Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, June 25, 1889, Image 2

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MM EWS! ATLANTA'S POSTMASTER. —* — — - ■»■■■ - • • — - - —— After a Long Struggle Between Office Seekers, Lewis Gets There. rpecinl to r J he .Fanner. Washixgtox, D. C., June 19.—The President to-day appointed Geii. John !H. Lewis postmaster at Atlanta. The contest has been a very warm one, but of late it has been believed that Lewis would get the place. Mr. W. T. B. .Wilson, who was once Atlanta’s postmaster, and who it was thought would be appointed again, went home several weeks ago. 115 seemed to think that everything had been arranged for General Lewis to get the place. General L o.wis will probably take charge about July 1st. HANGED AT ROME. Chciago Market, pecial to The Fanner. Chicago, June 19,.—Opening 10:6.a m. Wheat opened June, 80V 4 c. Com, June, 34^c. Oats, June, 22%C. Pork, July, *11.00. Lard, July, *6.52>.<, Ribs, July, *5.77 For-Murdering a Chinaman—Hardy Ham ilton Fays the Penalty—Thous ands Witness the Execution. Special to The Banner. Ga., June 19.—ITardy Hamil ton was hanged here at 12:50 o’clock to-day for murder. On the night of February 5, this year, Rome was the scene of a horrible crime. Josie Clarke, a colored woman, heard scuffling in a room occupied by Joe Lee as a Chinese laundry, and shortly after wards heard some one climbing the fence leaving the yard. She summoned Polieemau Guicc, who went to the house, but, finding everything quiet, did not enter. Next morning the doors of the laun dry were not open as usual, and an in vestigation was had. Joe Lee was found on the bed in a pool of blood. His skull was crushed and lie was nearly dead. John Lee lay upon the fioor, and his skull was crushed and he too was un conscious. Robbery was the motive, as was evi denced by the upset condition of the room. Suspicion rested on several negroes, Hardy Hamilton especially. A pair of pants, blood stained, were found in his possession, which had belonged to one of the Chinamen. On eight of twenty- two silver dollars found in his trunk were blood stains. He and an accom plice were held to answer for the crime. On the 13tli Hamilton, was held for the murder, and Charlie Riciiadson was held as accessory before the fact. Six other negroes charged with complicity in the murder were discharged, and on the trial for the murder Hamilton was sent to the penitentiary. THE HANGING As the first faint streaks of dawn ap peared in the east this morning there could lie seen people coming in from every direction on the dirt roads, some in wagons, some in buggies, and in every .vehicle deseribable. At 15 minutes to 11, the time the par ty were to start for the gallon's, the street running in frontof the jail was one solid mass of humanity as far as could L.e seen. There had to be put a row of guards in front of the jail to keep the excited crowd back. At 10:50 the death warrant was read in the cell by Jailor Jake Moore. The rope was placed around the neck of Hamilton, and he was led out into the oilice. As he passed out of the door lie said to a reporter that if they made a long article about bis hanging it would be against his will. He shook hands with all his friends, as lie passed along to the phaeton. At exactly 11 a. in. he started for the gallows: along the streets Negro women fainted as they saw Ham ilton pass. He sat in the carriage and smiled all the way. Arriving at the scaffold, Jailor Moore led the murderer up the steps, followed by the county officers and two reporters. After all were seated a hymn was sung. It was now' 12:30. Hamilton got"up and spoke a few w'ordsto his race, then said he was ready. At 12:50. the trap was sprung. Hamilton’s neck was brok en. The body was left* hanging 25 min utes and cut down. The crowd was es timated at between 10,000 and 12,000. Good order prevailed throughout the day. Michigan Adopts Local Option. . s pecial to "ihe Fanner. Lansing. Mich., June 19.—The local option bill, after hanging fire in the sen ate for weeks, passed that body yester day, aud will become a law as soon as it reaches the governor. Waycross Postoffice Robbed. Special to The Fanner. Wayckoss, Ga., , June 19.—Thieves broke into the post office here last night and robbed the safe of *1,100 anil a num ber of registered mail packages. A New Baptist Paper. Special to. 1 lie Banner. Atlanta, June 19.—Arrangement arc being made to-day for the publication o a new Baptist paper in Atlanta. H tlies arrangements are consumated the new publication will come into existence. Rev. E. R. Carswell, I). D., and Rev, Reddin Andrews, D. D., formerly of Waco, Texas, will be the editors and managers. A Full Verdict. Special to The linnner. Atlanta, Ga., June 19.—The jury in the case of Gordon, governor, against penitentiary convict camp No. 2 for the escape of n ineteen convicts, valued at *200 each, returned a verdict this after noon for *3,400, the full amount, with interest. FROM JOHSTOWN. Tho Quantity Special to Tbe Banner. John town, June 18.—Dynamite was resumed this morning with good ettect, but the quantity of theexglosive is now limited to twenty-five pounds for each charge, instead of five hundred and six hundred pounds, as it was used yester day prior to tlie citizen’s protest. With the exception of the blooming and wire mill the Cambria company state that they are ready for operations in all departments. Rails will be made in a day or two. The large number of men at work will be permanently re tained in the employ of the company. The election in the Conemaugh valley Including this city and surrounding boroughs, promises to he very quiet to day, In the. first ward of Cambria city about eight votes had been polled at ten o’clock, and it was correspondingly light in all other precincts heard from. The thoughts of the voters are evi dently on other sudjeets than politics. KILLED BY CIGARETTS. Johnstown Yesterday. .Special to tlie Banner. Johnstown, Pa., June 19.—Up to one o’clock this afternoon seven bodies had been removed from the debris. All were the remains of women, except one. The mass of gorged drift is gradually disappearing, and the stream will soon be clear of wreckage. Work will then he commenced on the clearing out of cellars. Senator Brown Better But Weak. Special to llie Banner. Atlanta, June 19.—The condition of Senator Brown has changed but little since yesterday. He is slightly better, but still weak from the debilitating ef fects of the warm weather. KILLED HIS SON-IN-LAW. Philip Givhan Shot Dead in Alabama this Morning. Special to The Banner. Birmingham, Ala., June 19.—Philip A. Givhan, a well- known man about town, and at one time as special detec tive in the llawes case, was shot and instantly killed at Clanton, Chilton county, Alabama, this morning by W. A. Collier, his father-in-law'. The trouble grew out of domestic af fairs. . Collier is a prominent lawyer at Clanton. The shooting is said to be justifiable. IRON IN ATLANTA. An Eleven-Year-Old Boy’s Death From Excessive Smoking. Special to the Banner. Philadelphia, Pa., June 18.—From narcotic poisoning, the result of the ex cessive smoking of’ cigaretts, John Bankhead, 11 years old, died yesterday at his parent’s home, 2233 Hope street. When the boy arose yesterday he complained to his mother of suffering severe pains. The little fellow plaeed his hand over his heart and said: “Mamma, I have got awful pains here. Send for the doetor, I think I’m going to die.” As the lad had never been sick before, Mrs. Bankhead was not alarmed, but owing to tlie corpse-Hke appearance of his face she decided to summon a doe- tor. After she had dressed herself she went to the boy’s side to tell him of her proposed errand. She found him dead. Ten miuutes after he first complained he was a corpse. When a streamer of white crepe was plaeed over the bell-pull an hour later, Johnie’s companions gathered the house and related how Jolinie had played “tag” and “hide and seek” with them up to nine o’clock on Saturday night in the best of health, apparently. The little fellows all has stories to re late of his inveterate cigarette smoking. All his “spending monfiy” went for the purchase of the little paper cigars. His mother had detected his smoking on several occasions and severely repri manded him for the bad habit, which caused him to indulge surreptitiously. A Bed of Fine Ore Discovered at Grant's Park. Special to the Banner. Atlanta, June 19.—To-dav a bed of what appeared to he a lump of red clay was found by workmen at Grant’s park, and ah investigation shewed it to be what Dr. N. "A. l'ratt pronounced, the best of iron ore. The ore is of such a quality that it is thought that steel could be made from it at small expense. The ore bed is a very large one, as the same strata was struck while a well was being dug on Mr. Charles D’Alvig ny’s place, three hundred yards from tlie baseball ground. Down an Embankment. Sl>ecial to 1 he Banner. Birmingham, Ala., June 18.—At Pratt Mines this moring a construction train going to work loaded with over one hundred and fifty men ran over a cow. It was badly wrecked. Henry McCauley, white, was killed outright, and Henry Beasly was badly crushed. Almost every man on the train was injured to some extent. The train rolled down a steep em bankment. FOULLY MURDERED. Dayid A. Pcttus Found Dead on a Vacant Lot. Special to The Banner. Birmingham, Ala., June 19.—David A. Petns, a white section boss on the Birmingham Mineral road, was found lying in a vacant lot near the Alice fur nace in the suburbs of the city at day break foully murdered. Iiis head had been beat to a jelly with * a^arge rock, and a gold watch and *10 in money he was ”seen with yesterday wn^gone. There is no clue as yet to the brutal murderer. Death in Washington, Ga. Special to The Eanner. Washington, Ga., June 19.—Miss M*gjgie Lam*, an est imable young lady of Washington, died last night of ty phoid fever. A Sensation at Charleston. Special to The Banner. Charleston, S. C., June 18.—Some thing of a sensation was created here to day by the announcement that Presi dent Harrison was about to appoint Rev. R. W. 3Iemingerto be postmaster of this city. * Mr. Meminger, secretary of the treasury of the Confederal y. 31 r. Meminger is a protectionist, and in en tire accord with the President’s South ern policy. Confessing Murders. . 'Special to The Banner. Americas, Ga., June 18.—The negro Williams has confessed that he murder ed Conductor Whigliam. He says he also killed Xelse Durham in Lake county, Fla., and also w ounded Orange 3Iurray, and escaped to Geor gia. He will remain in the Americus jail until orders come for his removal to Wilcox. county. That feeling of weariness, so often ex perienced in the spring, results from i sluggish condition of tlfe blood -which, being impure, does not quicken with the changing season. Ayer,s Sarsa parilla, by vitalizing and cleansing the blood, strengthens and invigorates the system. • The Chief Reason for the great suc cess of Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is found In the article Itself. It is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood’s Sarsaparilla actually ac complishes what is claimed for it, is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other sarsapa- .> ■. rilla or Wood pnri- IVI er It WI ns Her before tlie public. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nehres, builds up the Whole System. Blood’s Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug gists. *1; six for $5. Prepared by C. L Hood 6 Co^ Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. ' Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y Incorporated bv the Legislature L» WGS for Educational and Charitable purpose*, and It* franchise made a part of the present state Con stitution, in UKU, by an overwhelming popular '‘its GRANT) MAMMOTH DRAWINGS take wince Semi-Annually, June ami December, a",I Us GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAW. I\GS take place in each of the other ten months of the year, and are all drawn in public, at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS For integrity of its Drawings anu prompt Payment of Prizes. Attested as Follows: ‘•We do hereby certify that wo supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Au dit I Drawings of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in person manage anti control tlie Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness and hr good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the t 'output.y to use this certificate, with far-cl miles of our signatures attached in its advertise ments.” , Dea, ®n In Buggies, Carriages, Road c a and Wagons. A BUSINESS EDUCATION AT 10ME. For Circulars, addre-s, LARK’S COLLEGE, Erie, Pa. :N~SS CURED *rrt«k’*r*t. . < !n7i,MeTU3U'-mMt CUSHtOaS _ JWltlsparskeartl distinctly. Cotstori. .PPL.PHWPfcereallrenedlCTfall. III..took*proof* frees Addrceg or calloa h\ ULSCOX* 85tfm£vsii S» mm •Me. Soc.cs.fta 1 where *1 PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM! Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair ta its Youthful Color. .Prevent* Handmft ak<1 heir falling Stta. end tl.uoat Itmiwtats ExhausteqVitality ES BwmiiMMEMai Desalting from the Errors of Tonth, Folly, Vice. Ig norance, &c., may be cored at home without fail or exposure. Infallible and Confidential. Luge around SS^’X’SSi^SSaSSS Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W.ILParker, No.4 Bulflnch St.,Bo3ton.Ma»a A Storm in Kansas. Special to the Banner. Fort Smith, Kan,, June 17.—A . re port was received here last evening to the ettect .that Uniontown, on the Wichita and Western railroad, had been swept away by a storm on Satur day night, and that 'two women and four children had been drowned. Union- town, which is a place of six hundred inhabitants, is in the midst of a thickly settled country, and it is feared that the loss of life i3 even heavier than re ported, as the wires are all down for fifteen miles on either side of the rail road, nothing definite can lie secured. The storm struck the western part of Bourbon county late at night, coming from the west, where it had played great havoc. At Augusta it assumed the form of a cloud burst, and though everything possible has been done to obtain details by railroad, all is uncer tainty at present. The part of Fort Scott known as town is entirely under water, and people are being taken ut with boats. The south bound 31issouri, Kansas and Texas passen ger train is tied up here, and the north bound Sty Louis passenger train is tied up about two miles south of the city. The Kansas, Nebraska and Dakota track is under water for about nine miles. Serious damage to the main line of the south is confined to one place about one thousand feet in length, about en miles from Fort Scott. *S* . HIRES’IMPROVED Me ROOT BEERS IN LIQUID NO BOILING EASILY MADE I THIS PACKAGE MAKES FIVE GALLONS hoof The moat APPETIZING an5 WHO TEMPERANCE DRINK in the worl.1 . 7?yrr. Ask your Druggist or Grocer for it. ' C. e HIRES, Philadelphia Commissioners. We the undersigned banks and bankers will pav all Prizes drawn in the Louisiana State Lot teries which may be presented at our counters. R. H. WALMSUY. Pres. Louisiana Nat Bank. PIERRE LANAUft, Pres. State National Bank. A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans National Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING. At the Acadamv of Music, New Orleans, Tues day, July Jt>, IS*). Capital Prize $,300,000. 100,000 Tickets at ^ $20 'Each: Halves $10; Quarters $5; Tenths $2‘ Twentieths $1. x LISTS OF PRIZES. 1 PRIZE OF *300,000 is $350,000 1 PRIZE OF 100,000ffe ; 1 Hi,000 I PRIZE OF 50,000 is 1 PRIZE OF 25.000 is 25,000 2 PRIZES OF 10.000 are *'.000 5 PRIZES OF 5,000 are 25.01 0 25 PRIZES OF 1.000arc 25.000 100 PRIZES OF 5JO are 61,000 200 PRIZES OF SJOare 61,000 500 PRIZES OF 2)0 are 100,000 AITLOXIMATIOX prizes. 100 Prizes of *500 are 51,000 100 Prizes of *3JO are 31,000 100 Prizes of *200 are 20,000 TWO NUMBER TERMINALS 999 Prizes of *100 are .99,909 999 Prizes of *100 are 99,900 3,131 Prizes Amounting to *1,054,000 Note.— Tickets drawing Capical Prizes are not entitled to terminal Prizes. AGENTS WANTED. Tlie Columbus find }]■ J W. Davis Buggies a SpjJ All other makes kept j stantly on hand Office at Johnson & ^ No. 11 Clayton AVarehJ on Washington street. CURBS) © fj&m vS 25CT& AC ftriVTUikcrB I lUcnnditj, out tain, Ba j tlcuUr wit I •B.U.WO HBco©i\ 83F*For Club Rates or any further informa tion desired, write legibly to the undersigned, clearly stating your residence, with state, coun ty, street and number. More rapid return mail delivery will be assured by your enclosing an. Envelope bearing your full address. IMPORTANT- Address M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. orM. A. DAUPHIN, \V ashing ton, D. C., By ordinary letter, containing Money Orders issued by all Express Companies, New Yoik Exchange Draft or Postal Notes. OBKIf AK1 AUBTOBTUK P1UCBMI E TofaktcodnMoaroni md ftaUellmf , tx 80 <hj»CKdy, ood, P—~ 0imvTi»ltk8N>|| Bogs Bi>I( Rack far G'-'e. The j Prtatfaf Outfit fa Address Registered Letters Containing Currency to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La. DEDERICK’S HAY PRE9SES, Made of tUA, lighter, stronger, cheaper, mow power, everlasting and competition distanced. For proof order on trial, to keep tho . best and. ^a^ether alongside if youyan: BeversiUe ScmeinMr that tlie payment of Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATIONAL BANKS of New Orleans, and tlie tickets are signed by tlie President of an Institution whose i chartered rights are recognized in tlie highest f Courts; therefore, beware of any imitations or j anonymous schemes. ' • One dollar is the price of the smallest paid; or | finction.of a ticket issued by us in any drawing Anything in our name offered for less than' liar is a rri.iuMaduti.iw.. . r drcful arJfuaaicrtlhbshes. [ Satenc*. £tkks ujvhere. E»{ I *'* ~ kwtrlow,cirret,eriaT U b Makes every caekn^h \ ~ HAt-book 10c., 4 fcc »•., 12 .V*.,» *1, 100 $3. Outfit SOc. P.O-iUops. HOKLDXf&C^lfi* S93 Sewlne-MnehinfT ‘ — "a *t one* Mt.bltihli trade in *11 pun, b;|1 placing our macbinnl and gooda where the pete thro, we will mil •seraon in each t Beat i . . t world,with all til ai i wUlalaorendfreti* a of our coitl; nt i mplea. Inrmnnedta ir what we tend, K* /«U a ionths (11 ihall t opeity. TWii ade after the l rhich h»re run ott^h . jtcutitioldlor&D&e' |attachment!, and in* . . 50.Beat,ilri*|*i< ■fill machine in tae i *. No capita rtq I given. Those who write unite beet aewing-ntnehine in tha wwl finest line of worka of high art ever ahotra tofettaih ‘ TRUE A VO., Box 740, Ampul*, f the doll swindle. wed&sun-d-w. Presses,' all sizes. ctralsn end locution of -JtUjf Want era end 8 StorehonaoiKulAgenU. K. DEDERICK & CO- No. Sa Dederick’s Works. • ai.bawv, n.y. FOR MEN ONLY! Drunkenn HINDERCORN9. Th» only mire Cwro for Corns. Stopj nil poin. Rnnnraa comfort to the feat. 15c. nt Druggieta. Hiacoxfi;Co.,M.T. CONSUMPTIVE TTnre youUottgh, Bronchitis, Asthma. Indigestion! Uao PARKER’S CINCER TONIC. 1 t «o worst cn.-ttn and f* tno br-t remedy for all ill* arising from detective nutrition. TuVe In time. Me. and *L0i HE HAD HEARD OF JIM BOWIE. CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PHIS 22D C203S DIA2J01D B2AHD. Original, beet, waly mtmSmr and rdinblo pill tesalo. Never Flit., Awk for fAidU.fer'* Engliskt /Diamond Brand, in reel me- [tallio bozoa. jenledwith blue rib bon. At Ongglata. Accept no other. All piUn la paato Wrd boxes, pink wrappers, are a danger- on* counterfeit. Send 4c. (atatnp.) for particular* and “Relief for Ladles,” _ . Utter, by return mail. 10,000 trail. I frost LADIES who have used them. Nam* Paper. Vhishester Chemical Co, a Sladissn Sa^I’hiia^Pa. fl an^ITtVr For LOST or FAILING MANHOOD.- HrUdmib Generalzad NERV0U8 DEBILITY; flTTRP WeakBeta of Body and Hind: EfTecU V W AaXf of Error* or Excesses in Old or Young. Kablest, Sohl* XAKHOOD (tally Reatered. How t« Enhnre and Slrewuiben WKAE,UNPKVELOrKD OKIJASS * PARTS of H01)'.. Absolutely on railing IIORK TREATS ENT—Benefits la a day. Hen teatlfy Trem 17 State*, Trrrltorira, and Porrlgn Conalrie*. , . I owes* write them. Beak, full explanation, and proofo malted FREE. Address in COP'lilence, (m*M» fixe. Addrea. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. B0FYAL0. N. *- QQLDEhi SPECIFIC CO.. 185 Hac# St. Or the Liquor Habit, Positively 1 BY ADMINISTEBMO OS. HAINES’ 03L8ESSHHX j II can be given in a cup of coBee or lit ** tides of food, without the knowle<i««t*5 bon taking it; it is absolutely ltamtlefi*®" effect a permanent and speedy cure, ^ tbe patient is a moderate drinker’orm wreck, it NEVER FAIL8. We GUAR* a comrtlete »-ure in every instaucc. «?««■■ W. G. Lowry & Co. Clayton Street, (At Crawford’s Old Stand,) -DEALERS IN- Athens, Geor; The Way the Famous Duelist Stopped a Man Smooking. 3Iany stories are related of Colonel James Bowie, the user if not the inven tor of fhe famous bowie-knife. This one has never appeared in print. Bowie was traveling in lower Tennessee by stage-eoaeh,the only other occupant be ing a lady dressed in deep niouring and showing all the signs of a recent be reavement. At a little wayside station another passenger got in and took his seat di rectly opposite the lady. All went well for a time until, without asking leave of any one,the new passenger, pulling a eigar from his pocket, lighted it. The 1 smoke soon filled the interior of the coach, and at last the lady raised her veil and said; “I beg your pardon, sir, but the smoke is making me sick. Tlie man simply stared at her and said : “Then you’d better get np with the driver.” Bowie could stand this no longer,and tlie drawing formidableknif he always carried, said: “Throw that cigar out the window.” “Who the—are you?’? reponded the other party. “I’m Jim Bowie, of Arkansas, and I’ll give you ten seconds to get out of here with your cigar.” There was no need of further speech. Tlie obnoxious passenger knew the rep utation of him who spoke and spent tin- rest of the journejr on the seat wiili the* driver, while Bowie, apologizing to tlie lady for the disturbance,cooly£sheatlied his kuife and settled hack in his cor ner.. FOR SAX32. 1 0 Shares Athena Saving Bank stock. 1 C ROOM HOUSE ami roomy lot on Jackson _ D street, in good neighborhood, and must be sold. 5 ROOM HOUSE and good garden spot on College avenue, $1,750. 2 SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS on College avenue, $700 and $300. 7 ROOM HOUSE on Jackson street, good gar den anil well for $1,650. 6 ROOM HOUSE and roomy lot on Baxter st G OOD HOUSE and pretty lot, containing one acre out on Rock Spring avenue. Must be sold in tlie next 60 days, and can l>e bought cheap. DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS & Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Usft Dye Woods and Dye Stuff generally. Medicines warranted ? fEl and of tbe best quality. Our stock is complete, comprising many is impossible here to e. umerate, and a 1 sold at moderate prices. articled C- J- O’FARRELL- MAURICE JANKOtf* O’FARRELL & ESlll ABLE BUILDING lot on Hill street. D A SPLENDID BUILDING lot on Milledge avenue, containing 3L, acres. C A ACRES of level land, lying between the UUpublic road, leading to Farmington and High Shoals. The C. and M. railroad runs through one corner of said tract. Said tract of < land is within one mile of the Court House of Watkinsville, ami will make a nice little farm for any man, and can be bought reasonable, XX1ATER POWER, gin and grist mill, YY by a hold stream with 4 foot fall; 25 acres... land in tlie mill tract, 20 acres in high state of cultivation, a nice new dwelling containing 7 rooms, barn and other out buildings,on a public road, and only 4 miles from Athens, and can be bought for $1,000. TO RENT. 0 ROOM house on Prince avenue $12.00. ^ 0 ROOM house on Washington street-$8.00 < 0 ROOM house on Jackson street $13.50. A LARGE and well arranged boarding house, convenient to business. J. T. Anderson, R. E. A., No. 207 Broad street. We have an elegantly assorted sto * Parlor, Dining and Chamber Suits in ?]! , ran styles, grades and coverings; also oaa v ^ ^"‘‘ in endless variety, ail at prices never u heard of. Every line of goods, through our inJJL Furniture Establishment, is complex latest and best designs. We are sure to p every taste. 37, 39 and 41 Clayton Street.