The Weekly standard & express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1871, December 07, 1871, Image 3

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STANDARD & EXPRESS. CARTERSVILLE, GA., DEC. 7, 1871 xTo OA L MAT TERS. Our Authorized Local Agents. C. W. Hxjiris, Stilesboro, Ga. M. F. Fowel, Morgan ton, Ga. T. F. Grkkr EHijsy, Ga. A. W. Blalock, Town Creek, Ga. T. L. Langford, Ludville, Ga. I. M. Carpenter and 11. 11. Galloway, Blue Ridge, Ga. tefWe have in our ltetail Dry- Goods Storo the most superb and ele gant stock of Ladies’ Dross Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery and gen eral assorted slock of Dry Goods ever before offered by us, and we solicit in spection of our stock from all. Sam ples sent ou application. CuAMBKiuiN, Boynton & Cos., Cor. Whitehall & Hunter Streets, Atlanta, Ga. The Largest and Most Superb Stock of Velvet Axmiuster, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, 3 ply, Ingrain and Cheap Carpets, Curtains and House Furnishing Goods now on Exhibition ami (or Sale at Extremely low prices, nfc The Carpet Store of Chamberlin, Boynton & Cos, Cor. W. & H. Streets, Atlanta, Ga. 100 Boxes Window Glass —all sizes— j ust received at Loyless Drug Store—for eale at Atlanta prices and freight. STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. Cook and Heating Stoves of every descrip tion at prices to suit the times. I keep none but lirst class stoves. All stoves guar anteed to give satisfaction or money refund ed. Parties owing me on accounts due will please call and settle. Respectfully, J. C. Register. Superb lot of Handkerchiefs, Extracts Colognes, Toilet Powder Setts, &c., for the Ladies at LoylessA The Show is Coming. —Another big ani mal and circus show is to be here just be fore Christmas ! Privately we are opposed to all such things, though wo may go to see the animals ; and it may be necessary to help take care of the children while they look at the men and horses aud things ! The little folks all have a curiosity to see the show just one time, and it looks hard not to gratify a curiosity so natural and reasonable. But if we have any doubts about the propriety of attending, wo had better not go; and it costs something to indulgo in such amusements, and there are soveral ways in which we can make a more profitable investment. 2300 lbs White Lead on hand and to arrive at Loyless. Suspicious. —Our clever young friend, Joel Conyers, was 3ceu going in the direc tion of Stilesboro, iu the snow, one evening last week, and has not since been heard oi at “these head quarters.” He is one of those thoughtless youths mentioned in our last issue, and we feel concerned for his welfare. Mammoth Stock of Fresh and Pure Drugs just received—No old goods o erd— Entire Stock Fresh at Loyless. Tuk Chap who toro down our Sign the other night, had bettor put it up again, and take down his Sign, or he may be as signed a situation where the dogs can’t bito him! We beg leave to report tnat the weather at the present writing has a cooling ten. dency. Keen or some other spirit of tho storm, blows the wind most furiously. Large Stock of Linsoed, Kerosene, Tan ners, Lard, and other Lubricating Oils, now being received at Loyless. Oca Scuools. —Cartersville has had quite a number of excellont schools during tho present year. Our friend, Ronald Johnson, has had a fine school and we be lieve has given general satisfaction in teach ing “tho young idea how to shoot.” Young Attaway is also an accomplished young man, and bids fair to succeed in hisjlionora ble and useful vocation. Misses Safford aud Moon have had a very interesting school of misses, and their unremitting labors have been appreciated by tho community. There have also been other smaller schools jn town, all of which have contributed to the general good. There is no better evi dence of the prosperity of our place than the lively interest which is manifested up on the subject of education. Cartersville affords superior educational advantages, aud wo ought to have institutions of leani ng, which would rival any in the State. I propose to sell any thing in my line at Atlanta figures and freight—Give me a trial and bo convinced that I mean what I say. Loylbss. Show! On Thursday evening of las week we were visited by a beautiful show er of snow, which continued to fall until late at night. On Thursday morning fal lowing, the ground was covered about three inches deep, and the wide spread carpet of white, presented a fine appearance. It is unusual to see so much snow so early in the season, in this latitude. Show Balling ! The boys in town en joyed rare sport last week, snow balling each other and other freedmen. They would attack one of “the nations wards,” and if he proved to be sulky they would let him alone, but if they could succeed in get ting one on the wing they’would make him “git” in double quick time. No “Ku-Klux outrage” intended. Our Bird Hunt, and Its Moral. —We took our net, meunted our horse and went in quest of partridges the other day. W e ■oon found a fine covey, set our net, and after’a good deal of skillful maneuvering ) them in ; but io ! when r ?Lughtth. prize was within our grasp saw them quietly walking out at the other end ! Nothing daunted, however, we examined the net, found that the mice had out some of the meshes, hastily repaired the breach, set it again, and made another drive, and got them in once more, and a cain’saw them go out, as first! That was too bad 1 But like Robert Bruce’s spi dfr we mended our net again, 8* it, and caught two of them, after ai. The mora! taught in theJjjot. *nt is this- When you undertake prize, do not conclude “ J° U ™ aJiy l fail to acco “ P - 3 nothing like perserver trying, for thei ance. . — " owe me come I mean ivliat sa »j ONEX . No Joke' wdp-7. I 1 J, T. Owns. MARRIED —Near Stilesboro, on the evening of the 30th ult., at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. J. G. Ryals, Mr. Joel T. Oon yers to Miss M. F. CUNVTB, all of this county. We wish the happy couple every happi ness which can attend the union of “ Two souls with but a single thought. Two hearts that beat as one,” and may they never know a sorrow, but their voyage through life pass without a ripple to mar its pleasures. The couple were attended by Mr. W. H. Cannon and Miss Rebecca M. Conyers, Mr. M. H. Gilreath and Miss Fannie E*. Cannon, and Mr. W. H. Howard and Miss Callie L. Hill. Printer’s fee 0. K. , MARRIED—On the 29th ult., at the resi dence of Col. Warren Akio, by the Itev. C. Y. Evans, Mr.Tnos. W. Baxter to Miss Eliza Akin, all of this county. We congratulate the happy couple, and wish them a long and prosperous journey through life, and a home at last with the pure in heart in Heaven. MARRIED— In Cartersville, Ga., on the evening of the 3d inst., by itev. S. 11. rimii.l, Mr. 11. N. Mknefek to Mrs. Laura L. Cow U ’ of this place. • Answer to a Correspondent.—An old farmer friend wants to know if we think the weather is cold enough to kill hogs ? We reply that we think it is cold enough to kill poor ones, but that fat ones are in no danger of dying from that cause. Howard & Ramsaur s customers get the same goods at lower prices than any oth er merchants. How to Manage’em.— We asked a friend of ours, who|runs a farm near this place, and works freedmen, how he managed to make them work when they were disposed to be idle ? “why,” said he “I holler at ’em just as I did before they were free:” “But,” said he, if they don’t mind you what do you do then ?” Holler agin,” he replied ! How to save money—buy your goods at Howard & Ramsaur’s. II AxGHT & Co’s CiRCUS, MuSiUM AND Menagerie.—This Southern institution, since visiting us one year since, has won a brilliant national reputation, and achieved a glorious pecuniary triumph. It has been largely augmented in its arenic and zoo logical departments, and now ranks among the first exhibitions of this country and Europe. The papers all over the South teem with excellent praises of its merits, and the Eastern .nd Provincial press are unanimous in their lavish commendation. The Waterville (Maine) Mail says “the company gave the best satisfaction. They met all their promises ; showing a superior lot of horses, first class performers, and au entertainment more free from objectionable features than any seen here for years,” This is saying a great deal for a perfor mance after it is over. The programme for this day of exhibi tion will be a s follows : A grand balloon ascension will be made from the lot near the pavillion. Prof. Itenno will go up clouds, carried on his monster balloon “ Tallulah.” The process of in flation is new, hot air being substituted for the old plan of gas. All can see the meth od used by the discomfitted French to carry messages over the heads of the victorious Prussians. Harry Wambold, the celebra ted rope walker, will promenade from the grouud to the top of the centre pole, on a single wire, and return. The names of the artists of the arena connected with this ex hibition are so well known to the public (hat it is not neoessary to more than refer to them. The company is large, well se lected, and of excellent material. A thrill ing scene is enacted with wild animals at each performance. M’lle Minnie Wells, who was so torn and mangled in (he Bow ery Theatre, last year, by the celebrated lion “ Prince,” assisted by Gustave Berg, will enter the den and feed these beasts of most ferocious nature. Everybody will go to see this great arena and zoological exhi bition, and behold the balloon ascension, which takes place at one o’clock in the afternoon—and immediately afterwards the aerial pedestrianism of Mr. Wambold.— Chattanooga Times' This Circus will exhibit in Cartersville, on Wednesday, 20th of this month. Gents Hand made French calf Boots at very low prices at Howard & Ramsaur’s. Howard & Ramsaur have received anoth erjlot of their beautiful Russia Leather Boots for ladies—Miles & Sons make. Go quick before they are all gone. Hints For tux Season. —Make good fires, wear thick-soled boots or shoes, pay your old debts, if you can, and make no new ones, subscribe for the Standard <& Express, and fear no evil; and, young man , our “devil” says don’t stay up too late when you go courting, for fuel costs a heap. Go to Howard & Ramsau**s for the best country made jeans in town. They have got it, at low prices. All who are in need of a good Shave, Hair Cutting, etc., should call on Essex Choice, who is ready at all times to serve them in the best and latest stylo of the jonsorial art. 2. A dollar gets its utmost value, at How ard & Ramsaur’s. Encouraging. —Ag will be seen by re ferring to the local columns of this week’s paper, the matrimonial market is brisk. <* Who will be next?” is a problem some what difficult of solution. ‘* O, when will my time come!” is the exclamation of many a heart, wo suppose. We would probably take more interest in this mat ter, if we had any assurance that the Printers would not be forgotten in the future as they have been in the past. We think there are instances in which we could reader va'uable assist ance in making matches. Some of them, however, might be lucifcr ones, but we will endeavor ,to have them all to be parlor matches. Office hours at all times. Howard & Ramsaur keeps the best #tock of Leather and sell at the lowest prices. Dimensions of Our Jail and Jailor’s House. —We give the following information for the benefit of those who have never seen our new jail and jailor’s house, so that they may know that our accommodations are ample: The jailor’s house contains eight neatly finished rooms, each 18 feet square, four below and fouu above, with a in each room; and two closet3; and two spacious halls, one be’ow and one above. The roof is hipped and covered wi h slate. A verandah fronts ihe court-house, south, and there is a porch fronting the east. It is said to be the finest residence in town. The jail is a wing or rather a tail, con nected with the above on the north side> and contains 24 cells, each 6 by 8 feet’ 12 on a side, with a passage between the cells and outer walls. The floors and ceil ing of the cells are made of two-inch plank, doubled and spiked together, and the mas sive door* arenrade of w-ought iron. We are now jeady for boarders—don't al 1 speak at once ! __ Brows shirtings—all widths—are sold at the very inside figures at Howard & Ram saur’b. THE GRKAT PICTORIAL ANNUAL. 11 ostetter’s United States Almanac for 18/2, for distribution, gratis , throughout the United States, and all the civilized coun tries of the W'estern Hemisphere, will be published about the first of January, in the English, German, French, Norwegian, Welsh, Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages, and all who wish to un derstand the true philosophy of health should read and ponder the valuable suggestions it contains. In addition to an admirable med ical treatise on the causes, prevention and cure ci a great variety of diseases, it em braces a large amount of information inter esting to the merchant, the mechanic, the miner, the farmer, the planter, and profes sional man ; and the calculations have been nia ie for such meridians and latitudes as are most suitable for a correct and compre hensive National Calendar. The nature, uses, and extraordinary sani tary effects of Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters, the staple tonio and alterative of more than half the Christian world, are fully set forth in its pages which are also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, valuable receipes for tho household and farm, humorous an ecdotes, and other instructive and amus ing reading matter, original and selected. Among tho Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this will be one of the most useful, and may be had for the asking- The proprietors, Messrs, Hostetter’s & Smith, Pittsburg, Pa., on receipt of a ttfo cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. The Bitters are sold in ev ery city, town and village, and are exten sively used throughout the entire civilized world. Everything in the Jewelry line for less than New York retail prices. Plated goods of all kinds at Manufactu rer’s prices. J T. Gwen. SpecM Notice. My patrons in Carters ville are respectfully in formed that I will visit this place again on Friday next, the Bth inst. Those who intend to avail themselves of my services are request ed to meet me at the Rar tow House on that day, or if they prefer it, I will visit patients at their residence, (without charge for consul tation,) if they will make the request in writing and address me care ISartow Mouse, Mr. M. L. Idclitcnstadt. Payne «& Satterfield’s is the place to buy your Pro visions at astonishingly low prices. Oct. 17tf Seed Wheat. Just received a lot of Prime Western Am ber Wheat for seed. Apply early, I. C. Mansfield & Cos. Nov Bth 1871. Payne «fc Satterfield have the finest Mar in town, and keep the best liquors. Go and see them. Oct. 17tf To appreciate Isham Alley’s stock of Dry- Goods, it is only neeessary to see them. Go around ladies and gentleman and in spect his stock. Payne & Satterfield will not be undersold. All they ask is a trial, and satisfac tion is guaranteed. Oct. 17 ts Tuk finest, prettiest, best and Cheapest Stock of Dry-Goods in town, Isham Alley has to sell, at his store. If you want the best Cigar you ever smoked, go to Payne & Satterfield’s and get it. Oct. 17tf TOM BRIDGES has removed his Res taurant and Confectionery to the new and elegant store rooms of Judge Parrott’s un der the Town Hall. Payne & Satterfield in vite tkeir country friends to call and examine tlieir goods. They offer bargains. Oct. 17tf Good Flour. We are now receiving large shipments of Choice Western Wheat, and are prepared to furnish our customers with Good Flour, at wholesale and retail. I. C. Mansfield & Cos, Holly Mills. SPECIAL NOTICES. PENETRATING to the source of dis ease in the secretions and the circulation, reg ulating every Organ, and bracing every nerve and fibre of the body. Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters are effecting the most astonishing cures of indigestion, billiousness, nervous weakness, rheumatism, scrofulous disorders, and chronic constipation, that the world has ever witnessed. MAGIC OF TH E MOUTH—Odiferous So zodont, renders the mouth enchanting, compos ed of rare, aiit'septic. herbs, it imparts white ness to the teeth, a delicious flower-like aroma to the breath, and preserves intact, from youth to age the teeth. << WHO WILL SUFFER It is now 24 years since Dr. Tobias’ Venetian Liniment was put before the public warranting it to cure Chronic Rheumatism, Headache, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Old Sores, Pains in the Limbs, Back and Chest ; and it has never failed. Sold by Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. THE HUMAN HAlß.—Burnett’s Cocoaine, a compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, etc., is unrivalled as a dressing for the hair. For sale by all Drug gists. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL.-Notthe cheap est, but safest and Best Illuminating Oil for family use ever made. Burns in the ordinary kerosene lamp. Does not take fire, nor ex plode if the lamp is upset or broken. Send for circular, Oil House of Charles Pratt establish ed 1770, New York. RISLEY’S LINIMENT—Of Arnica, Hops, Carbolic Acid, acts as a universal external cure-all, acting on the nerves connected with the skin, it promptly relieves Neuralgia Pains, Cleanses and cures old sores and ulcers, flesh wounds, burns, bruises, sprains, &c. Sold everywhere at 50 cents. Morgan and Itisely, Wholesale Druggists, New Xork, Gen’l Ag’ts. LAIRDS’ BLOOM OF YOUTH A most delightful toilet preparation for beautifying the skin, has been established over ten years ; during that time over one million ladies have used it; in every instance it has given entire satisfaction ; it removes all imperfections, tans, freckles and sunburns, giving the skin a youthful appearanee. Sold at all Druggists and Fancy Goods Stores. Depot 5 Gold Street, N. Y, THANKS TO THE TIMELY DISCOVE RY OF Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, the hearts of many parents have been made glad by witnessing the beneficial effects, which this remedy never fails to produce during the criti cal period of teething. CARBOLIC SALVE—Nothing like it ever known before. Cures cuts, burns, sores, wounds, &e., like magic. Physicians speak of it in terms of the highest praise. Price 25 cents per box, John F. Henry, Sole Proprietor, 8 College Place, New York. PHYSICIANS who have prescribed Svapuia or purified Opium use no other form of Opium in their practice. CRISTADORO’S HAIR DYE—If all the hairs were lives, Othello said, “my great re venge hath stomach for them all.’’ But hair that’s grev or sandy, white or red, the ladies have no stomach for at all. Use Christopher s Dye and the evil is remedied. Manufactory, 6ti Maiden Lane, New Xork. THE PUREST and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil In the world is Hazard & Caswell's made on the sea-shore, from fresh, selected IsAers, by Caswell, Hazard & Cos., New York. It is abso lutely pure and sweet, Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any oi the other oils in the market. JOUVIN’S Inodorous Kid Glove Cleaner restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells &Cos., New Xork CARTEBSYILLE, GEORGIA, Wednesday, Decemb’r 20. 0 THE ONLY SOUTHERN SHOW! ALL OTHERS ARE Pretenders and Imposters. PERFORMANCE AFTERNOON AND EVENING. HAIGHT & CO’S EMPIRE CITY CIRCUS, MUSEUM. MENAGERIE AND Aimoioicement Extraordinary. A little less than one year ago, when this grand enterprise was organized in Atlanta, Ga., many sagacious people predicted tailure in its infancy: but the unprecedented suc cess crowning it everywhere it has been, has satisfied them of the error of their judg ment. No exhibition on tho road has given greater satisfaction, and none have achieved as great a degree of popularity. Neither labor nor money has been spared to make it the most extensive and choice exhibition on the road, and tho almost da'ly tremenduous audiences applauding tho feats of the different artists have served to stimulate the man agement to even greater efforts. Throughout the Middle States and New England, the Dominions of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Gape Breton and New Fouqdlaad, there ha3 been one voice from the press and public as to the iperits in trinsic of this mammoth enterprise. Messrs. HAIGHT # CO. feel an excusable pride in thus referring to their repeatod triumphs and the praise of the world which has but one verdict as to the high character and superiority of this first class arenic and zoological combination. TWO MAMMOTH PAVILLIONS. The Menagerie and Museum in one, and the Circus is the other -so those who desire to see the creation’s wonders and the complete zoological collection only, can be accom modated without coming in contact with the Arenic entertainment. One price of admis sion, however, entitles the holder of the ticket to witness both! SCENES OF ORIENTAL GRANDEUR! Glittering Spectacles, Tw o Startling Free Sensations? And the finest stud of performing and thoroughbred Horses on earth. Look at them as they pass the streets and dispute it if you can. Four Eady Equestrians, Five Mule Riders, Forty Ac robats, Three Glorious Clowns, Tw o Rons of Eiving Ci ons. Mr. Geo. Wambold, And his Troupe of a dozen performing Dogs. A World of Wild Animals, and a Drove of Bactrian Camels. Grand Gratuitous BALLOON ASCENSION ! Prior to each performance afternoon and night, Mr. Harry Wambold, Tlie expert Padestrian, will travsrse a single wire to the top of the pavillion, and return to the ground. A grand dual spectacle and more free attraction than was ever before offered by any similar establishment. Performed by Miss MINNIE WELLS, the Liou Queen, ‘and GUSTAVE BERG, the acknowledged Animal Train- Attached to the Zoological Department will be found a large collection of choice and rare Animals, Birds, etc., JUST AI>I>UI> : W. B. Carroll, the veteran two-horse rider, and MADAME CARROLL, La titite An nie, only 6year3 old, the great child rider and the Boy somersault Equestrian, MASTER WILLIE CARROLL. In the Arenic Department can be seen the first artists of Europe and America : M’lle FLOISE LeCLARE, the dashing Equestrienne. M’lle E. STOKES, the beautiful Horsewoman. M’lle ANDREWS, the chaste and elegant rider. M’lle LOUISE, corde ela«tique and volante. EDWIN WATSON, the daring rider. JAS. R. HANKINS and FRED. SYLVESTER, the great Equestrians. The world-renowned and only rivala of the Hanlons, WATSOST * BROTHERS, George, Edward and Thomas, greatest gymnasts iu the world. W. Andrews, J. Wilcox, Jerome Tuttle, W. Smead, Adolph Stickney, J. C. Long. Cames I’Dseier, Leon Castello, and a host of talented auxiliaries. HERR KGi'PES’ Silver Cornet Band will parade the streets at 10 o’clock, a. m. Beautiful carpeted seats for Ladies, and no smoking allowed inside the pavillion. ADMISSION—7S Cents; Children under 10, 50 Cents. W. W. DURAND, General Agent. Home, Ga., Wednesday, December 19th ; Atlanta, Ga., Thursday, Decem ber 21st. CARTjSRSVIXJYE, Wednesday, December 20th. dec 7-w2t S. & 91. LIEBH I1 • i. * * 0 NEW GOODS GREAT kmEMEMS! • ' ■■ - . • QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS mil) CALL, B ID D1 ASTONISH!! AT THE EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES we have concluded to sell our Magnificent and Elegant Stock of CONSISTING OP Dry-Goods, Clothing, Shawls, Cloaks, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ & GENTLEMENS’ FURNISHING GOODS. And the Largest, Finest and most Elegant Stock of Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ BIS, IMS, CARPET ii TRAflLli RMS. That ever has been brought to this place before WE CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO OUR Which we have in prices as well as quality to suit everybody. Call and be assured that we mean precisely what we sav. Do not • # * neglect the splendid opportunity to buy your goods cheaper than you have ever done before. Callland give us a trial and we will guarantee satisfaction to any and everybody. S. & Cash paid for Rags, Copper, Brass, Fur-skins, &c. Agents for Rock City Paper Mills wrapping paper at Mill prices. Also, McClellan tree saddles at low prices. S. &M L oct 5-tdec7