Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, July 02, 1889, Image 1

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[if HOTEL, — "j ■ t ATHENS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING JULY 2, 1889. {o Capt. Thomas. in of tte Hour and for Mis Great Work. iHIIAMEfiltEK 1IIAT THEG., I.V.N., ILL BE BUILT. imrEHS HASS MEETWG OH TUESDAY NEXT. ffe*tern Connection lor Athens via. Jefferson. Almost Assured~A Bed Letter Day m Sight for the Classic City. Xow let our popular fellow towns- Capt.'W'* W. Thomas come for- i,nl anil start his new hotel project. is the man of the hour, and has he confidence of both capitalists and iisincss men. The name of Capt. W. Thomas connected with any enter- rise insures its success, for he can ontr*l all the means necessary. lie is now to he a level-headed, safe business nan, and is peculiarly fitted for this -rctf work in behalf of his city. This Gentleman stated that when he nas assured of the building of the Geor in, Carolina and Northern Railroad to Athens that lie would see that his city hail a first-class hotel, and there is now in longer room for doubt. The bonds have been sold, the money grade and equip the entire line is o\v in the hands of trustees, and of curse it is to the interest of the com* iny to have the road in operation as non as possible, for every day’s delay a loss of interest to them. Again, there is no possible chance low to defeat this road. The first Mortgage bonds of the G., C\ & N. re sold e<mdhioned*uf)on the build ing of the line, which is the most- im irtnut part of the contract. Tlii4 i >o guaranteed by two of the stronges uni most sul vent railway companies in our country, and the father of the largest hanking house in America is also pledged to these bond purchasers. To abandon the G^CL N. at this time would be a violation of tlic : con- is , necessary that we have a hotel worthy of our; city and the age, when strangers visit us with the intention of locating or investing, we must'make* a favorable impression npon them. Every one admits thajfc Athens stands sadly in need of a hotel building that will do credit to our city and the age in which we live. Fifty or one hundred thous and dollars would erect a modern build ing, aud this sum our citizens will cheerfully contribute it the right man will take the lead. That man is Capt. W. W. Thomas, and in the name of his eitj r and liis people, we calf upon him him to step forws^d arid head the movement. There is hot an hour to be lost. In a few months the trains on- the G., C. & X. , will he whistling in our ears, and we must be ready to receive the visitors that they will bring us. Even if dirt was broken on the new hotel to-mor row, we doubt if it can be completed by the time this new railroad reaches us. We want to see Capt. Thomas at the Citizens meeting next Tuesday night, with a plan formed for building Ath ens a new hotel. In ten day’s time he can raise all the money necessary. But the G., C. & X., is not the only road now assured to Athens. Before the summer is over we have rea son to believe that- the Georgia road will give our city a westertfjeonneetion via the Marietta and North Georgia Railroad, which line is bt|ng rapidly- graded to Knoxville, Tenn. We know that the officers of this road are serious ly considering this extension, for it is the only tiling that will check the building of the Augusta and Chatta nooga. We have good reason. to pre dict that this western road will be com pleted nearly as soon as the G., C. & X. reaches here. We are not at liberty to publish all that We know about the latter line, hut feel safe in assuring our Jefferson friends that they now have IMPORTANT R. R. NEWS. THE GEORGIA TO CONNECT WITH THE C. & M. Directors Looking Over the Gronud—A Union Depot Highly Probable For Athens—The Western Connection Favorably Considered. Judge Win. M. Reese, representative of the Georgia Railroad., was in Athens yesterday in conference with the local directors. Judge Reese’s business here was to arrange for connecting the Geor gia Railroad with the Covington and Macon, to facilitate the trausfer of through freight. These gentlemen yes terday evening went over the ground, and it is understood that they have de cided on a route by which the two roads can he connected, but until a right of way has been secured, of course, their plans will he kept as a secret. One proposition is to run down the Oeonee river to the Hodgson property, and work up to tlieC. & M. track some where near the cemetery. Another plan is to connect by passing through Lick Skillet, the two roads passing near the Northeastern depot. Either of these routes are entirely prac ticable. • This movement tends to the estab lishment of a Union depot in our city, and it is of great importance. The G., C. & X. will enter on the C. & M. grade, and when the Georgia road moves up aU of these lines doubt less will unite and build a first class union depot, from which all passenger trains will depart. It is rumored that Judge Reese is in hearty sympathy with-the proposition for the Georgia Road to build a western connection from ; Athens via Jefferson to Gainesville, and to tap the M. & X. G. road. The building of this line will be a most important and necessary move ment on the part of the Georgia road, as it will tend to destroy all hopes of the Augusta and Chattanooga. Judge Reese is one of the clearest headed and soundest business men on the Georgia Railroad directory, and his endorsement of this new line will have great effort. Mr. H. K. Nicholson and His Refrigerator Process. While in Ailantaa few days since The Baxxer editor dropped in to see his friend Mr. Homer K. Nicholson, formerly of Athens, and was carried through the establishment over which he presides. It will be remembered that Mr. Nieh? olson has gone into the business of fur nishing cold storage for fresh meats aud any manner of perishable articles or merchandise, and has met with great success. Like all new ventures there is a good deal of vexation in this busi ness, and it takes time to perfect it; hut Mr. Nicholson’s experience has been a happy one. Daily, car loads of Kansas A1HENS MKT. better prospect forgetting railroad con nection with Athens than ever before— and again, they will be directly on the route of a great Western trunk line. We must have that new hotel. It will not detract from lhe£ business of the two houses now here, for the in creased travel brought by, "the new lail- oads wRl more than support it. Here tofore no .one came to Athens unless he had business in our city. With one or morfe great trunk lines passing through; trM with the bond purchasers, arid the onboard and Roanoke and * ** tqwn Broi^J' IflJSjtfgSS' • •:t.4on Roads, as also the Bri^w frs, would lay themselves open‘ to a *nrt for damages by the- bondholder^ Ibis money received from the bond sale annot lie put to any other use, for the njOTPiiicnt says-it is to he ’devoted tdl-A -PLEASANT RESORT IN THE building a line between Monroe, X. €., Atlanta, Gaand neither can'it he repaiil under thirty years. it is impossible to have a stronger security that an enterprise will he car- rit( * through. Grading is commenced mi many roads, when their route is banged to some other point, or a rival company buys them up and the pro- j'et is abandoned. But in the ease of the 0., 0. & x., it is quite different. * * u ‘ ll, oney to grade and equip the en- '‘ re '' nt ‘ is now in the hands of the pro jectors of this great railway, and the frith and credit of two wealthy corpo- nitions, and a strong hanking house, Ule bound in the contract. A man who ls not now convinced that the G., C. & a’., will be speedily completed to Ath- >ns '* opuairily beyond the reach of ar gument. i *vy " e believe that by next summed this “tire line will be in operation. There 18110 occasion for delay, as ready cash "ill accomplish almost anything in this •fry and generation. The Birmingham Memphis and Kansas City Railroad ! '"e ,00 miles long and traversing a V( r .v rough and broken country—was ' 0lll l'frfed in-one year, from the time the ^^ineerR were in the field. The sur '*‘1 °f the G., C. & X., bus been made ■fr miles are built and in operation, and •‘H that ig necessary now is for the con ductors to go to work, anath** line of Sl,rv «y will soon he dotted with hands. lonieettlie new boom that thebuild? ln K of this road will bring to Athens, it Capt^boinf^tlKp 97*$% iw Athens » j>o^Aurimd~nnon yon.■ We want at riew hoter, antl^od are the' man to mi '■* MOUNTAINS.: What & Company of Athenian Gentlemen Will Do—A Game Preserve an< Club House Above Tallulah. A party of gentlemen from this city, headed by Col. W. J. Morton, Mr. C W. Baldwin and Capt. J. K. Cox, hare arranged to erect a srimmer home on the Chattooga river, about six miles distance from Tallulah Falls, to which they can repair during the siilty sum mer months and hunt, fish and while away their idle hours. A little , rural Arcadia has been se lected for this resort. On a rolling strip of ground near the banks of the Chattooga,they will erect a three-room club house. At the door is a bold spring af the purest freestone water; a beautiful little Inountain towers at the rear, while on tlie right is a rippling brook. By laying a pipa 150 yards spring water can he placed all through the building, with a fall of 30 feet. The river abounds in the finest fish, and. for a distance of ten miles can be naviga ted with sail boats. The woods are full of game, while the surrounding country will supply the tourists with produce for the table. The fish caught here are very fine, and a cat makes as nice a meal as a trout caught in the southern waters. The land is owned by an old man named Pitts Vandiver, who has kindly consented to let these gentlemen have full use of this property for 99 years, without any remuneration, and .also grants them preserves over the neigh boring mountains and streams. „ It;will certainly be a delightful re treat, and the tourists are to be envied. Next week a delegation will go up from Athens to close the business and let out the contract for the iclub house, will be. furnished with cots, enough accommodate forty persons. A GREAT INVENTION: R0UDAB0UT RAMBLES. A REPORTER'S WORK. Athens at Mid-day—Trials of a Newspa- paper Man—No News to be Found— A Happy Contented People. In the full blaze of a noonday sun a |'Baxxer reporter was strollingup Broad street yesterday anxiously looking for a news item. But not an item was to be found. Stopping at the hook store corner he leaned against the lamp post and eager ly scanned the faqe of each passer-by to see if it were possible to discover there any trace of any unusual occurrence. City and Chicago beef are stored with I But no; each face was calm and placid him, while in other compartments are and its bearer was evidently satisfied kept all kinds of fruit, butter, etc. with everything in general, and with Through thisjirocessyoii can keep goods | bimgelf in part ieular. Every now and then he would see something which made him hope that an item was at hand, but alas! like the apples of Tantalus it was quickly drawn nice and fresh for months or years, as any desired temperature can he had. The process is by the use cf ammonia, with pipes passing through the build ing the same as in an ice factory. The only trouble heretofore lias been awa Y* to confine the ammonia, as it is as He saw two dainty looking girls trip- dangerous as dynamite. A few months ping along the streets, merrily laugli- eiuee a Cincinnati brewery had pipes ing, and every now and then eyeing placed in their stables, to keep down some passer hy with a glance of mod- the temperature for their stock. One | e st curiosity. The reporter’s heart day, however, one of these pipes burst, and before the horses could be removed tlic ammonia killed eighteen head, and several men had narrow escapes. But now it is discovered that pipes sufficiently strong to hold ammonia can be made, and Mr. .Nicholson has no trouble whatever. The big profit in this business is to buy fruit and vegetables when they are cheap, place them in a cold storage room, and when the season has passed to sell at a big profit. Mr. Nicholson leaped within him. Here at last is some thing to write about. These are evi dently two new arrivals, and surely visitors as beautiful as they deserve half ;a column of newspaper notice. Turning to a by stande’r he learned that these ladies had been in town two weeks, and that at least three distinct notices of them had appeared in The Baxxer. The reporter sighed as he heard the names, and remembered that he had himself described them more ly staring, tl.eie came to his mind mem irles of a far distant past wjp>re he used to sometimes read hooks, and here- membered that in -some of those books he had seen a' passage which read something like this: “Blessed is the nation that has no history.” He began to idly wonder if the town which has no news is also blessed. Some how the thought revived him. He raised up and looked around again. As before he shw no news item, lint lie did see &■ busy street full of busy bustling peo ple. # • Each man and each woman had some definite object in view. Each looked happy and contented. Aud the entire tow n looked prosperous and well con ditioned. And even to the poor news famished reporter it was a pleasant sight. f here was nothing of a sensation here; there were no bank robl*eries, no murders, no hangings, no heart rending' tales of woe, in fact nothing whio would do for a big head line in th« morning paper, hut there was a gonet- eral spirit of contentment and happi ness, a general air of “well to do ness” about the entire scene, which was far better than sensations and three liuc- heads. And the reporter turned away say ing to himself “yes blessed is the city that has no news.” this week went to Southwest Georgia to | t] lun once as “beautiful and charming.” buy a lot 6f pears, on which he expects to clear $15,000 l.y next winter. By this cold storeage process we can have fruit and vegetables at any season of the year just as fresh as the day they were gathered. It is certainly a groat discovery, aud is destined to come into general use. It is now being rapidly perfected. Report of Memorial Committee of Martin Institute. Tom' comtnittee beg leaVS to report that previous to the organization of the I others greed He consoled himself W'ith the thought, however, that any one who read liis notice and then saw the young ladies would give.even a newspaper man the credit .for occasionally telling tlie truth. Presently his attention was attracted by two small colored hopefuls who were quarrelling over an apple. Each claimed the round rosy hall, and each was loud in his denunciations of the “Good, good! a fight,” The Big Boom Already Striking Real Estate Wiybin the last ten days there has been a wonderful increase in the de mand for Athens dirt, arid our people are at last begining to realize the value of their possessions. A few months ago you could not sell property in this city lor anything like its value, hut now it is taken rip as fast as offered. A num her of parties have been quietly at work trying to get control of the choice slices of real estate, but they met with in creased demand that is surprising. A few years-ago Mr. W. S. Holman paid the late Mr. L. J ."Lumpkin $1,00Q for twenty-eight acres of land ’ beyond ‘Rock-College, and outside the incorpo rate limits of our city. A few mouths ago he ottered ft for $2,000. Last Week a purchaser offered $3,500 for this laud, hut Mr. Holman demanded $4,000. * He now says that not a cent less than $5,000 will buy it. Dr. Wade ?purchased a place on Prince avenue for $5,000 a few years ago, He has sold off $3,000 worth of lots, and has remaining property that Will to-dav bring in the neighborhood of $10,000.“ Mrs. Colbert owns' several small houses opposite Cooper’s old livery stable. It is valued at! $3,500. Last Friday this lady refused a first offer of $5,000 for this property, and holds it at $10,000. Mrs. Frierson demands the same price for her lot. Mr. J. G. Edwards bought the Clay ton House a few months ago for $7,500 To-day not a cent less than $12,000 will touch it. These are only a few instances of the great rise in real estate in our city. Suburban lands are in especial demand and so soon as the land company is formed, you are going to see Athens property take a tremendous upward bound. To show the growth of our city and its future, Mrs. Bishop has just demol ished a handsome two story brick busi ness block, recently enlarged and re modeled. to put a more modern aud finer,structure on the site. In the next ten years yon are going to see some magnificent business houses and resi dences go up in Athens. almost shouted the reporter, as he quickly brought forth his pencil and note hook, preparatory to getting dots | for a great sensation, but the young wretches just then cut the apple in half, and each went his way contentedly the Alumni Association, no formal Ire- cords were kept of the dead alumni; hence if time and occasion permitted, it would he impossible for your com mittee to make a proper report or me morial of such loved and lost. Since tlse organization of this aSsoci- I munching liis share ation, as we find, twelve of its members The rirest fallen man of the pencil have been called from the labors of life Arid ; note hook dropped helplessly to tlie rest and pleasures of a higher and against tlie lamp post and waited, holier existence; * After some fifteen or twenty minutes Though it would be a labor of love to of phrensied staring on all sides, he saw write out suitable memorials al- a farmer driving a span of very verdant lowed at this meeting, 'would not be mules toward the Broad street foun sufficient to hear a tithe, or even a tain. Oh blessed fountain, not only of liousandeth of the, good things., our cooling Athfens city water/ but als* of hearts,would indite for them. many a news item,* how can- I thank Your committee would therefore only thee ? I know that thou art now go- epovt tli.q,names of the last ones, and ing to fiimish'me withja sensation. Once give Way to their friends, for which a [more the pencil waved in the air, and few moments are hereby requested to the leaves of the note book ill uttered in givAbrief expression to the thoughts the,noonday breeze. And sure enough arid feelings suggested by this Oeeft-! the unties did get frightened. Theii* srOri. ’ ‘I long ears were, pointed forward, their Let it he resolved ais the sense of this frout/feet ^rmly .planted, and they Association that a blank, page he re? I-sank back- on their haunches. The served in our records and that, the ! long whip’ cracked loudly, and the names be put thereon, as a mark of re- frightened animals leaped forwardwith spect aud as a memorial of them. la great lunge that made the chains, rat- J.W. Glkxx, Chairman. -: tie and the single trees cracker, and True extracts from the minutes of 1 again they halted quivering and terri- the Martin Alumni Sooieiy, (fifed. “Oh joy, joy!” screamed the re- B. Pendergrass, A. A. Bell, President. Secretary. MEMORIAL TO OUR DEAD. “To live in hearts We love is not to die.” “This is a big one, ain’t it?” said a little 14-year-old Wayeross girl who was helping two negroes to f ‘muddy’’ a stream Thursday for fishing purposes held up the largest and ugliest looking moccasin ever seen in Georgia. The ne groes were horrified to see the reptile coil around the little miss’ arm and drive its fangs again in her hand. The, child only laughed. The negroes fin ally killed the snake, put lard and tobac co on the wounds, and the girl is all right. ? The Cologne Gazette says that the Russian overtures for a convention with Turkey to insure Turkish neutrality in the event of war have baen rejected. our tPead. S. P. Thurmond, Athens, Ga. Gustavus J. Orr, Atlanta, Ga. Mary C. Lester, Gumming, Ga. John Merritt, Gainesville, Ga. porter, too much agitated to control himself any longer. “They are going to run away and I will have an ■ item, I will.” But just then thp farmer’s determi nation gave way, he pulled the left rein and the animals quietly walked down Broad street as though there were no fountains and no wretched reporters in the world. Imagine the dismay of the Olnia Hancock, nee Ross, Jefferson } I reporter. Too much horrified to speak G& Pearl Agnes McGarity, Jefferson, Ga. Maud Webb, nee Randolph, Jeffer son, Ga. •Dr. W. A. Watson, Jefferson, Ga. Minnie McCoy, Jefferson, Ga. Alice Mabry, Jefferson, Ga. Eliza Dickson, Jefferson, Ga. Ellen Echols, nee Pittman, Bellton, I Ga. he could only grasp the lamp post, and in an agony of despair he almost buried his fingers in the unyieldiugiron. He stood there almost in a comatose state, his lower jaw drooping, his dis hevelled hair falling over his blindly staring eyes. He saw nothing, he heard nothing. His muscles gradually re laxed, the note book and pencil drop ped from his nerveless grasp. He was like one who has struggled against death, until he feels its icy fingers and Two Prominent Alllaneemen. Col. A. F. Pope and Hon. Geo. T. i . ,, . ■ ■■, \ ° - ti An Murrell two prominent members of the then 2111 stru S , e cea ^es,and he gives way Farmers’ Alliance were in the city yes- to a ^ u11 de£ul “ IS P a,r - So long as the terday. They paid a call to the office poor reporter had seen any possibility of The Banner and gave us a very of getting news he had been miserable pleasant talk on matters in general ’and for tinfe was ruthlessly marching on These and with the morrow’s sun there must gentlemen, like all the members of tjhat Qr .„- flr . great association, are verv confident of , P J . ‘ n ° Banner, and for its future. They believe that its or- l. th at lSsiie new^' inust be gotten, and he ganization marked an era in the history mustgctlt * He had striven nobly of the farmers of Georgia,and that hard vain, and now he simply yielded times for the farmers belong altogether to blank diepair. Oftimes when we are to the most wretched our thoughts go wan- A man who can’t sing and wijl sing derin S away to things utterly irrele- TO THE U. S. SUPREME COURT. Opinion of a Lawyer in Regard to the Woolfolk Case. One of the most prominent lawyers* of Lexington, Ga. was talking yester-- * day of the great Woolfolk trial. He be lieves, and says that he has reason to* believe that Tom Woolfolk will never be hung until Col. Rutherford has tak en his case to the Supreme court of tlie United States. It seems that one great case which had many features in common with the Woolfolk case was finally settled by the decision of this, court. There <*ertainly does seem to be resort to believe that this will he the final method of disposing ot the case unless Col. Rutherford gets a favorable de cision from the Superior court of the State. This is tlie most remarkable case that lias ever been tried in Georgia., In the flrrt place the crime committed was be yond all comparison, the most horrible- piece of butchery ever committed in our state, and indeed probably the most terrible in the criminal records o£ the country. It is possible that bad the rime been less horrible the accused would have long since executed. But its very enormity keeps ,|! many from: believing Woolfolk guilty, and thought the twelve jurors in the ease have brought In tlieir verdict to , that effect they have by no means carried the nrianimous opinion of the people with them. Immediately after tlie crime was committed at a time when men’s blood is generally wrought, to ,@t\cli a fever heat that the slightest suspicion resting upon a man is sufficient to cause his summary execution', at such H time as this even, there was very little talk of lynching, aud many have expressed themselves of the ; opinion that his transfer to the Fulton county jail was an unnecessary precaution. Men have simply stood aghast not knowing what to believe. . . . ;j .. < .. There is certainlyone man who firm ly believes that Woolfolk is innocent,, and that man is Col. John Rutherford, his lawyer. When he took the case there were many who disapproved his action, but,Col. Rutherford has shown by liis untiring labor and bis intense earnestness that he has taken the case of a man, whom he believes to be inno cent, and whom he therefore thinks should be freed. He has given up eve rything else. He has sacrificed his pleasure and his other business and has thown his whole mind and soul into this one case. His health has been very much impaired by the constant work and great anxiety, and in addi tion to all this he has received as a fee for all this enormous work and self sacri fice only $2,500. -Doubtless it will be a surprise to many to hear this, and yet such is the'easel What will be his final reward for it all, mrist remain a ques- has a depressing effect on the value of vant to the cause of our misery, and culture Henderson is having the matter real estate in his locality. ' as'this wrAtehAii «um *tonri w* wSm. investigated. as this wretched man stood here wild Ore thing now seems- certain, howev er, and that is that the case .will not be settled for several years yet to come un less it is sectled in tlie prisoner’s favor. Col. Rutherford has' determined to press the matter to the last ’ditch, and he has already given good evidence that with him there is no such cry as enough. A strange disease has broken onfc among the Clay county mutes, and many aredying. Commit s’ of Agri- hu. k- JjU . -f C ; jy|tt|ggggjg|| 0flkPP r £'