Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, June 18, 1889, Image 7

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hbemm BaBwagjwa ,r WEB THE BANNER, AT HENS, GEORGIA JUNE IS, 1889. MH ▲ r«T-Ta .■niSTg'n. Killing of Hon. Sam. E. Fields Near Dalton. Daltox, June 11.—lion. S. E. Fields, . state, senator from this,the forty- third district, was shot ami instantly killed at . his beautiful country home, eight miles west of here, at an eaily hour this morning by ah adopted son' named Dchins Taylor, twenty years old. They were feeding the stock and Mr. Fields charged Toy lor with some neg lect and threatened to whip him, and proceeded to put the threat into execu tion wlten the hoy, who thought lie wjis too large to be whipped, retreated to the house, followed by Hr. Fields, who had a switch. ..The hoy .took a loaded shotgun from the raek and turned on Mr. Fiends, who hud followed him to the porch. When in six feet of him the load was discharged into the left side of Mr. 'Fields, neck, almost severing the head. Mr. Fields staggered backward and ex- claiued, “Oh, you have shot me.” The hoy threw, down the gun and caught him and laid him down gently and called to some one to help, saying lie had shot Mr. Fields. Mr Joint Edlnonson, a nephew of Mr. Fields, ran out and found'the hoy standing in a quivering attitude over the body ,which was lifeless and wrap- lied in blood. The hoy made no effort to escape, and was taken in charge by Mr. Edmonson and brought here and placed in jail. The hoy was taken to the aslyuin .some two years ago by Mr. Fields in a demented condition. lie only remained two weeks and ran away and came back to -Mr. Fields, where he has since resided. He has spells of tiie same nature at intervals, and when .pursued by Fields, it is thought the excitement was too great to be overcome, and in a passion lie. took the life of his friend and guar dian. Mr. Fields leaves a wife hut no chil dren. He was a man of considerable means and large influence. Mpet- MtSc ii POMPEII DID NOT EQUAL IT. Johnstown Disaster Takes Rank as the Greater Calamity. The destruction of Herculaneum and Pompeii has stood up to date as the most temble calamity which ever swept down on a city. For the last two thousand years the world has looked upon the fiery ex tinction of, the old town of Pompeii, which nestled at the base of Vesuvius ou the sunny Bay of Naples, as the .crowning blow pi disaster in tbes tory of human mortality. But the late horror in the Pennsyl vania valley is ready a greater mis fortune than that which btfeli the old Campanian town seventy-nine ypars fter the birth of Christ if the number f victims or the’extent of territory devastated by the destorying element be considered. To make the comparison between Pompeii ami Johnstown may serve to bring borne more vividly to the mi. du of many 1 lie extent of the ter- rib e calamity which occured hist l 1 ii- ly in the Keystone state. The entire area of Pompeii was not more than two miles in circumference, ind its shape was that of an irregular ova'. Its site was somewhat differ ent from that of the town as it is known today by the excavatio s. This difference in locality is due to the alteration in the ground by vol ume action and earthquakes. Something of that terrible irony of fate which' brought, two elements, one f which is usually emp’oyeJ for com CONSUMTION CURED. An old physician,retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary' the formula of a Simple vegetable remedy for the speedy ^iad permanent cure of Consumption, Brouchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and alj. throat and Lung Affections, also a pos itive and radical cure lor Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in Greman. French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail panaddressing with stamp, naming this dper. A. Noyse;149 Power’s Black, Rohester, N. Y* 12-4-eow^y THE BIGF MILL. . t, ' Talmud Bros. Will Grind the Corn—Let the Good Work Go On—A .hens Bound to Build. ?ting with affable Capt. C. G, Tal- itMtffe in front of the large 'wholesale store of Talmadge Bros.,yesterday; The Banner reporter asked fifitfart Itftepview on the news that jiis firm is about to build a large corn mill at the junction of the C. A Mv" amb-fhe' Northeastern railroads. ^,The report is exactly .right,?’ Said Captain Tahiiadge, “and* the papers hive all been signed. The railroads gfvd usVletise on tlftr'gfonnds^of^iSine- ty-njiie ycriys, Which will give us tifrie to grind up all the copi in- this^c- tton.”, ai lot : .|td* os “Why is there such an increased de mand for meal?” * '•* • * •' “Athens, you remember/ a fears ago,had the Factory iqfll and ^cKeroy’s mill to depend upon, and consequent ly most of tlie trade went tQ Atlan ta. Taylor Bros., started their large mill, and the ’meal business has in creased to such proportions that we tliought it best to bCtild another to sup ply the demand.” “Do you propose to put in all of the latest improved machinery ?” “Of course we do. These are fast times, and unless Athens keeps up with the times we will fall behind. Every thing in our mill will he of the latest •end tiiost improved patterns,and we ex pect to grind as good meal as can he made.”. “Will you have a warehouse for stor ing corn connected with the mill?” “Oh, yes. We propose to build t large warehouse in connection with the mill, with a capacity to store all the coni that comes to Athens. The mill will be three stories high, and will he completed by the loth of September. The name of tlie mill will he the Mer chants and Planters, and none hut ex perienced men will have anything to do with the management.” Capt. Talmadge was called to wait on a customer, and could only give us to understand that the Merchants and Planters is houud to he built and after it was put in operation that it would turn out the best meal that £Ouldbemade from of corn. Every Lady. Her Own Physician.— A lady who for many years suffered from Uterine Troubles, Falling, Displacements, 3 < <Wbrrhce and Irregularities, finally found remedies wliieli completely cured her. Any. Lady can take the rtmiedies, artd thus cure herself without the aid of a physician. The receipts with full directions and advice securely sealed sent Free to any sufferer. Address, Mrs. M. J. Brabie, 252 S. 10th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Name this paper. Jun5wm w - m ...«M....Our Licai Staff. - Messrs. Axson, of Koine,and Stovall, of Athens, tire on the editorial staff of The Banner, and we ask our friends to give them all the news items in their possession. This is the way to make our paper hum. Mr. Axson will also assist us in our editorial-duties,and has chhrge of th t dt partincut in our ab sence. The Banner is meeting with flattering encouragement. THE AKTI-MAEONITSS. bating tlie other, into connection with egard to the deso'ution wrought at Johnstown is also suggested by this location of Pompeii. Seated on the Bay of Napies, with ater almost at their doors, the un fortunate Pompeians were smothered and roasted under the scorching rain of ashes which fell upon them. Johnstown, on the other liaml, high up amo g the mountains and remote from tlie sea, was whelmed beneath the Hood of water which tore down up on the small town and carried it away a wi d, tumultuous whirlpool. Then, from the watery grave burst fortli deadly tongues of fire to contin ue the ravages of a fearful destruction upon the miserable inhabitants. The most interesting comparison, however, is the fates of the gay and festive Pompeians—who at the very' time when Death rained down upon them from the sky of fire stretched- above their doomed city were engaged in luxurious idling in the baclis ar.d excited delight at the am phi theatri cal spectacles—-and the frugal hard working country fo!k of Johnstown is not in the territory' devastated but in the number which went to swell the death list of the victims. The data from which the popnlation of Pompeii may be gathered is some what insufficent, and as a result the census is put at widely differing fig ures. It was once generally supposed to be between 20,000 and 30,000. But the careful estimate of Fiore li, who has susperintended the excava tion of the buried town, puts the pop ulation of the city at the time of the terrible outpour of Vesuvius at no more than 12,000 souls. This is probably a liberal estimate and there is every reason to suppose that it was less. Many of Pompeii's 12,000 escaped indeed, they had tenfold the fuci i- ties for escape than had the peop e of Johnstown. The latest returns from the flooded town of Johnstown rates the deaths at thirteen or fifteen thosand. Probably .when the entire number of the un fortunates who perished in that hell of water is ascertained it will be found in excess'of these figures rather than below them. . . . For instead of starting with a big number and gradually whirling, it down as the truth was known, every, day has brought a larger figure as that which truly indicated the death roll. Only 300 human skeleton have been found in the Pompeii excavations. The quota of dead bodies found at Johustown already numbers as many thousands. There is little doubt, then, that the obscure town in Conemaugh valley, which a week ago was unkown, has first listin the ro l-call of tlieworld’s dis asters, and Pompeii, which has held this mournful prestige of disaster's biggest mark, must heucefort be men tioned as inferior to the Pennsylvania town in misfortune and ca'amity. A Scrap of Paper Saved her Life. It was just an ordinarp st ray of wrap ping paper, but it saved her life. She was iu the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was incur able and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read oi Dr. King’s New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle;,it helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, coutinued its use and is now strong healthy, rosy plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp, to IV H Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial Bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free at John Crawford & Co.’s or L D Sledge & Co.’s Wholesale nd Retail Drugstores. More people were drowned, killed and burned in one hour in the Pe'nn- Havb Their Conference With the Presi dent. Washington, J tine 13.—About twen ty members of tlie anti-Malioiite com mittee Virginia republicans, called at tlie executive mansion at 11 o'clock to day, and bad an interview with Presi dent Harrison. Ex-Governor Cameron, General Y. D. Graves, ex-Congres>inan Braily and other prominent anti-Mau- o.uists were of the party. Ex-Governor Cameron acted as spokesman for the committee, lie said the republicans of Virginia were practically held in slajjpry l>y the M.a- iione organization and it was through that organization that the republicans lost the state last fall. It was not pat ronage that the aiiti-Mnhone people sought, but they did want the president to use his good offices and bring about a settlement between the lac tiers. If the president would exert his influence, the Mahone organization could-be de stroyed,anil the republicans of Virginia be free once more. Governor Canierou stated his ease with great force and clearness, and tlie President seemed to take great interest in what was said. The President, in reply, said he was sorry there was such a breach among the republicans in the state, but it was not in his power to interfere with state polities. He was not president of the republican party alone, but president of the United States. lie would recognize no faction in Virginia, and candidates for office would have their claims con sidered on their own special merit. He had recently told some of Senator Mahouc’s friends the same tiling, and to hoped the republicans of the stare would go to work and settle their own difficulties and bring about harmony in the republican camp. The committee left the mansion evid ently disappointed in not securing tlie the President’s promise to join them in bringing about a settlement and har mony in the Virginia republican camp. TO OUR READERS. Malaria or Ague Surely Cured: In this broad assertion, we speak not falsely, but state postively, that these and all miasmatic poisons, can be radi cally driven from the system,ami a per manent cure guaranteed. Thousands of chronic cases, whose w testimonials bear evidence, have been cured by pur infallible remedy, which contains neiii- er quinine, arsenic, or anything injur ious. Full treatment free by old phy sician'of highest standing, also trial remedy senf on receipt of address, to ASAHEL MEDICAL B#ltE,\U, 2til Broadway, N. Y. may 31dlv. Georgia’s new capitol is complete and finished. No state in the union ever got so handsome, so good, or s > well arran ged a building for a million dollars. Salt Rheum. With its intense itching,dry hot skin, often broken into painful cracks; and the little watery pimples, often causes indescribable suffering. Hood’s Sarsa parilla lias wonderful power over this disease. It purifies the blood and expels the humor, and the skin heals with out a sear. Send for book containing many statement ii of cures, to C. I. liood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. .POSTMASTERS APPOINTED. sylvania disaster than have perished in the longest and most dreadful epidemic ever known In this country. One swift stroke of the hand of death in a time of profound peace cuts off' as many human lives as a pitch battle of two mighty armies. PlttPfcBS-TO SCROFULA. A Positive Cur> for Kvrry Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease Except Ichthyosis. Psoriasis !’» Yeiu;3~tiea<], Arms,.and Breast a'JSoii'l Sraii—i’ark Covered vita pores— Ik-vt Doctors and Medicine Fail—* Cured by Catlcura Remedies at * a Cost (ii’j:i.?5. I have used tlseCvncriiA with the best results.. 1 used two bottles of the CfTiCVKA UKSui.viiXT, tbice bo->e*oI t_T tu. l b .v. mid one cake of CrruTK.v Mi>AV, and am cured of terri ble *kin and tvalp o.sease known as |.s»n:«s:s. I Had it for Years, It would get better and worse at tuncj. Sometimes my head.woultl be a solid seal*, and '< as tit the time I began the use of tiie CfTici u.i Kk.mkdiks. idy arms were covered with scabs Vvotu my elbows to ms shoul ders, biv breast was almost- one solid scab, and mv back covered-with sores varying in size iroin a jvenny to a dollar. I had doctored with all the best doctors with no relief, ttnd ttsed many dif ferent meoietsecs wittiouc- eiioat. Aly ease was here titary, I began to taiiik. ineurabie, hot if began to lical front she first application <>1 Ci- Tiei'KA. AUCilEU KUSSKLIi, Lies.ner, Uuiu. Skin Disease 6 Years Cured I am thankful to say that l have use 1 the Cr- Tict ha REMEDIES for about eight mouths With great success, and consider myself entirely cured of salt rlietHn, from which Ismieicd six' years. I'tried a number of me-aemes amt two ot Cue, best doctors in the country, but ton nd nothing that would efl'eet a cure lint.11 used vottr reme dies. .MRS. A. Met LAKl.iN, Morelte, Mo. The Worst Case ot Scrofula Cured. We have been selling yonrlTricvn a Remedies for years, amt have tiic-first complaint yet to re ceive from a pm chaser. Oncol the worst eases of Sepofiiia l ever saw Was cured be the use of tivebottle-, hi cttici'ka Resolvent; Cvticvka, and CurtertiA soap. TAYLOR \ TAYLOR, Druggists. i : an ifo.t, Ivan. Cutieura Remedies Cure every species of agonizing humiliating,Itch ing, burning, scaly, and pimple diseases <>f the skin, scalp, and biood. with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula, e.veepr possibly ichtuyosis. Sold everywhere. Price, (.'cricri: v, r>ec. :Soaj* 2.->e.; Resolvent, .*1. Prepares by the Potter Uki t; am* Chemical Cwhoratjon, Boston. QT'Send for “How to Cure skin Diseases,” tit pages, 50 illustrations, and >00 testimonials. pjUPLKsi.lark-heads, led, rough, ehapsed, 1 1"- oily skins prevented by Ccrict'KA .Soai*. Do Your Own Dying at Home With PEERLESS DYES. They will dye everything. They are sold eve; ywhere. Price 10 cents package—t rol- ors. " They have i;o e«iuai lor strength, bright ness, annmnt in packages, or for Last ness ot col or, or non-fading iptaiities. They do not crook or smut. lorsaiebv C. W. I’l'su & Co. L. 1>. sleimm:, h. s. Lyniion. Druggist. Athens, Da. ' TO ADVERTISERS. A list of 1(>!K) newspapers di vided intoSTATKs AND SECTION'S w ill be sent ou application— t’RKK. To those who want tlieir advertising to pay, we can offer no belter mediam for tltoiougli aiid effective woik tluui the vSriotiB sections of our bcieet Loral List. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 .-spruce Street, New York D..M. KENNEY, Tlie “Old Reliable,” is .<tiu i n the BUILDINUBG. SINESS. AVill contract for buildings of till kinds. Will sell you Sash, Boors and Elinds, Mouldings, Flo iring, Ceiling, etc., as Cheap as the Cheapest. The first dose often astonishes theia* valid, giving: elasticity of mind and Bouyaney of Body to ahich he was before a strangle, Tbey give appetite, GOOD DIGESTION, regular bowels and solid flesh. Nice* ly sugar coated. Price, 25cts. per box* Sold Everywhere. Special to The Banner. Washington, June 13.—The follow ing postmasters.were appointed to-Uay : Jess*: J. Woodwall, llartsclle, Ala. Lula Outlaw, Bacton, Ga. J. N. Carson, Boston, Ga. G. A. Sliarpt-'f Gqloid, Ga. J. I’. Yates, Joei, Ga. H. . B. Steige, Big Island, Va. Thos. Battju, Cover Depot, Va. Geo. W. Hedrick,. Dayton, Va. W. C. Hoskeij'Elainsville, ■ Va. John Kent, Lick Run, Va. Geo. W. .Smith, Rushville, Va. Eliza J. Moseley, Tliaxtons, Va. Erastus Pric J e, Nieurs Surith, Va. J. A. West, Waverly Station, Va. Extraordinary^Bono Scratching. Herbert Sperry, Tremont, III., had Erysipelas in botli legs. Confined to the house' six 'weeks. He says: “When I was able to get on my legs, I had an itching sensation that nearly run me crazy. I scratched them raw’ ’ to the bones, tried everything without relief. I was tormented in this way for two years. I then found Clarke’s Extract of Flax (Papillon) Skin Cure at the Drug Store, used it,and it has cured me sound ‘'and well.” Clarke’s Flax Soap has no equal for Bath and Toilet. Skin Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cents. For sale at all Drugstores. Mr. T. L. Gantt and family are nun - ing hack to Athens, and will make it their home in the futuae. We regret to lose them as citizens;, and hope that their return to Athens M ill be profitable aiul satisfactory to them. The people of that place found that they had not pro perly appreciated Mr. Gantt until they los’t him, when they went io work to get him back. He is undoubtedly one of the best newspaper men in the State, and the growing city of Athens can fined no man better qualified to guard and defend her interests through daily paper than Mr. Gantt.—Elberton Gazette. There is no one article in the line of medicines that gives so large a return for the money as a good porous strength ened plaster, such as Carter’s Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plast ers. Wanted in every county. Shrewd men to act under Instructions in our secret service. Experience not necessary. The International Detective, the official laperof theBureau.containscxaetlikeiiesM-eofcrim- nals wanted, and for whose capture large rewards are offered. Send 2c. stamp for particulars. Address, « * C0.44AI ' Grantin'! Detective BureauC Ircade,Cincinnati,Oi 119 ME EYE-GLfiSSES MITCHELL’S Eye-Salve A. Certain, Safe, and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES; Producing Long-Sightedness, & fiestor- . ing the Sight of tho Old. ..-it Cures Tear Drops, Granulations, Stye ’~ r Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, ISO PEOBimC QFICk belief ho fekxheit cure. 2“!!* When used In other L uc Il 's Ltcero. Fever Sores. Tnnori, Halt Rheum, Barns, Piles, or wherever inflammation exists, St I A4XFB may be used to advantage. • may be used to advantage. Sold by all Dr assists at 25 Coats* li PROMPT Georgia Railroad Company, STONE MOUNTAIN ROUTE, • Office GexekaL m ax aoek, .UtiiSTA, Oa.,. April 2, im. Commencing Tuesday 2:1(1 instant, the follow- it lA'Iietniles will bo operated. Trains lfcn bv both meridian time; FAST LINK. No. 27, WEST.pAilyT - j No. 28, East Daily. L'vc 7:45 a'mT.eavti'Atlanta 2:45 pm L've.Waim’gtii I0:40.ii mlAr ve Atlienn 7:<«» j, m L’vc jVaMrtn 7:20 a iii[Leavc Atfie'ns E:50 pm A’ve Atheim'HctfO a m Ar’ve Winte’o 4:05 p m ‘to. ‘*v! Ing Athens SkiO a in At 'v Win'v’e S:4o a m. '• Lexiogton 0:0t» a m “ Antiocli !f:22 a m u Maxeys.9:211 si. :m “ WooiiviHeSLjO ;t u; • l T n. l*t. 9:55 a in Ar’ve Atlanta. Troop m Lexingt’n 4:20 p m “ AntHMjh 4:42 pm Mrtxeys 4:‘.:> pm “ AVootlvillo 5:o;> pm “■ l'u. IT. 5:15 p m Av'c Wasii'gtn ,i :2<! j» m L’ve Wash>gln 4:2U j. in ■Vv’vo .\ngustn S:l. r > m Nn, i, n Ear DAILY. No. l, Last Daily L’ve Augusta 10:45 si nil L’ve Atlanta 8:00 a m WstshTn 11:20 am “ Athens, 8:35 a in u Wiiite’o 9:22 a in “ Lexingl’n 10:18 am “ Antioeli 10:63 a in k ‘ Msixeys 11:12 si in “ Wooirille li:35 am Av'vol’n. I’t 11:55 a n. “ Atlanta >5:45 pin Un. Ft. 2:15 j*nt •*, Wo.Kiv’0 2:35 p.m “ Moxers 3:0S‘pnt Antioch . 3:22 p ni “ LexingTit 4:03 p m u M'iiiter've 4:51 p ni Ar’ve-Vtliens 5:15 p n» “ Wsisliig’tn 2:20pm u Augusta 9:.T~i p m No. 3, West Daily. | _ NO. 4, East Daily L’ve Augusta 11:00 p mJL’ve Atlanta 11:15 a in Ar’ve Macon 7:50a nij i4 Macon 8:00 p Ar’ve Atlanta 0:30 a mj Ar'v Augusta 0:45 am Chronic Fcm . , Leucorrhcea, I‘ai >'e fi fc Trains Nos. 27 anil 28 will stop at aiid receive passengers to smrtfrom tlie following stations only: ..Giovetown, llatlem Dec.iiug Thomson. \ofworttl, Barnett, Crawfoivivilie, Union Point, Sreencsboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle. Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, Stone Mountain and Decatur.. Trains No. 54 on Athens Branch gives passen gers for No. 28 bit mstin line 13 minutes-for sup per sit lfarlcm, Trains to s;ud from Athens connect wini’trsiius l and 2. E. K. DORSEY, .1. W. GREEN, Geu l Fass.Agt Gen'l Manager. Joe W. Write, Trav. Pass Agt. 'uils i0. experieu-e i ■•'’'(■iiM.U ii tn A larj, liar to nn system ot in eme. . Tins wi weakness in the memory and a p powers are spi-d wered i„ pi,, „ H1Y( Treating deuce. 1 ., . . & Macon Railroad. wify address, ’’ ‘> u °' K: - OCAL SCHEDULE in effect Sunday, April ■al fa- • nrwi. I’cs. Patient, 14th, 1889: o-aw <1 M'.e '1. ,v v dr-Vention tills pkpiT. 1 aSl,J NORTHBOUND. i iitst Class. 21) Cl. A s’’ 1 1 3 FastMail Accom. Daily | Daily. 5 Local Frt. Lv Macon... 7 o a m 8 0G P nr. 9 00 a Ill Massey’s Mill.. 7 10 a in 8 16 P n* 9 23 a 111 Van huren.. .. 7 10 a m 8 28 P n 9 40 a m Roberts. 7 22 a m 8 4> 1> n 9 57 a m Morton 735 a m 9 (HI P ii 10 26' a in Grays 7 42 a m 9 12 P n 10 43 a in Bradleys ... ._ 7 48 a Ill 9 28 P a ll'Oa in Barr,ns. 754 a m 9 3 1 p n tl 17 a in IV ayside ... 7 57 a in 9 40 P in ll 22 a ID Round Oak 8 (15 a in 9 2 i> m ll 39 a 111 Hillsboro 8 19 a in 10 16 p in 121 p 111 Grasstield ... 8 27 a in 10 32 p in 12 41 p 111 Minneta 8 41 a m 10 2 p in 1 00 p 111 Montieeilo ... 8 48 a n» 1 04 p in 1 30 p 111 Mac lien. - 9 19 a in 5 0- a n. 2 09 p 111 > arco 9 «2 a in 5 10 a n 2 13 ]) 111 Godfrey 9 42 a ni 5 28 a n 3 30 p 111 l.v Atlanta (Ga r.r 8*0 a m 2 45 p m 2 45 p m Lv Augusta(Ga.rr 7 45 a in 10 45 a ni 1- 45 a ID Madison 10 55 a in ti 12 a in 4 50 p 1(1 Florence 1 21 a ni 6 48 a m 5 35 p m Farmington ... U 41 a 112 7 2C a m CIO p IK Cullld . . . . 11 50 a m t 38 a 111 6 21 p 111 V atkinsvlllc.... 11 59 a 111 7 60 a ni 641 p in Sidney 12 04 p 11) 8 00 a m 65! p rn Whitehall .... 1217 p ni 8 12 a m 7 10 p in r Atbers.. 12 3') p m 83i a III 730 p in “ORS.SASHJB V,'.; >^1 to tutwv, uri io v’ e4uie8irlci:;c. • MTtt #iu!t bv Ciacisionri' Ohio. $>r'i — .u.vd rU let t SOUOH BOUND. 2 I Fast Mail! Daily. | Lv Athens Whi eliall ... Sidney .... WatkinsviUe tsould Farmington .. Florence M adison AUgusU(«a i Atlanta (Ga t Ar au Ar Godfrey..... Mirco Machea. .... Montieeilo.. Mlnneta tirasstield . Hillsboro. .. Round Oak. M ayside . . Bari mis ... Bradleys . . Grays Norton..... Kok-rts. ... VanBcren Massey’s 5 ' r Macau 11 Fib st Class. 4 . ccoin. Daily 2D Class peal Freight 100 p m| 8 0 ' p in l ii8 p m‘ 8 24 p tn 1 31 p in l 36 p m 1 45 p in 155 p m 2 27 p iu 3 00 p ni 8 15 p ill 5 45 p m 3 30 p III 3 38 p m 3 49 p m 4 Hi p in 424 pm 4 38 p ni 4 40 p tn 4 58 p tn 5 (5 p ni 6 0s p m 5 13 p Ml 5 21 p m 528 p m 5 38 p in 5 44 p ni 5 51 pm 8*0 P IV 8 49 p ill 8 48 p Ill 9mp ni 912pm 9 40 p m io io p m 3 35 p m l oo p ni ll *6 p m ll 20 p m ll 4o p m 5 29 a m 54i a tii 6 01 a m 617 a in c 4t a m 0 53 a in 6 57 a in 7 02 a m 7 18 ■. m 7 35 a n 7 55 a m 8 1 7 ff in 8 io a m 8 35 a m 3 35 p m l 00 p ni 11 5> a ki 12 io p ni 12 30 p 111 115 p m 1 35 p m .2 on p m 2 0 p m 2 '.0 p in 3 5 p ni 3 10 p m 3 .0 p ill 3 40 p. iu ?| rs W. C. &E.N.SS 4 35 p 111 4 CO p m 5iopm No. ■ runs Mondays, ednesdays and Fridays. No. (fruits Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays A. G CRAIO, , a. J. mcEVOY, G*n P»83 Agent Supelntendent. Rlahmond : and: Danville: Railroad Northeastern Division, CONDENSED SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 24TH.1888 Trains run by 75th Meridian time. BETWEEN ATHENS AN D ATLANTA- NO. 53 DAILY Le*v« Athens 7 40 a. ra. Ar'v* Atlanta 12 noon 51 Kx an 6.00 p. ra 9:<0 m NO. 41 EX. bUSll.V . Leave Atlanta 5 30 p. m. Ar’ve Athens 10:25 p, m 53 Daily. • 8:.0 d. in 12:20 non No. 63—Daily . Lcae Athena 7:40 a.m. Ar. WHsh'eton 7 01 a. m. ~r t New York l 20 p ni ■ No t>7 hA.cuuuaiy ..._ I 6:00p. m. 7:4Rp m. 6 20 am. Pullman Palace Buffet sleeping cars from Lula to Washington and New York* Solid train* Lula to . Washington. 2 2 c W S M sm ■ 52 ? ■ 50 D p vT STATIONS. 51 a ^ 53 a r 19 “>i?5 AM PM * M LV AR. PM AM PM 00 8 35 1030 Lnla 750 9 30 9 30 80 8 55 1050 GUlsvllle 730 9 10 8 55 •0 9 1- 1105 Maysville 715 8 55 8 25 9 31 1125 Harmony Grove 666 8 35 7 55 '5 9 51 1145 Nicholson 6 35 8 15 7 25 80 1004;1200 Center 6 20 8 00 7 00 000 1025112 201 Athens 6 00 7 40 6 30 AM PMPM4R LV PM AM PM When children pick their no6c, grind their teeth* ar ® Teatless, unnatural in their appetite, they an qmte likely troubled with Worms, prompt me urea should be taken and B. A.Faliitcstoeh Vermifuge be given them according to direc tions it hassayed many a child fromYleath and prunkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cared BY ABMINISTEIIilO DR. MAIHES’ B8LDEN SPECtfiL It can be given In,a cup ot coffee or tea, or in ar ticles of food, without the knowledge of the per- aon taking it; it is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and apeedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. ,j never fails. We GUARANTEE in every instance, is page book BETWtEN ATHENS AND LULA- Southbound. Northbound. Trsir.s autk oo will run daily, ho, 52,1 and 22 will run daily except Sunday. Trains run by 75th Meridian time—One houi flu ter than 90th Meridian time. L.L. McCLESKEY, JA8.L.TAYLOR, Div. Pass. Agt. Gen. Pass’r. Ag E- BERKLEY. Superintendent: If liny (b iller .n\i Iu- him as Shoes without n >iu aulrris on :he bottom, put 1 lm W. L. 00UC S3 SHOE cEr $3 SHOE FOR LM Best in the world. Rasta 85.00 GENUINE H iNIW.HIB 84.00 HAND-SEWKl) WKLTf# 83.50 POLICE AND FAKJTCM 83.50 EXTRA VALUE CAl.Fffl 82.25 WORKINOll AN’S SHflk 82.00 and 81.75 BOYS’ SC1KHH Fraudulent when mv nnnir and prjyq on bottom. W. L. DOUGLAS, End foi; sau: BV ATHENS GA " ’^'nsss it ... , Jllfliwi P.'fO'S ItEVSnV FfR fjU gives .imai. Virus IS SO,“'ll C.Vlt'M; “ ' 1 teii>. airl i)ie(lts.r''".J3 | '. ^ mucous menierase “= fce.'iltliy The dose is simuL eotitains a stifficaot qr' ioiig treatni-ut. A Cold in the Head bnjjjj an application of fiuunh. The coiu.yri t from it in this way is w®" 4 times its cost ^ Easy and fleasant to^ Price, 50cents. boKiW® or sent by itniil. E. T. Vas® $SwS, advertising-*^ s. l. j. i-in'iB , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LA - * DANIKLSVILLH, GEORGIA. W1U practice in Jackson, Banka, Madison, Franklin and adjacent counties, and also in the Supreme %nd Federal courts of the state Will give special attention to collections and make prompt returns. load Carts! Ten per eent eheaper than anybody. Don't buy before getting our prices and cai alogues. THE GEO. W. STOCKELL CO.. Name this paper. NASHVILLE. TENN a complete «*ure . FREE. Address iw con'ffdence* page SPECIFIC COji 85Race’Bt. Cincinnati^ QPIBM nnd Whlatrcy Bah* tts cured at home with out pain. Book of par- _ ticnlars sent FREE* 3 B. M.WOOLLEY. M.1A OfficofiMWbitehaUBw FOR MEN ONLY; A IP&SITIVF Tor LOST or FAILING MANHOOD: I IfeW111K General and NERVOUS DEBILITY I ViTT? TP! Weakness of Body and Mind: Effects Ll AvAi of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. ■ ohiul, XoM* M.VVIIO(ll) full- Kes(nr,',l. ll,»r In Knlarre aaj ItrenglheaVrtUK.C.SnKTKLOPK——j mm mUK.C.MlKVKLOPKP OROAKS k IMKTSorilOlir.l Absolutely unf,il!n| ■en teitlOr tnm (iH T»n e»a write them. Book, full eipluatloa, ami proor,m»llr4 <n«M} tnu Address ERIE MEDICAL GO., BUFFALO, N. I