The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, January 31, 1893, Image 2

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' Ballot Kef oral Needed. ipers are full of accounts lrders and theft. What shall Be done? A man,s idea of practingeconomy is to preach it to his wife every day. There are some people yet who ■believe that the world couldn’t turn round without their consent. To the State Board of Educa tion-Hurry on that school enum eration for the people are anxious for it. Georgia will have no exhibit at the World’s Fair. Shame. We thought of going but will have to give it up. One thing the people learned all over again i. e., that it is only the “favored few” who make any mon ey talking politics. XansaB has'two legislatures in full blast and they don’t know “which is t’other,” nor they can’t agree and get together. When the' fellow advised liis •conn try term not to Judge people by the clothes they wear he must have thought specially of the newspaper men. Our crchanees are rieht when they enter a plea for ballot reform. About the rottenest things on this continent are our elections. Whiskey and money are entirely too potent a factor. The wholesale whiskey dealers are to have a meeting soon and or ganize. What would you call that but an organization for the help of our jails, penitentiaries, asylums poor-houses and cemeteries? V „ . The'calamity howlers are still it work in some sections and are Still raisj-pr,’ fJrcir’rtolefu'Nunes hut the niost"of the'pcople have had enough of hard times and have gone to work upon the proper plan to secure relief. The U. S. Senate is sure to he democratic. With thereinsof the whole government in the hands of the democrats they will he in a po sition to redeem the many pledges made the people for the pnst thirty years—and they’ll do it or or,dry mighty hard. A fellow wanted to know the other day w]j ''.office we were ask ing for und(-^^ ^democratic ad ministration? All we want is a warm place in the esteem of our people and with that we will he satisfied. To place the Progress in every home is our only ambi tion. Manv of our exchanges are rap idly adopting the cash in advance system for their business. The man that can publish a newspaper for a dollar per year on a credit is a genius who must live in a town charitably inclined where rents, provisions and material are fur nished him free just to see him reap the glory of journalism. The Savannah Press is waging a vigorous war for bullot reform in Georgia in order to purify the politics of the State. We agree with the Press, says the Madisoa Madisonion, and believe that every step should be taken to irevent the traffic in votes that is ■arried on from year to year in certain quarters. The .use of money and whiskey in our elections hould be done away with. Some new and improved system of ballot reform in needed in this state, and in all the south. We believe that the Australian ballot system, with the improvements made in the states which have tried it, should be put in operation in Georgia. Many changes have been made in it from time to time, and it is now as near perfect as any sys tem of balloting ever gets to be. It is in operation in Arkansas and West Virginia. It hus worked well in the north and east. It has been adropted by the legislutnres of thirty states, altogether. • There is no good or valid reason why it should not work well in all the southern states. We believe that the self-respecting people of Georgia will see to it that it i6 taken up and discussed by the state legislature at the winter session. We are of the opinion that our people should demand that Georgia have the benefit of this honest and enlightened system which has brought about so much improvement in the voting meth ods of other states of the south and the union. The purity of our public election should be^the^pride of all true and patriotic Georgians. We voice the sentiments of the people of this.section of the state, both white and black, when we enter our protest against the damnable practices that some times obtain at elections. It is an absolute disgrace to any county of the state that political wire- workers be palced at precints, armed with a flask of whiskey in one pocket and a roll of money in the other. It has gotten to be so common in some parts of Georgia that the wosrt elements of the negro race have come to the belief that they are entitled to so many dollars and so much whisky for the use of their votes. It is an expensive luxury to run for office. Many men of bright minds but poor in this world’s goods cannot be offered as candidates by the democratic party for the simple reason that it takes money to be elected, and they have not the money. What a comroent»;y would it be on the people of Georgia if we had a man among us like the last ■Samuel S, Randall. Mr. Randall wag one of the greatest democrats the country has over known, was a giant in debate, possessed of an intellect that was broad as this continent. He died leaving an estate valued ut less than five thousand dollars. A five thousand dollar man cannot go to congress from some districts of Georgia. Had Randall lived in one of these districts, he would not have been a member of congress, and the democratic party would not have had the benefit of his brilliant and conservative intellect. Georgia is a great state and her people are a great people. Ours is a progressive commonwealth, and we cannot afford to be behind the times in this great reform. We are not afraid of the negro voter. This state is a democratic state world without end. We should work out our own salvation promptly and effectually. The Mustralian ballot will do it. us bullot reform! d l PHOTOGRAPHS. Go and get Kuhns to make you some fine Photographs, Crayons, etc, while he is here. All are cordially invited to call at my car in Court House square and examine the va rious samples on exhibition. Come early, should you wish pictures made, in order that I can finish and deliver the work before I leave. If you have any idea of having work done don’t delay it as I remain here only two weeks. \ Schedule of Trices. Cabinets, $3. per dozen, $2. per half dozen. Cards, $2.50 “ $1.50 “ Minuets, $1.50 “ $1. “ “ Pictures of Houses, Schools, Horses, etc., taken at reasonable rates. What the Tapers Say. Mr. Kuhns has no superior as an artist—Dublin Post. His work is unexcelled—Greensboro Herald -Journal. Mr. Kuhns is the finest artist that ever visited our city and a gentleman pleasant to deal with—Farmers Herald, Wrightsville. Mr. Kuhns is the finest artist that ever visited our city—Middle Georgia Progress, Sandersville. His work is un surpassed—Cochran Recorder. Mr. Kuhns is a fine artist—Sparta Ishmealite. GOOD TEAMS, PROMPT ATTENTION, —REASONABLE PRICES.— We take pleasure’in ca-Wag /he attention of those desiring team6 to ouroutfitB. Our J:.»rse* are every one good drivers, our buggies, ain- gle and do’’ v .\, are comfortable; our hacks and carriages asjnc-at and dleasanC B e are delighted to serve you because we know you will be pleased (ii good teams at moderate prices will do it.) ' We care for your horse, if left with us, the same as if it were our own, Let us serve you. BARLOW & BARLOW, Liverymen, UN A DILL A GA, DOOLY SHERIFF’S SALES. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Will be sold before the court house door in said count}’, between the legal hours of sale on the 1st Tuesday in February 1S93. to the highest bidder for cash the following described prop erty to-wit:- Lot of laud number elev en (11) in Block two (2) as known and distinguished by the map and survey of the town of Cordele, lying, being and situated in said town of Cordele. and levied upon to satisfy one Justice Court fi!a issued from the Justice Court in and for the 1451 District, G. M. in favor of E. F. Strozierv. s. A. J. Hargrove. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made by R. F. Yeo mans L. C. ami turned over to me for advertisement and sale. This Jam; 2nd 1893. Also at the same time aud place will be sold the following described prop erty to-wit: Lot of land number twelve (12) in Block number one hun- dred and twenty-seven (li7) as known and distinguished by the map and sur vey of the town of Cordele, Ga., lying situated and being in said town and levied upon by virtue of one Superior Court fi fa issued from the Sept.,Term 1892 of Dooly Superior Court in fuvor of The.Mutual Building aud Loan As sociation of Cordele.iGa., v. s. W- H. Hor6ord. This January 2nd 1893. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described proper ty to-wit: Lot of land number twelve (12) in Block number one hundred and twenty-seven [12] as known and dis tinguished by the map and survey of the .own of Cordele, Ga., and lying, and being in said town of Cordele and levied upon as the property of \V. H. Hosford by virtue of and to satisfy one Superior Court fi-fa issued from the March term 1892 of Dooly Superior Court in favor of Mrs. S. A. Perry v. s W- H. Hosfort 1 . Property pointed out bv plaintiff in fi fa. This Jan. 2nd 1893. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described prop erty to-wit: Lot Of land number two hundred and one (201) containing two hundred two and.'one half (2021 j acres, moie or less, situated, lying and being in the Second [2] District of said coun ty. Levied upon as the property of J. C. Forehand by virtue of and to sat isfy one Superior Court fi fa issued from the September term 1892 of Dooly Superior Court in fayor of T. C. Tay lor v. s. J. C. Forehand. Property pointed out by plaintiffs Attorneys. This January 2nd 1893. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described proper ty to-wit. Lot of lastf number thir teen [13], also the East lialj^of lot of land number twelve [12], iftso thirtj two and three-quarter [32}] a-res of' lot of land numbereleveu [11], contain ing in all three hundred and thirty-six and one half [3361J acres, more of less situated, lying and being in the Third (3rd] district of said county. Said lands levied upon as the property of John F. Lane by virtue of and to satis, fy one Superior Court fi fa issued from the March Term 1892. of Dooly Superi or Court in favor of W. B. Bright well y s. John F. Lane. Property pointed out by plaintiff's Attorney. This Jan., 2nd 1883. Also at the same time and place will be sold the foil swing described 6a., Southern and Florida R. R. - SUWANEE RULE/} !}0UTE TO nORID/{. VIA ATLAHTA Schedule in Effect Read down. Oct., 161 h 1*92. P. M. A. M. 5U0 5 40 Lv 6 8) 7 §0 “ 8 35 9 00 •• 9 28 9 53 44 10 38 10 58 “ A. M. P. M. 12 18 12-14 1 47 MU 4 10 4 35 4 30 4 50 A r 7 45 8 05 44 1 25 12 55 44 P. M. a. M. 7 20 0 25 44 A. X. P. M. 1 21 1 10 44 725 10 40 r so Pnlatka Jacksonville lAke City Jasper Valdosta Tifton Cordele Macon Junction Macon Atlanta Chattanooga Nashville Evansville St Louis Chicago Head \p. I p. m. a.\i. ; Ar 9 45 8Vji Application for Charter. Give He [Should Have It. The fellowing editorial article from the Oglethorpe Echo has the hearty endorsement of the Prog ress. No man in Georgia is more deserving of recognition by the incoming administration than i B. M. Blackburn. The Echo saj’s: “Our friend, B. M. Blackburn, of Atlanta, is urged by his friends j tor an appointment to some one of I the consulships by Cleveland. If rare | any man North or South is justly It is being said that » , . , . , ,• -ii r,™- entitled to recognition from Mr. bits of information will be pro- . 6 , . L . Cleveland, it iscertanly Mr. Black burn. He is well termed the duced as to the inwardness of the election matters in the Watson Black contest, Watson will show (or try) that Black got lots too many votes and Black will show (or try) that in Columbia county original Cleveland man in Georgia in the recent campaign, and notwithstanding the opposition of great powers that be, that would doutles have weakened the ardor of almost any other man, he so ably one of Watson’s strongholds, over ur g ec j Mr. Cleveland’s nomina- two thousand votes 'were polled when tbe tax books show only fourteen hundred voters in the count}'. T The Allianceman, a paper pur ported to be published in Atlanta in the interest o? the Alliance of Geoif^ia, has “soured” on every- thij^sJ in tli 0 state but Tom Wat son and itself. We have observed for years that the man or paper friends, he has become an applicant that pursues this course soon has j for a position he should have it as to seek more congenial citizenship ™ w! We N tion and upon such a high plane, that Georgia followed his lead witli the result which we all know. To him in a very great measure is Mr. Cleveland indebted for having secured the Georgia delegation to Chicago. “lie did not champion the cause of Mr. Cleveland through fear t r favor or hope of reward—it was purely because he believed his candidate the man for the place —but since, at the instance of his earned reward. , . .don’t know exactly the strangers. Bill L ns o- pj ace f Q i which he asks, hut be it pher tried this “sour mash” husi- w fiat it ha ay, Mr. Blackburn is ness at Montezuma for awhile and eminently fitted to fill it. He is ■ his creditors soon sold him out. j one of Georgia,s brainiest young I men, pure in motives and character ’ “ _ 'and thoroughly familiar with Justice L. Q. C. Lamar of tne‘ governmental affairs. He will Supreme Court/ of the United J ably fill any position to which he ^States died suddenly while on a j can be appointed, and we join his * many admirers in a sincere hope to krVsiLgJi NJi\coju ,j *-t the ome o - "j see him in somo important place of W. H. Virgin at 8 :50 o’clock Mom-j trugt at t j le i 1im( ]g c ,f the incoming day evening of last week. Justice! administration.” Lamar was a roan greatly loved GEORGIA—Dooly County. To all whom it may Concern: The petition of G. VV. Fullington. F. M. Barfield. E. Walton. J. R. Ho. ne J. G. Forehand. J. J. Cooper, and Mrs. Susan Lowery, citizens of said State and County respectfully shows that they, their associates and successors desire to be incorporated under the corporate name and style of The Ful lington & Barfield Company, foi the period of twenty years- Vkl 1 the privilege of renewal at the expiration of saiu time, and by said corporate name to have perpetual succession, to sue and be sued in any court of Law or Equity in this State, to have and use a common seal and do any and all acts and things in their corporate capacity that are allowed by Law to private cor porations of like character. The prin cipal office aud place o doing business shall be at Piuehurst in said county and State, but they desire to have the right to do business at auy and all places in said State, if they so desire. The object of said corporation is pecu niary gain and protit, aud the princi* pal powers they desire conferred upon them are iu addition to the pow ,ts al ready prayed for, To establish, own and do a General Merchandise business. Have and own Real Estate and all kinds of personal property, and choses in action. To make and take deeds, mortgages and any aud alt kinds of Leins on Real aud Personal property take any and ail kinds of commercial, papers as collateral, hypothecate the same, borrow money. Sell and buy all kinds of merchandise for cash or on lime, and do any aud all things in their corporate capacity that may seem to be for tbeir interests. Petitioners show that the Capital Stock of said corpo ration shall be i'wo-Thousaud [82.000.] Dollars divided into shares of the de nomination and par value of Fifty Dol lars each, which have all been sub scribed for, aud the amount thereof | paid in. They desire the privilege of i increasing said capital stuck &i any 1 time, by a two-thirds [|] vote of the Capital stock, either in regular or cal.- eil meeting, to auy amount not exceeu- ing ten (lOjThousand dollars. Petitioners show that there shall be Semi annual nrettings of the stock holders of said corporation at the prin cipal office, the first of which shall be ; held, immediately after the granting : of this application for Chartel, and call : meetings, at auy time, by notice being given by the General Manager at least three days prior thereto at all of which ! meetings a majority of the stock shall j be represented for the transaction of I business. That there shall be a Board ! of Directors, of not less than Five, electeu by and from among the stock- holdeis, who shall elect a Ut-neral Manager, and all ether officers, aud clerks, of said corporation. Said Gen eral Manager to liaie the Executive ; control of said business and manage * the routine and every day business af fairs <,f said corporation. They pray the right to make any aud ail necessary By Laws, Rules and Regulations aud do any aud all things, not in conflict with the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of Georgia that may be needful for the successiut manage ment of th'-ir said business. And petitioners will ever pray, etc. i Bcsbeb & UK CM. Plaintiff’s Atty’s. STATE of GEORGIA—Dooly County. Clerk's office Dooly Superior Court. I certify that the above and foregoing If all the office seekers get their wants supplied there wont be enough left to feed them. They are appreciated—Editors Engrain of Montezuma and Mc Leod of Oglethorpe were recently elected Mayor of their respective cities. Those good people over there know a good thing w hen they see it. The State School Commissioner has been overwhelmed with peti tions asking to be appointed as census takers for the school enu meration ordered for this year. It pays $2 per day and the taker S\\ort Lme \o >V orVdt’s ¥a\v Sleeping Car on Night Trains be tween Macon and Palatka. Double Daily Pullman Sleeping Car Service Between Jacksonville. Fla. Nitshville and St. Louis, WITHOUT CHANGE. Connects in Union Depot at Macon with M. & N.. Ga.. R. R. C. K‘ U. and Southwestern R. R , north and south: and in Union Depot at Lake City and Palatka with all trains from Points in Llorida. east, west and south. H. BURNS. A. C. KNAPP, Trav. Pass. Agt., Traffic Man'gr, Macon, Ga. Macon, Ga. Maion and Firmingham Railroad. Schedule in Effect Oct., 16nd 1892 Read Down. S 45 A.M. I.e ve Read Up. Macon Arrive 800 : Hofkeo “ 1 10 44 8 ill “ “• IJzella 44 12 9} ** 9 00 •• 4 * Montpelier “ 12 10 44 10 00 •• • 4 Cnlloden 44 11 25 44 1100 “ 4 . Yateeville 44 11 r-o “ 12 no “ * Thomaeton 44 10 00 “ 12 45 “ 44 Thur’er Spr’gii 4 - 9 01 1 3) )-. M. 44 Woodbury 44 8 21 P. M„ 9 15 •• Ar Columbus lxV 6 00 a. *r. 5 5) •• GrJffln ** 917 44 2 09 r. M. 44 Ilarrin City LV 7 15 A. W. Colu mbuK 44 10 2F» a. M. 6 39 P. M. Ar Greenville LV 7 00 2 30 A. M, 44 Odessa 44 6 50 A. M. 251 • Mir./itl 5 44 6 80 - 3 20 p. M. Ar KuGranee IsV 6 O) A. M. Uminect with Atlanta ds West Coin R. H. H. BURNS, Trav. Pass Agt., Macon, Ga. A. C. KNAPP, Trafic M’gr Macon, Ga. OKDINARY’S BUSINESS. SHOES} l [HATS iSHOZSj \ I HATS SHOES1 VHATS SHOES. HATS SHOES: OUR JANUARY \USHERS\ WILL GEORGIA, Dooly County: To whom it may concern. Ordinary s Court- Dooly Co., Ga. [ January Term 1892. Notice is hereby given that Ws-Sf] Harvard Guardian of the persjffi' and ! propeity of William P., Lqey'B., Gro- j verC., and EiizabetlD-''Ha”rvard has made applies^Rjirand Sled the same in I my office,for an order to encroach up- ; on tlmjjfstate of said wards by selling: in town property belonging to>. said wards, situated iu the town of W6RTH SHOES 'HATS [SHOES ? HATS ‘shoes 0MATS HOES IY0U " w. WILLIS tSHQES ’ iv'l’rt I irH'. VWi'rU erty to-wit: Lot of land nunifeci ! “tlnr- Snow, said county aud State an 1 fully teen (13.) also the East of lot of ; described in said application; for the lurid number twelve. (12^ also thirty- purpose of the maintenance of saul two and three quarter • [32}] acres of wards, and 1 will pass upon the same lot of land number elev Mn j con . at my office on the 1st Monday iu Feb. taming in all three hundreq an j thirty six and one half [330!] aci vs niore or less, situated, lying aud bei n}; t he 'Ihird [Bid] district of said county Said lands levied upon as the Di .,p fcr tv of M. M, Lane to satisfy one Sup eJ j or C’ourtti-fa issued the March Term 1,590 of Dooly Superior Court in favor The New England Mortgage Security, i Company v. s. M. M Lane. Property pointed out by plaintiff's Attorneys This Jan. 2nd 1892. 1893. J D. Haegeovz, Ordinary, Dooly Cc^ Letters of Dismission from Executor-; ship. iEOr.fiI,—Dooly County: To Whom it may coucer : T. J. Ray and Jas. Ray. Executors of A VALUABLE OFFER is Every Young Lady and j l ho estate of Mary Ray. late of said J tieiaail- Also at the same time and place will j c hunty deceased, show in their petition ; , ,, dujy tiled according to law, that they; The world moves ».RU lucre 1*V»* fully discharged their dutips as-i at Ir-ast one institution that said .^^utars a^d petition for iettersd w ; t ;, h. This is the r of u 13mission from said trust. This is; , 'I , . 1,. therefc,, e to cite all sersonsconcerned.; curated unu m[3 heirs or creditors, to show cause, if any be sold the following described prop erty to-wit: Lots of land numbeis three [3,] four [4,J five [5,] and six [li.j Block eighty six [tsfl.j and lots of land numbers sixteen [ltl. j and seven teen (17,) on Block number one liuu distinguisnad by the map and survey of the town of Cordele, Ga., all of said lots situated, lying aud being ip said town and levied upon as the property of Laura B. Smith and \\ . E. Smith by virtua of aud to satisfy one Superior , Couit fi-fa issued from the September has to walk or furnish his own j Term 1892 of Dooly Superior Court iu favor of The Mutual Building and Loan Association of Cordele, Ga., v. s Laura B. Smith aud VV. E. Smith. Property pointed out bv plaintiff in fi-fa. This Jan. 2nd 1893, dred aud fifty two [152.) as known and I they oar, w hy said petitioners should not be uij-harged and receive letters of dismis^ )u oa ^he 1st Monday in March ue xt . This Dec., 3tli 1892. J. D. Hargrove, Ordinary Dooly Co. conveyance. He is dead! How sad ! What caused his death! I will tell you There was a glass out of his window and the winter winds blew on him, and caused pneumonia which took a relapsed into a heterogueous morbid ease of asphyxiated inguival pulmonary mortilis. Had this man spent a few cents in buying glass and putty, and spent a few moments in putting the glars in, he might now be remarking that this is the cold est weather he evered saw. GEORGIA —Dooly County. Whereas, the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a years support for Mrs. 8- S- Truluck. widow of J no. Truluck. late of said county deceased, out of the estate of said deceased, have filed their report in office as required by law. I will pass upon said report on Tuesday Feby., 21st next. This Jan., 20th 1898. J. D. Hakgrove, Ordinary Dooly County. GEORGIA—Dooly County: Whereas, the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a twelve months support, out of the estate of W. A. Jackson, late of said county deceased, for his widow Mrs. Wollie Jackson aud four minor children viz. W. A. b. A. S. B. and Oswald Jackson, hare filed tbeir report in office as required by law, I will pass upon said report on Tuesday the 21st day of Feby., next. This January 20th 1893. J. D. Hargrove, Ordinary D. C. Ga. GEORGIA—Dooly County. V» hereas^ j ames *p. Parker, admin istrator of- Asa Akridge, represents to the court/ j u }]jg petition, duly filed and entefgd on j-gcord, that he has fully administered Asa Akridge’s es tate. Tj,j g j s therefore to"cite all per sons coijoej-ufxT heirs and creditors, to sliojj cause, if any they can. why said ‘ “ Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described prop erty to-wit: Lot3 0f land numbers six (6.j seven (7,] eight [8.) nine [9) and teu [10] on Block fortysix(46]as known and distinguished by tbe map and sur vey of the town of Cordele, Ga.. all of Said lots situated lying and being in said town aud levied upon as the prop erty of li. E. Smith by virtue of and 10 j (; E ORGI A—DooLy County. satufy one bupenor Court h-fa issued / _ from rue September Term 1892 ot ; To wnorait may concern. Dooly Superior Court iu lavor j[ Thci FrancisM.flffalden and Austin Mutual building and Loan Association of Cordele, Ga.. g . G. E. Smith. ' Property pointed out b plaintiff/jn fi-fa. * / This Jan. 3nd 1SS)$_ Will be sold at aud before U19 court house door in said county t<y£;, e hjirh- a !iministrator should not be die-; - . , charge^ from his adminstration and wick, -diss Carrie Lfctricigo, receiv‘d letters of dismission on”the , land, Fla., with but 30 days first Jjfbnday in 3/arch. 1893. December 5th, 1892. f J. D. Hargrove. y Ordinary Dooly Co- Tuesday in February next, t j,e t'ollow- ing propsity to wit: All i( f iotof number two hundred aafj thirty live (2S5J,containing two hundred two and one bal 1-2021-acre*. mU re or ] es s, ex cept forty 40 in the Njjrth east corner thereof. Also one hundred aid ten 110 acres in the Now£ „ eKt corner of lot number two Mud red and fifteen. 215. All of said Minds situated, lying aud being in the Seventh 7th district of Dooly county G.^. and levied upon as the property of j/arcissa O. Cl -rk under and by virtuu a mortgage fifa- issuing out of the Superior court of couutv in favor of Weldon having in due form applied to the undersigned for the guardian ship of the person and property of Maud Walden. Wiilie Walden and J ilin M. Walden, minor children of John H. Walden and Mary Walden, late- of said county deceased. Notice is hereby given that their application will be heard at my office on the first Monday in February next. Given un- my hand and official signature this 2nd day of Jan. 1893. J. D. Hargrove. O D. C. Public Sale- GEORGIA—Dooly County: P.y virtue of a power of sale obtained in a' deed, dated the First day of Feb- sequipped Georgia Business College, ot Macon, Ga., whien offerstr-.refund to any young lady" or gentleman taking a course with them, the full amount of their tuiton, unlesssame proves entirely satisfactory. Through their -‘Perfected system of Business Practice “,the only one in the South, students actually buy, sell and ship geodi> making payment in genuine College Banks- Tn six weeks, Mr. M. J. Carswell completed the special course and took charge of the books in a lar«e wholesale house of Bruns- De- land, Fla., with hut struction, wrote 150 words per min ute, reading and Type—writing her notes with entire ease. Others are doing as well, thusdemonstrat ing the fact that it no. longer requires from six^to twelvemonths to master Book-keeping. Snort- hand or Telegraphy, provided you attend this practical College, in stead of the antiquated text 1 book institutions. Fine positions hav'i Been secur- 1 ed their graduates in every in stance. Citation. GEORGIA—Dooly County: To all whom it may concern. Edward H. Tnombley Administrator de bonis non of Mitchell Altmau de ceased has in Oue form applied to the undersigned for leaveto sell the lauds belonging to the estate of said deceas ed; and said application will be ;heard on the first Monday iu February next. ruary 1889, executed by John H, This 2nd day of January 1893. Shrouder, of the county of Dooiv, State of Georgia, to Margaret B: Quig- leof the couuty of Hartford State of j ■ -. •, -vr William Luonns. Connecticut, to secure a debt, said! against said Narcis^ c C1 ark, Win. Sumerford Guardian . u j Written notice give n tenant ,ms- session and Guardian a( t liteui, anu defendant as required », v i aw This Dec. 28th 1892. ' NOTICE. GEORGIA—Dooly County: To all whom it may concern; Whereas, a county court has -been established for the couuty of Dooly bv a special Act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia. 1 do hereby in pursuance of my commission us Judge of said Court and of section 283 -e- of the Code of 1882 appoint the is a complete copy of the ajq licaLoa p; r8t Wednesdays in each month as for Chatter this day fa:ed iu my office t ] ie Jays on which said court will hold by the Fuilington A Barheld ( o. W‘t- j ts montuly sessions, beginning with ness my hand and official Signature , t j >e p, r6t Wednesday iu April 1893. I this Jan. 30th 1893. R. Kellam, Cl’rkS. C. D. C. and honored by the entire south which mourns his demise. He had been in bad health for ’time but his death was unexpected on iccount of its suddenness. All of tire SupremejPourt When a wife hears a diiil thud on the rioorsteep she knows that tbe lodge has adjourned. Somebody has invented a-erad!a which rocks its self and plays baby tunes at tlifltP ^ofjime. This .will ' 0 'L£'^jboor, persecuted, do further appoint the first Wednes days in February, Mav, August and GEORGIA —Dooly”County, j November °f each year'aa tl.e days on To whom it may concern: I ^ h,, h c ° ult hoJd quarter- Whereus, the appra.sers apoointe.l Jj' ^smns beg.nnmg wnh the first to set apart and assign a years support 1 WlU . au ‘mi furniture to Mrs. Margarett E. office at the Court House m Vienna, Horne, widow of Samuel F. Horne county where all papers dockets Dee d and her two Minor Children, *c of the County Court will be kept, have tiled their report in office as re- [ 'i ca f s £‘? trlw * "6 days quiied b5 law, I will pass upon said tr ^u; Uate ’on 0 moo report oa tl.-’ 1st Monday iu March This , anpary 23rd 1SJ12. next. 1’bisJa*. 80 1893. 1 Whd-ple <0 ,j, D. Hargrove. | c ’ c ’ D ‘ c * J Prdv, IN) )ly Co. >1 I ’ i Lix deed recorded in Deed Book "M” fo- 'Fvp-’n-nr= Sa’e of Land, f io's 302 &803 of the Clerks office of the 1 “ .* _ . . Superior Court of said county of Doo- By virtue of an order of the Court of 's * F will offer for sale, at public o t- Ordinary of Dooly County Georgia cry to .-ir~.Vig.hest bidder for cash, bo- passed at the Jan. Tenn 1893 ot said 1 ^ fore the court house door in Vienna, Court will he sold before the Louit . ’rrf; said eount,- of D™ly, during the legal House door in said Coqpty betw-een Aiso at the same time and place will | 10l .- ta ^ aiief JsKL, V£it T 1inday in the legal hours of sale on the first be sold the following descrioed proper-! February lSSJylfe ioi!ov>...„ 1)roD J ertv I Tuesday in February 1893 the follow- ty to wit: Lets of land numbers two 1 to . wit; Ail of that tract or A rc £i 0 f j ne property to-wit: Eighty-five [85] hundred and twenty eight 223 and two j | an ,i situated Ivmg and being ill . 1 -y-Veg more or less ol tiie south side of hundred aud fifty six 25«. m the 7th j te of Georgia, aud county of Doolj ! | ot land number one hundred and eight district of said count). Levied upon ' known and distinguished as lot num- f r 10 g. i vinK and being iu the sixth [S/h] as the property of J. !3. Morgan under and by virtue ef a fi fa issued from the Superior co-irt of said county in favor of T. J. Ray against J. S. Morgan, W. J. Bowen and C- R- Morgan. Written notice given tenant in pos session. This Dec. 23th 1892. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described prop erty to-wit: Fifteen hundred pounds of seed cotton, more or less, in the house, four huudreu bushels of cotton principal to date of sale, besides the ex seed, more or less, in the house, aud j penses of this-proceeding, including 10 one four horse power Farqbuar Steam j per cont on the amount for attorneys engine. Levied upon as the property I fees. Title made on payment of pur- of vYeslev Ivey under and by virtue of , chase mon«y. This December 80th oue Justice court fi-fa issued from the 1892. Justice couit in aud for the 585th dist. j Margaret^B. Quiggle. ol said county and State, in favor of ; J. W. HaygooL Littlejohn &Tnr mo R. L. Barfield v. s. Thos. W. Sheffield, j sou Attorneys. Princ.pai and Wesley Irey, Security.; ' ' « . Ibis Jau. 2nd A 892. j finally * arsons are bmXea II. W. down from .wekwodc or household cares. her Forty-one, (14) District of said county—containing 202i acres more or less, bounded on the north by lands of James Perry, East by J. 31. B’arde,. n late ol Dooly county South by Holliday Jones, and West by j deceased lor 1. p Ur p 0se 0 f paying the James Perry. Said property sold un-1 debts or saul -_te and for distnbu-; der the power aforesnidj to pay the : tion among > -- rs 0 f_ said deceased 1 debt due by said John H. Shrowdev to j Terms of sale cash, said Margaret.B. JQuiggle, amounting] „l-vird f? Carmack, to the sura of Four Hundred Dollars j , . FstateT hombi J principal, the sum of [Sixty-eight dol-! Exectut ) B "- ' rhm-id larsjand fifty cents interest due on | man. Sheriff, Dooly j ^ Is 13rovvn*<T Iron Bitters Rebuild-; the lysten, aids digester- -err.oves excess oi gCHf J. D. Hauokove, Drdinary, D, C- Ga. d 108j lying and bein rpt of said County. - - id Kighty-nve acres of land ™ ore .°[, bja is sold as the property of David Alon _ | at{J Dooly County MANUEL, Undertaker. Unadilla, Gai