Heart Disease 4. —Dropsy 14.—Impure Blood 5. —Neuralgia 15.—Femole Trouble 6. —Constipation 14.—Torpid Liver 7. —Indigestion 17.—Partial Paralysis 8. —Headache 18.—Nervousness 9. —Dizziness 19.—Brights Disease 10.—Nervous Debility 20.-Malaria 11 you have any other diseases not in I list write them on a piece of paper d enclose with the coupon. COUPON FOR FREE TREATMENT frrr treatment for rav bnok—all entirely free to in MY NAME IS MY ADDRESS IS Aft How long affected.. My troubles art Nor. My principal trouble is No... SIDEWALK STANDS CUT OUT At Last Night’s Session of the City Council Many Important Measures Were Adopted, Among Them Being the New Law to Clear Side walks of Fruit and Vegetable Stands. Mrs. L. L. Upson Makes Suggestion and Gives Some Most Interesting Data Concerning Local Poultry Enthusiasts and the Plans to be Fol lowed for a Successful Show. AUTO DEATHS Two Small Boys Met Death Under Wheels of Motor Cars in Atlanta Yes terday. The Banner takes pleasure in re-1 to numbers given’them by Ihc se-re- A busy session of the mayor and council was held last nlffht. The meeting was the regular monthly meeting for March and many matters were brought to the attention of the council. A petition from a number of the property owners on Hill street from Millcdge avenue to Billups street, ing that that section or Hill street be graded and macadamised, was reed and referred to the finance commit tee. A. number of petition! for street lights In the various sections of the city were read and refered to the light committee. A petition signed by a number ol citizens asking that the fruit standi be allowed to remain on the street* was read and discussed by council. Later in the meeting, however, an or- dinance was Introduced providing for the removal of fruit stands from the sidewalks after the first of April of this year. After the reading of the ordinance It was put upon Its passage and adopted by the council. After the first of April the side walks of Athens will present a differ ent appearance. No stands of any kind will be permitted to block the walks. The ordinance as passed It as fol lows: An Ordinance to Provide for tbs Clearing of the Sldewtlke in the City of Athene of all Fruit and Vegetable Stande, Merchandise of all Character and all other Obstruc tions. He It ordained by the Mayor and council of the City of Athena, and It Is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that on and after the 81st day of March, 1911, it shall be unlawful for any perion. firm, or cor poration to keep on the sidewalks l» the city of Athena, any fruit or vege table stands for the purpoae of sale or display, or for any purpose, Be It further ordained that It ahall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to put on the sidewalks in said city, any merchandlae of any character or any other thing to ob struct said street, but that *afd mer chandise of -whatever character should only be kept on said street a sufficient ength of time to be trans ported to the store room of said per son or from his store-room to any ve hicle on which he desires to 16ed the same. ^ Be It further ordained that any per son, firm or corporation violating the conditions of this ordinance shall be punished as prescribed In Section 299 In City Code of Athens. nances or parts of ordinances in con flict with this ordinance, the same be and are hereby repealed. A petition from the members of the Civic Club asking for more trash cans and the enforcement of the ordi nance prohibiting throwing paper on the streeta w-a read and refered to the health committee. A petition from Mr. P. O. Vanatter, asking for the extension of The water mains from the Intersection of Bloom field street and Cloverhurst avenue, along Cloverhurst avenue for several hundred feet was read and refereed to the water-works committee. The finance committee reported the settlement of a claim of Mr. Allen If Talmage for damages alleged to have been done to his property by the grading down of Baxter atreet some years ago. This matter waa left to arbitration and Mr. Talmage was awarded oue hundred and fifty dol lars. The arbitrators were Chancel lor I). C. Barrow, Mr. Billups Pblnlzy and Mr. J. II. Dozier. The street committee recommend ed the erection of a sleel bridge over Trail creek with the county co-operat ing and bearing the expense. The ordinance committee reported the ordinance prohibiting the use of the sidewalks for business purposes. The public property committee re ported sale of property known as the "rock nuarry property, Including the property on which the stables for the city stock is now located, to Mr. A. H. Davison and recommended that work be commenced at once on the erection of new stables and a stock ade on the property owned by the city on the Boulevard. This will be a great Improvement and will prove a saving to the city of several thous and dollar; annually in handling the city convicts and caring for the stock owned by the city. The committee recommended the selling of the old school property on Oconee street; a vacant lot between Chase atreet and Lyndon avenue; the exchanging of a lot on Pulaski atreet for a lot on Childs street in order to provida a larger playground for the children at the Hgh school. The water works committee recom mended the Installation of a fire plug at the corner of Washington qpd Hull streets and one at the corner of Pope and Baxter streets. The appeal case of Otis Hughes was »et for trial on Thursday evening, the 23rd. The finance committee waa pointed to Inspect the returns of per sonal property made by citizens. On motion council adjourned to meet on Thursday evening at eight Be It further ordained that all ordl-’ o'clock, March 23d. 8WEDISH-A MERIC AN REPUBLICANS MEETS. Bloomington, HI.. Manch 9.—In celebration of John Erlcsaon dey, the republican League of Illinois rounded up In this city today for tbelr annual ! convention. The league I* an Impor tant factor In Iltlnol* politic* and lie annuel gatherings never fall to at tract many leaders of lb* republican party from every part of th* state. More than six hundred were In at tendance when the gathering was called to order this morning. The. Ini tial session waa devoted largely to routine business. Most Interest cen tered In Jbe annual banquet tonight, which has as speakers Governor Den- een of Illinois. Governor Eberhart of Minnesota, Congressman John A. Sterling, President Theodore Kemp of Illinois Wesleyan University, and President Gustav Andreen of Angus- tana College. producing the following article from tie- pen of Mrs. L. L. Upson regarding a great poultry show for Athens to be held the coming fall: Mrs. Upson Writes: la the fall of 1910, a visit to several of the leading Poultry Shows of the South, gave me much Insight into the tremendous work these poultry aaso- cltaons accomplish, and believing that those Interested locally could make a great success in this line, I have writ ten, upon request, a few advantages to be gained from such an association, and such a show. In the first place, our immediate section is rapidly awakening to the progress made In poultry lines—and there are many specialists of different breeds right In our midst, who hold the honors and ribbons from the shows throughout the south. These "chicken lovers'’ would become the backbone of such an association, for they ore not faddists, and hare—for some years—quietly pursued the "even tenor of their way,” mating their birds scientifically each season for best re sults and with best foundation to be had, In stock or eggs, several people right In Athens have now, and others will have another season, exhibition birds In their own yawls, that have never been shown. There Is a great satisfaction In knowing we have something nice In the poultry line. If our talents run that way for a little venture, or if one desires to make a profitable liv ing from the, work. A great many retired bankers, physicians and men who have been closely confined in their work, have established large poultry estates and arc giving their time, brains and wealth to the rearing of beautiful fowls, in the suburbs of their respect ive cities. I could not count the prom inent women of the north and south who have undertaken some venture of this kind—some for recreation, oth ers for the financial view, a number In search of lost health. At the great Chicago Poultry show this winter. Countess Van Schelle was presented nml exhibited her Belgium Camplnes and feather-legged Malines, the latter, she claims, mature In 30 weeks.. Her foreign speaking attendants had charge of her display of Bantams. And so. these day s one meets many "nota bles," as well as men and women of prominence in wealth, business and so- lal circles. In the show room. A very successful poultry enthu siast. a Southern woman, writes of her beautiful birds, “I was ever lover of soft winged things," and she wins cups, money, ribbons, with her pels. One cannot succeed with birds without making friends with them, and an rosy way to begin the taming process Is to handle them at their lunch” hour, stroking them gently when on nests and very soon the bold est will eat grain from your hand, and they will flock, with one accord, to the yard gates, when the voice of the owner is heard in the distance. In such way, we begin to get them In line, for the shows, where a great, magnificent bird worthy of a first prize, has lost the ribbon to one not so good, because the judge was not uble to take him from his coop and handle him—his fright, ugly temper, t) cn , f or , llc j, work. The train around forever losing him the coveted prize. state has created much good, and Now, In order to have a poultry > the poultry exhibit with the professors show in Athens next fall or winter, jj; charge has had much praise for we must have an Athens Poultry As- their management. The writer has soeltaton for Clarke and surrounding received letters of inquiry regarding counties. And when the officers have stock and eggs from parties who men been elected, usually constating of a tioned seeing bird- on the University president, several vice-presidents, sec- train, and who probably had read the rt-tary, treasurer, superintendent and advertisement of "Orpington Grove," assistant, an executive committee, 1 Athens—In some paper, and connected then begins our work to Invite all the two. So. we can help one another poultry bredere, not only In Athens, ; n many ways, but over the state, to become mem-l bers of the associtaion, paying mem- Among those having full-blooded bership dues, which in a great degree, birds of high class quality In their finances the show-for there is quite J >ards and who w ill have the comlnz a little expense attached to the ex- season are' tary, upon application for entry blanks. The services of a competent judge or Judges must be secured. E: penses paid and a sum per day for judging. There arv some very noted and highly esteemed judges in our own southland, and the "big shows" usually have two or three of these gentlemen, for If the birds are many the burdens fall heavily on one man. Bo. if we have dne or more judges the business arrangements must be made some months in advance these gentlemen are In great demand and to watt late, we would probably have to be content with one of the "lesser lights." To secure the expert knowledge of poultry, in the placing of ribbons, by Judge Lorlng Brown, of Smyrna, Ga„ or others as well known, we would indeed be fortunate, Among the prominent northern judges are, Judge Theo Wlttman, famous the whole country for his expert Judging of Leghorns and Orpingtons. He is connected with the poultry depart ment of one of the Pennsylvania col leges. Judge Devenstedt N who Is a Wyin- dotte and Orpington specialist, has Just finished books on these two breeds, which are considered real stan dards. Mr. P. A. Cook, head of the firm of Wm. T. Cook & Sons, ot. inatorg of all the Orpingtons. When not exhlhlilng their own birds, he Judges In Bermu da, Europe and U. S. Judge Ewald of Ohio—Rhode Island Red specialist judge, ss well as other birds Judge Oke, of Canada, who judged the recent “all star" show at Madison Square Garden, New York. Our show should be held under rules governing A. P. A- which is the recognized._£«*d of nil'.the poultry work In America. There is the advertising feature, Committees should he appointed to se cure premiums for the secretary. In order to let the public know what prizes had bee n offered, and for what, gome time In advance. Every cent of the dues should go toward expenses of the first show, the association award ing ribbons only. In the different class es. the first season. We must leave the expensive cups, the money prizes and other good things, to the Interested In dlvlduals or friends of Use association. Athens Is so conveniently situated that birds will he shipped to the show from Commerce, Gainesville. Madison. Atlanta, and. In fact, not only the nearby points, but. with proper "boost ing.” breeders from tile state at large will send in their birds, thus making competition keen, and many of these breeders will visit the show with their birds, to display their stock, and the fancier will find It a great pleasure to meet and know such breeders, who are always ready to give advice on many points. A great many people will flock Into Athens from nearby places during the annual exhibit of the Ladies’ Garden Club, and should we have the poultry show at the same time, the visitors would have a two-fold Interest while in the city. Onre an Associtaoln Is organized, great good could be aceom plished In assisting our own Univer sity of Georgia to secure fine approprta- (Spe.lal to The Banner.) Atlanta, On., March 9.—Two young tors wore killed here today In au tomobile accidents Both accidents oocured on Peachtree street. Both boys were riding wheels when the accidents occurred. Vivian Jocelyn, was struck by the automobile of P. G. Turner, driven by Turner, and the child was killed instantly. Lawrence Anderson, the ten year old son of Curtis Anderson, and a nephew of General Clifford Anderson, was struck by a car which was driven by a negro chauffeur and died at the hospital tonight after suffering for hours. Both of thpse cases are being Investigated. Leading Planter and Dealer of New Orleans Talks About the Proposed New Law. Doctors Said Health Gone Suffered with Throat Trouble DR. ALEXANDER ACCEPTS Pastor of Church Nsar Savannah Goes to Washington. Washington, Ga., March 9.—Rev. R. W. Alexander, of Savannah, who has for the past year supplied for the In dependent Presbyterian church In that city, has accepted the call of the Washington Presbyterian church and will arrive the latter part of this week to commence his labors here, Mr. Alexander comes originally from Mecklenberg county. North Carolina, and is a great-grandson of the Alexander who was one of the signers of the famous "Mecklenberg Declaration of Independence.” He Is man of deep spirituality and n preacher of great earnestness and force. In addition to the pastorate ot this church, Mr. Alexander will serve the Sharon. Ga., Presbyterian church once a month. He succeeds Rev. F. Matheson, who resigned his pas torate here about two months ago to accept a call to the church In Union, C. hlbltlon of poultry. A suitable building or hall, with the best light to be obtained, is absolutely necessary. Cooping facilities for the birds must be contemplated, whether we buy permanently the exhibition coops or arrange for them In other ways. The association guarantees the safe delivery and keeping of birds exhibited, consequently the Item of Jester—-Black Orpingtons. Mr. J. C. Hutchins—Black Orping tons. Mr. Mapp—Black and White Orping tons. Mrs. Gerdlne—Buff Orpingtons. Mrs. Lumpkin—Buff, Black and White Orpingtons; I.akenvelders. Col. Snelllng—White Orpingtons. Mrs. Cochran—Black and Buff Orp- food stuff for several hundred birds. Ingtons. each day for four or five days Is no Hr*. Brad berry—Buff. Black and small item. I " hlt ® Orpington*; White Leghorn*. The services of a feeder, a day lab-] Mrs. Tom Crawford Buff Orpins- orer who waters and feeds the poul* tons. try under the direction of superin-l Mr. Marbut Black and Buff Orplng- tendent and his assistant—in fact, the tons. welfare of the bird* Is placed in the* Hr. Mangleburg-White Orpingtons, hands of these two able men, who Eh® Orpingtons. Black Mlnorcas. coop the birds upon arrival, putting' Prof Davenport—Black Orpingtons, them Into their cages, corresponding Carueaux and Homer Pigeons. Mrs. S. C. Benedict -Buff Orping tons. Mrs. J. S. Stewart—Buff. Black, and White Orpingtons; White Leghorns. Mrs. Bowden—Buff Orpingtons. Mrs. H. West—Buff Orpingtons .Mrs. Gardner—Buff and Black Orp ington*. Mrs. Walter Hill—White Leghorns, Miss Camilla McWhorter—Rhode Is land Reds. Mr. Styles Wright—Buff Orpingtons. Mr. Arthur Clifton—Black and White Orpingtons; White and Barred Plymouth Rocks. Mr. Geo. Hodgson—Black Orping tons. Mrs. W. T. Bryan—Blnck Orping tons, White Leghorns. Mrs. M. Welch—Buff Orpingtons. Mr. Chas. Hodgson—Blu-k Orping tons.* Dr. Dillard—Ringlets. Master Bryan Lumpkin—Black Orp- Ingtons. Little Miss Maync—Buff Orpington*. Little Louise and Matilda Upson— Buff Cochin Bantams; Mammoth Pek in ducks. Mr. T. Gwin—White I-eglioms. Rev. W. L. Pierce—Buff Orpingtons. Mr. Ivey—Buff, White Wyandotte*. Black and Jubilee Orpingtons. Mr*. W. H. Bocock—Buff Rories. Mrs. Preston Brooks—Buff Orping tons. F. B. Anderson—Rhode Island Reds Mrs. R. Hinton—White Leghorns. Mrs. Y. Harris—Games. Miss Serena Upson—White Leg horns. Mrs. A. S. Parker—White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds. Mr. Emmett Pennington — White Wyandoltcs. Mr. V. H. Wright—White Wynn dottes and Buff Orpingtons. Mrs. R. E. Reed—Columbian Wyan- dottes. Mr. Hicks—White leghorns, Rhode Island Reds. ’ Mr. H. Hughes—Rhode Island Reds. Mrs. J. Y. Carltliert—White Leg horns, Rhode Island Reds. Mr. E. K. Lumpkin, Jr.—White Leg. horns. Mrs. E. L. Griggs—Buff Orpingtons, Prof. G. G. Bond—White Rocks, Buff Orpingtons. Rev. I)r. Hill—Pigeons. Mr. Monroe Hearing—Buff Orplng tons. White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, Black Mlnorcas. Dr. Lee Peacock has a large suhur ban place, where Mrs. Ida Peacock raises quantities of Plymouth Rooks and other birds. . F. Payne has Just completed an attractive suburban home and will specialize Black Orpingtons , Mr. .fesse Jarrell, on his poultry larm, has numbers of fine Buff Orp ingtons and Pekin ducks. Mr. Frank Lipscomb, haring recent ly bought a beautiful suburban place, intends eventually to stock it with many fine birds, and we will no doubt have a great poultry Industry in our midst. He ha* White Leghorns, White Rooks. Pekin and Indian Run- rer ducks, Cameaux and Homer pi geons. New Orleans, March 9.—The Times Democrat this morning eays; Either government regulation! or ex tinction. according to F. L. Maxwell, who Is one of the lurgest cotton pro ducers in the south, Is the arbitrary prospect before the future cotton trading exchanges. Mr. Maxwell op poses legislation of the Scott anti future trading type which he says would rob him and all other cotton producers and cotton handler! of the important benefits that accrue from the buying and selling of future hedges, but he emphatically believe* In practical regulation of the changes by the federal government. Such regulation, he thinks, is due the farmer, the merchant and the con sumer, and may be obtained In a man ner that will help, not harm, the cot ten Industry In any way, Mr. Maxwell raises somewhere be tween 2.100 and 3,000 bales a year on his model plantation at Mound, La, He Is a modern farmer and alway* takes a leading part In movement! having as their object the betterment of farming conditions. "In my opinion,” said he yesterday, "the United States Bureau of Corpora tions and Labor should be empowered by congress to prescribe the form of contract under which the future trad ing of the exchanges is to be carried on. Recently that bureau spent two years In Intelligent investigation ot the cotton market, and in the report issued by Commissioner Herbert Knox Smith outlined the correct prin ciple that should underlie all con tract trading. This principle is noth ing more nor leas than that of com mon fairness. The suggestions made by Mr. Smith were in effect that th« buyer and the seller of all exchange contracts be given equal righlj and privileges, that none other than com mercial cotton be deliverable, that the grade differences above and below middling at which cotton la delivered on contract be tbe natural or’ spot market differences, and that no arti ficial conditions that tell against eith er buyer or seller be permitted to ex ist. He also recommended the adop tion by all exchanges of the govern ment's standard types. “Were all tbe exchanges compelled to adopt the suggestions made by Commissioner Smith the cotton far mer would get all that is coming to him; the producer, merchant and con sumer would continue to enjoy the benefits of ffhe Immensely hedging system, the wing* of tbe speculator would be clipped in a practical and lasting way, and the antagonism the farmer has been showing toward cot ton exchanges In general would soon he a thing of the past. “Were congress to pass a law giv ing supervisory powers to the Bureau of Coroporatlons that bureau would quickly correct all the errors that re main without hurting any of tbe real ly good phases of the modern market. But should congress pass a bill almt- lar to the Scott bill the cotton mar- ket would be thrown all out of Joint, and the result would be control by a few rich and powerful merchants In the same way the tobacco and sugar markets are now controlled, in such event the producers could sell only to a few more or less non-competitlvs buyers who would then dominate the market, In place of the many com petitive buyers, each bidding against the other, as Is now the case.” try Ptruna, and after using four bot tles can vay I was entirely cured.” Unabl* to Work. Mr. Ouotav Himmelrelch, Hochhelm, Texas, writes; "For a number of years I suffered whenever I took cold, with severe at tacks of asthma, which usually yielded to the common home remedies. "lost year, however, I suffered for eight months without Interruption so that I could not do any work at all. The various medicines that were pre scribed brought me no relief. "After taking six bottles of Peruns, two of Lacupla and two of Manalln, I am fra* of my trouble so that 1 can do all my farm work again. I can heart ily recommend this medicine -to any one who suffers with this annoying complaint and believe that they will obtain good results." THE CLARKE COUNTY ' ironssflcim Interesting Account ot the Last Session of This Organiza tion of Teachers. PUGSLEY-ROSS WEDDING. Montreal, March 9.—A wedding of note today was that of Mias Marlon Howard Ross, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George T. Ross of this city, and Mr. William G. Pugsley, son of Hon. William Pugsley, Minister of Publle Works of Canada. The ceremony was performed in the American Pres- bytertan church and waa followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Greenville, Texas, March 9.—Dele- Rates and visitors from twenty coun ties are In Greenville for the annual convention of the North Texas Sun day School Association, which will he In session here during the next three days. An excellent program of papers, addresses and discussions dealing with every phase of Sunday school work has been prepared for the gathering. Atlanta went crazy over the "ex- Roosevelt'' yesterday. It will go nearer to MiJIedgeville today over Taft and wul have a problem In geom etry to find an easier route to th* hug-house for Governor Woodrow Wil son. But there Is a method In the Atlanta madness of publicity—the entire city is a unit on the "commie slon system of self-boosting.” And Atlanta gsts the commission. Th* Clarke County Teachers Asso ciation held Its regular meeting st the State Normal School Friday, Febru ary 25, Mr. Pafford in the chslr. Mr. E. C. Branson, in a talk on agencies to be employed in building up country lire, advised that the co operation of country ministers, physi cians and parents be sought by coun try teachers. At the close of his speech a motion was made and carried that ministers, doctors and representative parent* of Clarke county be Invited to attend the nezt meeting and to discuss with tbe teachers measures for building up country life in this county. The subject for discussion was "The Health of the Community." fa) What tbe teacher can do to prevent disease In the school. fb) What the teacher can do to prevent dtamee In the community. Mr. D. L. Earnest gave a very im pressive talk upon the devices for Im pressing certain sanitary facts upon the children and parents. A series of striking charts was shown. Illustrating the evils of tbe house fly, the badly located out-house, and carelessly located well. The suggestion was made that lit erature bearing on health should be given to the children, and through the children to tbe parents. He emphasized the evils of soft drinks and patent medicines. Miss Safa Webb, In a talk on “How a teacher may help to improve th* health of pupila,” suggested first ths Introduction of medics) inspection In Kommon schools: second, that the evil of common drinking enp be rem edied nnd that physical culture should be given a place in the dally sched ule. The Importance of proper diet and fresh air was emphasized. JAMES G. BLAINE, 3RD, WEDS. Boston, Mats., March 9.—James G. Blaine, 3d, grandson of the’ late Hon. James G. Blaine of Maine, was mar ried today to Miss Marlon Dow, daughter of Richard 3. Dow, a promi nent Boston lawyer. The wedding look place at the home ot the bride's parents and was a quiet one In view ot tbe recent death of the bride groom's mother, Mrs. William T. Bull of Newport. Mr. Blaine has recently completed bis course at Harvard Uni versity On Saturday he and hts bride will sail from New York for a tcur of tlx months through Europe. The White Power Company's new plant at Barnett Shoals wllf mean more to the city of Athens than any other enterprise instituted in former rs. it means that Athens can be made the location ot s doien small Industries using power—a dozen fac tories turning out a variety of pro duct*—* dozen factories of modest pretensions that will mean mors to Athena than n million dollnr cotton mill.