Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, June 18, 1889, Image 8

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7t*'*W?V :■ . * S i, Claris Superior Court. V, careua and Northern u jssarid Fact m si BHOttH M * 30UT ffi'O WEEKS. [Banner Hoists its Rooster. I FI jTUR£ OF OUR CITY. ,j Where the Read will Enter Atlisas. 0? THE BIG MORTGAGE. w iy the entire commencing’worK. mose parties who are ye* holding back should not hesitate longer, for by sp doing they place them selves in the light of delaying the devel opment of their seetion. It is % matter impossible to entimate the benefit that this new road will be to Athens, its southern .terminus. We believe that in five yeprs Athens will double its present population. Besides restoring to us the territory cut oil' by the Elberton railroad, it will; make Athens the market for that rich seetion of,South CorPlilia traversed by the G. G. & X. Our people must not throw a si ogle impediment inthe way of building this road, but; give it all the aid amHencouragemeift' in their pow ers ' 'jjm | A gentleman who is undoubtedly posted tells us that the the G. G. & X. will enter Athens below the cemetery, and come into the city over the Caring- ton «& Macon tract. This will save the expense of buying a. right of way through’Athens. THE COPY OK MORTGAGE RECORDED. This indenture made the 24th day of ifay'iii The year of Our Lord be tween the G., C. & N.Railway, a cor poration duly ereatpd'and const: tilted as such by and under the law of the States of Ga., South Carolina and North Carolina of the first part and the lier- eantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore of the second part. WherPbs, The party of the first part is a corporation duty formed by and unde the lawrfof said State of Georgia, Soutl Cacplimvand North Carolina l-espec flv^r by the consolidation of Hie yapi tal stock, property and franchises of 2 BANNER AT ■ ENS ; GEORGIA, JUNE 18, 1889. mug PACETTI’S RELEASE, THE GOVERNOR SAV3 IT WAS UN AUTHORIZED. He Had Decided to Accept $600 But the Officers Acted Hastily. , s l'e "tal to the Banner. 1 Atlanta, Ga., .Tune 1”.—I’aeotti is free mm, bat h:? got his freedom a few days too soon. The Govern or was asked this morning about the matter and said: “I had decided to to Commute the sen tence to. $600 and doubtless gave Mr. O’Bryan to understand that I had so deeided. This decision was based main ly on the very ktrong recommendation of the grand jury who had investigated Pacetti’s case, and who .stated over their signatures that his health was seriously impaired, etc., etc., and Strongly urged tee commutation. Asat was nofc-intenfl- IIAlii'well, Ga., June 12.—(Special) i Still Captured. M •. and Mrs. B. McLiskey were Deputy Collector Gantt went over in coming to town yesterday evening, to Madifidn county last night, and cap- wheil the horse became unmanageable, tiu . etl a ftue ne>v still that was set up on ind attempted to run oft a culvert. J j. w. Seymour’s place,without the Mrs'.' McLeskey jumped froni the bug gy, and Was painfully bruised in the -boulder and arm. Dr. Eberhart at tended to her injuries, and found no bones broken. Deputy U. S. Marshal W. Y. Carter arrested Jerry Hall and Till hey Chris tian in the lower part of the county knowledge or consent of that gentle man. lie destroyed about 1,500 galloi s of beer, and reached home after 12 o’clock. No one w as at the still at the time. Policeman Hill was with him. A Very Large Percentage Of the American people are troubled They are charged with illicit distilling, I with a most annoying, troublesome and and will be taken before the connnis- I disagreeable complaint called “Ca- sioner to-morrow. tarrh.” It is not necessary to be so Our iM-ople are enthusiastic over the ZSgSEgi fe proposed visit ot Henry JY . Grady and (1 > api!lou) Catarrh Cure immediately party, down the Savannah river rn I relieves and permanently cures Catarrh. July, The party will take boats at .An- A thorough aud fair trial will convince dersor.ville and go down as faiv.old I you. .Petersburg., The .boats .to be . used are I iJieOlarke’s Plax Soap for .the Skin, old time cotton boats, which will be Cure, $1.00. Soap 2o_cents. At manned by a crew of negroes who acted | aU DrtlgStQre3 - thi m days. capacity in the anti-bell urn -■ ; v - Pierce’s Chapel. Quarterly conference of Pierce’s chap- _ , _ _ el, Friday night. Elder Bichard Gra- 0,«clMtoTheB, m „. Uamo ill preside. lie wilt preach S«„- " uiiu res, June 13—to!. Bobt. P. ,j ay at n a . Key. \[ r . ’i- 0 ia V e r w j n , ... ■ ,. .Hughes, inspector general, has been I nrpa ,.h «i“ 8 n m ed mther to distroy h.s heftltl, or take ord ^ to Savannah,^a.,with instrue- 1 P ^ * 8 P * “* lus life as a legal penalty, I felt torn- dons to stop en route at Washington and report to the inspector general of j the army. Col. Hughes goes to Savan nah to further investigate charges of fraud and corruption made by W. F. Curtis against Lieut. Carter, army en- ] gineer corps, who has charge of the im- IIixESVit.LK, Ga;, June. 12.—The I provemeut work in Savannah barber latest sensation in Liberty county' .is an | and other southern waters. Lieut. Car- polled to act. I shall still issue the or der for the commutation, notwithstand ing the mistake aud unauthorized action of the officers of-the law'; for I do not see that Pacetdsli >uhl be m;ule to suffer for tlieir mistake.” Delegates From Clarke County. The following are Ihe delegates ap pointed to the semi-annual meeting of “The Georgia State Agricultural Socie ty,”, at Cedartown,.Ga., August 13th. Delegates—Ferdinand Pliinizy, E. K Lumpkin arid George T. Murrell. Alternates—John Ev Talmadge, John R. White and W. 11. Thurmond,Sr. Old decrepiil white man/"representing Iter'Mias made a statement concerning himself as Christ. . ' a I tin* charges to the chief of engineers. He exhibits scars on liis feet an.d ] The hands,where he was nailed to the ei6ss. j contained in newspaper lie predicts an earthquake and the" end „arc <»n thorns about .the Lj.m of tin* Georgia, <'arolinaand L, r; ,;i r ,i : i.|. One day a report Lit that dirt r. ill he broken at in Atiien-S followed by a rumor L m ,\ 1,.|< lici'ii sold to the* B. li- at<* ami all hope focdtgcom- , ],a l ;b well he abandoned, hi-one enterprise in which our 1,-tice ha- tuner for an instant been ■n. Thai tin* G. C. A N. will be . and that too. at an early day, ivv not tin* -hailow of a doubt. 4-1 mimviria] necessity, and will prove ftlu*paying railroads in the i. Again the (J. r. & X. is back practical and successful business ami its interests are closely allign- th one of the large-1 and wealthiest atl corporations m America, i since t’m* recent developments tin* most,skeptical shorn! have tlieir »removed. A few days since the «:t- riveivi’d that a mortgage for iti'l one-half miilions dollar ! " buil t an.l equip this road in a hs- maimer from Chester, S. C. to , Ga.—limi been recorded in the 'in counties through which the which, at the time, was "iK'In-ive to our min i that the tion of tlii- road was an assured Rt hiy. however, another impor- l l» was taken, and Mr. Vincent, "‘>imr; for Clarke county, was ithi- mortgage to record. To-day Nix*turned over to the officers in l "‘* 'UVthorpi* aiulMadhson coun- w record. > M ^ ** ’ u ‘h assuredly means business, at bus most important railroad H 'lnviily completed, no one need k doubt or fear. * 11K Baxxer reporter eall- * "'versity Bank, and saw Mr. 11 "II, treasurer of this road. • Hull continued the news about °riling of the big mortgage, and 11 'mainly "leant the building of Be said that dirt would be J* *" probably two weeks, and the U ' U '" ed t0 completion as fast as "d money eoulj Jo the work. Il ’H fur, ber stated that even the l ' le fhvington and Mai on rail- , * le ^wtheastern, as reported, f * u ' e effect weateyer on the • So far as his road w r as con- ’ ’‘^'lier the R. & D. or any otli- f * l ,d enough money to buy or ‘L that it would now be built ° f un J’ aQ d all opposition. VOl "l*any has always kept its af- A r< f ’ a,ul "ever courted bubliei- l )( . , * U ' ' VOr ^ ' vas done in a quiet "liss-like manner, and hence I ' tr '"formation: is given to the. tUn ^ ""Illicitly relied ndon. tar " that Mr. Henry Beusse lias to bike the road at once ' " s "’erkof receiving rights' iv."« . ^ .T* Ie W Pariiijgjfiaye not^as yet k ‘ c °ntracts, and ft is the dc- " clear title to the rights of the G., Q. «& N. Railway ComiMniy of the Stafe of Georgia, a corporation formed under a charter granted by the State of Georgia of the G., C. & X. Railway Company of the-State *fif Sotitli, Caro linn, a eorpptation forrqcd under a ciiarter-grant^il by'tjie State qf North Carolina ahd tlie <&., C. & X. Railroad Company of Nbrtli Carolina,* a corpora tion fanned under a jjbarter granted by tlic State of North Carolina, and w$$re- as, The railroad of the party of the Jjrst part to*;be inade liy connecting together tlie railroailsjof sdid corporations which have been constituted as aforesaid is to form a continuous line of railroad ex tending front the city - of Atlanta through tlie eity ; of Athens in the State of Georgia,’ and through the towns 5 of 1 Abbeville; -G-reentvooil and Chester(hrhugh State M ' Hofith Carob linn to a point of Carolina Central rail road, atjor near Monroe In State of North Carolina,Smd by means of Caro lina Central railroad anil ’Raleigh & Gaston railroad aud Sell board & Ranoke so as to force a continuous liue of rail- from city of Atlanta to city of Portsmouth in state of Virginia. Whereas* Articles of consolidation of the party of the first part bearing date Fe *. 5, 1877, were duly made, and in- tered into on said -road corporations to wit, the G., C. & X. Rail wad Company of State of Georgia, tlie G., C. «!c X. Railway Company, of State of South Carolina, and the G., C, & X. Railway Oompany of State of North Carolina and their respective boards of directors, and were subsequently duly adopted by the stoehholders of said three rail way corporations as follows: By the stockholders of the G. C. & X. Railway Company, of State of Geor gia, on March 22td, 1837, by the stock holders of the G. C. &. Railway Com pany of South Caroliua, on March 10, 1887, and by stockholders of G. C. & X. Railway Goinpany of North Caro lina, on March 8, 1887, and Whereas, Articles 3 ami 0 of said ar tides of consolidation as adopted pro vided ?s follows: Article 8. To provide for the comple tion and equipment .of its laws,the said consolidating corporation shall issue its first mortgage bonds to the amount of not more than $20,000 per mile bearing interest at not more than 6 per cent per annum, payable semi annually, of such class, demonination and date as may be determined by its Board of di rectors, payable in 30 days from date.’ Article 9. That said consolidated cor* polation shall seeure the bonds men tioned in proceeding section, by a mort gage or deed of trust of its entire rail road, and franchises, and other proper ty acquired and to be acquired. Said deed of trust shall contain sueh terms as the board of directors may deem proper to effectually secure said bonds, and to facilitate their sale for the pur pose of raising the money herein be fore refered to. of the world on the 25th of August next. lie goes to houses, followed by a large multitude of negroes, aml'his in ti uence over them is sq great * that many of them have, abandoned! their crops and given themselves'up to idle ness and preparation, tlilukliig that tin end of the world is so near at hand; He claims to save the colored people. Special Telegram to Tlie Banner. New Orleans, .Time 12.—Wet can makeover four million yards for coming season. Neither mind nor body earn.act healtl , . . . fully, if the blooil is vitiated. -Cleanse enlarges are not official, but were I the vital current from impurities by the tained in newspaper articles. . I use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. This remedy purifies the blooil, recruits the wasted energies, and restores health to the-,dc bilitated system. . Special to The Banner. Atlanta, June 13.—Last night Sen ator Brown bad a bilious attack which was accompanied with distressing nau sea and vomiting. » liis jdiysicians, Dr. W. S. Armstrong and Dr. Connally, >vere at liis bedside and purgative medicines were adminis tered. This morningtlie Senatqr is not well. He has attacks of biliousness every two Or three weeks which more or -less re tail! hi- recovery.. Enterprising young merchants' of from eight to twelve years old are set ting up stands all along our si reels, where they sell lemonade and milk shakes.’ They eagerly halt each per:,- piviiig passer-by, and endeavor to get them to “cool off.” : ; Legs! Advertisements. J. A Hunnicutt, et. al., vs the Classic City f troet Railway Compauy, et, al. ., T . Dr. ConnallvyVas asked this morning I Petltiou lor. Equitable: Relief, nee. iver,&c.,. in Ml brown sli^iiig mills can if tll( , s fr , mt0 r’s condition was serious. U ' hwke Superior gourt, April term, 1889, make it The 1W4 Point Gcor<ri-» , * 1)Y virtue of an order of tlie Judge of the Su- iii.iKC li. lilt " e.-i loinr, uct ; r £* J » 1TC replied‘. L5pe ior court of larke county.we, the undir- mill is making it now. Fifty million condition is as’I have stated it-to signed, the receivers appointed in ilie above vards will be required, half «f which vrtll lie D hilfniL ” " . stated case,will sell before tin i ourthouse door .. . , , „ . .. *-r' fie is oiiious. | 0 f like couuty in Athens,; a., within the legal con Hi easily be inuito oy the eottyU | ‘*fn liis condition are such attacks I lio rs of sale’ou the nth day of July,1889, to t ; e mills. .Lane Cotton Mills. I^ . i \oj» ; • highest anil best bidder, for cash, the following sen n»s. I property, to-wit: *11 the property ant assets Special to the Da tine". j “1 have explained to you already the I of all Juds now held or owned oy tlie defend- Ga., 12.—The marriage of Senator’s condition.” ‘ ant, the ( lass cKity Street^Railway company ” 1 . ; I and consisting principally of the track of said tlie doctor would be questioned j company, as now laid in said city, being about 2 -•—r--’—- BE OF GOOD CHEER. 1 To the honest inquirer after truth, who^ troubled with some contagious blood dis ease, seeks a remedy which will com. pletely eradicate from his system every germ of blood poison, that the ones he loves—his wife and his children—may be saved, the experience of others comes as a mighty revelation. Common sense tells him actual results are the only sure proof of curative virtue. Read the following true testimony: Twelve years ago I coptracted a terri ble case of blood poisoning. My afflic tion was truly horrible. I had no appe tite, did not sleep well at night, my diges tion was impaired, my throat full of ulcers, and in fact I was a total wreck. I had been under the treatment of several of the leading physicians of Atlanta; tried nearly eveiy blood remedy adver tised; went to Hot Springs, where I re mained several months, receiving no ben efit whatever—the,dread disease still clung to me. Three years ago I was laid np with rheumatism. My leriees were drawn up in such a position that I could not ’ ve my bed for months. Last summer the disease seemed to re new its attack upon me with all the rav ages .of death. -My life was a lingering torture, and I had. despaired of ever get ting well when a. friend of mine recom mended B. B. B. 1 began to use it at once, and find myself jpermanently cured. I refer to Rev. C. C. Davis, Dr. John G. Westmorland, Dr. Knott, Garrett & Bro., and numerous others who know : of my case. I cheerfully' recommend B. B. B., for I really believe it is the best medicine for the blood in the world. Jas. L. Bos\vorth, Atlanta; Ga. luring the month'of February I bought one bottle qf B. 13. B for ray fourryearold boy, who ha4 what doctors term heredi tary blood poisbri, and to'my utter .aston ishment one bottle cured him.’ In Feb ruary-my elder son, twelve years of age, was literally covered with ugly sores on his legs, and a terrible eruption on his head. IJe was cuied with .two ; boftles of B. B.B. As a quick blood cleanser it has no equal. James Gill, Atlanta, Ga. • • ‘ .-.I - *»' -a’"> • For several years I have been suffering from unconstitutional blood poison, which has resisted the . treatment of our best physicians, arid the use of the most noted medicines. ; ‘ I was covered with a copper-colored er i jAMEe Mrs. Jane Winleyi anil Mr, .John Mc Donald is the latest society event here. The blushing bride is just 63, and the asbfiil bridegroom lias seen only 24 winters. Special to the Banner. Atianta, Ga., June 12.—lion. Aloi - zoD. Freeman, of Xewnnn. was this morning appointed by Governor Gor- killing of the Woolfolk family, and Meoa w-d do.i to be Judge of .l.e county court of <hums that “that datnu Tom Woolfort , ^ Com eta | m the place of Judge John >\ . | killed ’em and l:iid it on me* cause 11 of the estate of Wm. F. Matthews, deceased, ” —2 ■-* • . , ' . ,k I has applied tome iu terms of the Uwjto he dis- \y-as m tjte chain gang when ne done it. I missed from such administration. These are it i* cfrmifflr *1 I therefore to cire and notify all c neemed, to it k ..tiongij suspecieu-r-a neiiei j showeauseat the regular term of the eourt of which is shared in by the newspaper Ordin-uy to be liel * fa, and for said county, on J T , I t" e first Monday in June next, why such dis people—that the mail here is not Jack j mission should not be granted.' Glveii under , .. I my hand and official signature, this 23 day of Du Bose at all. He has the appearance February, 1889. S. m. HERRI 'GTOjm of an ordinarily shrewd negro who lias j s Ordinary_ tlie tai*t to play this sort of game sue- J ularke Sheriff Sale. Picnic, Barbecue and Ball. The manager of the "Watson Springs hotel has deeided to have a big picnic, barbecue and ball on the 28th inst. It will be a pleasant occasion, and a large crowd is expected. This is a splendid health anil pleasure resort, and the Athenians should patronize it. ' The Commercial Hotel. Mrs. Stanley has received 39 offers for the Commercial hotel since the death of her husband, . the applicants hailing from every section of the Uni fied States.. This week o gentleman from Mont Eagle, Tenot, was In Ath ens in quest of a hotel. We learn that Mrs. Stanley’s lease runs two years yet and she asks $4,500 bonus for it. Tlie .hotel iit present is said to net alfout *3,- ObO per annum. A prominent physician save a healthy woman can kill herself in about a year hy horseback riding. no further. I "ides long; and f ur passenger cars and the fr .ncliises of lie said company a< contained in Special for The Banner. I an act of General Assembly of Georgi*, t-pprov- Macon, Ga., June-13—Jack DuBose ? d ^Ptember 3 tb, 1885. ^The sale sliafi besub- - * - j ject to the approval of the Judge of the Supc- is'.loose on the streets of Macon. N o | r i 0 r court of said county of < larke, and if said o-uard attends him. I sale Is so approved possession shall be given to ‘ . ‘ , , . , . ’ „ , the pnrehaser-on tlie first day of A«gu-t, .1889. j I still contirAa its use, as it is a splendid He is loud in ids denunciation of the.I Tenns cash. Jamesi White, l tonic and keeps iny system in a fine con- person who said he had confessed the 1 eruption all over my body ana limbs, with loss of appetite, excruciating pains in my back, aching of my joints, genefal debil ity, emaciation, falling off of my hair, sore throat and great nervousness. I became incredulous, but being told that B. B. B. was a sure enough blood purifier and that it did not require a patient' to use a gross before he was cured, I commenced its use. Within two weeks’ time 1 felt im proved. I have taken about ten bottles and feel as well qnd sprightly as any iqaxL. My appetite and strength have returned and my hair does not fall out. I do riot hesitate to say’ that B. B: B. has no equal as a general blood purifier, and any one who will use only one bottle will be con vinced that it has no equal in these ; a. L, Hull, Rcelvcrs for the Classic City Railway Co. Howard, resigned By Cable to the Bannpr. Docblix, June 12.—An excursion train containing a large number of passengers, was thrown from tlie track near Armagh this morning. The cars were reduced to splinters. Later re ports from Armagh state that seventy j conviction has about settled in the pub children were killed, Tlie train was eessfully. The Telegraph says: The, „ 7mlM5soldbefpr ^ Court House door in filled with Methodist Sunday-schco scholars, who with their relatives and teachers were on tlieir wav to Warren- port. w iu tli - city of Athens, Clarke county, Ga.. ........ ^ . In the 1st Tuesday in July next, within the lie miml in this city that this negro i» | legal hours of sale, the followtug property to- I-I.*k- Tin RfKn sn,,! th*it there *i wfc One house and lot in the city of Athens, not o.icK x lusose, anu tnat tneie is a | ^'F ar j ce coun ty, Ga„ hoimded on the Nort > by mild fraud being practiced on some- Mauds of Jim Heard, on the South by Jordan ” 1 I • ox, on the East by Mrs J. it O ane, and on he body for some purpose. West by Morris street. Levied on as the prop- I erty of Isaac Williams, to satist - a ft fa issued SHERMAN, Tex., June 13.—Uncle I from Justice’s Court, 16th district, G. m., said . ’ , I county, in favor of E. H t-ale against said JimmyAtkins,a colored patriarch over Isaac Williams. Levy made by *. w. Porter. „ _ _ __ _ r , j ^ . r , L o., and urued over io me for advertisement Kansas City, June 12.—Monday af- J one hundred aud thirty years old, died and sale. This May 29tb, 1889 teruoon I rank Leopold, aged twelve I ^ ere y turday. He was twenty-five j _7-i JOHN \ . IZl:"aS it* oU “ the ‘ imo of theRevolu - Clarke Sheriff Sale. the show they started to walk to Cen- tionary War ; He was not very a 8 e< ^ TTTili be sola before the Court House (door in or decrepit in appeara’ ce. He was j vY the cityof Atftens, oi'-rke county. Ga., on ; ps dition. Yoh nave the liberty to direct any sufferer to roe in person. , K. P. B. Jones, Atlanta, Ga. ulcers on one leg, and When within a i . * x G- i lf _ j I tbe is . Tuesday in July next, within' th • legal named Seid- U. ana s P are ' rtia eyesight iai en m ure ofs«le, the following property to-wit: A troiiolis, their home. mile of the place, a man —— , . , —— dom jumped from the huehe. arid at- !" ra t wet.ty years ago; but it begau to «ffl*“SSSJ«{? 1 !SS e ,SK^e , S(teS; tempted to assault the little girl. The '"’I 10 ?' 0 u ,tl1 11 * v “ “JW recovered, funded onTlieesttle hyhmdothralijolms™, boy attacked Seiddous with a pocket ‘\. eave3 » “'ovary old. ?°ru> “y 8 .Marks _ esta e, w Sonth, b, Amly knife and slashed him across the I f ftr 3 ears sav there is to donht satisfy a fl fa issued from Justice's Oourt, 21 tli ior nicy } cars say tnere is to uouoc district, G M, said county, in favor of Andy e. Jackson Levy made by E. W. Porter, L. r. and turned over to me for advertisement and face in a fearful manner, nearly cutting o£ ^ reafc ftge out an ej’e, and cutting oft’ part of his nose. Seiddons flcil, but was after-1 wards captured. Special to Tlie Banner. Kansas City, June 12.—J. P. ’Well- | ington, a traveling man, was shot and killed on tlie street at Clay Center, Kanr I sas, last night by Dr. J. P. Stewart,the leading physician of that place. Well- Augvsta', Ga., June 9.—The Augusta sale * This May 20th 1889 'j OHN w exchange has just compiled the answers of its correspondents in repl}' to crop I inquiries in seventeen counties in Geor gia and five counties iu South Carolina. Seventy-six correspondents report’ the same acreage as last year. Forty-seven report a decrease of ten percent, anil six an increase of five per I WEIR, Sheriff. Notice. N OTICE Is he eby given, that * t the General .* sseiubly of the State of Georgia, a bill will lie introduced to incorporate Moor’s Grove Baptist Church in < larke County Ge rgia. So •s to prohibit the sale of in’oxicating liquors within three (3) miles of said cliurcu. May 27tli, 1889. ington’s intimacy with Dr. Stewart’s l nt Seventy-seven report planting as daughter, which resulted in a separa-1 having progressed favorably. Sixty-six Sheriff Sale. EORGU Clarke County—Will be sold tion between her and her husband, was report that it has not> 0nly one cor- G^e'the^^oSKo^sVcouidyf the cause of the shooting. | respondent out of one hundred andthir. Si vr. rt„ - Tima 10 l.oc 1 ty-three reports the plant up with good city of Athens, on the corner of Hull and * ash- Macon, Ga.; June 12.—Tlie news l^as I ^ . . aiin .^ . ington str-et, and adjoining lands of Myers, and reached here that last Saturday, near stands- All report bad eftect from the I the the Cobb ,place, in Jones county, Mrs. J c0 ° nl ? 1 s ’ 1C ,utln S t ^ ie growth and so ;,i as property belonging to R. H.’ Lamp- John Barfield, aged about 60* years, f ^ lumped lier-elf from an uimer round of 1 The £ eneral tenor of all the reports is against saitTR. H Lam, kin, Trustee by H. H. lijn 0 ea iier._cii irem an upper rounu 01 1 H t „ oronnot ; . .... n I Lanton tax collector of said county. Written a ladder, and when found was dead. I * 13 ^ 1 ln g°°d condition. no ti Ce s on teuan*. in possession. This She was first discovered by a negro °" e hundm l and «igbt correspondents | 1st, 1889.. „ _JOHN W. WEIR, . boy, who became frightened and ran off I re P ort tlie cro P from ten days to two lA lmln ctw btiruiH 4nnihv | weeks later. I/Georgia, Clark© County.—Persnant to an tO get help. Mie W as Dunecl ouncia} . J _________ t vjrorder of the Court of Ordinary of said coun- rnt-p banner I I ty, passed at the regular term of said court.held Special to liienainr. I Simmons—Lampkin. on the first Monday in May, 18S9, will be sold be- Chicago, June 12.—Opening 10:6 The residence of Air Ttnhort T nmikj fort the Courthon-e door of said county, on the \vV10at Tune 70 3Corn June • 1 ’ Jtot)ert ^ am P- first Tuesilay in Augusta next, during the legal >v neat, •> uuc, t .1,41. will, juhc, 1 .^j, 0 n Prince avenue was the scene of I limu-s of sale, the following describe d property I had 24 runni!! 6 on the' other, anH felt greatly prostrated. I believe I actually swallowed a barrel of medicine in vaip efforts to cure the dis ease. With little hope, 1 finally acted oa the urgent advice of a friend, and got a bottle of B. B. B. I experienced a change and my despondency was somewhat dis pelled. 1 kept using it until I had taken, sixteen bottles, and all the ulcers, rheuma tism, and other horrors of blood poison have disappeared, and at last 1 am sound rind well again, after an experience of twenty years of torture.. A. P. Brunsom, Atlanta, Ga. Kennesaw, Ga., Sept. 11, 1887. B. B. B. Cornpany—My Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in acknowledging the great benefit my wife has derived non yonr great and wonderful medicine, B. B. B. For two years she was a great suf ferer from Scrofula, or some blood dis ease which had lain dormant all her life. We had attention from some of the most skillful physicians in the country, but all to no effect, until we had all despaired of her ever recovering. Her mouth was one solid ulcer, and tor two months or more her body was broken out with sores until she lost a beautiful head of hair, also eye lashes and eye-brows; in fact, she seemed to be a complete wreck. Now comes the great secret which I want all the world to know: That three bottles of Blood Balm medicine has done the work which would sound incredible to any one who did not know it to be so. To-day my wife is perfectly healthy and clear from any scrofulous taint, and she now has a three-month-old babe, also ] fectly healthy. Very respectfully H. L. Cassidy. pep- Glen Alpine Station, N, C. > February 13th, 1888. > This is to certify that three years ago I had my left leg amputated four inches below the knee, caused by blood poison and bone affection. After it was ampu tated there fame a runfting ulcer, on the end of it that measured 3# inches one way and inches the Other, and con tinued growing worse every /flay until a short time ago. I was given up tb die by the best doctors in Charlotte. I heard of the wonderful B. B. B. I resolved to try that . My weight at the time I com menced li. B. B. was 120 pounds. When I had taken three bottles I gained 87 continued taking u bottles. I now weigh 180 pounds and measure five feet and.three inches high. 34c. Oats, Juue, 223-So July, $11.70. Laril July, $5.87)a Tlie trustees were wise in closing the University earlier this year. Tlie boys have not been worn out by long and te dious weeks of summer recitations and examinations, but have now finished their year’s work, and are looking for ward to a pleasant commencement and a summer ef well-earned re3t. J o-bc• 1 orK, *i tine, I ^ hfiiinv ni:irri , i<yp> offornnAri I belonging to tlie CHiite ui inuigiuct i t-,!-. -os, ' 1 a na lW marriage yesterday afterooon. ,i t . cea 5eii. to-wit: Oue lot or parcel of land , uiny, *0.00. xiius, 1 Katie, daughter of Mr. Lampkin. situated Ivinjg a id being In said county, on pub- 1 „., 1C >. ,,, , 0 v.. lie road leading from Athens to Waikinsville, was nut 11 lid to Air. Chas. b. Sim- I Iiear limits eitvof Athens, adjoining lad . of mons, one of tlie most successful voung George K, Heard, A Bishop and P. s. Ebcrliart, . . „«■ T>- - , ’ J ° 1 conta'iniiiK twelve acres, more or less: also one merchants of Birmingham. Ihe cere-J j 0 t of land in City of Athens on corner of Lurnp- mony was performed by Dr.Speer in an j k! " and Green streets, adjoiningfm. McCtesky impressive left on the nati and Jhe bridal tour they will return to their I A dn.inlstrator, Margare^Ray^rteceS home in Birmingham. 1 Th s Juen 10,1889, and 1;.II J,vons,txmtuning one acre,more or less. Wm. S. WHALEY, M. D. GENERAL Practitioner of Medicine and Obstetrics. Office corner of Prince and Milledge avenues. Telephone No. 68. may3md Athens, Ga.