Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, January 27, 1871, Image 4
CARTERSVILLE 11 HI II SCHOOL. yifrh The Spring Session of XX The CartersTiUe High Scn<>o). for pupils of both \ 'mjlirat Sexes, will commence the 10th January, 1871, Jjfj? <SSNr with the following “ *n' Faculty: Mathematics ami higher English Branches,-i J. W. ATT if ay. I.aiin and Greek, .RONALD JOHMBTON. French J. A. Hhuaku. Primary Department,....MßS. M. K. JoHNSToK. Music Mb*. Betti* Rooms. imitates of Tuition from (2 to (5 according to grade, per Mouth. Jfcgjf* French extra, $3 per Month. Music extra, $6 per Month. JgfeF*Tuition payable quarterly. Cartersville, Ga., jan. 4th*swly JFor Stale. rUHREE KOOAy OTTAGE. on Erwin Street, 1 Kitchen, Sta;J*. splendid Garden, desirable neighborhood. Price f\vdv6 Hundred OolliirSc Apply to JNO. GAMPBELL, Agent. Cartersville. jan 4.sw2w. WEED’S SEWING MACHINES, For Family Use* ixoll SALE, or to Rent bv the month, at Mrs. Jr A Mis* Crandall's Millinery Store, under neath this office. Cartersville, jan 4. Sheriff Sales for Feb, 7i. WILL be sold, before tbe Courthouse door in Cartersville. Bartow County, Ga., on the firs Tuesday in February,, H7l, within the us ual hours of sale, the folio whig property, to-wit: lA>t< of land Nos. 922. 778. t*.' 679. 951. 923. 805. 6W. K7S. 925, 924, 800. 876, 877, in the 21st district ami 2nd section of Bartow county, as the pro pertv of Charles 11. Crosby, agent, to satisfy art la issued by the Tax Collector of said county, in favor of the State and Bartow county, against said Charles li. Crosby, agent. . Also, Lots of land Nos. 147 and 154, in the lGtli district and 3rd section of Bartow county, as the property of Thomas F. Jones, to satisfy a tax ft fa issued bv the Tax Collector of said county, in favor of the State of Georgia and Bartow county against said Thomas F. Jones. Levied on and returned to me bv a constable. Also, lots ofland Nos. 221, 220. and 291, in the 17tb district and 3rd section of Bartow county, as the property of J. J. Thomas, Trustee of Mrs. Murgarett Thomas, to satisfy a tax li fa issued by the Tax Collector of said bounty, in favor of the State of Georgia and Bartow county against the said J. J. Thomas, Trustee as aforesaid. Le vied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, One house and lot in the town of Carters vi/le, on which the defendant now lives, con- one acre, more or less, as the property <7f Caleb Tompkins, to satisfy three ft fas issued from a Justice Court from the 822d disk, O. M., two i:i favor of Daniel J Limiter, and one in. fa vor of s. Clavton A Son, all against the said Ca leb Tompkins. Levied on and returned to me by a constable, , . Also, one cart, one bundle of round iron 100 pounds, more or less, four anvils, about 40 lbs. of cast steel, nn re or less, one bundle ol'band iron, 50 lbs. more or less, one grind stone, and four picks; levied on a< the property of Latnan, Conant A Cos., to satisfy an fa issued from the 822d district, G. M., laborers’ and mechanics’ lien in favor of Thos. S. C. Harbin against the said Laman, Con ant A Cos. ALSO, at the same time and place, lot of laud No. 160, in the 16th Dist. and 3rd sec, of Bartow County, as the property of Robert A. Johnson, to satisfy two li las issued from Bartow Superi or Court, in favor of Warren Akin, vs. Robert A. Johnson & Cos., et at. ALSO, at the same time and place, the planta tion whereon resides the defendant in she 4th dist. and 3d sec. of Bartow Countv, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Bartow Superior Court, iu favor of John Cox, assignee, etc., vs. Jas. C. Voting. ALSO, at the same time and place, the Mills on Oothealoga creek, lying about one mile from Adairs villa, Bartow County, and all the land connected with the mill, ami plantation on which Noah King resides, being 500 acres, more or les-:. all levied on as the props rty of said No ah King, to satisfy a tl fa issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Walton, vs. l;. V. Boruar and Noah King, security. ALSO, at the same time and place, the planta tion on which the defendant now lives, in the sth dist. and 3rd. section of Bartow County, to satisfy balance due on a ft fa issued from Supe rior Court of Bartow County, in favor of Tepress Brothers, vs. McMurry and Crawford. Jan 4th 1871 Also, one half interest In lots of land Nos. 805. 852. 376. 877, 878. 923, 924, 925, in the 21>t and 2nd section of Bartow county, under an attachment In favor of Thomas D. Perkerson vs. Samuel Tate, administrator of George M. Gill, deceased. Also, one half interest in lots of land Nos. 920, 92!, 919, 953. SOI, 582, 810, 880, 884, in the 21st dis trict and 2nd section of Bartow county, on an attachment in favor of Hardy Strickland vs. Samuel 'Tate, administrator of George M. Gill, deceased. Jan W. W. RICH Sheriff, "THE BEST.” “THE SELLER PATENT GRAIN DRILL,” TJ'S THE best Machine now made for Sowing j£_ Wheat, or Grass Seeds and Fertilizers. Far mers will please send for Descriptive Circulars before buying any other Machine. AVERY STEEL PLOWS, UTLEY PLOWS, (CAST.) WATTS FLOWS (CAST.) €? Kanos, Jl’ortcay Oats, Barley, Brass, Clover, and all li.inds AGRICUITURAL IMPIEMENTS, AND 522 LL FUR\IS!U\G GOODS, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED, WARRANTED, INGHAN WHEAT SMUT MILL. g@T FOB SALE ON BEST TERMS. Send for Price List. MARK W, JOHNSON, ept. 23, ’7os-w-ly. Broad St. Atlanta, ca- /i\ ill W °4- OF TIIE W AGE! Patented December 7TH, 1869. OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Resembles roM. Acknowiedced bv all who have esed it to be the best Pen made or sold in to Is 00 mi try! Will not corrode. Wxljr line*written with one Pen of ink! Will outwear a dozen boot steel Pen*. Put cp In neat slide boxen. HOLD ONLY BY AGENTS, and for thl* reason any energetic person can realize *BOO per month. I’rofltover 800 per eeaU Two sample Pens, 10 cents? two boxes. 50 cents; five boxes, sl.oos twelve hexes, SB.OO. Address, Western Publishing Cos. Manufacturers* Agents, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAUTION.—The *rcat popularity ofthese Pens has led to many imitations of an infe rior quality. Buy only the genuine FOUN TAIN PENS sold by this Company. In wrt- i[ A GENTS WANTED, j j ting for Pen* give your Name, Town, County, *nd fctatc, plainly written, and orders will iueot with prompt attention* For yule m Cartersville, by Best & Kirkpatrick. Georgia, Bartow County 171I 71 OUR WEEKS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty. at a regular term, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of George Kennedy late of said county, deceased. Sold for the pur pose of distribution in accordance with tlic will of said deceased. This December 15th, 1870. JOHN M. COCHRAN, RICH’D B. COUCH. Executors Geo. Kennedy, dee’d. NOTICE. m:IK concern of W. H. Gilbert & Cos. ha* been | dissolved, Col. J. W. Harris having sold bis interest in the stock to Mr. Andrew Baxter.— AU persons who are indebted to the above will now please come forward, without any delay, and make settlements, as the books must be clos- e j i- W. 11. Gilbert A Cos. Cartersville ;aa. 6.h '7l-3m. tjguSoe Itubiff k Might’s big adver tisement in another column. 11. F. MADDOX. J- B WINTER K. 0. Matiu & Cos. TOBACCO COMM I S Si ON MIRCHANTS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF Virginia and J%~orlh Carolina TOBACCO. NO. 13, ALABAMA STREET ATLANTA, OA Consignments solicited. Will make liber al advances when desired. aug 1, VJ BrO Pinkerton ANNOUNCES to the public that Le has purchased the entire interest of the late Dr. J. W. Curry, in the Drug Store of J. W. Curry & Cos., or, the estate’s interest in said stock of Drugs, Medici tes, &c., in the town of Cartersville, and will continue the business, at the old stand, where he will be pleased to see his old patrons and the public generally, and supply them with any thing iu liis line of business, at the lowest possible figures. lie invites the attention of all to hia ex cellent stock of choice and select DIM«S, HEDicraES* PAIYTS, OILS, PUTTY, GLASS, ETC., A bountiful supply of which he expects to keep constantly oh band, together with the most popular Patent Medicines of the day. Toilet Articles, Perfumery, in fact, the best of everything in a General Drug House. personal attention wi,l w2 also be given to professionalTw calls. at all hours. O. FISKF.RTOA, Physician anil Druggist, June 7,1870. Cartersville , Ca SOJIETHIXG AEW 2 SOSIETIOYG YEW ! ! SOMETHING YEW !! ! FAMILY GROCERIES Confectioneries, Fruits, &c. Yew Goods ! Yew Arrangements !! Yew Proprietor 2 2 2 T. J. BRIDGES, ft££\ AT THE OLD STAND OF f J. T. GUTHRIE’S, LiJAlaii MAIN STREET, CARTERSVILLE, GA. Where also Is kept open, at all hours, a number one Eating Saloon. prepared, at any time, to order, fife#" COM E TO SEE ME ! uuv.lS-wlv' T.J. BRIDGES, formerly with A. R. Hudgins. 4 BAD BLOOD.’ “THE LIFE IS THE BLOOD-” From it we derive our strength, beauty, and mental capabilities. It is the centre of our being, around which revolves all that makes existence happy. When this source is corrupted the painful effects are visible in many shapes, prominent among which is SCROFULA. This is a taint or infection of the human organism, and probably no one is wholly free from it. It exhibits itself in various shapes—as Ulcers and Sores, Decayed Bones, Diseased Scalp, Sore Eyes, Weak and Diseas ed Joints, St. Vitus’ Dance, Foul Discharg es from the Nostrils, Eruptions, Glandular Swellings, Throat Affections, Rheumatism, Heart Affections, Nervous Disorders, Bar renness, Disorders of the Womb, Dropsy Syphillitic Affections, Liver Complaint, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Loss of Man hood and General Debility. It has been the custom to treat these dis eases with Mercury and other Mineral sub stances, which, though sometimes producing a cure, often prove injurious and entails misery in after life. The long known inju rious properties of these so-called alteratives and purifiers has led the philanthropical man of science to explore the arena of na ture, the result of which has been the discov cry of vegetable products which possess the power of eradicating these Taints from the Blood. Dr. TUTT’S Compound Extract Os Sarparilla and Queen’s Delight. Is the acknowledged antidote to all Blood Diseases. By its use the afflictions above enumerated can be permanently banished, ' and the Source —the Centre of Life —the Blood. be maintained in all its purity and vigor. For Diseases produced by flic use of Mercury, and for Sypbillis, with its train of evils, this com pound is tlic only sure antidote. To the poor creature, .enfeebled in mind and body, by secret practices, whoso nerves arc unstrung, and countenance downcast TIIE SARSAPARILLA AND Queen’s Deligrlit is a blessing. Try it fairly, and vour nerves will be restored to their wonted vigor, and your dejected countenance be made radiant with the conciousness of RESTORED MANHOOD. Being free from violent minerals, it is adapted to general use. The old and the young may use it; the most delicate female at any time may take it; the tender infant, who may have inherited disease, wiilbe cur ed by it. j FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD XJSE I} Tl . TUTT’S Extract of Sarsaparilla AND QUEEN’S HEEIGIIT When used in the Spring it removes all hu mors which infest the system ; and banishes the languor and debility peculiar to that sea son of the year. It acts promptly on the LIVER AND SIDNEYS, Producing a healthy action of the important organs by which all thejmipurities of the sys tem are carried off, and the result is A Clear Skin, a Good Appetite, ami IJouyant Spirits. PREPARED BY WILLIAM H. TUTT & LAND AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. And Sold by Druggists Everywhere. June 16th, 1870-Iy. I A GENTS WANTED. ]’ MUTUAL PROTECTION itle litstttatttt §>oristv cf oxk . BRANCH OFfICF, ATLANTA, GEORGIA A. W. MORGAN, President. s. T. W. SANFORD. Vice president; , B. G. BLOSS. Second Vick President. F. A. FREEMAN, secret art. IN ADDITION to the safeguards thrown a rouud the interests of the Holdvi c the excellent Insurance Laws, of the Mato of New York, the following distinctive mature, mark the-MUTUAL PROTECTION” as deci cidediy liberal, safe, and worthy of confidence and IH \"'\'h(‘-'Mulutjl Protection ” allows Policy Hold ers to travel or reside in any part ot Bur ope 01 N 2.' JnA mplfca eh Capital, safely invested in th 3. h PolMm l puiA in Cash. No deductions at death for loans or notes. 4. Thirty Days {/race granted on payments, af ter pavnient of lirst annual premium, and the policy'kept in force during that time. 5. Dividend* declared un/uially—y pan the con tribution plan—the most equitable manner. ti. All Policiesn<m-forfeitable alter the second veur, and the assured entitled to a lull-paid pel icy for the whole amount of premiums paid. 7. All Policies incontestable after five years. - 8. Superiority of manayta*ent. The oflicers ol the “MUTUAL PROTECTION” coralline finan cial integrity ami ability, with long and suc cessful experience in Life Insurance. 9. All Policy Holders are members ofths Doaety, and entitled to vote for Trustees. 10. A Cash Society. No notes taken. No loans, interest or other complications to annoy the Policy Holder. 11. Equity and liberality shown Policy Holdeis in the several modes of applying dividends. 12. Mutuality. All the profits divided among the members.' 13. Fairness of contract embodied in the writ ten policv in explicit terms. 14. Favorable rate of mortality takittg only first-class risks. 15. Small ratio of Expenses. 10. All odious discriminations as to employment abolished. No extra rates charged on railroad, express or steamboat employees. Active, energetic, and experienced ageuts em plojed on liberal terms. R MASSET. Mana.gerSouthern Department. juiin Campbell, Local A gent, Cartersville. Ga., Dll. O. PINKERTON, Medical Examiner. Oct. 28, 1870--SW, Sms. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of a Laxative Medicine. fectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends: ana all know that what it does once it does al ways that it never fails through any fault or neg gleet of its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from, their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs or the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such d©' rangements as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure:— ForDyipepda or Indigestion, Ustless* ness, languor and Lost ot A.ppctite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For liiver Complaint and its various symp toms, Billons Headache, Sick Head ache, Jaundice or Green Sickness, Bil ious Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Bysentery or Diarrhoea, hut or to mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism. Gloat, Gravel, Pal- Bitation8 itation of the Heart, Pain in the ide, Back and larins, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. % For Bropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. Asa Dinner Pill, take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the Hence it is often ad vantageous wheren- -.ent, rl '.' .snieiitexists. One who feels tole ably w tten finds that a dose of these nakes 1 m l'eel decidedly bet tor, from their clean, s ng and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. Jfr, J. C. AYETt & CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. MASS., XT. 8. A. For sale in Cartersville, by DR. O. PINKERTON, Druggist. FINE WATCHES. GENUINE OROIDE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. $5, $7, SB, $lO, sl2, sls to S2O. HE EUROPEAN WAR and extraordinary Money Panic, during the past season, has induced us, in order to make rapid sales and quick returns, to throw our vast Stock upon the public market, at thirty to fifty per cent, beiow Wholesale ' Prices for Cash. Bead the Prices. Fine Oroide Gold Cylinders, regulated and warranted perfect time-keepers, usually sold at |l2 to 815, AT ONLY 8b EAt 11. THE BEST QUALITY' CYHINDER AT 88. The Double Extra Refined, being a very superior quality, regulated and warranted perfect timekeepers, equal in appearance and for time to 8150 Gold Watches, AT ONLY” 81b EACH. The Double Extra Refined, Solid Oro ide Gold, full jeweled levers, finest Nickel works, usually sold at 825 to 830, Rjgducri) to only 815 Each. SILYEIt WATCHES, Extra Fine Solid Pure Silver, Hunting Cased Cylinders, 88. Best Quality Coin Silver. Hunting Cas ed, full jeweled levers, regulated and warranted accurate timekeepers, ONLY $lO. The Very Best Quality Patent Lever and Chronometer Movements, lull jeweled, sls. All the above classes of Watches are Hunting Cased, perfectly regulated, and each warranted bv special certificate far two years. Aurnts and Dkaukks ordering six of our (15 Watches at a time, will receive an extra W*toh free, making Seven (15 Watches for (90. N< dis count can he allowed on our cheaper watches. ALL OKDKKS FOR SINGLE WATCHES, bVSU MI ST BE SENT IN APVANCK. Send by Post Office Order, Registered Letter, or Bank Check, paya ble to our order, and goods will be sent by Lx press or in Registered Package, prepaid at our risk. Orders for at least six watches or over, will be sent by Express C. O. D., by depositing small a numut with express agent, or sending referen ces as assurance of good faith. Write order plain, state kind and price of Watch desired, inclose price as above aireoted, and address THE EMPIRE WATCH 00., No. 19«, BROADWAY, SEW YORK, nov. 11-w3m P. 0. Box 2949, j To Debtors and Creditors. PERSONS indebted to the estate of P. Par haul, late of Bartow county, deceased, are j hreby notified to make immediate payment, and | those haviuj? demands against said estate, will ; present to me for payment, as the law directs, jan. 10,1870. MRS. P. PARHAM, Admr*x. >.W,LEE&CO'. I x ave taken charge of the Foundry and Machine Shop, heretofore owned and run by MR. B. SCOFIELD, of this place, and have engaged the services oi John *f. lAiFontaine, Os Atlanta, Ga.. as Foreman, w k»ch is » su®- cient guarantee for the success of the establis ment, as it is a well known Ntate, that for promptness and ability, he can ■wshSS*K£ procured the service, of the Best Moulder in tlic South; Also a corps of other Mechanics, and anew supply of Machinery and Tools have been pur chased. Mr. J. R. HOWELL, The Renowned Mill-llritfht, Will make his headquarters at this Shop, where his celebrated Water Wheel , and other MILL MACHINERY, will be built. Orders are solicited, at once, for any Lind if > Casting or piece of Machinery. We claim a trial, as we are strictly Southern mechanics, and do fr Northern competition to do bettei or cheaper work. (Guaranty 3EBtrj 3oi) 3Do. Will tell parties to the day when they can have their work, and, if not done according to prom ise, will make no charge. . . . ... We ask the patronage of our friends of the South. Aid us, and keep the money at home. G. W. LEE & CO. Cartersville. Ga., june 20. 1870. Marble Yard and Works. JAMES VAUGHAN, CARTERSVILLE, GA. HAVING opened a Marble Yard in Carters yille, I am prepared to furnish those wish ing anything in the marble line, on very rea sonable terms—Monuments, Toombs, Urns, Va ses, Head and Foot Stones, Mantels, l’aintstones, Biscuit Blocks. Imposing Stones, etc. I am, al so, Agent for the Georgia Marble Works, aur. 2. ’7o.w9in JAMES VAUGHAN. Premium Alabaster Hendrix Mountain lame. The Whitest! The Purest! Made at the New Kilns of A. a LADD & CO., Tn the side of Hendrix Mountain, near where the Cartersville A Van Wert Railroad crosses Pettit’s Creek, about two miles southwest from Cartersville, is now Open to tbe Market! For sale in Cartersville, by JAMES ATT A WAY, Agent. sent. 15.1870. EIW" GOODS! WE ARE daily receiving and opening a general Slock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Which we offer to to the Trade at fair prices. We invite our friends to call and examine our Stock, and especially to purchase liberally from us. Y. GILREATH & SOY, Cartersville, Ga.. Oct. 10. 1870. " TRADE MARK OLD QAROLINA B ITTERS - A. DELIGHTFUL TO IVIO We take great pleasure in offering tbe OL.H CiBOUIA BITTEIIS. to th * public. They are compounded with great c and contain some of the best Tonics in the Pharmac"- pia. As evidence of the superiority of our Bitte s over all others, we have certificates from many of the leading physicians in our State, who have prescribed them in tlu-ir practice. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Debility, Chillsiand Fever and Dyspepsia, We do not offer our Bitters as a cure for all diseases, but as au Aromatic Touic, they have no equal. For sale by alt L>rugi,B sand Grocers everywhere For sale ia Cartersville by A. It. HUDGINS. GOODRICH, WINEMAN fit CO-, Importers of Choice Drugs and Chemicals, March 81, 187(f-1y. Charleston, 8. 0. SIXTY-FJVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED. r. -NTzj- THE GREAT Southern Piano Jyf MANUFACTORY. WM. MAN U F ACTU It ERS O F GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT riAN® FDRTSS, BALU MORE, MD. These Instruments have been before the Pub lic for nearly Thirty Years, imd upon their ex cellence alone Attained an unpurchased pre-emi nence, which pronounces them unequalled. Thoir TONE combines great power, sweetness and fine sing ing quality, as well as great purity of Intona tion and Sweetness throughout the entire scale. Their TOUCH is jiliant and elastic, and entirely free from the i stifuess found iu so manr I’iauos. IN WORKMANSHIP they are unequalled, using none but the very best keasoned m atkiual, the ldrgc capital em ployed in our business enabling us to keep con tinually au immense stock ot lumber, Ac., on hand. mr All our squabs pianos have our New Improved Over strung Scale and the AGRAFFE Treble. gfey'We would call special attention to our late improvements in GRAND PIANO? AND SQUARE GRANDS, Patented August 14,1866, which bring the Piano nearer perfection thau has yet been attained. Every Piano fnlly warranted for 5 yrs Wo have made arrangements for the Sole Wholes! ale A Genoa- for the most celebrated PAUI.OR ORG ANS AND MKLODEONS, which we offer, Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Fac tory Prices. WM. KNABE Sl CO., sept 0’ ’7O. swCui Baltimore , Jttd, Perhaps no one medi cine is so universally required by every body as a cathartic, nor was ever any be fore so universally adopted into use, in every country and among all classes, as this mild but efficient purgative Pill. The obvious reason is, that it is a more relia ble and far mor s es- Groceries and Provisions. J. G. M. Montgomery, BEGS leave to return bia thuDka to the good people of Cartersville and vicin ity for their generous patronage for the past year, and to ask a continuance ®f the same for 1871. I shall try, at all times, to keep a com plete stock of Goo<l Family Groceries, and shall, in the future as iu the past, sell them at “Live and Let Live” prices. Try me. Freslt Arrivals. Hominy, Buckwheat, Flour. White Fish, Trout, and choice New Grleans Syrups, at MONTGOMERY’S. Can Goods, etc. A full Hue, including Oysters, Salmon, Lobsters, Peaches Strawberries, Cherries, Pine Apples, Green Corn, Green Peas, To maitoes, at MONTGOMERY’S, Bread Leavens, Are. The celebrated “Horsford’s Bread Prepa ration,” Corn Starch, Silken Gloss. Starch, Dedicated Cocoa Nut, Macearoni, Pickles, Jellies, and a fine assortment of Colgate’s Toilet Soaps, at MONTGOMERY’S. Cartersville, jan. 10-wly B®.TOBACCO. —Messrs. JOURDAN, HOWARD & HARRALSON, Atlanta, Ga., have on hand the following Choice Brands of manufactured Tobacco, which they offer to trade as low as the lowest: Brown’s Log Cabin, Cabin Home, Golden Choice, Pike’s Peak, Winfree’s Gold Leaf, Pranly’s XXX, Montaief, Hyco Belle, Peach Mountain, Sunny Side, Saranac, McGhee’s 4 A, Golden Rule, Rosa Belle, Globe Twist, Crown Navy, May Apple. And many other desirable Wands not men tioned; together with a fine variety of Smok ing Tobaccos and Cigars. DR. SHALLEWBERGER’S Fever and Ague antidote Always Stops the Chills. This Medicine lias been before the Pub lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purge, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose and under all circum stances, and is the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti* dote to Malaria. Sold by all Druggists. s t i // e s is o no » INSTITUTE. # THE SPRING SESSION will be resumed on Mon- m L&gp. DAY, TIIE ItiTH OF dANU ARY NEXT, comprising faculty: IRBY G. HUDSON, A. M., Principal. Mrs. S. A. SMITH, Associate. Miss FLORENCE SMITH, Music & French. Hates of (puition 3?et| Session : Primary Class, sl2 00 nterinediate Class, 18 00 Advanced Class, 24 00 No deduction made except for protracted sickness; and no pupil received for less time than, one quarter or half session. Tuition due at the end of the session. Discipline will be mild but firm ; and no pains will be spared to promote the moral and intellectual advancement of every pupil. Statesboro’ Is near the line of the Cartersville & Van Wert Ra.lroad, half a mile from the Depot in the most beautiful, healthy, and desirable section of Georgia, and is unsurpassed in educational facilities. The Trustees, having; secured the services of the above corps of teachers, of tried ability and long experi ence, being ‘ duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified,” would recommened this Institution as one possessing every advant age, and will endeavor to see that “nonego away dissatisfied.” R. H. CANNON, Pres’t. MM. CUNYUS, Sec y. STILKSBORO’, IJAItTOWCO , GA. Pec. 15, IKTO.-swtf ipf MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Two Dollars per Annum. 64 PAGES REWNGMATTER. 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS. WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, D. WYATT AIKEN, CHARLESTON, a, c. W. WL EICIAEPSOSf, DEALER IN STOVES, GRATES. HOUSE FURN ISHING GOODS> TIN WARE, &C. Comer Whitehall and Hunter Streets, jar, 1, 1870 SUl.Tttfa, <&« V. R. TOWMEY. J. S. STEWART, Oxford, Ga. TOJIJIY * STEWART, IMPOETEKS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of the MILL SAW and GAME (JOCK, Wo. 70, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. RESPECTFULLY call the Attention of Merchants and others to thtir LARUE AND WELL LBSORT ED STOCK of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of on, Steel, Nails, Builders’ and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, Sythe Blades, Tools of all kinds, &e., <fcc. ALSO. AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Frietion Metal. Buffalo Scale Works, PROPRIETORS OF Brooks* Improved Patent Portable Revolving Cotton and flay Screw Press. May 16, 1870 wly ATLANTA MARBLE WORKS. WM. CRAY, Proprietor. S. B. OATMAN, Agrent. Importers and Dealers in AMERICAS ITALIAN MARBLE, MONUMENTS, STATUES, VASES, Tombs and JTtonumental W’orfc FURNISHED IN THE BEST MANNER, And on Reasonable Terms. DESIGNS OF MONUMENTS AND STATUARY Furnished Free on Application. April 28,1870—ts BARTOW HOUSE, j CARTERSVILLE, GA ., BY J. T. GUTHRIE, Proprietor. This House has just been completed and furn ished—New House, New Furniture, New Pro prietor, New Arrangements. A handsome three-story Brick Building, on the East Side of the W <s• *4 R R and near the Depot: Table al ways supplied with the very best the market af fords. Clean Beds, and faithful Porters and Servants, and charges for Board, by the single meal, day, week and month, moderate. Call and test my fare and treatment. May 26 ' J. T. Guthrie. GEO. J. B RIANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN All Kinds and Qualities'of Liquors, And will Sell JMs Cheap as any Other neater in THE SOUTH, ABf® WILL »0 IT TRY ME!! / also keep a number one stock of F.f.niEY CROCERIES and CONFECTIONERIES, On both sides of the Railroad, liov. lwly CARTERSVILLE, GA. Atlanta Stencil Ac Variety Works! BEN. I. DUTTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Stencil Brands, Steel Dies, Steel Block Stamps, burning Brands, Brass Alphabets, and all Articles kept in a first class STENCIL HOUSE. PRICE LIST OF MAILABLE ARTICLES Stencil Name Plates for inark’g cloth’g, 75c Steel Ring, for keeping keys together, 25c New Style key tag, with name neat eng. 26c Peupetual Almanac, the most ingenious little article of the age, 50c Any of the articles in this list will be mailed, to any address, on receipt of price, or the whole of them for $1 25 Address BEN. Z. DUTTON. Lock Box 351, mch 22-wly Atlanta, Ga. N B—Circulars sent free. • fttfsiSED Mill Gearing,Shaftin&iPulleys ToOUi« HOtfWALTIMOREy C_SEND FORA CIRCULAR,., sept. 9, lSTO.wly METALIC AND WOOD (IMITATIOr ROSEWOOD,) BURIAL CASES c: -A- S IC :E3 T s. BY Erwin & Jones. errsyMe, aujf. 95 EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS. SEVEN GOLD MEDALS IN OCT# AND NOV., 1809, and TEN FIRST PREMIUMS AND MEDALS IN Oet. ami Nor., 1 870. ▲warded to Chas. M. Steiff, For the best PIANOS, over Balttraar*, Ntfo sork, fftdafetljlic, Boston Offick and W arkrooms, No. 9. N. Libertv St., Baltimore, Md« The Steifl*’s Pianos Contain all the latest improvements to be found in a first-class PIANO, With additional improvements of his own in vention not to be found in other INSTBIJIIENTS, The tone, touch and finish of their instruments cannot be excelled by any manufactured. Second-Hand Pianos Always on hand, from |75 to S3OO. PARLOR ORGANS From the best makers from |SO to |350. REFEREES WHO HAVE OUR PIANOS IN USK: General Robert E. Lee, Lexington Va, General Robert Ransom, Wilmington, N C General D. H. Hill, Charlotte, N. C. Governor John Leteher. Lexington, Va. Bishop Wilmcr, New Orleans. La. Joseph Ruoh, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. L Mansfield, Marietta, Ga. Reuben Arnold. Atlanta, Ga. Col. W. T. Withers, and Gov. J. 8. Alcorn, Jackson, Miss. Send for a HmiUr containing 10M names of persons who have bought the Stelff Piano, einoe clo-e of the war jan. 14-tmchßd BARTOW JAIL.. CIEiLID PROPOSALS will be eceived until th e first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, (the 7th,) for bids for Building anew Jail for this county, (Bartow). Plan and Specifications can be seen, by calling at the Ordinary’s Office, Cartersville, Ga. The same to be erected on the lot designated bv the Ordinary of said county. . , . 'Bids should be sealed and addressed to the ‘'Ordinary Bartow County, Cartersville,” and endorsed on envelope, “Bid for Building Jail for Bartow County.” The work to be commenced as soon as the weather will permit, and be completed bv the first day of September, 1871. Orders on the Conn tv Treasurer, for the payment ol't lie same, to be given when the work is completed, inspected, and received, and payment of said Order to be made as soon as the tax for 1871 is assessed, levi ed, and collected. Bond and security t'oi the faithful compliance with the terms of the con tract, and performance of the same, to be given in terms of the law. This January 10th, 1871. J. A. HOW ARD, Ordinary, B. C. WM. GOLDSMITH. Manufacturer and Dealer In ALL KINDS of FURNITURE. * ALSO DEALER IN Wrought, Galvanized, SELFSEiILING METALIG BURIAL OASES, AND WOOD COFFINS OfEvcry Description, Kept on hand, and made at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Jan 10—swly. Dissolution.— The firm of a. a. skinner & CO., was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 15th ultimo, by the withdrawal of Henry A. Pat til io. Those indebted to the above firm arc requested to settle up at once, as our old business must be wound up without delay. A. A. SKINNER. H. A. PATTILLO. COPARTNERSHIP.— A copartnership has been entered into between A. A Skinner and R. A. Clayton, under the firm name of A. A. Skinner tt Co', who will continue the business at the old stand. jan 3-1 m A. A. SKINNER. R. A. CLAYTON. Agency Os The GEORGIA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY' D . W. K. PEACOCK, Agent. Cartersville, Georgia. OFFICE in the Store-room of A. A.SKINNE t & CO., Main Street. Money received on Deposit. Kay* Ex change, nought and sold, jpey—Advances made on Cotton and other IT >- dtice. dec, ti-swtl English School. MISS MINDA HOWARD will open an Eng lish Mixed School, in the School Room on the land and near the residence of J. A. Ho want, and in which she taught last session, on Mon day next, the 16th instant. Girls and little boys wiil he admitted on the following terms: Fikst Class.—-Spelling, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithmetic, and Geography, (per month,) |1 50 Second Class.—English Grammer, History, and Arithmetic, (month) 00 No deduction made for loss of time, except in cases of protracted sickness. Cartersville, Ga., Jan. 12, ICTO.-swtf J* C. Register, Tinner, AID DEALER II w Cook, Heating and Office ! STOVES AND GRATES TIN-WARE Georgia, bartow county. * > weeks after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said County for let-e to sell the undivided interest, the same being one-lltth, in the lands belonging to the estate of John Brooks, deceased, for the benclit of Jano P. Brooks, Minor. .. _ . SUSAN BROOKS, Guardian Est. Dec. 13th, 1870 JANE P. BROOKS, Mino__ Sale and Livery Stable ! By J. E. SLIGH, Van Wert, Georgia. SADDLE HORSES, BUGGIES. CARRIAGES. and all conveyances usu* ally kept for tin- Item « of this traveling public. as®-1 will run a DAILY HACK from Van Wert to the terminus of the Cartersville X v a Wert Railroad. My charges are moderate si stock good. dec. IS-\vlnt J. E. 6T.IG*L_ Ma-All members of Etowah Lodge No. *- ofGTT., arc earnestly requested to meet at to Lodge Room, over Dr. Pinkerton’s Drug MoPS on Monday eight, Januaiy 16th 187 L ETC,, ETC., CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA • (