The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, March 17, 1911, Image 1

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The weekly banner. ESTABLISHED 1S32. ATHENS, GA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 1911. $1.00 YEAR FREE—WONDERFUL NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY FIVE DAYS TREATMENT * > of Wonderful New Discovery Sent Free To All Sick Or Afflicted People Dr. Walsh has decided to tend to all people who ask for it a free proof treatment of his wondeiful new discovery, which has cured thousands that suf fered as you now suffer. He feels that it is due to suffering humanity to give them the benefit of this wonderful treatment. All he asks is that you fill out the coupon below and send it to him today. He will send you the free proof treatment for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. You are under no obligations to him. He will send you with this free treatment his book for your guidance. This book Is also free. Just alt down now and write today, as you may not see this offer again DR. D. J. WALSH. SEND THIS FREE COUPON JO BEGIN NEXT SUNDAY At (he First Bablist Church in This City Some of (he Leading Expositors and Students of the Bible in the World Will Be Heard in the Eight Days’ Series of Conferences. tiers of your disease* si 1. —Rheumatism 2. —Lumbago 3. — Diabetes 4. —Dropsy 5. —Neuralgia 6. —Constipation 7. —Indigestion 8. —Headache 9. - Dizziness 11. —Kidney Trouble 12. —Bladder Trouble *13.—Heart Disease 14. —Inipufe Blood 15. —Petnole Trouble 16. —'Torpid Liver 17. —Partial Paralysis 18. —Nervousness 19. —BrigliU Disease 10.—Nervous Debility 20.—Malaria If you have any other disease noi in this list write them on a piece of paper and enclose with the coupon. COUPON FOR FREE TREATMENT free treatment for ray case and* your hook—all entirely free to me. MY SA ME IS MY ADDRESS IS Age How long affected.. My troubles are Nos My principal trouble is No... WORKING 10 INTRODUCE SAFETY APPLIANCE Mill WRECKED DUD HE III KILLED Chicago, March 14.—Electric u I which recognized the aarne public well aa steam roads have been includ- need. It declared: ‘As a the means ed in Indiana in mandatory laws just | to be employed by the railroad com passed requiring the Installation of pany to prevent the possibility of the signal equipment to safeguard the recurrence of such an accident 1 re movement of trains. According to a commend the employment, tf such lit bulletin of the League tor Public Safe- piactlcabie and safe, of a system by ty In Chicago the road which fails to which a train can be automatically stopped in the event of the failure of the englneman to observe a signal set against him." The equipment ap proved by Cade included track trips which, regardless of weather condi tions, in case of need produce service braking of the passing train, avoiding the dangerous emergency stop, but accomplishing the purpose in a aim pie, direct way. Jt also protects switches.opening from main tracks and registers in the 'engine cab. for the enginemen's information on the blackest night, the location of the train. Loan Sharks to bt Curbed. The rapsclly of the loan shark of Chicago and Illinois will be curbed by a bill now pending in the iegisla ture which has the endorsement of the Legal Aid Society and several clubs and commercial organizations. Persistent warfare has resulted In pulling the fangs of the money loan ers, who a few years ago openly, and even now In secret, levy a tribute of 30 and 40 per cent on their victims. An investigation fins shown that some $2.1,000,000 Is Invested In the "loan shark" business, of which $3,100,000 is employed by 121 offices in Chicago, according io the report made to the Russell Sage Foundation. That re port gave instances where the extra fees, brokerage, protest fees and col lection charges added to the interest charges made the total rate paid as b'.gh as 1731 per cent per annum. Oth er instances were found where men and women had been paying for years on a debt of this kind, and then owed several tiroes as much as the original principal. The Apmadoc bill fixes a maximum of 3 per cent per month which may be charged for loans upon household goods, wearing apparel, or mechanic's tools, and 4 per cent for the assignment of wages. A limit of $1,000 is placed upon any loan in this classification. It was drawn by the committee which included George High, representing the Industrial club: M. V. Wellington, the Legal Aid society; John V. Farwell, the^ Com mercial club; A. C. nisei, the" City dub, and Marvin B. Poole, of the As sociation of Commerce. One of the most important events c r the year In the church history and the spiritual advancement of the com munity will be the Bible Conference to be begun at the First Baptist church next Sunday and to extend in meetings from day to day for elgbt days—concluding on the evening of Sunday the 26th. There are many distinguished preachers, able schol ars, earnest Bible students, successful exponents of the scriptures who will be present and will add their best work—the crystallzation of years of study and prayer and experience—to the program. There wii! bo many from neighboring towns who will be In Athens all or a part of the time of the conference and hundreds who last year enjoyed the conference of 1910 are already planning lo arrange their work to attend every session and hear every lecture, Blble-rending, ad dress during the eight days. Dr. Ksmp of Edinburgh. Dr. Joseph W. Kemp will again be was here last year. Dr. Kemp Is pas tor of Louise Chapel in Edinburgh, DR. KEMP fu] series of meetings in Dr. A. C. Dixon’s church In .Chicago; and he is on the program of the conference—he fresh from a series of addresses de livered before the Moody Bible Insti tute of that same CHy^ He will re- inatall proper signal equipment by January 1, 1912, will be subject to a penalty of $!,0OO per week. The rail road commission is given authority to extend the time for installation If good reason appears and also to pass on the form of signals adopted, It be ing specified that “any other form of block or other signaling system now ot hereafter devised or used which thtll reasonably sente the safety ot life and property,” may be tnclnded under the statutory requirement. This advanced legislation may be accepted ns a model In other states, and If It should be, the steam (tnd electric roads of the United Slates would be compelled to Invest some $300,000,000 In signal apparatus. The enormous savings to the railroads resulting I torn properly safeguarded train movement as well as the public need for protection to life and property are the reasons which caused the Indiana legislature to enact tills bill. Copies of the measure will be put In the hands of state officials together with the reasons why the measure should ho generally adopted. Signal Expert Kilfed. Faith in automatic methods of stop ping trains when visual signala are disregarded, which by a chain of un usual circumstances recently cost the life of a Chicago signal expert, Harry If. Cade, at Batavia, .V. Y„ has been Justified by the coroner's verdict re garding the wreck In which he was killed. The wreck was caused by the failure of a following train to obey signals to stop, the engineer having suddenly become ill. Mr. Cade was among the killed. He was then re turning to Chicago from Albany where he hid urged the merits of the Collord-Rohe devices which he be lieved solved the problem of automat ic atops without the drawbacks found In all which so far have been reported on by the Block Signal and Train Con trol Board of the fnterstate Commerce Commission. That he should meet his death under circumstances which the equipment he had recommended would have prevented was made dou bly unusual by the coroner's verdict FAMILY AWAITS HIM IN ALBUQUERQUE. Albuquerque, X. H.,' March 15—Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Miss Ethel Roosevelt and her friend, Miss Cor nelia Landon of New York, are in Albuquerque awaiting the arrival of Colonel Roosevelt tonight. The entire party are to accompany the ex-presl- dent on his trip to the Grand Canyon tomorrow, and will also attend the opening of the Roosevelt dam In Ari zona next Saturday. The ladles of the party will then proceed to Santa Barbara, where Col. Roosevelt will join them later for the homeward journey. ROOSEVELT HEADING WEST. El Paso, Texas, March 15.—Col. Theodore Roosevelt spent two busy hours in El Paso this morning, arriv ing in the city from Dallas at half- past seven snd departing at 9:45 for Albuquerque. Many Mexican! from acroae the International border Joined in the enthniiastic demonstration in honor of the former president of tin- United State*. TAP LINE ARGUMENTS ARE POSTPONED. Washington, D. C„ March 13.—Ar guments in the so-called "tap-line" casrs, which were to have opened be fore the fnterstate Commerce Com mission here today, have been post poned until next month. The cases tie regarded as of the highest Im portance In railroad circles, as the question of what constitutes a com mon carrier and also the question of rebates are among the Issues involv ed. Meets With Heavy .Wei com at Poiots on the western and Atlantic Railroad. COLLEGE TRAIN GREAT MEETING GOLDS BREED DEV. J. C. MASSES, D. D., CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Scotland. His is the largest Baptist congregation in Scotland! He is in great favor with the people of Geor gia and of Athens, having won a place in the hearts of the people of this city while here last winter. Dr. Kemp became known to the world of Christendom through the'the remark- atlo two-years’ revival in this church n Edinburgh. He has for three years been one of the speakers on the Tab ernacle Bible Conference In Atlanta. He has recently conducted a success- MR. WOL8LAGEL NOTED SPEAKERS TO BE HEARD. Bridgeport, Conn., March 15.—The Bridgeport Manufacturers’ Associa tion has concluded elaborate arrange ments for Its annual banquet to be riven tomorrow night. The guests of honor and principal speakers will be Major General Leonard Wood, for mer Congressman Charles H. Little field of Maine, snd John P. Mitchell, president of the board of aldermen of New York city. celve a hearty welcome again in Ath- , He was trained for his calling un- ens and a large bearing wilt greet his Inspirational themes and effective ad- dresses Dr. Massey Coming, Dr. J. C. Massee is pastor of the First RaplisI rhurch, Chattanooga, Tain., and Is remembered and loved lor his faithful and helpful ministry last conference. He is a man of deep piety, forceful as a speaker, and with a keen insight Into the Holy Scrip tures. He will speak oil "The Gospel in Genesis." Dr. Massee is one of tile moBt prom inent ministers of the- south. He re cently declined a call (o Hanson Place Baptist church. Brooklyn, X. Y., so long under the pastoral care of Dr. A. C. Dixon, to remain In the south. He regards the south the coming part ot the country and purposes to contrib ute his life to aiding In her spiritual development along with her material growth. In his addresses in Genesis, he pro poses to show how ths deeper truths of the Christian life were ever In the mind of God from the beginning. The Song.Leader. Mr. E. L. Wolealagel is one of the singers of the department of evangel-' Ism of the Home Mission Board. He with Evangelist Rev. W. L. Wal ker, to whom we are Indebted for his services during this conference. He is a young matt of winsome personal ity, and will sing the Gospel both to the education and delight of all who hear. der the able I)r. E. B. Towner of Chi cago. who has given to the church so many able gospel singers. The point is now being raised In the Stripling case, as to whether he should remain in Jail until his case is passed on by tbe pardon board or be sent to the penitentiary where he was headed when he made his escape long years ago, and made to stay there un til the question of his pardon Is set tled. Joe Bailey is Incensed over the fact that he has been summoned as a wit ness in one of the courts of Illinois In a case connected a ith the Lorfmer tribes. He Intimates that he will pay no attention to the summons and that he will pot be present at tbe trial to answer to his name when the wit nesses are called. (Special to tile Banner.) liogansvillc, Ga., March 15.—The "college on wheels" made an early stare from Xewnau today and reached Hogansvllle at $ o'clock, where it was a elcomed by a great crowd of people from tbe surouuding country. There were many farmers ot Troup, Meri wether and Heard counties at the sta tion when the train came to a stop. Some of them had driven miles, and the earliness of the hour had made it necessary /for them to leare their homes at the crack of dawn. The cltlsens of‘Hogansvllle, had made elaborate preparations for the reception of the train and the enter tainment of tJiose aboard. A platform (tad been erected near tbe depot and the speeches Were delivered from tbit Instead of tbe Satcar. as usual. Sub- tcquently the cars of the train were thrown open for inapectlon and tne crowd passed slowly through, listen ing to the lucid explanations of the several exhibits. Dr. A. M. Soule, president of the State College of Agriculture, Joined tbe party Just before the train left Xewnan this morning, and waa In general charge at Hogansvllle. He made a great agricultural education talk, snd held the close attention of the big crowd for probably an hour. He was followed by Coi. Thomas G. Hudson. Col. Samuel C. Dunlap and others in the party. Profeasor McGee, superintendent of the local schools, presided over the meeting and Introduced Dr. 8oit)e.' Professor McGee's speech was reived with pleasure. He spoke of the great work that the State College of Agriculture is doing for Georgia, dwelt upon the general awakening of the farmers, commended tbe new and Improved methods that are supplant ing the old and woraout practices on llle farm, and declared that the farm- era of Troup and adjoining counties are aroused over the Important les sens the etate Is seeking to impart. He said that the farmers In the Im mediate vicinity of Hogansville have become Imbued with the great possi bilities of progressive method* and that, many of them are making great headway. An evidence of the interest tbe train held for Hogansvllle was Indi cated by tbe attitude of the mer chants and manufacturers of the city. The stores were closed throughout the stay of the train and the school children were given a half holiday, in order that they, too, might bear the speeches snd see the Interesting ex hibits. The Hogansvllle band waa at the station when the trait arrived, snd pending the formalities played a con cert of popular music. Laditt in the Cab. Xewnan. (la.. March 15.—Fifteen miles In 19 minutes, with a charming matron at the throttle and a fair young lady at the fire box, is what the big mogul pulling in the college on wheels did Tuesday afternoon be tween Palmetto and Xewnan, on the (Vest Point railroad. Mrs. D. B. Bullard, wife of the for mer mayor of Palmetto, and now a democratic state committeeman, sat la side T. D. McDonald, the veteran, and helped him engineer the monster locomotive, while Miss Catherine Reid, daughter of Judge C. 8. Reid, of the Stone Mountain circuit, occupied ' an easy seat" on tbe oppoelte side of the engine on the lookout for possible disaster ahead. It waa a new and novel sensation for the young women and possible the first instance on record in Georgia where members of the fair sex "manned" both sides of a locomotive doing 55 miles an hour. In perfect safety. And when the run had been done snd the train had halted at Xewnan, Mrs. Bullard and Miss Reid were the toast* of the tour, dividing honors on ly with the West Point, railroad, whose praises were generally sung. As tbe locomotive plowed forward, the engine was as steady as a clock, the drive of her pistons as regular, as free and as easy a* tbe movements of an adjusted Elgin. And .the farmers In the fields quit their plows to wave a hearty greeting to the fair women cn either aide of the locomotive, who leaned far out of tbe cab to watch the steady stroke ot tbe drive wiieel a* It drove the pistons with each explosion. "No more Pullman cart for me,” raid Mist Reid, as she gracefully alighted from the engine when it came to a standstill at Xewnan. “My first and only experience on * locomo tive on the West Point has convinced me that the ease and comfort ot Pullmans are mythical at compared Twenty»Ninth State Cod- vention For Georgia and Florida V. M. C. A. Soon to Meet. The Twenty-Ninth State Conven tion of the Georgia and Florida Young Men's Christian Associations will be held at Jacksonville, FU,, March 18-20, 1811. Tire State Committee, through the columns of the Banner, extend* a special invitation to the men of this community to be represented and to participate in the discussions relating (o definite religious work among men end boys. Pastors of churches and (heir Christian workers who are in- terested In young men of their re spective towns are Invited to attend. Among, the strong speakers to be I resept may be mentioned, Mr. C. L. Gates, field secretary International committee Young Men's Christian As sociations, New York; Mr| H. O. Wil liams, railroad secretary international committee; Senator D. C. McMullen, Tampa, Fla., Col. W. B. Stubbs. Sa vannah, On.; Mr. W. Woods White, Atlanta; Mr. C. L. Hicks, associate Bcnoral secretary international com mittee, and Dr. G. W. Bull, Scranlcn, Pa. The mention of these names, In connection with the best Association orkers of Georgia and Florida, as tares a season of great uplift. Some of the topics presented will b* The Indwelling Christ Efilciency of Effort. Our Great Untouched Field*. The Unity of Our Movement. Fundamental Principles. Training of Leaders. Dividends and Capital. The Associations and corporations. Association administration. Our World-Wide Scope. A feature of the convention will be the attendance of met: from commun ities where there are no Associations. These men are planning to learn something from this organization which bat-dsmonstrausl lu ability to cope with so many problems of vital Interest to men. and a section confer- cuco is arranged for their special ben- fit, where the possibilities of practi cal special effort for the young men In places too small to support a Young Men’s Christian Association win be discussed. Mr. W. C. Mansfield, ot Atlanta, Ga„ Cot. R. L. J. Smith, of Commerce, Ga, and Prof. C. L. Smith, of Valdosta, Ga., will lead tbe discussion. FUNERAL YESTERDAY RF MR. WYfiATT Many Who knew Him Attended the Services Which Were Held at the Residence. Yesterday morning at the home on Prince avenuo occurred the funeral services over tbe remains of tbe late Joseph C. Mygatt. A very large nuro her of lopal friends and acquaintances were present to pay their loving trib ute to his memory and there were many beautiful floral offerings which cover the mound where he sleeps on the first night efter loving bands con signed him lo the dust from which man came. Rev. S. J. Cartledge, pastor of the Prince avenue Presbyterian church, of which the deceased was a member, conducted the services st the resi dence and afterward at tbe grare In Oconee cemetery. CATARRH Her Terrible Experience Shows How Peruna Should Be in Every Home to Prevent Colds. Mr*. C. S. Sage ntr, 1311 Wood land Are., Kansas City, Mo., writes: i "I feel It I a duty to I you and to I other* that f may be af- 1 flicted like myself, to speak for Peruna. "My trou ble first came after la gr Ippe e 1 g It t or nine years ago, a gath ering In my head and neuralgia, t su ff * r e d most all the time. My nose, ears and eyes were badly affected for the last two yean. I think from your description of Internal catarrh that f must have had that also. 1 suffered very severely. "Nothing ever relieved me like Pe runa. It keeps me from taking sold. "With the exception of some deaf ness I am feeling perfectly cured. I am forty-six years old. "I feel that words are inadequate to express my praise for Psruna." Mr*. C- S. Sagsrser. DEATH CAME SUDDENLY ID MRS, ALICE FIEMWfi At Her Home on Millege Avenue Funeral Will be Held This Alternoon at 4 o'clock. ELECTRICIANS IN SES8ION8. St. Paul. Minn., March 15.—The fourth annual convention of the Elec trical Association of Minnesota it In session here, with a large attendance of electricians from the principal cities of Minnesola and neighboring slates. The delegates derated the greater part of today to an inapectlon o.’ the electrical plants of St. Paul and a trip through the sandrock tunnel sixty feet under the surface of the business district of tbe city. Negro firemen on tbe railroads In tbe North are giving trouble. The white firemen are raising an objection to their pretence and the tame ques tion confronts the railroads In the North now that waa raised in the Georgia Railroad strike in Georgia a short while since. o the genuine Joy of a ride on an en gine.” Mrs. Bullard echoed this sentiment at tbe crowd gathered around to con sult their experiences and sensations. General Paaaenger Agent Joseph B. Billups rode in (he engine with the la dies from Palmetto to Xewnan. The community was inexpressibly shocked last night by tbe death ot Mrs. Aik* Fleming, which occurred suddenly at ball put seven o'clock at tier home on Mlliedge avenue. hire. Fleming had been out calling upon several of her friends tnd was returning home about seven o'clock. A few blocks from her residence she was Joined by Miss Annie Lyle and together they were walking along Mil- ledge avenue, when Mrs. Fleming complained of shortness of brutn and stopped a moment to rest. Once again she stopped before she reached her home aad on entering the house kb* at once went to her room. Her daughter. Miss Lucy Fleming, saw that the wu very ill and sum moned three physicians. When the physicians arrived, Mrs. Fleming was barely alive and in a few minutes suc cumbed to an attack of heart failure. The new* of the death of Mrs. Fleming will carry sorrow to the hearts of a host of friends in this city and throughout the state. She was a Members ot one of tbe oldest and most distinguished Georgia families and wu known and belored by hun dreds who mourn her death today. Airs. Fleming wu a daughter of tbe late Colonel Stevens Thomas, of this city, who for the greater part of his long and useful life wu secretary ot the Southern Mutual Insurance Com pany. She was a slater of the late Capt. William W. Thomu, the late Col. George Dudley Thomu, the late Mr. Stavena Thomas, of this city, and the late Mrs. Howard Van Epps, of Atlanta. She Is survived by a sister, Mrs. Carlton lilllyer, of Augusta. Mrs. Fleming wu bora In Athena Jan. 15, 1855, and spent her entire life In this city. On June 24, 1885, she wu united in marriage to Mr. Joseph ff. Fleming, of this City, who puted away a few years since. She is sur vived by three children, Mr. Joseph ft. Fleming, of the Atlanta National Bank, Mias Isabel Fleming and Miss Lucy Fleming, of tbit city. With the death of Mrs. Fleming there passed to the undiscovered country one of the gentlest and no blest spirits of the community. From the years of young womanhood, she had bren a consistent member of the Preebyterian church, and her life wu crowned with the loving deeds of a devoted follower of the Prince of Peace. Faithful in the discharge of every duty, true and loyal In her friend ships, loving, affectionate, devoted in her relation as wife end mothher, she filled in full measure the place slotted tv her In life and won the merited re ward that came to her last night when tbe finger of God touched her eyelids into everlasting sleep. Tbe funeral of Mrs. Fleming will be held this afternoon at four o'clock at tbe residence on Mlliedge avenue and the Interment will be In Oconee cem etery. Tbe services will be conducted by Rev. E. L Hill, pastor of tbe Pres byterian church.