The Athens clipper. (Athens, Ga.) 1888-19??, August 31, 1901, Image 1

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THE ATHENS CLIPPER: BY S. B. DAVIS. THE SAVANNAH RIVER BAP TIST ASSOCIATION. The Savannah Giver Baptist l Association for 1901 has met : and adjourned. The session '\vas held this week at Hose Hill Baptist church. Middle ton. Georgia,[land those who are in the position to ku.OAJy say it is one of the best yet held, notwithstanding the dull summer and hardness of times, the attendance was good and $79.99 was raised. We did not reach the associ-i ation until Saturday, and was, sick during the time, but from what we saw abd from what was reported to us by the efficient clerk, the ajssociy ation was never treated to better sermons and addre.-sesj The sermons by Rev. E. P.. Johnson and Rev. J. P. Perrin' deserve special mention, ami would have to be heard to be appreciated. \\ e wish we birffi* space to comment on them, i Rev. A. B. Murden, the cor-1 responding secretary of the; General Misssionary and Edu-/ cational^Gonvention of Georl giayjnade ah able address in’; of the convention. / . liberal donation was gj vel) l him, and the ( ] e ] e .; sates were electee repre-J sent the convention in o(to '%\ev. A R. Mchmney, 11,o(le % r Rev. J. W. Long, I ev -M Perrin Rev. IE U. Martin, a. Rev P. W. Wall. Rev, G. 2 w as usual in wis dom was highly appreciated. As we said above it was oik of the most interesting evei held. AH the old officer: were re-elected as follows i\ev. A. R. McKinney, mod erator; Rev. W. T. Swilling clerk; Mr. D. B. Blackwell assistant clerk: and Mr. J. N Byrd, treasurer. The associa tion adjourned to meet with Sanders Grove church, Harj county, Georgia, on Thursday before the first Sunday it September, 1902. The Clipper Man waskindlj treated by the whole Associal tion and especially the ladies he can never forget th kindness shown us by Re’ P. A. Harper, besides ei tertaining us and makin our stay pleasant, he too upon himself the trouble to se papers and receive subscrii tions and he .he did u< stop until the last copy wu sold. Rev. Harper is perhap one of the most useful am energetic men in Elbert conn tj. He is not only a goof farmer, but he teaches an| preaches the gospel of Christ 1 here are many fine youn men ami women who aid making their mark, who wil/ tell son that they their first instruction fro* Rv\. P. A. Harper. not rm. • Rev. Augustus Martin, h good wife, two .Mm. % Mcaii H. ft. and J. J. Martin, tub popular daughter. Miss Kai . J. Marlin, were all there. there had been a prize up p the MMAuriatwin far the met|. est baby, Mr. J. J. Mariiijk '*■ would have got it. i j 1 r ” f> - E. Long and J I 1 a!r <7» ti * a j uh n h(% <• IL mh ‘? f lb * m *tf(»<>d new*. I yA" •’ M'Hwly, M.V S, 4 1 ■ (were welcomed visitors; while 'Mrs. Georgia Saddler. Miss •L A. M. Jones and Miss Annie nJ. Heard were much missed. e were glad to meet Mrs. ' Frances Sherard. Mrs. P. A. Harper and their mother. .Hrs. Sherard has been a little indisposed, Imt we are glad to .see her looking like her sweet self again. Rev. S. S Thornton, the pastor, members and friends, ‘deserves much credit for the ieiegant way in which they! ; entertained the visitors and i ■.delegates. Rev. A. B. Murden, Prof. •I. T. Hancock and the Clipper Man were the guests of Mr. rrt-nd Mrs. Alexander Tate. Mrs. Tate is a Christian wo- ■ man and knows just how to I <-are for her friends, while Mr. ' Tate, although not a member of the church, is a good man. They spared no pains in ffiiaking it pleasant for their Iguests. It will be a long time [before the preacher, school (teacher and editor will forget ,These kind and good people and tratment which they received while at the Tate home. Misses Janie Rucker, Lula Hye, Mary Frances Heard and Byrd were among the popular ladies that were there. The latter two seemed to have a good time, but were at a lost because their friend Miss S. Carrie Patten, was absent. Miss Elizzabeth Strickland, tfehftjs teaching at New Mid dleton Baptist church, is doing a good work. She is a 4’oung lady who is sought by irnany. There are many whom •he would be glad to speak of hut time will not permit. I f Comer News Notes. I ■ Mr. Editor:—Please allow hue space in your excellent •paper to speak of a sad occurance which took place inear Paoli. On the 13th of I jAugust a white man named; .Moore shot an old colored; (man by the name of Jarrels, a! Deacon of Holly Creek church,! and on August the 14tn, he was shot three more times by I Moore's brother who went to Deacon Jarrel’s house, when he was lying in bed suffering very much from being shot before. It is said that he shot fifteen times in the house; he also shot Deacon Jarrel’s wife's finger off. After suffering nine days from the wound of the shoot ing. Deacon Jarrels departed this life Wednesday morning and the remains will be car ried to Holly creek church.! where the burial will be at tended. He leaves a wife, (sisters, brothers and many friends to mourn his death. They have the sympatyy of t he entire community. Moore’s brother shot an old (•ripple man Tuesday, who i> , known thrniiy noiit the county, by the name of Lewis Williams. It is aaid that Im shot him without raire. Tin* idcii are still tiavelmg aii-l have not a* yer. nrreMted him It repot ••*! t iial he is ‘till | roving the countri u»tli pi*tifl*’lmi’k.ed around | liim waist looi.iiig tor another luld iibiii wuU wile, amis iy«» will kill tbtmyidmreKu he JgL . j | V•n11 >f• mi ATHENS, GA,, SATURDAY, AUG. 1901, i MRS. D. ATMURDEN Draws Some Beautjul Pen Pictures of the Famous BJhia Springs and Its Surf undings. ii ■ -+• | Lithia Springs, (*., Aug- 2(5, 1901. I Mr..'?. B. Davis, Kl’tor Clipper, ftiiens, Georgia, Dear Sir: —Thisls an ideal Aji gusl morning. has risen in [all his glory and is low climbing to ward his zenith, in|tbe meantime he is sending forth his scorching rays i upon the earth as he meant to I swelter us in his Aeat but a gen i tie, kindly breeze Comes to fan us and ! old Sol’s rays are (tempered. Our thoughts naturally I turn homeward and we thought to while away the time in some pleasant'.-occupation, we would write a few lines for the Clip per. For recreating and quietude this is an ideal place, (here one is not to be disturbed ' with t/!ie ever busy hum of the city. On the contrary one can revel in the beauties of nature. Beautiful trees, shady woods, fields of blooming cotton, and growing corn, fresh, sweet, pure air to breathe and Lithia water to to drink! These are the health giving elements of this pleasant and accessi ble summer resort. To keep the thing from being to monotonous one may run to the door about every half hour and see the dummy as she goes steam ing by, '‘niTjing passengers to and from the spring. It also delights us to hear the chu-cluh I chu-club I of the gianp locomotives as they go whirling o’er the rails, carrying their human freight and other oom modi ties. We hail the North bound trains with kt. est delight because they bring messages from loved ones at home! Mrs. Beavers, our hostess, is a most thorough-going si«d practical house i keener. .We hawa got in frcm a stroll through th? ■Jvpwds eud a visit to a spring of cigar free stone wa ter. Mrs. Beavers and 1 lingered awhile to listen to the sweet musical ' sounds of the little babbling brook . as the water trickled over the sands, adown the rocks and through the winding gorges as it wended its way; on to join some larger stream. After | stumbling over stones and busiies and j losing our way, we finally arrived 1 at the house again with our appetite increased fifty per cent. We feel much benefitted from the rest we are having. We hope when I ! we get back home we may look and | | feel as we did in days of health. We attended Divine services yester day, Sunday, at, the Baptist church i j of which Rev. McGuire is pastor. And j we especially enjoyed the Sunday i school. Deacon Lathran is the su perintendent and is very earnest in his work to uplift the young peo ple. Rev. Goss preached a good ser mon at eleven o’clock and the pastor preached at night afterwliich the Lord’s supper was administered. Miss .1. G. Childs is here for a few days before returning to her post of duty. To adviw in advance we would say to these wishing to take a summer out ing during the next season that Lithia Springs is the placet Mrs..LG. Bea vers gives stnckly first class accomo | dati»m. Iler house is not the common Lodging and boarding house you generally find. , I am yours truly, Mrs. D. A. Ml’rokn. The Uptown liui’ber. Call on Allred Jones, No. 530 corner of Broa<l ami Church streets, where mu can get your: Haircut lor MiiMVe tor Stjumpitolor ■ *-«•; AII kinds of Hair oHa*. (irav Hair Ke- Holed , < omplicalim Waters, Powders, Periuiuva, etc. Sper l d atmntion given to ladles Ail wore g'uranlcud m lirat-ciane Mvie. ALFRED JONES FGR SALE. Two houeee and lota in We»l Athena pair b* i* ,, UghLeb|iij» lot <a»b j, aim on. gurej Mogntore, twTGhS I .<ove», out I I mb an<l w agon, and Ik*** Jei iael S. S. Convention. Mis Dear Brothers and bis- TERSi OF THE JERUEL SUNDAY school Convention-.—lt becomes my duty and privilege to call your atttttHion to the time and place when 'he convention will meet. It 'w'll convene with Springfield Baptist church Crawford, Ogle thorpe county, Georgia, Thursday night before the fouith Sunday in September, tgoi. Rev. H. M. Smith is the worthy pastor of this church, and he will make it pleas ant f t all < elegates who attend this meeting. Mt dear workers of the Sunday-school Convention, as Crawfo'd is near the center of this convention, let us do all we can to make this one of the grandest sessions ever held. Vice President, G. A. Cunning ham and 1, after finding out that the district chairmen are doing such a grand work in their districts and 1 the Sunday-schools are a'l in a prosperous state, we think the convent on can easily raise $250. We know, that the chair men will bimg up more money than they did last year, and to raise this amount, vie urge every super intendent ami teacher to see that that tneir school send at least 3 cents per scholar in their lettet. Each school is expected to send delegates. iMy dear friends, remember you are supporting a high institution ot learning; the J.-ruel Academy is ypurs and you must do all you can f<ir its improvement. You know it; was built for the benefit of your l®ys and girls, and must be kept op by your help. A" delegates j »hust Georgia. n .*■-»»» ■- Your obedient president, H. Carter. f\ IVCTA' ANLVTJTI 'J F. Athens, Georgia. This well known school begin* its fall term of school work, VVednesday, September 4th, 1901. courses: COLLEGE PREPARATORY, NORMAL, GRAMMAR. PRIMARY, INDUSTRIAL, MUSICAL. 1. The Literary Department is un surpassed by that of any institution for colored youths in Northeast Georgia The classic*, Latin ami Greek, the sciences, Civil lioverurnerit, Physics, Geometry, Methods of Teaching, etc, are taught; and we have a thoroughly • quipped Primary Department. 2. The Industrial Department in which carpentry, typesetting, print ing, ami sewing—plain ami artist i<—are taught, is the best anti most thoroughly equipped department of this kind in Northeast G<*<»rgla. 3. Music vocal ami instrumental-- will be taught by a competent Instructor 4. A corps <>f able Christian teach eri, traine'l in our best institutions c! learning, ha- been employed ami will ' lo excellent work. The spiritual wel fare of our pupil* is not neglected. We educate head, heart and hands. 5. Board can be gotten In our best hr-mes at from <6 to JS per month. For catalogue ami lufot m iti< ti concerning IX>ar<lll)g places, etc , Write to L S ('LA KK, Principal, Knox Institute, Athens, (>a. * HAVE YOU NOTICED THE ‘'NEWTOWN COLORED Eitem®- Grocery -sm? S. L. II icKi.iN, Proprietor. He will sell to you cheap for CH“h gin- you your moiiey'a worth an I tr«fe y«»U white. Baalke incest fl»h IO 4 I ev »ry si ftuf'lai ami (hey are fiekli |l< ; la preparing to mu a first < !.»** maria lat In* »toi« for lira oimelidlori of |»li 1 k.. i, I. Mi/iornjwi | jWlfofge |l< I.A “TL.: wss"* 11 VOL. 14. [IMITEO Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT MA 1 26, 19O1.”~ SOUTHWARD " Dailv. PMly. No 31. N >27. v New York PRR 12 boptn 12 10am v Philadelphia “ 3 29pm 3 X)am v Baltimore “ 5 45pm 6 iGatu v Washington “ 6 55pm 11 illain v Richmond »AL 10 40pm 2 10pm v Petersbnrg *♦ 11 30pm 3 27pm v Norlina“ 2 13am 6 55 pm V Henderson " 2 45ain 623 pm v Raleigh " 4 lUam 740 pm VSo Pities " (i 07am 9 30pm v ILtmlet •* 720 am 1()~ .0pm V Columbia, J •• 9 40am ! r .-'availnah “ 147 pm Q .7 r Jack.s’nville “ 6 10pm , r Tampa “ 6 15am- & W"? — No4 j. rN.Y ,NY PAN +7 55jf“ » V Phiiauelpia " 10 2l»o 11 20 P m v n7’y.. <> I >»< <» t 3 Oim 111 - ■ v B'timore B>l Co ... .W- 7\viTd?l~N A \V>B Q.W*? ' 1 ri 7 <^imi’h>AL 9 3<"» . 9 40a ’ n v Wehmn " 12 H<un U llpm v Nonina “ 2 13am I 40pm 1 v Henderson “ 2 40.-un 2 I.V Raleigh “ 4 Warn 3 65pm ~v So. Pines “ <’ o ( am 8 16p n ;,v Hamlet ■’ 723 am , iv Wilmington “ r iTLCharkite ■ “ JO 10 16 liCv'l Tester ' 10 20am * J;v Gre,nwoo<l 12 22pm 3 4«am llv Athens “ 2 40pm J 28*® 1 ’ ir Atlanta § “ 3»spm Ar Macon, Gos Ga 7 2UgL —- SWS.i-r.AjWI- »wm OWm . .r MoM.. At- N. •QrlemMßT. N’liv’ie.NC&SiL 4QHn> ~b ar Memphis, " 400 pn 8 25a n NORTH WAU). Daijfe Daily. No/4. No 38. i.v M’mp’s,NC&StLl2 Idnoon 0 00pm lv Nashville 9 :^Pm 9 ata lv N.Orleans,L&N s (JOpm ; i.v Mobile, I.&N 12 50am 'ev Montg’y.A&VVP 6 20am 1 30p»> ' i.v- Ms.-on. <■ of G» 8 00am 4 20p in [i.v Augusta. O&SVC 9 40am . I j.v .Vl.inia, lat Alliens /• 2 48pm 11 23pm at Greenwood “ 5 Olpin 2 01am at Chester “ 7 03 pm 4 10am i.v Chat lot e * 7 25 pm6 20am lv 55 i iiniiigtou *• 3 Oopm .viiamiel In 3op.i. lOain i.v 5.7. Piites '• 11 28pm’ 9 G3aw LV Raleigh “ 1 29ain II 30am i.v Henderson " 2 50ani1 I'-qun i.v Norlina SAIT 3 34am 2 OOpin lv Weldon •• 4 40am 3 10pm lat Portsm’th “ 7 OOain 5 - opm A r’n.N A VV.-B 0 55am Ar Bal’more, BKP< . 46 13 -itn A r N. Y’k, OHSSC.. _Jrl 30pm ai Pnil’m, N YP&N +5 4«pn. .1/htatar at New York •’ 8 40prn 't fiOam , 1 No 34. *i6. i.v Tampa SAL 8 00pm I OOe.nj J i.v .laeks’nv’le “ 10 Warn 7 40 pm lv Savannah ‘‘ 2 lOpiu if 45pm I i.v Columbia,*§ “ ” 12pni I 40am lv Hamlet 11 10 85ptn r 00am lv Honth'n Pines“ 11 2«pm » t?biir. .lv Raleigh “ 129 am ? <2a» Ilv Hemierson ‘‘ 2 50am / Haun ' r LV Norlina ‘J r - LV Pet-TMlnirg “ 5 4«am 47pm ■ ARHichmoml “ « 32am J 31pm at Washing’ll PRR >0 10am < 05 pni ai Baltimore “ 11 26..mH 25p nj ai- Phda’ phia “ 1 36 pi -‘dam !at .New York '* 4 J3|v_ n<>h- —f Daily Kxept Mt/y- I tral Thin-. §F.antnrii D rung Cars »>*!•*/</ L".!:.y n . d » Ru'limond. ami Hami *b / on Train- Nos. 31 at, H ... I- I JA- M.BvKK, tmli.emrai Vlaiiwajfo,, lu (.rtii-ral ollict- L__ ’ .. —MY’K n MAC. la HAIIHEK LHOt Wf(( jg ii>(.c and lo order i» k< pt. fit IJCJ aha ka *naiD|ioO >oc M v * a d . / 1.. ’i.o|i f ©r notify a • a n J j ■< I bava || opiy »♦<•« * JioreJ uarbaraho in town- g lvtl n|e elf) and I tfin lo tr*a> you