Georgia & Carolina gazette. (Petersburg, Ga.) 1805-18??, August 07, 1806, Image 3

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..Mineral Miranda, is beloved, efpc<fted and e free cried by us Fall. By heaven, my friend, he r is the firft of men. I never swear bu*. to exprels thus em phatically my opinion of this great officer—the more I fee of him, the more I admire him— the oftener I hear him speak, the more eloquent I think him •—the more frequent I hear him reason, the more profound I think his judgment. The change in the Britifti administra tion operates beneficially ; and our dear country will reap the sweets of an expanded com merce, and soon ffiine as a star of the firft magnitude in the cenftellations of nations. We shall soon connect the northern and lbuthern hemispheres.” Naftoville, (i'en.) June 28. , We learn from a per (on of correct information, lately ar rived from Mexico, that the commanders m that country have published an order of h:s Catholic Mayfly, of the dace of the 10th February last, the purport of which is—“ That all d.fputes which exist- and be tween his Catholic Majeftv a id the United States of America, are at an end ; it is therefore ordered to our different com manders of the different frontier posts near thofc of the United States, to retire with their troops to the inter or posts, and hold an amicable intercourse with the officers of the Un ted Scates.” Mr. Sampson, the Irish Bir rifter, whole great exertions in defence of his (offering country men have ex poled him to so much persecution, and who has Oppofcd nothing 7 but candor and magnanimity t'-u, arrived here or Friday rhe 4 h inst. in the Br.tilh Packet. The social qual'ties and various accom plilliments of this gentleman will make him an agreeab.c ac qu fi'ion to society. His taienrs will entitle him to high rank a mongst men of learning and ge nius ; mere ftfll 13 due him in regard of his private and moral chara&cr, but his h'gheftpraife is, tha r he never employed his abilities, but in £he confciendous difeharge of his duty, and that he deviated from the high road of profit and honor that by e mincntly open to him, nor from any private ambition, but as an a<st of voluntary felf devotion to the raufe and relit sos the unfortunate. N T. American Citizen. Accounts to the 17 th ult. re ceived at Norfolk, by captain Mallory, from Antigua, state -that the English agent at that place informed him, that the French had taken pofTrfti nos St. Thomas, St. Bartholomew, and St. Mart : n. Aurora. A Natchez paper fta'es, that the vib ft species of gambling are carried on in that t icy i at tempts had been made to fix gambling tables in the ft re ms, and ro proted: them by the ule of loaded muske r s and pistols. Char teflon paper. On Wcdnefdav evening, a rnoft dreadful and melancholy infhnce cf ebriety. occurred at the tbp of AncoatL lane, Man chefter:—A man in a state of such extreme intoxication, as to render him incapable of motion, had lain himfeif down near a hrgfty, where, horrible to relate, fomc of those carnivirous ani mals actually attempted to de vour him, and had fuccecded in lacerating lome parts of his body before r-.e was re (cued from their devouring jaws. He was immediately convened to the in fiimaiy, and hopes are enter tained of his recovery. London paper. Last week a lab. ring man, named R. Wngnc, ai Alphmg ton, Exeter, knocked at the door of Mrs. Rowe, an aged wid <w, bes ire hi r usual hour of rising, and rufli and up stairs, where he found a blu derbufs which was kept there. This he f< ized, and darting towards the brofide of Mrs. R. fractur ed her lcull with it, and dtead fu'ly lacerated her head & arms. The maid immediately ran down and gave the alarm, when the man was fecurcd, who ap peared to be evidently derang ed ; to! he declared he was edm mffioned by a superior Pt.wer to destroy all old women in the town, as a peace could never take place till that was ac complished—-The coroner's in quest, after fitting several hours, returned a vrditt “wilful murder” committed by the hands of R. Wright, supposed luna ic.— ih. PARSNiP WINE. • A lau E g lfh publication gives the following recipe for mak ng a cheap and excellent wine, superior to that made of raft as, ‘. ut of rhe vegetable par imp :—” Wufh rhe Parfni’ps Clean, take *>ff* the rind, cut them ir. ft es, boil four gallons so cut in ten gall ns of water, till (hey are p rfeftly loft ; squeeze the i quor well out of them, and run :t through a hair feive, and to every gallon of li quor add three pounds of sugar, and boil it three q mrters of sn hour j when it is cool put to it a little new ye aft, let it stand ten days in an open veff I, stir it frequently, put it in a calk, and when it is done fermenting, bring it up for ufr.” tn ti'irm ■.!■m • Tthe subscriber AKES the liberty to in form the Public, that he has lately arrived (rom Charleftonj and has opened a SCHOOL for the inftrudlion of youth of both sexes, in the English Lan guage ; where will be taught, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, and Geography. He will endeavor to difeharge his duty faithfully to such chil dren, as ftiall be committed to his care. CHARLES TEW. Mrs. Tew will (if fufficient ly patronized) inftrudt young Ladies in every branch of needle work. N. B. A few Boarders can be accommodated in the Fami ly, and every attention will be paid to thcr m ‘rals, Abbeville Diftrift, Calhoun's Settlement, formerly the ref donee oj the lute Major Noble , July 24> ißc6. SHERIFFS SALE. IVILL BE SOLD, At the Court- tloufe in Elbert County , on the First I'uefday in September next , the following property , to wit : One Negro Woman, named Patty, and her child, named Jenny j levied on as the proper ty of Martin Dye. ALSO, 300 Acres of Land in said Countv, more or less, on the waters of Van’s Creek, well im proved, it being the place where Benjamin Head now lives, ard joins lands of Lewis Garr ; le vied on as the property of Ben iamin Head. Also, 200 Acres of Land in said county, on Beaverdam Creek, be the fame more or less, includ ing the plan ation and (till, where Win. Guy now lives ; levied on as the property of laid Wm. Guy. ALSO, 200 Acres of Land in said county, on the waters of Bea verdam Creek, granted to R. Brown, and occupied by John I . Gerrald; levied on as the property of said John F. Gcr rakl. ALSO, - 120 Acres of Land in said county, on Savannah river, ad joining Tavnah Head, occupied by Richard Smith ; levied on as the property of said RLha r d Smith. ALSO, 100 Acres of Land in said County, on the waters of Beaver dam Creek, granted to Robert B own, occupied by George F. Gerrald; levied on as the pro perty of said George F. Ger rald. The three last trafts of land returned to me by ronftabies. R. MIDDLETON, Sheriff. July 26, 1806. NOTICE. T . X HE Subscribers having purchased Capr. Larkin Clark’s YOUNG BEDFORD, He will stand in future at Wil liam Oliver’s Score, fourteen miles above Petetfburg, at fix doliars the FALL SE ASON.— This truly celebrated Young Horle wants no recommendation further than to view his colts with an impartial eye. And from the Subscribers wishing to give general fatisfaction, they hope to meet the favors of their friends and the public in general. WILLIAM OLIVER. MAYFIELD BELL. July 25, 1806. N O T ICE. All those indebted to the Eftatc of Thomas Walton, de ceased, are hereby notified that unless they make payment very shortly, their notes and acccun's will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for collection—. Those to whom the E state is indebted, £re requested to pre sent their demands. THOMAS WALTON, Tun. JOHN H. WALTON, Adminifi. at on. Lincoln Couny , • 1 NOTICE. On the First Tuesday in Novafi ber next , at Elbert t.ourt - Iloufe , between the hours of ten and three , IVILL BE SOLD to the high est bidder , Two hundred and nineteen acres of land, about qwenty five acres cleared land under a rea sonable good fence, adjudged to be lands tjf the feeond quiliry, and joins Savannah river, ir be ing part of the real eiFire of Hermon Lovelnguod, rlr < afed. Terms will be made known 0:1 the day of Sale. MOSES HAYNES, Administrator. August “j , 1806. Administrators oale. On Friday the 2id of August next , will be fold at Gajben ( the Store House of Davis Hughes, LO.) in Lincoln County , the pcrfonal eftatc of Thomas Hughes , deceased, Consisting of two ne groes, one horse, feather bed, and furniture, with sundry other articles. Credit will be given until the firft day of January next, the purchaser g vmg bond with approved <e.ur;u—the property not to be altered till the terms are compiled with. ROBERT HUGHES, Administrator • July 8, 1806. Sally B. Jarrait, j Executrix A* Jarratt, / John W. Walker Executors and i o t M. ii'al- Henry G. Walker,; ker , Dec. T-TpON the Petition of Sally B. Jarratt, A. Jarratt, [onnW. Walker, and Henry G. Walk er, Executrix andExecuco s at the last will and testament of Memorable Walker, deceased, praying the foreclofure ot lhe equity of redemption mall that tra£t of land, ficuate, lying and being in the County of and State of Georgia, on the waters of Cold Water Creek, containing two hundred acres, more or less, joining M fes Fleming, Joffiua Underwood, Mark I hornton—and mort gaged by John Murrah on me twenty-fourth day of July, 1 800, to the said Memorable Walker for the securing the pay of the Turn of eighty-five doliars, ac cording to the tenor of a certain promiftary note, bearing date the 25th July* rßoo—and, os the motion of Mr. Cook, at torney f or the petitioners, it is ORDERED, that the prin-* cipal, irrtereft and cost be due on the laid Mortgage, be paid into Couit within twelve months from this day, othcrw.L the c quicy of retietnptioQ w ll from thenceforth be foreclofed i and that a copy of this ruk- be serv ed on the said John Murrah, or pubhfhed in-one cf the Public Gazette* of this State, once a month foe the space of twelve months. Extra?!from the HVinutes, M. W j )Di. May 22, 1 3 6. blank deeds For Sale at this Office.