The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, September 15, 1904, Image 1

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VOL XXIII NO 5 «•, VIENNA. GrA. TIIURSDA.Y,.SEPTEMBER 15 1004 SI A YEAK IN ADVANCE The next issue of The Progress will fie printed in its new quarters over Vienna drug store. IN MEMORY OF SISTER. Mrs. Emma Bello Ingram, nee Forehand, was born February 14th, 1875, and fell to sleep Aug. 25th, 1904. Belle was a woman of strong convictions. Having been blessed with a consecrated mother she gave her heart and] life to her Maker at the tender age of eight, and ever remained true to her pro^ tension. On Deoeraber 31st, 189.3, she was happily married to W. 0.' Ingram. She was a devoted wife, an affotionate mother, a loving sis. ter and true fiiend. In her ohuroh she bore her share) being, ever refidy to help the cause. Tier greatest desire was to raise her children right, and that she was dd- FIGIIT ON THE TRAIN. Two Killed on G. S. & F, Sunday Ni_bt. A blobdy n'ght occurred Sunday night on the north bound Georgia Southern and Florida train between Valdosta and Jacksonville, and .as a her of others seriously wounded. The ’train was filled with excur sionists from St. Augustine and many of the men were under the in- 11 uence of whisky. Cnarlie Ault- man, a citizen of Baxter, Fla., cut the .throat of Jim Riley, a negro, and Hillary Aultman, his brother, stabbed Jack Duncan, the employer ot Riley, in the heart. Both died w ,, instantly. ‘Marshall Duncan, a inn her duty is undisputed, 'i’rue' brother of Jack, was out in five or NO CABBAGE SNAKE. State Entomologist Gives His Opinion. Cordele, Ga., Sept. 12.--The al leged “snake-worm,” winch was discovered in a cabbage here several days ago, turns out to be a rank result two men are dead and a mini- 1 Hutu. Immediately on receipt! of to her Maker, true to her family, she believed in working while it was day. Though hor day was brief she accomplished much.' And oh, she enjoyed the services of the sanctuary, and how she did regret missing the services tbfit was con ducted at the ehtuch during her last sickness, but the Master had a hap pier meeting than any earthly gath ering awaiting her, and sent His messenger for her. Though they came suddenly; yea, without warn ing, she wrapped tile mantle of the cross about hor and went without a murmcr. . She was her Lord’s—all her'life she could go with Him, and leave loved ones in His keeping. They were His by right and by -coiiocnt, for night after night in that uodly home around the family altar all haa been given Him. When'we look at such a life we 'now that it can, be truly said of '■her that Her aim in life was high. Her motives they were pure, She lived with Jesus over nigh To make her calling sure. Her life was one sweet dream; She lived by faith sublime, Her deeds on earth like jewels gleam In .heaven as stars they shine. , She was not tired of duty’s way, ■ But traveled iii that light That led her to an endless day. Where there is no night. 1 < She is beyond this world of tnfe Where all is peace and love; ■She lived a true, devoted life, And reaohed a home above. , j Her love for God was strong, It grew by days and years; :Sbe has joined the heavenly throng And left us here in tears. Though it was a sad, sad day, We do not murmur 6r repine, For soon we’ll travel up the way, ' And with our loved ones shine, HER BROTHER. six places and thrown from the train, receiving serious injuries. Their father, William Duncan, a prominent' turpentine operator, attempted to find and kill the Ault- lhitiis and fired a number of shots through a closet door, afterwards smashing the door with an ax, but the Anltmahs escaped by swinging to the the rear of the car and jump ing off when the train slowed down. Ililiafy Aujtraan received a knife wound in the back. The trouble was renewed at Bax ter Monday morning, Jesso Ault- man heading a party of friends, who shot William Dunoan twice and another son thiongh the hand. Neither of seriously wound ed. Charlie and Hillary Aultman were? arrested and the sheriff has gotio to arrest Jesse Aultman and the other participants in the row. the suppoxyd specimen, the city health commissioner forwarded it cabbage and all to the state ento mologist, Wilmon Nowell, who act ed promptly. Dr. Roberts is in re ceipt of a from the entomolo gist, which reads as follows: “I have your favor of llio-Gth in stant, and also the package contain ing a. small worm. This is, so far as I can sea, a common earth worm, and is perfectly harmless. • The many nonsensical yarns about “cab bage snake" seem to be based upon ■ THE REPORTER. Thiugs Seen by a Casual Observer. Any mau can bo wise if ho will sit around and listen to the guys on the streets, A Vienna girl refuses to flirt be cause she is not informed on the latest styles of it. Charlie Stewart has been to town three times tolling what Hinart things his boy did tho-first week of his iifo. « Fato Calhoun is said to bo the po litest man in town. We would like to seo lnni tackle a roasting ear at a wedding dinner. Un«lo Bill Lashloy is complain ing too soon that he is growing old. ITis looks shows that ho is good for at least thirty yoars longer. Wo know a couple who kept the the accidental oceuranec in cabbage : 1()vp , pUpl . s M R h of an eel worm, or hair worm—Mer- 1 1 mis albicans. So far as wo know Sarah Grand says that American women avo, for the most part, more thorough, |iore intelligent, better informed, larger minded, and more agreeable to meet than their British sisters. The average Englisnwo- man ig dull, idle, sluggish and in competent; the average Amorican is busy, bright, energetic and. capable the cel worm is perfectly harmless, and although wo have investigated dozens of these reports, wo have as often been unable to locate a single person who was made ill by eating cabbage or a physician who has over treated a case supposed to be oaused by eating one of these worms. “My private opinion is that the stories of cabbage snakes are made up of sheer nonsense, and were eith er originated by some enthusiastic newspaper reporter, or some super stitious person gifted with a great ability to exaggerate. “Should you at any time in your practice meet with any oaso where, you have reason to believe that ill ness was oaused by eating a worm o* some other object accidentally with cabbage, we should be very glad in deed to learn the details and symp toms of the case.” A cup of milk added to the water with which an oilcloth or oiled floor, is washed gives it a lustie like new. tor got large enough to read them, and then they destroyed them. The gossippors hayo stated up the rumor again that Olerk Frank Powell is about to get married. It’s a fib. Ho is a long way from it. The lightning rod swindle is Shifting from the whites to the blacks. Nearly overy colored fel low in town who owhb a house has had a rod put on it. Wo have a friend who was mar ried about a year ago to a girl named Mary. He is now Binging a littlo «ong he learned in the fourth reader about a little lamb. A farmer came to town last week and was caught on the jury. Ho had to borrow a coat to wear in the court house. He was not used to it, bnt he bent the knee all right. A woman was so sweet is sooiety that a man thought sho would bo that way at home and he married her. lie is now trying to get a di vorce and wants to suo Cupid for damages. It is funny to see the different ways the boys tip their hats to wo men. It iB a thing they might,prac tice before a glass until they get it more perfect, always using the hand on the other side from the lady. Leap year is eight months gone The Republic of Panama occupies ■today a unique positiou. An unde veloped country with an area a lit tie less than that of the state of Maine, and a population of' a little less than .3,00,000, has money for investment in mortgages in New Y&rk city real estate., Most of her neighbors are scratching diligently to raise money to pay the interest ■on their ddbts. Panama is a cap italist. .k*. , : A French scientist ’says automo- •biling cures consumption. He may hot be altogether right, bnt it can be said that few automobile enthu siasts are likely to die of consump tion. The round bale presses are out of business temporarily, but Vienna is * still paying good prices for cotton. £ Bring your cotton to the VIENNA # COTTON OIL COMPANY to be ,gin- | lied. Their gins make the best sam ples that are put on the market here. They double the weight of your lint and blow your seed in. You are not troubled about re-wieghing or loss in weights. tho best ohanco in the world. Ho keepH a jewelry store that is all his own. Ho oould, by adding a small piece at a time, soon have a girl so loaded down with jewelry that sho would agree to marry him rathor than shuek it off, and then he would own tho jewelry again and tho jewel with it. If I got any more invitations to bo taken to Pleasant Valley next Sunday to the singing convention I will have,to respectfully decline. Jimmie Fields, a nice young farmer below town, has n pair of nlid horses ami has made a dale with your humhlo servant far (lie occa sion. That boils walking, as most nowspaper moil have to do whon a vailroad doos not run that way, and 1 feel a bit inclined to tickle Jim’s chin for the kindness. If I wore a girl I would adjust my cap for Jim, and lot him tioklo my chin us, soon as the weather gets a little cooler. If I was a nice girl and wantod to got married and live in tho coun try I would fix aud brush up against Frauk White. Frank is a good uatured boy, five times sevoil, owns a good home, makes raonoy, raisos honoy and needs a honey to keei> his honey and boil his eollards down. Ho lives at homo, all alone, poor fellow, but has to go to tbo- house of a relative three times a day for his hash. The nicely swept ■ yard, the clean Water bucket, the cultivated flowers and. the geurd vines running on the fonoe iiidioato that a woman is around. But there is np dipner horn banging on a nail by a string, no wash pot on its side m tho back yard; no switches stuck about in the oraoks; no toys lying around aud no playhouses in the jam of the fence. With this ex cellent chance at their door, the girls are letting leap year slip by like it was greased. There was a peeuliar ease of oir- cumstaneial evidence in court last week that came near taking the lib erty from an innocent negro. A white man went into a barber shop for a bath- Whon he came out of ; the bath room his gold watoh was j gone from bis vest pocket. Tho no- ... gro boy who waited on him said he and John Jordon is yet dancing ir. j, ... , . „ . , ^ u | knew nothing about it, and could not give it up because he did not have THEY BUY SEED WET OR DRY A'D PAY GOOD PRICES FOR THEM ALL THE TinE. : : THEIR EXCHANGE BASIS FOR MEAL AND HULLS IS FIRST CLASS. Give them your business and be thoroughly satis fied. September 14th. the pig trough. Doubtful things are very uncertain with John, and no is beginning to view old age like a corn tassel without any spranglos. A man remarked the other day that a certain girl would be good looking if her mouth did not re semble a half moon. The remark was out of place. If he knew more about that girl’s disposition he might make up .his mind that she has tho prettiest mouth in the dis trict. ' What you are called oftencst be hind your back might raise old Har ry in you if you knew it. We heard a country fellow call a town man Surge the other day, but wc are not going to tell Jasper Fore hand about it because it would not do any good, and we don’t want our country friend whipped. A women in town Saturday even ing with a crying baby said her husband was to blame for every bit of it. As soon as he comes in, she said, he takes up the child and goes to walking, and now the . thing is orying to be walked. We some times think husbands are to blame for lots of things in this world. If ‘ Tom Hall never gets married it. But he was the only one who had been in the room during the time, and the watch was gone. No trace of it could bo found. The negro was jailed that evening, and tried in the county . oc&rt the next morning under the oircumstanoial evidence, convicted and sentenced to the gang for twelve months. Ho declared all the time that he was not guilty, but his word was not tasen. The same day he was con victed, and while waiting to be hauled off to the gang to commence the service of his term, the prosecu tor received a telegram from Atlanta that his watch was in possession of a friend. He came from Cordele that day, Friday, beiore be went to tne barber shop, left his watoh on the tram, and it was pioked up by Rev. J. D, Winchester, who was on his way to Atlanta. The watoh contained tho name of tne owner and the firm that presented to him in token of appreciation of servicos, and the reverend gentlemen deliv ered it to thd firm in Atlanta, who telegraphed their friend in Vienna that his watch was in their hands. The negro boy was at once released from prison. * If the watch had not been found the negro would now Jw it will- be his own fault. He haa' serving time for stealing it.