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Phone 1201
Residence ,
Phone 2 VO
10 to 12 a. m. Conducted by MRS, C. S. DU BOSE .2 to 4 p. ID.
special notice.
Jhould be at Ue Her«M office apt
'““"“liS&C. 8i DU BOSK,
Sedety Editor.
Probably you bore never heard of
such a thing, yet but a few years
we had never heard of many
things that are now accepted as mat-
ters of course. Even our mothers
C,n remember the day when a par-
ent-teacher association was never
dreamed of. No moving picture cen
sor board watched over them by
night, no civic club directed them by
day. There were no better babies
contests, there was not even a com
mittee to rid the town of flies. So
why stare in amazement at the idea
of a social monitor? Cease to la
ment the dull winters and the monot
onous parties. Appoint the social
monitor and let her do the rest. Let
her designate the unhappy victim
who must give the next afternoon re
ception, bridge luncheon or dinner
dance. Let hers be the pleasant duty
of reminding a delinquent hostess
that her social debts are long past
due and that she must soon contrib
ute something to,the social gaiety of
the town. There can be no escaping
her decrees, one can only hope that
when tapped on the shoulder by her
commanding finger, one may draw
something easier than a possum din
ner or a the dansant.
Mrs. Louis Funkenstein entertained
the members of her Sewing Club very
beautifully this afternoon at her at
tractive bungalow on Hancock ave
Hoses and ferns adorned the rooms
where the guests were entertained,
and they spent the afternoon sewing
and chatting. After the work bags
and the dainty sewing had been put
aside, delicious refreshments were
served. !■
Mrs. Funkenstoin’s guests included
the club’s members who are: Mrs.
Myer Stem, Mr*. M. G. Michael, Mrs.
Sidney Boley, Mrs. Sol Bolcy, Mrs.
Edward Levy, Mrs. M. Jnnko.wer, Mrs.
Esther Morris, Mrs. Abe Joel, Mrs.
J. Dornbiatt, Mrs. Louis Funkenstein,
Mrs. Arthur Flatau and Mrs. L.
■ ■ a
Miss Harriet Benedict will ieavo
Friday morning for Atlanta where
the will be the attractive guest until
Monday of Mias Louise Broyles.
Miss Benedict win be' the honoree
at several lovely affairs during her
short stay at the capital, the first of
which will be a matinee party on Fri-
dsy afternoon.
On Friday night ahe will be enter
tained at the dinner dance at tha
Georgian Terrace.
Saturday afternoon Miss Benedict
will be an intereated spectator at the
Georgia-Tech football gamo.
Mias Louise Broyles will entertain
for her on Saturday night at a beau
tiful dinner dance at the Piedmont
Driving club, tho guests to include the
members of tho^mi^er get.
Many of the dressy afternoon gowns
are made of the softest finished sat
ins, of velvet br of. satin combined
with chiffon or net, says the Dry
Goods Economist- Tha sleeves, in
most cases, are transparent and the
collars are made of soft laces, high
in the back with low open finish in
Over the snug-fitting linings volu
minous tunics are hung, the most ex-
All the sections of the W. M. S. will
meet with their respective chairmen
on Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock
with the following exceptions: Section
4 will bo with Mrs. H. 0. Epting on
Cloverhurst avenue, and on account
of the absence of Miss Annie Bernard
from the city, her section is invited ,b>
meet with section 4.
The following letter was found on
the desk of the book and clothing
fund's manager this morning, and ex
plains itself. May God bless its send
Athens, Ga„ Nov. 9, 1914.
Athens Herald:
I should appreciate the favor very
much V you could allow me space in
The Herald to express my thanks to
all those concerned in making it pos
sible for my little tots to attend
We are a family of aix, four small
children, the eldest only 12 yesrs of
For three years we. have had sick
ness of a serious nature in our fami-
At present we cannot get enough
work to make a living.
It nearly broke my heart because
I knew I couldLnot send both my chil
dren to school, and then Professor
Bond and Miss Patmah paid mo a
visit, assu/hg me that my children
would be admitted to school, and tell
ing me they would do what they could
to aid me ip keeping my children in
T wish to thank this lady and gentle
man for their kindness and aid, for at
the time of their visit I was so deeply
touched I could not find words with
which to properly thank them, and I
fear I acted rather silly.
My boy then read in The Herald of
the book'and clothing ‘fund,, from
which he received the remainedr of
his books. And -we wish to thank
the editor in charge of this fund, may
God bless her work and may she be
enabled to help many more, for there
are many more.
Last week I received a visit from
two ladies, for which I wish to thank
them. I thank, these ladies for the
mercy and kfidness which prompted
their visit,, as also for the nice warm
garments which my children so much
The younger lady, a girl still in
her ’teens, completely won my little
girl’s heart, as she would pat each
little garment and smile knowingly'
at my little girl.
The elder brought garments which
she had so thoughtfully made herself
for these little tots. Now at this
loving act the tears filled my eyes
and sobs of gratitude threatened to
choke my utterance of thinks.
Now in this party was one of the
“cutest” and “cunnlngest” little dogs
in the world. And noy as the sleepy
head of my little son is raised a sleep-
py voice murmers, ‘‘Oh mamma please
don’t forget to thank doggie, too.”
This charity movement has aided
more little folks than mine, I am sure,
but I am one grateful mother whe
wishes to express her thanks.
MRS. K. L. M.
Nasty Drug Salivate#, Make* Yen
Sick and You Lose a -
Pay’d Work.
Every druggsit in tewn—your drug
gist and everybody’s druggist has no
ticed a great falling-off in the sale
of calomel. They all give the earn*
mason. Dodsea’s Liver Tone it tak
ing its place.
"Calomel ia dangerous and people
know it, while Dodson’s Liver Tone
* is perfectly safe and gives better re
sults,” said a prominent local drug
gist. Dodson’s Liver Tone is person
ally guaranteed by every druggist
who sells it. A large bottle costs SO
cents, end if It.UUtfto give easy re
lief in every ease of liver- sluggish
ness and constipation, you have only
to ask for your money back.
Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant-
testing, purely vegetable remedy,
.harmless to both children and adults.
Take a spoonful at night and wake
up feeling fine; no MHousness, sick
headache, acid stomach or constipated
•oweis. It-doesn't gripe or cause in
convenience ail the next dsy like vio
lent calomel. .Take a dose of calomel
today and tomorrow you will feel
veakgthfcnf nauseated. Don’t lose
a day’s-work! Take Dodson’s Liver
Tone instead and feel fine, full of vig-
Cr.and ambition.
treme of which reach within 2 inches
of the skirt edge. The waistline is
normal or slightly raised to a point
just under the line of the bust. The
hip girdles are gradually being dis
placed by the higher or more normal
waist finish.
Have you begun to collect the gifts
now which you win later prdsent to
your frienda as a Christmas present?
of you have not you should certainly
attend the Woman’s Exchange special
sale which was announced in the Ex
chane’s advertisement ’recently.
Articles in the special sale will be
sold Tor 25 cents each. Many other
beautiful gifts are on display at the
Exchange, and it will he a rare treat
for you to visit this attractive shop
of woman’s work.
Tho Sigma Nu fraternity is plan
ning to ontertain at a dance, but the
date for the event has not yet been
decided upon.
Tho dance will probably bo given
during the first week of December.
A group of friends are planning to
enjoy a regular old-time ’possum hunt
one night soon.
Recently some energetic hunters
captured four fat animals, and now
others are desirous of out-numbering
that party's catch in a single night’s
PM ■
The Harmony club will entertain at
bridge in the club rooms, in tho Hol
man building on Wednesday evening.
On November 28, the club will give
a large Bend brilliant dance in the
Holman ball room.
Tho members of the card club will
meet with Mrs. So). Boley on Wed
nesday afternoon.
■ ■■
Miss Gwendolyn Griffith will spend
the week-end in Atlanta, as the at
tractive guest of Miss Anne Patter
■ ■ ■
Miss Helen Michael returned Sun-
i> day from Atlanta, where she has been
''’delightfully entertained during a short
visit. •
Mrs. Sam K. Dick and her guest,
Mies Achison, returned to Atlanta
Sunday, after a visit to Mrs. S. J.
Mr. Beverly Evens, Jr., will spend
the week-end in Atisnta, with his par
ents, Judge and Mrs. Beverly D.
Mr. Willsrd Olson will spend the
week-end in Atlanta, and will of
couree attend the Georgia-Tech game
Miss Natalie Bocock will be among
the younger girls ' who will spend
Saturday in Atlanta, to soo the Geor
gia-Tech game.
Dr. H. C. White will go over to At
lanta on Friday to spend the week
end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Clark Howell, Jr.
Miss Gage, of New York, is at the
Georgian hotel while in Athens. She
represents the National Society of
Broader Education, which has its
headquarters in New York.
Mr. Charlie Rawson will be in At
lanta for tho week-end.
Mr. and Mre. M. M. Arnold on in
Macon to attend the fair.
Mrs. Wellborn DuBose will spend
the week-end in Atlanta.
Mr. Eugene Black leaves Friday to
■pend several days in Atlanta.
Miss Coates Benedict left Monday
for Sewanee, Tenm, to- visit relatives.
Mrs. Young Smith, of Atlanta, ia
expected soon to visit Miss LU Hodg-
m ~r ■■■
Mrs. John Henderson, of Atlanta,
is thdgusst of her sister, Mrs. Charles
Talmadge. _
Mr. Henry Brown will spend the
week-end in Atlanta, with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bd Brown.
The friends of Mrs. J. K. Freeman
will tie pleased to bear she ie improv
ing after an illness of several weeks.
Mr. Clark Howell, IH, will sp~d
the week-end with his parents, Hr.
and Mrs. Clark Howell, Jr, in At-
_8smpSt trtmtmrnt of Pyramid Pile
lle»«d> nulled free for trUJ nivm
quirk relief, Rtope itching, bleeding or
protrodtb* piles. hHjnorrlioldx and Mil
rectal trouble!, in the privacy of roar
own home. .Pyramid Pile Remedy is
tot rale et ell druggist*, fioo e box.
Mail this Coupon
With yonr tall 44*me nal attd
• slip of neper, end sample trot*
nt of the greet Pyramid Pile
Carefully Treat
Children’s Colds
Neglect of children’s colds often
lays the foundation of serious lung
trouble in later life. On the other
hand, it is harmful to continua ly dm:
delicate little stomachs with internal
medicines or to keep the children al
ways indoors. The ideal way to avoid
colds is to keep plenty Of frtsh air
in the bedroom and at the first sign
of trouble apply Vick’s “Vap-O-Rub”
Croup and Pneumonia Salve over the
throat and chest, covering with a
warm flannel cloth. The body htat
releases antiseptic vapors that are in
haled all night long, opening the air
passages and healing the inflamed
membrane. In addition, Vick's is ab*
sorbed through the skin, taking out
the soreness and tightness. Vicks
contains no harmful drugs whatever.
At druggists—25c, 60c ad 91-00.
Cm* awl
. «r i ——
Never,before in the history of Athens have Suits, Coats and Dresses
been offered at such low prices. \
DAVISON-NICHOLSON COMPANY have the reputation of sell-
mg High Class Merchandise at lower prices than any other house, and
when we make a SPECIAL SALE it means that you buy “Way
Below” the.actual value.
$20.00 Suits Offered at $10.00
These are handsome models made of serge, granite cloth and cloth, in pretty shades of brown, plum,
green, blue and black.
$25.00 Suits Selling at $15.00
Every model up to the minute in style, workmanship and material. Garbadiries, serges, poplins and
broadcloth in all the season’s favorite colors.
$28.50 Suits Specially Priced at $19.50
You will find among these suits at $19.50 many very attractive models made of the most stylish ma
terials in shades that are sure to please. ;
$40.00 Sriits During This Sale
Think what a saving this is, right at the height of the sea
son! These handsome suits are made of broadcloths, garba
dines, poplins and serges handsomely trimmed with fur and
Velvet .
Ne^ Stylish Coats Reduced
WM& Sport Coats, regular $7.5Q value at, $5.95.
White Sport Coats, regular $10.00 value, at $7.50.
Ladies^ $25.00 Coats, selling at $19.50.
Ladies’ $30.00 Coats, selling at $2L00.
Ladies’ $15.00 Coats, selling at $12.50.
We ean’t begin to describe the large stock of coats, but if you
will come here you can find just the coat you want at money
saving prices.
Beautiful Line New Serge Dresses
These are made in the very latest styles, combinations of serge and satin,
very handsome and stylish^ Specially priced at $10.00.
Underwear Is An Important Part of Winter Dress-
i You’ve got to buy- it, why not get th e best on the market at prices no higher
than ordinary underwear. MUNSING outclasses them all, the garments fit snugly,
do not scratch the most tender skin, and the fit won’t wash out Once you wear
MUNSINGWEAR it is then just a matter of sending an order for the style you like
best Children’s union suits, 50c to $1.00. Separate garments, 50c. Ladies union
suits, 65c to -$3.50. Ladies'separate garments, 50c to $3.00. MUNSINGWEAR will
please the most exacting.
• Blankets
We carry the largest line of blankets and comforts in Athens, every grade is
here, cotton, cotton and wool mixed and all-wool blankets. Laminated cotton
and eiderdown comforts all sold at moderate prices. Blankets from $1.2-5 to $12.50.
Comforts, $1.50 to $15.00.
Warm Sleeping Garments
It is essential to keep yourself warm, yet have plenty of fresh.air while sleep
ing. We are prepared to furnish your wants.
Ladies’ outing pajamas, $1.50. Ladies’ outing gowns, 50c to $1.25. Children’s
outing gowns, 50c to 65c. Children’s sleeping garments, cover the feet like stock
ings, 59c.
Every new attractive, model ia sweaters is here, I I Children’s sweeten at all prices,
made of the best materials selling at modest prices. I I Little Darling sets, a complete suit for. the little
Special value in ladiee sweater, at $2^5. I I tote—cap, pants and sweater coat, price $2.50.
Silk sweaters with cap to match, at 9UA0. . || One table odd sweaters telling at half original price.
Remember every cash purchase at this store is.good for votes in
the M. & M. Voting Contest. Save them for your favorite or
ganization or yourself. Somebody is going to win a handsome
prizes Why not try for it yourself? ^
Athens’ Busiest Store