Newspaper Page Text
, 5 ]
i ecal Notices
4 D .
v, 11079, January Term, 1950,
" (larke Superior Court — Libel
for Divorce.
* ;‘,(x;g::dflnt
v, the Defendant, John H. Ben
" son, Greeting:
py order of the Court, you are
hereby required, to be and appear
.+ the Superior Court of Clarke
i-.x:;m\-, on the second Monday in
ranuary, next, to answer the
plaintiff’s complaint for divorce,
as, in default thereof, the Court
will proceed as to justice shall
“ithess the Honorable Henry H.
west, Judge of said Court, this
oth day of November, 1950. Z
peputy Clerk, Superior Court,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
N 10-24, D 8-15.
No. 10949, January Term, 1951,
Clarke Superior Court — Libel
for Divorce.
To the Defendant, Loden Dupree
Brown, Sr., Greeting:
By order of the Court, you are
hereby required, to be and appear
at the Superior Court of Clarke
County, on the second Monday in
January, next, to answer the
plaintiff’s complaint for divorce,
as, in default thereof, the Court
will proceed as to justice shall
Witness the Honorable Henry
H. West, Judge of said Court, this
2nd day of November 1950.
Deputy Clerk,
Superior Court.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
N 3-17, D 8-22,
No. 11090
In Clarke Superior Court, January
Term, 1951.
To the Defendant, Mable Winfrey:
The plaintiff, Robert Lee Win
frey, having filed his petition for
divorce against Mable Winfrey,
returnable to this term of court,
and an order having been made
for service on her, Mable Win
frey, by publication, this there
fore, is to notify you, to be and
appear at the next term of Clarke
Superior Court to- be held on the
2nd Monday in January, 1951,.
then and there to answer said
complaint. : !
Witness the Honorable Henry
H. West, Judge of the Superior
Court. This“l6th day of November,
1950, .
Clerk, Superior Court,
Clarke County, Georgia.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
N 17-24, D 8-15.
GEORGIA, Clarke County:
All creditors of the estate of
Claude Tuck, Sr., deceased, late of
Clarke County, Georgia, are here
by notified to render in their de
mands to the undersigned accord
ing to law, and all persons in
debted to said estate are required
to make immediate payment to
lo:r(iiis the first day of November,
Jol, ;
As Executor of the Will,
Address: Winder, Georgia.
Attorney for Executor.
N 3-10-17-24, D 1-8,
GEORGIA, Clarke County:
_To the Superior Court of said
County, and to the Honorable
Henry H. West, Judge of said
Court: ; oty Jrepy
The petition of Floyd C. Newton,
J. M. Turner, Victor Richey, A. F.
Seagraves, A. R. Saxon, Lloyd
Smith, B. G, Thompson; R. L: Bos
well, O. L. Vickery, Joe David,
George Beasley, and M. C Gay
respectfully shows: = . ©.
1. That they desire for them
selves, and their associates and
successors, to be incorporated as
a non-profit, cooperative associa
ton, with capital stock, under the
lame and style of GEORGIA
_ 2. The association is formed for
e following purposes:
~ -0 acquire, handle and market
the grain, or any of the products
terived therefrom, of its members
@it 1o engage in activity in con
“clion with the picking, gather
g, harvesting, receiving, assem
ng, handling, grading, stand
tizing, packing, preserving, dry
.'% brocessing, transporting, stor
g, financing, advertising, selling,
fiirketing, and distributing of any
truin delivered by its members or
ily of the products derived there
‘om and in connection with the
burchase or use by or for its mem
*ers of supplies, machinery, and
“duipment, all in any capacity and
’nany cooperative basis that may
be Qagreed upon,
J. The place where the princi
b | business of said association
Will be transacted is Clarke Coun
¥, Georgia: 7
=45 Petitioners desire that said
“ssaclation have existence for the
tull period of fifty years, with the
;“lld’\eg;e of renewals as provided
.2 The names and addresses of
Lo who are to serve as direc
-101 for the first term, or until the
prction of theit successors, are:
: ,f’;‘d C. Newton, Madison, Geor
.2 J. M. Turner, Auburn, Geor
(;Z,‘)N.V‘le‘ Richey, Commerce,
CoorEld Ao F. Seagraves, Hull,
ieorgia; A. R. Saxon, Farming
. Georgia; Lloyd Smith, Craw
(i;r(l. Georgia; B. @, Thampson
"00d Hope, Georgia: :
well G ’ rgia; R- L. Bos
\'ick'er Fel;?;lsboro, Georgia; 0. L.
Devi" ey Rose, Georgia; Joe
Ueorge Beasles 1o oy, Georgia;
» ¢y, Lavonia, Georgia;
i M. C.~Gay, Athens, Georgia.
6. The minimum amount of cap
ital with which said association
will begin business is Fifty Thou
sand Dollars divided into four
hundred shares of common stock
having a par value of Twenty-five
Dollars each and eight thousand
shares of preferred stock having
a par value of Five Dollars each,
The maximum number of common
stock shares which said associa
tion shall have outstanding at any
one tinre shall be two thoussnd
shares and the maximum number
of preferred stock shares which
said association shall have out
standing at any one time shall be
two hundred thousand shares.
Upon a majority vote of its board
of directors and without charter
amendment, the association shall
be authorized to issue additional
shares of common and preferred
stock, eithes or both, up to the
maximum number stated above,
and thereafter from time to time,
to reduce the amount of capital
and the number of common and
preferred shares, either or both,
outstanding, but not below the
minimum above state,
7. 'l:he common stock of this as
sociation may be purchased, own
ed or held only by producers who
shall patronize the association in
accordance with uniform terms
and conditions prescribed thereby
and only such producers shall be
regarded as eligible members of
the association. No stockholder
shall have more than one vote in
any meeting of the association re
gardless of the number of shares
owned by him. In the event the
board of' directors of the associa
tion shall find, following a hear
ing, that any of the common stock
of this association has come into
the hands of any person who is
not eligible for membership, or
that the holder thereof has ceased
to be an eligible member, or that
such holder has not, for a period
of five years, marketed his agri
cultural products through the as
sociation, he shall have no rights
or privileges on account of such
stock, or vote or voice in the man
agement or affairs of the associa
tion (other than the right to par
ticipate in accordance with law in
case of dissolution and to receive
the par or book value of such
stock, whichever is Iless, in the
event of its sale or transfer as
herein provided), and the associa
tion shall have the right, at its
option, (a) to purchase such stock
at its book or par value, which
ever -is less, as conclusively de
termined by the board of direc
tors of the association; (bh) to re
quire the transfer of any such
stock at such book or par value,
to any person eligible to hold the
samre; or (c¢) to require such hold
er of any such stock to convert the
same into shares of preferred !
stock of equal value. !
In exercising its rights to pur
chase or to require the transfer or
conversion of common stock into
preferred stock, if such holder
fails to deliver the certificate or
certificates evidencing the same,
the association may cancel such
certificate or certificates on its
books- and issue a new certificate
or certificates of common or pre
ferred stock, as the case may be,
to the party entitled thereto.
The common stock of this asso
ciation may be transferred only
with the consent of the board of
directors of the association and or
the books of the association, and
then only to persons eligible to
hold the same; and no purported
assignment or transfer of common
stock shall pass to any person not
eligible o hold the same, any
rights or privileges on account of
such stock or vote or voice in the
management of the affairs of the
association. This association shall
have a lier on all of its issued
common stock for all indebtedness
of the holders thereof to the as
sociation. Noncumulative divi
dends of not to exceed six (6)
percent per annum may be paid
on the common stock, if, as and
when declared by the board of
directors after the payment of
dividends of not to exceed six (6)
percent per annum on the pre
ferred stock.
8. The preferred stock of this
association nray be owned or held |
by anyone, shall carry no voting
rights, and may be transferx:ed‘
only on the books of the associa
tion; and may be redeemed in‘
whole or in part on a pro ratai
basis at par, plus any dividends
declared thereon and unpa_iid, at
any time on thirty days’ notice by
the association, provided said
stock is redeemed in. the same
order as originally issued by years.
On the failure to deliver the cer
tificate or certificates evidencing
any such stock the association
may cancel the same on its books.
Stock which has been redeemed
may, in the discretion of the board
of directors, be reissued or re
tired. All such preferred st.ock S 0
redeemed shall be paid for in cash
at the par value thereof, plus any
dividend declared thereon and un
paid; and such stock shall not
bear dividends after it has been
called for redemption. Noncumu
lative dividends of not to exceed
six (6) percent per annum nray
be paid thereon when, if and as
declared by the board of directors.
At the discretion of the board of
directors, all dividends or distri
butions of the association or any
part thereof may be paid in cer
tificates of preferred stock, or
credits on preferred stock, or ad
interim certificates representing
fractional parts thereof, subject to
conversion into full shares.
Notwithstanding any of the
foregoing provisions, the board of
directors shall have the power,
from time to time and at any time,
to pay off or retire or secure &
release or satisfaction of any pre
ferred stock certificates, ad in
| terim certificates or credits, to
compromisé or settle a dispute be
tween a holder thereof and the
| association, Upon dissolution or
distribution of the assets of the
| association, the holders of all pre
perred stock shall be entitled to
receive the par value of their
stock, plus any dividend declared
thereon and unpaid before any
distribution is made > the com
mon stock.
9. In the discretion of its board
of directors, the association shall
be authorized to transact business
with non-members provided the
| total value of business transacted
by the association with non-mem
| bers in any fiscal year shall not
| exceed the total value of business
| transacted with its members.
10. Petitioners desire that said
association have all of the rights,
powers and privileges conferred on
nonprofit, cooperative associations
generally by the Cooperative Mar
keting Act of 1921, as amended,
and set forth in Chapter 65-2 of
the Code of Georgia of 1933 and
the Annotated Supplement there
to,_ and all such rights, powers and
privileges as may be now or here
after lawfully enjoyed by similar
Wherefore, your petitioners pray.
that they be incorporated under
the name above stated with all of
the rights, powers and privileges
set out above.
Floyd C. Newton, J. M. Turner,
M. C. Gay, Victor Richey, A. F.
Seagraves, A. R. Saxon, Lloyd
Smith, B. G. Thompson, R. L.
Boswell, O. L. Vickery, Joe David,
George Beasley.
GEORGIA—CIarke County.
Personally appeared before me,
the undersigned attesting officer,
M. C. Gay, who being duly sworn,
deposes and says on oath that he
is one of the incorporators in the
within and foregoing petition and
that the facts set forth therein are
M. . Gay
! Sworn to and subscribed be
fore me this 26th day of October,
Nena Wilhite,
Notary Public, Clarke
County, Georgia.
In the Superior 'Court of Clarke
County, Georgia.
The foregoing petition of
Floyd C. Newton, Madison,
Georgia; J. M. Turner, Auburn,
Georgia; Victor Richey, Com
merce, Georgia; A. F. Seagraves,
Hull, Georgia; A. R. Saxon, Farm
ington, Georgia; Lloyd Smith,
Crawford, Georgia; B. G. Thomp
son, Good Hope, Georgia; R. L.
Boswell, Greensboro, Georgia; O.
L. Vickery, Dewey Rose, Georgia;
Joe David Dewey Rose, Georgia;
George Beasley Lavonia, Georgia;
M. C. Gay, Athens, Georgia, being
presented to and examined by me
as provided by law; and it ap
pearing that the application is legi
timately within the purview and
intention of the laws of this state;
and there being presented to me
with said petition a certificate
‘from the Secretary of State de
claring that the name of the pro
posed corporation is not the name
lof any other existing corporation
‘registered in the records of the
Secretary of State;
- It is hereby ordered that the
said application be and the same
is hereby granted; and the said
applicants above named, and their
associates and successors, are here
by incorporated under the name
for the period of fifty years, with
the privilege of renewal as pro
vided by law, and with all rights,
powers and privileges set out in
said application for charter, and
with all such other rights, pow
ers and privileges as are now or
may hereafter be conferred by
law on similar corporations.
. At Chambers, Athens, Georgia
this November 15th, 1950.
| : .4 -Henry H. Wesk 5. .
Judge, Superior Courts,
Western Circuit.
In the Superior Court of Clarke
County, Georgia. .
Clerk’s Office.
The foregoing application and
order filed in office this November
E. J. Crawferd
Clerk, Superior Court,
Clarke County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Clarke County:
To the Honorable Henry H.
West, Judge of the Superior Court
of said County:
L. GILBERT, JR., hereinafter
called applicants, present this ap
plication for a granting of a char
ter for a private corporation and
show the following facts:
1. They desire for themselves,
their assigns and successors to be
incorporated under the name of
“Coastal Service Incorporated.”
2. The purpose and object of
said corporation is pecuniary gain
and profit to its shareholders. The
general nature of the business to
be transacted is the purchase and
sale of gasoline, fuel oil, motor
oil, kerosene, tires, batteries, and
related commodities in retail and
wholesale quantities; and also to
conduct restaurants for the sale
of food.
3. The capital stock of said cor
poration shall be not less than ten
shares of common stock at a par
value of SIOO.OO per share and not
more than one hundred shares of
common stock at a par value of
SIOO.OO per share. 4
4. The amount of capital with
which the corporation shall begin
businesg shall be $5,000.00.
5. The corporation shall have
existence for a period of thirty
five years with the privilege of
renewal as provided by law.
6. The principal office of the
corporatton shail be located in
Clarke County, with the privilege
of establishing branch offices and
places of business elsewhere.
7. The names and post office
addresses of the applicants are as
follows: William A. Chambers,
Athens, Georgia; Ruby C. Gilbert,
Athens, Georgia; Marion L. Gil
bert, Jr., Athens, Georgia.
WHEREFORE, the applicants
pray that they be incorporated
under the name and style afore
said with all the rights and priv
ileges hereinbefore set out, and
such additional powers and priv
ileges as may be necessary, proper
or incident to the conduct of the
business for which applicants are
asking incorporation and as may
be allowed like corporations under
the laws of Georgia which now or
may hereafter exist.
Attorney for Applicants.
Clarke Superior Court.
In Re: Petition to Incorporate
The foregoing petition of Wwil
liam A. Chambers, Ruby C. Gii
| bert and Marion L. Gilbert, Jr.,
‘to be incorporated under the
nanre of Coastal Service Incorpor
|atoll read end considered. It ap
pearing that said petition is with
in the purview and intention of
‘the laws applicable thereto, and
that all of said laws have been
fully complied with, including
the presentation of a certificate
from the Secretary of State as
required by Section 22-1803 of the
Code of Georgia Annotated;
It is hereby ordered, adjudged
and decreed that all the prayers
of said petition are granted and
said applicants and their asso
ciates, successors and assigns are
hereby incorporated and made a
body politic under the name and
style of Coastal Service Incorpor
ated for and during the period of
thirty-five (35) years, with the
priyilege of renewal at the expir~
ation of that time according to the
laws of Georgia, and that said
corporation is hereby granted and
vested with all the rights and
privileges mentioned in said peti
Granted at Chambers this 15th
day of November, 1950.
Judge, Superior Court,
Clarke County, Georgia.
N 17-24, D 1-8.
Sealed proposals, subnritted in
duplicate, will be received by the
City of Athens, Georgia, and
Clarke County, Georgia, at the
office of the Clarke County Com
missioners in the Court House at
Athens, Georgia, until eleven
o'clock, A. M,, Eastern Standard
Time, Tuesday, December 19, 1950,
for the construction of a Public
Health Center at the South East
corner of the intersection of Hill
Street and Pope Street, in the City
of Athens, Georgia. Bids will be
publicly opened at the time and
place stated above and read aloud,
as provided by law.
The plans and specifications call
for a one story building with part
basement, and the construction of
the building is to be of brick and
tile outside walls, with steel roof
deck, over steel joists and girders.
The floors are to be of reinforced
concrete, and the inside walls to
be of hollow clay tile and plaster
and glazed tile.
The full extent and character of
the work to be done, and the
terms and time of contract pay
ments, thereunder, are set out in
minute and complete detail in the
plans and specifications and con
tract documents, which will be
open to public inspection in the
City Engineer’s office in the Ath
ens City Hall and in the office of
the County Engineer in the Coun
ty Court House.
Drawings and Specifications for
the construction will be available
for distribution to the general
contractors by C. Wilmer Heery,
Architect, at 128% College Ave
nue, Athens, Georgia. A general
contractor desiring to" submit a
bid nray obtain copies of said plans
and specifications, not to exceed
three copies of each, upon pay
ment by certified check to the
Architect ror $30.00 per set; and
if ordered sent by mail, they will
be sent shipping charges collect.
Any bidder upon returning such
set or sets before the time of
opening of bids will be refunded
$30.00 per set. A non bidder re
turning plans and specifications in
good condition before the time of
opening bids will be refunded
$20.00 per set.
Plans and specifications will be
available to sub-contractors upon
payment of $30.00 per set, and if
returned in good condition before
the time of opening of bids will be
refunded $30.00 minus SIO.OO to
cover cost of reproduction.
A corporate bond for the faith
ful performance of the contract
and the payment in full of all
just claims for labor and mate
rials used in the construction in
the sum of double the contract
price will be required of the suc
cessful bidder. All bids must be
accompanied by a certified check
or bid bonds in an anmrount not
less than 5% of the base bid.
No bid may be withdrawn after
the scheduled closing time for the
receipt of bids for a period of
thirty days.
The work under the contract
must begin within ten days after
the contract is executed, and the
work shall be completed within
270 calendar days.
The City of Athens and the
County of Clarke shall make pay
ments on account of the contract
as provided therein, as follows: On
or before the tenth day of each
month ninety percent of the value,
based on the contract prices of
labor and materials incorporated
in the work, and of materials
suitably stored at the site, up to
the first of that month, as ‘esti
mated and certified by the archi
tect, less the aggregate of prev
ious payments; and upon substan
tial completion of the entire work,
a sum sufficient to increase the
total paymrents to ninety-five per
cent of the price. Final payment
shall be due thirty days after sub
stantial completion of the work,
provided the work be then fully
completed and the contract fully
The undersigned reserves the
right to reject any and all bids
and to waive informalities.
This, October 20, 1950.
By Jack Wells, Mayor.
By J. H. Towns, Chairman,
Commissioners of Roads and
N 24, D 1-8-15.
GEORGIA, Clarke County:
Personally appeared before the
undersigned officer, William A,
Stone, who says on oath that the
TION carrying on a trade or bus
iness in the trade name of COLO
NIAL HOTEL, is now owned and
said business is carried on by
TION, whose address is 304 Haas
Howell Building, and said busi
ness is managed by William
Campbell, Manager for STONE
whose address is Colonial Hctel,
corner of Broad and College Ave
Sworn and subscribed before me
this 28th day of November, 1950.
Notary Public,
Clarke County, Georgia. D 1-8
GEORGIA, Clarke County:
]To the Superior Court of Clarke
County, and to the Honorable
Henry H. West, Judge of said
The petition of Climax Hosiery
Mills, a corporation heretofore
created by this court, respectively
1, At a special meeting of the
Board of Directors of said corpor=-
ation, duly held at Athens, Geor
gia, on the J7th day of November,
11950, it was unanimously resolved
‘that it was desirable that said
Icorporation be liquidated and dis
solved. A certified copy of@said
resolution of said Board of Direc
tors marked Exhibit “A” is at
tached hereto and made a part
2. At a special meeting of the
stockholders of this corporation
held at Athens, Georgia, on the
27th day of November, 1950, a res
olution was unanimously adopted
by the owners of the entire out
standing capital stock of said cor
poration, resolving that said cor
poration be liquidated and dis
solved and its charter surrendered.
A certified copy of the resolution
of said stockholders, marked Ex
hibit “B” is attached hereto and
made a part hereof, |
3. Said dissolution of this cor
poration may be allowed without
any injustice to any stockholder
or any person having any claims
or demands against said corpora
tion, all debts or obligations of
this corporation having been paid
or provided for,
Wherefore, petitioner hereby
surrenders its charter and prays
that an order be granted by this
court, as provided by law, dis
solving this corporation.
Attorneys for Petitioner.
I, Clarence R. McLanahan, do
hereby certify that I am the duly
elected and acting secretary of
Climax Hosiery Mills, a corpora
tion of Clarke County, Georgia,
and that the following is a true
and correct copy of a resolution
unanimously adopted at a special
meeting of the Board of Directors
of said corporation duly held on
the 27th day of November, 1950,
as the same appears upon the
minutes of said corporation:
“Resolved, that the Board of
Directors of Climax Hosiery Mills
deem it desirable that said cor
poration be liquidated and dis
solved.” |
In witness whereof I have here
unto set nry hand and affixed the
seal of said Climax Hosiery Mills
this 27th day of November, 1950.
Climax Hosiery Mills.
(Corporation Seal Affixed.) |
1, Clarence R. McLanahan, do
hereby certify that I am the duly
elected and acting secretary of
Climax Hosiery Mills, a corpora
tion of Clarke County, Georgia,
and that the following is a true
and correct copy of a resolution
unanimously adopted at a special
meeting. of the stockholders of
said corporation duly held on the
27th day of November, 1950, as the
same appears upon the minutes of
said corporation:
“Be it resolved that Climax
Hosiery - Mills, a corporation of
Clarke County, Georgia, he liqui
dated and dissolved and its char
ter surrendered;
“Be it further resolved that all
outstanding capital stock of Cli
max Hosiery Mills be cancelled on
all proper records of the corpora
“Be it further resolved that all
of the assets of Climax Hosiery |
Mills be transferred, assigned, and
conveyed to its stockholders in
proportion to the number of
shares of stock held by each stock
“Be it further resolved that a
petition to dissolve Climax Hos
iery Mills be filed in the Superior
Court of Clarke County, Georgia,
‘and that the officers and directors
of this carporation take such ac
tion as is necessary and proper to
carry out this resolution.”
In witness whergof I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the
seal of said Climax Hosiery Mills
this 27th day of November, 1950.
Secretary, |
Climax Hosiery Mills,
In the Superior Court of Clarke
‘County, Georgia.
Upon consideration of the fore
going petition of Climax Hosiery
Mills, a . corporation heretofore
created by this court and it ap
pearing that the petitioner has
complied with ' all the require
ments of law;
It is hereby “ordered that the
prayer of said petitioner be grant
ed, and said corporation, Climax
Hosiery Mills, be and the same is
hereby declared dissolved.
At Chambers, this 28th day of
November, 1950.
Judge, Superior Courts,
Western Circuit.
D 1-8-15-22.
GEORGIA, Clarke County:
To the Superior Court of Clarke
County and to Honorable Henry
H. West, Judge Thereof:
The petition of The Dozier Com
pany, hereinafter referred to as
Petitioner respectfully shows:
1. That petitioner was original
ly incorporated under the laws of
the State of Georgia on June 30,
1928, and was reincorporated un
der the law for a period of thirty
five (35) years on December 3,
2. That the Board of Directors
of this corporation, at a meeting
duly held in compliance with the
provisions of its charter and by
laws, and the law applicatble
thereunto, deemed it desirable and
for the benefit of said corporation
that it be dissolved, adopted a
resolution to that effect and call- l
ed a meeting of all of its stock
holders to consider and take action
on said resolution so adopted. |
3. That at the meeting of the
stockholders of this ecorporation
held on the 29th day of Novem
ber, 1950, and duly called for the
purpose, the recommendations of
the Board of Directors were con
sidered, and a resolution, a certi
fied copy of which is hereto at
tached, marked Exhibit “A,” was
adopted by the affirmative vote of
the owners of the entire capital
stock of said corporation, resolv
ing that said corporation surren
der its charter and franchise to
the State of Georgia and be dis
solved as a corporation,
4. That said dissolution may be
allowed without any injustice to
any stockholder or any person
having any claim or demand
against said corporation, all debts
or claims of this corporation hav
ing been paid or provided for.
Wherefore, petitioner prays that
an order be passed dissolving said
corporation and permitting the
surrender of its charter and cor
porate franchise.
Attorneys for Petitioner, |
“Be it resolved that the action
taken by the Board of Directors
and the recommendations made
be, and the same are hereby rat
ified and confirmed; and |
“Be it further resolved that it
is for the benefit ofthis corpora
tion and to the interest of its
stockholders that this corporation |
be dissolved; and
“Be it further resolved that the ‘
outstanding capital stock of this
corporation shall be cancelled on
alidproper records of the company;
“Be it further resolved that
there be filed in the Superior
Court of Clarke County, Georgia,
a petition to dissolve this corpora
tion under the provisions of law
and that the officers and directors
of this corporation take such ac
tion is necessary and proper to
carry out this resolution.”
GEORGIA, Clarke County:
I, W, B. Dozier, do hereby cer
tify thta I am the duly qualified
and acting President of The Dozier
Company, and that at a special
meeting of the stockholders of said
corporation duly held on the 29th
day of Nowember, 1950, the above
and foregoing resolution was fav
orably voted for and adopted by
all of the capital sotck of said cor
poration, and that the above and
foregoing is a true and correct
copy of said resolution as the same
appears on the minutes of said
In Witness Whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of the corporation, this
the 30th day of November, 1950.
W. B. DOZIER, President.
Upon consideration of the fore
going petition of The Dozier Com~
pany for dissolution of- said cor- ‘
poration, it appearing to the sat
isfaction of the court that all the
formalities and requirements of
the law have been complied with
and that said petition is made in
accordance with the applicable
provisions of Chapter 22-18 of the
Code of Georgia;
It is hereby ordered that the
petition be granted and filed, and
said corporation, The Dozier Com-~
pany, be and the same is hereby
declared to be dissolved as a cor
poration, and that the surrender of
the charter and franchise of said
corporation be and the same are
hereby accepted.
This the 30th day of November,
Judge of Superior Court,
Clarke County, Georgia,
D 1-8-15-22.
GEORGIA, Clarke County.
WHEREAS, Miss Ruth Murray,
Administratrix of the Estate of
Isaac V. Murray, Deceased, re
presents to the Court in her peti
tion, duly filed and entered on
record, that she has fully admin
istered Isaac V. Murray’'s estate.
This is therefore to cite all per-~
sons concerned, kindred and cred
itors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administratrix
should not be discharged from her
administration, and receive letters
of dismission, on the first Monday
in January, 1951.
This 7th day of December, 1950.
Ruby Hartman, Ordinary
Dec. 8-15-22-29.
Court of Ordinary,
Clarke County, Georgia.
To any Creditors and All Par
ties at Interest:
Notice is hereby given that ap
plication of Mrs. Margaret Wag
goner (Mrs. Thomas Newton)
Gaines, as sole heir at law of Mrs.
Sophia Elizabeth Winter (Mrs. W.
A.) Jones, late of Clarke County,
Georgia, deceased, having been
filed, declaring no administration
of the estate of said deceased ne
cessary; said petition will be
heard at my office on the first
Monday in January next, and if
no objection is filed, an order will
be passed declaring no adminis
tration necessary.
This 4th day of December, 1950.
Ruby Hartman, Ordinary
D. 8-15-22-29. 2
State of Georgia,
County of Clarke.
To W. L. Moss, Elizabeth
Strong, Moss Harris, Thomas
Strong Moss, Susan Strong Moss
Clement, John Parnell Bondurant,
Birdie Moss Bondurant, John Hill
Moss, Rufus L. Moss, 111, Mary V.
Moss Firor, Judith M. Harlow,
William B. Moss, Rufus L. Moss,
W. L. Moss having as Executor
applied for probate in solemn
form of the last Will and Codieil
of Sarah Hunter Moss of said
county, and having made known
to the court, that you are all the
heirs at law of Sarah Hunter Moss,
deceased, you are hereby cited to
be and appear at the January
Term, 1951, of the Court of Ordi
nary for said county, as the Will
and codicil of Sarah Hunter Moss,
deceased, will then be offered for
probate in solemn form.
This December 4, 1950.
Ruby Hartman, Ordinary,
Clarke County, Georgia.
Dec. 8-15-22-29. |
GEORGIA, Clarke County.
C. M. Driskell, as administrator
of the estate of C. V. Driskell, de
ceased, by virtue of an order from
the Court of Ordinary of Clarke
County, Georgia, will sell at pub
lic outery, to the highest bidder
for cash, on the first Tuesday in
January, 1951, at the court house
door in Athens, Clarke County,
Georgia, between the legal hours
of sale, the following described
land, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land,
situate, lying and being in the
218th District, G. M. Clarke Coun
ty, Georgia, on the Barnett Shoals
Road, containing 42.10 acres, more
or less, and being more particu=-
larly described by plat made June
19, 1941 by H. H. Huff, Surveyor,
recorded in Plat Book 3, follo 322
in the office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Clarke County,
Georgia, and being the same land
conveyed to C. V. Driskell by Mrs.
Virginia Moseman Collins by deed
dated October 2, 1947, and re
corded in Deed Book 105, folio
530 in said Clerk’s Offica.
~ This the 4th day of December,
C. M. Driskell,
As administrator of the
| estate of C. V. Driskell,
{ deceased.
Dec. 8-15-22-29,
e R e T
GEORGIA, Clarke County.
- To all whom it may concern:
~ The return of the appraisers set
ting apart twelve month’s support
to Mrs. Lila L. Holliday and her
two minor children, Richard A.
Holliday and Lila L. Holliday, out
of the estate of Pope B. Holliday,
deceased, having been filed in my
office, all persons concerned are
cited to show cause before me by
the first Monday in January, 1951
why said application for twelve
month’s support should not be
This 7th day of December, 1950.
Ruby Hartman, Ordinary,
Clarke County, Georgia
Dec. 8-15-22-29.
Georgia, Clarke County.
Geneva GClenn Middlebrooks
‘having applied as Executrix for
probate in solemn form of the last
Will and Testament of George
Glenn, of said County, the heirs
at law of said George Glenn, de
ceased, are hereby required to
appear at the Court of Ordinary
for said County on the first Mon
day in January next, when said
application for srobata ‘will ‘be
llagggd. This 7th day of December,
Ruby Hartman, Ordinary
Dec. 8-15-22-29.
GEORGIA, Clarke, County.
Harvey J. Reid of said State
and County having in proper form
applied for permanent letters of
‘administration on the estate of
Mrs, Winnie Reid Newton de
ceased, this is to cite all creditors
and next of kin of the said de
ceased, to be an appear at the
January Term, 1951, of this court
‘and show cause if any they can,
why permanent letters of admin
istration should not be issued to
applicant or some fit and proper
Witness my hand and seal of
the Ordinary of said County, this
4th day of December 1950.
) Ruby Hartman, Ordidary,
Clarke County, Ga.
Dec. 8-15-22-29. ‘
GEORGIA, Clarke County:
The return of the appraisers
setting apart twelve months’ sup
port to Mrs. Hattie E. Hughes,
widow of Otis W. Hughes, de
ceased, out of the estate of said
deceased, having been filed in my
office, all persons concerned are
cited to show cause by the Ist day
of January, 1951, why said ap
plication for twelve months’ sup
port should not be granted.
This 7th day of December, 1950.
D 8-15-22-29.
GEORGIA, Clarke County:
By virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary of Clarke
County, passed December 4, 1950,
will be sold before the courthouse
door of said County at public out
cry to the highest bidder for cash
on the first Tuesday in January,
1951, between the legal hours of
sale, one-third undivided interest
in and to:
All that lot, tract or parcel of
land situate, lying and being near
the city limits of Athens, in Buck
Branch District, G. M., said Coun
ty, fronting on the Winterville
road, more particularly described
as foliows: Beginning at a pine
tree, formerly, opposite George
Brown’s lot on said public road,
thence South 50 East .77 chains to
an oak; thence South 30 West .86
chains to a pine; thence South 7
East 3.94 chains to a rock; thence
North 58 East 3.65 chains to a
rock; thence North 9 degrees 30’
West 3.46 chains to a rock on said
public road; thence South 86 de
grees 45’° West 3.20 chains to the
beginning point, containing 1.56
acres, more or less, and all that
lot or parcel of land lying and be
ing in Clarke County, Georgia, on
the South side of public road lead
ing from Athens to Winterville
and Lexington and just across the
road from ‘the lands formerly
owned by Mrs. Mary P. Reaves,
the same being the narrow strip
lying between said public road
and right of way of Georgia Rail
road, containing one-fourth acre.
To be sold for the payment of
debts and distribution among the
heirs of Jack Spraulding, de~
Administrator of the Estate of
Jack Spraulding, deceased. |
D 8-15-22-29. |
e e e e eee e e e i
GEORGIA, Clarke County: |
By virtue of an order of the ‘
Court of Ordinary of DeKalb
County, passed on November 6,‘
1950, T will sell at public outcry‘
to the highest bidder before thei
courthouse door of said County,
within the legal hours of sale, on
the first Tuesday in January, 1951, ‘
the following described real estate
constituting a part of the estate
of Sylvia Allen, deceased, to-wit:
“All that lot, tract or parcel of
land situate, lying and being in
Athens, Clarke County, Georgia,
fronting East on Parrish Street 100
feet, and running back an equal
width 200 feet, being lots 2 and 3
and 6 and 7 of Block B of the
Benning Subdivision, more partic
ularly described as follows:
“Beginning at a point on the
West side of Parrish Street 200
feet South of the Southwest cor=
ner of Henderson Avenue Exten
sion and Parrish Street, running
thence West 200 feet, thence South
100 feet, thence East 200 feet to
the West side of Parrish Street,
thence North along Parrish Street
100 feet to the beginning corner.”
Terms cash. f
Attorneys at Law, a
1422 Healey Building,
Atlanta, Georgia. i
Attorney at Law,
Athens, Georgia,
D 8-15-22-29, :
GEORGIA, Clarke Countys "
Lucille J. Abney, as Adminis
tratrix d. b.n, c. t. a, oé t(llu estate -
of Laura Abney Arnold, deceased,
having filed in this Court her pe~
tition for letters of dismission as
such Administratrix and w
that she has fully performed
of her duties as such Administra~
trix, this is to cite all persons to
be and appear at the January .
term, 1951, of this Court, to'shew
cause, if any they have, why*said .
petition should not be allowediand
the Administratrix dismissed, -
This December 8, 1950. i
Clarke County.
JOHN L. GREEN, Attorney.
D 8-15-22-29.
GEORGIA, Clarke County: .
Lucille J, Abney, as Adminig=
tratrix of Walter Lewis Abney, »
late Executor of the estate of -
Laura Abney Arnold, deceased; .
having filed in this Court her pe-.
tition for letters of dismission for
the Executor and showing that he .
has fully perfornred all of his cu~ -
ties as such Executor, this is to..
cite all persons to be and appear,
at the January term, 1951, of this,
Court, to show cause, if any they,
have, why said petition should not: -
be allowed and the Executor dis
This December 8, 1950.
Clarke County.
JOHN L. GREEN, Attorney.
D 8-15-22-29.
. -
J. R. Porterfield )
. . 1
Serving With ¢
USAF In Korea'
Friends of Pfe. James-Roy Por-.
terfield, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs z
J. R. Porterfieid, of 130 Standmf_
street, will be interested to know-,
that he is serving with the 8150th,
Installation Squadron of U. 8. Air
Force in Hamhung, Korea. 2o
Pfe. Porterfield, 18, entered ser~.
vice following his graduation from .
Athens High School last year. .In -
a recent letter to his mother he sald .
that he is well and warmly-eloth~,
ed. His unit is at present operating
from a temporary base located at
‘ Foremost among the gems of
the beauties of the Eastern world
comes jade. This beautiful stone
in all its colors, ranging from
emerald green, red, black and
yellow, to the translucent white
known as “melting snow,” ac
cording to the Jewelry Industry
Council, has graced the forms of.
Oriental beauties for centuries..
The beautiful Chinese Empress
Tzu Hsi particularly loved jade
and among her large collection
were jade earrings trimmed with
pearls, many jade bracelets and.
rings, and even jade finger-nail
protectors. The Empress also
owned a marvelous rope of pearls,
which was buried with her, being.
wound nine times round her body. .
These pearls which were valued
at more than $6,000,000, were.
among the tireasures rifled from.
the Royal tombs during the Chi
' nese Revolution.
Fry 666 \i.n‘r\.\u,
¥ ' L]
S oy ’
Ask diouf