Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, June 18, 1889, Image 3

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;:iP‘ ' , \ THc. rii#t<-** of ertlit' iOMT PLACE* N* i T niv'>r- wiscr tiling M ,..rj:J lll-Vfl u»* L. of..iH-liujC » ,r * ’ ' r»5vt*.*6 |l i _t:! - „,.iiii, mail ,.* iM-« !i:i> tt ,..*k"f tla .1 1 ..mi THE BANNER ATHENS, GEORGIA, JUNE 18, 1SS9 n BOSSES’ CES: |> in . Ever/ ;i<m!*i i* -e ;ui<f llie ■, rryisig remark- Ks s »*d Bell, bt the’ 1 )< - n:rrtiue;it, tire provitijj them m1v« * jrreat political sc&iiW»/Fiiull n <> Ural Democratic otHeialR, who have beer. tii.Ue.l for tlieir resignations, Wwe up _ willing (o bold over as instructors lor inexperienced s jihI incompetent !{<■- publit iia appointees, they areeular the postal service by , l.i. [lie lO ltlpe i i.aiievlloi*, be. } i; n sol Prof. i,t \ icc-L ban’cel- titti'Htion to the uni chapters 'I'aNis a work v , ■-ary lor the. it is only by ;; ( ,ii as this that 5. her due; and has crowned. , v . bow well lit; undertaking. His ! ;n;d mind are in determined to de- mi genius to tlu* >i v hi all will l which will v t/.-iii;v for education to j, a devoted lover Of v 1,iii/cr in all their l'ecl- , -... :ui.! i man who by will have ail influence r . ^..od for their moral as j,.-, nal growth. Vi»i\.-r-itv lias never had a ,than that which now The action of uu^.-. s in making no ilcler- j,, r : fur tie* retention of the it*i .t a I "la; i.»n will in the end hics-iiig to the University. Inn has made friends for the a.inaa' those who were before for men now see that Ath— tug appointing lie- • past six | publican supernumeraries In assi'-t: the ivcetly to present incumbents; or course so soon as there supernumeraries are.sufficiently a •ijuaiiUcvl with their duties, the Demo crats will be set adrift. Thus will the t .e Civil Service rules he subserved; despite the disarrangement and injury produced in so intjauranc a service. Olf, Republican Check, t here’s your Mdle? Tiir. .re>*fnt RepuHiran adniinistra- ion is proving true and loyal to -i s •arty pVlneiples^p'jtronage aud pUm- il r. ’i’lie MaconTelegraph has been figuring it out, and says that t’.e farm mort gages of Illinois, by official amount to ff for every acre of the State. figures, land in ; -! 1 i laic The Third Asswrart Postmaster Oen- t'lal >av that the color of the 2-eeiits [Kistage stamps \\ ill probably be because there is objection to the pale green. The suffering public object more to the color of the Postmaster tien- ei al\s green postal agents than they do to tire tint of the stamps in use. A green postage stamp never miscarries a letter; but we can’t say ns -much for many of the newly appointed route agents and other officials that control the most important branelie of the (Jov- e.n nent. Ex-Skxatou Mauoxk will be the republican candidate: for Governor of Virginia next fall. He is the easiest man in the state for the democrats to defeat. . The other day an issue of *$8,000,000 of 2hi per cent, bonds was sold in New York at a premium. If this stun was invested in enterprises in and around Athens, from 8 to 25 per cent, could be unde. it* c:n*i ,.. j. not itrasping after everything,anil i!„* v ill I"* »i"iv inclined to aid and l lU jl,l up ill.* University, which the >fal ,. mi wi.-cly entrusted to our peo- .p in*. Il.igg* >howed liere as every- «!•. n* lii* f.iiv-igbt and discretion, and |, : * .vcu that be po-sesses that valna- l,|,* power>d" tempering his zeal with ju.Igllictil. II,. j> ,,uc .,f the prime movers iu the liill r. fcrml t<> in yesterday’s paper,and nh.-a the time comes he will do all in-fdote hi* |i.i\\cr to have the necessary appro priation' niadv f'»r every branch oi Valuing aii'l industry whn-li will be of 1 k*tielit to mu* boys and girls. Tli>* trustees and the friends at large i.f tin* l nivcisity may rejoice that there i* Mich a uuii *'f the helm as Chancellor Boggs. ' In 1880 the Southern States protHie^d only 807,801 tons of iron; in 1888 they produced 1,182,858 tons. All the other States produced 1880 8,808.118 tons, and in 1888 0,054,848 tons. Thus, while iron production in the other States in creased over 50 per 'cent, in the past eight years, the increase in the South was 100 per cent. This increased pro duction has caused a wonderful fall in prices since 1880. In one month of that year iron sold at $41 a ton. Since the heginuingof 1885 it has seldom been above $20, and now it is woilh only $10. The sheriffs of Georgia will hold a big convention in At'anta on July 10. The meeting will be held for purpose of giving.the sheriffs of the State chance to exchange views and to co operate in having the criminal laws of the State more“prefectly executed. The trial of Dr. McDow, accused of killing Captain D.t'.vsox, in Charleston, is set for this month. There has been charges by certain newspaper corres pondents that the panel of jurors who will hear the case lias been manipulated ui McDow’s interest. The people of this country have lu/n- ored themselves by the ready and mag. The Tree Masons of New York have decided to build a refuge for the hc-Ipless members of the fraternity and their fami y, and will probab y locate the grand institution, in Au burn The revenue set aside for its maintenance amounts to over §30,000 a year. This is one of grandest schemes ever inaugurated by a noble order. Why You Feel So weak and exhausted is because your blood is impure. As well expect the sanitary condition of a eity to be per fect with defiled water aud defective i sewerage, a3 to expect such a compli cated piece of mechanism ah the human frame to he in good order with impure blood circulating even to its minutest veins. Do yon know that every drop of your two or three gallous of blood passes through the heart and lungs in about two and a half minutes, aud that, on its way, it makes bone and muscle, brain and nerve, aud all other solids and fluids of the body? The blood is trie great nouTisber, or, as the Bible terms it, “The Life of the Body.” Is it any wonder, then, that if the blood he not pure and perfect iu its consti tuents, yon suffer so many indescribable symptoms? Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, stands “head and shoulders” above every other Alter ative and Blood Medicine. As proof, read these reliable testimonies; G. C. Brock, of Lowell, Mass., says: For the past 25 years I have sold Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. In my opinion, the best remedial agencies for the cure of all the diseases arising from impuri ties of the blood are contained iu this medicine.” Eugene I. Hill, M. D., 3S1 Sixth Ave., New York.says : “As a blood-purifier and general builder-up of the system, I have never found anything to equal Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It gives perfect satisfaction.” Ayer’s Sarsaparilla proves equally eilicacious in all forms of Scrofula, Boils, Carbuncles, Eczema, Humors, Lumbago, Catarrh, Sic.-, aud is, there fore, the very best Spring and Family Medicine in use. “ It beats all,” says Mr. Cutler, of Cutler Brothers & Co., Boston, “how Tire Lrasr Stock of Carriages, Spring and Farm Wagons in the .South ndard Wagon H. L. ATWATER, Manager. a5, 8T, 3», 41, 43, 4ti attii 47 W. Alabama St'., Atlanta, Go. Write for Prices, V anufac urers of Carriages*, Buggies, Road Carts, Spring and Farm Wagons. Goods to the Trade NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS- iBOKnichTEtesnit hub-.n-vT at Come and See Ife. General Agents for McLear & Kendall I ine Landaus,. Victorias, Rockaways, T. Carts, etc. Maim fact u revs’ Pri ce s. P. O BOX 354* Harness, Every Style and Vailety; Whips and Lap Robes, so ooo Square Feet of Flooring covered with Vehicles. Ncfcr onstitution aud opposite Maddox, Kuci t*r «v Co. McGinty & Hunnicutt, Contractors and Binders. — Manufacturers of and Deale-s in— In Leaven wot h, Ivan., a man must jn a certificate setting fortli that I I is sick before lie can get a drink at drug store. The highest record of nificeut contribution!* they have made j g * n a certificate setting fortli that he t> the suffering people of tlie Cone* inaugli valley. New York and Phila delphia have given ubo'ut $500,ObO each. I '7“® ~~~ Pittsburg comes next with about $200,- J dlcknegS 111 ail *V one mor ; th VVaS L reach ; 000. Tiie total cash contributions to |edinJuue, 188o, and the number of nearly $2,000,000, sick men was 22,000. Tliere is an ephjeniic of this disease raging in Atnen3. REFORMING ELECTIONS* Tin Kepiiblieans ill tlie 5lst Congress /ir going to try their Hands at refonn- ing ilit* eleelion law, by atteinptii^ to l»a*> i* know as the Sherman bill. Thi- iitt-asm-e of course is for tliepur- p.*-.* of putting the elections ia the Math under Federal control and there in - Imping to secure Republican repre- -••ntaiioii from Congressional districts m tli ■ ''imth. now represented hy Deui- "rrnt*. This is a very serious ques- ti"!i. :md one in which the whole coun- 1 >!i>»n! 1 feel the deepest Interest. " bib- tlie constitution confers the power on Congress to pass such a law, yet ii 111 u>r lie remembered that the propriety of inserting such a power in tin* eon-titutiou was most seriously aild ennn-'tly questioned in the convention "iiii Ii tr.uned the eonVfcitntion. Cer- tainl v ir was never the intontion-or ex- l***<*t;ition of the framers of our organic law. that such power should ever be 'I't*I for tin* purposes intended by tlu* lb-publicans ami the Sherman bill. I?e- p inl the nefarious purposes of this bill, ’ r tin* additional llagrant outrage of '••interring upon persons, not so au- ilmi i/od by the constitution, the power 1,1 appoint over 500,000 office-holders h i«gratifying.howeve**,to know that '"'* l 'I'tpemlous infamy will find kutl road to travel in the 51st Congress* The Farmers* Alliance will build a cotton oil .mill and fertilizer factory at Seneca City, 8. C., aud an oil mill at Spartanburg, S. C. This is the best and surest plan to squeeze all the grease from the Standard Oil Trust, that has reeeiftlv extended their operations and gained complete control of all the white lead companies in the country. Let the victimized public now unite with the Alliance and paint their towns rod, until this last trust is broken. We dislike to see a man part Ids hair ti the middle, and have, an equal repug nance to a paper that divides its name by a hyphen. 8o we have decided to drop the word 44 Watchman,” and sim ply call' our journal the Banner, as tins tlie oldest establish'd! paper. Thorn is nothing in a name, and in this day ind generation bevity is the watch word. lin Atlanta Constitution thu wly imminaies Groves CT.kvki.ani> a standard bearer of the Democracy in lv *'-• This able journal boldly as '' it' that Cleveland is the only man Ill:l1 can unite the Democratic party and *‘/ u! jt l " success in the next presiden "•‘l campaign. Bravo, bravissimo "'* :tr, ‘ glad to know that our most "m thy cotemporary has come out thu boldly and frankly and admitted that bnitl reform is not dead nor sleepeth, :i,ui "‘at in 1S92 the 100,000 majority 'u'ctl iii its favor in the late campaign "ill be so swelled and enlarged as to •'"ci p the whole country and place its ‘•lampion and standard bearer back dm \\ bite house. Hurrah for 1 cm* and and Tariff’ Reform! President Harrison lias made some thing like twelve thousand removals from office*since March 4. If there is one trait more than another that^we ad mire in Mr. Harrison, it is his consis tency (?) llis promises and his actions might marry, for they are Hot related in the slightest degree. A vkry prominent New York Re publican js reported Lo have, remarked in Washington the other day that, if the presidential election 'were to be held over again to-morrow, Harrison would lose New York State by 50,000. Wonder what office this “prominent Republican” failed to get ? But if this political prophet will date his predic tion November, 1802, we’ll go him halves. TheChronin Mystery, The mystery of the Cronin murder is as deep as ever, and there is no falling off iu the interest in it. An immense amount oT testimony has been taken by the coroner, but no facts have bee u elicited which direct attention toward any particular persons as the probable murderers. It lias been discovered,how ever, that Dr. Cronin had a great many hifluentinl and powerful enemies in the Irish societies. His course had been such is to make enemies for him. lie had been dismissed from the Glan-ua-Gael society at Chicago, and he entertained i very hitter feeling for tlie man who secured his dismissal. It was his in tention to make charges of a very grave character against this man at the duly lowering in Philadelphia of tlie Ulan* na-Gael societies. It is not generally believed that he was murdered by.the order of any one of these societies, ov that any one of these societies had-any thing to do. with the crime. It strongly suspended, however, that members of these societies, who were his enemies, were directly or indirectly connected with his murder. The societies are as sisting in hunting for the murderers. It is understood that they will contrib ute $25,000 towards bringing the mur derers to justice. This looks as if they were sincere in denouncing the crime and in desiring the punishment of the criminals. It is very important to them that the criminals should be discovered. The Irish cause is to a certain extent involved. That cause is boiuul to suffer some injury as the suspicion is not re moved that prominent Irish leaders are in some way responsible for Dr. Crimn’s death. The enemies if that cause are already busy 'circulating insinuations that Dr. Crbnin knew too much of the inside history of tlie societies, and that it had become necessary to silence him. The great interest that is manifested in the Pronin tragedy, therefore, does not 1 grow out of the tragedy itself, but is due to the suspension that a nation’s cause is in some way involved in it. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla does sell.” Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; dir bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. K <Tnever failsT> \ \ fsoKpmgj,;] / A SPECIFIC FOE, STANDARD GUANOS, Erick, Laths, Shingles,White Lead, Mixed Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Builders’ Hardware, Lime, Plaster Paris, and Cement. Scroll Work a Specialty. -ALSO* SASH. DOOR AND BUNDS. Proprietors Athens Steam Planing Mills at Northeastern depot. All orders promptly filled and estimates made. Office South street, near Jackson. [PILOT, SPISHS, MULMS, FSU.I8G SICKIIESS, ST. VITUS BINGE, ALCHOHQUSB, OPIUM EATI8S, SYPKlUiS, SUROFUU, KIHSS EVIL, IKsLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SIGX BEADiGHE, EUEUMTIS8. NERVOUS WEAKNESS. NEP.VGUS FRUSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SOBER, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES, 1.150 pt? tittle, at drsggliti. DR. S. A. RICHMOND NERVINE GO. ST. JOSEPH, BIO. TRIAL BOTTLE FBBB. To dec’ine taking a enre remedy -when sick, is to court suffering and invite death. Our Liver Pills are sure cure for Torpid Liver and Constipation. Price 25c. At Drugglata- Schofield’S' Iron "Works. Manufacturers of and Dealers in STEAM ENGINES,. Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Presses, Iron and Brass Castings of any Pattern. A specialty of Shaftings. Pulleys, and Mill Gearing, Iron P*pe=, Pipe Fittings, lira? 3* Valves, Lubricators, Packing, Jet Pumps, snd full line of Machin ists’Supplies. Manufacturer’s agent for ^he.Celebrateh Hakqock Inspirator . OUR FACILITIES FOR BOILER BUILDING ARE UNEXCELLED. j, S. ScTiofielcl & Sorj. MACON, GEORGIA. THEO. MARKWALTER’S STEAM Marble and Granite Works. BROAD STREET, Near Lower Market. AUGUSTA, GA. He Wsrk. Domestic and Imported, at Low Prises Georgia & South Carolina Granite Monuments made a Specialty. i- r. V ■ ▲ large selection of Marble and Granite Work always on hand, ready ter loitering and deliver Parties flesmrg: Manumeirts or Work Jpp!y to ^353 At Athens Cemetery. In Ulkvk- V hat if !<onu* of the Territories atl- ““tted into the Sister-hood of States by tin*. .oth Congress should turn the tables u.'tui their Republican friends and send •eincK-rats to the51st Congress? From fceent indications in some of the tei- mories, this is not at all improbable, *“‘d it is more than likely that Presi dent Hajuuson’s display of Bcssism u '“y help the .good work on. God s l"*ed the good work, and save the country from the imprudent and revo- ’■tionarv threats and purposes which < ome of the present small Republican Majority of three, in the next House of representatives. Mr. L. M. Terkell, of Atlanta, superintendent of tlie Railroad Mail Service of this division, liate been given certain information that may ’produce several changes in positions hdld by Republicans iu the Railway Mail Ser vice. Mr. Terrell says he will re tain in office men only dent and respectable in every particular, and proposes doing so soon as possible. There appears to be a great* deSfcl of dissatisfaction among the working peo ple of the manufacturing towns of the north. Their dissatisfaction grows out of the efforts of manufacturers U> reduce wages. In n great many factories wages have been reduced, and in mrfny covers a notice of a reduction soon to take effect has been given. State of Ohio, City ofTole do. Lucas County, S. S. Frank J. Ciikney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the fii m of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tlie City of Toledo, County and State afor esaid, and that said linn will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ofti- for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. * FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in niy presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. ’^0 A. W. GLEASON. Birmingham’s big new hotel, yet un finished, though $350,000 has been spent upon it, was sold last week /or $173,- 000. If one-hatf of this sum had been expended in erectinga hotel in Athens, Ga., such a calamity won hi not have overtaken Its enterprising pro jectors. The Georgia Legislature meets on July 3d in the new capitol. CURE Si‘*k Headachoand relieve all . the troubles lnci d-nt to a bilious state o'? the system.* such as Lizzioess, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distreee after oatiiif,'. Pain in the Side, Ac. While their moal n*inarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver fills sr- .oually valuable in Constipation, curing and pre venting thisannoyiugcomplaint,while they also correct all disorders of thestomach,stlmnlate t'*e liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they or' HEAD Ache they would be slmoetprioeleas to those wh« *>*.nTer from this distressing complaint; butfortn* natelv t heir goodness does notendhere.and those j*Uo once try them w'Ufind these little pills valu able in sc many ways ihat they wiU not bo wil- tthem. ling to do without t But after aUsick head •| SEAL.j* Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure ishaken internal- y and acts directly on the blood and mpeus* surfaces of the system. Send for | testimonials, free. F. J. CIIENEY & CO., 'Poledo, O. jES^T’Sold by Drug gists, 75c. Senator Brown continues to improve in health. He has never been critically Ul. The Central railroad from Macon to Atlanta crosses no stream. Jf sick headache is misery, what are Carter’s Little Liver Pills.if they will positively cure it? People who have us ed them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. Dr. H. McDonald says it requires more sense and education to farm than to do anything else. ACHE Is the bane of so many lives that hew is w-ere wamaka our great boast. Our piila cure it whilt uthers do not. Carter’s Little liver Pills are very small anu very easy to take. One or two pills make a do»« They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe oi jmrgo, but by their gentle action please aU whc, use them. In vials at 25 cents; live for $1. Sold by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTEit MEDICINE 10., New York. fill. Small Prise It Leads! Others Follow THE LIGHT-RUNNING n DOMESTIC.” / xOPYIXG it in form and style as nearly as U/ possible, hereby tacitly acknowledging it the standard of excellence in sewing machines. N o matter what, dealers may say of their machines; see the‘TJOMESTIG” before purchasing; ex amine its simple. yet splendid mechanism, ob serve its wonderfully simple set of attaclunents and notice the wide range of work, from the simplest and most practical kind executed, to the finest embroidery, as no other machine can do it. Agents wanted in unocCupiedlterritory, Address, Domestic Sewing Machine Company, RICHMOND, YA. aue28-6m Athens -AND- Foundry o The BUYERS’ GUIDE ia issued March and Sspt., i each year. It is an ency- Iclopedia of useful infor- ' mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out ^.?L is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS’ GYI.DE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. U1-I14 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. MACHINE WORKS, ATHENS, s. GEORQIA. Manufacturers of Iron and Castings, Mill and Machinery Shafting, Pulleys, Hanger? and Baxes, Cotton Presses, Cane Mills and Evaporators, Cotton Seed Crushers and Circnl Mills. - sell the Atl as. Steam Engine, Injectors, Jet Pumps- Valves, Piping and Steam Packings, Water Wheels .and Belting Cloth. We have competent mill-rights and Will send them out and erect mills anywhere in the country can furnish estimates. Write to u s or call and see us for anything you may need abort yonc Grist Mill or Gin. Address ATHENSr FODNDRY Al^D MACHINE YORKS, Athens, Ceorgia.