The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, February 07, 1893, Image 1

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JNO. B.,HOWELL, I LACY A. MORGAN, f PROGRESS Hew to the Line, let the Chips Fall Where They May. M VIENNA, GA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1893. PUBLISHED WEEK Je oi Pny-Second Congress. Discussed and Bills Passed ir National Uaw*Makers. THE SENATE. senate, Tuesday, senator Har- frted the quarantine bill with the [dating clause omitted as a substi- the quarantine and immigration ( <W by the house. Senator Hill 1' to immediate ait ion upon the t“«%rished to examine it, and the oyer until Wednesday. The l » ,(> ok U P Mr. Chandler’s res- Iflutsting the president to trans- ’telnte any convention he may 'lie provisional 'government |5'a) Mr. C mdler discussed it, \ f tlerencc of the rosulution lliiktee on foreign rehtions. \nade a long statement giving details a9 to commerce, etc., of favuriug annexation. Lconcluded his speech k bill was takon up. ijscussiou on the bill ||gau. The first vote ent offered by Mr. the George substi- ^ns and futures as te hereby declared K>d restraint upon gtes, and with ^llegal and nays 50). misinterpreted liis „ did I.ct contain any pro- - . or '^ e use of I'enRessee marble, norllid it c mtain any principle of pro- t'CtGn. Its purpose was to put the Aintpican citiz n on an equal footing with foreigners. In the house, Wednesday morning, in puisuance of the terms of a cqi current resolution passed by (he house and sen ate, making arrangements for the c ur- tng of the electoral vote, the speaker ap pointed ns tellers on the part of the house Messrs. Chapman and Lodge. Both are members of the committee on the election of president and vice presi dent. The house then went into a com mittee of the whole for the further con sideratton of the sundry civil bill. The pending question was on the jurisdict ional point of order raised by Mr. But ler, of lows, against the river and har bor items of the bill. It was con tended that the appropriations should have been reported by the committee on rivers and harbors; but, although Mr. Holman was the foremost of those who made the contention against the power of the committee of which be is chai rmaD, that committee came out victorious, and that item was decided to be a proper one, and further thin that, the item withstood a fusilade of objections and came out unscathed. The aggregate of the item is sixteen millions. Without finally act ing on the bill the house adjourned. The house Thursday morning discuss ed for a time ihe point of order that amendments to the an’i-option bill must first be considered in committee of the w hole. The speaker then ri served his decision upon the point of order until Friday. Mr. Catchins, from the rules committee, reported the special order for the bank circulation bill (Andrews and Cate silver repeal), giving notice that he would call it up February 9. The anti option bill, with the senate amendments, having been laid before the house, Mr. Hatch moved that the house non-coocur in the amendments and agree to the re- L uest of the senate for a conference. Mr. yqum raised the point of order that ^amendments must be considered in ^committee of the whole. Mr. Cum- js introduced a bill to provide for .facilitate commercial and political between the United States of rica and the Dominion of Cauada. (deration of the sundry civil appro ve bill was then resumed. A num- mendineuts were presented but ’efeated. The comrniitee th'n reported the bill to the bouse, ndments—esc:pt those to which ».m ide—were agreed to in amendment giving (Stic marble over for- ’St. The bill then o’clock the house ad- THROUGHOUT "HI SOUTH bouse of representatives on June 9th, 1892, with various senate amendments thereto. The first section defines the | word options to mean a contract or agree- I ment for the right or privilege to deliver at a future time or within a designated j period any of the articles mentioned in 1 section three. The second section defines futures to mean a contract or to sell and deliver at a future time or j within a designated period any of such articles when the party so contracting was not the owner of such articles or had not agreed for the right to their future . .possession. The act, however, is not to Smith wasThursday appoint- apply to any contract to supply national, cd permanent rece’ier of the Morristown state or municipal governments with and Cumberland Cap railroad on the pe- any such articles, nor to contract by j tition of a majorit of the stockholders, farmers and planters for future de" j 1 A Dallas, Texa, special says the jury livery, nor to agreement? to pay or deliv- in the case of D- R- H. Jones Thursday, part of the product of land as a com- | brought in a vedict of guilty, giving Notfis of Her Progres and Prosperity j Briefly Epazefl / —— AM Important Happenings from Ray to Day Te*ely Told. A Knoxville, 'enn., special says: pensation for its use, or as compensation for work or labor done or to be done on same, nor to agreements with farmers or planters to furnish such articlts for use < r consumption—provided that such con tracts or agreements shall not be made or settled for by any board of trade or exchange. The "third sec tion specifies articles to which the bill is to apply, ns cotton—raw or unmanufactured—hops, wheat, corn, oafs, rye, barley, pork, lard and bacon. The fourth section imposes special taxes, as follows: Dealers in options or futures at $1,000, a year license fee and 5 cents a pound on cotton, hops, pork, lard or bacon and 20 cents a bushel on grain. Sections five to fourteen relate to details for enforcing the tax, and section fifteen provides that the act shall take effect on the 1st of July 1893. The bill passed the senate Tuesday af ternoon fry a vote of 40 to 29. A score or more of amendments were off-red to the bill as reported from the senate com mittee on agriculture, I ut none were adopted. The committee on agriculture however had amended the bill materially from the shape in which it came from the house. Thus the bill goes back to the house in an amended form, and must be sgain acted upon by that body. TRADE REVIEW. gossip. Itials for his second Ito the senate Tues- ^ee Thursday morn vote, decided to Id Western bill fa- lamendments. |> of ex'rn session Thursday. Don that an extra cd to repeal the |ad around with lia, introduced a |y providing for currency and le distribution \nd laws and [f said loans senate, nhe naval sec- With link the \d a re veil re- little, Run and Bradstreet’s Report for the) Post Week. R. G. Dun & Go’s, weekly review of trade says there has been some increase in the distiibution of products during the past week, and the demand for man ufactured goons is distinctly larger sc that business has perceptibly improved at many points. Yet the outgo of gold; expected to exceed $3,000,090, reduce* treasury resources, causes increased ner vousness about the future, and renders men more reluctant to engage in new t)n- dertakings. Money is everywhere comparatively easy and cheap, neveitheless there is more sense of uncertainty about the fut ure than appeared a month ago. Money , . , „. . . is in good demand, but currency reborn- j * e s ate of Virginia, ing from the country and southern cities rginia, rou -g a generally report improvement, especially at Louisville, Nashville, Knoxville and Memphis, with good prospfects and col lections. At Little Rock, trade is quiet and collections slow, but in AtlaGt/3 bus iness increases and collections are very fair. At New Orleans trade is q.Iiet and money in fair demand with ak ample supply; but cotton is dull with light receipts. Sugar is still slfrong^iron and steel breaking prices, though//the de- mand.s^tT saies are large. Bejslemex pig at Pifcsburg has fallen to n|3.25, and ollK^fcfnarkets for pig atve irregular, les are larde. Business is fin- ic!s is ve/rv heavy, but for prices fare iowler than ever tracts Tor cruisers, mrg works, and for fT he," given Vo a PennsyIva- ll are mentioned as remarkably though structural iron works have Ire business than usual, ness failures during the week num- ihe United States, 255; Canada, 1 295 against 333 iast week. WHAT BRADSTREET SAT8. treet says: The features of bns- e past week has been a gradual (of movements of general mer- 3 and produce to their accustomed Boats are once more running nsome southern streams except f.fiS, between New Orleans and tbipnd at some Atlantic tide- :oiu) Produce and other per- ds are again moving freely, _ A IcS^s of seme of the advance in Voces' referred to last week. Eastern jobbers and xfry goods mills report the beginning of what appears to be a most active January’s demand for cotton -and woolen staple goods for years past. Cot tons are strong, and print cloths are firmer with the surplus cut down to 1,000 pieces against 248,000a year ago. Printers are unable to furnish jobbers as fast as goods are demanded, and Janu ary’s sales promise to largely exceed those for 1892. The usual influences have been at work on cotton prices. The iglish strike, prbspects for and against ^ ^nti option bii|i and reduced or in- cl movement!? from plantations to pie net result for the week show- jne of \one-teuth of a cent. b!e (improvement is noted a. —where the effects _ek or two ago were announces a larger an for the same peri- poits that country inerally count on a trade. ice blockade having been mond, orders for goods are k exception of shoes; as the Cco, while travelers'for that the bad weather ing interior points as At Charleston prices e are low, but the the output of the rove prices and yived at Ment is under way sfactory or- all staple distributive as exports .Galveston rchants wants entile .very cted. him a life sesterce. In October last at a confederate riudon Dr. Jones killed W. G. Veale. Bills passed -he North Carolina legis lature Tuesdni chartering four railways —the Winsto-*, Salem and Charleston, the Burlingon and Southwestern, the Atlantic and Ohio, and the Virginia and North Carolina. Seven dejeonesses were ordained in St. John’s fipiscopal church at Mobile, Ala., Thursday morning by Bishop P. H. Wilmer in accordance with the new canon of thJ Protestant Episcopal church. They take service in the church home for orphau b.ys and girls. A Waihington special says: In the matter of the adjustment of the grant for the Motile and Girard Railroad Company of Alabama, under the act of September 29, 18tf0, Secretary Noble, on Wednes- day,d;cided that the company is entitled to lands only for the constructed portion of the road between Girard and Troy, amounting to 302,233 acres. A Raleigh dispatch of Tuesday says: The agricultural department of North Carolina is in receipt of reports from the v heat section of the state, which show that winter wheat and oat? look uncom monly well. Snow has protected them from the weather. The general outlook for nil the crops is extremely fa vorable and farmers are very hopeful. A Washington special of Thursday says: Robert S. Sharp, of the Chattanooga di vision, has been appointed inspector jn charge of the Chattanooga division, em bracing the states of Florida, South Ca rolina, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. The appointment is said to be a most excellent one. Mr. Sham is considered one of the most skilled and competent officers of the bureau of depredations. The house judiciary committee, Tues day, ordered a favorable report on the senate resolution authoriz’ng pavments from the appropriation of the act "of Au gust, 1890, to apply a portion of the pro ceeds of the public lands to a more com plete endowment and support of the ag ricultural and mechanical arts colh g< g to _ t-rt- ■ ■ The legislature of misunderstanding with the interior department, adjourned without giving the requir d assent to the act of 1890. In the Alabama sena'e, Wednesday, Senator Inger, of St. Clair, startled the staid and sedate body by offering a joint resolution by which the proposition will be submitted to the people of amending article eight of the constitution by the addition of section eight to that article. This amendment proposes to give the general assembly the authority to extend the suffrage to all women iu the state of Alabama over the age of twenty-one years. 1 he right to vote is limited to municipal elections and to elections which are held involving the right to make, sell or dispose of malt or spirituous liquors. A Raleigh, N. C., special says: There was a very important meeting, Thurs day, of state officers, railway commis sioners and legislative committees to pre pare the most important bid which will come up at the present session of the leg islator -. It is to repeal acts which give partial exemption from taxation to the Cheraw and Salisbury, the North Caro lina and the Wilmington and Weldon railways. There will be a great fight over this bill, but it is certain to pass, as a decision has already been made that all exemptions must be removed. The to tal of property on which the state will get tax under the terms of this bill is $2,520,000. A meeting of the board of directors of the Jeff Davis Monument association was held at Richmond, Va,, Wednesday. The following resolution was adopted: “Resolved, That' it is the sense of the board that the remains of President Da vis be removed from New Orleans to Richmond and re-enterred iu Hollywood on M ty 30th, Hollywood memorial day, •.nd that the president of the association be authorized to appoint a committee of five, of which he shall be chairman, to consult with Mrs. Davis and the New Orleans authorities, and to arrange all other details necessary to make said re moval and interment.” The most disastrous fire that has vis ited Huntsville, Ala., in forty vears. oc curred Thursday night. What was known as the Struve block was iolally destroyed. The damage is estimated at $50,000. The block was occupied with the law of fices of Laurence Cooper, Ben P. Hunt and W. E Brown, drug stores of J. B. Humphrey, jewelry store of E. Karthous. Westeru Union telegraph office, doctors’ offices of W, E. Wheeler, C. A. Robinson and W. H. Barrett. Uni:ed States com missioner's office, H. M. McCullough, commission merchant, of Jame’ U. Mai- tin, denial offices of Drs. J. S. Hid, An il rs-an, Pokings Bros., and the saloon of W F..Strove. 'I he amount of insurance is not ret known. GROWTH OF THE SOUTH. The Industrial Developments During The Week. A review of tho industrial situation in the South for the week past rhows that there is &D evident increase in the volume of industrial de velopment. Six new cotton mills have been or gan zed during the week, one at Columbia S. C., with $750,000 capital, another at Monroe, La., with *250,000 capital, one at Orangeburg, S. C., capitalized at $100,000, and others at Fiore;!!’--, Ala., Chickamanga and Hartwell, Ga. A $100,000 distillery has been chartered at Weatherford. Texas and five flaming mills, four cotton oil mills, three tanner es and seventeen woodworking establishments have also been re ported. Fifty-three r ew indnstri- s were established or incorporated durin; the week, together with i enlargements of manufactories, and 14 im portant new buildings. Among the Dew indus tries i eported for the we. k are brick works at Houston, Tex-e; canning factori-.s at Hender son, N. C., Clarksville and Oak Grove, Tenu., a $60,000 development company at Covington, Ky., and a distillery at Fort Worth, T. xa6 Flour and grist mill? are reported at Bladestan. Ky.. Maiden, N. C., P,ktville, Jonesboro and Willetto, Tenna fence companv at Florence. S. C., a machine shop at Rock Hill, S. C.. and oil m' ls at Beebe and Little Rock, Ark., Mem phis. Term., and Clebnrne, Texas. Phosphate works are 10 be established at Al bion, Bartow and Willistou, Fla., nnd tanner ies at Shreveport, La., Bristol, Tenn., and Charleston, W. Va. The wood working plants of the week include baud saw mills at Dyers- burg, Tenn., and Norfolk, Va., a form nr? fac tory at Jackson, Tenn., a lumber company at Charleston, S. C., an 1 saw-, planing and shingle mills at Renfro, Ala., S<n Antonio. Fla., Kra mer, Ga., Benton, Ky.. El Grille, Mirs., Pofe- c-ati and Woodland, N. C., G en Alpine, S. C., Blue Spring and Dyeisburg, Tenn., and Cburchville and Big Stone Gap, Va. Water works are to be built at Cullman,Ala., Aransas Pass, Cameron and Huntsville, Texas. Among the enlargements reported ' are s'ove works at Atlanta, Ga., cotton mills at Union Springs, Ala., Augusta, Ga., Henrietta and Salisbury, N. C., and stave works at Mt. Pleas ant, Tenn. The new buildings of the week include a $500.OCO court honse at Fort Worth. Texas, and one cosling $75,000 ut Paikersbnrg, W. Va., an opera house at ClintoD, Tenn.. and school build ings at Knoxville, Tenn., and Plant City, Fia. Tradesman (Cbattanooca. Term 5 TELEGRAPHIC GLEANINGS. The News of the Worlfl Condensed Into Pithy aiDfl Pointed Paragraphs. Interesting: and Instructive to All Classes of Readers. HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS. HEADING THEM OFF. An Uncle of Hawaii’s Queen Reaches Washington Ahead of Commission. A Chicago speci >1 «f Thursday says: John M. Clegboin. from Sac Francisco, an uncle of Princess Kaiuliani. the heir- apparent to the Hiwaiian throne, Btole a march on the Hiwaiian commissioners, who are on their way to Washington to present the claims of the provisional gov ernment. As soon as the news of the revolt be came known, Cleghorn packed his grip and took the first tr in for Washington with the result that he arrived in Chicago forty-eight hours ahead of the commissioners, and will reach the capitol that much in advance of them. His purpose i? to present the claims of his niece to the United States govern ment before the commission appointed by the provisional government arrives at the national capitol. He is a brother of A. S. Cleghorn, whose deceased wife was the sister of the deposed queen Lilinokalani, and whose daughter, the heir apparent, is at a fash ionable school in England. He wili lay before President Harrison the claims of bis neice. Princess Kaiuluni, and will plead for the establishment of a protectorate with the princess as queen. STEEL PRODUCTION. Steel Rnlletin of American Iron and Association. A Philadelphia disp itc 1 of Thursday says: The bulletin ot the American Iron and Steel association presents complete statistics of the production of Bessemer steel ingots and of the Bess; m< r steel rails of all weights and sectious in the United States in 1892, except compara tively the small qmntity of rai's made by other manufacturers from purchased blooms. In the statistics ingots ere included in the production of a few clapp—Griffiths & Robert—Bessemer plants, aDd also the production of steel castings. Total production of Bessemer s’eel in gots tor 1892 is 4,160,982 gross tons; for 1891, 3,247,417 gross ton<=. The to tal production of Bessemer steel ingots in 1880, the year of the largest produc tiou prior to 1892, was 3.6S8,871 gro--s tons, which was 472,101 ions less than in 1892. The total product of Bissem>-r steel rails in 1892. with the exc prion above noted, was 1,458,317 gross tons, an incre ;8e of 219,3.59 gross tons ovei product on in 1891 BLAINE’S WILL. NO TENNESSEE DISPLAY Will be Made at Chicago. Her Legis lature Refuses to Appropriate. A Nashville, Tenn., special of Thurs day, says: Tennessee will not be offici ally represented at the world's fair. The house has so decided, and the house is supreme. For two days the bill appro priating $50,000 for an exhibit at the world’s Columbian exposition has been under debate. The members of present general assembly were elected on a re form platform, and according to the ar gument advanced, the time was too short to allow a creditable display, and it wouid be inappropriate to cut down the fees of the state officials and save a few thousand dollars to the taxpayers, and then at one whack relieve the state treas ury of $50,000 to be expended in adver tising the state. When the bill was nally put upon its third and final read- it was rejected by a vote of veas 35, s 58. riey’s Heirs Wiu. A verdict He Leares All His Earthly Possessions to His Wife. A Washington dispatch of Monday says: The will of Mr. Blaine will be probated in Augusta, Me., which was his legal residence. The disposition he makes of his properly is characteristic of the confidence he always reposed in bis wife ard which was such a noticeable feature of the family rela'ion. Everything is left unreservedly to Mrs. Blaine. She is to be sole executrix of the instrument and is not to be required to give any bond. Mr. Blaine’s estate, according to the estimate of a gentleman whose rela tions with him enable him to speak with correctness, will amountto about $800,000. It is composed of improved real estate in Washington and Maine, and of coal and timber lands in West Virginia and other states, and small holdings of personal property. The will was executed several weeks since, at about the time Mr. Blaine was seized with his first serious heart failure, which announced the rapid ap proach of the end. PARADING THEIR POVERTY Before the Lords and Commoners of England’s Parliament. A London cablegram says: About two hundred and fifty wretched locking vic tims of poverty and privation gathered on Towrr Hill Tuesday morniDg and re solved to make a display of their rags and misery before tbe lords nnd com moners in parliament. The mob had no settled plan of procedure; they were too hungry for that, but one and all they started in the direction of the parlia ment houses. It was a pitiful procession and excit ed the sympathy and surprise of the spectators. The police at first did not interfere, thinking that the gathering would disperse very soon; but when it became apparent that the famine strick en wretches really meant to make a scene before parliament, the police dispersed them A London cablegram says: Parlia meat reassembled Tuesday. The Anchor Foundry and Machine Company at Pittsburg, Pa., owned Wharton McKnight, failed Wednesday Liabilities amount to $124,000; assets about $100,000. „ Early Wednesday morning fire at Li: tie Falls, N. Y., destroyed several build iug, including the Hotel Rockton, Grand Central hotel aud the Metropolitan block Total loss estimated at $200,000. No lives lost. A Berlin cable disp itch says: An ex plosion of fire damp occurred in General Von Blumentbai’s coal pit at Beckin hausen Westphalia, Wednesday. Eight teen miners were killed instantly and sev enteen were injured. Fire broke out Wednesday night in the third story of the commission house of B. G. Pollard, and the Farmers’ Alliance exchange,on Roanoke dock,Norfolk, Va The building was stored with peanuts and other inflimmable stuff, and the fire men had hard work trying to get the tire under control. The First National bank of Little Rock, Ark., closed its doors Thursday Its liabilities are understood to be over half a million dollars. The cause that lead to the suspension was the issuance of fraudulent paper by former officers of the bank to the amount of several hun dred thousand dollars. A Loudon cablegram of Tuesday says: It is learned on excellent authority that the British government has not instruct ed Sir Julian Pauncefote to protest against American interference in Hawaii, as the British government does not ex pect the United States to take any step to which Great Britain would be likely to object. A London cablegram says: The popu lar reception of James EgaD, liberal Irish dynamitet, in Limerick Wednesday even ing, was the most remarkable demonstra tion yet made in his honor. Tho whole city was ab’azs with bonfires, torchlight processions paraded with bands and ban ners, and almost every house was illumi nated The mayor of Limerick pres ided over the meeting with which the demon stration closed. Natural gas exploded in the house oc cupied by Ulysses S. Brunson at Ander son, Ind., Tuesday night. The bouse was completely wrecked, and five per sons seriously injured. Mrs. Brunson was blown through the door and bruised as well as burned. She will die. Sarah Brunson, aged 11, Mary Brunson, 7, Dol- lie Brunson, 3, blown out of their beds and badly burned about the face nnd legs. Leaking service of the pipe caused the disaster. A special from Braddock, Pa., says: Wednesday morning the new scale was promulgated at the Edgar Thompson steel works, of Carnegie’s company, by which the wages of all employes in the converting and blooming departments have been reduced. About 500 men were affected . A conference will be held between the repres^-rUet'*" 1 * of the men and the company and an effort will be made to avert, if possible, the proposed reduction. A London cablegram of Wednesday says: A. dispatch flora Malta announces that the British warships Dreaddaught and CamperdowD, the former attached to the Mediterranean squadron, and the latter tbe flagship of Vice Admiral Sey mour, have sailed from Malta for Zante to aid the survivors of the terrible earth quake there. The vessels carry a large number of tents and a supply of bedding, which will be placed at the disposal of the authorities for the use of the suffer era. A rear end collision and explosion oi two car loads of powder occurred on th( Lake Shore railway three quarters of f mile east of Strycker, O., Thursday af ternoon. Westbound local freight No. i ran into the rear end of extra freight No. 583, which had parted from the mail part of the train, explodeding two car lpads of powder and blowing the ca boose and three cars to atoms and badlj damaging the engine. The engineer and firemen saved themselves by jumping. There was no one in the caboose and nc loss of lives resulted. A FKACTICAte HINT. A good cook says she always has • piece of bacon in the house, and to keep it sweet and fresh she takes a clean white cloth, wrings it out in cold water and wraps the bacon in it, then lays it on the swing shelf in her cellar. In sum mer she does the same thing, only she puts it in the refrigerator. Salt pork may be kept in the same way. CAUTION ABOUT CANXKD I ROT. Now that the season of canned fruit is again upon us housekeepers will do well to repeat the caution which forgetful maids need periodically—to empty the provisions out of the can as soon as it is opened. Often a most dangerous acid is formed by the chemical action of the air upon the soldering of the cans. It is this acid, indeed, which is respon sible for much of the prejudice against canned food. Many of the reported ac cidents would,if they could be thoroughly investigated, be found to have resulted from kitchen carelessness. The thrifty cook who, wishing everything in ample time, opens her can of corn or pears an hour er more before it is put into the saucepan exposes the family to a danger which is none the less serious because usually avoided. Open the cans if neces sary, but empty their contents at once, and never set a remnant away in them for future use.—New York Times. KITCHEN NECESSITIES. When one expects good service, it is an important item that suitable utensils and equipments be provided. Many a housemaid wastes hour^ of her time every week in the almost hopeless search for dusters, scrubbing cloths and tbe thou sand and one bits of fabric that one must have about the kitchen. Many housekeepers do not seem to realize that there are many things that require a little piece of rag or, possibly, very soft paper. Odds and end3 of cloth of all sorts are thrown away, torn up or, as one over-thrifty woman used to do, put into the heater. Indeed, in more than one family the appetite of the hot air- furnace is insatiable, aud has been for years fed with articles of great value, if properly utilized. There should be special cloths for lamps, windows, patnt, floors and stoves. For these latter, worn and otherwise useless lamp and Moor cloths are desira ble. When these cloths are of little value for their legitimate purpose, they should be thrown into a dish of strong soda water and boiled for half an hour, when they may be rinsed and put up to dry. They are then useful for rubbing the stove, the hearth or the grates, after which they may still do service in kin dling the fire. The good housekeeper rarely finds it necessary to throw anything away. Her economy, however, consists largely in starting right and making one article do the work of half a dozen. Old muslin may be first used a3 window cloths, then go through the various stages of paint, lamp and stove cloths just as well as not. Instead of this, we often see the hearth and grates rubbed with bits of snowy- white muslin or cambric caught up in a hurry, because there is neither system nor economy about the house. WHICH WAS RIGH ' A small, clear brook set ont one To searoh for the dark blue It babbled and sparkled, it rip And cried, “Just look at me. For I have started, dear ne friends, / ' To find my tether, the Sea 1” “Oh dear little brook 7' urged the m bank, As the stream slipped singing by— “I beg you most earnestly give it up; If you’ll wait, I will tell you why 7’ But the brook would not listen, and away Beneath the smiling sky. “Ob, where are you going, brook?” Asked a pollard-willew t Which leaned where the b limpid pool. Its tresses green to see— Tm going, dear madam,” sing th “To find mv father, the Sea. - ’ “O dear, small brook 7’ cried it friend, “Great danger will meet you this There’s an awful thing whin j will you up Before you go half the 1 “I don’t believe it,” rippled “I’m going, for all you say 7 And the brook and the pollard right, As you nil! presently sea; For a great dark river hurried along, Ind swaliowed the brook, and its merry song; And carried it off to I o Sea. J t —Annie L. Hannah. ismER EXPLOSION. and TENNESSEE LEGISLATORS Investigating the “Snaps” Which the State Officers Have Been Enjoying. A Nashville, Tenn., special says: The justice of the demand for « reduction in the fees of certain state officials was shown Tuesday when the joint commit tee that bad investigated the subject pre seated its report in each house of the legislature. 1 his report showed that the state treasurer during the past iwo year- received $31,822, out of which he had paid $5,200 expenses, leaving him $26,- 662, or $13,311 per annum. The secre tary of state in 1891 received $5,146; in 1792 $5,769. 'Ihe c >mptroller received in 1891 $6,872; in 1892 $6,299. During these terms these officials received 2,600 fees as comm'ssioners for refunding the direct tax, which wili not aciue to any offier official hereafter. A COMMERCIAL WAR Between the Panama 8nd the Pacific Mail Steamship Companies. A New York dispatch of Tuesday says: The policy of the Panama Railroad com pany in putting on aline of steamships in opposition to the Pacific Mail Steam ship company has impelled the last nam ed company to reduce its passenger rate to Colon from $90 to $20 and its freight rate from $9 to $2 per ton. The signifi cance of this action will be grasped when it is considered ft is eight days’ journey to the isthmus. This commercial war gams additional significance from tbe al leged fact that management of tne Pana ma Railroad company advertised abroad for foreign steamers to carry freight from New York to the isthuns. IT IS NOW SENATOR LINDSAY. Kentucky Sends Him to Washington as Carlisle’s Successor. A dispacb of Monday frem Frankfort, Ky., says: Judge William Lindsay will be* sent to Washington as the of Senator J. G. Carlisle. The new 1 tor is almost as large as Davis RECITES. Apple Salad—One quart of steamed apples rubbed through a sieve, six table spoons of salad oil or melted butter, salt and pepper to taste, one teaspoon made mustard, and one teaspoon sugar. Serve cold. Potato Lemon Pudding—Three ounces of potatoes, the peels of two large lemons, two ounces of white sugar, two cunces of butter. Boil the lemon peel until tender, and beat it in a mortar with the sugar. Boil the potatoes and peel them; mix all together with a little milk and two eggs. Bike it slightly. Poached Eggs in a Ball—To poach eggs in a ball is a knack known to clever cooks. The water is heated to boiling and then rapidly stirred till a small whirlpool is produced, in the hollow heart of which maelstrom the egg is cleverly dropped. The motion of the water sets the white instantly into a cir cular covering for the unbroken yolk. Chocolate Cake—Take a quarter of a pound of butter, beat to a cream, add the yolks of six eggs, half a pound of sugar, and stir for half an hour. Then add a quarter of a pound of grated chocolate, two teaspoonfuls of cocoa powder, some vanilla flavoring, three and a half ounces of cornstarch, and fin ally the snow of the whites of six eggs. Bake in a form like preceding cakes, but let the oven be hot. It will take about three-quarters of an hour to bake. Parker House Rolls—Dissolve in a quart of warm milk two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one teaspoonful of salt, one cup of lard or butter, three-quarters of a tea cup of yeast. The milk must be scalded, then the butter added to melt; let this mixture cool, then add flour enough to make a smooth batter. Set it to rise, and when light add the rest of four quarts of flour. Knead it into a loaf, and let rise agate; then make out into biscuits, and when they are light, bake in a moder ately hot oven. Rissoles of Fish—Any cooked fish will do; remove all bones from the meat, and then pick well to pieces; mix it well with an equal quantity of bread crumbs and a little butter, season it with an onion chopped very fine, a little chopped pars ley, sage, pepper and salt; add to this enough beaten egg to hold it well, and make it up into small, flat cakes; fry in hot butter; when they are done, add a little water to the fat in the pan; add a little flour thickening, and a few chopped capers; pour the gravy around the rissoles, and serve them very hot. How lo Sec the Wind. Take a polished metal surface of tve feet or more with a straight edge; a large handsaw will answer the purpose very well. Next, above all things else, choose a windy day for the experiment, but whether hot or cold does not mat ter; neither will it m^ke any difference whether it be clear or rioudy, only let it not be tried in murky;" rainy weather. Hold your metallic aj right angles to the direction of e., if the HUMOR OF THE DAY. A yard stick—The clothes pole. Never too old to learn—The ancient classics. Measuring a vessel’s speed is a knotty problem.—Boston Courier. The monetary question—Can you seta: tie that bill- to-day?—Omaha Wold* Herald. The trouble with the lynx eyed de tective is that he sometimes drops some of the links.—Puck, She— 1 ‘How do you pronounce C-h-i- c-a-g-o?” He (of St. Louis)—“Guilty.” —Detroit Free Press. A girl gives her lover /a mitten, we suppose, because a pair is out of the question.—Binghamton Leader. Many a man who couldn’t train a de cent dog properly confidently undertakes the training ot a child.—Puck. There are a good many successful lion fighters who will run at the sight of e hornet.—Indianapolis Ram’s Horn. The woman with the new sealskin sacque is just asanxiou3 for cold weather as the plumber.—Pittsburg Dispatch. Ah, very fair, in-lee l, is sh?, This maiden fair by me adored -I But it’s very plain to me . She’s dearer than I can afford. —Pack. When a lady “condescends” to da something, she can' only preserve her self-respect by doing it very badly.— Puck. Inquisitive people are reminded that the chap who “pumps” the organ isn’t the one who brings out the music.— Truth. Many unkind things are said of the telephone, but one of its redeeming fea tures is that you can’t lend money* through it.—Philadelphia Record. “Sure, Pat, the wather’s terrible clo to the idge o’the boat!” “Yis; an’j the toide rises six inches more we’ll b<j be drooned.”—Yale Record. “It’s all very well,” said the Eravs digger, “to advise a young man toKegin at the bottom, and work up, but p my business it ain’t practicable.”—Life. Binks—“I read a curious article, th« other day, advocating a tax on beauty.” Jinks—“Good idea. They won’fc|havi much trouble in collecting it. Qtipi. joke’s a joke,” the horse thief sain When they led him ’neath the tree; “But you fellers seam in dead earoesti While you’re a-stringin’ me.” —Puck. An Irishman has written a Strok tide in favor of cremation, and sa| cremation has one great advantag will.prevent “dead” people from be buried alive.—Truth. Orr E. Entle—“I hear that Nedj say has given up his bachelor^ ment.” Marlboro — “Yes, changed his bachelor quarters for al ter half.”—Brooklyn Life. Mrs. Snaggs (as she removes! wraps)—“I had a lovely time at th^ ferent stores this afternoon.” Sna “There you go talking shop agail Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. Dumsquizzle—“Young Timbel has a suit of clothes for every daj week.” Skimgullet—“I never 1 wear but one.” Dumsquizzle that’s the suit.”—Brooklyn Life.| Tug Captain—“Boss, the • workin’ very badly now, an’ we oug do somethin’ about it.” Tug Ownij “She won’t work, eh? Well, then, her, see?”—Philadelphia Record^ The military man was onj A hero to us all. The footbal 1 player no Whose carnage we rl —WaT Dukane—“Speaking oj saw hailstones as iarge- terrupting with a sneer;! Dukane—“Ob, bigger tl large as horse-chestnf Chronicle. Mr3. Shyster de Fuysjl that Miss Westlands ye uous attentions to betrj a refined training.’ mother, she is a rough Shyster de Puysterj to cut her.”—TheJ Bed of Peat in There is an enormous ol Canadian island in the SI rence, and the peopje; world are beginning It has one peculiarity cost the discovers soml When cut and heaped undergoes p process which heats it often snor^fcious combustiqj •lej