Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, June 25, 1889, Image 6

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THE BANNER, ATHENS. GEORGIA JUNE 18, 1889. OUR CITY’S FUTURE. ATHENS FIVE YEARS FROM NOW— PREDICTIONS FOR THE FUTURE. The Reasons Why These Predictions are Made. Opinions or Leading Busi ness Men—Natural Advantages of Our Town and Section- Increase of Manu factories—Our Destiny. Have we any right to make predic tions for the future of our town? The gift of prophecy is no longer the heri tage of man, but the powers of discern ment and judgement are still his. We look at the growth of otlier'towns, we exanine into the causes of their growth, we compare their natural and -artificial advantages with our own and having considered it all, we draw' our conclusions, and those conclusions jus tify the prediction that no tow'n in our State will make more steady or sub stantial progress than will the town of Athens. Rooking into the future not more than five years distant, we seem to see crowds of passengers arriving daily in our midst, coming from all directions by way of our live or six railroads all running into our town. These stran gers alight from the incoming trains, and stretch themselves as they walk the platform of a great union depot into the carshed of which all trains run. Our strangers then hail hacks rnd omnibuses, and are whirled through brilliantly lighted, macada mized streets to a palatial hotel whose fifth or sixth story looks down with mild contempt upon all. lesser, meaner buildings. The new arrivals finu that this great hotel is completer in every particular, and they learn by inquiry that ic is the property of a joint stock company, whose roll contains the names of all the public spirited men of Athens. If any one of these new' arrivals be of an in quiring turn of mind, he will learn that the members of this stock company, are wise and all satisfied that abetter investment was never entered into by them than this new hotel. Walking out on the streets, he will see on every side splendid stone and iron front store houses and offices. If he walks into the lower part of our city, he will see great ware-houses, factories, railroad shops and machine .works. Going through the resident portion of the town, he w r ill see the handsomest dwelling liousce in the State besides innumerable colleges and quiet houses. Taking the dummy line he will be hurried out to a park as beautiful as any in the South, where everything lias been done for our com fort and pleasure. If he will look closely into the busi ness affairs of our city he will find that it is one of the greatest cotton markets in the state, and, what is even better, that a great proportion of this cotton is not exported, but is used in the making cf cloths in our own factories, which will be numbered among the largest and most complete south of the line. He will find a city with from 20,000 to 25,- 000 inhabitants, a thrifty, pushing, en ergetic and united people with men at the lead who are fully capable of man aging the affairs of a great aud growing people. He will find that the capitalists of 1 Athens ye not men who have locked their money up in iron hound safes, but are wide awake, progressive inen, who know' that the only real value of money is in its use. This is what the “stranger W'ithin our gates” will find in five years from now'. The pictures we have drawn is not an idk dream of the imagination—it is a prophecy, a prophecy as true as the words of a seer. And the fulfillment of the prophecy does not require the work ing of miracles; it will he a miraele if they do not prove true, for forces have been set in operation which must bring about such results. The great raiiroad movement to which we have referred on Several occasions is the first item iu our list of reasons for these predictions. Then, as w'e all well knoiv, we'are the center of a great farming region which has already made our town one of the greatest cotton mar kets in the state, and new regions will be opened np by tbe new railroads which will be built. We are certain to have new factories. A gentleman who is in a position to know' and who lias been'^carrying on an ' extended corres pondence with some northern firms, in formed us a day or two ago that our manufacturing capacity will double it self in the next three or four years. The watersaround Athens arc not naviga ble, but they afford water power as good as can be found anywhere in our state. The South Oconee river is one .enor mous mill race, affording sufficient pow er to run any kind of machinery. In addition to this there is that which .Is even more hopeful, namely, the fact that our owm people are waking up to the fact that their destiny is a great one and that it rests in their own hands. When a people really learns this they are on the high road to success. Our men are enthusiastic and feel that we have m store many good things,and the only thing needed to set them to work is concerted action with a cool-headed leader. For these two things The Bax- -xer is anxiously pleading. As to our predictions-of Athens’ great growth in point of population, we simply state that a thriving town means a town whose population is increasing. As soon as outsiders see that we are growing outsiders are coming to us. Besides this we are as certain to have great rail road shops as we are to have railroads. These, together with the new. factories bring workmen, workmen bring their jatnilies, families briug trade, and trade brings growth. Col. T. W. Kucker remart ed yester day that he knows that in the course of the next five years theie will be resi dences in Athens as fine as can be seen anywhere iu the state. The dummy line will be started, the park laid out, the streets improved, and the beauty as well as the success of our town is as sured. Some who read this article may smile and regard it as a day dream, but if they will wait five years they wil^find it the most realistic dream of which they have have ever heard. CUTTING SCRAPE, He Goes to Cut his Wheat, Is Pfohibited and Murderously Stabbed, Homeb, Jvint, 17.—Editor Banner: Quite a cutting affray took place in this county last Wednesday. Mack Whitfield went-to work on the farm of Beke.r and Robt. Moss last spring. They sowed some wheat, Whit field was to receive liis share. Later the Moss bovs and Whitfield had a quarrel; Whitfield quit. In the mean time the Moss brothers told Whitfield that he could have his wheat. Last Wednesday he went to cut it. The Moss boys and a negro they had hired named Grant, came upon him in the field. They forbade him to cut the wheat. Words ensued. They tried to close in on Whitfield, but for a while, he kept them at bay. Finally Baker Moss rau around and caught Whitfield. At once the negro, Grant, ran to Moss’ assistance. They held Whitfield, while Kobt. Moss, Baker’s brother, and only fourteen years old, came up behind Whitfield and stabbed him in the hack' three times, with a knife. The parties left him and he fell. But lie managed ts rise to his feet, and. went staggering out of the field; but from loss of blood, he became weak, and fell by tbe road side, where he was found, and taken to his home. At last accounts his physicians had little hope for him. This section is somewhat stirred*up over the matter. At last hearing no arrests had been made. Mack Whitfield is said tohave been a very inoffensi ve man. He has a host of relatives and friends, who, doubtless, wil, see to it that the parties are fairlv and severely dealt with by the law. TO OUR READERS” Malaria or Ague Surely Cured! In this broad assertion, we speak not falsely, but state postively, that these and all miasmatic poisons, cap be radi cally driven from the system,and a per manent cure guaranteed. Thousands of chronic cases, whose testimonials bear evidence, have been cured by our infallible remedy, which contains neih- er quinine, arsenic, or anything injur ious. Full treatment free by old phy sician of highest standing, also trial remedy sent on receipt of address, to ASA1IEL MEDICAL BUREAU, 2‘Jl Broadway, N. Y. may 31dlv. Bold Robbery. A.little negro went into Mr. Taylor Smith’s house Sunday evening,and stole a small amount of money out of a trunk. If those wlio have money or clothing stolen from them will appear, against the thieves it will be broken up. NOTICE. Mr. A. R. Robertson, our Marble and Granite Merchant, says our people make a great mistake in purchasing Marble or Granite Monuments from drummers or traveling agents, with the impression th9t they are doing better than they can here in Athens, Ga. Mr. Robertson says he keeps up with all the new and latest Designs in the Monument business, and will guarantee that his prises are at least ten per cent, lower than any other Mar ble or Granite dealer in the United States; and our people will dfi much better to go and see Mr. Robertson at the Marble yard, when they want to purchase a Marble or Granite Monument, and he will guarantee first-class work at much lower prices than you can get from any other Marble or Granite Dealer in the United States. tf. The republicans of New Jersey are going to try to carry that state next fall by championing the cause of prohibi tion. The prohibition sentiment throughout the state is very strong, and the republicans have determined to take advantage of it. A governor and a leg islature are to be elected. If you are tired taking the large old fashioned griping pills,try Carter’s Lit tle Liver Fills and take some comfort. A man can’t stand everything. One pill a dose. Try them. The policemen in the town of Oklahoma have'begun to shoot each other. As a Promised Land Oklahoma seems to lie a* failure. PIMPLES TO SCROFULA. A Positive Cure for livery Skin, Scalp ami Blood JUiceuse Except Ichthyosis. Psoriasis 8 Years—Head, Arms, and Breast a bond Scab-Back Covered with Sores— Best Doctors aud Medicine Fail- Cured by Cuticura Remedies at - a Cost of $3.75. I have used theCCTici'BA Rkmethes with the best result*, fused two bottle* of the CCTICIKA Resolvent, three boxe* of Cl'TiCCKA, and one cake of Ccticuka Soap, and am cured of terri ble skiu ana scalp disease known a» psoriasis. 1 liad it for eight year*. It would get better aud worse at time*. Sometime* my head would be a solid scab, amt mas at the time 1 began the use of the Cvticvka Remedies. My aims were covered with scabs from my elbows to in* shoul ders, luv breast was almost one solid scab, ami my back covered with sores varying in sue from a penny to a dollar. 1 bad doctoreu w Mu all the best doctors with no relief, and used many dif* ferent medicines without effect. My case was hereditary, ami, I began to tliiuk, incurable, but it began to heal from the first application or CC- TICI'KA. ARCHER RUSSELL, fleshier, Ohio. Skin Disease 6 Years Cured I am thankful to say that I have used the Cr- ticitka Remedies for about eight month* with great success, and consider myself entirely cured of salt rheum, from which I suffered six years. I tried a number of medicine* and two of the best doctors in the country, but found nothing that’would effect a cure until I used your reme dies. MRS. A. McCLAFEIX, Morcttc, Mo. The Worst Case of Scrofula Cured. We have been selling your O'tictk a Remedies for years, and have the first complaint yet to re- ceive from a purchaser. One of the worst cases of Scoofula I ever saw was cured by the use of five bottles of CcTicrnA Resolvent, cctici-ba, ami Cctici xa S©Ar. • TAYLOR & TAYLOR, Druggist*. Frankfort, Kan. Cuticura Remedies Cureevery species of agonizing humiliating,itch ing, burning, scaly, and pimple disease* of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from im pies to scrofula, except possibly ichthyosis. Sold everywhere. I'rice, Cpticuka, 5ue.: .soap 25c.; Resolvent, $1. Prepares bv the Potter Drug and chemical Corporation, Boston. gyScud for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,” 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonial*. PLESblack-heads,' red, rough, chapsed, oily skins prevented by CTTlomX Soap. Eczema, Itchy, Scaly Skin Disease. The simple application of “S WAYNE’S OINTMENT,” without any internal medicine, will cure auy case of Tetter, Salt lihcmn. Ring worm, Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter how ob stinate or long standing. It is potent, effective, and cost* but a trifle. 12-4 Richmond & Danville Raiiroad. Northeastern Division. Condensed Schedule. IN EFFECT JUNE 24tii, 18SS. Trains run by 75tli Meridian time. BETWEEN ATHENS AND ATLANTA- No. El Daily. i Lv. Athens 7:50 a nv.... Ar. Atlanta 12 noon PIM 1 51 Ex. > 6:00 p. s*:lo ]>. Xo. 41 Ex. Sunday I Lv. Atlanta 5:30 p m.j Ar. Athens 10:25 p ml BETWEEN 52 Daily S:0<) a. m. 12:20 noon Xo. 58 Daily. Athens 7:40 a ni Ar. lYasli’iigtii 7:00 am Ar. Xcw York 1:2o p m ATHENS AND THE EAST Xo. 57 Ex. Sun. ...1 6:00 p. -in. ... | 7:45 p nr 6:20 ju m. Pullman Palace Buffet Sleeping cars from Lula to Washington and Xew York Solid trains Lula to Washington BETWEEN ATHENS AND LULA. Southbound Northbound f#m STATIONS ||#||i AJf PM 1*M LV AR,. 00 S 35 1:30 I.ula so 3 55 1050 tiillsville 00 9 1 1105 Mavsville ' 35 it 31 1125 llarmonr Grove 15 •J 51 1145 Nicholson 30 1004 12<K» < 'enter 0 00 1025 1220 Athens " AM! I'M PM AR. LY coolAM) i :5v jit :!*•' ,0:30 |9:lo!-S:55 7:W-|8:55jN:25 6:55 s :2, : ! 7:55 coo 7:00 7:« AM PM Extraordinary Bone Scratching. Herbert Sperry, Tremqnt, 111., liad Erysipelas iu both legs. Confined to the house six weeks. He says; “When I was able to get on ray legs, I had an itching sensation that nearly run nie crazy. I scratched them raw-to the bones, tried everything without relief. I was tormented In this way for two years. I then found Clarke’s Extract of Flax (Papillon) Skin Cure at the Drug Store, used it,and it has cured me sound “and well.” Clarke’s Flax Soap has no equal for Bath and Toilet. Skin Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cents. For sale at all Drugstores. Thirty thousand dollars is a large sum of-money to be represented by three dogs, and the fact that values to that extent were wiped out of existence by the death of three of those animals re cently indicates that the line of invest ment is a precarious one. Mr. G. H. Moore, of Melrose, Mass., is the loser, and lie still has other thousands of dol lars in dogs. Trains Xo. 50 auil 53 will run daily. No. 52,17 and 22 will run daily except Sunday. Trains ran by 75th Meridian time—one hour faster than both Meridian time. L. I>. McCLESKY, .las. L. TAYJ.OR, Div. Pass. Agt. Gen. Pass. Agt. E. BERKLEY, Pupt. Wm. S. WHALEY, M. D. Practitioner of Medicine and Obstetrics. Office corner of Prince and Milledge avenues. Telephone No. 6S. may3md Athens, Ga. Horse, Buggy and Harness ; FOR SALE, For sale, for cash, one of the best Horses, Buggies, and Harness in Ath ens. THE HORSE is sevffn years old,Georgia raised, per fectly gentle and sound, and is as good for saddle as for harness. THE BUGGY was made by Klein «fc Martin a few months ago, and cost $110 cash. THE HARNESS is one of the best sets in Athens, and cost $35. This outfit can he bought en tire, or harness, buggy or horse sepa rate. The turnout can be seen and purchased at Wilson's Livery Stable, Thomas street. HALE SICKLY: .now mm Been CO year* in use and n : the celebrated “ IFUr~ E Sf):t Setvlng-Machlnel ' o at cnee establish trade in all pan*, by placing 1 our machines.]. and foods where th* people ran see them, we will send free so on* person in each locality,tbe erty best sewing-machine made in woald, with all the attachments, will also send free a complete of oar costly and ralunble art tuple*. Iu return we ask that rod .how what we send, to those who may ealt at your home, and after 2 mouths all shall become your own [property. Ibis errand machine is [mads after the Mincer pstonts, t which hare run oat: before patents l run ont It sold for SUB. with the i attachments, and now sells for 'S-.O. Bart, strongest, most are- ■fal machine in the world. All.ts afree. Vo capital required. Plain, brief instructions girco. Those -who write to us at once can se cure free tha best sewing-machine in the world, and the finest Hneof works of high art ever shown together in America. 1., Box — * — * V -".I- FREE? tkle CO. ?40, Augusts*. Maine. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. SYMTOMS—Moisture; intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumor* form, which often bleed and ulcerate, Recoining very uore. BH AYNE’S OINTMENTstop* the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration and in most cases re move* tne tumors. At druggist*, or bv mail, for 00 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, PiiUa'iielphin | Pa. • 12-4. 88.> Solid Gold Watch.' Sold for 8100. until lately, j $aj watch In the world, eel timekeeper. War-J_ ranted. Hcary SoTid Gold Hunting Cues. Doth ladies' and gents' sixes, with work* and cases of equal rslu*. <J«»o Person in each !o- esitiy can secure one free, together with our large andral- ssaole line of House hold Sample*. These samples, a* w-lt as the watch, we send Eree, and idler you bare kept them in your home for 2 months and shown them to those who may hare cal ied, they become your owa proper!.. Those who write at once can be sure of rrcciring the Wntch •n-l Samples. We pay nil express, freight, etc. Address Stiuatm «4s Co., Box 312, Portland, Muiae. McGinty & Hunnicutt, Contractors and Bidders. — Manufacturers of and Dealers in— STANDARD- GUANOS, Brick, Laths, Shingles,White Lead, Mixed Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Builders’ Hardware, Lime, Plaster Paris, and Cement. Scroll Work a Specialty. ALSO' SASH, DOOR AND BLINDS. Proprietors Athens Steam Planing Mills at Northeastern depot. All orders promptly filled and estimates made. Office South street, near Jackson. HARNESS DOWN Knowing that times are dull with the Farmers have determined to put down the price of HARNESS, so that Tift the Farmers can get what they want at greatly reduced prices. This cut in prices is done for the benefit of the Farmers who are in need of such articles as I have on hand. . Call at once if you need anything in the HARNESS LINE and you will he surprised at the great reduction in price. . Ck HAMW1Y, :co Hi pj w. C. &R.W -ATHENS ga 1 e l E<1 tic.ii Kami, &, j tton rcnyontille . guaranteed. with competent assistantsIV’.7 3 JBGFSendjor Circular, ,h ° n 5oj WORM sytes can’t be relreved SSSraga&SS tfti* reliable 9-12W ASHLEY PHOSPHATE COMPANY. CHARLESTON, S. C. Soluble Guano, highly ammoniated; Dissolved Bone, highest grade,Acid Phosphate, for Composting; Ash Element, for Cotton, Wheat, Peas, etc.; Cotton and Corn Compound; Small Grain Specific; Genuine LeopOidshaU Kaini’f Gen uine Floats, of highest grade, product of the Due Atomizet, Cotton Seed meal, Daiova Scotia Lind Plaster: -South Carolina Marl; Ground Row Bone, Ground Driedi31ood; Ground Dried Fish. The above Fertilizers are very High Grades and of Uniform Quality. They are rich in Amonia, Phosphorin Acid and Potash, and are compound ed with a special view to the wants of our Staple Crops, and to the permanent improvement of the soil. Special Formulas made to order of best material. Special inducements are efiered for Cash orders by the Car Load. For Terms, Primtes, Colored Cards, etc., address, Asliley Phosphate Company, Charleston, S. C. IIS When children pick their j] are restless, unnatural in the', quite likely troubled with ures should be taken and B.aT.V'*?! tYonVah^f® b S given SS? ttons it has saved many » i-hi^CT The nUYiitoum issued March , each year. It j, J clopedia of u ,4; tnation for nil chnse the luirr,ti — necessities ofiit, can clothe you and fumii? e~l the necessary and urj appliances to ride, walk, dan eat, fish, hunt, work, go to or stay at home, aud in vi r» styles and quantities .Tustfi rSSrr : odoal: CQriF&FiTAcLlf. and you can El ormvo of t he , ualua 01 'as B GUIDE, which will bo receipt of 10 cents to Vil-114 Michigan A i-ottite. chi PIANOS THEO. MARKWALTER’S STEAM Marble and Granite "Works. BROAD STREET, Near Lower Market. AUGUSTA, GA. He irk, Doeiestie and imported, at Low Prices Georgia & South Carolina Granite Monuments made a Specialty. A large selection of Marble and Granite Work always on hand, ready ter lettering and deliver Parties Desiring Moments or Work Apply te ANBRW BOSS A? Athens Cemetery. The Largest Stoek of Carriages, Spring and Farm Wagons in the South. Standard Wagon Company, H. L. ATWATER, Manager. 35, 37, 30, 41, 43, 45 and 47 W. Alabama Si., Atlanta, Ga. Write for Prices,; gj; . Gome and See Os. Manufacturers of General Agents for V McLear & Kendall Fine Landaus, Victorias; Rockaways, T. Carts, etc. •Goods to the Trade at Manufacturers’ Prices. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS* p. 0 . BOX 354- Harness, Every Style and Variety; Whlpaand Lap Robes. 30 000 Square Feet of Flooring covered with Vehicles. Near Constitution and opposite Maddox, Rucker & Co. I/BSM.K CLEARANCE SALE JUNE o a U G . I 88 9-- ; ORGANS Worth* . Piano* anti ftp, Mutt be CloMfc by Auguit I, New,Hearlj Utr, Prime Semi-i TAKEN IN tlCI and mad. to in otu refiirfettqj MUST 8EU! I Can’t hold than Ion CaA Pricu! hu) Ji Write lot BMpioS LUDDEN&t SAVANNAH, Ctl to $250. 00 teiSP Carriages, Buggies, Hoad Carts,' Spring and Farm Wagons. $75.' ing for us. Ageu s juTfeired who cash !t horse and give their whole time to l" Snare in<mie>it* may In* gro-italilr n, afro. A few vacancies in towns an*l tiiit'l F. JOHNSON* & CO., lvit-1) Main rite* I mond, Va. X. B.—Please Pl ate age ami burin**® cnee. Never mind about scuffing rt»w?w| ply. B. F.-L&ro. PlPCt’.l HKMEP7 for cm*** I give* immediate relict. < atm™ virus is soon t.vpelloti front tnesj tern, aud the diseased action of U» mucous membrane is replaced U healthy secretions. " The dose Is small. One contains a sufficient quantity Rtf • | long treatment. satum A Cold In the Head is reli««BJf am application of f’iso's reni“f® Catarrh. The comfort to MJJJ from it In this way is worth TtW times its cost Easy and pleasant tons®, ,, Price, 50 cents. Sold tydrw a I or sent by mail. £. Y. HAZKLTMta W«rsi. B MDRS.SASH3 Athens -And- Foundry MACHINE WORKS, ATHENS, GERA.GO Manufacturers of Iron and Brass Castings, Mill and Machinery Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers and Baxes, Cotton Presses, Cane ' - vw-jiVjfoi. -nrrrM^iMar hihsii , Mills and Evaporators, Cotton Seed Crushers and Circular.Saw 3®"We sell the Atl as Steam Engine,Jin jectors, Jet Pumps Valves, Piping and Steam Packings, Water Wheels and Belting Cloth. We have competent mill-rights and will send them out and’erect mills anywhere; in the,, country can furnish estimates. rs. x ,.„ Wri l e . t0 us or call and sec us for anythTng’yoiTmay need about your aDist Mill or Gm. Address . ATHENSIFOUNDRT AND MACHINE WORKS, I uHiE Athens,jGeorgia. .'Cores 1b . I TO 6 DATS. «(Md art t sStrUur*. rut Cluxksi & Cincinnati, Ohio. Trade Lil atuiKi-L' •lire of 0« „ „leeL IP feelwleisK ir-Bg PRlC*.*ji| Sold Bf HO m£ WH MITCHELL’ 8 lYE-SAl| SORE, WEAK, & IHFWfH hd raweraa qfick belief do ( Also, equally efficacious wne j fcTe r. maladies, such o« Uleev*. g g Timor*, Salt Kheatc. ^ Sold by all Dr u*«hri 8 ^