Athens weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1891, July 02, 1889, Image 2

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IP mS. . IA, JULY 2, 889. ALL SETTLED! Latest News i rom tfee G., C. & N.‘ Road. THE BONDS ADVERTISED FOR SALE. Let Athens Row Prepare for a Great Boom. NEW HOTEL AND LAND PAKY. COM- COPY OFTHEOFFICIALCIRCULRR firms tlie goo Howell’s te ►nveyeil in Mr. w _ m ISSUE OF $ First Mortgage 5 per cent. Gold Bonds of tlie Georgia, iCab^mka -akd Northejix Railway Company. Dated July l, 1889, and Maturing July 1,1929. llalf-yearly interest Cou pons, payable 1st. January and 1st July, in the city of New York or the city of Bal timore, at theoption of the holder. MERCANTILE TRUST AXP DEPOSIT CO. OF Baltimore, Trustee. Coupon Bonds of $1,000 each to bearer, with the privilege of registration of Principal. Both . principal ^ and interest'. payable in United States Gold Coin, without deductin f“r United States, State or Municipal Tax. Principal and Interest uncondition ally Guaranteed by the Seaboard and"Roanoke R. It. Co., and Raleigh and Gaston R. R. Co., Jointly and Severally, such guarantee being endorsed on each Bond. The undersigned having purchased the entire issue of the above Bonds, otter them for sale at tlie price of 97?i payable July 2nd next, at which time it is expected tlie Bonds will be ready for delivery, but if not, negotia ble receipts will be issued exchangeable t © n for the Bonds, when engraved. Tlie Trustee will receive the pro ceeds of the Bonds, and will pay them out only in terms of the contract be tween the purchasings houses and the Railway Company, dated May 20, 1889, copies of which may be seen at the Up Goss The Banner Rooster! The Senboard and Roanoke Railroad, which is the parent company of this system, terminates at the city of Ports mouth, Va., upon a series of extensive wharves and docks, and enjoys so large and profitable a traffic that, after rav ing for many years 10 jier cent, per an- uuni in dividends to its stockholders, it 1ms accumulated a surplus property J*f over $1,270,000. This is represented in part by the ownership of a majority of ■"■.he shares in the “Raleigh and Gaston Railroad,” which in iis turn controls, by stock ownership, the Raleigh and .A ugusta Air Line Railroad. The Sea board and Roanoke and Raleigh anil Gaston Railroads together own, control by stock and bond ownership, the Car olina Central Railroad. The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad holds also large interests in the Old Dominion Steam ship Company and in the Baltimore Steam packet company. The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad operates its own line,83 miles in length, and, by lease, the Roanoke and Tar Riv er Railroad, 34 miles in length. The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad op erates its own line, 98 miles in length, and bv lease, the Louislmrg Railroad, 10 miles in length. It also controls by the ownership of a majority of the stock the Durham and Northern Rail road, 421A miles in length. 1 • The Raleigh and Augusta Air- Line Railroad operates its own line, 107 miles in length, and the Pittsboro Railroad, 12 miles, and the Carthage Railroad, 10 miles in length. The Carolina Central Railroad oper ate its own line, 287 miles in length. The following figures tak en from th* annual re ports of the companies, clearly show that for a number of years past the net earnings of the Seaboard and Roanoke and Raleigh and Gaston Railroads have been largely in excess of the amount required to meet the entire interest charge on the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company’s bond. THROUGH THE SUICIDE DEA’ gSS&SgiSS IN JACKSON COUNTY, TH OF MBS. JAMES Mc- LOCKLIN. r~ offices of the underigned. * ... - The Bonds area First Mortgage upon ’ under their guarantee; and it will be Yesterday the following dispatch was received in Athens from a well in formed gentleman of New York: ‘‘The Brown Brothers, of London, New York and Baltimore, have to-day advertised the bonds of the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railroad. This makes the completion of the road to Athens dead certain.” The party who sent this dispatch is President Howell, of the Athens Water Works, to Capt. Burnett. Tiiis information removes the last the Railroad, its terminals and equip ment. The Capital Stock of the Company is owned by the Seaboard and Roanoke and Raleigh and GastmuRailroad Com panies, The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway, when completed, will run from Monroe, in North Carolina, to conceded without argument that the business of the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway will add largely to the revenues of the Seaboard and Roan oke, and Raleigh and Gaston Railroads, and other roads controlled by them. Average surplus yearly net earnings of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company Atlanta, the Capital of Georgia, a i ! ‘* nce l§8o, after paying all fixed distance of 2CS miles, about 44 miles charges - - - - $266,29o being already in successful operation. Average surplus yearly net For further information as to the po sition and prospeets of the Georgia, Carolina and Nortlie Railway Company and the .two guaranteeing Companies, we beg to refer to the letters annexed. The Bonds cannot be redeemed prior to their maturity. Copies of the Bond, Mortgage and Lease may be examined at our officts. We recommend these Bonds as a very particle of doubt about the building of desirable investment. The subscription will be opened at the thi, important road, and our people had office8 of the Undersigned on the morn- just as well prepare for the. boom ready to burst upon our city. The Brown Brothers are the wealth iest and most infiuential bankers in America, and when they undertake an enterprise there is no such word as fail. These capitalists took hold of the Cov ington and Macon road when one end of it was fastened in Macon and the other Hopping in the air, and built it At once to Athens. They can eom- siranil unlimited money, and it is only a question of time when the trains will be running into Athens over this • new road. It Is said that by the first of - August contracts to grade the road will the Jet out all along the line, from Ath ens to Chester, and with unlimited money, it does not take long these days to finish a railroad. We would not be surprised to see the trains running into Athens over the G., C&N., by this time next year. Now that this important road is an assured faet, it is high time that our citizens were up and moving. ’ They must be ready to take possession of the earnings of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company since 1883, after paying all' fixed charges 183,067 $449,362 Interest on present issue of $5,360,000, Georgia; Carolina and Northern Railway Compa ny’s 5 per cent, bonds - - - 268,000 ing of Monday, June 24th, and close at. noon, Wednesday, Sune 26th. Allot ments will be made as promptly as pos sible thereafter. The right is .reserved to reject appli cations, to close the subscription earliei than the said date, and to allot smaller amounts than those applied for. Application will be made to list these Bonds on the New York, Baltimore and London Stock Exchanges. A simultaneous issue of these Bonds, will be made in Loudon to-day by Messrs. Brown, Shirley & Co.- Alexander Brown. & Son. Cor Baltimore and Calvert St.,Balt. Brown Brothers & Co., 59 Wall St., New York. J. Kennedy Tod & Co., 45 Wall St, New' York. Baltimore and New York, June 24, 1889. Gkoqia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company, President’s Of fice, . Athens, Ga., June 11, 1889. Messrs. Alexander Brown & Son. Baltimore, Md. Gentlemen: The Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway was projected for the purpose of extending the system of railroad known as the “Seaboard Air Line.” This Company is constructing a line of first- class railroad for the town of Monroe,in Ihe-State of North Carolina, through the State of South Carolina, to the city of Atlanta, in the State of Georgia, a distance of about. 268 miles. This rail- Surplus - $181*362 The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company and the Rahleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, by the large invest ments they have already taken in the sulK>rdina*tc securities of the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Com pany, and by the further guarantee of the principal and interest upon the whole issue of Georgia, Carolina and Northern bonds, give the best proof of their faith and interest in the under taking. I am, gentlemen, Yours Respectfully Jxo. M.'Robinson, President Seaboard and Roanoke, Ra leigh and Gaston, Raleigh and Au gusta Air Line and Carolina Cen tral Railroad Companies. THAT SNAKE DOCTOR. . road is being lmilt in the most snb- new territory to be opened up , to us, | stantial manner, 60-pound steel rails, and have homes ready and stores with minimum curvatures and gra- ,. dients. It is completed to the town of erected for the new citizens and mer- I Chester, 44 miles, and has been located chants that are soon to flock here. I ® n ^* re distance, with almost all the . rights of way obtained either by pur- Ihe first thing we want is a fine hotel, chase or subscription. The route lies that will do credit to our city. Athens through oneofthebest settled and most productive districts of the South, with has now two excellent hotels, but they several important towns upon its line are not such buildings as the age de- u Ches- b . ° ter (3,500), Clinton (1,500), Greenwood mands. (3,000), Abbeville (3,000), Elberton Who will step forward ,n<l take the| outefea^l'otion of 80,- lead in this matter ? Then Athens wants a land company, and rapid transportation to every sec tion of the city. On the 17th of July the street rail road will be sold. The plant iA worth 000, and is the largest distributing point and railroad centre .of the Southern States. I am confident that tlie Geor gia, Carolina and Northern Railway, when completed, will not only easily earn interest upon all its Bonds, but will also pay handsome dividends to its Stockholders; for it will enjoy the large local traffic of a most productive coun- I ant, Gentlemen, Yours respectfullv. R.F. HOKE, Prtaidtnt Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company. A Negro Man From Texas Gives a Small Exhibition on Our Streets. Dr. Henry Jackson, a colored indi vidual who says he is from the wilds of Texas, arrived in the city this week. The Doctor has with him what he calls *‘an educated rattle snake” which lie says ean do many strange things and will obey him the same as a child, and can even pull a wagon. He attracted considerable attention in Mr.Mark Dan iel’s store, and after a small amount had been collected from the crowd,took the snake (which is an unusually small one) out of the box and puts him back again. This was the extent of the ex hibition, and the crowd disappeared terribly sold. Dr. Jackson says he travels for medi cine, which he guarantees will cure anything in the world except consump tion, and one well directed lick from the snake will do that. The doctor says he has followed the Indians for many years, and is now willing for a norminal sum to give mankind the benefit of his learning. He is anxious fyr the public to under stand that he is no believer in “voodoo- ism,” but is a prominent medicine man, who is doubtless without glory abroad as well as iu his own country. His presence has attracted the attention of all the negroes, who look upon him with wonder. He will remain in the city as long as his snake will take with the crowd, after which he will seek greener fields. Tha Rash Deed of an Insane Woman—A Wifa and Mother Kills Herselfr-A Mourning Husband and Two • Motherless Children— To Be Buried To-day. “For whom do you want the coffin ?” “For Mrs. McLqeklin, who lives near Barber's creek.” This was part of a dialogue which was being carried on in .O’l* aryell & Jan- kower’s store yesterday afternoon. A kind neighbor had come in town to procure a casket for the wife of J»?» McLocklin, -who lives near Barber s Creek in Jackson county. The dead woman bad committed sui cide a : few hours before. The cause of her rash act was insanity. The story of McLocklin and his wife is, as far as can be learned, about as follows: • Six yeiirs ago James MeLoeklin, a farmer living near Barber’s Creek, in Jackson, married the daughter of John Harris. They had two children,ofie about three years old, the other seven months. "It was a happy family until a short time ago. Not long ago Mrs. Harris, the mother of Mrs. McLocklin, died. The daugh ter, who was devoted to her Inother, earned .as though shn could not stand the blow caused by her death, and soon after that event she began to show signs of insanity. Yesterday morning McLocklin ate his breakfast anil ^farted, according to his custom, to the field. The two children and the mother remained in the house. About 6 o’clock McLocklin heard a pis# tol shot, lie rushed toward the house and was joined on his way by Mrs. -W. D. G rifle th, one of his neighbors, who had also heard tlie shot. Dashing into the yard, they saw' a most heart 1 rending sight. On the ground lay the poor woman gasping for breath, a 38 calibre pistol in her hand, and a round iVgly hole in her forehead, from which the blood was gushing in angry spurts. Her child stood over her weeping pit eously, only knowing- that something dreadful bad happened, but not know ing what it was. The poor husband was almost beside himself with grief, but quiekly stoop ing he lifted his jioor wife in his arms, and with the assistance of Mrs. Griffetli got her into the house and laid her on the bed. They soon saw that there was no earthly aid for her, and that their only office was to make her last moments on earth as comfortable as possible. The poor woman lay gasping ft>r about an hour, and then she died, leav ing her heart-broken hnsbaSid com pletely overcome with grief. It is one of the saddest affairs that ever occurred in Jackson county, and is made all the more pitiable by the fact Mrs. McLocklin was a very young wo man, being only twenty years old, and that she leaves two helpless children without tlie care of a mother. She had behaved in a strange manner for some three or four months, the death of her mother having completely un settled her, but she was not considered in any way dangerous until day before yesterday, when she got hold of a pistol and Hired it. Even then, however, it w’as not believed that she was trying to kill herself, but the sad sequel which took place yesterday makes everyone believe that she had attempted to take her own life the day before, and had only been prevented from doing so' by her lack of skill in managing firearm. Yesterday, howevor, she become fa tally skillful, and placing thfi muzzle of the revolver to her head she blew out her life. Her father, Mr, John Harris, is still living, and is deeply grieved at his daughter’s fatal act; She was a member of the Methodist church, and will be buried to-day at Bethlehem church. A host of sympathizing friends are mourning with the bereaved husband. From later accounts we learn that Mrs. McLocklin’s deed, though the act of an insane woman, was evidently well thought out, for just before committing the deed she went into the house, made up the bed, put everything nicely to rights, and in fact left nothing for her friends to do but to take charge of her dead body. Having straightened everything she took the pistol, went into the yard and killed herself. mmi mm but little, the charter being the only try throughout its entire length, and . . , , , will have connections at several points thing of much value, borne gentleman o n j t8 j| ne ^ ^ we jJ a8 a t Atlanta, with or company with means shonld pur-1 independent railroads and systems, . v .. .. . . I opening it to the traffic of the principal chase it, and for the horse power sub- I cities and towns of the South and South- stitute electricity. In the long run this | west. is much cheaper and will give far more rapid transit. It is high time that the land company wa* organized, for so soon as the the I President’s Office, ... . , .... I Baltimorf.,. June 13, 1889. public are assured of the building of this Messrs. Alexander Brown & Son, aew road, there will be a rush of new * Baltimore, Md. . . I Gentlemen : to Athens. They must be i n addition to the letter already eub- furnished with desirable lots, in a mitted to you by General R. F. Hoke, lieslthv loealitv and at mmannnhl* President of the “Georgia, Carolina and Healthy locality, anu at reasonable I R a ji W ay Company,” I will prioes. There is plenty of land in the only add that this road will form an in- suhuvhs of Athens that can note bought cheap, and will come into great anoke,” “Raleigh and Gaston,” “Ra- dem&nd leigh and Augusta Air Line,” and • I “Carolina Central” Railroads, aggre- 1’. ho will take the lead and form a | gating, when the “Georgia, Carolina and Northern” is completed, about 930 miles; and the entire cost of building this road, over and above the proceeds I of the bonds, has been and will be pro- " 1 vided by the parent companies. land company ? No time is to be lost. The follow ing circular w as received yesterday by The Banner, which con Si jifefc ATHENS’ POST OFFICE. A Rumor that Dr. E. W. Speer Is an Ap' pllcant for the Place. There was a report on the streets yes terday that Dr. E. W. Speer, father of Judge Emory Speer, is an applicant for the Athens post office, and that he has an excellent chance to secure the place. If Dr. Speer does secure this place, the Classic City will have one of the best postmasters in America. His appoint ment would give universal satisfaction A Lucky Young Halletsvlllo Texan. It is often said that luck falls to the unworthy, but interviewing Otto Von Rossenberg, of Hallettsville, Texas, the happy possessor ef one-twentieth part of ticket No. 32074 in the April drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, draw ing $300,000 we find that it has fallen in the right place. He is an industrious young merchant who has been here but a short time. The $15,000 received by him will be partly used by him in his business. Mr. Rosenburg sent his tick et for collection to Ball, Hutchison & Co., of Galveston, and it was paid upon presentation without any dis count.—llalletsville, Texas, New Era May 15. Used by tho United States Government Endorsed by the h P rb a# and Public Food Analysts, as the Strongest, Purest and most Bakin^ Powder does notcontrdn Ammonia, Lime or Ainm. Dr Price vT?iii • r,r - bit* tracts,A*aniila, '4^ion, Orange, Almond, RoBe, etc., do not contain Poisrm wfb',’ VRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. Not York. ChicS HARNESS DOW| Knowing that times are dull with the F r have determined to put down the price of 1 so that all the Farmers can get what they want at greatly rede ' This cut in prices is done for the benefit of the Fanners who are i,, such articles as I have on hand. Call at once if you need anyth;' i HARNESS LINE and you will be surprised at the great veimtio' J] T. CL HADAWfi iLOTERIES. Past All Precedent Over Two Millions Distributed. Incorporated by tlie Legislature ip 1863 for and Charitable pin-poses, and its franchise made a part of the present .State Con stitution, in 1879, by an overwhelming popular vote. Its GRAND MAMMOTH DRAWINGS take place Semi-Annually, June and December, and its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAW INGS take place in each of the other ten months of the vear, and are all drawn in public, at the Acadehiv of Music, New Orleans, La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS For Integrity of its - Drawings and prompt Payment of Prizes. Attested as Follows: “M e do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-An- ual Drawings of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and hi person manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness and in good faith toward all parties^ and we authorize the Conipauv to,psc this certificate, with fac-cimiles of our signatures attached in its advertise ments.” Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the worle for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup-. tions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfectsatisfaction,or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv John Crawford & Co., and L. D. Sledge & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists. A Chicago faith healer refused to treat a man for dyspepsia because, he would eat pickels. NOTICE. This is to give notice to all parties that my wife, Mrs. Louannn A. Yar borough has my consent and is hereby made a free dealer. 4tw W. H. Yarborough. Notlca to Creditors. All Person# having claims a<rain#t Jen-y Biriy— ’ ' estate of IV'>n. deceased. the are present] real estate. 1 •FOB SALE w 0 Shares Athens Saving Lank ,t, r i 5 'ROOM HOUSE and rnornv I* •street, in good nelghiwrhiMi,, sold. ’ C ROOM HOUSE and fnipUn, UCollege avenue, Jfl.r.V). 2 SPLENDID BUILDING LoTbcK, avenue, ?foo and fsoo. 11 Lonisiana State Lottery Comp’y Tasss*—* 6 KOOM IlOl'SK .mil n.iniv D R. M. WALMSLEY. .... PIERRE LANAUX, Pres. Commissioners. \Ve the undersigned banks and bankers will my all Prize# drawn In the Lonisiana State Lot- enes which may he presented at our counters. Louisiana Nat Bank. State National Bank. A BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans National Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. UnionNational Bank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING. At the Acadamy of Music, New Orleans, Tues- dav, .July 16,1»W. Capital Prize $,300,000. 100,000 Tickets at $20 ’Each: Hahes $10; Quarters $5; Tenths $2* Twentieths $1. LISTS OF PRIZES. 1 PRIZE OF *301,0001* *300,000 1 PRIZE OF 100,0001s 100,000 1 PRIZE OF 50,0001s.... 51,000 1 PRIZE OF 25.000is 25,000 2 PRIZES OF 10.000 are 20,000 5 PRIZES OF 5#» are 2LOC0 23 PRIZES OF 1,000 are 25,000 100 PRIZES OF 500 are 50;000 200 PRIZES OF 300 are 60,000 300 PRIZES OF 200 are 100,000 APROXIMATION PHIZES. 100 Prizes of *500 are 53,000 100 Prizes of *300 arc 30,000 100 Prizes of *200 are.... 20,000 TWO NUMBER TERMINALS 999 Prizes of *100 are ..99,900 999Prizesul*100are.... 99,900 3,131 Prizes Amounting to *1,051,000 Note.— Tickets drawing Capical Prizes are not entitled to terminal ITizes. AGENTS WANTED. IEF“For Club Bates or any farther informa tion desired, write legibly to tlie undersigned, clearly stating your residence, with state, coun ty, street and number. More rapid return mail elivery will he assured bv your enclosing an Envelope bearing your full address. IMPORTANT. Address M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C., By ordinary letter, containing Money Orders issued by all Express Companies, New York Exchange Draft or Postal Notes. ESI R ABLE BUILDING lot on Hill* A SPLENDID BUILDING !,. t avenue, containingacre?, cn ACRES of level land, lying kotraj UUpublic read, leading to tamiiml High Shoals. The (_’. and M. railra through one corner of said tract. >!i4a land is within one mile of the Court Watkiusville, and will make a nice for any man, and can l»e l.ouglit lean. W ATER BOW Kit. 'gin i by a bold stream with 4 foutiall;i« land ill the mill tract, 20 am* in !r>k« cultivation, a nice new dwelling o*u rooms, barn and other out In:Udi;igs,mig{ road, ami only 4 miles from Atiitn.-, aul o bought for *1.000. TO RENT. 0 ROOM house oil Prince avenue lltS | 0 ROOM house on Washington strsetlU| 0 ROOM house on Jackson street 11U. | A LARGE and well arrangadbosnliijll convenient to busines J. T. ANimtisos,It.LI No. a>r iinuMr . icon FOR SALE Forty nice bnilding lots on oast sided* street." For want of time tlie* lottwj offered at the sale on tire 27th r.lLswti offered at private sale. The pricesare« and terms easy. 1 will gladly property. Apply to J. fjnu FOR SALE. The commodious “Warehouse "v®* acres of land attached, with a mwi ** and stable on same. The lmiptrty I Northeastern railroad and U 1 “Carlton Warehouse.” Apply t« J. S. WILUMtt Heal Kstatfk FOR SALE, 30 acres of level land on •‘old four tulle* from the eity. W mil j will be divided to suit purchases. Beautiful and Valuable! In Cobbham. Mr. J.T. Comer has placed is large and fine property for «l«v 'L& tions to divide into large reside^"” on Cobb street and Prince ar«»'; | the lots have on them ^Lii* found anywhere, some of the trew ing. The property is fine, l ir ' n v .. ■ terms easy. wluVJ "ileal D***; If any dealer say* he•***IgHM* asShpes without name on file bottom, put him down Address Registered Letters Containing Currency to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La. Remember thnt the payment of Prizes Is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATIONAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the tickets are signed by the President of an Institution whose chartered rights are recognized la the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any imitations or anonymous schemes. One dollar Is the price of the smallest part or fraction of a ticket Issued by us in anv drawing. Anything in our name offered for less than a dollar is a swindle. wed&snn-d-w. hereby .: notified Jt-Q the same to the undersigned as re<|nire<i by law, and all persons indebted to said estate arc noti fied to make prompt payment to the undersign ed. MADISON DAVIS, Administrator of the June2630d Estate of Jerry Binyou. E *85 Solid Gold Watch.' Solti for SIOO. uuiil Uttlj. It $83 watch la lb* world. Ported tiaokeaper. War- rattled. Hear/ 5oli4 Gold Uuutiuf Cuci. Both UdivA* •nd geuU* »iz«*, with works* suit cue* of equal value. One PeiMOD in each !*• caltijr can secure out free* together with our larr* audval- u*b1« line of Household .SninplcH. Theae samples, as well as the watch, ne tend Free, and after you hare kep. them m your hnma for ft months and shown then* to those who may hare railed, they become ▼our own prop*rtr. Those >vh° write at once ean be sure of receiving is* Watch end Samples. We pay all express, freight, etc. Adrlrssa SUuaou a& Co., Box gp, 1’orUiaad, Uaiat. S3 SHOE $3 SHOE Best in the r®M§jgj W. C. & R. N. ATHENS_G»- igl ■sajrtfSsi =g!g runoui'JJf ,»4' _ ittseh® 1 **,a»r**w ftnr.t line of worVrof 740, A** VJSUIiasCO.,*** *•