Newspaper Page Text
Pace Two
Com Comes Off as
Easy as You Please!
“Gets-lt” Being Used by Million*!
It is the firat&me that a real, sure-
as-f&te corn cure has ever been dis
covered. “GETS-IT” is the new corn-
Georgia's Delegates From State
Agricultural College Will Attend
Meeting in Washington This Week
endcr, based on an entirely new prin
ciple. It is a new, different formula,
never successfully imitated. It makes
i corns shrivel and then vanish. Two
drops do the work. You don’t bundle
up ypnr toe any more with sticky ta
I and plasters that press down on the
' poor corn—no more flesh-eating
j,. 1 . salves that don’t “stay put,” no more
, hacking at corns with knives or
zors, no more bleeding or danger
blood poison. No more limping around
for days with sora corns, no more
eom pains.
“GETS-IT” is now the biggest-selling
com cure in the world. Use it
any hard or soft eom, wart, callns
bunion. Tonight’s the night.
“GETS-IT” is sold by druggists _
erywhere, 26 cents a bottle, or cent
direct by E. Lawrence & Co., Chlcag
“GETS-IT” is sold in Athens by
E. D. Harris Drug Co.
It Becomes Thick, Wavy, Lustrous and
All Dandruff Disappears.
Surely try a “Danderino Hair]
Cleanest’ if you '.wish to immediate
ly double the beauty of your hair.
Just moisten a cloth with Danderino
and draw ft careflly through your
hair, taking one small strand at a
time; this will cleanse the hair oU
dust, dirt, or any excessive oil—in
few minutes you will be amazed. Your
hair will be .wavy, fluffy and abund
ant and posses* an incomparable eoft-|
ness, lustre, and luxuriance.
,f Besides beautifying the hair, one I
application of Danaertt.'dissolves
every particle of dandruff; invigo
rates the scalp, stopping, itching and
falling hair. . tj,;\
Danderino is to the -nair what fresh
showers of rain and sunshine arc to
vegetation. It goes right to tho roots,
invigorates and strengthens them. Its
exhilarating, stimulating and life-pro
ducing properties cause tho hair to
grow long,.strong and.beautiful.
You can surely have pretty, soft,
lustrous-hair, and lost of it, if you
will just get a 25-ccnt bottle of
Knowltop’s Danderino from any drug
store or toilet counter ajid try it aa
Tho Culebra cut seems to have been
built on a sliding scale.—Savannah
Beware of Ointment* for
. Catarrh that Contain Mercury
«i mercury will surely destroy the sense
of amell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles should
never be used except on prescriptions
I from reputable physicians, as the dsmags
thay will do is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall’s
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, and la taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of th« system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be aure you get the irenu-
tee. It la taken Internally and made In
Teledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney * Co. Tes
timonials free.
' Sold by Drucclste. Price 75c per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Fill* for conatlpatloa.
In this climate there Is al
ways a great deal of nasal ca
tarrh, no matter what the time
of year.
If you can get a remedy that
■will relieve the distressing
symptoms right from the first
appiiestion and exert a con
tinual healing effect—so that
you not ca; fool hotter but
atw getting better all the time,
that is what you want
That Is what
Catarrh Cream
doea for catarrh sufferers. It
“spens up” the nassl passages
and checks the secretion, re
lieves that drawn, tight feeling
between the eyes and makes
nose-breathing easy and nat
And the prolonged contact of
Kb healing agents with the
mucous membranes of the nose
and throat exerts a curative
effect impossible with more
Pansier Catarrh Cream
cornea In collapsible tubes
with a long nozsle which makes
its use easy. Price 26 cents.
This is one of the hundred
famous Penslar Remedies—
•vary one worthy of fall confi
dence. glggJn
Tbs Peaslar Store.
Citizens Pharmacy
Athana, G*.
Professor J. R. Fain, head of the
department of agronomy and farm
management at the State College of
Agriculture left Athens Saturday
night for Washington to be in at
tendance at the meeting of the Ameri
can society of Agronomy, and the
American Farm Management associa
tion. He is also Georgia’s delegate
to the American association of Agri
cultural colleges and Experiment sta
Leaders in agricultural research
and educational extension work from
all parts of the United States will
meet in Washington this week. Tues
day President Soule and Professor J.
Phil Campbell, of the State Agricul
tural college, will leave for Washing
ton to take part in the work of these
The war situation in Europe has
thrown a peculiar responsibility upon
America’s agricultural industry, and
the agricultural experts meeting in
Washington will discusa the situation
and the means of increasing our ag
ricultural output sufficiently to tide
over the crisis.
Seven national associations besides
the above assemble in Washington
this week, viz., Society for the Pro
motion of Agricultural Science, As
sociation for the Advancement of Ag
ricultural Teaching, Association of
Farmers Institute Workers, Society
of Animal Production, Land Grant
Engineering Association and Asso
ciation of Official Seed Analysis in
addition to the three mentioned above.
The chairman of the city demo
cratic executive committe has issued
the following call for a meeting to be
held at 11 o’clock Wednesday morn
ing at the office of the chairman, Mr.
Howell C. Erwin, in the Southern
Mutual building:
“A meeting of the city democratic
executive committee is hereby called
to meet at my office in the Southern
Mutual building at 11 o’clock a. m.
on Wednesday, November 11, 1914,
for the purpose of fixing a date for
the primary election for aldermen and
making rules and regulations relative
to said election. This November 7,
At this meeting a date for the pri
mary will be set-and heretofore this
primary has been held about one week
before the election took place so it is
supposed that the same rule will be
followed for this meeting.
It is about this time of year that
the dwellers in the country and in the
country towns have it all over those
Whp live (a careless use at ttePworld!)
in cities. In the cities'ft'ir merely
colder or chillier, but in the country
one has assurance of a mighty change
in the life of the earth and the pass
age of the seasons. Open fires now
look good; there Is a certain- ripeness
•boat Idle very dust oftheroad. A
light gleaming through an unshaded
window does not suggest s hot and
odoriferous lamp, but a desirable
ilaco to read and rest. Home itself
s twice as detr aa one comes toward
it in the magic autumnal twilight in
stead of the glare of a summer after
noon. It it wall worth taking long
walks or rides just for the pleasure
of getting back snd finding out what
there is for supper.
Stop Headache or
NeuiigB at Once
Don’t Suffer! .Get's 10 cent package
of Dr. James’ Headache
You can clear your head snd relieve
a dull, splitting or violent throbbing
headache in a moment with a Dr.
James’ Headache Powder. This old-
time headache relief acts almoet magi
cally. Send some one to the drug
store now for a dime package snd a
few moments after you take a powder
you will wonder what became of the
headache, neuralgia and pain. Stop
suffering—it’s needless. Be sure you
get what you aSk for.
(By Associated Press.)
Washington, D. C.. November 10.
Ail shipments of live stock from Can
ada to the United States will be bar
red by an order prepared yesterday
by the department of agriculture.
STOMACH The Crux of
out of fix? Clothes Question
If you suffer with dyspepsia or
Indigestion, telephone your grocer
to send you one dozen pints
pint with each meal and, if not I
relieved, your grocer is authorized
to charge it to the Manufacturer. [
Tonic — Digestive — Delicious
Is prepared with the cal
Shlvkr Mineral Water. Sold under
a positive guarantee to relievo any
ease of dyspepsia or indigestion [
or your money refunded.
Bottled By
SHIVAR SPRING. Shells*, 8. C. I
J your grocer has none in |
stock, tell him to telephone.
Distributors for Athens
Shopping Days
Before Xmas
Bead Herald ads apd
call for advertis'd
goods it you want the
pick of styles and
When shipping in Athena
t am arrow say: “I saw it in
Thn Herald.* It will pay.
Try ft.
You're the one to be pleased; you
know what you want better than
we or the neighbors do; PER
the thing in clothes.
Our stock surges with suggestions
for the comfort and good looks that
make a man pleased with himself
and pleased with his purchase.
We believe the smart, sensible styling,
the staunch hand-tailoring, the sturdy
wool fabrics of models express just the
way you feel about clothes.
And the price—$15 to $30—is the fruit of
our best efforts to spread our reputation
as a big-value store.
irf rt\ -
“Let us tell the world that the women
of Athens are shoulder to shoulder with
the men in making the old town itiim
with prosperity;” * >
to Develop a Home
Market ?
Athens needs to develop its Home Market—every com
munity does in times like these. America must supply its
needs, must be self-sustaining largely, while the war lasts.
What’s true of the nation is true of the North, East, South and
West. It’s true of communities, sections and cities. It’s true
of Athens,
Will the women of Athens help to make Athens and this
section as largely self-sustaining,self-supporting as possible?
Will they direct the spending of many millions of dollars, which
they spend annually, so as to encourage more largely our in
dustries, our farmers, our laboring people and our merchants?
Hundreds of thousands of dollars each month go away
from Athens. Keep this money at home, circulating in the
channels of local trade and industry and thousands of people
will feel it It will mean more work and better wages through
out the whole section. ,]
Athens can get tich feeding and clothing itself—it can
put twice as many people to work and at good wages, if the
women of Athens will direct Wisely and pointedly the hundreds
of thousands of dollars they spend each week.
Will the women of Athens do this (or their city for the
next month? Will they ^periment with this idea during the
Live at Home Week ? Will the women of Athens Trade at
Home, Pay at Home, Order at home, Demand Home-Raised
Products, Wear Home-Made Gowns, Patronize Home Merch
ants, Call for Athens-Made Goods ?
The big thing for the merchants and, manufacturers of
Athens and other Southern cities to do is first to develop the
Home Market If the women of Athens want to help the town
here’s a chance to make their influence felt in each store,
work shop, factory and individual home throughout the city.
For particulars, address the :
Live at Home Editor
Athens, Georgia '