Newspaper Page Text
rO W N 31 a r TKHS.
Cartorsvi lie? Ga.j ?>ov» §ls* 1870*
are authorized to announce the
name of James W. Tinsley as a candidate
for Sheriff of Bartow County, and A. M.
Franklin for Deputy Sheriff, upon the
Democratic ticket.
arc authorized to announce the
name of THOMAS A. WORD, as an Inde
pendent candidate for Clerk of the Superior
Court of Bartow County, at the approaching
election for County Officers.
Pease & Ills Wife.
Still The Pi-1 <1 e ofthc
6AT£ G 1 TY.
Merchants, Farmers, Stran
gers and Citizens, Ladies and
Gentlemen, cannot decide which
to admire most
ok the:
Come old folks, and bring
the children, and your knitting.
Come boys, and bring the
one you made such rash prom
ises to, out at the camp meet
ing, and my word for it, you
will go home liking Pease and
His Wife, and your Sweet-heart
better than any body in the
Sopt. 23, ’7O, sw-7ms. _
Stone & Murray have been for several
years past the first to introduce to the pub
lie, Artists who have proved unrivaled in
their specialities, and they deem no expense
too great in securing talent that will main
tain the supremacy of their Circus. There
fore they take great pride in offering to
their patrons this season, an opportunity to
witness the feats of the grandest array of
Equestrians, Gymnasts, Acrobats, and other
performers, ever assembled in one com XuTjp
It, order to convey to the public a correct
idea of the present superiority and respec
tability of the Circus of Stone & Murray,
the following criticism from a reliable Jour
nal is offered:
From the Newark Advertiser
Stone & Murray have expunged the an
tique abuses and customs which other exhi
bitions cling to with so much tenacity, and
inaugurated anew era in circus amasements.
With a troupe of artists the most distin
guished in the world, this circus has acquir
ed a fame for excellence aud respectability
♦ hat no other travelling exhibition enjoys.
To the Citizens of Bartow County :
Cartersville, Ga., Nov. 14,1870.
At the solicitation of friends, in various parts
of the County, I am a candidate for the office of
County" Treasurer, and respectfully ask your
On the 10th inst., at the residence of the bride’s
father, in Fayette county, Ga., by the Rev. Dr.
I>. shaver, Mr. thomas M. CoMrtos, of Carters
ville, Ga., to Miss Annie G., daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. it. Fears.
Well done, good and faithful servant, enter
thou into matrimonial felicity, *
Printer remembered.
At the Tremont House, Atlanta, Ga., by the
Rev. Mr. Brantley, Mr. R. It. Hargis to Miss
Amelia F. Lovghmiller.
It is better to live in the embraces of conjugal
bliss, than to dwell in the tents of bacherlerdom.
Printer not forgotton.
TO RENT 1 250 Acres
CORN, COTTON, WHEAT, &C. Convenient to
market. Apply to G. H. BATES.
Cartersville, uov. 8-wlm
LADIES, call and examine the fine as
sor memos Perfumeries, Pomades, Hair
Oils, Combs, Brushes, Toilet Powders,
Soaps, etc., at the NEW DRUG SI ORE.
meeting of the Stockholders
of the Bartow County Agricultural As
sociation, called on Saturday last, was
postponed until Friday next, the 18th,
when it will convene at 12| o’clock, P.
M., at Col. Abda Johnson’s Law Office.
So take due notice and be present.
For Family Use.
THE Prettiest, the Cheapest, the Best ever
manufactured, for sale in Cartersville, at
Furniture Wave-room of Robert Ilruice.
nov. 11. J. I. C A AMBER LA IN, Agent.
Fresh Supplies of Drugs and Medicines
arc being constantly received at the NEW
EUIIARLEE, Nov. sth, 1870.
My Tax Book will be opened in Carters
ville, on the following days, to-wit;
November 23, 24, 28, 29 and 30tb.
After which time they will be closed, and
all unpaid Taxes will go into Executions.
Paints, Colors -Dry or in Oil; Varnish of
all kinds, Glass, Putty, etc .always on hand
The Cartersville people are agitating
the subject of a car manufactory. When they
get it under way, we may give them a con
tract to supply the ‘-Calhoun Street Rail
way.” —Cdfioun Tines.
Any body know of the whereabouts
of our Associate Local, this week’.' —Carters
exile Express.
There was a very suspicious character in
our town a few days ago. —lbid
Soda, Starch, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, fla
voring Extracts of all kinds, CHEAP, at
The Republicans have Michigan by
-0.000, and forty majority on joint ballot—
' curing Senator.
Salts, Sulphur, Copperas Blue Stone, In
hgo. Madder etc., at the NEW DRUG
stdre. I
t ■tin —i* ;i'. v - -i... „ r .. ....... • ii" —-
focal Utah.
JOHN J. HOWARD , Associate Local.
Our town is building up steadily and
substantially. We build as we can
pay out of our own means, and thus
get clear of liens and mortgages.
Our streets are being much improv
ed, which adds greatly to the appear
ance and utility of the place. Our
councilmen are improving as experi
ence comes to their aid. A few street
lamps on the squre would be a wise
expenditure of a trifle. Shall we ever
arrive at the dignity of lamps ? A light
during the murky darkness of winter
nights would be the signal of a “step
forward” in the right direction. ‘Give
us light.”
What about the Hotel ? We should
like to see the work begin.
The beautiful Autumn continues.
November almost half gone, and the
glorious Indian Summer smiles upon
us. Sow your wheat, ye honest farm
ers. “So •> in the morning, and in the
evening withhold not thy hand.” Sow
in hope and “the Lord will give the
Cotton bonyant at 13|c; bring it in
and sell it. Corn in demand at fleets;
oats wanted for seed; peas and pork
in demand; hay needed; Cartersville
is a good market for all produce.—
Money in abundance to pay for all of
Oar merchants have large stocks of
goods, and offer them at reasonable
prices. Here is the place to supply
your wants; come and trade with us,
and get the value of your currency.
The Cartersville & Van Wert Rail
road is being pushed forward to the
Slate mines; the amount of cotton,
flour, lumber and passengers, daily
passed over it is cheering, and offers
encouragement to go on to its comple
tion; it will be a success. On with
the work, Col. Crawford —here’s suc
cess to you
The meeting is still protracted at
the Baptist Church, and much good
has been done, aud many have pro
fessed Christ, and many still are
mourning over their sins. We trust
the work will still go on, aud hun
dreds may find that peace wh ch pass
eth understanding.
On Sabbath morning last, hundreds
assembled at the Creek, just below
the Western & Atlantic Railroad
bridge, to witness the baptism of a
dozen you ig Christians, who have en
tered into the vineyard of the M ister.
It was an impressive scene, and spoke
as earnestly as a sermon to those who
have not found the pearl of great
price. Seik Him before it is too late.
Merchants, doctors, printers, manu
factures, blacksmiths and almost all
complain of tardy payments, and ap
peal to those indebted, to come for
ward and pay up. Remember, ye gen
erous public, that those who work for
you and sell you your supplies, sharp
en your plows, make your wagons and
buggies, print your advertisements,
build your houses, woik on your
watches, lend money; remember that
their bread depends on your payment
of debts due them, and prompt pay
ment, too, is tlie life of of business.—
Come forward, gentlemen, and foot
the bills, aud witness the smile that
will play around the- happy faces of
your creditors. We promise the sweet
est smiles from the editor, to all who
will come up to the “Captains office, ’’
and respond. Try him with an exper
iment or two. We guarantee success
The Gordon Knights, of Atlan
ta, don’t want to “tote” fair in regard
to the prize offered to the successful
Knight at the State Fair. It was mu
tually understood that it was donated
to the erection of a monument over the
grave of Mr. Kenny, by the unanimous
vote of the Knights present, but the
Gordon lAtiignts, considera
tion and muen practice, don’t so un
derstand it, and have appointed a day
to ride it over. Better let it remain
where it is, gentlemen, for if you have
it over it will come to Bartow county,
Lard, Train, Linseed, Kerosene and ohter
OILS in abundance at the NEW DRUG
xhe Legislature that has just
adjourned sat for seven months and fif
teen days , exelus’ve of the recess —a
period without a parallel in the histo
ry of the State. Each member receiv
ed two thousand and twenty-five dollars ,
exclusive of mileage.
Joel T. Gibson, Assistant L kjal.
Business, of all grades, has been
good for the past few da vs.
J&aT Stone & Murray's big shew is
coming—good, lei it come!
As vve go to press, dark, murky
clouds, are gathering over dead, indi
cative of weather.
BgL, The Cartersville & Van Wert
Railroad is fast approaching comple
tion—so is the new Town H ail.
We are glad to welcome our
whilom friend, John Gladden, back to
our midst again. He is doing business
for Mr. A. It. Hudgins, where he would
be glad to see all his friends.
There seems or be a perfect
mania among the youth of our town
so connubial happiness; several wed
dings nave transpired within the last
week, and wt learn there are several
more on the tapis.
foA?" Mr. J. T. Guthrie put up a fine
meerschaum pipe, a few days ago, to
be raffled for—2s chances at $1 00 per
chance, and our friend, Capt. Tom Ly
on was the lucky man. It is the hand
somest pipe we ever saw. We’ll take
one at that price.
fiSaT* The meeting at the Methodist
Church, closed on Thursday night last
Rev. G. J. Pearce has the thanks and
best wishes of our whole community
for the very deep and ardent feelings
which he manifested for them. He la
bored long, zealously, untiringly and
The Atlanta Sun and Griffin
Slav have gotten up a considerable
muss cause jealousy. Make the
amende honorable, gentlemen, and
don’t let your “angry passions rise’’
any more.
Persons visiting Atlanta cannot
find a better stopping place than the
St. James Hotel. Tom Smith, the
jolly, good-natured pioprietor, spares
nothing that will conduce to the com
fort and pleasure of his guests. Try
We were much gratified at
meeting and forming the acquaintance,
on board the train Thursday evening
last, of Mr. R. W. Davis, of Rome, Ga. }
who made extremely pleasant, what
would otherwise have been a long, mo
notonous ride from Atlanta to Car
tersville. Mr. Davis, has a book Writ
ten and in press, entitled, “Points of
Evidence,” determined in Georgia and
collated from the Charltons, Dudley*
Decisions of the Sup A Court, &c. The
work is highly recommended by some
of the most eminent lawyers and Judg
es in the State, and we have no doubt
but that it will handsomely remuner
ate the young and talented author.—
s e wish him much success.
The Junior local was absent on
a visit to that portion of the suburbs of
Cartersville known as Atlanta, during
last week, aud found that portion of
our town prospering finely.
On Friday evening last, a ruf
fian, who had recently been discharg
ed from a circus company, got aboard
the regular passenger train of the
State road, bound for Chattanooga.
Before the train had proceeded far, the
conductor made his debut for the pur
pose of collecting fare, and when he
came to the aforesaid ruffian, and call
ed for his fare, he said he had no mon
ey, whereupon the conductor told him
he must get off; the fellow replied that
he would not and > it, and so saying drew
his knife preparatory for fight. The
conductor stopped the train, and forc
ed him out; however, it seems that he
was determined to have his ride, so he
perched himself on top of the coach,
where he rode unmolested to Mariet
ta, at which place the conductor ap
pealed to the town Marshal, Mr. Lyon,
to dislodge the chap, and in attempt
ing to do so, he fed from the top of he
car, to the ground, and was thought
to be dead, but at last accounts was
slowly recovering. Victory, in resist
ing and almost killing Mr. Lyon, made
him more impudent than before, so he
again took a seat upon the inside of
the coach, and was “monarch of all he
surveyed” until the train reached Car
tersville. The conduct laid the case
before Wilkinson, our town Mar
shal, and requested him to “fetch ’ him
out, which he did, and that quick.—
Jim furnished him quarters at the city
“parlor,” gratis, until Saturday night,
at which time he was sent back to At
lanta, for trial, and we opine that his
ride will cost him something, yet.
• :
Colonel (!) Kinnebrew, colored,
well known in this section, informed,
us while in Atlanta last week, that he
was proprietor of the Kimball House
—good joke on Kimball or Kim ebrew
one—we can’t determine which. •
THE NEW DRUG STORE is the place to
go to get anything in the Drug line, Fresh,
Pure and Cheap.
ttle tits tit ante
jlttirij) xrf Clark
A. W. MORGAN, President.
S. T. W. SANFORD, Vice President;
B. G. BL?>ss, Second Vice President.
IN ADDITION to the safeguards thrown a
rotnnl the interests of the Policy Holder by
tne excellent Insurance Laws of the state of
New York, the following distinctive features
mark the “MUTUAL PROTECTION” as deci
oiilodly liberal, safe, and worthy of confidence and
jnitronuge :
1. The “ Mhtual Protection"’ allows Policy Hold
ers to travel or reside in any part of Europe or
North America.
2. An Ample Cash Capital, safely invested in
the best securities.
3. Policies paid in Cash. No deductions at
death for loans or notes.
4. Thirty Days grace granted on payments, af
ter payment of first annual premium, aud the
policy kept in force during that time.
5. DiviJends declared annually —upon the con
tribution plan—the most equitable manner.
(j. All Polities non-forfeitable after the second
year, and the assured entitled to a full-paid pol
icy for the whole amount of premiums paid.
7. All Policies incontestable after five years.
8. Sujteridrity of metnen/ement. The officers of
the “MUTUAL PROTECTION” combine finan
cial integrity and ability, with long and suc
cessful experience in Life Insurance.
9. A ll Polit y Holders are member* of the Society,
and entitled to vote for Trustees.
10. A Cash Society. No notes taken. No loans,
interest or other complications to annoy the
Policy Holder.
11. Equity and liberality shown Policy Holders
in the several modes of applying dividends.
12. Mutuality. All the profits divided among
the members.
13. Pairness of contract embodied in the writ
ten policy in explicit terms.
14. Favorable rate of mortality —taking only
first-class risks.
15. Small ratio o f Expenses.
16. All odious discriminations as to emyloyment
abolished. No extra rates charged on railroad,
express or steamboat, employees.
Active, energetic and experienced agents em
piavedon liberal terms.
Manager Southern Department.
john Campbell,
Local Agent, Cartersville, Ga.,
Medical Examincr.
Oct. 28, 1870--SW, 2ms.
Southern Piano
V manufactory.
MAN UF A( Tl T 1 1K RS O F
3PIAMO Pißfli,
These Instruments have been before the Pub
lic for nearly Thirty Years, and upon their ex
cellence alone attained an unpur chased pre-emi
nence, which pronounces them unequalled. Their
combines great power, sweetness and fine sing
ing quality, as well as great purity of Intona
tion and Sweetness throughout the entire scale.
is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the
stifness found in so many Pianos.
they are unequalled, using none but the very
best seasoned material, the large capital em
ployed in ourbusiness enabling us to keep con
tinually an immense stock of lumber, &e., on
All Our square pianos have our New
Improved Over strung Scale and the AGRAFFE
would call special attention to our
late improvements in GRAND PIANOS ANI)
SQUARE GRANDS, Patented August 14, 1866,
which bring the Piano nearer perfection than
has yet been attained.
Every Piano fully warranted for 5 yrs
We have made arrangements for the Sole
Wholesale Agency for the most celebrated
we offer, Wholesale ami Retail, at Lowest Fac
tory Prices.
sept 9’ 70. sw6m ISa/i iniore , JfMd
So Have
In the Price of their new
Hats, Boots, Shoes,
House - Furnishing Goods,
&C. 5 &Ce
AT THEIR OLD ST AND, Two-Story Bric k
Corner of 'Public Square and Maine Street,
Cai-tersvill, Citi.
Come and see us, one and all, and look through
our SUPERB STOCK OF GOODS, &c., and buy
from us upon us good terms as any merchant
South of the Potomac; can afford to sell.
nov. I—wtc
VJfL. Barron has applied for letters of Admin
istration on the estate of John A. Barron, late
of said county, dec’ll.
This is therefore to, cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred, and creditors of said de
ceased to shocy cause, if any exist, why said ap
plicant should hot receive letters of'Adminis
tration ou the estate of said deceased, in terms
,of the law.
Given under my hand and oflicial signature.
Nov. Bth, 186.1, J. A. HO WARD. OrdA .
FOR THlur )l YExiRS
Has that well-known, standard, and popular
manufactured by Perry Davis & Son, Provi
dence, It. I , been before the public, and in
that time has become known in all parts of
the world, and been used by people of all
It remains, to day, that same good and ef
ficient remedy. Its wonderful power in re
lieving the most severe pain has never been
equaled, and it has earned its world-wide
popularity by its intrinsic merit. No cura
tive agent has so wide-spread sale or given
such universal satisfaction. The various ills
for which the Pain Killer is an unfailing
cure, are too well known to require a capit
ulation in this advertisement. As an exter.
nal and internal medicine, the Pain Killer
stands unrivaled. Directions accompany
each bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
Price 2-3 cts., 30 cts., and $1 per bottle.
A Body iitul Ilitnl Disease.
Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and the
brain arc too intimately allied for the one to
suffer without the other, so that dyspepsia
and despondency are inseperable. It may be
added, too, that irritation of the stomach is
almost invariably accompanied by irritation
of the temper.
The invigorating and tranquillizing ope
ration of Hostetter's Bitters is most powerful
ly developed in cases of indigestion. The
first effect of this agveable tonic is comforting
and encouraging. A mild glow pervades the
system, the chronic uneasiness in the region
of the stomach is lessened, and the nervous
restlessness which characterizes the disease
is abated. This improvement is not transient .
It is not succeeded by the return of the old
symtoms with superadued force, as is always
the case when unmedicated stimulants are
given for the complaint. Each dose seems to
impart a permanent accession of healtlifulin
vigoration. But this is not all The aperi
ent and anti-bilious properties of the prepa
ration are scarcely secondary in importance
to its tonic virtues. If there is an overflow
of bile the secretion is soon brought within
proper limits, and if the bileary organ is in
ert and torpid it is toned and regulated.
The effect upon the discharging organs is
equally salutary, and in cases of constipa
tion the cathartic action is just sufficient to
produce the desired result gradually and
without pain. I lie Bitters also promote
healthy evaporation from the surface which
particularly desirable at this season when
sudden spells of raw unpleasant weather are
apt to check natural perspiration and produce
congeston of the liver, coughs and colds. —
The bent sufegaurd against all diseases is bodily
vigor, and this the great Vegetable Restora
tive essentially promotes.
Females, old and young, who have so long
been troubled with some female complaint
should not despair. Let us whisper words
of comfort. You can be cured. You can be
snaiched from the monster which has so
long prostrated and paralyzed your whole
system. You can regain your health, your
beauty, your strength and buoyancy. Take
courage, despair not, be cheerful; a romedy
is at hand, prepar and by experienced physi
cians, specially for just such diseases as af
flict you; and as the profession are using
and prescribing this remedy with much suc
cess, we feel proud in calling your attention
to it. It ccmes highly recommended, and
we earnestly advise all suffering females to
use this great lemale medicine at once.—
We allude to the “English Female Bitters,”
advertised in another column.
$lO3 Challenge! —It is stated that one
table-spoonful of English Female Bitters con
tains as much medical properties as one bot
tle of any of the advertised grog-shop Bit
ters of the day, and the proprietors offer a
challenge of SICO.
Lawshe & Haynes,
the linest stock of the
Very Latest Styles
of tliamond and Gold
in upper Georgia, selected, with great cai-8 for
Fall and Winter Trade.
of the BEST MAKERS, of both Europe and A
American and French Clocks;
Sterling and Com Silver Ware;
and the best quality of
Silver Plated Goods,
at prices to suit the times;
Gold, Silver and Steel
to suit all ages.
Watches and .Jewelry
BepairSd by Competent Workmen;
Also Clock and Watch Makers
Tools and Materials.
sept 13,-swly ATLANTA, GA.
Stilcsboro To Van Wert.
STILESBORO to VAN YVERT in connection
with the .Carters viile A Van Wert Railroad,
from September 20th, 1810, until the cars reach
the latter point. Passengers will lind my ac
commodations ample to go from the fjtileshoro
end of said Railroad, to Van Wert, and return
the same day, in time to make connection with
Cartels-viile A Van Wert Railroad trains.
Sept. 23, ’lO-swtf. LOGAN A CAMPBELL.
Adjournment oi Bartow Si. Court.
TLjtfww Superior Court, )
September Term, 1810. f
TN CONSEQUENCE of the severe illness in
I the family of the Presiding Jxulge, it is or
dered that this Court be adjonrned till 10 o’clock,
A. M., 4th Monday in November next, and that
parties, witnesses, and the Jurors drawn for the
Second Week of this Term, be required to .at ten l
at the time mentioned. It is further ordered
that this order be published in the Cartersvillo
papers. J. R. Parrott, J. S. C. C. C.
A true extract from the Minutes of Bartow
Superior Court. Taos. A. Wokj>, Clerk,
fcept. 23,1810,-tf. or tc.
T.<yri»imtitelr result A* penalrfe? for violations <vt
n dural laws, from which none .r,
fkc faded cheek, ibe pahs and w :.n fcatm**,
t int* Till oyv, tin cloud#! intollr, t. ttunkc f
intf tin* fevl'le niid * miu iati and frame, tbet’.e
;<-tcd brow, the tottei ing g..i*. nil ndi ;<u* pre
vious transgression ot law. Knowing that “pio
i rastination is the thief of time.” all intelligent
beingsapply forsome remedy as soon as cirtum
stances permit; while those who do not act tq>-
on the principle that “delays are dangerous.”
generally linger, lose mere'time and p: j mere
That claims its victim* throughout the Ikwgtii*
and breadth of our land.
Many females sutler in some way at euchtmwn
tidy period; some girls are in great peril at tho
commencement of menstruation, whild olden
ones dread its decline at the “turn of life.”—
Sometimes the menstrual How is too much, otv
too little, or may be attended with pain; mav he
irregular or entirely checked, or changed in
appearance, attended with other distressing
symptoms. Leui-onlura, or the “Whites, 1 , fre
quently drains the system, or ulceration of the
womb may create pain and cause rapid prostra
Falling of the womb is an exceedingly com
mon complaint, giving much trouble and dis
tress, which, under ordinary treatment, is ditfi
cult to cure.
Hysterics, Cirecn Sickness, Irritability of the*
Womb, and other serious and fatal complaint*
follow the female sex throughout life. Lire*-
there a medical gentleman who has or can iw*-
lieve the fair sex of the above troubles > !fotr
many. Is there no combination of remedial a
gent* that will come to her rescue ? ' We answer,
The only acknowledged Uterine Tonic and Fe
male Regulator known, will cure aH those com
plaints above mentioned in an incredibly short
time. The Bitters at once arouses, strengthens
ami restores the womb to its natural condition,
removing obstructions, relieving pain and reg
ulating the monthly period. Yonder stands a
pale, feeble and languid girl, just bursting into
womanhood; she is the pride of all. hut nark!
she silently steals a pickle, eats chalk, or a slate
pencil; mi appetite for food; she turns with a
dull eve and seeks solitude; her eve no longer
sparkles; her merry laugh is no longer heard
ringing through the air; she mopes about with
bloodless lips and gums, with headache, palpi
tation, constipation, swimming of the head, cold
feet and hands, melancholy; she has a coated
tongue, offensive breath, and a host of other • -
vils too numerous to mention.
When neglected all these symptoms becoiw*
aggravated, there is sick stomach, heartburn,
a dark line settles under the eyes, the legs and>
and ankles arc swollen, the hair loses its gloss,
and falls off. there is brittleness and splitting ©*
the finger-nails, swollen abdomen, extreme
nervousness, fretful ness, pains and aches, dry
cough, Hysterical fits, rapid prostration, epilep
sy and death ! If you, or any of your friends,
arc thus afflicted, send at once fora Bottle of
English Female Bitters and be cured. Itscffe*!*
are magical in such complaints. Surely no mo
ther will postpone aud delay this duty uutil
DEATH IS*A"'THE "dOOr7*"""
In all these complaints the system evidently
shows n want of red blood, and Mr. Churchill,
in his work on Diseases of Females, says:—
“Bearing in mind that the blood is remarkably
deficient in red corpuscles, find the known pro
perty of iron to correct this condition, theory
suggests it as the most to be relied on, the best
of which Is the t itrate.” Citrate of Iron enters
largely into the composition of English Female
Bitters, combined with powerful vegetable ton
ics of rare qualities.
Among the mountains of Tennessee and the
piney woods ol’ Mississippi, is found _a certain
hard'and flinty root, which has been in secret
use l>y some midwives for many years, possess
ing magic powers in regulating and restoring
all female suffering with any affection of tho
womb. This root we have obtained, gave it a
fair test in our practice and it is now one of the
principal ingredients in these Bitters. Other
powerful uterine and general tonics also enter
into itsc omposition. YYe also add Eept.andra or
Black root, sufficient to act upon the liver and
keep the bowels open.
wranfciin r. mi <ii rtwiw nirai —i
Middle-aged matrons, those at the critical peri
od, and the aged grandmother, are all cured by
the use of our English Female Bitters, now in
scribed and xiscd by physicians all over the
If you are troubled with Fallingof the Womb,
attended with a sense of weight and hearing
down pain in the back and side, and other at
tendant evils, English Female Bitters will give
entire relief.
Those at the ‘turn of life,” mothers after con
finement, and i ll others (male or female) who
arc convalescents from any protracted or debil
itating complaint, who gain strength slowlv.
and whose digestion is slow and imperfect, will
find these Bitters the very thing their system
demands, rt gives a powerful appetite, aids
and assists digestion, arouses the liver, strength
ens mentally and physically, and tills the whole
system with pure crimson blood coursing thro’
its channels.
Empty Bitter Bottles, of various stvles, can be
found around almost every dwelling and cabin
throughout the land. Their taste is pleasant,
and are advertised to cure almost every disease,
while the manufacturers know thev possess no,
medicinal properties whatever. They are so
many disguises for exceedingly common beverages*
which do not, nor cannot possibly cure any
Beware of these pleasant bitters in quart bat
tles, they contain a sting for your vitals, and he
who buys them carries a “toper’s grog“ into Ms
house. One man who knows nothing about me
dicine, says Inis liig bottles of common stuff w ill
cure chills and lever, rheumatism and consump
tion; another, whose bottles are very fancr,
cures all the impurities of the blood, makes oid
men young, casts out devils, restores sight to
the blind, and numerous other miracles; while
yet another, who presumes every man a drunk
ard, proposes to cure colic, ingrowing nails, yel
low fever, heart disease and love-sick maidens!!
We know they make no such cures, we know the
people at large are deceived and swindled, and
as we desire to ventiate these common humbug*,
make the following challenge to one and all :
That one tablespoonful of ENGLISH FEMALE
BITTERS contains as much medicinal proper
ties as one bottle of anv of the pleasantly tasted*
common advertise**. k&Wrs of th<? dav ! £h*j
medical profession to decido thy question". Bo
it understood that EngfishFeniale Ritters is no*
a beverage, but is a. powerful Iron and Vegeta
ble Tonie combined, curing longstanding chron
ic female complaints in every direction.
Put up in large bottles at *1.50 per bottle, rp
six bottles for SB.OO, and sold -by druggists and
merchants everywhere.
Memphis, Tenn.
The best and cheapest combination for all af
tw tiotis of the Kidneys and Bladder ever of er
od to the public. It is prepared by regular phy
sj. am and used by the profession.
ri |1 or, six bottles for $5. Sold by Drug
-ts nd merchants everywhere.
aug 4, ’TO—swly elm. Memphis, Twq