Georgia & Carolina gazette. (Petersburg, Ga.) 1805-18??, August 07, 1806, Image 1

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Georgia & Carolina Gazette. Volume 2.] THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RECEIVED From New-York y an ajfortmeist of Fashionable Fancy Goods, tonfifiing chiefy cf the following articles , (VIZ.) Leghorn, Chip and Willow Bonnets, Plain Cham bray, Cross-Bar, Sniped, Check, and Leno Muflins,’ Tarcen Plaid, Cal icoes, and Dimities, Laced Sleeves, Yellow Nan keens, Leno Veils, Caps and Bor ders, .Ladies Habit Shirtees, Together with an alHrtment men’svfine .Shoes, Ladies Kid, Morocco, and Leather Slippers, >*uh a number of other articles too tedious to mention. ARCHIBALD STOKES. , June 17, 1806. Ji Executive Department, (Ge.) Louilvitle, icth July , 1806. ORDERED, THAT the second Mon day in Augutt next, be afiigned for the hearing and determining concroverfies relative to lots of land, drawn in the late land lot tery, for which grants have been withheld, on account’ of tnere • being two or more per Tons of the lame name in the fame coun ty, and not deffgnated o.n the books appertaining to the draw ing of the laid lottery, lb that it can be thereby ascertained to which of them the land of right belongs. AIL PERSONS concerned, are therefore required to attend at this department, on that day, prepared to fubllantiate their relpt&iv£ claims. Acted’ G. R. CLAYTON, Sec'ry. Executive Department, (Geo.) Loufiville, Aith June, 1806. THOSE perlons who have drawn lots of land in the counties of Baldwin, Wilkin- . son and Wayne, and have not obtained grants for tnem, are NO ! IFIED, that such lots as the Trcafurer shall not have received full payment for, on the firft day of September next, will not, after that dav, be grant ed in the names of the persons who drew them ; bur will, a greeably to an act, (paffrd the joth of December, 1803) fi:p plementary to the ftvcral laws for making distribution of the lands in the aforeiaid counties, * l revert to, become the propcr tv of the (late, and be fold in <f like manner as fradiional parts 11 of furvevs.” GEO : R. CLAYTON, Secretary . Elf 1 STEUBEN’# Military Quide, for Sale at ihis PETERSBURG : (Georgia) —Printed by ALEXANDER M'DONNELL. SALE ’ 4 n OF THE FRACTIONAL SURVEYS WE the Comuiifli uers ap pointed by the L- gfla ture ro fell and dilpole ot the Fractional Surveys, of the coun ties, of Wilkinson, Baldwin arid Wayne, do hereb give notice that the lalvs will commence on Monday the 25th of August, next, and continue from day to day, in the following manner, until the wh* le are fold, WILKINSON. Those of the firfl d;ft:X£l, on the 27th of Aug nil nex r , and continue from clay t day, Sun days excepted, until th 2d of * September im lullvr. Those of the 2d difhift on the 3d or September, untl the 6th tnclufive. •* Thole of the 3d diitr el, on the Bth of September, until the 10th tnelufive. 1 hose of the 4th diftridl, on the nth of September, until the 13th inclufi/e. Those of the sth diftrid on the 15th of September, until the 17 eh incltifive BALDWIN. Those of the ift rhflrid, on the 18th of Septcmbtr, until the 22d tnclufive. Those of tne ad diftridfc, on the 23d of September, until the 30th lnclufive. Those of the 3d diftrld, on the Ift of O&nbc r, until the 4th inclusive. Those of the 411 dlffr <sb, on the 6th of Oddober, until the 9th inclafiive. Those of the sth diftridt on the 10th of Q&ober, until the 16th inclusive. WAYNE. Those of the ift diftri<sl, on the 17th of Odt ber, unui the 24th inciufive. Those of the 2d diflridl, on the 25th of October, untd the 27th inciufive, Those of th jd diflrnft, on the 28th of OCtuoer, untd the 31st inciufive. TERMS OF SALE. Os the purchasers bond, with approved personal security, for the amount ol purchale money, will be required ; in four equal, annual inftalments, to be paid in gold or silver; the firft pav menc to be made, twelve months after date, in addition to which a mortgage on the premises will be required. MOSES SPEER, REDDICK SIMMS, PATRICK TACK, Cors.mijJionerj. Loufvillej June 26, 1806,’ THE MILITIA LAW OF 1 MISSTATE, PafTed ar the Sc ft!on of 1803, and the Militia Law of the UNITED STATES, With the \rtirles of War Annexed th? rero, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE 7 // U R S D AY, August 7, 1806. GEORGIA By his Excellency IO H N Mll ,- IT ! >GE, Governor and Com mander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State } and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION IV HE RE AS in and by an a6t pafiid tne iirh of February. 1799, entitled “ An Ad to re u gulate the General ELdions “ in this State, and to app< i’nt “ the time of rhe meeting of “ the General AIT mbit,” it is among other thmg> dec arte ; That all writs of elrdions to * c fill vaiancies that ma\ hap “ pen for members of the Gr “ neif.l AfTemblv‘of thu States iC or Houle of Reprtlenratives “ of the United States, shall be <5 chreded to the Justices of ” the Ir-ferior Courts of the ref “ pedive coiintits, who are re “ quired to give public notice “ thereof, and cause the fame* ” to be held in manner and ts form as her in brfort pointed u out, agreeably to such writ.” And whereas a vacancy hath happened in-the Houle of Re- r prefenratives’ of the United States, by reason of the fefigna tiun of the Honorable Joleph Bryan, who was eleded and commifli >ned to lerve as a mem ber therein, for this flare, until the fourth day of March next. I have ‘herefore thought pro per to lTue this my proclama tion, hereby notifying, direding and ordering the Justices of the Inferior Courts of the refpt&lve counties in this flare, to confi dcr the fame as a general writ of ehdion for filling the aforeiaid vacancy. And 1 1 ,V feby charge and require the said Julti ces to give due notice that an election for the purpi fe afore - said, will be held in the respec tive couniies, on MONDAY the firft day of SEP i EMBER next. And Ido hereby further require that such returns of said election, as the aforefaid adt points our, be made to the Executive Department within the time prelctibed. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State , at the State House in Louis ville, this twenty eighth day of June , in the year of cur Lord , cue theufand eight hundred and fix , end of the Independence of the United States of. America , the thir tieth. JOHN MILLEDGE. By the Governor, Hcr : Mar bur y, Secretary cf the State. GE >RGTa. By his Excellency JOHN MIL EE.DGE, Governor and Com mander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State , and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. Vy HEREAS ,he General Aiy.m’Jy cf this State, at the late extra feflion thereof, palled a refolucion re<v,mm nding that the sum of FIVE I lUNDRbD DOLLARS be offered for the apprehending and bulging in any ferure jal wirhin this slate, Llwis M‘Gari ag a in, ocherwiTc called Sans rd, who is charged with the wlful murder of John London, Esq. far Senator tor the County of Effingham.— X have therefure thought fit to issue this my Pr clamation, hereby (-ffrring, in addition to the reward of ONb HUN DRED and FIFTY I>OL LARS, offered in my proefa clamation of the third of April Jaft, the sum of THREE HUNDRED and FIFIY DOLLAR'i, to any perlon or persons, wh>. will apprehend and lodge in lomt fee ure jail vvuhin this flare, the atorefaid Lewis M'Gahagan. And Ido here by charge and require all of- civil and military belong ing to rhis (late, to be aiding and affifluig in apprehending and bringing tojuftice the afore mcntion* c; 1 off rit. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Mate-Ilouje in f ;, u - isvillk, this twenty eighth day of June , one theufand eight . hundred and Jix, and of the Inde pendence of the United States of America , tbs thirtieth. I ‘ JOHN MILLEDGE. By the Governor , Hor : Mar bury, Secretary cf the ota/e NollCF. r l N ’ , 1 IIA i after the expiration of nine months from the date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior C urt of the County of Elbert, for leave to fell fifteen acres of land, , in the county of Elbert, bring part of the real Estate of An drew Woods, deccafed ; and to be fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Did dc~ ceased. ROBERT WOODS, JAMES EWING, Adminijlrators . ’ ANN WOODS, Adminijtrahix . July 23, 1806. Administrators Sale, WILE BE OLD, On the firft ‘luefday in OShier next, at Elbert Court-House, 1 79 1 - Acres of Land, more or less, lying on the wa ters of the Beaver Dam Creek, adjoining William Arnold, and others, it bcuig confidere.d as Two Thirds of the real Estate of James Jones, dcceafed, fare of Elbert County. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of laid deceased. GEORGE TONES, STAND LEY JONES, Adminjjlt t*tcr< July 29, 1 So#/ [Number 55.